10.2 Computing Discrete Logs

In this section, we present some methods for computing discrete logarithms. A method based on the birthday attack is discussed in Subsection 12.1.1.

For simplicity, take αα to be a primitive root mod pp, so p1p1 is the smallest positive exponent nn such that αn1 (mod p)αn1 (mod p). This implies that

αm1αm2(mod p)m1m2(mod p1).
αm1αm2(mod p)m1m2(mod p1).

Assume that

βαx, 0x<p1.
βαx, 0x<p1.

We want to find xx.

First, it’s easy to determine x (mod 2)x (mod 2). Note that

(α(p1)/2)2αp11(mod p), 
(α(p1)/2)2αp11(mod p), 

so α(p1)/2±1 (mod p)α(p1)/2±1 (mod p) (see Exercise 15 in Chapter 3). However, p1p1 is assumed to be the smallest exponent to yield +1+1, so we must have

α(p1)/21(mod p).
α(p1)/21(mod p).

Starting with βαx (mod p)βαx (mod p), raise both sides to the (p1)/2(p1)/2 power to obtain

β(p1)/2αx(p1)/2(1)x(mod p).
β(p1)/2αx(p1)/2(1)x(mod p).

Therefore, if β(p1)/2+1β(p1)/2+1, then xx is even; otherwise, xx is odd.


Suppose we want to solve 2x9 (mod 11)2x9 (mod 11). Since

β(p1)/2951(mod 11), 
β(p1)/2951(mod 11), 

we must have xx even. In fact, x=6x=6, as we saw previously.

10.2.1 The Pohlig-Hellman Algorithm

The preceding idea was extended by Pohlig and Hellman to give an algorithm to compute discrete logs when p1p1 has only small prime factors. Suppose


is the factorization of p1p1 into primes. Let qrqr be one of the factors. We’ll compute Lα(β) (mod qr)Lα(β) (mod qr). If this can be done for each qriiqrii, the answers can be recombined using the Chinese remainder theorem to find the discrete logarithm.


x=x0+x1q+x2q2+ with 0xiq1.
x=x0+x1q+x2q2+ with 0xiq1.

We’ll determine the coefficients x0, x1, xr1x0, x1, xr1 successively, and thus obtain x mod qrx mod qr. Note that


where nn is an integer. Starting with βαxβαx, raise both sides to the (p1)/q(p1)/q power to obtain

β(p1)/qαx(p1)/qαx0(p1)/q(αp1)nαx0(p1)/q(mod p).
β(p1)/qαx(p1)/qαx0(p1)/q(αp1)nαx0(p1)/q(mod p).

The last congruence is a consequence of Fermat’s theorem: αp11 (mod p)αp11 (mod p). To find x0x0, simply look at the powers

αk(p1)/q(mod p), k=0, 1, 2, , q1, 
αk(p1)/q(mod p), k=0, 1, 2, , q1, 

until one of them yields β(p1)/qβ(p1)/q. Then x0=kx0=k. Note that since αm1αm2m1m2 (mod p1)αm1αm2m1m2 (mod p1), and since the exponents k(p1)/qk(p1)/q are distinct mod p1p1, there is a unique kk that yields the answer.

An extension of this idea yields the remaining coefficients. Assume that q2|p1q2p1. Let

β1βαx0αq(x1+x2q+)(mod p).
β1βαx0αq(x1+x2q+)(mod p).

Raise both sides to the (p1)/q2(p1)/q2 power to obtain

β(p1)/q21α(p1)(x1+x2q+)/qαx1(p1)/q(αp1)x2+x3q+αx1(p1)/q(mod p).
β(p1)/q21α(p1)(x1+x2q+)/qαx1(p1)/q(αp1)x2+x3q+αx1(p1)/q(mod p).

The last congruence follows by applying Fermat’s theorem. We couldn’t calculate β(p1)/q21β(p1)/q21 as (βp11)1/q2(βp11)1/q2 since fractional exponents cause problems. Note that every exponent we have used is an integer.

To find x1x1, simply look at the powers

αk(p1)/q(mod p), k=0, 1, 2, , q1, 
αk(p1)/q(mod p), k=0, 1, 2, , q1, 

until one of them yields β(p1)/q21β(p1)/q21. Then x1=kx1=k.

If q3|p1q3p1, let β2β1αx1qβ2β1αx1q and raise both sides to the (p1)/q3(p1)/q3 power to obtain x2x2. In this way, we can continue until we find that qr+1qr+1 doesn’t divide p1p1. Since we cannot use fractional exponents, we must stop. But we have determined x0, x1, , xr1x0, x1, , xr1, so we know x modqrx modqr.

Repeat the procedure for all the prime factors of p1p1. This yields xx mod qriiqrii for all ii. The Chinese remainder theorem allows us to combine these into a congruence for xx mod p1p1. Since 0x<p10x<p1, this determines xx.


Let p=41p=41, α=7α=7, and β=12β=12. We want to solve

7x12(mod 41).
7x12(mod 41).

Note that


First, let q=2q=2 and let’s find x mod23x mod23. Write xx0+2x1+4x2 (mod 8)xx0+2x1+4x2 (mod 8).

To start,

β(p1)/21220401(mod 41), 
β(p1)/21220401(mod 41), 


α(p1)/27201(mod 41).
α(p1)/27201(mod 41).


β(p1)/2(α(p1)/2)x0(mod 41), 
β(p1)/2(α(p1)/2)x0(mod 41), 

we have x0=1x0=1. Next,

β1βαx0127131(mod 41).
β1βαx0127131(mod 41).


β(p1)/22131101(mod 41).
β(p1)/22131101(mod 41).


β(p1)/221(α(p1)/2)x1(mod 41), 
β(p1)/221(α(p1)/2)x1(mod 41), 

we have x1=0x1=0. Continuing, we have

β2β1α2x1317031(mod 41), 
β2β1α2x1317031(mod 41), 


β(p1)/q323151(α(p1)/2)x2(mod 41).
β(p1)/q323151(α(p1)/2)x2(mod 41).

Therefore, x2=1x2=1. We have obtained

xx0+2x1+4x21+45(mod 8).
xx0+2x1+4x21+45(mod 8).

Now, let q=5q=5 and let’s find xx mod 5. We have

β(p1)/512818(mod 41)
β(p1)/512818(mod 41)


α(p1)/q7837(mod 41).
α(p1)/q7837(mod 41).

Trying the possible values of kk yields

3701, 37137, 37216, 37318, 37410(mod 41).
3701, 37137, 37216, 37318, 37410(mod 41).

Therefore, 373373 gives the desired answer, so x3 (mod 5)x3 (mod 5).

Since x5 (mod 8)x5 (mod 8) and x3 (mod 5)x3 (mod 5), we combine these to obtain x13 (mod 40)x13 (mod 40), so x=13x=13. A quick calculation checks that 71312 (mod 41)71312 (mod 41), as desired.

As long as the primes qq involved in the preceding algorithm are reasonably small, the calculations can be done quickly. However, when qq is large, calculating the numbers αk(p1)/qαk(p1)/q for k=0, 1, 2, , q1k=0, 1, 2, , q1 becomes infeasible, so the algorithm no longer is practical. This means that if we want a discrete logarithm to be hard, we should make sure that p1p1 has a large prime factor.

Note that even if p1=tqp1=tq has a large prime factor qq, the algorithm can determine discrete logs mod tt if tt is composed of small prime factors. For this reason, often ββ is chosen to be a power of αtαt. Then the discrete log is automatically 0 mod tt, so the discrete log hides only mod qq information, which the algorithm cannot find. If the discrete log xx represents a secret (or better, tt times a secret), this means that an attacker does not obtain partial information by determining xx mod tt, since there is no information hidden this way. This idea is used in the Digital Signature Algorithm, which we discuss in Chapter 13.

10.2.2 Baby Step, Giant Step

Eve wants to find xx such that αxβ (mod p)αxβ (mod p). She does the following. First, she chooses an integer NN with N2p1N2p1, for example N=p1N=p1 (where xx means round xx up to the nearest integer). Then she makes two lists:

  1. αj (mod p)αj (mod p) for 0j<N0j<N

  2. βαNk (mod p)βαNk (mod p) for 0k<N0k<N

She looks for a match between the two lists. If she finds one, then


so αj+Nkβαj+Nkβ. Therefore, x=j+Nkx=j+Nk solves the discrete log problem.

Why should there be a match? Since 0x<p1N20x<p1N2, we can write xx in base NN as x=x0+Nx1x=x0+Nx1 with 0x0, x1<N0x0, x1<N. In fact, x1=[x/N]x1=[x/N] and x0=xNx1x0=xNx1. Therefore,

j=x0, k=x1
j=x0, k=x1

gives the desired match.

The list αjαj for j=0, 1, 2, j=0, 1, 2,  is the set of “Baby Steps” since the elements of the list are obtained by multiplying by αα, while the “Giant Steps” are obtained in the second list by multiplying by αNαN. It is, of course, not necessary to compute all of the second list. Each element, as it is computed, can be compared with the first list. As soon as a match is found, the computation stops.

The number of steps in this algorithm is proportional to NpNp and it requires storing approximately NN numbers. Therefore, the method works for primes pp up to 10201020, or even slightly larger, but is impractical for very large pp.

For an example, see Example 35 in the Computer Appendices.

10.2.3 The Index Calculus

The idea is similar to the method of factoring in Subsection 9.4.1 . Again, we are trying to solve βαx (mod p)βαx (mod p), where pp is a large prime and αα is a primitive root.

First, there is a precomputation step. Let BB be a bound and let p1, p2, , pm, p1, p2, , pm,  be the primes less than BB. This set of primes is called our factor base. Compute αk (mod p)αk (mod p) for several values of kk. For each such number, try to write it as a product of the primes less than BB. If this is not the case, discard αkαk. However, if αkpaii (mod p)αkpaii (mod p), then

kaiLα(pi)(mod p1).
kaiLα(pi)(mod p1).

When we obtain enough such relations, we can solve for Lα(pi)Lα(pi) for each ii.

Now, for random integers rr, compute βαr (mod p)βαr (mod p). For each such number, try to write it as a product of primes less than BB. If we succeed, we have βαrpbii (mod p)βαrpbii (mod p), which means

Lα(β)r+biLα(pi)(mod p1).
Lα(β)r+biLα(pi)(mod p1).

This algorithm is effective if pp is of moderate size. This means that pp should be chosen to have at least 200 digits, maybe more, if the discrete log problem is to be hard.


Let p=131p=131 and α=2α=2. Let B=10B=10, so we are working with the primes 2,3,5,7. A calculation yields the following:



1L2(2)(mod 130)83L2(5)(mod 130)12L2(5)+L2(7)(mod 130)142L2(3)(mod 130)34L2(3)+2L2(5)(mod 130).
18121434L2(2)(mod 130)3L2(5)(mod 130)L2(5)+L2(7)(mod 130)2L2(3)(mod 130)L2(3)+2L2(5)(mod 130).

The second congruence yields L2(5)46 (mod 130)L2(5)46 (mod 130). Substituting this into the third congruence yields L2(7)3496 (mod 130)L2(7)3496 (mod 130). The fourth congruence yields only the value of L2(3) (mod 65)L2(3) (mod 65) since gcd(2, 130) = 1gcd(2, 130) = 1. This gives two choices for L2(3) (mod 130)L2(3) (mod 130). Of course, we could try them and see which works. Or we could use the fifth congruence to obtain L2(3)72 (mod 130)L2(3)72 (mod 130). This finishes the precomputation step.

Suppose now that we want to find L2(37)L2(37). Trying a few randomly chosen exponents yields 37243357 (mod 131)37243357 (mod 131), so

L2(37)43+L2(3)+L2(5)+L2(7)41(mod 130).
L2(37)43+L2(3)+L2(5)+L2(7)41(mod 130).

Therefore, L2(37)=41L2(37)=41.

Of course, once the precomputation has been done, it can be reused for computing several discrete logs for the same prime pp.

10.2.4 Computing Discrete Logs Mod 4

When p1 (mod 4)p1 (mod 4), the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm computes discrete logs mod 4 quite quickly. What happens when p3 (mod 4)p3 (mod 4)? The Pohlig-Hellman algorithm won’t work, since it would require us to raise numbers to the (p1)/4(p1)/4 power, which would yield the ambiguity of a fractional exponent. The surprising fact is that if we have an algorithm that quickly computes discrete logs mod 4 for a prime p3 (mod 4)p3 (mod 4), then we can use it to compute discrete logs mod pp quickly. Therefore, it is unlikely that such an algorithm exists.

There is a philosophical reason that we should not expect such an algorithm. A natural point of view is that the discrete log should be regarded as a number mod p1p1. Therefore, we should be able to obtain information on the discrete log only modulo the power of 2 that appears in p1p1. When p3 (mod 4)p3 (mod 4), this means that asking questions about discrete logs mod 4 is somewhat unnatural. The question is possible only because we normalized the discrete log to be an integer between 0 and p2p2. For example, 262169 (mod 11)262169 (mod 11). We defined L2(9)L2(9) to be 6 in this case; if we had allowed it also to be 16, we would have two values for L2(9)L2(9), namely 6 and 16, that are not congruent mod 4. Therefore, from this point of view, we shouldn’t even be asking about L2(9) mod4L2(9) mod4.

We need the following lemma, which is similar to the method for computing square roots mod a prime p3 (mod 4)p3 (mod 4) (see Section 3.9).


Let p3 (mod 4)p3 (mod 4) be prime, let r2r2, and let yy be an integer. Suppose αα and γγ are two nonzero numbers mod pp such that γα2ry (mod p)γα2ry (mod p). Then

γ(p+1)/4α2r1y(mod p).
γ(p+1)/4α2r1y(mod p).


γ(p+1)/4α(p+1)2r2yα2r1y(αp1)2r2yα2r1y(mod p).

The final congruence is because of Fermat’s theorem.

Fix the prime p3 (mod 4) and let α be a primitive root. Assume we have a machine that, given an input β, gives the output Lα(β) mod4. As we saw previously, it is easy to compute Lα(β) mod2. So the new information supplied by the machine is really only the second bit of the discrete log.

Now assume αxβ (mod p). Let x=x0+2x1+4x2++2nxn be the binary expansion of x. Using the Lα(β) (mod 4) machine, we determine x0 and x1. Suppose we have determined x0, x1, , xr1 with r2. Let


Using the lemma r1 times, we find

β((p+1)/4)r1rα2(xr+2xr+1+)(mod p).

Applying the Lα (mod 4) machine to this equation yields the value of xr. Proceeding inductively, we obtain all the values x0, x1, , xn. This determines x, as desired.

It is possible to make this algorithm more efficient. See, for example, [Stinson1, page 175].

In conclusion, if we believe that finding discrete logs for p3 (mod 4) is hard, then so is computing such discrete logs mod 4.

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