A/B roll printing process, 510

Above and below the line costs, 362

Abstraction, 63

Academy 35 mm, 148

Academy Awards, 18

Acknowledgments, 558

Acquisition on film, 364

Acquisition on video, 364367

Acted upon and the actor, 5758


for the camera, 14

in isolation, 287

relaxed, 13

see also Actors; Learning about acting

Acting in Film: an Actor's Take on Movie-Making (BBC TV tape, NY: Applause Theatre Publishers), 13


and lines of character, 336337

planning for, 137138

Action match editing, 52

Active verbs, 337

Actor and the acted upon, 5758

Actor-centered films, 162166

actors improvising, 164166

integrating the cast into the script, 162164

see also Screenwriting; Writing process


costs of, 10

and crews, 385

and directors, 1215, 42, 249

emotions of, 282

focus of, 1415

ideal, 285

and masks, 13, 14

negative traits, 320

non-professional, 1112

one-on-one work with, 323324

sphere of attention, 283284

stay busy in character, 281

training for, 14

see also Actors' problems; Casting; Casts; Directing actors; Learning about acting; Preparing a scene

Actors' problems, 285290

acting in isolation, 287

anti-intellect actors, 288

clinging to the letter of the script, 287

control battles, 288

fear of changes, 287

ideal actors, 285

inappropriate humor, 288289

lines and insecurity, 286287

mere mortals, 286

not listening, 286

over-intellectualizing, 288

perceptions of acting, 285

playwriting, 288

professionals, 290

romantic entanglements, 289

tension, 286

unpunctuality and commitment problems, 289

withdrawal, 289

see also Actors; Directing Actors

Adam, Ken, 350

Adams, Ansel, 147

Adaptation from literature, 159162, 189190

copyright clearance, 161162

faithful adaptation, 160

free adaptation, 160

as a springboard, 160161

see also Screenwriting; Writing process

Adobe Photoshop, 354

Adobe Premiere, 496

ADR. See Automatic dialogue replacement

Advertising, 18, 222

for actors, 268

juxtaposing in, 51

Aesthetics and authorship, 191248

checklist, 243248

Afghanistan, 8

African Queen (Huston), 227

After Hours (Scorsese), 224

Agents, 129, 599

Albee, Edward, 86

Alcott, John, 350

Alekan, Henri, 95

Alexander Nevsky (Eisenstein), 73

Alice in the Cities (Wenders), 200

Alice Through the Looking Glass (Carroll), 195

All About My Mother (Almodóvar), 201

All the President's Men (Pakula), 519

Allegory, 218, 231, 241

Allen, Woody, 12, 84, 208

Allocation of shooting time per scene, 371

Almodóvar, Pedro, 201, 214

Alphaville (Godard), 228

Alter egos project, 2829

Alternative points of view, 113114

Alternative routes to becoming a director, 12

Altman, Robert, 12, 52, 84, 95, 142, 200, 214, 319, 520

Amadeus (Forman), 196, 175, 239

Amber Films, 166

Amber Group, 596

Ambient sound and presence tracks, 456, 512

Ambivalence or behavioral contradictions, 255

Amelie (Jeunet), 222, 405406

American Beauty (Mendes), 350351, 353

American Film, 162

American in Paris, An (Minelli), 227

American video recording standard, 364, 367

Analysis in editing, 533535

Analytical graphics, 21

Analyzing drama, 21

Andersen, Hans Christian, 228

Anderson, Paul Thomas, 201

Andrew, Dudley, Concepts in Film Theory, 216

Angel at My Table, An (Campion), 36

Anna Karenina (Tolstoy), 195, 206

Annie Hall (Allen), 84

Answer print (trial print), 498, 510

Antagonists, 229

Anti-globalization movement, 176

Anti-intellect actors, 288

Anti-social habits, 25

Anti-theater, 166

Antonioni, Michelangelo, 73, 214, 222, 227

Anxieties of actors, 464

Apprenticeships, 10, 571572

Archetypal human qualities, 13

Archetypes, 16, 169, 170171, 207210, 215

Arcs, dramatic, 18, 21

Ardolino, Emil, 419

Art department, 398400

Art director (AD), 398

Arthurian legends, 4, 64

Artificiality, 284

Artistic identity, 144, 2427, 242

checklist, 4144

developing story ideas, 3144

identifying themes, 2430

job of director, 323

Artistic license, 34

Artistic process, 2930, 128, 151


defined, 3, 205

in twentieth century Russia, 14

versus therapy, 24

see also Adaptation from literature

Aspect ratio, 410

Assessment in shooting projects, 9697

Assistant cinematographers (ACs), 396, 437

Assistant directors (ADs), 393394, 437, 446, 464, 475, 487

Assistant producers, 391

Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers, 592

Associate producers, 391

Astrology, 175

Atmosphere loops, 451, 457

Atmosphere track, 456, 457, 508

Atmospheres and background sound, 552

Attitude, 405

Audience, 42, 127

as active participants, 528529

Brechtian distancing, 237238

co-creation of, 15

consumption patterns of, 9

editor as proxy for, 495

imagination of, 1617, 528

needs of, 8

points of view, 202, 203

understanding the, 204

writing for, 153154, 155

Audio sweetening process, 499, 545

Audio Technica, 454

Audio-Vision-Sound on Screen (Chion), 452

Auditioning. See Casting

Auditions broadsheet, 268

Aural motifs, 237

Auteur and authorial control in filmmaking, 1718, 66, 145146, 203, 212

Authorial point of view, 5859

Authorship. See Story idea development

Authorship through improvisation project, 114118

Automatic dialogue replacement (ADR), 451, 457, 508, 547

Avid Media Composer, 496, 511

Avid|DS HD, 367

Avventura, L' (Antonioni), 73, 194, 222, 227

Awards, 600

Axes or lines of tension, 427



Babenco, Hector, 196, 197

Back matched continuity, 460

Background sound, 552

Backgrounds, 418

Backlight, 91

Backlit picture, 89

Backstory, 322, 328, 336

Badlands (Malick), 199

Ball, Lucille, 208

Ballard, Carroll, 226

Balon Rouge, Le/The Red Balloon (Lamorisse), 240

Balthazar (Bresson), 11

Barney (sound-proof casing), 456

Barry Lyndon (Kubrick), 350, 351, 353

Barry Lyndon (Thackeray), 350, 351

Bartoni, Doreen, 22, 25

Bashu, the Little Stranger (Beizai), 11

Basic stories in fiction, 170174

Battleship Potemkin, The (Eisenstein), 73, 402

Beats, 1819, 2223, 260262, 331332, 338

exercises, 312313, 314315

rehearsals, 324

Beauty and the Beast (Cocteau), 95


and auteur filmmaking, 17

festivals, 591

not using Hollywood as a model, 1011

and short films, 127, 240

see also Career track; Film schools

Behavior versus dialogue, 133134

Behavioral contradictions, 255

Being John Malkovich (Jonze), 227

Beizai, Bahram, 11

Benedek, Laslo, 86

Bennett, Alan, 36

Berger, John, 163

Bergman, Ingmar, 4, 73, 162163, 196, 214, 234, 319

Four Screenplays of Ingmar Bergman, 236

Four Stories by Ingmar Bergman, 163

Berkeley, Busby, 229

Bernstein, Leonard, 161

Best boy electricians, 396

Best boy grips, 396

Bibliography, 643650

Bicycle Thief, The (de Sica), 11, 196

Billy Elliot (Daldry), 78

Billy Liar (Schlesinger), 221

Biographical points of view, 196197

Biography, 34, 39, 64

Biography of character, 336

Birth of a Nation (Griffith), 227

Black Stallion, The (Ballard), 226

Blade Runner (Scott), 228

Bleak House (Dickens), 335

Blink (Quinn), 347

Block diagrams, 257260

Block, Mitchell, 239

Blocking, 8485, 294, 346, 401

changes in, 448

character and camera, 85

and first rehearsal, 434

and points of view, 8485

Blocking, acting, and camerawork assessment form, 609610

Blocks in writing process, 150

Blue or green screen, 355

Blue Velvet (Lynch), 73, 95, 224, 228, 351

Body mikes, 454

Bogart, Humphrey, 227

Boll, Heinrich, Lost Honor of Katharina Blum, The, 220

Bond, James, 237

Bonnie and Clyde (Penn), 199

Book publishing, 5

Boom, 455

Boom operator, 397398

Boorman, John, 34, 140, 196, 227

Bootleg copies, 5

Boredom-motivated camera movement, 50

Box office successes, 10, 17

Boxcar cutting, 526

Bracketing the script, 462

Branagh, Kenneth, 278

Brassed Off (Herman), 168

Brazil (Gilliam), 228

Breakaway props, 460

Breakdown or crossplot, 254, 263, 264

Breaking the 180-degree rule, 85

Breaking In: How 20 Movie Directors Got Their First Start (Jarecki), 575

Breaking into the industry, 590602

Breaking the Waves (Von Trier), 147

Brecht, Berthold, 209, 227, 237

Brechtian distancing and audience identification, 237238

Bresson, Robert, 11, 12, 225, 235, 270

Notes on the Cinematographer, 270

Bridging emotions exercise, 114

Brief shots, 49

Broad lighting, 92, 93

Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 161

Bronte, Emily, Wuthering Heights, 195

Buddhism, 25

Buddy films, 208

Budget, 356363, 372

above the line and below the line costs, 362

contingency percentage, 363

indirect costs, 363

Bunuel, Luis, 239

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Hill), 208

Buzz track, 106, 107, 456



Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (Wiene), 228

Cable, movies on demand, 9

Cactus (Cox), 230, 231

Caine, Michael, 13

Camera, 401

filters for, 148

height of, 417

as instrument of revelation, 418

mobile versus fixed, 403

movements of, 5051, 417, 419

noise filter for, 364

as observing consciousness, 404405

placement in script breakdown, 427430

speed compromises, 418

as witness, 14

see also Mise en scene

Camera assistants or assistant cinematographers (ACs), 396, 435

Camera department, 394397

Camera eye versus human eye, 409410

Camera log, 439, 440

Camera operator, 395396, 446

Camera test, 276277

Camera-to-subject axis, 55

Camera-to-subject distance, 412, 414

Campbell, Joseph, 176, 196

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The, 171, 173174

Masks of God, The, 171

Mythic Image, The, 171

Campion, Jane, 36, 140, 196

Canon camera, 366, 416

Cardioid or directional mikes, 454

Career track, 6, 567606

breaking into the industry, 590602

agents, 599

commercial system, 592, 594

crafts leading to directing, 596597

craftspersons, 593, 594

developing new projects, 598600

documentaries, 597

festivals and conferences, 590591

form and marketability, 599

freelancing, 595596

internships, 593

learning from other people's work, 599600

location, 590

paths to director, 592597

personal qualities, 591592

presenting yourself for employment, 600602

sample reels, 597, 600

subjects for fiction, 598

television, 596

checklist, 603606

authorship essentials, 603604

becoming a director, 603

educational progress, 603

employment, 605606

entertaining an audience, 603

film school, 604605

film school lists, 579589

planning for, 569578

apprenticeship, 571572

collaboration, 577578

film school, 572577

personality, 569571

self-help, 577

Carné, Marcel, 16

Carney, Ray, Films of John Cassavetes, The, 67

Carpenter, John, 226, 237

Carroll, Lewis, Alice Through the Looking Glass, 195

Case histories, 3839

Cassavetes, John, 12, 67, 163, 164165

Casting, 249, 266277, 377

active search for actors, 268270

announcing decisions, 277

attracting applicants, 268

camera test, 276277

character descriptions, 267

cold reading, 272

danger in ideals, 266267

final choices, 276277

first audition, 270273

first callback, 273274

importance of, 266

improvisation, 274

interview, 274

long- or short-term choices, 273

mix and match actors, 275

monologues, 271272

passive search for actors, 268

phone applicants, 270

process of casting, 267270

reading from script, 274

reviewing impressions, 276

second callback, 274275

typecasting, 273

see also Actors

Casts, 7

protection of, 471

see also Actors; Rehearsals

Catcher in the Rye, The (Salinger), 160

Cathartic contact, 205

Celebration, The (Vinterberg), 5, 147

Celine and Julie Go Boating (Rivette), 234

Censor, internal, 158

Cercel, Elif, Director's World, 148

Change, 10

Change in characters, 136137

Changing screen direction, 6061

Chaplin, Charlie, 208, 228, 241

Character and camera blocking, 85

Character definition, 257

Character-driven stories, 151

Characterizations, stock, 15


acted upon, 175

action and lines of, 336337

adaptation of, 338, 343

attitude beats, 22

background development, 323

backstory, 322, 328, 336

biography of, 336

conflict, growth, and change, 136137

creation of, 151

development of, 136, 174175

“doing or getting,” 134135

dynamic definition, 135136

flat and round, 229230

function of, 338

metaphorical, 231

and motives, 255

nature of, 329

oppositional, 229

point of view, 136, 175

reactions of, 343

rhythm of, 335

static definition, 135

study project, 104107

thought beats, 22

thumbnail sketches of, 267

within the film, 197198

within the story narrator, 194

see also Preparing a scene

Chariots of Fire (Hudson), 222

Cheating distances, 434

Checkerboard rolls, 510

Checkerboarding, 549


aesthetics and authorship, 243248

artistic identity, 4144

career track, 603606

postproduction, 562565

preproduction, 375380

production, 484487

screencraft, 121123

writing and story development, 188190

Chien Andalou, Un/The Andalusian Dog (Buneul), 239

Childhood stories, 38

Children of Paradise, The (Carné), 16

Chion, Michel, Audio-Vision-Sound on Screen, 452

Chocolat (Hallström), 350, 351352, 353

Chocolat (Harris), 350, 351352

Christian mystery plays, 13

Chronology, 459460

CILECT, 146, 580


in the 21st century, 34

art development in, 1617

as a collaborative art form, 18, 25

as collective medium, 34

direct, 67, 115

French New Wave, 17

German Expressionist, 14

international, 1112

see also Films; Movies

Cinema's strengths, 151152, 205

Cinematic qualities, 134141

Cinestory, 144

Circular writing, 150151

Citizen Kane Book: Raising Kane, The (Kael), 86

Citizen Kane (Welles), 95, 201, 256, 417

Clap-sticks, 446

Clapper board, 437438

Cleese, John, 208

Cleo from 5 to 7 (Varda), 222

Clichés, 33

Clockwork Orange, A (Kubrick), 73, 228

Close shots, 50

Closely Watched Trains (Menzel), 198

Cocteau, Jean, 95

Codecs, 513

Coen, Ethan, 201

Coen, Joel, 201

Coincidence, reliance on, 217

Cold reading, 272

Collaboration, 577578

with actors, 328

with screenwriters, 127

Collaborative art forms, 18, 25

Collective medium of cinema, 34

Collective unconscious, 175

Color film, 148

Color saturation level, 95

Columbia College Chicago, 25, 365, 574, 593

Comedy, 208

Commercial system, 592, 594

Commercials, 18, 284, 348

Commitment problems, 289

Commitments, 25

Community, 205

Comparative levels in sound, 556

Competitiveness, 25

Complementary shots, 447448

Composers, 493, 539544, 564

conflicts and composing to sync points, 643

copyrighting, 539

fitting music, 544

guide tracks, 540

keys, diegetic and non-diegetic music, 542543

live music session, 544

the mix, 544

music cue list, 540541

time needed for composition, 543

using music, 541542

see also Editing; Music; Sound

Composite prints, 510

Composition, 70

Composition analysis, 7077

Compressed time, 221222

Compression, 513

Compromises in filming, 408409

Computerized editing, 4

Concentration, 64

Concepts in Film Theory (Andrew), 216

Concerned observer, 5455, 63, 108, 109, 212214, 245, 346

camera as, 404405, 427

into storyteller, 214

Conditional tense and nonlinear time, 221

Conferences, 590591

Conflict in drama, 19, 20, 21, 175, 212

and duality, 210, 212, 244

and form, 233

growth and change in characters, 136137

nature of, 329331

see also Genre, conflict, and dialectics

Conforming (negative cutting), 498, 511

Confrontation, 23

Consciousness reproduction in film, 4748

Consequential loss, 373

Construction specialists, 399

Contingency coverage, 371

Contingency percentage, 363

Continuity, 459462

bracketing the script, 462

coordinating and reporting, 459

coverage, 462

monitoring dialogue, 461

physical continuity, 461462

script breakdown, 459461

chronology, 459460

crossplot, 461

planning the shoot, 460

types of continuity, 460

wardrobe and properties, 460461

script supervisor's positioning, 462

timing, 461

Continuity and expository editing, 52

Continuity reports, 448

Continuity scripts, 131

Continuity sheets, 448449

Continuity supervisor, 390391

Continuous recurrence of birth (palingenesia), 171

Continuous time, 223

Contractual obligations, 558559

Control battles, 288

Control issues, 25

Controlling point of view, 195196, 202203

Coordinating and reporting in continuity, 459

Copying limitations, 513

Copyrighting, 129, 161162, 539, 561

Cost flow and cost reporting, 373

Cost reports, 373, 483

Costner, Kevin, 495

Costumes, 352

Countdown to shooting, 443, 445

Counterpointing visual and aural impressions, 520, 525526, 526528

Coverage in continuity, 462

Coverage planning in script breakdown, 422426

Cox, Paul, 230, 231

Crab dollying, 51

Crafts leading to directing, 596597

Craftspersons, 29, 593, 594

Craning, 51, 419

Creative Filmmaking From the Inside Out: Five Keys to the Art of Making Inspired Movies and Television (Dannenbaum, Hodge, and Mayer), 177, 179

Creative limitations, 146149

Credibility, minimizing, and story tension, 155156

Crew etiquette, 294, 446447

Crews, 7

and actors, 385, 474

camera, 394396

communicating with, 473474

contracts for, 374

costs of, 10

development of, 378, 385388

and director of photography (DP), 381

discussing their impressions of the shoot, 475

initiative of members, 473

lines of responsibility, 387389

people with experience, 385386

relations with cast and the public, 474

temperaments of crew members, 386387

viewing dailies, 501

see also Departments and job descriptions

Cria (Saura), 196

Crib sheets in script breakdown, 431

Cries and Whispers (Bergman), 163

Criminals, 177


of actors, 469472

in editing, 536538

from the cast, 470

from the crew, 470

of screenplays, 127, 149, 156157

Critique sessions, 97

Cross fades, 510, 553

Crossing the line or scene axis, 57, 85, 428429, 448

Crossplot, 254, 263, 264, 461

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (Lee), 227

Cukor, George, 229

Cultural barriers, 3

Culture, mass, 8

Cumulative setup/take system, 439

Cunningham, Imogen, 147

“Cut to seagulls,” 477

Cutaway shot, 105

Cutting on action, 102

Cutting room, 7, 10, 11, 348, 489

see also Editing; Postproduction

Cutting techniques, 532



Dailies, 472, 475, 476, 478, 494

book notes, 500501

logging, 504506

reactions, 502

syncing, 500

viewing sessions, 501, 562

Daily organization, 466467

Daldry, Stephen, 78

Dances with Wolves (Costner), 495

Danish Dogme 95 cinema group, 146149, 596

Dannenbaum, Jed, Carroll Hodge, Doe Mayer, Creative Filmmaking > From the Inside Out: Five Keys to the Art of Making Inspired Movies and Television, 177, 179

Darwin, Charles, 13, 176

DAT. See Digital audiotape (DAT) sound recorders

David Copperfield (Cukor), 229

Davidson, Alan, 239

Davis, Andrew, 74

Day for Night (Truffaut), 289, 386, 466

Day-for-night shooting, 94

Days of Heaven (Malick), 77, 195, 197

de Maupassant, Guy, 160, 240

de Sica, Vittioria, 11, 196

Deacon, Lois, 482

Death of a Salesman (Benedek), 86

Death of a Salesman (Miller), 86

Death of a Salesman (Wender), 86

Decentralization, 5

Defiant Ones, The (Kramer), 208

Dehumanization, 49

Delegating by directors, 464

Deliverance (Boorman), 143, 227

Delivery mediums, 3

Democratizing film production, 10

Demy, Jacque, 228229, 402

Departments and job descriptions, 388400

art department, 398400

art director (AD), 398

construction specialists, 399

make-up and hairdressing, 400

special effects, 399

wardrobe and props, 399400

camera department, 394397

camera assistants or assistant

cinematographers (ACs), 396

camera operator, 395396

director of photography (DP), 395

gaffers and grips, 396397

direction department, 389391

director, 389390

script supervisor (continuity supervisor), 390391

postproduction department, 400

production department, 391394

assistant directors (ADs), 393394

producer, 391392

production manager (PM), 392393

sound department, 397398

sound recordist and boom operator, 397398

see also Career track

Design for directing, 143, 203

Design proposals, 354

Design. See Production design

“Designing a Movie for Sound” (Thom), 235, 546

Designing a world, 352

Determinism versus free will, 211

Deus ex machina, 217

Developing new projects, 598600

Developing Story Ideas (Rabiger), 27

Developmental process for story ideas, 3132

Diagnostic flow chart in editing, 533535, 563

Diagnostic questions in editing, 515517

Diagnostic questions for script breakdown, 421422

Diagramming film in editing, 533

Dialectical editing, 52

Dialectics. See Genre, conflict, and dialectics

Dialogue, 131, 134, 138139

shooting of, 453

versus behavior, 133134

Dialogue scene assessment form, 612613

Dialogue scene project, 110114

Dialogue sequences, overlap cut, 529530

Dialogue tracks and the problem of inconsistencies, 550551

Dickens, Charles, 223, 229

Bleak House, 335

Diegetic music, 542543

Diegetic (realistic) film sound, 235

Different angles on the same action, 6163

DigiDesign, 499

Digital audiotape (DAT) sound recorders, 4, 115, 367, 438, 453454, 521

Digital Betacam, 365

Digital camcorders, 4

Digital copying, 513

Digital editing from film dailies, 503506

Digital filmmaking, 5

Digital Nonlinear Editing (Ohanian), 504

Digital still camera, 354

Digital systems, 5

Digital video (DV) camera, 365, 511

Digital video or film with video feed, 478

Diploma mills, 574

Direct cinema experience, 67, 115

Direct continuity, 460

Directed and reflected sound, 455456


by asking questions, 321

from your own screenplay, 156

looking through the camera, 474475

persons suitable for, 712

as storytelling, 55

see also Mise en scène; Preparing a scene; Rehearsals; Shooting

Directing actors, 278284, 463472, 486

act as if nobody's present, 283

after the take, 467468

anxieties of actors, 464465

artificiality, 284

before the take, 467

business, 281

criticism and feedback, 469472

daily organization, 466467

delegating, 464

demanding more of actors, 468

dividing attention between cast and crew, 466

emotional memory, 280

emotions of actors, 282

feedback for actors, 464

focus and relaxation, 280

habits of being, 283284

losing and regaining focus, 281282

maintaining focus by doing, 279280

mannerisms, 283

mind-body connection, 280281

naturalness, 278

never demonstrate, 282

never say “be yourself,” 282

reaction shots, 469

removing obstacles, 279

run through, 467

sensory overload, 463464

set specific, positive goals, 283

setting up new shots, 468

side coaching, 469

sphere of attention, 283284

stay busy in character, 281

theater and film acting compared, 278279

see also Actors; Actors' problems; Preparing a scene

Directing the Documentary 2nd Edition (Rabiger), 69, 482, 597

Direction department, 389391

Director of photography (DP), 395, 402, 420, 432, 446, 464, 475


as active observers, 345

and actors, 1215, 42, 249

alternative routes to becoming, 12

artistic identity of, 4144

ceding control, 482

collaborations and working partnerships, 128

crediting of, 148

and dramatic presentation, 1215

editor-director, 495, 533

fulfilling authorship intentions, 479481

job description, 323, 389390

limiting responsibilities, 473

moving beyond realism, 481482

partnership with editors, 494495

professional competency of, 6

reports by, 448

as role models, 471

in shooting, 446

women and minorities, 8

writer-director (hyphenate), 145146

see also Career track; Preparing a scene; Theme identification of directors

Director's World (Cercel), 148

Dirty Dancing (Ardolino), 419

Discontinuity, 120

Discreet Smoke HD, 367

Disney, Walt, 541

Displacement, 148

Displacement principle, 255

Displacement and transformation in story idea development, 3940

Dissolves, 510, 532

Dissonance, 526

Distribution, 5

Divine forces, 23

Dmytryk, Edward, On Screen Directing, 417

Documentaries, 14, 177, 597

editors of, 489

and fiction, 85, 125

training in, 6769

Dogme Group, 146149, 596

Dollying, 419

Dollying, tracking, or trucking, 51

Dollying versus zooming into close up, 412

Don't Look Now (Roeg), 119, 221, 237, 402

Double system video, 443

Double-system recording, 439

Dr. Mabuse (Lang), 228


analyzing, 21

masks and the function of, 1516

propaganda and dialectics, 211212, 245

versus melodrama, 2223

Dramatic arcs, 18, 21

Dramatic clarity, 479

Dramatic content, 401

Dramatic Institute, Sweden, 433

“Dramatic and Melodramatic Beat Structures” (Heil), 22

Dramatic poetry, 4

Dramatic presentation and directing, 1215

Dramatic scenes, 1920

Dramatic situations, 171, 172173

Dramatic and technical quality, 478479

Dramatic tension, 331

Dramatic units, 18, 2022

rehearsals, 324, 332

Dramatizing an environment assessment form, 612

Dramaturgy, 176, 376

Dramatury essentials, 1823

beats, 1819

dramatic arcs, 21

dramatic scenes, 1920

dramatic units, 2022

Goblin Teasmade (trademark), 19

narrative functions of beats, 2223

three-act structure, 23

Draughtsman's Contract, The (Greenaway), 229

Dream journals, 29, 38

Dreaming and films, 15

Dress rehearsal, 436

Drop frame code, 364, 513514

Drowning by Numbers (Greenaway), 229

Dry run, 436

Dual points of view, 199200

Duality and conflict, 210, 244

Dubbing, 511, 547

Dumb-Waiter, The, (Pinter), 311, 344

Dupe negatives, 498

Dupont numbering, 502

Duration, rhythm, and concentration, 64, 73

DV Magazine, 363, 500, 593

DV origination for eventual film transfer, 366

DVCAM multistandard player and recorder, 368

DVD, 5, 239

DVD players, 599

Dybek, Stuart, “We Didn't,” 174

Dynamic character definition, 135136

Dynamic composition, 7475



Eden Valley (Amber Films), 166

Edge numbering, 502

Edison, Thomas, 367

Edit decision list (EDL), 10, 368, 498, 499, 503, 511, 514

Editing, 70, 143, 562

action match, 52

analysis, 533535

diagnostic flow chart, 533535

diagramming film, 533

analysis form for, 258, 259

analysis in, 7785

audience, 528529

as active participants, 528529

imagination of, 528

computerized, 4

contingency planning, 430431

continuity and expository, 52

dialectical, 52

digital editing from film dailies, 503506

ending, 538

feedback (criticism), 536538

film production, 495498

fine cut, 545546, 563564

flow, 526528

marking up the script, 506507

mechanics of, 511513

in movement, 430

as observing consciousness, 520522

online, 499500

overlap cut, 529531, 532

dialogue sequences, 529530

sequence transitions, 530531

as refreshment, 430

rough cut viewing, 519520, 563

in script breakdown, 430431

sound effects as scene elision, 531

subtexts, 522525

subtitles, 560561

sync coding film, 502

timecoding and window dub (linear video), 502503

titles, 558560, 565

trial showing, 535536

video production, 495499

visual and aural editing rhythms, 525526

see also Composers; Cutting room; First assembly editing; Postproduction; Sound

Editing assessment form, 608

Editing concepts, 514515

Editors, 489, 493

creative contribution of, 494

and diplomacy, 493

partnership with directors, 494495

role of, 493495

EDL. See Edit Decision List

Effectively small light sources, 90

Effects track (FX), 457

Effects and wild tracks, 457

Eisenstein, Sergei, 73, 152, 239, 402

Eisner, Lotte, 152

El Mariachi (Rodriguez), 128

Electricians, 446, 475

Electronic projectors, 4

Elision, 64

Emagic Logic Audio, 539

Embedded values, 177

Emotional demand order, 371

Emotional memory, 280

Emotions of actors, 282

Employer's liability, 373

Employment, 600602, 605606

English Patient, The (Minghella), 227

Enneagram, 175

Enrico, Robert, 232, 237, 239

Entertainment industry, 176

Entertainment and violence, 8

Entrepreneurial producers, 145146

Environments, 227229

exotic, 227

expressionist, 228

futuristic, 227228

and music, 228220

Epic fables, 18

Epic hero, 194


compatibility of, 367368

insurance for, 373

for postproduction, 367

testing and repairing, 363

Equipment lists, 368369

Equipment want list, 363368

Equus (Lumet), 86

Equus (Schaffer), 86

Eraserhead (Lynch), 224225

Errors and omissions insurance, 373

Establishing shot, 50, 434

E.T. (Spielberg), 228

Ethics of representation, 177179

Europe, Europa (Holland), 176

European cumulative setup/take system, 439

European PAL (Phase Alternate Line) system, 364, 367, 368, 503, 591

European producers, 391

European television, 391, 596

European video recording standard, 364, 367, 368, 503, 591

Exotic environments, 227

Expanded time, 222

Expanding and collapsing the screenplay, 170

Exposition, 257

Expressionist environments, 224, 228

External composition, 7577



f/64, 147

Faces (Cassavetes), 67

Facets Multimedia, 239

Facial affect, 175

Fades, 532

Fahrenheit451 (Truffaut), 228

Fairy tales, 228

Falk, Peter, 347

Family stories, 36, 38

Fanny and Alexander (Bergman), 196

Faraway, So Close! (Wenders), 238, 402

Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 12, 166, 325

Fat and the Lean, The/Gruby i Chudy (Polanski and Rousseau), 240, 241, 594

Fatal flaw: generalized interpretation, 263

Fatalism, 175, 176

Fatigue and morale, 470471

Fawlty Towers series, 344

Fear of changes, 287

Feedback for actors, 464, 469472

Feedback (criticism) in editing, 536538

Fellini, Federico, 12, 214

Festivals, 567, 590591, 592, 600

Feudal attitudes, 175

Fiction, 34

Fiction and the documentary, 85, 125

Fictionalizing characters, 39

Fidelity guarantee, 373

Field, Syd, 140

Fields, W.C., 208

Fiennes, Ralph, 15

Figgis, Mike, 5, 419, 433, 570

Fill light, 91

Film Directing Shot by Shot (Katz), 420

Film industry, 4

breaking into the industry, 590602

rehearsals in, 326327

Film look and video look, 414, 416

Film mixes and TV transmission, 557

Film process in editing, 508510

Film producer's indemnity, 373

Film production, 439, 442

editing, 495498

flow chart for, 442

versus video production, 3, 910, 414, 416

Film production equipment, 364

Film School Confidential: The Insider's Guide to Film Schools (Kelly and Edgar), 575

Film schools, 3, 4, 6, 572577, 604605

entrepreneurial producers, 145146

group work in, 25

lists of, 579589

and the professional system, 10

see also Beginners

Film and theater acting compared, 278279

Film without video feed, 478

Film-editing log, 504505

Filming, observational, 67

Filmmakers Magazine, 144


auteur and authorial control, 1718

defined, 34

digital, 5

independent, 57

tools of, 45


democratizing production, 10

and dreaming, 15

humane voice in, 4849

length and structure of, 348, 518

low-budget, 8, 9, 1112, 18

noir, 194

as reproductions of consciousness, 4748

short versus longer, 8, 39

see also Cinema; Movies

Films of John Cassavetes, The (Carney), 67

Final Cut Pro, Macintosh, 367, 496, 497, 511

Financial backing, 6

Fine cut in editing, 545546

Firewire or IEEE1394 socket, 366

First assembly editing, 494495, 508518, 563

editing concepts, 514515

editing mechanics, 511513

minimizing generational losses, 513

sound considerations, 512

film process, 508510

composite prints, 510

machinery, 508

picture evolution, 509510

sound track evolution, 508509

leave it to the editor, 518

prioritizing, 517518

length, 518

structure, 518

resolutions about development, 517

timecode: NTSC drop frame and non-drop

frame, 513514

linear online and offline editing, 514

video process, 511

hardware and software, 511

viewing, 515517

diagnostic questioning, 515517

interruptions, 515

second viewing, 515

see also Editing

First impressions of script, 253

First read-through in rehearsals, 320324

First timing of script, 263, 265

Fishpole boom, 455

Fitting music, 544

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 201

Fixed camera position, 4950

Fixed versus mobile camera, 403

Flash photography, 93

Flashbacks, 459

Flashforwards, 459

Flat and round characters, 229230

Fleming, Victor, 196, 219, 227, 228

Floor marks, 435

Floor (or ground) plan, 7879, 80, 99, 423425

Flow chart of scenes, 132

Flow in editing, 526528

Focus of actors, 1415

losing and regaining, 281282

maintaining focus by doing, 279280

and relaxation, 280

Foley, Jack, 547

Foley stage and recreating sync sound effects, 547548

Folk tales, 171, 196, 208

Forbidden Relations (Kovács), 404

Ford, John, 74

Foregrounded track, 107

Foreshadowing, 257

Forest Gump (Zemeckis), 218

Form, 232242, 247248, 345

Brechtian distancing and audience identification, 237238

conflict and vision, 233

and function, 77, 153

long versus short takes, 238239

motifs, 236237

aural motifs, 237

visual motifs, 237

short film forms, 239241

sound design, 235236

rhythmic design, 235236

textural design, 235

visual design, 233235

see also Style

Form and aesthetics questionnaire, 621625

Formal working structure, 387

Forman, Milos, 196

Format for screenplays, 129131

Forster, E.M., 229

Forward momentum, 217

Four Screenplays of Ingmar Bergman (Bergman), 236

Four Stories by Ingmar Bergman (Bergman), 163

Four Weddings and a Funeral (Newell), 21

400 Blows, The (Truffaut), 27, 196

Fowles, John, 86

French Lieutenant's Woman, The, 29, 160

Maggot, A, 29

Frame, Janet, 36

Frankish, John, 352

Free will versus determinism, 211

Freelancing, 595596

French Connection, The (Friedkin), 74

French Lieutenant's Woman: A Screenplay, The (Pinter), 86

French Lieutenant's Woman, The (Fowles), 29, 160

French Lieutenant's Woman, The (Reisz), 160

French New Wave, 17, 222

Freud, Sigmund, 215

Frida (Leduc), 196, 199

Friedkin, William, 74

Frontal light, 92, 93

Fugitive, The (Davis), 74

Full Frontal (Soderbergh), 5

Full Monty, The (Cattaneo), 168

Function of character, 338

Function of each scene, 335

Function and form, 77, 153

Fundraising and writing the prospectus, 179181, 190

Furniture and practical lamps, 353354

“Future of Filmmaking, The,” American Cinematographer (Nguyen), 5

Future and nonlinear time, 220221

Futurism, 208

Futuristic environments, 227228



Gabbeh (Makhmalbaf), 11

Gaffers and grips, 396397

Game for scene writing, 182187

Gangster films, 208

Gangsters, 177

Gardner, Garth, Gardner's Guide to Colleges for Multimedia and Animation, Third Edition, 575

Genealogical chart, 388

see also Departments and job descriptions

Generalized interpretation as fatal flaw, 263

Generational losses, 513

Genre, conflict, and dialectics, 204214, 244

concerned observer's world, 212214

determinism versus free will, 211

drama, propaganda, and dialectics, 211212, 245

duality and conflict, 210, 244

genre and dramatic archetypes, 207210

genre and point of view, 206207

lottery winner film, 213314

microcosm and macrocosm, 210211, 245

observer into storyteller, 214

options, 205

significance of the visible, 204205

survival film, 213

types of genre, 207208

Genre movies, 148

George III, 36

German Expressionist cinema, 14, 195, 228

Ghobadi, Bahman, 11

Gilliam, Terry, 228, 238

Given circumstances, 253254, 328, 336

Glossary, 627642

Go-Between, The (Losey), 197, 229, 541

Goals in directing actors, 283

Goblin Teasmade (trademark), 19

Godard, Jean-Luc, 120, 160, 199, 200, 208, 209, 214, 221, 222, 228, 238, 239, 241

Going and returning techniques, 97104

Gold, Jack, 348

Goldfinger (Hamilton), 400

Gone with the Wind (Fleming), 227

Gophers, 449

Gosford Park (Altman), 95, 142, 200, 520

Grab-shooting, 395

Graded rolls, 510

Graduated tonality, 88, 90

Grammar. See Screen grammar

Graphic representation, 432

Graphics in script interpretation, 257263

Greek drama, 13, 18

Greek mythology, 36

Green screen, 355

Greenaway, Peter, 216, 229, 238

Griffith, D.W., 223, 227

Grimm brothers, 228

Grips, 396397, 446, 475

Grosz, George, 228

Ground plan, 7879, 80, 99

Groundhog Day (Ramis), 223

Growth and change in characters, 136137

Guardian Weekly, 170

Guide tracks, 540

Gun mikes, 454

“Gypsy Blood” (Sanders), 365



Habits of being, 283284

Hairdressers, 353, 400, 446

Hallowe'en (Carpenter), 226, 237

Hallström, Lasse, 350, 351352, 353

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 278

Hammid, Deren, Maya, and Alexander, 239

Hand boom, 455

Hand props, 460

Handheld cameras, 148, 364

Haneke, Michael, 34

Hard lighting, 90

Hard textured background, 414

Hardy, Thomas, 97, 237

Harmony, 5225

Harris, Joanne, Chocolat, 351

Heavyworks, 511

Heil, Douglas, “Dramatic and Melodramatic Beat Structures,” 22

Held shots, 4950

Hepburn, Katharine, 227

Heraclitus, 26

Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell), 171, 173174

Hero's journey, 171, 173174

Herrmann, Bernard, 541

Herzog, Werner, 12, 152, 196197, 269

Hi8, 511

Hi-res (high resolution), 499

High Hopes (Leigh), 163

High-contrast picture, 88, 89, 91

High-definition (HD) video camera, 9, 410, 511

High-definition video camera, Sony CineAlta, 5, 6, 365, 366

High-key picture, 88, 89

Hill, George, 208

Hindus, 25

Hiroshima Mon Amour (Resnais), 220

History for story ideas, 3536

Hitchcock, Alfred, 199, 214, 226, 238, 402, 493, 541, 542

Hobbes, Thomas, 234

Hoffman, Dustin, 86, 319

Holland, Agnieszka, 176

Hollywood as a model, 1011, 12

Holocaust, 208

Home theaters, 9

Homer, Odyssey, 64, 201

Hope and Glory (Boorman), 34, 140, 196

Horror genre, 14

Hotel (Figgis), 5

How to Read a Film (Monaco), 207208

Hudson, Hugh, 222

Hughes, John, 208

Hugo, Adéle, 27

Human awareness shifts, 532

Human condition, 35, 209

Human eye versus camera eye, 409410

Humane voice in films, 4849

Husbands (Cassavetes), 67

Huston, John, 227

Hypercardioid or gun mikes, 454

Hyphenate (writer-director or editor-director), 145146, 495, 533

Hytner, Nicholas, 370



I Ching, 182

Icons of cultures, 36

Idea clustering, 150

Ideal actors, 285

Ideation in story development, 31, 3234

Idiots, The (von Trier), 5, 147

Il Postino (Radford), 34

i.LINK 1394 DV in/out cable, 513

Illusion, 191

Image design, 401

Imax, 5, 9

Immigrant civilization, 176

Implied points of view, 198199

Improvisation, 114118

in casting, 274

exercises for, 249

script developed from, 164166

and script order, 370

techniques of, 67

video novel, 166168

see also Learning about acting

Improvised scene assessment form, 614615

In the White City (Tanner), 163

Inappropriate humor, 288289

Incoming shots, 430

Inconsistent voice qualities, 551

Inconsistent backgrounds, 551

Independent filmmaking, 57

Indirect continuity, 460

Indirect costs, 363

Individual worth, 13, 25

Inner life of characters, 341343

Insert shot, 105

Insurances, 373

Intellectual property, 373

Intensity and fatigue, 470471

Interior monologue, 106, 284, 313314

Interior monologue assessment form, 610611

Interior voice of character, 338

Internal censor, 158

Internal and external composition, 7577

International association of film schools, 146

International cinema, 1112

International Film Schools Association affiliated schools, 580589

Internet, 159

movies on demand, 5, 9

short film examples on, 9, 239

Internships, 146, 593

Interpositive process, 498

Interpreting a text, 132

Interview in casting, 274

Ironic juxtaposition, 257

Italian commedia del arte, 13

Ivan the Terrible (Eisenstein), 73



Jackson, Peter, 18, 399

Jam-synch (synchronize), 457

James, Henry, 66

Janacek, Leos, 64

Jane Eyre (Bronte), 161

Jarecki, Nicholas, Breaking In: How 20 Movie Directors Got Their First Start, 575

Jean-Luc Godard (Roud), 241

Jetée, La/The Jetty/The Pier (Marker), 232, 240

Jeunet, Jean-Pierre, 222, 405406

Jews, 36

Job descriptions. See Departments and job descriptions

Job listings, 579

Jonah Who Will Be 25 in the Year 2000 (Tanner), 163, 164, 200, 238

Jonze, Spike, 227


dream, 29, 38

personal, 35

Journey of the Eagle (Troell), 221

Jules and Jim (Truffaut), 27, 195, 197

Jump cuts, 120

Jung, Carl, 215

Jur, Jeff, 419

Jürges, Jürgen, 402

Juxtaposing of shots, 5153



Kabuki theater, 13

Kael, Pauline, Citizen Kane Book: Raising Kane, The, 86

Kafka, Franz

Metamorphosis, 256

Trial, 229

Kahlo, Frida, 196, 199

Katz, Steven, Film Directing Shot by Shot, 420

Kazan, Elia, 86

Keaton, Buster, 208

Kelly, Gene, 227, 229

Kelly, Karin and Tom Edgar, Film School Confidential: The Insider's Guide to Film Schools, 575

Kem, 504

Key grips, 396

Key light, 90

Key scenes and scheduling for performances, 370371

Keycode (trademark), 363, 498, 503, 504

Kiarastami, Abbas, 196, 214

Kiarostami, Abbas, 11

Kimbrell, Marketa, 32

Kluge, 238

Knowing narrator, 194

Kodak's student program Web site, 363, 500

Kokoschka, Oskar, 228

Kopple, Barbara, 166

Korty, John, 160

Kovács, Zsolt Kézdi, 404

Kragh-Jacobsen, Søren, 146147

Kramer, Stanley, 208

Kubrick, Stanley, 73, 228, 350, 351, 353



L cuts, 529

Lady in the Lake, The (Montgomery), 195

Lamorisse, Albert, 240

Lang, Fritz, 224, 227, 228

Lange, Jessica, 162

Language barriers, 3

Language. See Screen language

Lap cuts, 529

Last Year in Marienbad (Resnais), 221

Laurel and Hardy, 208

Lavalier or body mikes, 454

Lawson, John Howard, Theory and Technique of Playwriting, 331, 335

Laying music tracks, 551

Lazan, David S., 351

Leadership, 78

Leadership hierarchy, 148

Lean, David, 229, 400, 419


by experience, 125

by experiment, 3

from other people’s work, 599600

lines, 321, 339

the scene, 339

Learning about acting, 291310

acting and doing, 291292

improvisation, 292297

actors learning from, 292293

analyzing beats and dramatic units, 295

directors learning from, 293295

journaling, 295

value of, 292

improvisation exercises, 297310

blind date, 308309

bridging emotions, 306

developing an emotion, 305306

domestic appliance, 298

duo, no words, 302

duo, with words, 304

ensemble situations, 305

flying blind, 298299

gibberish, 302303

inner conflict, 309

make your own character, 304305

mirror images, 299300

see or be seen, 297

solo, no words, 301

solo, with words, 303304

surfing the channels, 306207

thrown together, 309310

timber!, 299

video convention, 307308

who, what, when, and where?, 300301

text exercises, 312318

actions at beat points, 315

characterizing the beats, 314315

give me too much!, 315316

improvising an interior monologue, 313314

let's be British, 316

marking beats in a text, 312313

spot check, 316

switching characters, 317

translating a scene into an improvisation, 317318

texts, 311312

developmental process, 311312

read through, 311

“useful when,” 312

see also Acting; Actors; Improvisation

Learning environment, 4

Leaving Las Vegas (Figgis), 419, 433

Leduc, Paul, 196, 199

Lee, Ang, 227

Lee, Spike, 5

Legends, 36, 227

Legrand, Michel, 229, 541

Leigh, Janet, 226

Leigh, Mike, 12, 163, 168, 319

Leitmotif, 237, 540

Length of films, 348, 518

Lens speed, 417

Lens types, 410411

Lenses and image texture, 412414

Leotard, Philippe, 275

Levring, Christian, 146

Libraries, 159

Life events, 2430

Life is Sweet (Leigh), 163, 168

Life issues, 27

Lighting, 70, 370

analysis of, 8795

special, 148

with stand-ins, 435

Lighting terminology, 8894

contrast, 88, 90

quality of light, 90

ratio, 92

setup of lighting, 9294

sources of lighting, 9091

style of lighting, 88

Lightworks, 496, 511

Like Father (Amber Films), 166

Line producers, 391

Linear editing, 511

Linear online and offline editing, 514

Linear time, 220

Linear writing, 150151

Lines and insecurity, 286287

Lines of responsibility, 388

see also Departments and job descriptions

Lines of tension, 5557, 427

Linklater, Rick, 5, 216, 235

Literal time, 222223

Literary storyteller, 54


points of view in, 193194

see also Adaptation from literature

Literature and Film (Richardson), 204

Live music session, 544

Living Desert, The (Disney), 541542

Lloyd, Harold, 208

Lo-res (low resolution), 499

Loach, David, 12

Location exigencies, 417418

Location exploitation project, 107110

Location order, 370

Location rehearsing, 346347

Location shooting, 147, 148

Location sound, 451458, 486487

atmosphere loops, 451, 457

automatic dialogue replacement (ADR), 451, 457

monitor all recorded sound, 451

recording requirements, 455457

ambient sound and presence tracks, 456

directed and reflected sound, 455456

effects and wild tracks, 457

smart slate, 457

sound source to microphone distances, 456

sounds on the set, 456457

scouting locations, 452453

sound equipment, 453455

boom, 455

microphones, 454455

mixing desk, 455

recorders, 453454

sound theory, 451452

soundscapes, 458

unwanted location ambience, 453

Web site, 451, 452

see also Music; Sound

Location visiting, 356

Long versus short takes, 238239

Long- or short-term choices in casting, 273

Long-take method, 402

Looping, 451, 457, 508, 547

Lord of the Rings (Jackson), 18, 399

Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 18

Losey, Joseph, 197, 229, 541

Lossy codecs, 513

Lost Honor of Katharina Blum, The (Boll), 220

Lottery winner film, 213314

Love scenes, 15

Low-budget films, 8, 9

differences in priorities, 1112

drama in the familiar, 18

Low-contrast picture, 90

Low-key picture, 88, 89

Lucas, George, 5, 18, 208, 228, 366

Lumet, Sidney, 86

Lumiére, Louis and Auguste, 66

Lunch Date, The (Davidson), 239

Luther, Martin, 36

Lynch, David, 73, 95, 214, 224, 228, 235, 241, 351



M*A*S*H (Altman), 520

M & E tracks. See Music and effects tracks

McClaren, Norman, 232

Machinery for editing film, 508

Macintosh Final Cut Pro, 367

Mackie, 455

Macrocosm and microcosm, 210211, 245, 322

Madness of King George, The (Hytner), 370

Maggot, A (Fowles), 29

Magic hour, 94

Magnolia (Anderson), 201

Maintenance tools, 368

Make-up and hairdressers, 353, 400, 446

Makhmalbaf, Mohsen, 11

Malick, Terence, 77, 195, 197, 199

Malkovich, John, 227

Mamet, David, On Directing Film, 152, 214, 405

Man against himself, 329

Man against man, 329

Man against nature, 329

Mannerisms, 283

Mansfield, Jane, 547


March, Fredric, 86

Marker, Chris, 232, 240

Marketability, 599

Marking up the script for editing, 506507

Marriage of Maria Braun (Fassbinder), 166

Martin, Steve, 208

Marzaroli, Louise, 352


actors, 13, 14

and the function of drama, 1516

Masks of God, The (Campbell), 171

Mass culture, 8

Mass entertainment, 3

Master shot, 434

Match cut rules, 102

Match-edit, 503

Matchback process, 10

Matchbook conforming, 498

Maurits Binger Film Institute, 596

Measuring progress, 481

Media 100, 496, 511

Medieval Christian mystery plays, 13

Medieval morality plays, 18

Medium of origination, 365

Melodrama versus drama, 2223

Memento (Nolan), 223

Memory and sequence, 6465

Men of Honor (Tillman and Teitel), 25

Mendes, Sam, 350, 353

Mentors, 593

Menzel, Jiri, 198

Meshes of the Afternoon (Denen, Maya, and Alexander Hammid), 239

Metamorphosis (Kafka), 256

Metaphorical characters, 231

Metaphorical writing, 15

Metaphors and symbols, 140141

Metropolis (Lang), 224, 227

Metzner, Ernö, 240

Michaud, Paul, 27

Mickey Mousing, 541

Microcosm and macrocosm, 210211, 245, 322

Micromanagement, 392

Microphones, 454455

Middle class, 177

Middle of the World, The (Tanner), 221, 275

MIDI. See Musical Instrument Digital Interface

Miller, Arthur, 86, 156

Miller, Pat P., Script Supervising and Film Continuity, 459

Mime, 13

Mind-body connection, 280281

Minelli, Vincent, 227

Minghella, Anthony, 227

Minimizing and story tension, 155156

Minorities, 8, 177

Mise en scéne, 143, 203, 327, 335, 401419, 485486

aspect ratio, 410

backgrounds, 418

camera eye versus human eye, 409410

camera height, 417

camera as instrument of revelation, 418

camera movements, 417, 419

camera as observing consciousness, 404405

camera-to-subject distance, 412, 414

compromises, 408409

film look and video look, 414, 416

fixed versus mobile camera, 403

lens speed, 417

lens types, 410411

lenses and image texture, 412414

location exigencies, 417418

long-take method, 402

perspective, 411412, 414

point of view, 407408

purpose, 401402

relatedness: separating or integrating by shot, 403404

scene design, 406407

short-take method, 403

simplicity in filming, 404, 419

speed compromises for the camera, 418

storyteller's point of view, 405406

study the masters, 419

subjective or objective camera presense, 403

surveying the film, 402406

work within your means, 419

zooming versus dollying into close up, 412

see also Shooting

Misperceptions, 343344

Miss Julie (Figgis), 433

Mix chart, 552555

Mix and match actors in casting, 275

Mixing desk, 455

Mobile versus fixed camera, 403

Models, 355

Modern Times (Chaplin), 228

Monaco, James, 195

How to Read a Film, 207208

Monitoring all recorded sound, 451

Monitoring dialogue, 461

Monitoring progress, 477483, 487

Monologues, 271272

Monroe, Marilyn, 289

Monster lighting, 91

Montage, 520

Montgomery, Robert, 195

Mood creation, 151, 257, 353

Moral propaganda, 39

Morale, fatigue, and intensity, 470471

Morality plays, 18

Moravia, Alberto, 160

Motifs, 236237

Mouchette (Bresson), 11

Movement and action, 340

Movements that lead to regrouping, 429430

Movie Magic (software), 362


on demand, 5, 9

see also Cinema; Films

Moviola, 496, 504

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 229, 541

MTV, 222, 402, 403

Much Ado About Nothing (Branagh), 278

Mulligan, Robert, 197

Multi-disciplinary medium, 7

Multiple points of view, 200201

Mummers, 13

Munch, Edvard, 228

Munich action-theatre, 166

Murch, Walter, 546

Muriel (Resnais), 220

Murnau, F.W., 228

Murphy's Law, 372, 395

Music, 147, 247248, 508, 512, 564

adding, 109110

diegetic, 542543

and environments, 228220

non-diegetic, 542543

setting shots to, 103104

see also Composers; Sound

Music assessment form, 609

Music cue list, 540541

Music and effects tracks (M & E tracks), 557

Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI), 499, 513, 539, 540, 543, 544

Musicals, 228229

Mystery of Kasper Hauser, The (Herzog), 196197, 269

Mystery plays, 13

Mythic Image, The (Campbell), 171

Myths, 1516, 36, 171



Nagra recorders, 367, 438, 453

Naive narrator, 194

Naked (Leigh), 163

Narration or voice-over, 550

Narrative functions of beats, 2223

Narrative types, 194

Narrow lighting, 92, 93

Narrow (telephoto) angle of acceptance, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415

Narrowcast, 5

Nashville (Altman), 84, 200

National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) system, 364, 366, 367, 368, 503, 514, 591

Naturalness, 278

Naudet, Gedeon, 51

Naudet, Jules, 51

Nazis, 36

Neal, Brian, 458

Negative cutting (conforming), 498

Negative insurance, 373

Neighbors (McClaren), 232

Newell, Mike, 21

Newspapers for story ideas, 35

Nguyen, Tommy, “Future of Filmmaking, The,” 5

Nichols, Mike, 86

Night So Long, A (Pion), 130

Night-for-night shooting, 94

9/11 (Jules and Gedeon Naudet), 51

Nixon, Richard, 309

NLE database, 500

NLE systems, 366, 495497

No Lies (Block), 239

Nolan, Christopher, 223

Non-diegetic music, 542543

Non-diegetic sound, 237

Non-drop frame code, 364, 513514

Non-professional actors, 1112

Non-realistic presentation versus realistic presentation, 1315, 212

Nonlinear editing (NLE) systems, 366, 495497, 511, 512, 518

Nonlinear time

and the conditional tense, 221

and the future, 220221

and the past, 220

Normal angle of acceptance, 411, 413, 414, 415

Norse sagas, 64

Northanger Abbey (Austen), 263, 264

Nosferatu (Murnau), 228

Notes on Cinematography (Bresson), 225

Novalis, 134

Novels, 3, 159, 191

NTSC. See National Television Standards Committee

Nuclear attack, 208

Nyman, Michael, 229



O Brother Where Art Thou? (Ethan and Joel Coen), 201

Objectivity and subjectivity, 63

Obligatory moment, 332, 335

Observational filming, 67, 114

Observer. See Concerned observer

Observing consciousness

camera as, 404405

editing as, 520522

Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge, An (Enrico), 232, 237, 239

Odyssey (Homer), 64, 201

Offline editing, 499500, 514

Offline video editing machines, 511

Ohanian, Thomas, Digital Nonlinear Editing, 504

Oliver Twist (Lean), 229, 400, 419

Omniscient storyteller, 193194, 195, 226

On Directing Film (Mamet), 152, 214, 405

On Screen Directing (Dmytryk), 417

Online editing, 499500, 514

Onmidirectional mikes, 454

Onscreen length and maintaining time, 348

Open versus closed scripts, 133

Opera, 13

Oppositional characters, 229

Optical effects, 498

Oral history, 36

Oral storyteller, 54

Oral tradition, 204

Organizational chart, 388

see also Departments and job descriptions

Original Kings of Comedy, The (Lee), 5

Original screenplay, 86

Osborne, John, 36

Outcomes assessment forms, 45, 607620

blocking, acting, and camerawork, 609610

dialogue scene, 612613

dramatizing an environment, 612

editing, 608

improvised scene, 614615

interior monologue, 610611

music, 609

parallel storytelling, 615617

scene writing, 617620

Outgoing shots, 430

Over-intellectualizing, 288

Overlap cut, 529531, 532

dialogue sequences, 529530

sequence transitions, 530531

Overscheduling, 371372

Overwriting, 132133

Ozu, Yasujiro, 49, 222, 223



P + S Technik Mini35 Adapter, 416

Pakula, Alan, 195, 419

PAL (Phase Alternate Line) system, 364, 367, 368, 503, 591

Palette (colors), 353

Palingenesia (continuous recurrence of birth), 171

Pan shots, 51

Panahi, Jafar, 11, 222223

Panasonic AG-DVX100 camera, 366

Panasonic equipment, 367

Panavision, 364, 365

Panning of camera, 55

Parable, 218

Parallel storytelling, 118120, 257

Parallel storytelling assessment forms, 615617

Parallel time, 223

Paris, Texas (Wenders), 140, 196, 234

Partie de Campagne, Une/A Day in the Country (Renoir), 240

Pas de Deux (McClaren), 232

Passivity, 175, 176

Past and nonlinear time, 220

Pather Panchali (Ray), 196

Paths to director, 592597

Penn, Arthur, 199

People of color, 177

Perceptions of acting, 285

Perfectionism, 150

Performances, stylized, 229230

Personal assumptions, 154155

Personal journal, 35

Personal qualities, 569571, 591592

Personal quest, 30

Personality Types (Riso and Hudson), 175

Perspective in shooting, 411412, 414

Peter and the Wolf (Prokofiev), 237

Phone applicants, 270

Physical continuity, 461462

Piano Teacher, The (Haneke), 34

Piano, The (Campion), 36, 37, 140, 196

Pickpocket (Bresson), 11

Pickup shots, 447

Picture composition analysis, 7077

Picture evolution, 509510

Pierrot le Fou (Godard), 199, 200

Pinter, Harold

Dumb-Waiter, The, 311, 344

French Lieutenant's Woman: A Screenplay, The, 86

Pion, Lynise, 130

Piracy, 5

Pitch bending, 499

Pitching your work, 127, 143144

Pixels, 366

Pixote (Babenco), 196, 197

Placing marks, 435

Planes, Trains and Automobiles (Hughes), 208

Planet of the Apes (Schaffner), 208

Plato, 598

Platoon (Stone), 211

Plays, 86, 159

Playwriting: The Structure of Action (Smiley), 22

Plot, 139, 216217, 245246

Plot beats, 22

Plot points, 140, 215, 257

Plot-driven narrative, 194

Plot-driven stories, 139, 151

Points of view, 35, 45, 4849, 5254, 193203

alternative, 113114

audience, 202, 203

authorial, 5859, 201202, 203

biographical, 196197

and blocking, 8485

character within the film, 197198

character within the story, 194

checklist, 243

controlling, 195196, 202203

dual, 199200

in film, 194203

for filming, 407408

and genre, 206207

implied, 198199

in literature, 193194

multiple, 200201

narrative types, 194

omniscient storyteller, 193194

and script breakdown, 427

in script interpretation, 262263

shot, 58

shots, 105

subsidiary characters,’ 203

unacceptable, 5960

variations, 196

Polanski, Roman, 225, 226, 237, 240, 241, 594

Political propaganda, 18

Polonsky, Abraham, 237

Polti, Georges, Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations, The, 171, 172173

Pornography, 8, 9

Post-synchronizing, 508

Post-synchronizing dialogue, 547

Postproduction, 9, 11, 143, 489565

checklist, 562565

composers, 564

dailies, 562

diagnostic methods, 563

editing in general, 562

fine cut, 563564

first assembly, 563

rough cut, 563

sound effects and music, 564

sound mix, 564

titles, 565

trial audience, 564

equipment for, 367

overview, 497502

personnel, 493495

director-editors, 495

editor's role, 493495

see also Cutting room; Editing

Postproduction department, 400

POV. See Points of view

Power, 177

Power abuse, 25

Practical lamps, 353354

Practical lighting, 91, 92, 354

Preaching, 18, 128

Premise of screenplay, 142, 142153, 256

Premixing, 555

Preparing a scene, 328344

actor, 336339

action and lines of character, 336337

active verbs, 337

adaptation of character, 338

backstory, 336

beats, 338

biography of character, 336

function of character, 338

given circumstances, 336

interior voice of character, 338

thematic purpose, 338339

what are other characters trying to do to

me or get from me?, 337338

what is my character trying to get or do?, 337

director, 328336

backstory, 328

beats, 331332

character's rhythm, 335

dramatic tension, 331

dramatic units, 332

function of each scene, 335

given circumstances, 328

nature of acts, 329

nature of characters, 329

nature of conflict, 329331

obligatory moment, 332, 335

subtexts, 333335

thematic purpose, 336

rehearsing with the book, 339340

learning the scene, 339

movement and action, 340

order of scenes, 339

rehearsal space, 339

rehearsing without the book, 340344

adaptation between characters, 343

inner life of characters, 341343

reactions, 343

significance of space, 341

subtext, 344

thought and will into action, 340341

useful misperceptions, 343344

see also Rehearsals

Preproduction, 249380

checklist, 375380

Preproduction indemnity, 373

Preproduction meeting, 249

Preproduction party, 464

Prescriptive writing, 150

Presence tracks, 106, 107, 456

Present tense, 60

Prioritizing in editing, 517518

Processing labs, 368

Producer, 391392

Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video (Rea and Irving), 239

Production, 381487

Production checklist, 484487

authorship and monitoring progress, 487

directing actors, 486

location sound, 486487

mise en scene, 485486

planning on paper, 484

preparing to shoot, 485

scheduling and reconnaissance, 484

script supervision, 487

shooting, 485

Production design, 350355, 380

blue or green screen, 355

costumes, 352

designing a world, 352

examples for discussion, 350352

make-up and hairdressing, 353

models, 355

moods, 353

palette (colors), 353

proposing a design, 354

questionnaire for, 354

showing ideas, 352

sound, 352

walls, furniture, practical lamps, 353354

Production manager (PM), 392393, 464

Production meeting, 356374, 380

agreement on budget and schedule, 372

caveats, 372

expect the worst, 372

test it first, 372

cost flow and cost reporting, 373

crew contracts, 374

draft budget, 356363

draft schedule, 356

equipment lists, 368369

equipment want list, 363368

acquisition on film, 364

acquisition on video, 364367

caution, 367368

postproduction, 367

sound, 367

testing and repairing equipment, 363

insurances, 373

production party, 374

production stills, 369

scheduling the shoot, 369372

allocation of shooting time per scene, 371

emotional demand order, 371

key scenes and scheduling for

performances, 370371

location order, 370

script order, 370

under- or overscheduling, 371372

weather or other contingency coverage, 371

troubleshooting, 356

Production party, 374

Production stills, 369

Professional competency of directors, 6

Professional and student productions compared, 1011

Professionals, 290

Progressive scan mode, 366


seeing with a moviemaker's eye, 7095

for theme identification of directors, 2729

Prokofiev, Sergei, 237

Propaganda and dialectics, 211212, 245

Props, 399400

Prospectus, 179181

Prosumer camcorders, 513

ProTools software, 367, 499, 545, 550

Proust, Marcel, 66

Providence (Resnais), 196, 198

Psycho (Hitchcock), 199, 226, 541

Psychoacoustics, 546

Psychotherapy, 27

Public or third party liability, 373

Pudovkin's categories of juxtaposition, 52, 53

Pull-down mode, 504

Pulp Fiction (Tarantino), 84, 160, 201

Punctuality, 289



Quality of the edited piece, 478479

Que Viva Mexico (Eisenstein), 73

Questionnaire for production design, 354

QuickTime format, 539, 543

Quinn, Aidan, 14, 347

Quinn, Declan, 419



Rabiger, Michael

Developing Story Ideas, 27

Directing the Documentary 2nd Edition, 69, 482, 597

Rabiger, Paul, 539

Radford, Michael, 34

Ramis, Harold, 223

Raw materials in story idea development, 3439

Ray, Satyajit, 196

Rea, Peter and David K. Irving, Producing and Directing the Short Film and Video, 239

Reader's scripts, 131 Reading, 15

Reading from script in auditions, 274

Real and subjective time, 223

Realistic versus non-realistic presentation, 1315

Rear Window (Hitchcock), 199

Recorders, 453454

Recording requirements, 455457

Reflected sound, 455, 455456

Regional film production, 166168

Regrouping movements, 429430

Rehearsals, 249, 265, 319327, 378379

amount of, 347348

at actual location, 346347

beats and dramatic units, 324

before the camera rolls, 433436

blocking, 346

blocking and first rehearsal, 434435

with the book, 339340

cast research, 320

characters' background development, 323

directing by asking questions, 321

director as active observer, 345

documentary coverage of fiction film, 69

dress, 436

dry run, 436

in the film industry, 326327

final rehearsals, 345349

first meeting, 320

first read-through, 320324

first setup and lineup, 434

first walk through, 434, 435436

form, 345346

for inexperienced casts, 162

learning lines, 321

lighting with stan-ins, 435

negative traits, 320

for non-professional actors, 11, 12

note taking, 321

one scene at a time, 324

one-on-one work with actors, 323324

onscreen length and maintaining time, 348

placing marks, 435

planning and scheduling, 320

preparation for, 263

problems in, 311

rigging the stage, 434

sound, 556

space for, 339

thematic purpose focus, 322323

top-level problems, 324

trial movie, 349

videotaping, 324326

without the book, 340344

see also Preparing a scene

Reisz, Karel, 160

Relatedness, 428

separating or integrating by shot, 403404

Relaxed acting, 13 Release prints, 498

Release script, 86

Religion, 25, 176, 204

Religious texts, 218

Renoir, Jean, 240

Repair tools, 363, 368

Repulsion (Polanski), 225, 226

Researching to be a storyteller, 6667

Resnais, Alain, 12, 196, 198, 214, 220, 221

Resolution, 20, 23

Resources, monitoring, 477478

Resumes, 600

Retrograde time, 223

Retrospective view, 35

Return of the Native, The (Gold), 348

Reverberation, 452

Revolution, 176

Rewriting, 149150, 158

Rhys, Jean, Wide Sargasso Sea, The, 161

Rhythm, 64

visual, 73

Rhythmic interplay, 525

Rhythmic patterns, 64

Rhythmic sound design, 235236

Richardson, Lucy, 352

Richardson, Robert, Literature and Film, 204

Richardson, Tony, 198

Rigging the stage, 434

Riso, Don Richard and Russ Hudson, Personality Types, 175

Rivette, Jacques, 234

Rodriguez, Robert, 128

Roeg, Nicholas, 119, 221, 237, 402

Roemer, Michael, Telling Stories: Postmodernism and the Invalidation of Traditional Narrative, 191, 216

Roll camera. See Shooting

Romantic entanglements, 289

Romeo and Juliet (Shakespeare), 161

Room tone, 106, 107, 456

Roommates (Yates), 347

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 282

Rope (Hitchcock), 238, 402

Rosenbaum, Jonathan, 223

Rosenblum, Ralph, When the Shooting Stops … the Cutting Begins, 495, 526

Rosi, Francesco, 11

Roud, Richard, Jean-Luc Godard, 241

Rough cut viewing, 519520

Round and flat characters, 229230

Rousseau, Jean-Pierre, 240

Rowlands, Gena, 165

Run camera, 436

see also Shooting

Run through, 467

Running lines, 435

Rushes, 472, 475



Safety copies, 557

Salinger, J.D., Catcher in the Rye, The, 160

Salvatore Giuliano (Rosi), 11

Sample reels, 597, 600

Sanders, Samantha, 365

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 285

Satellites, 5, 9

Saura, Carlos, 196

Savage Eye, The (Strick), 229

Scene axis essentials, 5558

Scene breakdown. See Script breakdown

Scene design, 406407

Scene dialectics, 481

Scene writing assessment form, 617620

Scene-writing exercises, 182187

see also Screenwriting; Writing process

Scene/setup/take system, 438

Scenes, dramatic, 1920

Schaffer, Peter, 86

Schaffner, Franklin, 208

Schedule for production, 356, 372

Scheduling the shoot, 369372, 431432, 484

allocation of shooting time per scene, 371

emotional demand order, 371

key scenes and scheduling for performances, 370371

location order, 370

script order, 370

under- or overscheduling, 371372

weather or other contingency coverage, 371

Schindler's List (Spielberg), 15, 36, 208

Schlesinger, John, 221

Schöndorff, Volker, 196 (or Schlondorff • •)

Schygulla, Hanna, 166

Sci-fi films, 208

Scorsese, Martin, 59, 224, 228

Scott, Ridley, 208, 228

Scouting locations, 452453

Scratch cast, 157158

Screen direction and angles, 6063

Screen grammar, 4769, 121

abstraction, 63

authorial point of view, 5859

camera movements, 5051

pan shots, 51

static position, 50

tilt shots, 51

zooming, 51

concerned observer and storyteller, 5455

duration, rhythm, and concentration, 64

fixed camera position, 4950

brief shots, 49

close shots, 50

held shots, 4950

wide shots, 50

juxtaposing of shots, 5153

point of view, 5254

scene axis essentials, 5558

the actor and the acted upon, 5758

crossing the line or scene axis, 57

lines of tension, 5557

screen direction and angles, 6063

changing screen direction, 6061

different angles on the same action, 6163

sequence and memory, 6465

subjectivity and objectivity, 63

subtext, 58

shot denotation and connotation, 58

shot point of view, 58

transitions and transitional devices, 65

traveling camera movements, 51

crab dollying, 51

craning, 51

dollying, tracking, or trucking, 51

unacceptable point of view, 5960

see also Screen language

Screen language, 3, 47

see also Screen grammar

Screencraft, 31, 45123

checklist for, 121123

screen grammar, 4769, 121

seeing with a moviemaker's eye, four study projects, 7095, 121122

shooting projects, 96120, 122123

see also Story idea development

Screenplays, 188189

criticism of, 127

difficulty of reading, 128129

expanding and collapsing, 170

form confusions, 131132

format for, 129131

foundations, 141142

premise, 142

step outline, 141142

treatment, 142

original, 131132

readings of, 158

standard forms, 129132

subjects for, 127128

subjects to avoid, 39, 128

verbal blueprints, 129, 132

see also Screenwriting; Script interpretation

Screenwriters, collaboration with, 127

Screenwriter's Forum, 144

Screenwriting, 127142

behavior versus dialogue, 133134

cinematic qualities, 134141

characters “doing or getting,” 134135

conflict, growth, and change, 136137

dialogue, 131, 134, 138139

dynamic character definition, 135136

metaphors and symbols, 140141

planning action, 137138

plot, 139

plot points, 140

static character definition, 135

cost of, 10

deciding on subjects, 127128

difficulty of reading scripts, 128129

directing from one's own, 127129

format, 129131

foundations, 141142

premise, 142

step outline, 141142

treatment, 142

open versus closed scripts, 133

overwriting, 132133

preparing to interpret a text, 132

resources for, 144

script form confusions, 131132

split page or TV screenplay format, 131, 154

standard script forms, 129132

trap for the unwary, 131

Web sites, 144

workshops, 144

see also Scene-writing exercises; Screenplays; Script interpretation; Writing process

Script breakdown, 420432, 484

camera placement, 427430

axes or lines of tension, 427

crossing the scene axis, 428429

movements that lead to regrouping, 429430

no rules, only awareness, 428

relatedness, 428

sightlines and lines of tension, 428

subjective and objective, 427428

in continuity, 459461

coverage planning, 422426

floor plan and storyboard, 423425

important aspects, 422423

script breakdown, 425

crib sheets, 431

diagnostic questions, 421422

editing, 430431

contingency planning, 430431

in movement, 430

as refreshment, 430

keeping track, 432

scheduling the shoot, 431432

Script interpretation, 70, 253265, 375, 378

ambivalence or behavioral contradictions, 255

breakdown or crossplot, 254, 263, 264

determine the givens, 253254

displacement principle, 255

establishing characters and motives, 255

fatal flaw: generalized interpretation, 263

first impressions, 253

first timing, 263, 265

graphics, 257263

block diagrams, 257260

tension and beats, 260262

point of view, 262263

premise or thematic purpose, 256

rehearsal preparation, 263

silent film action, 254

subtexts, 254

three-act structure, 256

see also Screenplays; Screenwriting

Script order, 370

Script Supervising and Film Continuity (Miller), 459

Script supervisor (continuity supervisor), 390391, 432, 446, 487

Script supervisor reports, 448

Script supervisor's positioning, 462

Scripted scene compared with film outcome, 8587

Scriptwriting. See Screenwriting

Search-motivated camera movement, 50

Secular narrative, 176

Security spyglass, 411

Seeing with a moviemaker's eye, four study projects, 7095, 121122

project 51: picture composition analysis, 7077

analysis format, 7071

dynamic composition, 7475

form and function, 77

internal and external composition, 7577

static composition, 7173

strategy for study, 71

visual rhythm, 73

project 52: editing analysis, 7785

analysis format, 78

character and camera blocking, 85

fiction and the documentary, 85

first viewing, 78

floor (or ground) plan, 7879

point of view and blocking, 8485

strategy for study, 7985

project 53: scripted scene compared with

film outcome, 8587

comparison, 87

study of film version, 87

study materials, 86

study of original, 86

project 54: lighting analysis, 8795

strategy for study, 9495

terminology, 8894

Self-assessment, 567

Self-effacing storyteller, 193

Self-evaluation, 10

Self-help, 577

Self-inventory project, 28

Self-knowledge, 7

Self-recognition, 27

Semester in LA program, 146, 593

Sennheiser, 454

Sensory overload in directors, 463464

September 11, 2001, attacks, 8, 51, 209

Sequence and memory, 6465

Sequence transitions, overlap cut, 530531

Set light, 91, 92

Sets, wardrobe, props insurance, 373

Setup and lineup, 434

Setup and take numbers, 438439

Seventh Seal, The (Bergman), 73, 234

Shadows (Cassavetes), 67, 163

Shakespeare, William, 592

Hamlet, 278

Romeo and Juliet, 161

Sheriff of Fractured Jaw, The (Walsh), 547

Shoeps, 454

Shohan, Naomi, 351

Shooting, 437450, 485486

complementary shots, 447448

countdown to shooting, 443, 445

crew etiquette, 446447

calling “cut,” 446447

starting without clapper, 446

keeping track of what's shot, 448449

blocking changes, 448

continuity sheets, 448449

director, script supervisor, and continuity reports, 448

looking through the camera, 474475

monitoring progress, 477483, 487

ceding control, 482

cost reports, 483

“cut to seagulls,” 477

dramatic and technical quality, 478479

fulfilling authorship intentions, 479481, 487

measuring progress, 481

moving beyond realism, 481482

resources, 477478

Storyteller, 482483

pickup shots, 447

planning for, 460

printing the take, 447

problems in, 311

shooting logs, 439443

camera log, 440

double-system recording, 439

film production, 439, 442

flow chart for film production, 442

flow chart for video production, 445

sound recorder log, 441

video production, 443, 444

shot and scene identification, 437439

clapper board, 437438

setup and take numbers, 438439

speed of, 464

wrapping for the day, 449450, 476

see also Mise en scéne

Shooting logs, 439443

Shooting projects, 96120, 122123

assessment, 9697

developing abilities, 97

exploring the basics, 96

project 6-1: going and returning techniques, 97104

project 6-2: character study, 104107

project 6-3: location exploitation, 107110

project 6-4: two-character dialogue scene, 110114

project 6-5: authorship through

improvisation, 114118

project 6-6: parallel storytelling, 118120

Short Budget Estimate Form, 357361

Short films, 239241

and beginners, 127

versus longer films, 8, 39

Short stories, 159

Short-take method, 403

Shortcuts (Altman), 84

Shot and scene identification, 437439


connotation, 58

point of view, 58

reaction, 469

setting up, 468

Shyamalan, M. Night, 196

Side coaching, 469

Sightlines and lines of tension, 427, 428

Significance of the visible, 204205, 244

Signifying by actors, 13

Silent screen, 150, 152, 254

Silhouette, 94

Simple narrative, 194

Simplicity in filming, 404, 419

Single system video, 443

Sinise, Gary, 319

16 mm film, 364

Sixth Sense (Shyamalan), 196

65 mm Imax, 5

Skelton, Red, 208

Sketch artists, 354

Skills for scene writing, 182183

Slacker (Linklater), 216

Slapstick comedy, 14

Slingblade (Thornton), 84

Smart slate, 457

Soap operas, 131, 133, 138

Social change, 208

Social science and social history for story ideas, 3839

Social skills, 7

Social times, 471

Soderbergh, Steven, 5, 12

Soft lighting, 90

Soft textured background, 414

Software, 367, 369

for composers, 539

for editing, 489, 496497, 503

Movie Magic, 362, 369

ProTools, 367, 499

Sony CineAlta high-definition video camera, 5, 6, 366

Sony DSR-25, 368

Sony DV camera, 366

Sony equipment, 367, 416

Sophie's Choice (Pakula), 195

Soul Food (Tillman and Teitel), 25

Sound, 5, 147, 154, 352, 546557, 564

atmospheres and background sound, 552

comparative levels, 556

considerations for, 512

dialogue tracks and the problem of

inconsistencies, 550551

diegetic (realistic), 235

equipment for, 367, 453455

film mixes and TV transmission, 557

Foley stage and recreating sync sound effects, 547548

juxtaposing, 52

laying music tracks, 551

music and effects tracks, 557

narration or voice-over, 550

non-diegetic, 237

post-synchronizing dialogue, 547

premixing, 555

procedures in sound mix, 548550

rehearsing, 556

safety copies, 557

on the set, 456457

spot sound effects, 551552

tailoring, 555556

traditional mix chart, 552555

as transitional device, 65

see also Composers; Location sound; Music; Sound design

Sound department, 397398

Sound design, 235236, 402, 545

discussions, 546

rhythmic design, 235236

textural design, 235

Sound dissolves, 553

Sound editing. See Sound

Sound editors, 493

Sound effects (FX), 408

Sound effects as scene elision, 531

Sound Ideas, 548

Sound libraries, 548

Sound mix engineers, 493

Sound mix. See Sound

Sound modulations, 552

Sound perspective, 454

Sound recorder log, 439, 441

Sound recordist, 397398, 446

Sound source to microphone distances, 456

Sound theory, 451452

Sound track evolution, 508509

Sound-proof casing, 456

Soundscape, 457, 458

Space, 224225, 246247

rehearsal, 339

significance of, 341

Special effects, 399

Special marks in life, 26

Speed compromises for the camera, 418

Spelling checks, 149

Spielberg, Steven, 15, 36, 208, 228

Spiritual beliefs, 205

Split page or TV screenplay format, 78, 79, 131, 154

Spot sound effects, 551552

Sprocket holes, 557

Stagecoach (Ford), 74

Standard screenplay forms, 129132

Stanislavsky, Konstantin, 14, 48, 256

Star Wars II (Lucas), 5, 366

Star Wars (Lucas), 18, 208, 228

Static character definition, 135

Static composition, 7173

Static position, 50

Steadicam (trademark), 364, 402, 419

Steenbeck, 496, 504, 508, 509

Steiger, Rod, 319

Steinberg Cubase, 539

Step outline, 141142, 153, 169, 170, 253

Stereotypes, 33, 39, 177

Still photographs, 369

Stock characterizations, 15

Stone, Oliver, 211

Short versus long takes, 238239

Story of Adéle H., The (Truffaut), 27, 196

Story editing, 3132

Story idea development, 3140, 4243, 169181, 190

archetypes, 169, 170171

basic stories in fiction, 170174

character development problems, 174175

developmental process, 3132

displacement and transformation, 3940

ethics of representation, 177179

expanding and collapsing the screenplay, 170

fundraising and writing the prospectus, 179181, 190

hero's journey, 171, 173174

ideation, 3234

most common flaw, 175176

raw materials, 3439

childhood stories, 38

dreams, 38

family stories, 36, 38

history, 3536

myths and legends, 36

newspapers, 35

personal journal, 35

social science and social history, 3839

researching to be a storyteller, 6667

step outline, 169, 170

subjects to avoid, 39, 128

writing modes, 31

Story line or editing analysis form, 258, 259

Story tension, 155156

Storyboard, 73, 98, 100, 423425

Storyteller, 5455, 233, 245, 346, 405406, 427, 482483

Storytelling, parallel, 118120

Streep, Meryl, 319

Streetcar Named Desire, A (Kazan), 86

Streetcar Named Desire, A (Williams), 86

Strick, Joseph, 229

Stroszek (Herzog), 269

Structure of a film, 215219, 245246

plot, 216217

thematic purpose, 218219

Student and professional productions compared, 1011

Studio executives, 144

Studio systems, 5

Stunt persons, 447

Style, 241242

see also Form

Stylized performances, 229230

Stylized worlds, 225227, 246247

fully stylized, 227

occasionally stylized, 226227

Stylizing dramatic material, 13

Subject-motivated camera movement, 50

Subject-to-subject axis, 55, 84

Subjective or objective camera presense, 403, 427428

Subjectivity and objectivity, 63, 212

Subjects for screenplays, 127128, 375, 598

Subjects to avoid for story ideas, 39, 128

Subsidiary characters' points of view, 203

Subtexts, 58, 244, 254, 332, 333335, 344, 470480

and editing, 522525

Subtitles, 560561

Sundance Film Festival, 5, 128

Super 16 mm film, 264

Superficial action, 148

Supernatural forces, 23

Superobjective, 256

Support groups, 34

Survival film, 213

Suspicion (Hitchcock), 542

Symbols, 140141

Sync coding film, 502

Sync points, 643

Sync sound effects, 547548

Syncing dailies, 500

Synecdoche, 63

Syntax, 138

Synthesizers, 539, 540



Table editing-machines, 496, 504, 508, 509

Tailoring in sound mixing, 555556

“Tall tale” convention, 194

Tampere Polytechnic Institute in Finland, 458

Tanner, Alain, 12, 163, 164, 200, 221, 238, 275

Tarantino, Quentin, 84, 160, 201

Taste of Cherry (Kiarostami), 11

Taste of Honey, A (Richardson), 198

Tati, 208

Taxi Driver (Scorsese), 59, 228

Technique, 97

Technology and learning by experiment, 3, 4, 9

Teitel, Bob, 25

Telephoto angle of acceptance, 411, 412, 413, 414

Telescope, 411

Television, 596

European, 391

Television screenplay format, 78, 79, 131

Television transmission, 557

Television westerns, 542

Tell Them Willy Boy is Here (Polonsky), 237

Telling Stories: Postmodernism and the Invalidation of Traditional Narrative, (Roemer), 191, 216

Tension, 286

and beats, 260262

in story, 155156

Terence, 320

Terra Trema, La (Visconti), 11

Teshigahara, Hiroshi, 237

Tess (Polansky), 237

Test it first, 372

Testing and repairing equipment, 363, 368

Testing with a scratch cast, 157158

Text exercises. See Learning about acting

Textural sound design, 235

Thackeray, William, Barry Lyndon, 350, 351

Theater, 4, 13

and film acting compared, 278279

filmed, 151

Theater community, 158

Thelma and Louise (Scott), 208

Thematic purpose, 218219, 246, 256, 322323, 336, 338339

Theme identification of directors, 2430, 4344

artistic identity, 2427

artistic process, 2930

life issues, 27

projects, 2729

alter egos, 2829

dream journal, 29

self-inventory, 28

Theory, 47

Theory and Technique of Playwriting (Lawson), 331, 3335

Therapists, 34

Therapy versus arts, 24

Third party property damage, 373

35 mm film, 4, 9, 10, 364, 416

Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations, The (Polti), 171, 172173

Thom, Randy, 451

“Designing a Movie for Sound,” 235, 546

Thornton, Billy Bob, 84

Thought and will into action, 340341

Thoughts voice, 284, 343

Three-act structure, 23, 108109, 256, 330

Thumbnail sketches, 267

Tillman, George, Jr., 25

Tilt shots, 51

Time, 219223, 245246

compressed, 221222

continuous time, 223

expanded, 222

linear time, 220

literal, 222223

nonlinear time and the conditional tense, 221

nonlinear time and the future, 220221

nonlinear time and the past, 220

parallel, 223

real and subjective time, 223

retrograde time, 223

time loops, 223

Time for Drunken Horses, A (Ghobadi), 11

Time loops, 223

Timecode, 438, 502503

NTSC drop frame and non-drop frame, 513514

Timecode (Figgis), 5, 433

Timed rolls, 510

Timing and continuity, 461

Tin Drum, The (Schöndorff), 196

Titles, 558560, 565

To Kill a Mockingbird (Mulligan), 197

Tokyo Story (Ozu), 49, 222, 223

Toland, Gregg, 95

Tolkien, Lord of the Rings, 18

Tolstoy, Leo, Anna Karenina, 195, 206

Touch typing, 149

Tous les Garcons s'Appellent Patrick/All the Boys Are Called Patrick (Godard), 239

Tracking or trucking, 51

Trade journals, 592

Traditional mix chart, 552555

Tragedy, developmental curve for, 218

Transitions and transitional devices, 65

Traveling camera movements, 51

Traveling matte, 355

Treatment of screenplay, 142

Trial of Joan of Arc (Bresson), 270

Trial (Kafka), 229

Trial print, 498

Trial shooting, 349, 381

Trial showing in editing, 535536, 564

Trial (Welles), 229

Triangle Project, 146

Troell, Jan, 221

Troubleshooting, 356

Trucking, 51

Truffaut, Francois, 27, 156, 195, 196, 197, 228, 289, 386, 466

Tunnel vision, 39

Two Men and a Wardrobe/Dwaj Ludzie z Szafa (Polanski), 240, 594

Two-character dialogue scene project, 110114

2001 (Kubrick), 228

Typecasting, 273

Typefaces, 129

Typing errors, 149



U-Matic, 511

Überfall/Accident/Police Report/Assault (Metzner), 240

UFVA. See University Film and Video Association

Umberto D (De Sica), 11

Umbrellas of Cherbourg, The (Demy), 228229, 402

Unacceptable point of view, 5960

Under- or overscheduling, 371372

Union required insurances, 373

Unions, 558

Units, dramatic, 18, 2022

Universals, 15, 25

University Film and Video Association (UFVA) affiliated film schools, 579580

University of Southern California School of Cinema and Television, 177

Unpunctuality and commitment problems, 289

Unwanted location ambience, 453

Updike, John, 160

USB cables, 513



Values, embedded, 177

Van Dyke, Willard, 147

VanDerBeek, Stan, 222

Varda, Agnes, 222

Variations in points of view, 196

Variety, 592

VCR players, 599

Vehicle insurance, 373

Verbal action, 341

Verbal rhythms, 138

Vernacular speech, 138

VHS editing, 511

VHS tape, 513

Victimhood, 176

Video camera, Sony CineAlta high-definition, 5, 6

Video look and film look, 414, 416

Video novel, 166168

see also Screenwriting; Writing process

Video production, 443, 444

editing, 495499, 511

equipment for, 364367, 511

flow chart for, 445

low-cost of, 4

versus film production, 3, 910, 414, 416

Video to film transfers, 366367

Video-editing log, 505506

Videotape, 5

Videotaping rehearsals, 324326

Viewing for editing, 515517

Vinterberg, Thomas, 5, 146, 148

Violence and entertainment, 8

Visconti, Luchino, 11

Visible, significance of the, 204205, 244

Vision, 7, 33

determinism versus free will, 211

of fiction script, 125

of life, 26

Visual and aural editing rhythms, 525526

Visual design, 233235

Visual motifs, 237

Visual rhythm, 73

VO. See Voice over

Vocabulary, 138

Vocal counterpoint, 106107

Vogler, Christopher, Writer's Journey, The: Mythic Structure for Storytellers and Screenwriters, 174

Voice over (VO), 54, 106, 107, 550

Von Trier, Lars, 5, 146, 147

“Vow of Chastity” (Dogme Group), 147148



Waking Life (Linklater), 5, 235

Walk through, 435436

Walker, Roy, 350

Wall Street (Stone), 211

Walls, furniture, practical lamps, 353354

Walsh, Raoul, 547

Wardrobe and props, 399400, 460461

Weather or other contingency coverage, 371

Web sites, 363, 451, 452, 500, 548, 575, 579, 580, 591, 592, 593, 596, 599, 600, 649650

Weir, Peter, 78

Welles, Orson, 95, 201, 229, 256, 417

Wenders, Wim, 86, 95, 140, 196, 200, 234, 238, 402

West, Mae, 208

West Side Story (Bernstein), 161

Weston, Edward, 147

When the Shooting Stops … the Cutting Begins (Rosenblum), 495

Where Is the Friend's House? (Kiarostami), 11

White Balloon, The (Panahi), 11, 222223

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Albee), 86

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (Nichols), 86

Wide angle of acceptance, 411, 413, 414, 415

Wide Sargasso Sea, The (Rhys), 161

Wide shots, 50

Widmer, Jörg, 402

Wiene, Robert, 228

Wild Child, The (Truffaut), 27

Wild tracks, 457, 512

Will into action, 340341

Williams, Tennessee, 86

Window dub (linear video), 502503, 514

Wings of Desire (Wenders), 95, 238

Withdrawal, 289

Witness (Weir), 78

Witnessing, 54

Wizard of Oz, The (Fleming), 196, 219, 228

Woman in the Dunes (Teshigahara), 237

Woman is a Woman, A (Godard), 208, 209

Woman Under the Influence, A (Cassavetes), 163, 164165

Women, 8, 177

Word processors, 149150

Working environment, 3

Workprint, 479

World Soundscape Project, 458

Wrapping for the day, 449450, 476

Writer-director (hyphenate), 145146

Writers' groups, 158

Writers Guild of America, 599

Writer's Journey, The: Mythic Structure for Storytellers and Screenwriters (Vogler), 174

Writing manuals, 150

Writing modes, 31

Writing process, 143158, 188

audiences, 153154, 155

blocks, 150

character creation, 151

cinema's strengths, 151152

circular writing, 150151

credibility, minimizing, and story tension, 155156

criticism, 149, 156157

directing from your own screenplay, 156

Dogme Group and creative limitation, 146149

entrepreneurial producers, 145146

finishing the project, 158

form follows function, 153

idea clustering, 150

linear writing, 150151

mood creation, 151

personal assumptions, 154155

pitching, 143144

premise, 142153

rewriting, 149150, 158

screenwriting defined, 149152

silent screen, 150, 152

step outline, 153

testing with a scratch cast, 157158

touch typing, 149

word processors, 149150

writer-director (hyphenate), 145146

see also Actor-centered films; Adaptation from literature; Scene writing exercises; Screenwriting; Story idea development; Video novel

Writing and story development, 125190

checklist, 188190

see also Story idea development; Writing process

Wuthering Heights (Bronte), 195



Zaxcom Deva II, 454

Zed and Two Noughts, A (Greenaway), 216, 229

Zemeckis, Robert, 218

Zooming, 51

Zooming versus dollying into close up, 412

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