Chapter 13 Digital Signatures

For years, people have been using various types of signatures to associate their identities to documents. In the Middle Ages, a nobleman sealed a document with a wax imprint of his insignia. The assumption was that the noble was the only person able to reproduce the insignia. In modern transactions, credit card slips are signed. The salesperson is supposed to verify the signature by comparing with the signature on the card. With the development of electronic commerce and electronic documents, these methods no longer suffice.

For example, suppose you want to sign an electronic document. Why can’t you simply digitize your signature and append it to the document? Anyone who has access to it can simply remove the signature and add it to something else, for example, a check for a large amount of money. With classical signatures, this would require cutting the signature off the document, or photocopying it, and pasting it on the check. This would rarely pass for an acceptable signature. However, such an electronic forgery is quite easy and cannot be distinguished from the original.

Therefore, we require that digital signatures cannot be separated from the message and attached to another. That is, the signature is not only tied to the signer but also to the message that is being signed. Also, the digital signature needs to be easily verified by other parties. Digital signature schemes therefore consist of two distinct steps: the signing process, and the verification process.

In the following, we first present two signature schemes. We also discuss the important “birthday attacks” on signature schemes.

Note that we are not trying to encrypt the message m. In fact, often the message is a legal document, and therefore should be kept public. However, if necessary, a signed message may be encrypted after it is signed. (This is done in PGP, for example. See Section 15.6.)

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