
Note: Paintings are in italics and films are in single quotes.

‘A Bout de Souffle’ (Breathless), 17

Abstraction, 767; in photography, 128

Academy Flat, 96

Academy ratio (4:3, 1.33:1), 90, 93; composition blocking, 107; inserting 4:3 material into 16:9 production, 11819; sound affecting, 934; of standard TV screen, 90, 97, 108; widescreen film and, 10810, 11214, 121, 206; on widescreen TV, 118

Action:; camera movement matched to, 2034; camera surprised by, 1601; continuity, see Continuity; in early photographs, 1245, 1956; live, see Live action; rhythm of, see Rhythm; staging, see Staging, action; see also Movement

Active format descriptor, 11718

Actors, see People

Actuality programming, see Live action

Additive colour system, 187

Advanced TV (ATV), 99

Alberti, Leon, 910, 43

Almendros, Nestor, 192

Altman's ‘Short Cuts’, 1423

Alton, John, 16970

America (USA):; American Society of Cinematographers, widescreen TV aspect ratios and, 100, 101; documentary film makers in 1960s, 137

American Society of Cinematographers, widescreen TV aspect ratios and, 100, 101

Analogue TV system, changeover to digital, 99, 104, 117

Analytical editing, 242

Anamorphic facility on widescreen TV, 118

Anamorphic lenses and Anamorphic Scope, 96, 106

Ancient history/civilizations, 1234; golden rectangle, 1023, 124

Angle (camera), 57

Angle (lens), 37, 47, 57; angle of view, 38; choice, 47, 479, 502; style and, 502, 1456; ‘correct’ perspective and, 48; high, see High angle; narrow, see Narrow angle; speed of actor movement and, 21112; TV camera, 1534; wide, see Wide angle; zoom lens, 39

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 85; ‘Chung Kuo Cina’, 23; ’Il desert Rosso’, 165

Aperture, 38, 39

Art house (avant-garde) film/film makers, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24

Artistes, see People

Aspect ratios, 58, 87, 90105; conversion (in widescreen TV and HDTV), 11314, 114; 4:3 material inserted into 16:9 frame, 11819; by receiver, 11718; historical perspectives, 90105; production (recorded) and presentation screen (display) mismatch, 90, 108; dealing with, 10810, 11219; TV, 968; widescreen, see subheading below widescreen film, see Widescreen film widescreen TV and HDTV, 98, 99104, 11222; compromises between competing ratios, 1012; conversion, see subheading above see also specific aspect ratios

Association, reference by, 78

Astaire, Fred, in ‘Top Hat’, 61

Atmosphere, creating, 812

Attention (and interest), 745, 801; and blindness to change, 34; divided, 66, 88, 889; news/factual programming, 889, 1978; drawing/attracting and holding:; by editing, 2212, 243 by lighting, 173; to main subject, 589, 63, 645, 745, 801; in news/documentaries, 140; by teasing/puzzling audience, 243; dynamic balance providing, 63; perception and, 334 switching centre of, 801

Audio, see Sound

Authenticity, see Realism

Avant-garde film/film makers, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24

Background, 198; control, 198; crabbing to follow another actor moving in, 212 defocused, 40, 41, 1645; matching between shots, 23940; see also Figure and ground

‘Bad Day at Black Rock’, 108

Balance (in composition), 626; ambiguity and, 63 with colour, 191 dynamic, 634 formal, 645; resolution of, 623; see also Colour, balance; White balance

Bandwidth (TV picture), 97

HDTV, 98

‘Batman’ (1989), 87

BBC, aspect ratio changes, 978

Beatles films, 159 Beauty, line of, 71

Belief and disbelief, 1612

The Betrothal of the Arnolfini, 178

Big close-up, 152, 153

Black, John Alton and, 16970

Black-and-white medium, see Monochrome

Blue, coldness, 192

Boom in shot, 110

Border, see Frame

Bounced light, 181

Brain:; filling in gaps in information, 345; perception and, see Perception; see also Mind

‘Breathless’ CA Bout de Souffle), 17

Brecht, Bertold, 18

Brightness:; gradations in, 16970; relative, 36

British Broadcasting Corporation, aspect ratio changes, 978

Buñuel's ‘Un Chien Andalou’, 23

Camcorder style, 1623

Camera(s):; angle, 57; canted (Dutch tilt), 87, 149; CCD, see CCD cameras; ‘crossing the line’, 6, 230; distance from object, see Distance; height, 58; lens, see Lens; movement, 6, 11, 56, 147, 20216; accentuating effect of, 21214; constant movement (e.g. in NYPD Blue), 24, 15960; functional movement, 205; historical aspects, 45, 6; interpretive movement, 205; invisible movement, 2038; maintaining good composition during, 21415 obtrusive movement, 204; repetition setting up visual rhythm, 723; single and multi-camera movement, 2045; uncertainty/unsteadiness expressed by, 15960 zooming and, 154; see also Pan; multiple, see Multi-camera production portable/hand-held, 1545, 215; realism and, 1601; position/placement, see Position; remotely controlled, 215; static viewpoint, 845; and moving subject, 210; surprised by action, 1601; surveillance, 1356; tilt, see Tilt; TV, see Television cameras; see also Video camera

Camerawork, standard conventions, 245; historical aspects, 57; why people dislike rejection of, 22

Camouflage, 68

Canted camera (Dutch tilt), 87, 149

‘Casablanca’, 52; colourized, 113, 121

Caulfield's Office Party, 177

CCD (charged coupled device) cameras, 185; increased sensitivity, 182

Celebrities, see Stars

Change, blindness to, 334

Charged coupled device, see CCD

Charismatic artistes, see Stars

Chiaroscuro, 1779

‘Chien Andalou’, ‘Un’, 23

Choreography, 2456

‘Chung Kuo Cina’, 23

Cinema:; early, 34; home, widescreen stereo TV promoted as, 104; multiplexes, 110; widescreen, see Widescreen film; see also Film

Cinemascope, 94, 956, 106, 120

CinemaScope 55, 96

Cinematographer attitudes:; to widescreen film pan and scan for TV, 109; to widescreen TV aspect ratios, 100, 101

Cinerama, 91, 945, 101, 104

‘Citizen Kane’, 2, 146

Clichéd visual metaphor, 2312

Close shot/close-up shot, 80, 1456, 152, 153, 234; actor movement in, 21112; big (BCU), 152, 153; factual information, 225, 234; medium, see Medium close-up shot; on widescreen TV, 115

Closed frame technique, 85, 89

Closure, similarity by, 61

‘Cold/warm’ colours, 192

Colour, 18693; balance, altering, 188; composition and, 1912; correction, 1878; defocused blobs of, 1645; eye and perception of, see Eye; Perception; grouping by similarity of, 61; matching between shots, 23940; monochrome viewfinders and, 18991; post-production changes, 188; as subject, 188; symbolism, 1923; temperature, 187;see also specific colours

Colour TV, 186; lenses, 154

Colour viewfinders, 189

Colourized films, 113; ‘Casablanca’, 113, 121

Comment and opinion, separating comment from, 132, 134

Communication, see Visual communication; Composition, 1012; aims in, 545; colour and, 1912; control, 1415, 579; dance and, 2456; definition, 1011; frame influencing, 83; importance, 1314; intuition in, 1213; lighting in, see Light; styles, see Styles; unbalanced, and non-composition, 54; zooming and, 21415

Content, 41; panning speed matched to, 2067; style becoming, 143

Contiguity editing, 242

Continuity (in editing), 220, 241; factual programming, 226, 22930

Contrast, 170; harmony and, 175; high, 170, 174; monochrome viewfinders and, 190

Convention, 245

Convergence of lines, 42, 478, 48, 63, 71; towards horizon, see Vanishing point

Costs in TV:; lighting, 184; multi-camera TV, 151

Costume drama, 1656

Coutard, Raoul, 181

Crabbing, 208; to follow background movement of another actor, 212

‘Crossing the line’, 6, 230

Cultural influences, 15

Current affairs, see News

Curves, 712

Customary techniques in TV, 155

Cut, jump, 1718

Cutaway, 231; and temporal relationships between shots, 239

Cut-in, 231

Cutting, see Editing

Dance, 2456

Darkness, 16970, 1801, 192

‘Days of Heaven’, 1923

Decorative shots (news), 226

Defocused backgrounds, 40, 41, 1645

Depth:; accentuating/emphasizing/creating, 523, 81; indicators, 3641; limited, 86; reducing/eliminating, 767; perception of, 46; perspective, 29; in widescreen film, 106

Depth-of-field, 38, 58, 1467; style and, 1467; TV picture, 153

Descriptive sequence, 2234

’Il Desert Rosso’, 165

Development shots, 20812; overlong, 231

Diagonal line, 71

Dickson, W.K.L., 93, 103

Diffused light, 176, 183

Digital TV service:; changeover from analogue, 99, 104, 117; widescreen aspect ratio, 99

Direct Cinema, 137

Direction:; indicators of, 75, 241; of lighting, 172

Disbelief, 1612

Disposable two-shot, 109

Dissonance, 656

Distance:; estimating, 52; lines converging into, see Vanishing point; from object/subject (of observer or camera), 37, 38, 467, 578; choice, 47, 479; size and, 28, 46, 47; see also Minimum object distance

Distortion on widescreen TV, 11920; progressive, 118

Divine proportion (golden rectangle), 93, 1023, 124

‘Dr Strangelove’, 161

Documentary, 1368, 156, 157; professionalism and, 1389; storytelling techniques, 222; see also Factual programming; Interviews; News

Docusoaps, 157

Drama:; radio, having best ‘pictures’, 57; TV:; authentic period costume, 1656; multi-camera, 151; soaps, 151

‘Drifters’, 136

Durieu, Eugene, 174

Dutch tilt, 87, 149

Dynamic balance, 634

Editing, 21750; basic conventions/techniques/principles, 21820, 2412; historical aspects, 5; multi-camera production, 2435; shooting for, 21750; basic advice, 22532; types, 242; viewfinder as tool for, 912

8° lens, 153

Electronic news gathering (ENG) crews, 138

Electronic viewfinder, see Viewfinder

‘Empire’, 1920

Entrances, cutting on, 236

Exits, cutting on, 236

Explanatory sequence, 224

Exposure, 1701

Expressionism, 1801

Eye(s):; colour and the, 186, 187; warmness/coldness of, 192; lens of, 26, 278; lens of camera at level of, 44; movements (within frame/image), 14, 7880; left-to-right, in Western art, 66, 7980; taken it for a ‘walk’, 789; patterns grasped easily by/pleasing to, 545; as slave of attention system, 345; see also entries under Visual

Eye line match (in editing), 241

Fact (the record):; fiction and, 225, 1312; separating opinion or comment from, 132, 134

Factual programming, editing, 218, 22232; shot variety, 22732; see also Documentary; Interviews; News

Factual style, see Realism

Fantasy and imagination, 20, 132

Fashion, changing nature, 1516

Fechner, Gustav, 103

Fiction, fact and, 225, 1312

55° angle on TV zoom lenses, 153

Figure and ground (background), 668; controlling relationship, 678; flip, 67; separation, 31 see also People

Film(s):; 35mm, see 35mm film; advantages over TV widescreen, 116; colourizing, 113; sensitivity, 147; widescreen, see Widescreen film; see also Cinema

Film Noire, 16970, 1801

Film shot, see Shot

Film-making, historical aspects, 116

Filters, 149; colour correction, 1878

5° angle on TV zoom lens, 153

Five-second module, 231

Flaherty, Robert, 136

Flare, 149

‘Fly-on-the-wall’ technique, 140, 156

fno, 38, 39

Focal length, 38, 39

long:; defocused backgrounds, 1645; space and use of, 50; style and, 1456; zoom lens, 39

Focus, 401, 58; art of focusing, 40; differential, 41; follow, 40; pulling, 40; zoom lens, 40

Ford, John:; editing and, 221; ‘Stagecoach’, 1, 6, 81; ‘The Searchers’, 88

Foreground, masking, 87

Form, 13, 41, 76; contrast of, 63; see also Shape

Formal balance, 645

4:3 rectangle, see Academy ratio; 14:9 aspect ratio, 113, 114; 4:3 frame expanded to, 118; zooming and, 11617

Frame(s) (and framing), 910, 11, 58, 839; closed vs open frame technique, 85, 89; edge, 88; as reference, 87; eye movement within frame, see Eye; frames within frames, 879; newsreading, 889, 1978; hard cut-off point, 856; height in frame, 36; individual innovation in framing, 2478; influence on composition, 83; leaving, 2301; in photographs, 1245; safeguarding top of frame, 11011; ‘shoot and protect’ framing policy, 114; subject size and, 80; see also Freeze frame

France, documentaries, 137

Francesa, Pierro della, 10

Freeze frame, 125, 130, 149

French documentary film makers, 137

Front surface design, 81

Genre, 15566

Gestalt theories of perception, 30, 69

Goddard's ‘Breathless’ (‘A Bout de Souffle’), 17, 181

‘The Godfather’, 196

Golden rectangle/section/ratio, 93, 1023

‘Great Train Robbery’ (1903), 4

Greeks, ancient, 1234; golden rectangle, 1023, 124

Grierson, John, 156; ‘Drifters’, 136

Ground, see Background; Figure and ground; Foreground

Grouping visual elements, 5961; by shape, 6970

Hall, Conrad, 196

Hand-held cameras, see Cameras

‘A Hard Days Night’, 159

Harmony and contrast, 175

Height:; camera/lens, 37, 436, 58; eye level, 44; tracking and, 208, 21415; in frame, 36

‘Help’, 159

High angle:; photographs at, 129; shots made at, 61, 76

High contrast, 170, 174

High definition TV (HDTV), 989, 100, 103; bandwidth, 97; early development, 989; see also Widescreen TV

Historical aspects, 12330; aspect ratios, 90105; invisible technique, 116, 129; lighting, 17782; style, 167

Hitchcock, Alfred:; editing and, 221; ‘Vertigo’, 489, 210

Hogarth, William:; line of beauty, 71; Rakes Progress, 3

Holiday videos, 1623

Hollywood:; camera at eye level, 44; editing in golden age of, 221; narrative convention, 86

Home cinema, widescreen stereo TV promoted as, 104

‘Un Homme et une femme’, 165

Horizon (and horizon line), 434; lines converging towards, see Vanishing point

Horizontal lines, 42, 43

‘Hot’ colours, 192

Hot heads, 215

Hue, 191

180° system, 6

’Il Desert Rosso’, 165

Illumination, 174; see also Light

Illusion, 1819, 43, 1323

Image:; eye moving around, see Eye; idea expressed through, 1845; size, constancy, 2830; understanding an, 778; see also Shot

Imagination and fantasy, 20, 132

Improved definition TV (IDTV), 99

‘In Cold Blood’, 196

Informative shots (news), 226

Intercutting, 6, 7, 232, 242

Interest, see Attention

Interviews, 198, 2323; cutting, 233; 16:9 shape and, 11516; ‘Vox Pops’, 233, 237

Intuition, 1213

Invisible technique:; alternatives to/rejection of, 1725; camera movement and, 203; creation, 45; development, 116, 129; editing, 21718, 220; lighting and, 1734

Isolated (‘iso’) feeds, 244

‘Jaws’, 210

‘JFK’, 161

Jump cuts, 1718

Kell factor, 97

‘The Killers’, 180

Kubrick's ‘Dr Strangelove’, 161

Kurasawa, Akira, 146

Landscape format, 87

‘The Last Emperor’, 192

The Last Supper, 47, 50

‘Lawrence of Arabia’, 107

LCD viewfinders, colour, 189

Lead-in lines, curved, 72

Lean, David:; ‘Lawrence of Arabia’, 107; ‘Ryan's daughter’, 64

Left-to-right, eye moving/scanning from, in Western art, 66, 7980

Lelouche, Claude, ‘Un homme et une femme’, 165

Lens (camera), 2653; angle, see Angle; choice, 145; focal length, see Focal length; focus, see Focus; height, see Height; imprint, 27; perspective and, 2653; position, see Position; production style and, 502, 1456; TV camera, see Television camera

Lens (human eye), 26, 278

Lens (projector), in multiplexes, 110

Leonardo da Vinci:; golden rectangle, 1023; The Last Supper, 47, 50

Lester, Richard, 159

Letterboxing, widescreen TV, 11213

Light (and lighting), 16885; bounced, 181 controlled, 179, 182; dark/light relationships, 16970, 1801, 192; decorative, 185; diffused, 176, 183; direction, 172; emphasis with, 173; hard, 171, 176; invisible, 1734; natural/available/found, 172, 180, 1823; see also Sunlight; past influences, 17782; quality, 1712; soft, 171, 172, 176, 1812; source, 172; TV, 1835

Line(s), 702; of beauty, 71; convergence of, see Convergence; Vanishing point; crossing the, 6, 230; curved, 712; horizontal, 42, 43; see also Horizon; lead-in, 72; leaning/diagonal, 71; panning on, 206; perspective of, see Perspective; structural skeleton, influences on, 42; tracking, finding right, 208; in TV picture, 97; HDTV, 98; vertical, 70

Linear perspective, see Perspective

Liquid crystal display viewfinders, colour, 189

Live action (incl. TV):; camera movement, 204, 205; multi-camera, 14953, 200, 201, 204, 205; sports events, see Sports coverage; working at speed, 2001, 248

Location shooting, 148

Long shot (distance), 152; factual information, 234

Looking room, 244, 245

Low-tech stylists, 163

Lumet's ‘Twelve Angry Men’, 21

Lumière brothers, 2, 20, 23; factual style/realism, 20, 132

Magic (and magicians), 1819; see also Illusion

Magic lantern, 3

‘The Man who knew too much’, 64

The Martyrdom of San Sebastian, 176

Masking:; foreground, 87; widescreen film, 107

Mass:; balance by, 62; perspective of, see Size, relationships

Medium close-up shot (MCU), 66, 152, 153; on widescreen TV, 115; panned and scanned widescreen shot turned into MCU, 109

‘Medium Cool’, 162

Medium shot, 152, 153

Méliès, Georges, 3, 20, 132

Metaphor, clichéd visual, 2312

Mind (visual information and the), 31; patterns grasped easily by mind, 54–5

Minimum object distance, 146

Mirror reverse/stage left, 667

Monochrome, 86, 18991; photography, 128; TV, legacy, 189; viewfinders, see Viewfinder

Mood, creating, 812

Morris, Errol, ‘The Thin Blue Line’, 156

Motion parallax, 36

Movement, 556, 20216; blocking/plotting, see Staging, action; of camera, see Camera; of eye, see Eye; invisible, 2038; of patterns, 73; of subject/object/action, 55, 56; cutting, 2346; moving camera and, 21011; static camera and, 210; synchronized, 2034; visual elements providing strong sense of, 75; see also Action; Motion parallax; Slow-motion replays

Moving photograph, early moving image as, 23

MTV style, 1578

Multi-camera production (incl. TV), 129, 14953, 2435; camera movement, 2045, 2056; customary techniques, 155; editing, 2435; lighting, 1745, 180; live, 14953, 200, 201, 204, 205; teamwork, 2445

Multiplexes, 110

Music videos, 63, 1578, 204; editing, 220

‘Napoleon’ (1927), 93

Narrative presentation, see Storytelling

Narrow angle effect, 46

Narrow-angle lenses, camera movement with, 212

Natural/found light, 172, 180, 1823; see also Sunlight

News/current affairs (and newsreading), 13141, 197-8 2227; editing, 2227; in the field, 218; five-second module, 231; frame within frame and divided interest, 889, 197; interviews, see Interviews; objectivity, see Objectivity; operational awareness, 1345; portable cameras, 1545; professionalism, 1389; staging, 1978; storytelling technique, 2225; unscripted items/shots, 232; structure, 2257; values, 227; see also Documentary; Fact; Factual programming; Interviews

NHK (Nippon Hoso Kyokai), 98, 100, 103

‘Night of the Hunter’, 52

Nippon Hoso Kyokai (NHK), 98, 100, 103

Non-composition, 54

Notan, 179

NYPD Blue, 24, 15960

Object(s) and subjects:; colour as subject matter, 188; distance from, see Distance; drawing/holding attention to main subject, 589, 63, 645, 745; grouping, see Grouping movement, see Movement; organization, 5961 shape, see Shape; size, see Size; see also People

Objectivity in news, 133, 227; realism and, 135

Oblique angle shot, 48

Office Party, 177

On-the-shoulder camerawork, 160

180° system, 6

1.33:1 rectangle, see Academy ratio

Open frame convention, 85, 89

Opinion and comment, separating comment from, 132, 134

Organization, 5961

Oval forms/shapes, 69

Over-the-shoulder two shot, 15, 152; widescreen TV and, 115

Overlap, 36

Ozu's ‘Tokyo Story’, 24, 143

Painting:; mid-to-late 19th/early 20th Century, influences of, 1258; photograph in style of painting, 124, 1956; in style of photograph, 1289

Pan (panning shots), 42, 2067; 8, historical aspects, 45, 5; length of, 231; NYPD Blue, 15960; whip pan, 149

Pan and scan device for widescreen film, 1089, 121, 206-8 Pan/tilt head, remotely controlled, 215

Panavision, 96, 106

Parallel horizontal lines receding into distance, see Vanishing point Paramount's VistaVision, 95

Patterns (structural), 734, 76, 81; creating and controlling, 734; definition, 72, 73; grasped easily by eye and mind, 545; static and moving, 73

People/figures (incl. actors/artistes):; charismatic, see Stars; composition, 199; multi-figure, 199; single figure, 199; two figure, 199; cutting on exits and entrances, 236; interviews, see Interviews; speed of movement of, and shot size and lens angle, 21112; staging, 1478, 1945, 1978, 199; see also Figure and ground

Perception (visual), 278, 305, 1701, 175; abstraction in, 767; attention and, 334; characteristics, 305; of colour, 186, 187; cold/warm feel, 192; of depth, 46; frames and borders and, 834; Gestalt theories, 30, 69; problems with, 323; recognition in, 312, 76; shot transition and, 236–7; 16:9 aspect ratio and, 1001; size constancy, 2830; steps in, 312

Period costume drama, 1656

Personal significance of shot attracting attention, 745

Perspective, 2930, 3653; lens and, 3653; limited indicators, 86; linear/of line, 36, 423, 48; laws, 30; of mass, see Size, relationships; ‘normal/correct’, 48; ‘wrong/incorrect’, 48

‘Le Petit Soldat’, 181

Photography:; early, 1245, 1956; early moving image as moving photograph, 23; influences of, 1245, 1268; painting in style of photograph, 1289; photograph in style of painting, 124, 1956; two-dimensional image, 89

Pierro della Francesa, 10

Pivot points, 62, 2078, 208

Point-of-view shots, 242

Polanski's ‘Rosemary's Baby’, 16

Pollaiuolo's The Martyrdom of San Sebastian, 176

Pop music videos, see Music videos

Portable cameras, see Cameras

Portable field editing, 218

Porter, Edwin S, ‘Great Train Robbery’ (1903), 4

Portrait format, 87

Position/placement:; camera/lens, 6, 9; degree of convergence and, 42; emphasizing main subject, 59; factors determined by, 578; height, see Height; stopping before/restarting after respositioning, historical aspects, 5; style and, 145; contrast of, 63

Powers, Dr Kerns, 1012

Production style, see Style

Profanation of the Host, 37, 46

Professionalism, news/documentary-making, 1389

Projector lenses in multiplexes, 110

‘Protect and save’ framing policy, 114

Proximity (of subjects/objects), 76; grouping by, 601

Pulsed zooms, 149

Punk TV style, 164

Radio drama having best ‘pictures’, 57

Rakes Progress, 3

Realism (authenticity; factual style; realistic representation), 8, 20, 21, 132, 1356, 15962; in early photography, 21617; lighting and, 180, 1812, 182; natural, 182; low-tech style and, 163; Lumière's, 20, 132; news and, 132, 133, 1356; period costume drama, 1656; technology, 136; uncertainty/unsteadiness and, 15962

Rembrandt van Rijn, 178, 1789

Recognition (in perception), 312, 76

Record of event, see Fact

Rectangle:; golden, 93, 1023; >screen shape, see Shape

Red, ‘hotness’, 192

Reed, Carol, ‘The Third Man’, 87

Remotely controlled cameras, 215

Renaissance period, 1234

Rhythm, visual, 723; matching between shots, 238

Riefenstahl's ‘Triumph of the Will’, 45

‘Rosemary's Baby’, 16

Rotha, Paul, 136

Rule of Thirds, 46, 124

‘Ryan's daughter’, 64

Saccades, 78

Saturation (colour), 191

Scale, 756; see also Size

Screen:; shape of, see Aspect ratio; Shape; size (TV), see Size (TV screen)

‘The Searchers’, 88

Secret filming, 136

Sensitivity, film stock, 147

Shadows, 1712, 180

Shape, 689; repetition of same shape, pattern generated by, 74; screen, 90122; composition and, 91; widescreen, see Widescreen; see also Aspect ratio see also Form

‘Shoot and protect’ framing policy, 114

‘Short Cuts’, 1423

Shots:; angle of, see Angle; appearance, 13; asking questions about/does it work?, 12, 589; boom in, 110; changing/stitching together, historical aspects, 5; close, see Close shot; content, see Content; continuity between, see Continuity; decorative (news), 226; depth, see Depth; development shot, see Development shots; disposable two-shot, 109; for editing:; basic techniques with, 21820; length/brevity, 2289, 231, 23341; selection and structure/shape, 218, 2202, 2237; significance and appropriateness, 2289; variety, 22732; form, see Form; frame and framing, see Frame; historical aspects, 4; informative (news), 226; oblique angle shot, 48; over-the-shoulder two shot, see Over-the-shoulder two shot; panning, see Pan; personal significance attracting attention, 745; point-of-view shot, 242; rhythm, see Rhythm; sizes, see Size; space in a, see Space; square-on shot, see Square-on shot; structural skeleton, 413; transition, perception and, 2367; unscripted, in news, see News; visual design, see Visual design; zooming and readjustment on, 39; see also Image

16° lens, TV camera, 153

16:9 aspect ratio, 99104, 11222; composing for, 11516; 4:3 material inserted into, 11819

Size:; contrast of, 63; relationships (perspective of mass), 2930, 48, 756; camera distance and, 28, 46, 47; zooming and, 39, 46, 76, 214; of shot/size of objects and subjects, 36; changes in, moving camera during, 211; constancy, 2830; duration of shot and, 234; editing and, 230, 234, 242; frame and, 80; group by similarity in, 61; multi-camera TV, 1523; relationships, see subheading above; speed of actor movement and, 21112; of TV screen, 1201; camera viewfinder, 121

Slow-motion replays, 2001

Smoke, 149

Soap dramas, 151; see also Docusoaps

Sound, 567; editing and, 243; 4:3 aspect ratio reduced with advent of, 934

Space, 4750, 2389, 2401; compressing/rearranging, 239, 2401; controlling, 479; creating 2D depiction of, 378; internal, 4950, 50, 212; matching relationships between shots, 2389, 2412

Speed:; of actor movement, shot size and lens angle and, 21112; of panning, 2067; working at, with live action, 2001, 248; see also Tempo

Spielberg's ‘Jaws’, 210

Sports coverage, 166; slow-motion replays, 2001

Square-on shot, 48; square-on two shot, 62, 65

‘Stagecoach’ (John Ford's), 1, 6, 81

Staging, 194201; action (blocking movement), 195, 196, 1978; for multi-camera continuous coverage, 205; people/artistes, 1478, 1945, 1978, 199; what is it?, 1956

Stars, film (charismatic/celebrity artistes), 24; lighting, 17980

Static patterns, 73

Static viewpoint of camera, see Camera

Steadicam, 215

Stereotypes, visual, 778

Stone, Oliver, ‘JFK’, 161

Storaro, Villorio, 192

Storytelling (narrative presentation), 223, 1701, 196; alternative techniques, 1725; editing and, 2215; historical aspects, 3, 4, 67; Hollywood convention, 86; invisible technique of, see Invisible technique; narrative sequence, 223; visual weight and, 64; see also Fiction

Studio look (lighting), 17980

Studio shooting, 148

Sturges, John, ‘Bad Day at Black Rock’, 108

Styles (of production/composition):; building blocks, 1438; changing, 166; flourishes, 1489; history, 167; lens angle and, 502, 1456; music videos, see Music videos; uncertainty/unsteadiness as, 15962

Subject, see Objects and subjects; People

Subjective experiences, 20, 132

Sunlight, 191; see also Natural light

Super 35mm, 11011

Surveillance cameras, 1356

Syntax (in editing), 2423

Teamwork, multi-camera production, 2445

Technological development:; realism and, 136; style and, 1447

Television:; advanced (ATV), 99; aspect ratios, see Aspect ratios; colour, see Colour TV; high definition, see High definition TV; improved definition (IDTV), 99; lighting, 1835; live, see Live action; monochrome, legacy, 189; pan and scan conversion of widescreen films for, 1089, 121, 206; viewers needs’ and new forms of, 92; widescreen film shown on, dealing with problem of, 10810, 11219

Television cameras, 129; lenses, 1534; height, 44; lens angle and focal length, 145; multiple, see Multi-camera production

Temperature, colour, 187

Tempo (sequence), 200, 224, 2423

Temporal aspects, see Time Texture gradient, 36

‘The Thin Blue Line’, 156

‘The Third Man’, 87

Thirds, Rule of, 46, 124

30° system, 6

35° lens, TV camera, 153

35mm film:; super, 11011; as universal standard, 923

Three-colour theory of perception, 187

Three-dimensional image:; 2D image from, see Two-dimensional image; compensating for loss of third dimension, 81

Tilt (camera), 37, 42, 43, 58; Dutch tilt, 87; see also Pan/tilt head

Time (temporal aspects) in editing, 223, 239, 2401; matching relationships between shots, 239; rearranging/compressing, 223, 239, 2401; shot lengths, 2289, 231, 23341

Todd AO, 96

‘Tokyo Story’, 24, 143

Toland, Greg, 1, 25, 146

Tone:; contrast of, 63; matching between shots, 23940

‘Tootsie’, 147

‘Top Hat’, 61

‘A Touch of Evil’, 45, 181, 210

Tracking, 2078, 208, 21415; camera/lens height for, 21415; finding right, 208; line for, finding right, 208; zooming and, 210; composition distinction between, 214; transition between, 209

Triangular forms/shapes, 69

Tripods, early use, 5

‘Triumph of the Will’, 45

‘Twelve Angry Men’, 21

Twentieth-Century Fox's CinemaScope, 94, 956, 106, 120

24° lens, TV camera, 153

Two-dimensional images (camera conversion from 3D images), 89, 41; compensating for loss of third dimension, 81; creating 2D depiction of space, 378; perception and, 323; in viewfinder, see Viewfinder

Uccello's Profanation of the Host, 37, 46

‘Un Chien Andalou’, 23

Uncertainty as style, 15962

USA, see America

Value (reflectivity), 191

‘Vampyr’ (1976), 7

Van Eyck, Jan, 178

Vanishing point(s) (lines converging towards horizon), 42, 478; placement, 478; two/three/multiple, 423

Vérité style, 156

Vertical line, 70

‘Vertigo’, 489, 210

Video camera:; amateur use, 1623; multi-camerawork, 152; portable/hand-held, 1545, 215; realism and, 1601; zoom, 39

Video diaries, 163

Video format, international/universal, 92, 99

Viewfinder (and its two-dimensional image), 86; colour, 189; as editing tool, 912; limited depth and perspective indicators, 86; monochrome (electronic), 86, 121, 18991; problems, 18991; zooming and widescreen working and, 116

Vignettes, 149

Vista Vision, 95

Visual communication, 175; control of/achieving, 175; requirements, 14

Visual design, 5482; matching between shots, 2378; techniques, 15, 5961

Visual metaphor, clichéd, 2312

Visual perception, see Perception

Visual puzzles, 158

Visual rhythm, see Rhythm

Visual stereotypes, 778

Visual styles, see Styles

Visual weight, 623; narrative element and, 64

‘Vox Pops’, 233, 237

Wajda, Andrejz, 165

Warhol's ‘Empire’, 1920

‘Warm/cold’ colours, 192

Welles, Orson, 1; ‘Citizen Kane’, 2, 146; ‘Touch of Evil’, 45, 181, 210

Wexler, Haskell, ‘Medium Cool’, 162

Whip pan, 149

White balance, 187

Wide angle effect, 46

Wide angle lenses and shots, 634; actor movement in, 212

Widescreen film/cinema (and its aspect ratios), 91, 93, 946, 101, 104, 10611; advantages, 1078, 116; composition, 10611; pan and scan conversion, 1089, 121, 206

Widescreen TV, 92; aspect ratio, see Aspect ratio; compilation programmes on, 119; composition, 11222; viewer control, 11718; viewer needs and, 92; see also High definition TV

Wildlife features, 156

Willis, Gordon, 196

Wipes, 149

Zanuck, Darryl, and CinemaScope, 106

Zoom (and zooming), 3940, 207, 214; in Hitchcock's ‘Vertigo’, 489; pivot point and, 207, 208; pulsed zooms, 149; size and, 39, 46, 76, 214; tracking and, see Tracking; TV, 1545; introduction, 1545; widescreen, 11617; widescreen working and, 111; TV, 11617; zoom lens angle, 39; zoom lens extender system, 3940; zoom lens focusing, 40; zoom ratio, 39

Zukor, Adolph, 120

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