A.4 Examples for Chapter 3

Example 5

Find gcd(23456, 987654).

In[1]:= GCD[23456, 987654]

Out[1]= 2

Example 6

Solve 23456x+987654y=2 in integers x, y.

In[2]:= ExtendedGCD[23456, 987654]

Out[2]= {2, {-3158, 75}}

This means that 2 is the gcd and 23456(3158)+98765475=2.

Example 7

Compute 234456 (mod 789).

In[3]:= Mod[234*456, 789]

Out[3]= 189

Example 8

Compute 234567876543 (mod 565656565).

In[4]:= PowerMod[234567, 876543, 565656565]

Out[4]= 473011223

Example 9

Find the multiplicative inverse of 87878787 (mod 9191919191).

In[5]:= PowerMod[87878787, -1, 9191919191]

Out[5]= 7079995354

Example 10

Solve 7654x2389 (mod 65537).


Here is one way. It corresponds to the method in Section 3.3. We calculate 76541 and then multiply it by 2389:

In[6]:= PowerMod[7654, -1, 65537]

Out[6]= 54637

In[7]:= Mod[%*2389, 65537]

Out[7]= 43626

Example 11

Find x with

x2(mod 78), x5(mod 97), x1(mod 119).


In[8]:= ChineseRemainder[{2, 5, 1}, {78, 97, 119}]

Out[8]= 647480

We can check the answer:

In[9]:= Mod[647480, {78, 97, 119}]

Out[9]= {2, 5, 1}

Example 12

Factor 123450 into primes.

In[10]:= FactorInteger[123450]

Out[10]= {{2, 1}, {3, 1}, {5, 2}, {823, 1}}

This means that 123450=2131528231.

Example 13

Evaluate ϕ(12345).

In[11]:= EulerPhi[12345]

Out[11]= 6576

Example 14

Find a primitive root for the prime 65537.

In[12]:= PrimitiveRoot[65537]

Out[12]= 3

Therefore, 3 is a primitive root for 65537.

Example 15

Find the inverse of the matrix 131235415362716810(mod 999).


First, invert the matrix without the mod:

In[13]:= Inverse[{{13, 12, 35}, {41, 53, 62}, {71, 68, 10}}]

Out[13]= {{368634139, 226034139, 111134139}, {399234139, 235534139, 62934139}, {97534139, 3234139, 19734139}}

We need to clear the 34139 out of the denominator, so we evaluate 1/34139 mod 999:

In[14]:= PowerMod[34139, -1, 999]

Out[14]= 410

Since 410341391 (mod 999), we multiply the inverse matrix by 41034139 and reduce mod 999 in order to remove the denominators without changing anything mod 999:

In[15]:= Mod[410*34139*%%, 999]

Out[15]= {{772, 472, 965}, {641, 516, 851}, {150, 133, 149}}

Therefore, the inverse matrix mod 999 is 772472965641516851150133149.

In many cases, it is possible to determine by inspection the common denominator that must be removed. When this is not the case, note that the determinant of the original matrix will always work as a common denominator.

Example 16

Find a square root of 26951623672 mod the prime p=98573007539.


Since p3 (mod 4), we can use the Proposition of Section 3.9:

In[16]:= PowerMod[26951623672, (98573007539 + 1)/4, 98573007539]

Out[16]= 98338017685

The other square root is minus this one:

In[17]:= Mod[-%, 98573007539]

Out[17]= 234989854

Example 17

Let n=34222273=98033491. Find all four solutions of x219101358 (mod 34222273).


First, find a square root mod each of the two prime factors, both of which are congruent to 3 (mod 4):

In[18]:= PowerMod[19101358, (9803 + 1)/4, 9803]

Out[18]= 3998

In[19]:= PowerMod[19101358, (3491 + 1)/4, 3491]

Out[19]= 1318

Therefore, the square roots are congruent to ±3998 (mod 9803) and are congruent to ±1318 (mod 3491). There are four ways to combine these using the Chinese remainder theorem:

In[20]:= ChineseRemainder[ {3998, 1318 }, {9803, 3491 }]

Out[20]= 43210

In[21]:= ChineseRemainder[ {-3998, 1318 }, {9803, 3491 }]

Out[21]= 8397173

In[22]:= ChineseRemainder[ {3998, -1318 }, {9803, 3491 }]

Out[22]= 25825100

In[23]:= ChineseRemainder[ {-3998, -1318}, {9803, 3491}]

Out[23]= 34179063

These are the four desired square roots.

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