9. JavaScript: Objects


In this chapter you’ll learn:

• Object-based programming terminology and concepts.

• The concepts of encapsulation and data hiding.

• The value of object orientation.

• To use the JavaScript objects Math, String, Date, Boolean and Number.

• To use the browser’s document and window objects.

• To use cookies.

• To represent objects simply using JSON.

My object all sublime I shall achieve in time.
—W. S. Gilbert

Is it a world to hide virtues in?
—William Shakespeare

Good as it is to inherit a library, it is better to collect one.
—Augustine Birrell


9.1 Introduction

This chapter presents a more formal treatment of objects. We begin by briefly introducing the concepts of object orientation. The remainder of the chapter overviews several of Java-Script’s built-in objects and demonstrates many of their capabilities. We also provide a brief introduction to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)—a human-readable data format that is typically used to transmit data between clients and web servers and is also used to create objects in JavaScript. In the coming chapters on the Document Object Model and events we discuss the objects provided by the browser that enable scripts to interact with the elements of an XHTML document.

9.2 Introduction to Object Technology

This section provides a general introduction to object orientation. The terminology and technologies discussed here support the upcoming chapters. Here, you’ll learn that objects are a natural way of thinking about the world and about scripts that manipulate XHTML documents. In Chapters 48, we used built-in JavaScript objects—Math and Array—and objects provided by the web browser—document and window—to perform tasks in our scripts. JavaScript uses objects to perform many tasks and therefore is referred to as an object-based programming language. Our goal is to help you develop an object-oriented way of thinking. Technologies such as CSS, JavaScript and Ajax are based on at least some of the concepts introduced in this section.

Basic Object-Technology Concepts

We begin our introduction to object technology with some key terminology. Everywhere you look in the real world you see objects—people, animals, plants, cars, planes, buildings, computers, monitors and so on. Humans think in terms of objects. Telephones, houses, traffic lights, microwave ovens and water coolers are just a few more common objects we see around us.

We sometimes divide objects into two categories: animate and inanimate. Animate objects are “alive” in some sense—they move around and do things. Inanimate objects do not move on their own. Objects of both types, however, have some things in common. They all have attributes (e.g., size, shape, color and weight), and they all exhibit behaviors (e.g., a ball rolls, bounces, inflates and deflates; a baby cries, sleeps, crawls, walks and blinks; a car accelerates, brakes and turns; a towel absorbs water). We’ll study the kinds of attributes and behaviors that software objects have.

Humans learn about existing objects by studying their attributes and observing their behaviors. Different objects can have similar attributes and can exhibit similar behaviors. Comparisons can be made, for example, between babies and adults, and between humans and chimpanzees.

Object-oriented design (OOD) models software in terms similar to those that people use to describe real-world objects. It takes advantage of class relationships, where objects of a certain class, such as a class of vehicles, have the same characteristics—cars, trucks, little red wagons and roller skates have much in common. OOD takes advantage of inheritance relationships, where new classes of objects are derived by absorbing characteristics of existing classes and adding unique characteristics of their own. An object of class “convertible” certainly has the characteristics of the more general class “automobile,” but more specifically, the roof goes up and down.

Object-oriented design provides a natural and intuitive way to view the software design process—namely, modeling objects by their attributes, behaviors and interrelationships, just as we describe real-world objects. OOD also models communication between objects. Just as people send messages to one another (e.g., a sergeant commands a soldier to stand at attention), objects also communicate via messages. A bank account object may receive a message to decrease its balance by a certain amount because the customer has withdrawn that amount of money.

OOD encapsulates (i.e., wraps) attributes and operations (behaviors) into objects—an object’s attributes and operations are intimately tied together. Objects have the property of information hiding. This means that objects may know how to communicate with one another across well-defined interfaces, but normally they are not allowed to know how other objects are implemented—implementation details are hidden within the objects themselves. We can drive a car effectively, for instance, without knowing the details of how engines, transmissions, brakes and exhaust systems work internally—as long as we know how to use the accelerator pedal, the brake pedal, the steering wheel and so on. Information hiding, as we’ll see, is crucial to good software engineering.

Like the designers of an automobile, the designers of web browsers have defined a set of objects that encapsulate an XHTML document’s elements and expose to a JavaScript programmer the attributes and behaviors that enable a JavaScript program to interact with (or script) those elements (objects). You’ll soon see that the browser’s document object contains attributes and behaviors that provide access to every element of an XHTML document. Similarly, JavaScript provides objects that encapsulate various capabilities in a script. For example, the JavaScript Array object provides attributes and behaviors that enable a script to manipulate a collection of data. The Array object’s length property (attribute) contains the number of elements in the Array. The Array object’s sort method (behavior) orders the elements of the Array.

Some programming languages—like Java, Visual Basic, C# and C++—are object oriented. Programming in such a language is called object-oriented programming (OOP), and it allows computer programmers to implement object-oriented designs as working software systems. Languages like C, on the other hand, are procedural, so programming tends to be action oriented. In procedural languages, the unit of programming is the function. In object-oriented languages, the unit of programming is the class from which objects are eventually instantiated (an OOP term for “created”). Classes contain functions that implement operations and data that comprises attributes.

Procedural programmers concentrate on writing functions. Programmers group actions that perform some common task into functions, and group functions to form programs. Data is certainly important in procedural languages, but the view is that data exists primarily in support of the actions that functions perform. The verbs in a system specification help a procedural programmer determine the set of functions that work together to implement the system.

Classes, Properties and Methods

Object-oriented programmers concentrate on creating their own user-defined types called classes. Each class contains data as well as the set of functions that manipulate that data and provide services to clients (i.e., other classes or functions that use the class). The data components of a class are called properties. For example, a bank account class might include an account number and a balance. The function components of a class are called methods. For example, a bank account class might include methods to make a deposit (increasing the balance), make a withdrawal (decreasing the balance) and inquire what the current balance is. You use built-in types (and other user-defined types) as the “building blocks” for constructing new user-defined types (classes). The nouns in a system specification help you determine the set of classes from which objects are created that work together to implement the system.

Classes are to objects as blueprints are to houses—a class is a “plan” for building an object of the class. Just as we can build many houses from one blueprint, we can instantiate (create) many objects from one class. You cannot cook meals in the kitchen of a blueprint; you can cook meals in the kitchen of a house. You cannot sleep in the bedroom of a blueprint; you can sleep in the bedroom of a house.

Classes can have relationships with other classes. For example, in an object-oriented design of a bank, the “bank teller” class needs to relate to other classes, such as the “customer” class, the “cash drawer” class, the “safe” class, and so on. These relationships are called associations.

Packaging software as classes makes it possible for future software systems to reuse the classes. Groups of related classes are often packaged as reusable components. Just as realtors often say that the three most important factors affecting the price of real estate are “location, location and location,” some people in the software development community say that the three most important factors affecting the future of software development are “reuse, reuse and reuse.”

Indeed, with object technology, you can build much of the new software you’ll need by combining existing classes, just as automobile manufacturers combine interchangeable parts. Each new class you create will have the potential to become a valuable software asset that you and other programmers can reuse to speed and enhance the quality of future software development efforts.

9.3 Math Object

The Math object’s methods allow you to perform many common mathematical calculations. As shown previously, an object’s methods are called by writing the name of the object followed by a dot (.) and the name of the method. In parentheses following the method name is the argument (or a comma-separated list of arguments) to the method. For example, to calculate and display the square root of 900.0 you might write

document.writeln( Math.sqrt( 900.0 ) );

which calls method Math.sqrt to calculate the square root of the number contained in the parentheses (900.0), then outputs the result. The number 900.0 is the argument of the Math.sqrt method. The preceding statement would display 30.0. Some Math object methods are summarized in Fig. 9.1.

Fig. 9.1 | Math object methods.



Common Programming Error 9.1

Forgetting to invoke a Math method by preceding the method name with the object name Math

and a dot (.) is an error.


Software Engineering Observation 9.1

The primary difference between invoking a standalone function and invoking a method of an object is that an object name and a dot are not required to call a standalone function.

The Math object defines several commonly used mathematical constants, summarized in Fig. 9.2. [Note: By convention, the names of constants are written in all uppercase letters so they stand out in a program.]

Fig. 9.2 | Constants of the Math object.



Good Programming Practice 9.1

Use the mathematical constants of the Math object rather than explicitly typing the numeric value of the constant.

9.4 String Object

In this section, we introduce JavaScript’s string- and character-processing capabilities. The techniques discussed here are appropriate for processing names, addresses, telephone numbers, and similar items.

9.4.1 Fundamentals of Characters and Strings

Characters are the fundamental building blocks of JavaScript programs. Every program is composed of a sequence of characters grouped together meaningfully that is interpreted by the computer as a series of instructions used to accomplish a task.

A string is a series of characters treated as a single unit. A string may include letters, digits and various special characters, such as +, -, *, /, and $. JavaScript supports the set of characters called Unicode®, which represents a large portion of the world’s languages. A string is an object of type String. String literals or string constants (often called anonymous String objects) are written as a sequence of characters in double quotation marks or single quotation marks, as follows:

"John Q. Doe"                                    (a name)
'9999 Main Street'                               (a street address)
"Waltham, Massachusetts"             (a city and state)
'(201) 555-1212'                                    (a telephone number)

A String may be assigned to a variable in a declaration. The declaration

var color = "blue";

initializes variable color with the String object containing the string "blue". Strings can be compared via the relational (<, <=, > and >=) and equality operators (== and !=). Strings are compared using the Unicode values of the corresponding characters. For example, the expression "hello" < "Hello" evaluates to false because lowercase letters have higher Uni-code values.

9.4.2 Methods of the String Object

The String object encapsulates the attributes and behaviors of a string of characters. It provides many methods (behaviors) that accomplish useful tasks such as selecting characters from a string, combining strings (called concatenation), obtaining substrings of a string, searching for substrings within a string, tokenizing strings (i.e., splitting strings into individual words) and converting strings to all uppercase or lowercase letters. The String object also provides several methods that generate XHTML tags. Figure 9.3 summarizes many String methods. Figures 9.4–9.7 demonstrate some of these methods.

Fig. 9.3 | Some String object methods. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.3 | Some String object methods. (Part 2 of 2.)


9.4.3 Character-Processing Methods

The script in Fig. 9.4 demonstrates some of the String object’s character-processing methods, including charAt (returns the character at a specific position), charCodeAt (returns the Unicode value of the character at a specific position), fromCharCode (returns a string created from a series of Unicode values), toLowerCase (returns the lowercase version of a string) and toUpperCase (returns the uppercase version of a string).

Fig. 9.4 | String methods charAt, charCodeAt, fromCharCode, toLowercase and toUpperCase. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.4 | String methods charAt, charCodeAt, fromCharCode, toLowercase and toUpperCase. (Part 2 of 2.)


Lines 16–17 display the first character in String s ("ZEBRA") using String method charAt. Method charAt returns a string containing the character at the specified index (0 in this example). Indices for the characters in a string start at 0 (the first character) and go up to (but do not include) the string’s length (i.e., if the string contains five characters, the indices are 0 through 4). If the index is outside the bounds of the string, the method returns an empty string.

Lines 18–19 display the character code for the first character in String s ("ZEBRA") by calling String method charCodeAt. Method charCodeAt returns the Unicode value of the character at the specified index (0 in this example). If the index is outside the bounds of the string, the method returns NaN.

String method fromCharCode receives as its argument a comma-separated list of Unicode values and builds a string containing the character representation of those Uni-code values. Lines 21–23 display the string "WORD", which consists of the character codes 87, 79, 82 and 68. Note that the String object calls method fromCharCode, rather than a specific String variable.

The statements in lines 25–26 and 27–28 use String methods toLowerCase and toUpperCase to display versions of String s2 ("AbCdEfG") in all lowercase letters and all uppercase letters, respectively.

9.4.4 Searching Methods

Being able to search for a character or a sequence of characters in a string is often useful. For example, if you are creating your own word processor, you may want to provide a capability for searching through the document. The script in Fig. 9.5 demonstrates the String object methods indexOf and lastIndexOf that search for a specified substring in a string. All the searches in this example are performed on the global string letters (initialized in line 14 with "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklm" in the script).

Fig. 9.5 | String searching with indexOf and lastIndexOf. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.5 | String searching with indexOf and lastIndexOf. (Part 2 of 2.)


The user types a substring in the XHTML form searchForm’s inputVal text field and presses the Search button to search for the substring in letters. Clicking the Search button calls function buttonPressed (defined in lines 16–29) to respond to the onclick event and perform the searches. The results of each search are displayed in the appropriate text field of searchForm.

Lines 21–22 use String method indexOf to determine the location of the first occur-rence in string letters of the string inputVal.value (i.e., the string the user typed in the inputVal text field). If the substring is found, the index at which the first occurrence of the substring begins is returned; otherwise, –1 is returned.

Lines 23–24 use String method lastIndexOf to determine the location of the last occurrence in letters of the string in inputVal. If the substring is found, the index at which the last occurrence of the substring begins is returned; otherwise, –1 is returned.

Lines 25–26 use String method indexOf to determine the location of the first occur-rence in string letters of the string in the inputVal text field, starting from index 12 in letters. If the substring is found, the index at which the first occurrence of the substring (starting from index 12) begins is returned; otherwise, –1 is returned.

Lines 27–28 use String method lastIndexOf to determine the location of the last occurrence in letters of the string in the inputVal text field, starting from index 12 in letters and moving toward the beginning of the input. If the substring is found, the index at which the first occurrence of the substring (if one appears before index 12) begins is returned; otherwise, –1 is returned.


Software Engineering Observation 9.2

String methods indexOf and lastIndexOf, with their optional second argument (the starting index from which to search), are particularly useful for continuing a search through a large amount of text.

9.4.5 Splitting Strings and Obtaining Substrings

When you read a sentence, your mind breaks it into individual words, or tokens, each of which conveys meaning to you. The process of breaking a string into tokens is called tokenization. Interpreters also perform tokenization. They break up statements into such individual pieces as keywords, identifiers, operators and other elements of a programming language. Figure 9.6 demonstrates String method split, which breaks a string into its component tokens. Tokens are separated from one another by delimiters, typically whitespace characters such as blanks, tabs, newlines and carriage returns. Other characters may also be used as delimiters to separate tokens. The XHTML document displays a form containing a text field where the user types a sentence to tokenize. The results of the tokenization process are displayed in an XHTML textarea GUI component. The script also demonstrates String method substring, which returns a portion of a string.

Fig. 9.6 | String object methods split and substring. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.6 | String object methods split and substring. (Part 2 of 2.)


The user types a sentence into the text field with id inputVal text field and presses the Split button to tokenize the string. Function splitButtonPressed (lines 12–21) handles the button’s onclick event.

Line 14 gets the value of the input field and stores it in variable inputString. Line 15 calls String method split to tokenize inputString. The argument to method split is the delimiter string—the string that determines the end of each token in the original string. In this example, the space character delimits the tokens. The delimiter string can contain multiple characters that should be used as delimiters. Method split returns an array of strings containing the tokens. Line 17 uses Array method join to combine the tokens in array tokens and separate each token with a newline character ( ). The resulting string is assigned to the value property of the XHTML form’s output GUI component (an XHTML textarea).

Lines 19–20 use String method substring to obtain a string containing the first 10 characters of the string the user entered (still stored in inputString). The method returns the substring from the starting index (0 in this example) up to but not including the ending index (10 in this example). If the ending index is greater than the length of the string, the substring returned includes the characters from the starting index to the end of the original string.

9.4.6 XHTML Markup Methods

The script in Fig. 9.7 demonstrates the String object’s methods that generate XHTML markup tags. When a String object invokes a markup method, the method wraps the String’s contents in the appropriate XHTML tag. These methods are particularly useful for generating XHTML dynamically during script processing.

Fig. 9.7 | String object XHTML markup methods. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.7 | String object XHTML markup methods. (Part 2 of 2.)


Lines 12–17 define the strings that call each of the XHTML markup methods of the String object. Line 19 uses String method anchor to format the string in variable anchorText ("This is an anchor") as

<a name = "top" > This is an anchor </a>

The name of the anchor is the argument to the method. This anchor will be used later in the example as the target of a hyperlink.

Line 20 uses String method fixed to display text in a fixed-width font by formatting the string in variable fixedText ("This is monospaced text") as

<tt> This is monospaced text </tt>

Line 21 uses String method strike to display text with a line through it by formatting the string in variable strikeText ("This is strike out text") as

<strike> This is strike out text </strike>

Lines 22–23 use String method sub to display subscript text by formatting the string in variable subText ("subscript") as

<sub> subscript </sub>

Note that the resulting line in the XHTML document displays the word subscript smaller than the rest of the line and slightly below the line.

Lines 24–25 call String method sup to display superscript text by formatting the string in variable supText ("superscript") as

<sup> superscript </sup>

Note that the resulting line in the XHTML document displays the word superscript smaller than the rest of the line and slightly above the line.

Line 26 uses String method link to create a hyperlink by formatting the string in variable linkText ("Click here to go to anchorText") as

<a href = "#top" > Click here to go to anchorText </a>

The target of the hyperlink (#top in this example) is the argument to the method and can be any URL. In this example, the hyperlink target is the anchor created in line 19. If you make your browser window short and scroll to the bottom of the web page, then click this link, the browser will reposition to the top of the web page.

9.5 Date Object

JavaScript’s Date object provides methods for date and time manipulations. Date and time processing can be performed based on the computer’s local time zone or based on World Time Standard’s Coordinated Universal Time (abbreviated UTC)—formerly called Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). Most methods of the Date object have a local time zone and a UTC version. The methods of the Date object are summarized in Fig. 9.8.

Fig. 9.8 | Date object methods. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.8 | Date object methods. (Part 2 of 2.)


The script of Fig. 9.9 demonstrates many of the local time zone methods in Fig. 9.8. Line 12 creates a new Date object. The new operator allocates the memory for the Date object. The empty parentheses indicate a call to the Date object’s constructor with no arguments. A constructor is an initializer method for an object. Constructors are called automatically when an object is allocated with new. The Date constructor with no arguments initializes the Date object with the local computer’s current date and time.

Fig. 9.9 | Date and time methods of the Date object. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.9 | Date and time methods of the Date object. (Part 2 of 2.)



Software Engineering Observation 9.3

When an object is allocated with new, the object’s constructor is called automatically to initialize the object before it is used in the program.

Lines 16–19 demonstrate the methods toString, toLocaleString, toUTCString and valueOf. Note that method valueOf returns a large integer value representing the total number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970, and the date and time stored in Date object current.

Lines 23–32 demonstrate the Date object’s get methods for the local time zone. Note that method getFullYear returns the year as a four-digit number. Note as well that method getTimeZoneOffset returns the difference in minutes between the local time zone and UTC time (i.e., a difference of four hours in our time zone when this example was executed).

Line 36 demonstrates creating a new Date object and supplying arguments to the Date constructor for year, month, date, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. Note that the hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds arguments are all optional. If any one of these arguments is not specified, a zero is supplied in its place. For the hours, minutes and seconds arguments, if the argument to the right of any of these arguments is specified, it too must be specified (e.g., if the minutes argument is specified, the hours argument must be specified; if the milliseconds argument is specified, all the arguments must be specified).

Lines 40–45 demonstrate the Date object set methods for the local time zone. Date objects represent the month internally as an integer from 0 to 11. These values are off by one from what you might expect (i.e., 1 for January, 2 for February, …, and 12 for December). When creating a Date object, you must specify 0 to indicate January, 1 to indicate February, …, and 11 to indicate December.


Common Programming Error 9.2

Assuming that months are represented as numbers from 1 to 12 leads to off-by-one errors when you are processing Dates.

The Date object provides two other methods that can be called without creating a new Date object—Date.parse and Date.UTC. Method Date.parse receives as its argument a string representing a date and time, and returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970, and the specified date and time. This value can be converted to a Date object with the statement

var theDate = new Date( numberOfMilliseconds );

which passes to the Date constructor the number of milliseconds since midnight, January 1, 1970, for the Date object.

Method parse converts the string using the following rules:

• Short dates can be specified in the form MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY. The month and day are not required to be two digits.

• Long dates that specify the complete month name (e.g., “January”), date and year can specify the month, date and year in any order.

• Text in parentheses within the string is treated as a comment and ignored. Commas and white-space characters are treated as delimiters.

• All month and day names must have at least two characters. The names are not required to be unique. If the names are identical, the name is resolved as the last match (e.g., “Ju” represents “July” rather than “June”).

• If the name of the day of the week is supplied, it is ignored.

• All standard time zones (e.g., EST for Eastern Standard Time), Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) are recognized.

• When specifying hours, minutes and seconds, separate each by colons.

• When using a 24-hour-clock format, “PM” should not be used for times after 12 noon.

Date method UTC returns the number of milliseconds between midnight, January 1, 1970, and the date and time specified as its arguments. The arguments to the UTC method include the required year, month and date, and the optional hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds. If any of the hours, minutes, seconds or milliseconds arguments is not specified, a zero is supplied in its place. For the hours, minutes and seconds arguments, if the argument to the right of any of these arguments in the argument list is specified, that argument must also be specified (e.g., if the minutes argument is specified, the hours argument must be specified; if the milliseconds argument is specified, all the arguments must be specified). As with the result of Date.parse, the result of Date.UTC can be converted to a Date object by creating a new Date object with the result of Date.UTC as its argument.

9.6 Boolean and Number Objects

JavaScript provides the Boolean and Number objects as object wrappers for boolean true/false values and numbers, respectively. These wrappers define methods and properties useful in manipulating boolean values and numbers. Wrappers provide added functionality for working with simple data types.

When a JavaScript program requires a boolean value, JavaScript automatically creates a Boolean object to store the value. JavaScript programmers can create Boolean objects explicitly with the statement

var b = new Boolean( booleanValue );

The constructor argument booleanValue specifies whether the value of the Boolean object should be true or false. If booleanValue is false, 0, null, Number.NaN or an empty string (""), or if no argument is supplied, the new Boolean object contains false. Otherwise, the new Boolean object contains true. Figure 9.10 summarizes the methods of the Boolean object.

Fig. 9.10 | Boolean object methods.


JavaScript automatically creates Number objects to store numeric values in a Java-Script program. JavaScript programmers can create a Number object with the statement

var n = new Number( numericValue );

The constructor argument numericValue is the number to store in the object. Although you can explicitly create Number objects, normally the JavaScript interpreter creates them as needed. Figure 9.11 summarizes the methods and properties of the Number object.

Fig. 9.11 | Number object methods and properties.


9.7 document Object

The document object is used to manipulate the document that is currently visible in the browser window. The document object has many properties and methods, such as methods document.write and document.writeln, which have both been used in prior JavaScript examples. Figure 9.12 shows the methods and properties of the document objects that are used in this chapter. You can learn more about the properties and methods of the document object in our JavaScript Resource Center (www.deitel.com/javascript).

Fig. 9.12 | Important document object methods and properties. (Part 1 of 2.)


Fig. 9.12 | Important document object methods and properties. (Part 2 of 2.)


9.8 window Object

The window object provides methods for manipulating browser windows. The following script shows many of the commonly used properties and methods of the window object and uses them to create a website that spans multiple browser windows. Figure 9.13 allows the user to create a new, fully customized browser window by completing an XHTML form and clicking the Submit button. The script also allows the user to add text to the new window and navigate the window to a different URL.

Fig. 9.13 | Using the window object to create and modify child windows. (Part 1 of 4.)


Fig. 9.13 | Using the window object to create and modify child windows. (Part 2 of 4.)


Fig. 9.13 | Using the window object to create and modify child windows. (Part 3 of 4.)


Fig. 9.13 | Using the window object to create and modify child windows. (Part 4 of 4.)


The script starts in line 10. Line 12 declares a variable to refer to the new window. We refer to the new window as the child window because it is created and controlled by the main, or parent, window in this script. Lines 14–50 define the createChildWindow function, which determines the features that have been selected by the user and creates a child window with those features (but does not add any content to the window). Lines 18–20 declare several variables to store the status of the checkboxes on the page. Lines 23–38 set each variable to "yes" or "no" based on whether the corresponding checkbox is checked or unchecked.

Lines 41–44 use the window object’s open method to create the child window. Method open has three parameters. The first parameter is the URL of the page to open in the new window, and the second parameter is the name of the window. If you specify the target attribute of an a (anchor) element to correspond to the name of a window, the href of the link will be opened in the window. In our example, we pass window.open empty strings as the first two parameter values because we want the new window to open a blank page, and we use a different method to manipulate the child window’s URL.

The third parameter of the open method is a string of comma-separated, all-lowercase feature names, each followed by an = sign and either "yes" or "no" to determine whether that feature should be displayed in the new window. If these parameters are omitted, the browser defaults to a new window containing an empty page, no title and all features visible. [Note: If your menu bar is normally hidden in IE7, it will not appear in the child window. Press the Alt key to display it.] Lines 47–49 enable the buttons for manipulating the child window—these are initially disabled when the page loads.

Lines 53–60 define the function modifyChildWindow, which adds a line of text to the content of the child window. In line 55, the script determines whether the child window is closed. Function modifyChildWindow uses property childWindow.closed to obtain a boolean value that is true if childWindow is closed and false if the window is still open. If the window is closed, an alert box is displayed notifying the user that the window is currently closed and cannot be modified. If the child window is open, lines 58–59 obtain text from the textForChild input (lines 103–104) in the XHTML form in the parent window and uses the child’s document.write method to write this text to the child window.

Function closeChildWindow (lines 63–73) also determines whether the child window is closed before proceeding. If the child window is closed, the script displays an alert box telling the user that the window is already closed. If the child window is open, line 68 closes it using the childWindow.close method. Lines 70–72 disable the buttons that interact with the child window.


Look-and-Feel Observation 9.1

Popup windows should be used sparingly. Many users dislike websites that open additional windows, or that resize or reposition the browser. Some users have popup blockers that will prevent new windows from opening.


Software Engineering Observation 9.4

window.location is a property that always contains a string representation of the URL displayed in the current window. Typically, web browsers will allow a script to retrieve the window.location property of another window only if the script belongs to the same website as the page in the other window.

Function setChildWindowURL (lines 77–84) copies the contents of the myChildURL text field to the location property of the child window. If the child window is open, lines 81–82 set property location of the child window to the string in the myChildURL textbox. This action changes the URL of the child window and is equivalent to typing a new URL into the window’s address bar and clicking Go (or pressing Enter).

The script ends in line 86. Lines 88–116 contain the body of the XHTML document, comprising a form that contains checkboxes, buttons, textboxes and form field labels. The script uses the form elements defined in the body to obtain input from the user. Lines 106, 108, 110, and 115 specify the onclick attributes of XHTML buttons. Each button is set to call a corresponding JavaScript function when clicked.

Figure 9.14 contains a list of some commonly used methods and properties of the window object.

Fig. 9.14 | Important window object methods and properties.


9.9 Using Cookies

Cookies provide web developers with a tool for personalizing web pages. A cookie is a piece of data that is stored on the user’s computer to maintain information about the client during and between browser sessions. A website may store a cookie on the client’s computer to record user preferences or other information that the website can retrieve during the client’s subsequent visits. For example, a website can retrieve the user’s name from a cookie and use it to display a personalized greeting.

Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox store cookies as small text files on the client’s hard drive. When a user visits a website, the browser locates any cookies written by scripts on that site and makes them available to any scripts located on the site. Note that cookies may be accessed only by scripts belonging to the same website from which they originated (i.e., a cookie set by a script on amazon.com can be read only by other scripts on amazon.com).

Cookies are accessible in JavaScript through the document object’s cookie property. JavaScript treats a cookie as a string of text. Any standard string function or method can manipulate a cookie. A cookie has the syntax “identifier = value,” where identifier is any valid JavaScript variable identifier, and value is the value of the cookie variable. When multiple cookies exist for one website, identifier-value pairs are separated by semicolons in the document.cookie string.

Cookies differ from ordinary strings in that each cookie has an expiration date, after which the web browser deletes it. This date can be defined by setting the expires property in the cookie string. If a cookie’s expiration date is not set, then the cookie expires by default after the user closes the browser window. A cookie can be deleted immediately by setting the expires property to a date and time in the past.

The assignment operator does not overwrite the entire list of cookies, but appends a cookie to the end of it. Thus, if we set two cookies

document.cookie = "name1=value1;";
document.cookie = "name2=value2;";

document.cookie will contain "name1=value1; name2=value2".

Figure 9.15 uses a cookie to store the user’s name and displays a personalized greeting. This example improves upon the functionality in the dynamic welcome page example of Fig. 4.11 by requiring the user to enter a name only during the first visit to the web page. On each subsequent visit, the script can display the user name that is stored in the cookie.

Fig. 9.15 | Using cookies to store user identification data. (Part 1 of 3.)


Fig. 9.15 | Using cookies to store user identification data. (Part 2 of 3.)


Fig. 9.15 | Using cookies to store user identification data. (Part 3 of 3.)


Line 10 begins the script. Lines 12–13 declare the variables needed to obtain the time, and line 14 declares the variable that stores the name of the user. Lines 16–27 contain the same if...else statement used in Fig. 4.11 to display a time-sensitive greeting.

Lines 30–66 contain the code used to manipulate the cookie. Line 30 determines whether a cookie exists on the client computer. The expression document.cookie evaluates to true if a cookie exists. If a cookie does not exist, then the script prompts the user to enter a name (line 45). The script creates a cookie containing the string "name=", followed by a copy of the user’s name produced by the built-in JavaScript function escape (line 49). The function escape converts any non-alphanumeric characters, such as spaces and semicolons, in a string to their equivalent hexadecimal escape sequences of the form “%XX,” where XX is the two-digit hexadecimal ASCII value of a special character. For example, if name contains the value "David Green", the statement escape( name ) evaluates to "David%20Green", because the hexadecimal ASCII value of a blank space is 20. It is a good idea to always escape cookie values before writing them to the client. This conversion prevents any special characters in the cookie from being misinterpreted as having a special meaning in the code, rather than being a character in a cookie value. For instance, a semicolon in a cookie value could be misinterpreted as a semicolon separating two adjacent identifier-value pairs. Applying the function unescape to cookies when they are read out of the document.cookie string converts the hexadecimal escape sequences back to English characters for display in a web page.


Good Programming Practice 9.2

Always store values in cookies with self-documenting identifiers. Do not forget to include the identifier followed by an = sign before the value being stored.

If a cookie exists (i.e., the user has been to the page before), then the script parses the user name out of the cookie string and stores it in a local variable. Parsing generally refers to the act of splitting a string into smaller, more useful components. Line 34 uses the Java-Script function unescape to replace all the escape sequences in the cookie with their equivalent English-language characters. The script stores the unescaped cookie value in the variable myCookie (line 34) and uses the JavaScript function split (line 37), introduced in Section 9.4.5, to break the cookie into identifier and value tokens. At this point in the script, myCookie contains a string of the form "name = value". We call split on myCookie with = as the delimiter to obtain the cookieTokens array, with the first element equal to the name of the identifier and the second element equal to the value of the identifier. Line 40 assigns the value of the second element in the cookieTokens array (i.e., the actual value stored in the cookie) to the variable name. Lines 52–53 add the personalized greeting to the web page, using the user’s name stored in the cookie.

The script allows the user to reset the cookie, which is useful in case someone new is using the computer. Lines 54–55 create a hyperlink that, when clicked, calls the JavaScript function wrongPerson (lines 58–66). Lines 61–62 set the cookie name to null and the expires property to January 1, 1995 (though any date in the past will suffice). Internet Explorer detects that the expires property is set to a date in the past and deletes the cookie from the user’s computer. The next time this page loads, no cookie will be found. The reload method of the location object forces the page to refresh (line 65), and, unable to find an existing cookie, the script prompts the user to enter a new name.

9.10 Multipage HTML and JavaScript Application

The past few chapters have explored many JavaScript concepts and how they can be applied on the web. The next JavaScript example combines many of these concepts into a single web page. Figure 9.16 uses functions, cookies, arrays, loops, the Date object, the window object and the document object to create a sample welcome screen containing a personalized greeting, a short quiz, a random image and a random quotation. We have seen all of these concepts before, but this example illustrates how they work together on one web page.

Fig. 9.16 | Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts. (Part 1 of 5.)


Fig. 9.16 | Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts. (Part 2 of 5.)


Fig. 9.16 | Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts. (Part 3 of 5.)


Fig. 9.16 | Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts. (Part 4 of 5.)


Fig. 9.16 | Rich welcome page using several JavaScript concepts. (Part 5 of 5.)


The script that builds most of this page starts in line 10. Lines 12–13 declare variables needed for determining the time of day. Lines 16–23 create two arrays from which content is randomly selected. This web page contains both an image (whose filename is randomly selected from the pictures array) and a quote (whose text is randomly selected from the quotes array). Line 26 writes the user’s local date and time to the web page using the Date object’s toLocaleString method. Lines 29–40 display a time-sensitive greeting using the same code as Fig. 4.11. The script either uses an existing cookie to obtain the user’s name (lines 43–54) or prompts the user for a name, which the script then stores in a new cookie (lines 55–63). Lines 66–67 write the greeting to the web page, and lines 70–71 produce the link for resetting the cookie. This is the same code used in Fig. 9.15 to manipulate cookies. Lines 74–79 write the random image and random quote to the web page. The script chooses each by randomly selecting an index into each array. This code is similar to the code used in Fig. 8.7 to display a random image using an array.

Function allQuotes (lines 82–98) uses the window object and a for loop to open a new window containing all the quotes in the quotes array. Lines 85–87 create a new window called quoteWindow. The script does not assign a URL or a name to this window, but it does specify the window features to display. Line 88 opens a new paragraph in quoteWindow. A for loop (lines 91–93) traverses the quotes array and writes each quote to quoteWindow. Lines 96–97 close the paragraph in quoteWindow, insert a new line and add a link at the bottom of the page that allows the user to close the window. Note that allQuotes generates a web page and opens it in an entirely new window with JavaScript.

Function wrongPerson (lines 101–109) resets the cookie storing the user’s name. This function is identical to function wrongPerson in Fig. 9.15.

Function openQuiz (lines 112–116) opens a new window to display a sample quiz. Using the window.open method, the script creates a new window containing quiz2.html (lines 114–115). We discuss quiz2.html later in this section.

The primary script ends in line 118, and the body of the XHTML document begins in line 120. Line 121 creates the link that calls function allQuotes when clicked. Lines 123–124 create a paragraph element containing the attribute id = "quizSpot". This paragraph contains a link that calls function openQuiz.

Lines 126–133 contain a second script. This script appears in the XHTML document’s body because it adds a dynamic footer to the page, which must appear after the static XHTML content contained in the first part of the body. This script creates another instance of the Date object, but the date is set to the last modified date and time of the XHTML document, rather than the current date and time (line 128). The script obtains the last modified date and time using property document.lastModified. Lines 131–132 add this information to the web page. Note that the last modified date and time appear at the bottom of the page, after the rest of the body content. If this script were in the head element, this information would be displayed before the entire body of the XHTML document. Lines 133–135 close the script, the body and the XHTML document.

The Quiz Page

The quiz used in this example is in a separate XHTML document named quiz2.html (Fig. 9.17). This document is similar to quiz.html in Fig. 8.12. The quiz in this example differs from the quiz in Fig. 8.12 in that it shows the result in the main window in the example, whereas the earlier quiz example alerts the result. After the Submit button in the quiz window is clicked, the main window changes to reflect that the quiz was taken, and the quiz window closes.

Fig. 9.17 | Online quiz in a child window. (Part 1 of 3.)


Fig. 9.17 | Online quiz in a child window. (Part 2 of 3.)


Fig. 9.17 | Online quiz in a child window. (Part 3 of 3.)


Lines 15–22 of this script check the user’s answer and output the result to the main window. Lines 16–17 use window.opener to write to the main window. The property window.opener always contains a reference to the window that opened the current window, if such a window exists. Lines 16–17 write to property window.opener.document.getElementById("quizSpot").innerHTML. Recall that quizSpot is the id of the paragraph in the main window that contains the link to open the quiz. Property innerHTML refers to the HTML code inside the quizSpot paragraph (i.e., the code between <p> and </p>). Modifying the innerHTML property dynamically changes the XHTML code in the paragraph. Thus, when lines 16–17 execute, the link in the main window disappears, and the string "Congratulations, your answer is correct." appears. Lines 19–22 modify window.opener.document.getElementById("quizSpot").innerHTML. Lines 19–22 use the same technique to display "Your answer is incorrect. Please try again", followed by a link to try the quiz again.

After checking the quiz answer, the script gives focus to the main window (i.e., puts the main window in the foreground, on top of any other open browser windows), using the method focus of the main window’s window object. The property window.opener references the main window, so window.opener.focus() (line 24) gives the main window focus, allowing the user to see the changes made to the text of the main window’s quiz-Spot paragraph. Finally, the script closes the quiz window, using method window.close (line 25).

Lines 28–29 close the script and head elements of the XHTML document. Line 30 opens the body of the XHTML document. The body contains the form, image, text labels and radio buttons that comprise the quiz. Lines 52–54 close the form, the body and the XHTML document.

9.11 Using JSON to Represent Objects

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)—a simple way to represent JavaScript objects as strings—is an alternative to XML as a data-exchange technique. JSON has gained acclaim due to its simple format, making objects easy to read, create and parse. Each JSON object is represented as a list of property names and values contained in curly braces, in the following format:

{ propertyName1 : value1, propertyName2 : value2 }

Arrays are represented in JSON with square brackets in the following format:

[value1, value2, value3 ]

Each value can be a string, a number, a JSON object, true, false or null. To appreciate the simplicity of JSON data, examine this representation of an array of address-book entries:

[ { first: ‘Cheryl’, last: ‘Black’ },
  { first: ‘James’, last: ‘Blue’  },
  { first: ‘Mike’, last: ‘Brown’  },
  { first: ‘Meg’, last: ‘Gold’  } ]

JSON provides a straightforward way to manipulate objects in JavaScript, and many other programming languages now support this format. In addition to simplifying object creation, JSON allows programs to manipulate data easily and to efficiently transmit data across the Internet. JSON integrates well with Ajax applications—see Section 13.7 for a more detailed discussion of JSON and an Ajax-specific example. For more information on JSON, visit our JSON Resource Center at www.deitel.com/json.

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