
“000 Ambulance”, 482

7 UP, 14 Up…49 Up (7-year series), 9091, 217, 268

51 Birch Street, 269270, 307, 526, 544

720p EDV format, 414

1080 24p HD format, 413

1080i HD format, 414

1940s House, The, 285


Abbreviated transcripts for subtitles, 252

Abstraction, 455456

Acknowledgments and titles, 250253

Acoustics, 176177, 374

setting for narration, 501

Acquisition, digital, 400


as basic film ingredient, 100

establishing point of view, 266

list, in proposal, 362, 363

multiple angles on, 455

rising/falling, in drama, 287

structured based on, 219

visually driven films, 216

“Action” command, 201, 446

Action match, 115

Active approach, 2931

Active/passive voice, 52

Actor/acted upon, 105106

Actors, 329330. See also Participants

Actuality, 1415

Ad hoc shooting, 206

Adams, Ansel, 319

Adams, Randall, 93

Adding to base lighting, 169170

Addressable timecodes, 415

Advise and consent

basics of, 354355

behalfers and speaking for others, 357358

documentary as exposure to life, 359360

evidence and ethics, 355356

giving and taking, 358

justifying beliefs, 358359

mission and identity, 360

truth claims, 356357

Advocacy/ambush, 9596

Aesthetics. See also Artistic identity

adapting to location exigencies, 417

addressing, in directing plan, 371

background considerations, 417

camera as instrument of revelation, 417418

camera height, 416417

compromises for camera, 418419, 453

film style, 371

getting film look, 396397

soundscapes, 193194

African American Lives series, 381


of storyteller, 342

subtext, 106107, 517518

Ahlstrom, Monica, 61, 63

AIVF (Association of Independent Video and Filmmakers), 547

Alter egos and artistic identity, 3233

Alternative, structural, 216

Altman, Robert, 425, 542, 2

Ambient sound/atmosphere

basics of, 174

in films, 191

problems with, 192193

shooting presence track, 191, 196

Ambush/advocacy, 9596

American Cinematographer (journal), 10, 20, 548

American Family, An, 354

Amps, 168

Analysis projects. See Projects

Anderson, Lindsay, 303, 550

Anderson, William, 61, 62, 63

Anthropology on Film, 272

Anticipatory sound, 231

Aperture, lens, 146, 394395

Apple editing systems, 208209, 211, 244

Apted, Michael, 90, 91, 217, 268, 550

Arc, dramatic. See Dramatic arc/curve

Archive-based filmmaking, 9698


as basic film ingredient, 100

fair use and best practices, 343

lifespan of media, 398399

planning inventory, 125

Ardolino, Emile, 294

Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat, 70

Art & Fear, 28

Art, documentary as, 2425, 30

Artifacts, 412

Artistic identity, 2735. See also Aesthetics

active vs. passive approach, 2931

alter egos project, 3233

“character is fate” approach, 29

creativity, 29

defined, 27

dreams/preoccupations project, 32

family drama project, 33

finding/losing, 34

goals summary, 34

hostile environments, 35

marked by personal experiences, 30

privacy and competition issues, 35

progress and artistic process, 3435

quest for meaning, 2728

selecting subjects, 2930

self-inventory project, 3132

styles you can/can’t choose, 323325

values quiz, 28

Artistic process, 3435

ASA rating, comparing cameras, 406

Aspect ratio

basics of, 412413

title considerations, 250251

Associations, professional, 547548

Atmosphere, sound

described, 174

laying atmospheres/background sound, 247

recording atmosphere tracks, 191, 193

Attack, sound, 243, 246, 374

Attack-sustain-decay cutting, 246

Attapour, Orod, 304

Attenuation/“roll off”, 242

Auden, W.H., 79


as active participants, 228

contract with, 2021, 216217

pleasing, 223224, 234

stated in prospectus, 368

trial, 233, 237, 516517, 520

Audio. See Camcorder sound; Sound

Audio sweetening, 212, 239

Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen, 193


for narrator, 499500

near shooting, 372

steps toward first draft, 362

Auteur theory of filmmaking, 275

Authorial voice, 281

Authoring, 33


of director, 446447, 479

embedded values related to, 353

voice of, and narration, 493

Automatic camcorder controls

exposure, 146147

focus, 150

sound levels, 180

white balance, 144

Automatic dialogue replacement (ADR), 239, 240

Averaging/peaking VU meters, 179180, 429

Avid editing system, 208

Awareness, raising, 13

Axes, scene/camera, 110111

crossing, 113


B.A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree, 531

Babakiueria, 333

Baby legs tripods, 151, 402, 406

Background composition, 417

Background lighting

overbright, 162163

recommendations for, 172

Background, project, 367

Background research, 340

Background sound. See also Sound editing

basics of, 176

dialogue track problems, 244245

equalization, 212, 242243

laying atmospheres and, 247

recording presence tracks, 191192

Backlight camera control, 147

Backlighting, 171, 562

Backups, 248, 424

Balance options, camcorders, 144145

Balanced reporting/perspective, 18

Balanced/unbalanced sound inputs, 177178

Balseros, 276

Barefoot Workshops, 59

Barn doors, lighting, 163

Barnouw, Eric, 89

Baron Cohen, Sacha, 333

Base lights, 169170

Bass roll-off, 242

Batteries, rechargeable, 151

Battle for Haditha, 309, 310

Battle of Cable Street, The, 198

BBC job information, 548

Beats and dramatic units, 288289

Behalfers and speaking for others, 357358

Behavioral sequences, in proposals, 362, 363

Bergman, Ingmar, 259

Berkeley, Ed, 277n, 298n, 333n

Berliner, Alan, 280

Berlinger, Joe, 306

Best Boy, 21, 22, 65, 88, 89, 544

B.F.A. (Bachelor of Fine Arts) degree, 531

Bidirectional/monodirectional attention, 231232

Biebel, Martin, 405

Binary communicator, 21

Binks, Melinda, 60, 63

Biographical films, 300303

Biographies, 3, 32

Bird, Granny, 40

Bird, Sidney, 71

Bit depth recorded, 410

Blackwood, Maureen, 550

Blaikie Hines, 60, 61, 63

Blair Witch Project, The, 323

Blank, Les, 294, 313

Blank screen, as basic film ingredient, 100

Block, Doug, 4, 269270, 307, 526, 544

Block, Mitchell, 308, 332333

Blohm, Kirsten, 296

Boat Leaving the Harbor, A, 70

Bobcat documentary, pitch/proposal, 5355, 59

Body language, 213, 220, 449, 515

Body mechanics and camera handling, 159

Body microphones, 190

Bogus truth, 235236

Bona fide text, 494

Bonhoeffer, 39, 41

Bonnie & Clyde Bullets, 39

Booms, microphone, 175

Boorman, John, 550

Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, 333

Borinage, 313

Bosch, Carlos, 276

Bouncing light, 163

Bowling for Columbine, 95, 355, 373

Boxcar cutting, 227

Brayne, Bill, 309

Breakaway, 291

Breakdown of interviewee, 477

Breaking the Waves, 319, 320

Brechtian protest, 9293

Breeding kennel documentary, pitching/proposal, 5355, 5859

Breitrose, Henry, 357

Brettle, Kyla, 482

Bridge, The, 313

Brief History of Time, A, 323, 324

Briggs, Evan, 60

Bright backgrounds, 162163

Briski, Dana, 262

Britten, Benjamin, 79

Broad lighting setup, 565

Brockett, Dan, 423

B-roll footage, 47

Broomfield, Nicholas, 1516, 285, 309310, 453, 494

Brother’s Keeper, 306

Brown, Jim, 75, 266

Budget projects

Advanced Budget Worksheet, 366, 592598

Basic Budget, 128, 590591


camera rental rates, 410412

planning form, 366367

in prospectus, 368

research, 130

shooting ratio, 130

Bu ñ uel, Luis, 78, 311, 494

Bunyan, John, 218

Burden of Dreams, 294

Burns, Ken, 98, 298299, 494

Buzz tracks, 191, 196, 503


Camcorder sound

averaging/peaking, 179180

balanced/unbalanced inputs, 177178

levels setup, 179180, 429

microphone input boxes, 180181

phantom power, 181

plug types, 177178

recording using camcorder, 423424

stereo, 181

strain relief for cables, 178179

VU meters, 179, 180, 429

Camcorders. See Cameras/camcorders

Camera issues and point of view

abstraction, 455456

camera as passport, 453

compromises for camera, 418419, 453

framing implications, 456

inhabiting events, 457

motivation for camera positioning/movement, 454

multiple angles on same action, 455

serendipity, 454

subjectivity vs. objectivity, 1718, 456

using context, 456457

Camera logs, 443, 444

Camera operator

briefing, before interviews, 466467

communicating with, during shoot, 202, 466

on-shoot etiquette, 195

preparing for image size changes, 466467

role and responsibility of, 134135

scouting locations, 374

varying shot sizes, 471472

zoom speed, 467

Cameras/camcorders. See also Fletcher Camera comparison chart

backlight control, 147

beginnings and evolution of, 6871

body specifications, 141143, 404412

color balance, 144146

color temperature, 144145

comparison chart, 407408

composition study, 397

controlling film look, 396397

digital acquisition, 400401

ENG camcorder, 141143, 404

equipment checkout, 159

exposure control, 146148

filters, 147, 149, 150, 416

finding focus, 157

focus and DOF, 149150

handling techniques, 156159

human eye and camera eye, 387389

image stabilization, 151

learning your options, 143144

lenses. See Lenses, camcorder

location considerations, 374

matte box, 147, 416

media and filmmaker, 2123

microphones.. See Microphones

mobility of, 8284

monitors, 155

noise, picture, 148

objective position, 17

phone cameras, 23, 378

picture gain control, 148

positioning/moving, 454

power supplies, 151

preset white balance, 145

professional options, 144

relationship of recordist to, 184186

renting, average national rates, 410412

run-up time, 201

settings/options, 412416

shots. See Shots/shooting

shutter speed, 414

from silence to sound, 7782

sound. See Camcorder sound

timecodes, 214215

tripods and accessories, 151152, 156157, 402404

using multiple, 292

white balance, 144145

Camera/scene axes, 110111

crossing, 113

Camera-to-subject axis, 111

Campbell, Joseph, 26, 300

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 481

Candid Camera, 333

Capturing the Friedmans, 269, 307

Cardioid mikes, 188, 434

Careers in film industry

creating/distributing demo reels, 541, 546

demo reels, 549

developing track record, 542543

funds and foundations, 546547

on graduating, 541

internships as senior, 540

job channels through schools, 542

job information, 548550

journals and associations, 547548

making jobs for yourself, 541542

networking, 542

planning, 525526, 540

preparing for directing fiction, 550

search for subjects/markets, 543545

using festivals, 545

writing proposals, 545

Carney, Ray, 463

Carrier, 308

Case histories, 42

Cassavetes, John, 463


basics of, 346

for directing plan, 370

reviewing, 363

Catalogue films, 313314

Cathy Come Home, 331

Cayrol, Jean, 82, 494

Celebration, The, 319

Celebrities, paying, 381

Céline, Louis-Ferdinand, 281

Central intentions, holding onto, 235

Cercel, Elif, 321

Character-driven documentary, 4849

Characters in documentary

“character is fate”, 29

empathy, 32

heroes and heroines, 284

multiple POVs, 268270

screen direction, 112114

single POV, 265268

trying to get/do/accomplish, 1213

unreliable, 228

Charles, Larry, 333

Charnov, Elaine, 328n

Cheat, lighting, 170

Checkpoint, 65, 8687, 262

Chermayeff, Maro, 308

Chicken Ranch, 309310

Childhood stories, 4142

Chion, Michel, 193

Chronologically presented stories, 291303

Churchill, Joan, 1516, 285, 309

CILECT-affiliated film schools, 537

Cinema eye approach, 7677

Cinéma vérité, 8490, 260, 277

Civil War, The, 298299, 494

Clapper board

countdown to shooting, 201, 445446

setup and take numbers on, 442443

smart slate, 430, 431

starting without, 446

Clarification vs. simplification, 19

Class size, film school, 530

Classroom film length, 221

Clearance and Copyright: Everything the Independent Filmmaker Needs to Know, 128, 129, 377, 379, 380, 508

Clichés, sound, 240

Climax, in drama, 284, 287

Close shot (CS)

basics of, 156

signals for, during interviews, 466

Clustering ideas, 31

Cluzaud, Jacques, 13

CMOS chips, 404405, 409


picture compression, 414

postproduction software compatibility, 424

sound, 424

Collaboration, 24

Collecting story ideas, 3742. See also Story development

childhood stories, 4142

family stories, 4041

fiction, 42

history, 3839

Internet, 38

journals, 3738

myths/legends, 3940

newspapers/magazines, 38

social science/social history, 42

Collins, Wilkie, 289

Color balance, 144146

Color bars, 442

Color correction, postproduction, 145146

Color temperature, 144145

Commentary, author, 6264

Committing action, 286


with camera operator, 202, 466

with crew, 200

with recordist, 202

Communicators, 21

Compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), 167

Comparing cameras. See Fletcher Camera comparison chart

Competition issues, privacy and, 35

Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter, 315, 544

Complications, in drama, 284, 287

Composers, 508511. See also Music

composing to sync points, 511

conductor needs, 511

developing music cue list, 509510

keys and diegetic/nondiegetic music, 510

learning from temporary tracks, 509

live music sessions, 511

overview, 508

startup tasks, 508

time for composing music, 511

unifying music through time, 510

Composition, picture

backgrounds, 417

dynamic, 569

internal/external, 569570

static, 567568

studying, 397

viewfinder and movements, 158

visual rhythm, 568


digital sampling in recording media, 406

picture codecs, 414

Compression, sound, 212

Concentration, 114115

Conductor needs, 511

Conflicts, described in directing plan, 370, 372

Confrontation, dramatic

for directing plan, 370, 373

drama and three-act structure, 284, 287

Connotation, 95, 108

Consciousness, editing mimicking, 513518

Consent, informed, 236, 354

Constructs, 1718


Dramatic Content Helper, 125, 339, 371, 449, 576579

influence on form, 322

limits on, 319321

Style and Content Questionnaire, 127

views of, 135

Context, 456457

Contract with audience, 2021, 216217

Contractual obligations for titles, 251

Contradictory evidence, 15, 16

Contrast, lighting, 163, 563

Control of content/form, 322


actor/acted upon, 105106

dialogue sequences/transitions, 229. See also Dialogue

Copyrights, 252, 372, 508

Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 547

Countdown to shooting, 201, 445446

Counterpoint, 516

Courage and push-ups, 122123

Cover letter of prospectus, 367


alternative versions of issues, 460

eyeline shifts and motivating cutaways, 460

inserts and cutaways, 459

reaction shots, 460

scene breakdown and crib notes, 458459

Cramlington Train-Wreckers, The, 454

Crane, 103

Crawl titles, 251

Creative Filmmaking from the Inside Out: Five Keys to the Art of Making Inspired Movies and Television, 352, 354

Creative personnel, résumés of, 365, 368

Creativity, 29

Creeping sync, 423

Crew, 131137

areas of responsibility of, 133

camera operators, 134135

communication with, 200

contracts, 372

developing, 131

director, 133134

director of photography, 134135

feedback/activities during breaks, 202203, 447

gaffer, 440

grip, 440441

monitoring/instructing, 201202

on-shoot etiquette, 195

people/equipment maintenance, 419

quality monitoring by, 202

responsibilities of, 200201

sound recordist, 135137

temperaments of, 132133

viewing sessions, 212, 447

working atmosphere and professionalism, 201

Crib notes, 458459

Crijns, Lodewijk, 328

Crisis, 286

Criticism. See Feedback

Crossing scene axis, 113

Crowd scene releases, 380

Crumb, 314

Cue list, music, 509510

Culloden, 330

Cumulative/setup/take system, 443

Cunningham, Imogen, 319

Curran, Tim, 548

Curve, dramatic. See Dramatic arc/curve

“Cut!” command, 195196, 446

Cutaway shots, 459460

Cut-ins, 459


attack-sustain-decay sound cutting, 246

boxcar, 227

described, 103

fine cut, 238

jump cut, 471

in and out points for music, 246

overlap cut, 229231

staggered cut, 230



crew viewing sessions, 212

editor/director viewing sessions, 212213

lab processing of, 23

logging, 214215

relevance of, 214

timecodes, 214215

viewing, and birth of documentary, 7172

Dannenbaum, Jed, 352

Darwin’s Nightmare, 122, 311

Davaa, Byambasuren, 74, 241

Davis, Peter, 299

Day for Night, 351

Dead/live spaces and sound, 176177

Death of a Princess, 331

Death of a Salesman, 86

Debats, Michel, 13

Decay, sound, 243, 246, 374

Deck mikes, 175

Definitions, sources for, 3

Demo reels, 541, 546, 549

Denotation, 95, 108

“Designing a Movie for Sound”, 239

Destination, implied, 217

Development. See Story development

Development projects. See Projects

Devil’s advocate approach, 478

Diagnostic questioning, 222

Dialogical documentary, 1415, 315316, 460


behavior of sound, 174176

inconsistent backgrounds/voice qualities, 244245

postsynchronizing, 80, 239, 240

recreating, 193

sound editing, 243245

splitting dialogue tracks, 244

Dialogue sequences, 229230

Diary, 9495

Diary for Timothy, 303, 494

Dick, Kirby, 504n

Diegetic sound, 101, 510

Dielectics, film, 370, 373

Dieutre, Vincent, 306

Diffused light, 163

Digidesign sound processing software, 239, 243

Digital editing, 23, 208209

Digital Journalist, 221

Digital media, 23, 400401

Digital sampling on recording media, 406

Digital titling, 251

Digital Video (DV) (journal), 10, 548

Digitizing, 210211

Diopters, 149

Direct cinema and cinéma vérité, 8490, 260, 277


anticipating the shoot, 374381

camera issues and point of view, 453458

coverage, 458460

crew, 200202

fiction, preparing for, 550

narrator, 500501

participants, 197200, 452

people, keys to, 452

reflexive films, 452453

shooting procedures, 195197

special photography, 460461

transparent films, 452

Directing: Film Techniques and Aesthetics, 550

Directing plan, 371374

addressing aesthetic concerns, 371

conflicts, 370, 372

confrontation, 370, 373

film dielectics, 370, 373

genre, 371, 373

near to shooting, 371372

overview, 370371

parallel narrative traditions, 371, 374

point of view, 371, 373

testing assumptions, 371

Direction, sense of, 217

Directional microphones, 176, 188

Director of Photography (DP), 134135


artistic identity. See Artistic identity

authority of, 446447, 479

communication with crew, 200

creating trust in participants, 197198, 340, 344

as editor, 207208

encouraging naturalness, 198199

giving participants work as distraction, 199

interviewing tips for, 199200

making a living, 911

monitoring/instructing crew, 201202

on-shoot etiquette, 195

role and responsibility of, 1920, 133134

using dramatic arcs, 289290

viewing dailies, 212213

who makes documentary and why, 79

Director’s World, 321n

Discovery Channel, 96

Discrepancies, 516

Disney and music, 505

Disneynature, 9

Dissolve, 104

Dissonance, 516

Distance, camera-to-subject, 391392

Dmytryk, Edward, 416

Doblmeier, Martin, 39, 41

Docudrama, 331


ambush/advocacy, 9596

archive-based filmmaking, 9698

as art, 2425, 30

bearing witness, 2324, 475476

beginnings of cinema, 6871

biographical films, 300303

birth of documentary, 7274

Brechtian protest, 9293

catalogue films, 313314

characteristics of, 1114

as conservatory art, 530

crossing boundaries and bucking trends, 543545

defined, 1112, 74

diary, 9495

direct cinema and cinéma vérité, 8490, 260, 277

documentary noir, 93

essay film, 7782

event-centered films, 291292

as exposure to life, 359360

historical films, 297300

history. See History of filmmaking

intentions and ingredients, 1417

journey films, 295297

longitudinal study, 9092

objectivity myth and fairness, 1719

paradoxes of documentary, 7476

personal films, 306308

poetic time films, 303306

process films, 292295

as record of relationships, 198

reflexive, 276278

Russian cinema eye approach, 7677

self-reflexive, 278281

shooting goes mobile, 8284

from silence to sound, 7782

surreal documentary, 314315

technology and screen language, 67

thesis films, 310311

video technology, 90

walled-city films, 308310

Documentary Filmmakers’ Group, 538

Documentary noir, 93

Documentary storytelling, 276, 373

DOF (depth or field), 149150, 394395

Dogme group, 319321

“Doing” words, 14

Dolby sound, 239, 243


basics of, 103

camera support systems, 154

zooming vs. dollying, 397

Domènech, Josep Maria, 276

Donaldson, Michael C, 128, 129, 377, 379, 380, 508

Donors Forum, 547

Double system, shooting, 422423, 443

Dox (journal), 547548

Draft of proposals, 362363


Dramatic Content Helper, 125, 339, 371, 449, 576579

family, identifying, 33

plots and heroes, 283284

scenes as miniature, 287288

setup, 284, 286, 347

three-act structure, 86, 284285, 286287

Dramadoc, 331

Dramatic analysis, 223

Dramatic arc/curve

analysis of, 285287

changes in intensity (graph), 285287

changes in optimism (graph), 6364

described, 89

director’s use of, 289290

Dramatic tension

progression of beats, 289

researching, 346348

Dreaming of Blueberries, 60, 62, 63

Dreams/preoccupations and artistic identity, 32

Drew, Robert, 105

Drop frame (DF) recording, 415416

Dubbing, 240

Dummy run, 476

Dunne, Nell, 331

Duration, 114115

Durlacher, Chris, 332

DVD players, 2

DVD “reel”, 366, 368

D-Word (website), 4

Dynamic composition, 569

Dynamic range, 243


Éclair NPR camera, 82, 83

Edgar, Tom, 532

Edges of composition, 158

Edit decision list (EDL), 212


assembling visually driven film, 216

for audience as active participants, 228

counterpoint in, 516

creating/developing structure, 216220

diagnostic questioning in, 222

dialogue sequences/transitions, 229231

dissonance, 516

documentary maker as dramatist, 223

ellipsis, 90, 471

feedback from trial audiences, 233, 237, 516517, 520

fine cut, 238

of first assembly, 220223

flow chart for, 232233

harmony, 515

holding onto central intentions, 235

interviews, 468470

looking at and looking through, 514515

mimicking consciousness, 513518

for monodirectional/bidirectional attention, 231232

pitfalls, 235236

pleasing of audience, 223224, 234

postproduction process/procedures, 207212

preparing footage, 214216

regaining objectivity after, 232

rhythms, 515516

rise of, 90

software for, 208209

sound. See Sound editing

subtexts, 517518

surviving/accepting criticism, 234235

unifying material into flow, 226228

uses of procrastination, 237

using instincts while, 516

using presence tracks, 192

viewings, 212214

Editor, viewing dailies, 212213

Edmonds, Robert, 272

Education, 525539

career planning, 525526

film schools, 527531

graduate degrees, 532533

on the job vs. formal education, 526527

self-help as realistic alternative, 539

short courses, 538

study abroad, 538539

undergraduate degrees, 531532

EDV (enhanced-definition video), 413414

Effects track (FX), 193

Eisenstein, Sergei, 110

Eisenstein’s categories of juxtaposition, 109

Eisler, Hanns, 82, 506

Eliot, T.S., 13, 105, 528

Elision judgments, 235

Ellipsis, 90, 471

Embedded values, checking, 351354


eliciting, in interviews, 474

evoked by camera technique, 457

graph of changes in, 6364

shock of recognition, 46

using medium to stir feelings, 4648

Empathy, 32

Emphatic shifts, 455

Endings, multiple, 520

ENG (electronic newsgathering) camcorders, 141143, 404

Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room, 312

Environment, embedded values related to, 353

Equalization (EQ)

sound editing, 212, 241243

sound mixing, 429430


advice, 194

camcorders, 141144

camera checkout, 159

camera rental rates, 410412

camera support systems, 151155, 402404

at film schools, 533534

getting information via Internet, 3

getting overly elaborate, 399

hiring, 420

incompatibility, 399400

lenses, 148151

lighting hardware, 163167

maintenance, 419

monitors, 155

owning vs. renting, 435436

power supplies, 151

screen grammar, 102

Error recovery and camera handling, 158

Essay film, 7782


compromising yourself, 345346

temptations when interviewing, 474475

use of evidence, 355356

Etiquette, crew, 195

European Documentary Network, 11, 548

Event-centered films, 63, 291292

Evidence. See also Research

assembling paper edit, 491

collecting, 260263

ethical considerations, 355356

exposition, dramatic tension, and, 346350

marshaling, 350

primary, 47

unfolding in documentary, 1516

Ewing, Heidi, 154

“Exposing Yourself: Reflexivity, Anthropology, and Film”, 277


basics of, 21, 73

in drama, 286

evidence and dramatic tension, 346348

Expository information in directing plan, 371

Exposure control, camera, 146148

Exposure to life, documentary as, 359360

Exterior/interior lighting, 145, 162

External composition, 569570

Eye contact in interview, 474

Eyeline shifts and motivating cutaways, 460

Eyes on the Prize, 299


“Faces of Paris”, 217

Facets Multimedia, 2

Fact-checking, 341342

Fade in/out, 104

Fahrenheit 9/11, 9, 311

Failure as beat, 288289

Fair use doctrine, 343

Fairness, 1819

Fake documentaries, 332333

Falling action, 287

Falorni, Luigi, 74, 241

Family dynamics, embedded values related to, 353

Family stories

collecting raw materials, 4041

identifying family drama, 33

Farmer’s Wife, The, 293, 544

Fate and character, 29

Featherstone, Ken, 333

Federal funding, 546


audience, 233234, 516517

crew, 202203, 447

in interviews, 474

Feeding the Baby, 70

Feelings, 4648, 223. See also Emotions

Festivals, 253

Fiction as story resource, 42

Fictional reenactment, 329

Figgis, Mike, 538, 550

Filgate, Terry, 105

Fill light, 163

Film language

camera/scene axes, 110111, 113

concentration, 114115

conversation and actor/acted upon, 105106

denotation/connotation, 95, 108

duration, 114115

duration, rhythm, and concentration, 114115

life equivalent, 103104

life processes vs. cinema processes, 102

lines of tension, 110111

motivation, 104105

perception, 107108

picture/sound materials, 100101

rhythm, 103

screen direction, 112114

screen grammar, 102104

screen language, 99100

sequence, 115

shots in juxtaposition, 108110

subtext, 106107

transitions/transitional devices, 115116

Film proposals, 52

Film School Confidential: An Insider’s Guide to Film Schools, 532

Film schools

CILECT-affiliated, 537

class size, 530

costs and visiting schools, 534

documentary as conservatory art, 530

equipment, 533534

introduction, 527528

large vs. small, 529

national, 537538

in North America, 534537

private and open schools, 538

school identity, 528

students and stars, 528529

teachers and workloads, 530531

town vs. country setting, 529530

UFVA affiliations, 535537

worldwide, 537

Filming. See Shots/shooting

Filmmaker and media, 2123

Films, purchasing/renting, 2

Filtering, sound, 212

Filters, camcorder, 147, 149, 150, 416

Final Cut Pro (Apple), 208209, 211, 244

Final print, 212

Financial statement in prospectus, 368

Fine cut, 238

Fires Were Started, 303, 304

First assembly

deciding ideal length, 221222

diagnostic questioning after viewing, 222

editing after, 224

evaluating what works and what doesn’t, 222223

putting together, 220

screening/judging, 220221

First showing, 233

Fishpoles, microphone, 175, 176, 181

Fitzcarraldo, 294

Flaherty, Robert, 48, 7176, 79, 89, 266, 318, 544

Flat lighting, 169, 171

Fletcher Camera comparison chart, 407408

base ASA, 406

bit depth recorded, 410

digital sampling on recording media, 406

frame rates, 409

highlighted positives, 410

imager, 404405

imager sampling, 406

latitude (dynamic range), 406

lens mount, 405

power draw, 410

recording format and load time, 409410

viewfinder, 410

weight, 410

Flow chart

for editing, 232233

transcript to assembly script, 486

Flow, unifying material into, 226228

Fluorescents, 167

Focal length for lenses, 148, 389390

Focus button, camcorder, 150

Focus, camera/camcorder

depth of field, 149150, 394395

finding, 157

Focus, narrowing to deepen film, 363

Focused lamp, 164

Focusing questions in interviews, 474

Fog of War: Eleven Lessons from the Life of Robert S. McNamara, The, 301, 302

Foley, Jack, 240

Foley studio and sound effects, 240241

Fonts for titles, 250

Footage preparation

logging dailies, 214215

making transcript and workarounds, 215216

Foreign markets, subtitles/transcripts, 251252

Formats, video, 413414


budget planning, 366367

camera logs, 444

individual release, 379

location agreements, 377

short personal release, 196

sound logs, 445

Forms of documentary

basics of, 17, 318319

influence of content, 322

setting limits and Dogme group, 319321

Forster, E.M., 494

Foundation Center, 547

Fowles, John, 15

Frame rates (fps)

basics of, 413

comparing cameras, 409

Framing implications, 456

Framing questions, 473

Free Cinema Movement, 82

Freedom of speech protection, 378

French Lieutenant’s Woman, The, 15

From the Journals of Jean Seberg, 39

Frontal lighting, 565

F-stop (lens aperture), 146, 394395

Funding organizations, 365366

Funds and foundations, 546547

Furtado, Jorge, 296


Gaffer, 440

Gap-Toothed Women, 313

Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers, 313

Gates, Jr., Henry Louis, 381

Genre, 56, 371, 373

George Orwell: A Life in Pictures, 332

German Secret, The, 296297

Gibney, Alex, 312

Give and take, 479480

Givens, 290

Giving and taking, 358

Glass, Ira, 482

Glass, Philip, 93

Gleaners and I, The, 65, 94

Glidecam, 154, 155

Glossary, 630645

Goals, described in directing plan, 371

Godard, Jean-Luc, 322, 453

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 35

Gore, Al, 13, 274

Gorilla software, 367

Government of the Tongue, The, 475n

Graduate degrees, 532533

Graduated tonality, 563

Grady, Rachel, 154

Grammar check (Microsoft Word), 52n

Grammar, screen, 102104

Grant applications, 368, 546

Graphic equalizer, 245

Graphics, as basic film ingredient, 100


changes in intensity, 285287

changes in optimism, 6364

happiness fluctuations, 116

Greenaway, Peter, 550

Gremmelspacher, Martin, 405

Grey Gardens, 264

Grierson, John, 1112, 24, 74, 79

Griffin, Chandler, 59

Grip, 440441

Grizzly Man, 4647, 276

Grønkjær, Pernilla Rose, 267268, 504

Group f/64, 319

Groups, interviewing, 464

Guggenheim, Davis, 274


Habits of participants, as obstacles, 451452

Hair lights, 562

Halation, 151

Hale, Nick, 45

Hand-clap as acoustic test, 374

Handheld cameras

emotional effects evoked by, 457

practical concerns, 457458

techniques, 156

walking and tracking shots, 158159

Hard drives/storage, 210

Hard light, 164165, 169, 563

Hardy, Thomas, 388

Harlan County, USA, 4445, 268269

Harmony, 515

Harry Potter books, 521

Hawking, Stephen, 323, 324

HD (high-definition) media, 23

HD (high-definition) video, 413414

He Makes Me Feel Like Dancin’, 294

Headphones, ear-enclosing, 136, 181, 182, 430432

Heaney, Seamus, 475476

Hearts and Minds, 299

Height of camera and aesthetics, 416417


Advanced Proposal Helper, 362, 364, 370, 587589

Advanced Working Hypothesis Helper, 341, 362, 370, 583584

Basic Proposal Helper, 126, 585586

Basic Working Hypothesis Helper, 123, 341, 581582

Dramatic Content Helper, 125, 339, 371, 449, 576579

Story Structure Helper, 291, 628629

Working Hypothesis Helper, 5255

Heroes and plots, 283284

Herzog, Werner, 46, 266, 276, 294, 323, 351, 539

Heston, Charlton, 373

High hat, 151

High School, 218, 309

High-key picture, 562

Hiring equipment

basics of, 420

camera rental rates, 410412

owning vs. renting, 435436

Historical films, 297300

Historical reality, 14


in prospectus, 367

as story resource, 3839

History Channel, 96, 298

History Detectives, The, 39

History of filmmaking

ambush/advocacy, 9596

archive-based filmmaking, 9698

beginnings of cinema, 6871

birth of documentary, 7274

Brechtian protest, 9293

diary, 9495

direct cinema and cinéma vérité, 8490, 260, 277

documentary noir, 93

longitudinal study, 9092

rise of editing, 90

Russian cinema eye approach, 7677

shooting goes mobile, 8284

from silence to sound, 7782

video technology, 90

Hitler, Adolf, 40, 271, 272, 292

Hodge, Carroll, 352

Hoffmann, Deborah, 315

Holdover sound, 231

Hood, Stuart, 330

Hope, 17

Hospital, 218

Hostile environments, 35

House, The, 502

How the Myth Was Made, 75, 266

Hunt, recording level, 180

Hypercardioid mikes, 188


I Used to Be a Filmmaker, 96, 278279

Ideation, 36. See also Artistic identity; Story development

Identification of reenacted footage, 328329

Identity and mission, 360

Idiots, The, 319

Image stabilization, 151

Imager, 404405

sampling, 406

Imagery, described in directing plan, 371


changing sizes, 466467, 471472

digitizing, 210211

rendering, 211

sizes of, 156

texture and lenses, 393394

Implied destination, 217


in narration, 495, 501502

structure, importance of, 216

In Heaven There Is No Beer, 313

Inciting moment, 287

Inconvenient Truth, An, 13, 274

Independent Feature Project (IFP), 439, 545, 546

Independent Television Service (ITVS), 365, 366, 547

Independent, The (journal), 10

Independent Video and Filmmakers, Association of (AIVF), 547

Individual release form, 196197, 378379, 480481

Individuality of documentary, 2425

Informed consent, 236, 354

Inhabit events, 457

Insert shots, 459

Institutions, filming in, 200

Instructions for crew, 201202

Insurance, 372

Intensifying subjects, 4344

Interaction and actor/acted upon, 105106

Interchangeable lenses, 149

Interdoc job information, 548

Interior/exterior lighting, 145, 162

Internal composition, 569570

International Documentary (journal), 10, 11, 547

International Documentary Association (IDA), 547

International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA), 545

International Film & Video Workshops, 59

International Film Database, 3

Internet. See also Websites

collecting story ideas, 38

getting information via, 34

as story resource, 38

Internet video, 221

Internships as senior, 540

Interpreting events, 18


assessment, 481

authority of director, belief in, 479

as basic film ingredient, 100

beginning, 472476

being adversarial without being offensive, 478

breakdown of interviewee, 477

briefing camera operator, 466467

camera and editing considerations, 468470

concluding, 480481

crossing thresholds, 476477

devil’s advocate approach, 478

directing, 199200

dummy run, 476

eliciting feelings, 474

ellipsis, shooting for, 471

expectant silence as tool, 477

eye contact and behavioral feedback, 474

focusing questions, 473, 474

framing questions, 473

getting briefer versions, 478479

give and take, 479480

groups, 464

having power, 475

image size changes, 466467, 471472

including questions in response, 470

in-depth, 476480

individual release forms, 378379, 480481

interruption/redirection, 467468

interview process, 472476

interviewer and camera placement, 468

inward journey monologues, 481482

leading by example, 472

listening skills, 466, 476

metaphorical thinking, 465

on-axis/off-axis, 468470

on-camera interviewer, 470

planning inventory for, 125

preliminary, 462463

preliminary, interviewer for, 463

preparation and basic skills, 465

preparing interviewee, 467468

presence of others, 464

privileged moments, 477478

rehearsing, 465

relaxing interviewees, 468

right order for questions, 473474

setting for, 463464

setting limits, 467

starting with generalized comments, 478

supporting/directing interviewee, 472

temptations/ethics, 474475

uncommunicative interviewee, 476

voice overlaps, 470

vox populi (vox pops), 464, 470

witnessing, 475476

Introduction, in drama, 286

Isle of Flowers, 296

Isolation headphones, 136, 181, 182, 430432

Israel Defense Force (IDF), 8687

“It’s a Wrap!”, 197

Ivens, Joris, 313


Jacobs, Tom, 60, 62

Jacquet, Luc, 9, 295

Jaggies, 412

James, Steve, 300

Jarecki, Andrew, 269, 307

Jennings, Humphrey, 303, 304, 494

Jesus Camp, 154

Job information, 548550. See also Careers in film industry

Johansson, Lars, 296297, 332

Journal, as story resource, 3738

Journals, professional, 547548

Journey films, 295297

Jump cuts, 471

Justifying beliefs, 358359

Juxtaposition, shots in, 108110


Kahn, Nathaniel, 48, 306

Kauffman, Ross, 262

Kelly, Karin, 532

Kempas, Ben, 4

Kennedy, John, 105

Key lights, 169170, 561

direction and backlighting, 171

Keys and diegetic/nondiegetic music, 510

Kicker lights, 562

Kimbrell, Marketa, 28

Kinetoscope, 68, 69

King, Allan, 84

King Lear, 42

Kino Flo lighting, 167

Kino-Eye, 7677

Kino-Pravda, 88, 260

Kopple, Barbara, 44, 268, 269

Koyaanisqatsi (Life Out of Balance), 304, 305, 506

K-TEK shock mount, 182

Kuehl, Jerry, 298

Kutzooi, 328329


L cut, 229, 231

Land of Silence and Darkness, 266

Land Without Bread, 65, 78, 80, 303, 311, 494

Langham, Chris, 332

Language of film. See Film language

Lanzmann, Claude, 344

Lap cut, 229, 231

Lassally, Walter, 84

Last Year in Marienbad, 332

Latitude, 163, 406

Laudatory films, 347

Lavalier/lapel mikes, 189190, 434435

Layout, title, 250

LCD (liquid crystal display), 141

Leacock, Richard, 105

Leader, His Driver and the Driver’s Wife, The, 453

Leading by example, 472

Leading questions, 343, 473

Lean, David, 7778

Lecturing, 4748

LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 165167

Legacy, 2021, 480

Legalities. See also Releases

advice and consent, 354360

copyrights, 252, 372, 508

legal issues, list of, 380

legal omissions, 252

obtaining permissions, 372

permission to film in locations, 376378

titles and contractual obligations, 251

Legends as story resource, 3940

Leigh, Mike, 550

Leitmotif, 508

Lending, Tod, 20, 480, 561

Length, film, 221222

Length, title, 251

Lens hood, 150151, 416

Lens mount, comparing cameras, 405


aperture, 146

choosing, 389395

focus and DOF, 149150

image texture, 393394

interchangeable, 149

perspective and camera-to-subject distance changes, 391392

perspective and normalcy, 389390

protecting, 150151

speed of, 394395

technical information, 148149

types of, 389

zooming vs. dollying, 397

Lessons of Darkness, 306

Level cut, 230

Leveling cameras/camcorders, 152153, 402403

Levels, sound. See Sound levels


music, 507508

sound effects, 241

Lifespan of archives, 398399


adding to base, 169170

backgrounds, 172

backlighting, 171, 562

basic methodology, 169172

bouncing light, 163

broad/narrow, 565

contrast, 163, 563

fill light, 163

fluorescents, 167

frontal, 565

hard/soft light, 163, 164165, 169, 561562, 563564

hardware, 163167

interior/exterior problems, 145, 162

key lights, 169171, 561

LEDs, 165167

light quality and lighting instruments, 163165, 563564

overbright backgrounds, 162163

power requirements, 167169

reasons for supplementing, 162

safety warnings, 164165

setups, 564565

shadows, 169

shooting under mixed color temperatures, 145

spontaneity in documentary, 161

tests/rehearsals, 171172

three-point, 171, 564

tonality, 562563

Lighting ratio, 163, 565

Limiting, sound, 212


on form/content, 319321

for interviewee, 467

Line numbering transcripts, 487

Lines of tension, 110111

Listen to Britain, 303

Listening skills for interviews, 466, 476

Litepanels, 166167

Literature and Film, 224, 517

Litter of puppies, pitching/proposal for, 5355, 5859

Live (reverberant) rooms, 374

Live music sessions, 511

Live/dead spaces and sound, 176177

Living Desert, The, 505

Loach, Ken, 329, 550

Localized material, 44, 48

Location sound

acoustics, 176177

ambient, 174, 191, 192193

atmosphere, 174

behavior of, 174176

considerations, 374375

dialogue components, 174176

effects track (FX), 193

elements of, 175

isolation headphones, 136, 181, 182, 430432

live/dead spaces, 176177

location, elements of, 175

microphones. See Microphones

mixers, 190, 428430

monitoring, 430432

on-axis/off-axis, 175, 177

on-mike/off-mike, 175, 177, 183184

on-set, 192

perspective, 176

planning sound coverage, 421

presence, 174

presence track, 191192

reconstruction, 192193

recorders, 424428

reflected/reverberant, 174, 177

resonance, 176

RF interference, 192

saturation, 179

scouting locations, 192

shooting presence track, 191, 196

signal, 174

signal-to-noise ratio, 176177

smart slate, 430, 431

sound codecs, 424

transient, 179

using camcorder to record sound, 423424

wild track, 193


camera as passport, 453

camera considerations, 417

location agreements, 128129, 372, 376378

setting for interviews, 463464

travel in dangerous areas, 420

Locking picture, 238


camera logs, 443, 444

dailies, 214215

purpose of, 444

shooting logs, 443

sound logs, 443, 445

timecodes, 214215

Logistics for shoot, 375376

Long-form structure

length, 520

multiple endings, 520

represent contents using “playing card” method, 519

trial audiences, 520

using Editing Diagnostic Form, 518519

Longitudinal study, 9092

Looping, postsynchronizing dialogue, 240

Lorentz, Pare, 272, 273, 288, 311

Lossy codec, 414

Louisiana Story, 79, 266

Lowel DV Creator lighting kit, 164

Low-key picture, 562563

Lozinski, Pawel, 7, 8

Luck and preparation, 128

Lumière, Auguste and Louis (brothers), 6871

Lumière Brothers’ First Films, The, 68


M.A. (Master of Arts) degree, 532

MacArthur Foundation, John D. and Catherine T., 547

Macro focusing, 150

Macrocosm, 217218

Magazine as story resource, 38

Maguire, Sharon, 550

Maine Media Workshops, 538

Maintenance, people and equipment, 419

Malraux, André, 281

Man of Aran, 75, 266

Man with the Movie Camera, 65, 7677, 277

Manipulating perspective, 396

Manual camcorder controls

exposure, 146

focus, 150

white balance, 145

March of the Penguins, 9, 10, 295296

“Marching ants” in viewfinder, 410

Marked-up transcripts, 488489


described in prospectus, 368

evolving, 543545

Marks left by life experiences, 30, 31

Marshaling evidence, 350

Masters, media, 248

Materials, getting information via Internet, 3

Matte box, 147, 416

Mature communicator, 21

Mayer, Doe, 352

Maysles, Albert, 105, 378, 540

Maysles brothers, 84, 85, 86, 218, 264, 268, 284, 286

Maysles Institute, 540

McElwee, Ross, 295, 453

McNamara, Robert S, 301


B-roll footage, 47

options for filmmakers, 2123

primary evidence, 47

tapeless workflow, 414

Media Composer (Avid), 208

Media Law for Producers, 508

Media, lifespan of archives, 398399

Medium long shot (MLS), 456

Medium shot (MS)

basics of, 156

signals for, during interviews, 466

Memory cards for camcorders, 400401

Memory, white balance, 145

Menus, camcorders, 143144

Metaphorical thinking, 465

M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts) degree, 533

Microcosm, 217218


body, 190

boom, 175

camcorder input boxes, 180181

cardioid, 188, 434

deck mike, 175

directional, 176, 188

fishpole, 175, 176, 181

handling techniques, 181187

hypercardioid, 188

lavalier/lapel, 189190, 434435

mixing multiple, 430

omnidirectional, 188

on-mike challenges, 183184

phantom power, 181, 187, 430

pickup patterns, 187190, 433

picture/sound subjects, 186, 187

placement, 432

power supplies, 187

quality of, 187

recordist/camera positioning, 157, 184186

shock mounts, 181183

shotgun, 188189, 433434

spares/accessories, 190

types of, 433435

windscreens, 181183

wired, 190

wireless, 190, 435

Microsoft Word

line numbering, 487

spelling/grammar, 52n

MIDI integration, 212, 508, 511, 512

Miller, Arthur, 86

Miller, Phillip, 508

Mind-body connection of participants, 449450

Minghella, Anthony, 550

Mission and identity, 360

Mixed color temperatures, 145, 162

Mixers, sound, 190, 428430

EQ and rolloff, 429430

Mixing music, 512

Mobile cameras/camcorders

evolution of, 8284

shoulder braces, 153

support systems, 153155, 402404

Mockumentaries, 328329, 332333

Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun, The, 267, 504

Monitoring of crew, 201202

Monitors, 155

Monodirectional/bidirectional attention, 231232

Monological documentary, 14, 315316, 460

Montage, 7677, 103

Moods, 48

Moore, Michael, 7, 9, 19, 9596, 235, 275, 311, 323, 355, 373, 494

Morin, Edgar, 88

Morris, Errol, 15, 93, 193, 301, 323, 328, 330, 471, 474, 506

Mosley, Oswald, 198

Moss, Robb, 357


for camera positioning and movement, 454

eyeline shifts and cutaways, 460

for filmmaking, 104105

for key lighting, 169170

Movements and screen direction, 112114

Movie Magic software, 367

Movie Palace, 39

Multichannel sound distribution, 243

Multiple points of view, 268270

Murch, Walter, 239

Murphy’s Law, 159


as basic film ingredient, 101

cue list for, 509510

fitting, 512

laying music tracks, 246

libraries and copyrights, 507508

M & E (music and effects) tracks, 248249

misusing, 505

mixing, 512

in and out points, 246

spotting for, 507

starting/stopping, 507

as storyteller’s voice, 507

suggesting what cannot be seen, 504

sync points, 511

temporary tracks, 509

unifying through time, 510

using with light hand, 505506

when to use and not use, 504505

where to use, 506

working with composers, 508511

My Architect, 49, 306

Myrick, Daniel, 323

Myths as story resource, 3940


Nanook (character), 266

Nanook of the North, 48, 65, 71, 73, 265


accommodating sound features, 496497

altering syntax to match screen logic, 496

alternate versions, 502

auditioning for, 499500

as basic film ingredient, 101

complement visuals, don’t duplicate, 499

drawbacks to, 493

fitting, 503

improvisation approach, 495, 501502

operative words, 497499

positive aspects, 493494

power of first word with new image, 497

problems it can solve, 492493

reading from script approach, 494495

recording presence tracks, 503

recording/directing, 500501

scratch recording, 499

script for narrator, 499

sound editing, 243

speech-based structure, 220

tryout, 496

wild recordings, 500

writing scripted, 495496

Narrow lighting setup, 565

Narrowing focus to deepen film, 474

Narrowing subjects, 4344

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), 546547

National film schools, 537538

National Geographic Society, 296

National Public Radio (NPR), 481482

Naturalness of participants, 450

Naturalness, search for, 198199

Neal, Brian, 193

Needy people as participants, 381, 2

Networking, 122

Networking for jobs, 542

Neutral density (ND) filters, 147

New Challenges for Documentary, 277n, 298n, 333n

New York Film Academy, 538

New York Times, The, 328

Newspaper videos, 221

Newspapers, as story resource, 38

Nichols, Bill, 14, 452

Night and Fog, 8082, 311, 494, 506

Night Mail, 65, 79, 8081, 303, 494

Nimitz, 308309

No Lies, 332333

Nobody’s Business, 280

Noir, documentary, 93

Noise, picture, 148

Noise, sound, 243

Nonchronologically presented stories, 303313

Nondiegetic sound, 510

Non-drop frame (NDF) recording, 415416

Nonlinear editing (NLE) system, 210

Nonrelevant time stories, 313315

Normal lenses, 389395

Normancy and perspective, 389390

North American film schools, 534537

Note taking at viewings, 213

Notes, crib, 458459

Novick, Lynn, 98, 299

NTSC (National Television System Committee) standard, 210, 400, 413, 415

Nyman, Michael, 77



camera position, 17

fairness, 1819

regaining after editing, 232

subjectivity vs, 1718, 456

Observation of participants, 344345

Observational cinema, 8487, 8990, 260263

Observer-to-subject axis, 111

Oliver, Jane, 198

Oliver Twist, 7778

Olympia, 271272

Omar and Pete, 20, 561563

Omnidirectional mikes, 188

Omniscient POV, 270274

On Screen Directing, 416

On-axis/off-axis interviews, 468470

On-axis/off-axis sound, 175, 177

One liner, 367

One Pair of Eyes series, 274, 468n

On-mike/off-mike sound, 175, 177

On-the-job training, 526527

Open questions, 343, 473

Open-face quartz lamp, 163

Opening, film, 2021

Opinions via Internet, 3


diopters, 149

finding focus, 157

focal length for lenses, 148, 389390

focus and DOF, 149150

halation, 151

interchangeable, 149

lenses. See Lenses, camcorder

protection, 150151

space and perception, 387

technical specifications, 148149

vignetting, 149

wide aperture range, 149

zoom ratio, 148


authority of director, 446447

crew. See Crew

directors. See Directors

interns, 438

producer, 439

production department, 438

unit production manager (UPM), 439440

using social times and breaks, 202203, 447

Organizations, filming in, 200

Organized story with meaning, 1213

Orwell, George, 366

Outfront program, 477, 481482

Outlines, creating, 126

Overbright backgrounds, 162163

Overlap cuts, 229231

Over-the-shoulder shots (OS), 456, 458


PAL (Phase Alternating Line) standard, 210, 400, 413

Pan/panning cameras, 103, 111

pan handle, 152

pan/tilt head setup, 152, 402403

Paper edit, 489491

Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills, 306

Parallel narrative traditions, 371, 374

Parallel storytelling, 292

Parnian, 304305


active, audience as, 228

approaching for preproduction research, 343344

being natural, 450

camera presence and changes in, 450451

creating trust in, 197198, 340, 344

directing, 197200, 452

embedded values related to, 352353

habits of, as obstacles, 451452

mind-body connection, 449450

in Nanook of the North, 72

paying, 380381

postproduction fears, 236

releases. See Releases

self-image and self-consciousness, 450

symbolic payment ($1), 196, 379, 480

viewings for, 236237

Participatory cinema, 8487, 8889, 8990, 260263

Passive approach, 2931

Passive/active voice, 52

Paying for education, 539


to celebrities/people in need, 380381

symbolic ($1), to participants, 196, 379, 480

PBS job information, 548

Peak reading meters, 179180, 429

Peak tests, 429430

Peet, Stephen, 46

Pennebaker, D. A., 105

People in need, paying, 381

Perception, 107108

Perception, visual

camera eye and human eye, 387389

frames of new image, 472

of space, 387

Permissions, obtaining, 372. See also Releases

Perrin, Jacques, 13

Personal films, 306308

Personal message from author, 550551

Personal POV, 274

Personal release form, 196197, 378379, 480481

Personality, 452

Person-in-the-street interviews, 464, 470


changes due to camera-to-subject distance changes, 391392

manipulating, 396

Perspective, sound, 176, 243

Perspective, visual, and normalcy, 389390

Phantom Limb, 65, 9697

Phantom power

camcorder sound, 181

microphones, 181, 187, 430

Phasing, 430

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) degree, 533

Phone cameras, 23, 378

Picasso, Pablo, 258, 264, 265

Pickup patterns, microphone, 187190, 433

Picture elements, 413

Picture gain, 148

Picture lock, 238

Picture materials for films, 100, 124125

Pilgrim’s Progress, 218

Pinewood Studios, 77

Pioneer Quest: A Year in the Real West, 285

Pitch (story), defined, 51

Pitch changes/blending, 212

Pitching documentary

described in directing plan, 371

pitches expanded to proposals, 5859

pitching subject project, 5556

proposals, 52

typical pitch, 5658

Pixels, 412, 413414

Planning. See also Research

equipment compatibility, 399

sound coverage, 421

“Playing card” method, 519

Plots and heroes, 283284

Plow That Broke the Plains, The, 272273, 303, 311

Plugs, audio, 177178

Poetic time films, 303306

Point of view (POV). See also Camera issues and point of view

authorial voice, 281

collecting evidence, 260263

concept of, from film/literature, 259260

described in directing plan, 371, 373

establishing, 266

expressing in documentary, 263265

expression of art/identity, 2425

finding new language, 281

looking at and looking through, 514515

multiple POVs (characters in film), 268270

omniscient, 270274

personal, 274

present tense of films, 70, 259

questions to ask yourself regarding, 282

reflexivity and representation, 276281

role of storyteller, 275276, 373

self-reflexive, 278281

single (character in film), 265268

Polar pattern (microphones), 433

“Politics and the English Language”, 366

Postproduction. See also Editing; Music

color correction, 145146

equipment compatibility issues, 400

long-form structure problems, 518520

talking about one’s work, 520521

tasks, overview, 209212

titles/acknowledgments, 250253

transcript to film, 485491

workflow, 210

Postsynchronizing dialogue, 80, 239, 240

Potter, Sally, 550

POV (PBS series), 365366

Power supply

for camera, 151

consumption, lighting calculations, 168169

lighting requirements, 167168

for microphones, 187

Practicals and lighting, 170, 562

Prelinger, Rick, 343

Premise, 92, 363

Premixing, 247

Preproduction research. See Research

Presence sound, 174, 503

Presence track

for narration, 503

shooting, 191192, 196

Present tense

film always in, 70, 259

writing in, 52

Preset white balance, 145

Press kit, 252253

Pressures, story, 4446

Primary, 105

Primary evidence, 47

Privacy, competition issues and, 35

Private and open schools, 538

Private funding, 546

Privileged moments, 88, 385, 477478

Pro Tools (Digidesign), 239, 243


setup and take numbers, 442443

shooting logs, 443

shot identification, 441442

single/double systems, 443

Process film, 62

Process films, 292295

Processes, life vs. cinema, 102

Processing, sound, 243

Producer, 439

Production. See also Shots/shooting

camcorders in, 141144

camera handling, 156159, 457458

directing crew, 200203

directing participants, 197200

lighting, 161172

microphone handling techniques, 181187

shooting procedures, 195197

sound design/shooting atmospheres, 191192

Production department, 438

Production stills, 419

Professionalism of crew, 201

Progressive scan, 409, 413


Advanced Budget Worksheet, 366, 592598

Advanced Interview: Three Shot Sizes, 90, 156, 199, 468, 617618

Advanced Proposal Helper, 362, 364, 370, 587589

Advanced Working Hypothesis Helper, 341, 362, 370, 583584

Analyze Editing and Content, 7, 20, 44, 108, 226, 260, 417, 498, 518, 572573

Analyze Lighting, 161, 171, 387, 560565

Analyze or Plan Using the Split-Page Script Form, 7, 190, 238, 492, 504, 514, 554557

Analyze Picture Composition, 99, 158, 387, 397, 417, 566570

Analyze Structure and Style, 7, 226, 289, 322, 574

Analyze Using Split-Page Script, 7

Assess a Director’s Thematic Vision, 260, 281, 575

Assess Your Interviewing, 199, 481, 625627

Assessing a Director’s Thematic Vision, 260

Basic Budget, 128, 590591

Basic Interview: Camera on a Tripod, 13, 34, 41, 90, 199, 615616

Basic Proposal Helper, 126, 585586

Basic Working Hypothesis Helper, 123, 341, 581582

Diagnosing a Narrative, 20, 232, 518, 571

Document a Process, 85, 88, 607608

Document an Event, 71, 609610

Documenting a Process, 288

Dramatic Content Helper, 125, 339, 371, 449, 576579

Dramatize a Location, 77, 611612

Editing Diagnostic Form, 518519

Flaherty-Style Film, 71, 603604

Make a Diary Film, 95, 623624

Make a Floor Plan, 7, 123, 558559

Make a Participatory Film, 88, 260, 621622

Make an Essay Film, 78, 95, 613614

Make an Observational Film, 86, 260, 619620

Picture Composition, 417

Skills Practice: Handheld Camera Steadiness, 156, 599

Skills Practice: Handheld Tracking Backward with Moving Subject, 156, 601602

Skills Practice: Handheld Tracking on a Moving Subject, 156, 600

Story Structure Helper, 291, 628629

Style and Content Questionnaire, 127, 340, 362, 363, 371, 580

Values Quiz, 28

Vertov-Style Montage Film, 77, 605606

Propagandist, 21


for actual films, 5962

Advanced Proposal Helper, 362, 364, 370, 587589

Basic Proposal Helper, 126, 585586

listing action/behavioral sequences, 362, 363

one conviction, many films, 55

organizer for, 364365

parts of, 364365

pitches expanded to, 5859

purpose of, 5152, 126, 361362

for starting career in film industry, 545

steps toward first draft, 362363

Prospectus, 367368

Provocative evidence, 16

Provocative narration, 497

Psychoacoustics, 193, 239

Pudovkin, Vsevolod, 108

Pudovkin’s categories of juxtaposition, 109

Puppy documentary, pitching/proposal, 5355, 5859

Push-ups, documentarian’s, 122123


Qualitative research, 342343

Quantitative research, 341342

Quartz lamp, 163164

Quest for meaning, 2728


diagnostic questioning after viewings, 222

framing/focusing, in interviews, 474

leading vs. open, 343, 473

Quick-release plates on cameras/camcorders, 152153, 402403


Rabiger, Granny, 4041

Rabiger, Paul, 508

Radio documentary, 482

Rain, 313

Raising stakes and stories, 4446

Rappoport, Mark, 39, 40

Rare film copies/information, 3

Raymond, Alan and Susan, 354

Reaction shots, 460

Reading of narration script, 494495

Real Dirt on Farmer John, The, 301303

Reality checks, 340

Reassembling edits, 212

Rechargeable batteries, 151


dialogue, 239, 240

large-scale, 330331

questions to ask yourself regarding, 334

sound, 192193

subjective, 331332

Recorders, 424428

Recording format and load time for cameras, 409410

Recording narrator, 500501

Recordist, sound

communicating with, during shoot, 202

as crew member, 135137

on-shoot etiquette, 195

relationship to camera, 184186

as safety monitor, 186187

scouting locations, 374375

using ear-enclosing headphones, 136, 181, 182, 430432


as basic film ingredient, 100

basics of, 327328

identification of, 328329

using actors, 329330

Reflected sound, 174

Reflexivity/reflexive films

basics of, 276281, 358

directing, 452453

Reggio, Godfrey, 304, 506

Regret to Inform, 274


interviews, 465

for sound mix, 248

Reisz, Karel, 550


crowd scenes, 380

individual personal release, 378379, 480481

location agreements, 128129, 372, 376378

obtaining permissions, 372

signed short personal release, 196197

verbal release, 196197

Reliability of information, 342

Reminder lists, downloadable, 370

Remnant of a Feudal Society, A, 356

Rendering, 211


archives, fair use, and best practices, 343

background research, 340

budget estimation, 130

casting decisions, 346

collecting raw materials, 3742

compromising yourself, 345346

courage and push-ups, 122123

creating outlines, 126

for creating subject restrictions, 121

creating trust in participants, 197198, 340, 344

evidence, exposition, and dramatic tension, 346350

getting information via Internet, 34

initial interviews for, 462463

initial stages, 339340

inventory of materials needed, 124125

keeping notes, 345

location agreements, 128129, 372, 376378

location research, 339

luck and preparation, 128

marshaling evidence, 350

networking, 122

observation of participants, 344345

obtaining films/videos, 2

proposals, 5152, 126

in prospectus, 367368

purpose/methods overview, 124

qualitative research, 342343

quantitative research, 341342

reality checks, 340

scheduling, 128

Style and Content Questionnaire, 127

subject-driven methods, 121122

testimony and witnesses, 348350

using Dramatic Content Helper, 125

using Working Hypothesis Helper, 5255, 123124

Researcher, 463

Resnais, Alain, 8081, 311, 332, 494, 506

Resolution, in drama, 284

Resonance, 176

Resource directory, 3

Responsibilities of crew members, 133


job seeking, 549

in proposals, 365

in prospectus, 368

Reverberation, sound, 174, 177

Reviews, getting information via Internet, 3

RF (radiofrequency) interference, 192


duration, concentration, and, 114115

film language, 103

visual, 114

Richardson, Robert, 224, 517

Richardson, Tony, 82, 84, 550

Riedelsheimer, Thomas, 347

Riefenstahl, Leni, 271272, 292, 333

Riggs, Marlon T., 9293

Rising action, 287

River, The, 272, 288, 303, 311

Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time, 347348

Roemer, Michael, 283

Roger and Me, 19, 235, 355

“Roll camera” command, 201, 446

Rolling titles, 251

Roll-off/attenuation, 242

Room tone, 191, 196, 503

Rosenblatt, Jay, 96, 97, 278, 279

Rosenthal, Alan, 277n, 298n, 332, 333n

Ross-Pirie, Caroline, 285

Rotten Tomatoes (website), 3

Rouch, Jean, 88, 89, 260, 475, 477

Rowling, J.K., 520521

Rubbo, Michael, 280

Ruby, Jay, 277

Run-up time, 201


Sacco and Vanzetti trial reenactment, 330

Sad Song of Yellow Skin, 280


lighting warnings, 164165

recordist as safety monitor, 186187

Safety backups, 424

Safety copies

backups, 248, 424

of sound mix, 248

Salesman, 65, 85, 86, 218, 268, 284, 286

Sánchez, Eduardo, 323

Sandell, Neil, 477, 481

Sandford, Jeremy, 331

Saturation, sound, 179

Sauper, Hubert, 122, 311


breakdown of, and crib notes, 458459

camera/scene axes, 110111, 113

film language, 104

as miniature drama, 287288

Scene/setup/take system, 442443


basics of, 128

daily printed, 376

described in directing plan, 372

logistics considerations, 375376

in prospectus, 368

Schiesari, Nancy, 157

Schlesinger, John, 45, 550

Schuurman, Otto, 328329

Scouting locations, 192, 374375

Scratch recording of narration, 499

Scratch tracks for music, 509

Screen direction

changing, 113114

described, 112113

Screen grammar, 102104

Screen language

overview, 99100

role of storyteller, 275276, 373

technology and, 67

Screening first assembly, 220. See also Viewings

Script, narration, 494499

Scripts from transcripts

accurate transcriptions, 485

assembling paper edit, 489491

database input, 487

flow chart, 485, 486

line numbering, 487

selecting materials for assembly, 487489

timecodes, 485

SD (standard-definition) video, 413414

Sears Home, 39

Seberg, Jean, 39, 40

Secrets of the Dead, 330

Security spyglass, 389

Self-help and education, 539

Self-image and self-consciousness, 450

Self-Inventory project, 3132

Self-questioning, 4243

Self-reflexive film, 278281

Sensory overload, 202

Sequence transitions, 230231


described, 115

dialogue, 229230

film language, 104

planning inventory, 125

Serendipity, 454

Set lighting, 562, 564

Setting for interviews, 463464

Setting limits and Dogme group, 319321


camcorder sound levels, 179180, 429

clapper board information, 442443

in drama, 284, 286, 347

lighting, 564565

Shadows, defining, 169

Shamir, Yoav, 86, 262

Shavitt, Orna, 60

Sheriff of Fractured Jaw, The, 240

Sherman’s March, 295, 453

Shoah, 344

Shock mounts, microphone, 181183

Shock of recognition, 46

Shooting projects. See Projects

Shooting ratio, 130

Short films, length of, 221

Shotgun mikes, 188189, 433434

Shots/shooting. See also Camera issues and point of view Production

atmosphere and sound design, 191192

body mechanics, 159

camera as instrument of revelation, 417418

camera height, 416417

checking shots, 201

compromises for camera, 418419, 453

countdown to, 201, 445446

crowd scene releases, 380

ensuring change, 376

equipment compatibility issues, 400

error recovery, 158

film language, 103

focusing, 157

image sizes, 156, 466467, 471472

interviews. See Interviews/interviewing

in juxtaposition, 108110

legal issues, 380

location agreements, 128129, 372, 376378

location considerations, 417

logistics and schedule, 375376

logs, 443

under mixed color temperatures, 145, 162

paying celebrities/people in need, 380381

presence track, 191, 196

procedures, 195197

production stills, 419

scouting locations, 374375

setup and take numbers, 442443

shot identification, 441442

single/double systems, 422423, 443

tripod use, 156157, 402404

using handhelds, 156, 457458

viewfinder and movements, 158

walking and tracking shots, 158159

Shoulder braces for cameras/camcorders, 153

Shutter speed, 414

Sicko, 7, 9, 95, 96

Side coaching, 288

Side-lit subject, 171

Siegel, Taggart, 301

Signal, sound, 174

Signals. See Communications

Signals/voice communications with crew, 202

Signal-to-noise ratio (S:N), 176177

Signifying situations, 356


as basic film ingredient, 101

as interviewer’s tool, 477

Silent film, 48, 7782

Silhouette lighting, 565

Simplification vs. clarification, 19

Single point of view, 265268

Single system, shooting, 422423, 443

Sinofsky, Bruce, 306

Sisters, The, 7, 8

Site research, 339

Slate, 441

Smart slate, 430, 431

Smiley, Jane, 42

Sobchack, Vivian C., 333n

Social criticism, documentary as, 1314

Social history, 42

Social science, 42

Social times, 447

Söderqvist, Johan, 504

Soft light, 163, 164165, 169, 561562, 564


budgeting, 367

editing, 208209

getting information via Internet, 3

for music composers, 508

sound processing, 239, 243

Soldier Girls, 1516, 285, 287, 309

Sonneborn, Barbara, 274


anticipatory, 231

attack/decay, 243, 246, 374

camcorder. See Camcorder sound

diegetic/nondiegetic, 101, 510

editing. See Sound editing

hand-clap acoustic test, 374

holdover, 231

location considerations, 374375

materials for films, 100, 124125

microphones. See Microphones

perspective, 243

planning inventory, 125

presence track, 196, 503

quality, 136

safety backups, 424

shooting goes mobile, 8283

from silence to, 7782

Sound design

aesthetics/soundscapes, 193194

ambient sounds/atmosphere, 191, 192193

location ambience problems, 192193

location procedure, 191, 196

postproduction discussions, 239240

psychoacoustics, 239

Sound editing

attenuation/roll-off, 242

audio sweetening, 212, 239

clichés, 240

compression, 212

dialogue tracks, 243245

effects track (FX), 193

equalization, 212, 241243

filling in backgrounds, 242

filtering, 212

fitting music, 512

fitting narration, 503

laying music tracks, 246

limiting, 212

MIDI integration, 212

narration/voice-overs, 243

pitch changes/blending, 212

sound effects, 240241

sound processing, 243

synchronizing sound to picture, 211

voice-overs, 227

Sound effects

as basic film ingredient, 101

library, 241

placement during speech, 496497

recreating, in Foley studio, 240241

spot sound effects, 246

Sound levels

camcorder, 179180, 429

for first showing, 233

sound mixing, 243

Sound logs, 443, 445

Sound mix

comparative levels, 247

introduction, 239

music and effects tracks, 248249

premixing, 247

preparation/procedures, 243

rehearse, then record, 248

safety copies, 248

tailoring, 247

using waveforms, 243, 244

Sound recordist. See Recordist, sound

Soundscapes, 193194

Source materials

final check of, 238

inventory of materials needed, 100101

Sources, identifying, 235

Space and visual perception, 387

Spatial errors, 235

Special photography, 460461

Specular light, 164165, 168

Speech-based narrative structure, 220

Speed of lenses, 394395

Spelling check (Microsoft Word), 52n Spelling, checking titles/subtitles, 251

Spider (spreader), 151

Splitting dialogue tracks, 244

Spock, Dr. Benjamin, 468

Spot sound effects, 246

Spotlights, 164, 165

Spreader, 151

Sprinkler Sprinkled, The, 70

Spurlock, Morgan, 494, 526, 527

Staggered cut, 230

Stakes, raising and stories, 4446

Stange, Eric, 329

Stanislavski, Konstantin, 449

Starting music, 507

State funding, 546

Static composition, 567568

Status quo, 15

Steadicam, 154


camcorder sound, 181

recording, 430

Stevie, 300301

Still in Motion, 504n

Stills, production, 419

Stings, music, 506, 510

Stock footage, 130

Stoney, George, 75, 266

Stopping music, 507

Storage/hard drives, 210

Storck, Henri, 313


acting on audience, 13

documentary as, 1213

forms of documentary, 17

hope, 17

Story development

artistic identity. See Artistic identity

B-roll footage, 47

childhood stories for, 4142

collecting raw materials for, 3742

displace/transform subjects, 49

family stories for, 33, 4041

fiction for, 3839, 42

history for, 3839

ideas about life, 105

ideation, 36

Internet resources, 38

journals for, 3738

lecturing and impact, 4748

localized material, 44, 48

locating pressures/raising stakes, 4446

mood creation, 48

myths/legends for, 3940

narrowing/intensifying, 4344

newspapers/magazines for, 38

one conviction, many films, 55

primary evidence, 47

self-questioning, 4243

shock of recognition, 46

social science/social history for, 42

stirring feelings, 4648

subject- vs. character-driven, 4849

subjects to avoid, 49

testing for cinematic qualities, 48

testing of subject, 4243

Story of the Weeping Camel, The, 74, 241

Storyteller, role of, 275276, 373

Strain relief for cables/cords, 178179, 189

Straubinger, Fini, 267

Strobing, 418419


action-determined, 219

analyzing long-form, 518520

biographical films, 300303

catalogue films, 313314

change and development in stories, 291

contract with audience, 2021, 216217

defined, 91

developing, 219220

event-centered films, 291292

historical films, 297300

importance of, 216

journey films, 295297

microcosm/macrocosm, 217218

personal films, 306308

poetic time films, 303306

process films, 292295

questions to ask yourself regarding, 316317

speech-based narrative, 220

story development, 217

Story Structure Helper, 291, 628629

surreal documentary, 314315

thesis films, 310311

walled-city films, 308310


of titles, 250

for writing scripts/proposals, 52

Style, film

addressing aesthetic concerns, 371

basics of, 322323

developing, 127

prompts for making stylistic choices, 325326

styles you can/can’t choose, 323325

Stylized actuality, 323

Subject-driven documentary, 4849

Subjective reconstruction, 331332


fairness, 1819

vs. objectivity, 1718, 456


to avoid, 49

crossing boundaries and bucking trends, 543545

displace/transform, 49

for interviews, 467

narrowing/intensifying, 4344

picture/sound mike placement, 186, 187

researching restrictions, 121

search for original, 543545

selection of, 2930

self-questioning, 4243

subject- vs. character-driven films, 4849

testing, 4244


described, 106107

editing, 517518

Subtitles, 251252

Success as beat, 288289

Super Size Me, 526527

Support system, camera, 151155, 402404

Surreal documentary, 314315

Sutherland, David, 293, 544

Swimming Lesson, The

proposal, 58

typical pitch, 5658

working hypothesis, 5355

Synchronizing sound/music, 211, 511

Synecdoche, 455


Tailoring sound mix, 247

Take, defined, 441

Take numbers, 442443

“Tale of Two Townsvilles, A”, 482

Talking about one’s work, avoiding, 520521

“Talking head” film, 48, 121, 227, 502

Tapeless workflow, 410, 414

Taranto, Claudia, 482

Taste of Honey, A, 82, 84

Tattooed Under Fire, 157

Technical information via Internet, 4

Technicolor, 77, 398

Technology, screen language and, 67

Telephoto lenses, 389395

Telescope, 389

Television films, length of, 221

Tell Them Who You Are, 274275, 307

Telling Stories: Postmodernism and the Invalidation of Traditional Narrative, 283n

Temperament of crew members, 132133

Temperature, color, 144145

Temporal mistakes, 235

Temporary tracks, 509

Tense for scripts/proposal materials, 52

Tension, dramatic, 289, 346348

Tension, lines of, 110111

Terminus, 4546

Terre’Blanche, Eugène, 453

Testimony and witnesses, 348350


for cinematic qualities, 48

lighting, 171172

of subject, 4243

Testing camera equipment, 159

Testosterone, 482

Thematic goals, 371

Themes, self-inventory project, 3132

Therapy, 30

Thesis films, 310311

Thin Blue Line, The, 15, 93, 193, 328, 330, 506

This American Life, 482

Thomas, Anthony, 331

Thousand Acres, A, 42

Three-act structure, 86, 284285, 286287

Three-point lighting, 171, 564

Through line, 291

Tilting cameras/camcorders, 103, 151152, 402403


chronological stories, 291303

concepts in film, 216217, 290291

lifespan of archives, 398399

no time structure predominates, 314

nonchronological stories, 303313

nonrelevant time stories, 313315

on-screen, for title, 251

process films, 62

time reordered films, 306

unifying music through, 510

Timecodes for video

addressable, 415

drop frame vs. non-drop frame, 415416

logging dailies, 214215

in transcripts, 485

Titanic, 276

Titicut Follies, 309

Title page of prospectus, 367

Titles and acknowledgements, 250253

Tolstoy, Alexandra, 473

Tonality, lighting, 562563

Tongues Untied, 65, 92

Topic categories, 215

Tourist, The, 357


components of, 485487

film scripts from, 487491

for foreign market, 251252

limitations of transcribing, 215216

making, and workarounds, 215216

marked-up, 488489

topic categories, 215

Transfer of funds, 368

Transient sounds, 179

Transition, sequence, 230231

Transitions/transitional devices, 115116

Transparency/transparent films described, 86, 358

directing, 452

interviews in, 471

mission and identity, 360

truth claims, 356


in dangerous areas, 420

logistics and schedule, 375376

Traveller’s Tale, 332

Treadwell, Timothy, 46, 276

Treatment, 366

Trial shooting, 372

Tripods and accessories

described, 151152, 402404

techniques, 156157, 457458

Triumph of the Will, 271272

Truffaut, Fran ç ois, 351

Trust of participants, 197198, 340, 344

Truth, 31, 7476

Truth claims, 356357


UFVA (University Film and Video Association), affiliated film schools, 535537

Ultraviolet (UV) filter for camcorder, 150

Unbalanced/balanced sound inputs, 177178

Undergraduate degrees, 531532

Unfolding evidence, 1516

Unit production manager (UPM), 439440

Universe, rules of, and plots, 283284

University Film and Video Association (UFVA), 3, 534

Unlock codes for DVD players, 2

Unreliable character, 228

Up series (7 Up, 14 Up … 49 Up), 9091, 217, 268

U.S. Department of State, 420



in documentary, 13

embedded, 351354

self-quiz, 28

Van Dyke, Willard, 319

Varda, Agnes, 9495

Variety (magazine), 11

VariZoom, 154

Verbal release, 196197

Vertov, Dziga, 7677, 88, 260, 277278

Video formats, 413414

Video technology, evolution of, 90

Videomaker (journal), 548

Vietnam: A Television History, 298


assessing composition, 158

comparing cameras, 410

Viewfinder and movements, 158


by crew, 212, 447

dailies, by director/editor, 212213

feelings/reactions, 213

of first assembly, 220221

for participants, 236237

relevance of dailies, 214

taking notes, 213

Viewpoint. See Point of view (POV)

Vignetting, 149

Vinterberg, Thomas, 319, 321

Visual rhythm, 114, 568

Visually driven films, 216

Voice. See also Narration Sound

auditions, 499500

communications with crew, 202

editing out interviewer, 470

inconsistent quality, 245

overlaps, 470

Voice in writing, active/passive, 52

“Voice” of film, 275, 493494


as basic film ingredient, 101

sound editing, 243

unifying material using, 227

Volts, 168

Von Trier, Lars, 319

“Vow of Chastity” and Dogma group, 320321

Vox populi (vox pops) interview, 199, 464, 470

VU (volume unit) meters, 179, 180, 429


Walking and tracking shots, 158159

Walsh, Raoul, 240

War Game, The, 272273

War, The, 98, 299300

Watkins, Peter, 272, 273, 330

Watt, Donald, 298

Watt, Harry, 79, 494

Watts, 168

Waveforms, 243, 244


downloadable reminder lists, 370

fair use information, 343

for films, 252253

focal length for lenses, 390

funds and foundations, 546547

job information, 548

for this book, 3, 21

Weston, Edward, 319

Wexler, Haskell, 274, 458

Wexler, Mark, 274, 307

White balance, 144145

Why Docudrama? Fact-Fiction on Film and TV, 332

Wide aperture range for lenses, 149

Wide shot (WS)

described, 156

signals for, during interviews, 466

Wide-angle lenses, 389395

Wikipedia, 3, 334

Wild, Nettie, 19

Wild sound, as basic film ingredient, 101

Wild tracks, 193

Windscreens, microphone, 181183

Winged Migration, 1112, 398

Wired mikes, 190

Wireless mikes, 190, 435

Wiseman, Fred, 84, 218, 260, 309, 378

Witness bearing, 2324, 475476

Witnesses and testimony, 348350

Wohl, Ira, 21, 8889, 544


operative, 497499

paper edit, 489491

power of first word on new image, 497

word-driven structure, 220

Work in progress (WIP), 365

Workers Leaving the Factory, 68


postproduction, 210

shooting single/double systems, 422423

tapeless, 410, 414

Working atmosphere, 201

Working hypothesis

Advanced Working Hypothesis Helper, 341, 362, 370, 583584

Basic Working Hypothesis Helper, 123, 341, 581582

overview, 52

refining proposals, 363

using Working Hypothesis Helper, 5255, 123124

Working principles, 3

World at War, The, 298

World Soundscape Project, 193

Worldwide film schools, 537

Worthington, Rosalie, 468

Wrapping up tasks, 197

Wright, Basil, 79, 494

Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Storytellers and Screenwriters, The, 26, 300n


scripted narration, 495496

style for scripts/proposal materials, 52

Writing on the Wall, The, 60, 61, 62, 63

WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get), 251


Yellow House, The, 61, 62, 63

YouTube, 3, 67, 71

video length for, 221


Zebra stripes in viewfinder, 410

Zeppelin windscreen, 183184

Zeppelins, 223

Zola, Émile, 24

Zoom, defined, 103

Zoom ratio for lenses, 148

Zoom speed, 467

Zooming vs. dollying, 397

Zwigoff, Terry, 314315

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