Chapter 5. Stolen Data

Christmas Day, 1999. A teenage Russian hacker who went by the pseudonym “Maxus” sat in his dimly lit bedroom, hunched over a keyboard. Outside, wind whirled across the frozen nighttime wasteland. He checked his email one more time and shook his head. Nothing. He was bored.

No more waiting! It was time.

Weeks before, Maxus had stumbled across a security flaw in the website of CD Universe, a popular online music store. Exploring, he found he was able to download customer usernames, passwords, and even credit card numbers from the site: nearly 300,000 records in total. Normally, he would have sold the credit card numbers to criminals on Internet chat rooms, but this time, he had felt a little more creative. Instead, he faxed the company a ransom note that read, “Pay me $100,000 and I’ll fix your bugs and forget about your SHOP FOREVER.......or I’ll sell your cards and tell about this incident in news.” CD Universe did not respond. Maxus waited, then emailed. Then he waited some more.1

1. “John Markoff, “Thief Reveals Credit Card Data When Web Extortion Plot Fails,” New York Times, January 10, 2000,

Now, he had waited long enough.

Maxus quickly created a text file with some HTML code, and a hastily coded Perl script. He uploaded these both to his web server.2 “MAXUS credit card datapipe,” he named his new site, shown in Figure 5-1. “Hello, my name is Maxus. I would like to present you a credit cards datapipe. If you press the button you will get a real credit card directly from the biggest online shop database. No kidding.”

2., MAXUS Credit Cards Datapipe, (accessed April 24, 2016).

Figure 5-1. Representation of the carding site created by Maxus in the 2000 CD Universe breach. Source:, MAXUS Credit Cards Datapipe.

For good measure, he added a link to one of his own music mixes: “listen to DJ Maxus music, click HERE.” Then he added a guestbook and wrote a first message: “Hello carders! Maxus Stone.”3

3. Mike Brunker, “CD Universe Evidence Compromised,” ZD Net, June 8, 2000,

Maxus yawned. It was late—already early morning on December 26, 1999. The site was up. That’ll show them. Time for a break.

Two weeks later, more than 300,000 credit card numbers had been stolen through Maxus’s “credit card datapipe.” Maxus emailed with samples of the stolen data (notifying the news, as promised), and a media storm ensued. Elias Levy, chief technology officer (CTO) of, said the theft “is very disturbing. It realizes the fears people have about online commerce.”4

4. Brian McWilliams, “Failed Blackmail Attempt Leads to Credit Card Theft,”, January 9, 2000,; Editorial, “A New Threat to Your Credit,” Kiplinger’s Personal Finance 54, no. 4 (April 2000): 34.

The FBI opened an investigation, but six months later, the press reported, “U.S. authorities have been unable to find the thief. And even if they do, they are unlikely to be able to successfully prosecute the case because electronic evidence collected from the company’s computers was not adequately protected.”5

5. Brunker, “CD Universe Evidence Compromised.”

In an unusual move for the time, American Express and Discover replaced cards. A spokesperson for Discover said that it was “the only time she remembers the company recalling its cards.”6 While today, replacing cards is commonplace, at the time it was a novel—and expensive—move.

6. Editorial, “AmEx, Discover Forced to Replace Cards over Security Breach,” CNET, January 19, 2000,

5.1 Leveraging Breached Data

When breached data is exploited, it is typically used for one of the following purposes:

  • Fraud - Data is leveraged by an attacker to gain money, goods, or services.

  • Sale - Data is sold on the dark web or to a direct buyer for immediate profit.

  • Intelligence - Data is used by an opponent to gain a strategic advantage in military, diplomatic, economic, or even personal matters. (Revealing that data has been leaked or stolen may reduce the value of the information or damage future prospects for obtaining covert intelligence.)

  • Exposure - Data is revealed to the world, thereby damaging the target’s reputation, unmasking illicit or objectionable activities, or reducing the value of an information asset.

  • Extortion - An attacker threatens to transfer data to an opponent or expose it to the world, unless the target gives in to demands (often a monetary payment).

Anyone—individuals, businesses, governments—can leverage breached data in these ways, in order to gain an advantage or damage another entity. In some cases, there are multiple ways that the data can be leveraged. For example, in the Maxus case, pilfered payment card data was used for attempted extortion, exposure, and, ultimately, fraud.

In this chapter, we will explore how data can be used for fraud or sold on the dark web. (In later chapters, we will address intelligence, exposure, and extortion.) Fraud and the dark web fueled the epidemic of data breaches and subsequent regulations that emerged during the first decade of the twenty-first century and that still impact us today. Along the way, we will highlight key technological advancements that led to the creation of the dark web, which facilitates resale of stolen data and also supplies tools and techniques for breaking into computers and accounts.

5.2 Fraud

Criminals often steal or purchase data in order to commit fraud. Common types of fraud that relate to data breaches include:

  • Payment card fraud - Stolen payment card numbers are used to create fake cards or purchase goods.

  • Insurance fraud - Misuse of a victim’s health insurance data to obtain insurance coverage for medical services. This is especially common in the United States, where gaps in insurance coverage create need and the distributed insurance network makes it difficult to detect and respond to fraud.

  • Prescription drug fraud - Misuse of a victim’s prescription records, medical records, and/or insurance coverage specifically to obtain prescription drugs.

  • W-2 fraud - Theft of personal information is used to file fake tax returns so that criminals can fraudulently receive the victim’s tax refund.

  • Wire transfer fraud - Victims are tricked into initiating a wire transfer to a bank account controlled by criminals, often in the context of a vendor payment or real estate transaction.

  • Identity theft - A general term that refers to the misappropriation of a victim’s personal information (name, address, Social Security number (SSN), insurance details, payment card number, etc.) for the purposes of committing fraud. All of the specific types of fraud listed above are examples of identity theft.

5.2.1 From Fraud to Data Breaches

Fraud, of course, is nothing new, but it has evolved dramatically with the shift to online business activities and the emergence of the dark web. In the late twentieth century, criminals focused on stealing valuable data locally, from consumers or businesses, and typically resold it to contacts who were physically nearby. As the Internet blossomed, it opened up new avenues for fraud and led to the emergence of data breaches on a massive scale.

“ConMan” was one such criminal. Today, ConMan is a respected security professional at a major corporation—but as a teenager on Long Island in the 1990s, he made money stealing new, unsigned credit cards out of people’s mailboxes and selling them to his mafia contacts for a fraction of the card limit.

Since ConMan’s uncle was a computer programmer, he was exposed to the Internet early on. This gave him a “great business idea”: If he could break into the credit card companies online, he would be able to steal or create as many cards as he wanted. There would be no need to physically steal mail at all.

With guidance from his friends on Bulletin-Board Systems, ConMan eventually broke into a credit card company via a modem, gaining access to a database that enabled him to read details on existing cards or create new credit cards with arbitrary names and numbers. He then mailed these to abandoned homes in Long Island and ultimately sold them to his mafia contacts.

“I’d go to my mafia contact and sell this $5k card for $500 dollars,” ConMan explained. “I would take 10% and they would say ‘absolutely!’ and they would go out and use it. I never used one myself.”

Wisely, ConMan never used his home Internet connection to break into the credit card company. Instead, he co-opted his neighbors’ Internet connections. (Long before the days of stealing wireless connectivity, ConMan “stole wired.”) “I had a laptop—well, it was actually giant and ridiculous in the late 90s—and I took this beast of a machine along the side of a house somewhere and hook up, [so I could] actually get online,” he explained. “I’d just unscrew the box, and I’d hook the wire to the house, I’d run it across the lawn. I was using their line to dial out in the middle of the night . . . or I’d ride my bike 4 blocks over and I’d do it from some [random] house where there was an abandoned house next door. Every once in a while your connection would drop because somebody in the house picked up the phone.”

ConMan wasn’t alone. During the 1990s, many early hackers “aged out” of mischievous activities and began to focus more on criminal activities for profit, essentially becoming professional black-hat hackers. For example, teenage hacker Albert Gonzalez (or “soupnazi” to his online friends) led a group called the “Keebler Elves” that was known for defacing websites. However, Albert and his cohorts soon discovered that breaking into a website gave them easy access to databases of credit card numbers, SSNs, identification information, and more.

Hackers who started off as innocent explorers turned to crime, and criminals turned to hackers for data. “Black hats” like Albert became less interested in defacing websites and more interested in quietly harvesting valuable data. “I’ve told the Keebler members that I’m not a big fan of defacing pages,” Albert went on to say. “I’d rather have root [complete access] to someone’s account.”7

7. Robert Lemos, “Does the Media Provoke Hacking?” ZD Net, July 6, 1999,

Albert leveraged his access to quietly steal credit card numbers, identification data, and other information that he could monetize. “[Albert] was . . . purchasing clothing and CDs online with stolen credit-card numbers,” reported the New York Times, years later. “He ordered the merchandise delivered to empty houses in Miami, and then had a friend drive him to pick it up during lunch period.”8 Much like ConMan, Albert learned to leverage abandoned houses for delivery of ill-gotten goods.

8. James Verini, “The Great Cyberheist,” New York Times Magazine, November 10, 2010,

5.3 Sale

Stolen data can be used to commit fraud, but often hackers (like ConMan) do not want to take the risk of committing fraud themselves. Instead, criminals that specialize in breaching digital data repositories may choose to sell their ill-gotten goods to other criminals, who in turn specialize in committing fraud. Once upon a time, this required having personal connections with organized crime groups such as the mafia. However, as legitimate data markets expanded, so too did the underground trade in stolen data.

Specific technological developments such as carding shops, onion routing, and cryptocurrency paved the way for the dark web: a network of underground e-commerce sites that facilitate the trade of stolen data and tools to support hacking and fraud (among other nefarious activities).

The dark web fueled data breaches. Criminals could monetize stolen data far more easily and with less risk. They now had a forum to dump all kinds of stolen data, including competitive intelligence, passwords, and medical records, even if they had no clear path for leveraging the data directly. Instead of stealing just payment card data or personal information from a compromised system, criminals had incentive to gather up what data they could and place it online for prospective buyers to browse. The more data, the more profit.

By understanding how the dark web works, enterprise security professionals can more accurately assess risk and anticipate future threats. Today’s security professionals may also be called upon to access the dark web in order to evaluate a potential data breach or conduct threat intelligence. In this section, we will showcase the key technologies that underly the dark web, including dark e-commerce sites, onion routing, and cryptocurrency.

5.3.1 Selling Stolen Data

The turn of the twenty-first century brought with it a wave of criminal discussion forums, howto guides for committing fraud, and tools for counterfeiters. The Counterfeit Library, which came out in 2000, was an early site that was popular with identification thieves and carders (payment card thieves). Thousands of contributers primarily from the English-speaking world joined in the conversations, swapping detailed information about identity theft, credit card fraud, fake degrees, doctors’ letters, and many other forms of document fraud and theft.9

9. Kevin Poulsen, Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground (New York: Crown, 2011), 74.

By 2001, the Russian-speaking criminal world had established, which facilitated the exchange of stolen digital goods, from credit card numbers to “fullz” (a collection of information about a person, such as the victim’s name, address, Social Security number, driver’s license number, mother’s maiden name, and potentially other details that would be useful for a fraudster). The site also sold physical products to support fraud, such as blank plastic cards with magnetic stripes (for copying stolen card numbers onto).10

10. Poulsen, Kingpin, 75.

Payment card data was no longer simply a tool to be used for converting credit to cash. Instead, it had become a product. The same was true for identification details and other personal data. Sites like CarderPlanet created an efficient and widely accessible marketplace for these products and, in the process, gave hackers around the world new incentive—and tools—to break into networks and steal the data. Shadowcrew

The English-speaking world wanted in on the action. In 2002, the “Shadowcrew” site was established by a former mortgage broker in New Jersey and a part-time student in Arizona. Shadowcrew was an “archetypal criminal cyberbazaar” that brought the sophisticated features of CarderPlanet to the English-speaking world.11 Figure 5-2 is a screenshot of the Shadowcrew home page, as of October 2004.

11. Verini, “Great Cyberheist.”

Figure 5-2. Representation of the Shadowcrew home page, circa October 2004. Source:

Thousands of users flocked to Shadowcrew in order to read tutorials on everything from “how to use a stolen credit card number, forge a driver’s license, defeat a burglar alarm, or silence a gun.” The site’s forums and tutorials helped to perpetuate knowledge about hacking, typically for the purposes of stealing credit and debit card numbers and other valuable data. Shadowcrew also provided a marketplace for buying and selling credit and debit card “dumps”: files containing data from cards’ magstripes, typically sold in dumps with tens, hundreds, or even thousands of records. The dumps were purchased by criminals who would resell the data or convert it to cash or goods, typically by overwriting the magnetic stripe on gift cards or card blanks with the stolen data using a magnetic strip encoder (also available on Shadowcrew) or by using the stolen data for card-not-present (CNP) transactions with retailers.12

12. Brad Stone, “Global Trail of an Online Crime Ring,” New York Times, August 11, 2008,

Vendors from around the world applied to sell their goods and, once approved, provided “a dizzying array of illicit products and services: credit reports, hacked online bank accounts, and names, birth dates, and Social Security numbers of potential identity theft targets.”13 Vendors wishing to sell their products on Shadowcrew were required to go through a formal vetting process. The prospective vendor would send a sample of his or her product to a designated Shadowcrew member, who would evaluate it and write a review. Vendors who scammed members were shunned and could be punished. In one case, Shadowcrew organizers punished a “scamming bastard” known as “CCSupplier” by publishing his real name, home address, and phone number on the site.14 One federal prosecutor later referred to Shadowcrew as “an eBay, and MySpace for cybercrime.”15

13. Poulsen, Kingpin.

14. Sarah Hilley, “Case Analysis: Shadowcrew Carding Gang,” Bank Info Security, April 3, 2006,

15. Stone, “Global Trail.”

Shadowcrew was easily accessible to anyone who could type the easy-to-remember URL “” (The dark web of the modern world didn’t yet exist.) On the one hand, this low barrier to entry made it easy for Shadowcrew to attract new buyers and sellers. On the other hand, it also enabled law enforcement to easily visit the site, apply for accounts, set up sting operations, and track down the administrators—ultimately leading to Shadowcrew’s demise. Shadowcrew Takedown

As Shadowcrew and similar sites expanded, credit card fraud rose quickly. In the United States, federal investigators struggled to track down the perpetrators. They got their lucky break one night when hacker Albert Gonzalez was nabbed “cashing out” stolen payment card data at an ATM in New York.

When Albert Gonzalez was caught in July 2003, the New York/New Jersey Secret Service was knee-deep in investigating carders—particularly those “cashing out” in the area—without much success. Although the Secret Service is perhaps best known for protecting the president of the United States, the agency is also responsible for investigating financial crimes. Due to the increasing technical sophistication of financial fraud rings, the agency created the New York Electronic Crimes Task Force (ECTF) in 1995. It was expanded to a national program in 2001 as part of the U.S. Patriot Act.

Albert, they found, was exactly what they needed—polite, smart, and deeply embedded in criminal card fraud rings. Under the nickname of “Cumbajohnny,” Gonzalez was a moderator and “rising star” on the online carder marketplace, Shadowcrew. After his arrest, law enforcement discovered millions of card numbers on his home computer in New Jersey and offered him a deal: If he helped the Secret Service take down other fraudsters, it wouldn’t prosecute him.17

17. Verini, “Great Cyberheist.”

Albert agreed. He was the thread that would ultimately unravel Shadowcrew and lead to the indictment of 19 of the site’s members—but oddly enough, for Albert, it was just the beginning of his career as a cybercriminal mastermind. First a double agent and then eventually a double-double agent, Gonzalez helped Secret Service operatives infiltrate the carding underground forums and take down his fellow carders—while at the same time stealing millions of payment card numbers from retailers and managing an international money-laundering ring.

“In the beginning, he was quiet and reserved, but then he started opening up. He started to trust us,” said a Secret Service agent who worked closely with Albert.18 Albert not only shared details about how Shadowcrew and card fraud worked—he also became the “lynchpin” of “Operation Firewall,” the Secret Service’s year-long investigation and takedown of the Shadowcrew organization. In exchange, the Secret Service paid him an annual salary of $75,000/year (cash, so as to not create a paper trail).19

18. Verini, “Hacker Who Went into the Cold,” 44–51, 60, 62–63.

19. Kim Zetter, “Secret Service Paid TJX Hacker $75,000 a Year,” Wired, March 22, 2010,

“Gonzalez worked alongside the agents, sometimes all day and into the night, for months on end. Most called him Albert. A couple of them who especially liked him called him Soup, after his old screen-name soupnazi.”20 Working out of an Army garage in Jersey City, Albert slowly gained the trust of Shadowcrew’s leadership and rose in their ranks.

20. Verini, “Great Cyberheist.”

By the spring of 2004, Albert had convinced the Shadowcrew leadership to move their communications over to a virtual private network (VPN) that he maintained. The VPN offered Shadowcrew leaders assurance that their emails, instant messages, and other communications would be encrypted and kept safe from the prying eyes of Internet service provider (ISP) security teams or law enforcement. Secretly, the Secret Service monitored all of the VPN traffic and collected detailed evidence of Shadowcrew members’ illegal activities. As described later in the book, Kingpin:

There were deals every day and every night, with a weekly surge in trading Sunday evenings. The transactions ranged from the petty to the gargantuan. On May 19, agents watched Scarface transfer 115,695 credit card numbers to another member; in July, APK moved a counterfeit UK passport; in August, Mintfloss sold a fake New York driver’s license, an Empire Blue Cross health insurance card, and a City University of New York student ID card to a member in need of a full identification portfolio.

On the night of October 26, 2004, Albert sat at a keyboard at Secret Service Headquarters in Washington, D.C. His job: to lure the unsuspecting targets of Operation Firewall into chat sessions before Secret Service agents busted them. The timing was carefully coordinated: agents placed in more than eight U.S. states and six countries barged down doors beginning at 9 p.m. The goal was to arrest as many targets as quickly as possible before Shadowcrew members had time to alert each other. Getting the members to converse in a chat session as the arrests occurred provided key evidence connecting their real-life identities with their online personas.

The New York Times later reported that “it was by some estimates the most successful cybercrime case the government had ever carried out.”21 Nineteen people were indicted, and many more were spooked. Figure 5-3 shows the Shadowcrew home page after the Secret Service takedown. A note at the bottom of the page urged members to “CONTACT YOUR LOCAL UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE FIELD OFFICE....BEFORE WE CONTACT YOU!!”

21. Verini, “Great Cyberheist.”

Figure 5-3. The Shadowcrew home page, as seen on October 30, 2004. Source: U.S. Secret Service, October 30, 2004,

Shadowcrew’s demise taught cybercriminals a lesson: They needed to carefully protect the anonymity of buyers, sellers, and site administrators.

5.3.2 Asymmetric Cryptography

Asymmetric cryptography, popularly known as public key cryptography, is a fundamental security concept used both by defenders to protect their data and attackers to evade detection and identification. Asymmetric cryptography is the foundation of both onion routing and cryptocurrency, two important technologies that we will study in the next sections. Asymmetric cryptography can be used for good: for example, to keep emails secure even after a hacker has broken into your inbox. It can also be used by cybercriminals to facilitate quick and anonymous ransom payments or to keep buyers and sellers on the dark web anonymous. And it can be used for so much more.

Every professional involved in data breach prevention, preparation, response, or investigation should be familiar with the fundamental principles of asymmetric cryptography because it is a factor in almost every modern data breach. Here are the most important technical concepts:

Encryption is the process of scrambling information so it cannot be accessed by anyone except authorized parties. There are two basic types of encryption: symmetric and asymmetric encryption. (A “key” is simply a long, randomized string of numbers, typically stored in a file, which is used as input when you encrypt or decrypt a file.) With symmetric key encryption, the same key is required to encrypt or decrypt the message. This means that the person who has the key can scramble or recover the original message, but no one else can. Symmetric encryption is useful when you want to, say, encrypt a laptop so that a thief could not access the contents.

With asymmetric (also known as public key) encryption, there are two different keys, which together form a key pair. What one key encrypts, the other key decrypts. Among other benefits, this makes it easy to send and receive confidential messages over the Internet. Each person publishes one key so the whole world can view it (the public key) and keeps the corresponding private key hidden. To send a confidential message, you would look up the recipient’s public key and encrypt the message with it. Only the private key can decrypt the message, so you can happily send the message across the big wide Internet, knowing that only the person with the corresponding private key (the recipient) will be able to decrypt the message. This concept is also fundamental to onion routing, as we will see.

Let’s say you want to verify that a specific person really did send a message and the message was not altered in transit. Asymmetric key cryptography can also be used for this purpose. The sender would use his or her private key, plus the message, as input to a mathematical algorithm that then produces a digital signature. The digital signature is appended to the message when it is sent. The recipient can then look up the sender’s public key and feed this plus the message itself into a signature verifying algorithm, which is designed to produce a result that indicates whether the sender and message combination is authentic.

The effectiveness of asymmetric cryptography relies upon the secrecy of the private key. For this reason, private keys have become a common target of data breaches. Criminals routinely break into computers and specifically scan for private keys used for cryptocurrency, file encryption, communications security, and more. These data elements, too, can be bought and sold for a profit on the dark web. With this in mind, let’s examine how asymmetric encryption facilitated the creation of the dark web in the first place.

5.3.3 Onion Routing

Onion routing, a technique for anonymizing network traffic, is the core technology that now defines the dark web. The concept of onion routing was invented in the mid-1990s by scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, further developed by Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and then popularized in the early 2000s. Onion routing is also used for making anonymous submissions to sites like WikiLeaks, which are used to expose leaked data (we will discuss this more in Chapter 10, “Exposure and Weaponization”).

To understand how onion routing works, let’s first look at an ordinary visit to an Internet website. Normally, a user’s web traffic is sent to a web server, and the web server receives the source IP address of the requesting computer along with the content of the request. Any intermediary (such as an ISP) that can view a web server’s traffic can gather a list of its visitors (again, based on the source IP address). Law enforcement can work with ISPs to map IP addresses to customer names and addresses. This can be tricky, of course, when cybercriminals are spread out across the globe, but today, it is done routinely.

Onion routing protects users’ traffic by wrapping their messages in layers of encryption, so that the ultimate source and destination cannot be seen by anyone. To understand how onion routing works, imagine a network of computers, each of which can pass along messages from other computers. When a user wants to anonymously surf to a website, his or her computer selects a route through the network and encrypts the message route information in layers. Each layer of encryption can be opened only by the corresponding computer along the path (because it is encrypted using that computer’s public key) and when decrypted, reveals the address of the next computer in the path.

As the message travels through the network, each computer decrypts the current layer of encryption, reads the address of the next computer, peels off the current layer, and passes the remaining message to the next computer in the path. This next computer similarly decrypts the current layer of encryption, reads the address of the next computer, peels off the current layer, and passes the remaining message along. This process continues until the message reaches its final destination.

In this manner, messages can be transferred through the network, but no intermediary ever sees both the source and destination addresses. Onion routing is based on the principle of minimal privilege, meaning that it reveals only the information necessary to get the message where it needs to be. Each computer can know the address of the previous computer in the path and the address of the next computer, but that’s it.

Tor is one popular example of onion routing software, which was developed by scientists Paul Syverson, Roger Dingledine, and Nick Mathewson. Tor has many different uses: Law enforcement uses it to collect evidence from dark websites anonymously; intelligence agents use it to hide their communications in foreign countries; cybercriminals use it to conceal their identities; and everyday people use it to preserve their privacy on the web. Dingledine smiles when he points out that Tor is perhaps the only project funded by both the Department of Defense and the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF). “The United States government can’t simply run an anonymity system for everybody and then use it themselves only,” he explains. “Because then every time a connection came from it people would say, ‘Oh, it’s another CIA agent.’ If those are the only people using the network.”22

22. Yasha Levine, “Almost Everyone Involved in Developing Tor was (or is) Funded by the US Government,” Pando, July 16, 2014,

Importantly, Tor includes a way for users to offer “onion services” (also known as “hidden services,”) such as websites and chat rooms. Anyone wishing to offer a service can register in the Tor network and obtain an “onion service descriptor,” which is a 16-character name followed by “.onion”. Visitors can access the service by typing the onion service descriptor into a Tor browser. (There are also Tor plug-ins for popular web browsers.) They are then routed via preconfigured paths to the service. Note that unlike ordinary web services, hidden services can be hosted behind a firewall because the server’s IP address does not need to be publicly routable.

Today, carding shops and other dark websites are often set up as hidden services in Tor, where sellers peddle stolen data and buyers browse the myriad of offerings.

5.3.4 Dark E-Commerce Sites

As Tor grew in popularity, cybercriminals discovered that they could use it to market stolen goods over a network that inherently protected the anonymity of buyers and sellers and was not accessible to the general public. This dramatically reduced the risk of selling illegal data, drugs, and other wares online. Hidden services on Tor expanded, fueling trade in stolen data and incentivizing criminals to hack. The result? More data breaches.

But early dark web e-commerce sites still had a problem: payment. Onion routing made it difficult to trace buyers and sellers using network forensics. Law enforcement still had another ace up their sleeves, and that was the lack of a truly anonymous digital payment method. Buyers on the dark web had some options for paying for stolen goods. For example, buyers could physically mail cash, but there was always the risk that it would get stolen in transit, and of course physical packages could be inspected and traced by law enforcement. Checks and credit cards were far too easily tracked, and sellers did not want to worry about payments being reversed or seized by legitimate banking institutions. In the early days of the dark web, PayPal was popular, as were fast money transfer services such as Western Union. Services such as Libery Reserve (a “digital currency” backed by gold) sprang up, offering criminals a method for transferring funds with relative anonymity—but these services were often shady and would on occasion disappear, along with everyone’s money.23 Law enforcement had multiple avenues for tracing payments through any of these systems, which typically required the user to provide an email address, at minimum.

23. “Liberty Reserve Digital Money Service Forced Offline,” BBC News, May 27, 2013,

The Farmer’s Market was an example of a popular early dark e-commerce site that ultimately was shut down due to the lack of anonymous payment and linked email accounts. Like legitimate e-commerce sites of the time, it had a user-friendly web order form and features such as discussion forums, vendor screening, and customer support. The site supported a variety of payment systems, including cash, Western Union, PayPal, iGolder, and Pecunix.24“The Farmer’s Market . . . was like an Amazon for consumers of controlled substances,” wrote Dan Goodin for Ars Technica, which reported that the market had approximately 3,000 customers in 35 countries.25

24. Kim Zetter, “8 Suspects Arrested in Online Drugs Market Sting,” Wired, April 16, 2012,

25. Dan Goodin, “Feds Shutter Online Narcotics Store That Used TOR to Hide Its Tracks,” Ars Technica, April 12, 2016,

Onion routing wasn’t enough to protect the ringleaders of the Farmer’s Market from arrest and takedown. In 2012, the U.S. federal government unsealed an indictment of eight people involved in the Farmer’s Market, including both site administrators and customers. Based on evidence presented in the indictment, law enforcement agents appeared to have traced electronic payments through financial services vendors such as PayPal and Western Union.26

26. United States v. Marc Peter Willems, CR-11-01137 (C.D. Cal. 2011),

5.3.5 Cryptocurrency

In order for cybercriminals to truly obtain anonymity, they needed a more secure payment system. This was delivered, modestly and precisely, on Halloween in 2008. On this day, an unidentified person (or group of individuals) that went by the name “Satoshi Nakamoto” sent an email that would change the world. “I’ve been working on a new electronic cash system that’s fully peer-to-peer, with no trusted third party,” began the email, which was sent to a popular cryptography mailing list. The message included a link to the author’s new paper, “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System.”27

27. Email in author’s inbox, received on October 31, 2008, via the mailing list “[email protected]”.

Initially scrutinized by academics, Bitcoin changed the dark web—and the field of data breaches—within a few short years. Dark web e-commerce sites such as the Silk Road relied upon it for transactions. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have several features that are important for buyers and sellers on the dark web:

  • Anonymous payments

  • No middleman

  • Nonreversible

In traditional online payment systems brokered by financial institutions, suspicious or disputed transactions can be traced or reversed by the intermediary financial institutions. Bitcoin’s invention and subsequent global adoption gave cybercriminals, for the first time, the ability to conduct anonymous, irreversible financial transactions, outside the scrutiny of the legitimate banking infrastructure. This dramatically reduced risk to buyers and sellers, paving the way for a dramatic expansion of the dark markets.

Data breach responders and security professionals should know, at a fundamental level, how cryptocurrency works since the technology facilitates the sale of stolen data and is used in ransomware and extortion cases, cryptojacking, and other cases. Here are a few important things to know about cryptocurrency.

  • Cryptocurrency is a digital asset, in which cryptography is used to regulate the creation of new units and transfer funds. (Bitcoin was the first cryptocurrency.)

  • Transactions are recorded in a distributed digital ledger known as the blockchain.

  • The blockchain is just a collection of files, which anyone in the world can download or share with others.

  • Users have “public/private key pairs” that are stored in a wallet. These are used to faciliate funds transfers and verify transactions. (See section 5.3.2 for a summary of asymmetric key encryption.)

  • Wallets do not store coins. They store public/private key pairs.

  • To send cryptocurrency to another person, you create a message that contains (among other things) the amount you are sending, the public key of the recipient, and a digital signature that you create using your own private key. Then you send that out to all the other computers in the cryptocurrency network. Every other computer can use your corresponding public key to verify that your payment message is authentic.

  • “Miners” are computers that earn cryptocurrency either by processing other people’s transactions or by discovering a brand new block in the blockchain. Both of these activities require significant computing power, which represents an investment in equipment, electricity, and time.

  • To discover a new block, a miner must guess the answer to a very hard math puzzle. When a miner finds a valid answer, it places it in a message that is digitally signed with its private key and sends that to the cryptocurrency network. The first miner to discover a new block is rewarded with a specific, predetermined amount of cryptocurrency, and a new block that includes the answer, the amount, and the successful miner’s public key is added to the blockchain.

  • In most types of cryptocurrency, the blockchain is public, meaning that anyone can view the sender address, recipient address, and amount of any transaction. (Monero is a notable exception, since it obfuscates much of the public transactional data.) However, public/private key pairs do not need to be linked to a specific person’s identity, and so it is possible to conduct transactions anonymously.28

    28. Studies have shown that it is possible to analyze the public Bitcoin ledger and derive information about the relationships between wallet addresses, which can potentially lead to identification. See Dorit Ron and Adi Shamir, “Quantitative Analysis of the Full Bitcoin Transaction Graph,” Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel, 2012,

  • Since there is no central bank and no one organization controls the blockchain, it is not possible for a third party to reverse a transaction.

Cybercriminals routinely use cryptocurrency to buy and sell stolen data on the dark web. Cryptocurrency also plays an important role in cyber extortion cases (which are often data breaches), as discussed in Chapter 11, “Extortion.” Extortionists threaten to hold data hostage or expose it to the world unless paid in cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency enables criminals to demand quick, anonymous payments over the Internet. At the same time, criminals are protected because the ransom payments are difficult if not impossible to trace or reverse.

Since cryptocurrency is a digital asset, it has also become a target of data breaches. New strains of malware now scan an infected host for cryptocurrency, steal it, and delete it. As cryptomining operations multiply and financial institutions begin to experiment with using cryptocurrency for interbank transfer,29 data breaches involving cryptocurrency are likely to become increasingly common.

29. Anthony Coggin, “Singapore Central Bank to Use Blockchain Tech for New Payment Transfer Project,” Cointel-graph, June 9, 2017,

Finally, cryptojacking is a new type of cyberthreat that often results in a legally declared data breach (regardless of whether any data was actually stolen). Cryptojacking is a breach where an attacker gains unauthorized access to a computer and installs cryptocurrency mining software. In this way, criminals can reap the rewards of cryptocurrency mining, without the investment in equipment or electricity.

5.3.6 Modern Dark Data Brokers

The emergence of onion routing and cryptocurrency changed the game for cybercriminals. Suddenly, anyone in the world could buy and sell stolen data online, with relatively little risk of being tracked down if they were careful. E-commerce sites quickly sprang up on the dark web, offering many of the same features as mainstream e-commerce sites: user-friendly interfaces, payment escrow, vendor feedback, and more.

The Silk Road was the first darknet market to leverage both Tor and Bitcoin. Launched by self-taught programmer Ross Ulbricht (later known as “Dread Pirate Roberts”) in early 2011, the site eventually grew to include nearly a million users, facilitating more than $1 billion of sales.30

30. Joshuah Bearman, “The Rise & Fall of Silk Road,” Wired, May 2015,

“Silk Road has emerged as the most sophisticated and extensive criminal marketplace on the Internet today,” explained FBI Special Agent Christopher Tarbell, in a criminal complaint against Ulbricht filed on September 27, 2013. “The site has sought to make conducting illegal transactions on the Internet as easy and frictionless as shopping online at mainstream e-commerce websites.”31

31. United States v. Ross William Ulbricht, 13-MAG-2328 (S.D.N.Y. 2013),

The cutting-edge marketplace featured a Bitcoin escrow system, as well as a Bitcoin “tumbler” to provide extra transaction security for users. The tumbler “sends all payments through a complex, semi-random series of dummy transactions, . . . making it nearly impossible to link your payment with any coins leaving the site.”32 This means that even if both the buyer’s and seller’s Bitcoin addresses are known, they are not directly linked to a shared transaction in the blockchain, which makes it very difficult to follow the money.

32. United States v. Ross William Ulbricht.

The Silk Road also featured a popular discusson forum, as well as a private messaging system, so that users would not have to rely on third-party communications systems such as Hushmail, which had been the downfall of many cybercriminals. Like legitimate e-commerce enterprises, the site was supported by a team of administrators who received regular Bitcoin payments ranging from $1,000 to $2,000 per week. It was shut down in October 2013, in a dramatic FBI raid that led to Ulbricht’s arrest. Less than a month later, Silk Road 2.0 was launched (though it, too, shut down in November 2014). As of the time of this writing, Silk Road 3.1 is currently operational and offers a dizzying array of stolen data dumps, hacking tools, drugs, and other contraband.

Modern darknet markets provide a clear path for exchanging—and therefore quickly monetizing—stolen data. As a result, specialized roles have emerged in the hacker economy. For example, different criminals might:

  • Launch phishing attacks and build “botnets” for resale

  • Scan compromised “bots” for potentially valuable data and then harvest, sort, and resell it

  • Create hacker tools such as exploit kits that other criminals use to hack efficiently

  • Run a “darknet market” used to exchange stolen data, tools, and other contraband

There are many other specialized roles in the hacker economy, and new roles constantly develop as technology evolves.

5.4 The Goods

The dark web facilitates data breaches by providing ways for criminals to quickly and easily monetize stolen data. It also does more: It provides criminals with tools and information that help them hack into accounts and break into computers, leaving even more data breaches in their wake.

Conversely, data breaches influence the dark web. When criminals breach a computer, they often find themselves with access to vast troves of data. Some types of data do not (yet) have a clear path for monetization. Like legitimate entrepreneurs, creative and enterprising criminals develop new schemes for leveraging different kinds of stolen data. As a result, new, specialized darknet markets emerge (such as specialized W-2 shops). By monitoring the dark web, it is possible to detect data breaches and anticipate emerging types of attacks.

In this section, we will review common types of data breach-related goods sold on the dark web. These include personally identifiable information, payment card numbers, W-2 forms, account credentials, medical records, and remote access to computers. Along the way, we will discuss how criminals leverage these goods. This will help defenders understand what to protect today and how to anticipate future threats.

5.4.1 Personally Identifiable Information

Stolen identities have been exchanged online for decades. “Personally identifiable information” (PII), such as names, addresses, birth dates, and SSNs, are valuable because they’re useful for committing identity theft and financial fraud. Today, criminals often bundle stolen personal information and sell it as a package called “fullz,” which typically sell for around $30 per record. Prices can vary, with higher prices reserved for victims who have strong credit scores or higher credit card balances. 33

33. Keith Collins, “Here’s What Your Stolen Identity Goes for on the Internet’s Black Market,” Quartz, July 23, 2015,; Brian Stack, “Here’s How Much Your Personal Information Is Selling For on the Dark Web,” Experian, December 6, 2017,

5.4.2 Payment Card Numbers

Payment card numbers are widely sought after—and supplied. Stolen payment card numbers typically sold for $10 to $20 per record in 2019, according to Gemini Advisory, a firm that monitors the dark web.34

34. Brian Krebs, “Data: E-Retail Hacks More Lucrative Than Ever,” Krebs on Security (blog), April 30, 2019, W-2 Forms

W-2 fraud rose to epidemic proportions in the past decade, fueled in large part by the widespread availability of stolen PII and copies of W-2 forms themselves. Criminals use stolen PII, including SSNs, names, addresses, and wages, to file fraudulent tax returns in order to claim victims’ refunds. Refund fraud reached a whopping $5.2 billion in 2010.35 Fortunately, the IRS implemented techniques to detect and prevent W-2 fraud, and refund fraud declined, but as of 2017 the Taxpayer Advocate Service estimated that it still “cost the government (and thus, taxpayers) more than one billion dollars each year.”36

35. Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration, “Efforts Continue to Result in Improved Identification of Fraudulent Tax Returns Involving Identity Theft; However, Accuracy of Measures Needs Improvement, Reference Number: 2017-40-017,” U.S. Department of the Treasury, February 7, 2017,

36. Taxpayer Advocate Service, “Most Serious Problems: Fraud Detection,” Annual Report to Congress 1 (2016): 151–60,

Specialized e-commerce shops sprung up on the dark web, peddling W-2 forms. Journalist Brian Krebs has published screenshots of a shop where visitors could select individual W-2 forms based on the victim’s name, address, wage, or SSN. Forms were priced based on the wage, with higher wage earners fetching a greater price. The interface is intuitive; customers simply click a button to add a W-2 form to their shopping cart and then check out.37

37. Brian Krebs, “W-2 2016 Screenshot,” Krebs on Security (blog), 2017, Medical Records

Medical records are a gold mine for criminals. Healthcare clinics collect extremely comprehensive records on individuals, including PII, billing details, and health information. As a result, stolen medical records can be used for a wide variety of fraudulent purposes. “[Y]ou can use those profiles for normal fraud stuff,” advertised one criminal, who was selling medical records online.38

38. Jennifer Schlesinger, “Dark Web is Fertile Ground for Stolen Medical Records,” CNBC, March 11, 2016,

By stealing a victim’s health insurance information, criminals can file false insurance claims or obtain medical care using the victim’s benefits. In the United States, where health insurance coverage is inconsistent, medical fraud is estimated to cost between $80 and $230 billion per year.39 “Fraud involving the Medicare program for seniors and the disabled totaled more than $6 billion in the last two years, according to a database maintained by Medical Identity Fraud Alliance.”40 Criminals can also leverage a victim’s identity to obtain prescriptions for drugs such as opiods and resell them to people who don’t have prescriptions or need to feed addictions.

39. Laura Shin, “Medical Identity Theft: How the Health Care Industry is Failing Us,” Fortune, August 31, 2014,

40. Caroline Humer and Jim Finkle, “Your Medical Record is Worth More to Hackers than Your Credit Card,” Reuters, September 24, 2014,

Medical data can be useful in all kinds of ways that aren’t immediately apparent. In 2011, thousands of patient X rays were stolen from Beth Israel Deaconess hospital in Boston. Beth Israel’s chief information officer, John Halamka, said that “the scans are often sold to Chinese nationals who can’t pass health exams for travel visas.”41

41. Nsikan Akpan, “Has Health Care Hacking Become an Epidemic?” PBS News Hour, March 23, 2016,

Importantly, when it comes to the value of health data, there isn’t much solid research to go on. Current reports on the value of healthcare records are not based on statistically valid sample sets but observations of individual transactions that happen to be accessible to a researcher. Sometimes they are even just rumors, quoted and requoted, originating with an off-the-cuff remark by an executive or a security professional years earlier. An oft-referenced quote by Pam Dixon, executive director of the World Privacy Forum, is that “medical records files command a very high price—they can sell for $50 on the black market.” Her 2008 statement is still referenced by reporters today.

One thing is certain: Bulk theft and sale of medical data is becoming more visible. In 2016, TheDarkOverlord extortion gang offered electronic health records in bulk on the black market for approximately $1 to $2 per record. Reporters and security professionals took note of the apparent price drop; a research report by security firm TrapX speculated that it was an issue of supply and demand. “So many millions of health care records have been stolen that, incredibly, the value of a health care record being sold on the ‘dark web’ appears to have decreased in 2016.”42

42. Trapx Labs, Health Care Cyber Breach Research Report for 2016 (San Mateo, CA: Trapx Security, 2016), 4,

“The volume of medical data for sale in the criminal underground is increasing, leading to very low prices for individual records,” concurred Vitali Kremez, a senior analyst at Flashpoint.43 At the same time, the increasing maturity of the markets has made it easier for criminals to sell the data in the first place, leading to greater proliferation of stolen medical data.

43. Chris Bing, “Abundance of Stolen Healthcare Records on Dark Web is Causing a Price Collapse,” Cybersecurity, October 24, 2016, Account Credentials

Username and password combinations sell like hotcakes on the dark web. These can be used directly by criminals to perpetrate new data breaches, in order to steal more data for resale, commit fraud, access bank accounts, or all of the above.

In 2017, researchers from Google published a landmark paper in which they described their monitoring of stolen credentials sales on the dark web for one year (March 2016 to March 2017). They found more than 1.9 billion credentials for sale. Many of the passwords were stolen in large, highly publicized data breaches, including Myspace, Adobe, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Tumblr, and others.44

44. Kurt Thomas et al., “Data Breaches, Phishing, or Malware? Understanding the Risks of Stolen Credentials,” in Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (Dallas, October 30-November 3, 2017), 1422

Early on, bank account credentials were commonly traded. Pricing was typically set based on a percentage of the account balance. Later, the market for hacked email and social media accounts developed. Email accounts, in particular, are gold mines for sensitive data. With access to your email account, criminals can:

  • Reset passwords for sites like Amazon, PayPal, your online banking website, and more. These accounts are effectively purchasing tools; criminals can easily use them to buy goods or services, or even transfer cash.

  • Commit wire transfer fraud. Criminals search email accounts for requests for wire transfers, such as those that result from real estate closings, insurance payouts, or vendor payments. Then, they intercept messages and send fraudulent requests (sometimes from a different account) designed to initiate wire transfer to accounts that they control.

  • Hack your colleagues, clients, friends, and family. Criminals can use your account to send an email to any of your contacts, which may in turn infect their computers.

  • Steal confidential information, which can be used or resold. Email contains a treasure trove of data, which can range from copies of tax returns to business trade secrets to patient health information, and more.

Social media accounts are similarly useful for criminals. For example, in May 2016, a hacker named “Peace” was spotted on TheRealDeal market selling a database containing account information for 167 million LinkedIn users. The database included email addresses and encrypted passwords for 117 million users. The price? Five bitcoin, or approximately $2,200 at the time.

Why would criminals want your LinkedIn password? First, because many people reuse credentials for multiple accounts. Using the stolen LinkedIn passwords, criminals might be able to break into victims’ email accounts, bank accounts, or other attractive targets. Social media accounts are also useful for targeting new victims since criminals can use them to spread malicious links or send crafted scam messages. “A Twitter account costs more to purchase than a stolen credit card because the former’s account credentials potentially have a greater yield,” reported the RAND National Security Research Division in 2014.45

45. Selena Larson, “Google Says Hackers Steal Almost 250,000 Web Logins Each Week,” CNN Tech, November 9, 2017,

Password data breaches became so common that in 2013, security researcher Troy Hunt released the “Have I Been Pwned” web service, which enables users to check to see whether their credentials have been exposed in a previous data breach.46 Despite the rash of stolen credentials, passwords continued to remain the most widely adopted means of securing cloud accounts. The result has been a widespread epidemic of “business email compromise” (BEC) and other cloud account breaches, which will be discussed more in Chapter 13, “Cloud Breaches.

46. Troy Hunt, “Introducing 306 Million Freely Downloadable Pwned Passwords,”, August 3, 2017,; “Have I Been Pwned?” Pwned Passwords, (accessed March 19, 2018). Your Computer

Computers themselves are worth money—and we’re not talking about selling the physical hardware on eBay. Criminals on the dark web buy and sell remote access to computers. An infected computer may be grouped with dozens or even hundreds of other “bots” (hacked computers). These botnets (groups of hacked computers) are then sold (or rented by the hour) to other criminals. On one dark market site, captured by Dancho Danchev of Webroot, 1,000 U.S. bots are sold for $200. Criminals can use this access to harvest sensitive data, attack other computers, or lock up data and hold it for ransom.47

47. Pierluigi Paganini, “Botnets for Rent, Criminal Services Sold in the Underground Market,” Security Affairs, February 14, 2013,; “New Underground Service Offers Access to Thousands of Malware-Infected Hosts,” Webroot, (blog) February 12, 2013,

5.4.3 Data Laundering

The dark web isn’t the only place where stolen data can be sold. Certain types of stolen data—such as PII, health information, behavioral analytics, and more are commonly traded in legitimate markets, as discussed in Chapter 2, “Hazardous Material.” While reputable firms typically do not intentionally purchase data from criminals, the lack of transparency and regulation has made it possible for stolen information to flow into legitimate markets, which can in turn incentive breaches.

Stolen data can reenter the legitimate supply chain through a complex web of data brokers. In 2014, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) conducted a survey of nine major data brokers and found that they “obtain most of their data from other data brokers rather than directly from an original source. Some of those data brokers may in turn have obtained the information from other data brokers. Seven of the nine data brokers in the Commission’s study provide data to each other.” Legitimate data brokers are reticent to reveal their sources. In response to an inquiry by the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, three major data brokers (Acxiom, Experian, and Epsilon) refused to reveal their data sources (or customers, for that matter). “[A] number of the queried brokers perpetuate this secrecy by contractually limiting customers from disclosing their data sources,” the committee reported.48

48. U.S. Senate Comm. on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, A Review of the Data Broker Industry (Washington, DC: U.S. Senate, 2013), 6,

The complexity of the data brokerage marketplace, as well as the lack of oversight and transparency, increases the risk that stolen data can reenter the legitimate data market.49 Many types of stolen data are not easily traceable, like unmarked cash. For example, SSNs may be issued centrally by the federal government, but from that point on there is no central organization that tracks their proliferation and use. It’s likely that SSNs have been breached, sold, and resold so many times that a single number may have been stolen from many different places and passed through many unauthorized hands. Similarly, health information, prescription data, web surfing, and GPS location data can be collected in many different ways and from many different places—sometimes legally and sometimes not.

49. Rob O’Neil, “Cybercriminals Boost Sales Through ‘Data Laundering’,” ZD Net, March 16, 2015,

The result is that criminals can steal virtually any kind of data today and find a buyer who will not ask too many questions. As legitimate data analytics and brokerage firms continue to invent new data products, they drive the market for raw data sources. Absent careful vetting, that can include stolen data, further fueling the data breach epidemic.

5.5 Conclusion

In this chapter, we discussed common ways that stolen data is leveraged. We also showed how fraud and the darknet markets evolved symbiotically and explained the core technologies (such as onion routing and cryptocurrency) that reappear in many different types of data breach cases. Now that we have established this foundation, we will analyze cases where payment card data is stolen, used to commit fraud, and peddled on the dark web.

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