

  2.1 Entrepreneurial allocation principal differences

2A1 Description of individual variables used in the GEDI

2A2 Description and source of institutional variables used in the GEDI

2A3 Description of the applied variables and pillars of the attitude sub-index

2A4 Description of the applied variables and pillars of the entrepreneurial activity sub-index

2A5 Description of the applied variables and pillars of the entrepreneurial aspiration sub-index

2A6 Countries included in the GEDI: size of the sample by year

2B1 The global entrepreneurship sub-index country scores and ranks

  3.1 Descriptive statistics of variables

  3.2 Entrepreneurship and employment growth, 2009–10

  3.3 Entrepreneurship and population growth, 2009–10

  3.4 Entrepreneurship in manufacturing and employment growth

  3.5 Entrepreneurship in construction and employment growth

  3.6 Entrepreneurship in construction and population growth

  3.7 Entrepreneurship in trade, hotels and restaurants and employment growth

  3.8 Entrepreneurship in transportation/communications and employment growth

  3.9 Entrepreneurship in financial/business services and employment growth

3.10 Entrepreneurship in education, health/medical service, other public and personal service, and employment growth

3.11 Summary of branch-specific effects of startups on employment and population growth in Swedish municipalities

  4.1 Variables and factors: validity test of measure

  4.2 Main characteristics of open innovation in the firms analysed

  4.3 Descriptive statistics of the clusters obtained and analysis of variance

  4.4 Technology intensity and size of clusters

  4.5 Geographical distribution and level of openness

  4.6 Results of factors influencing open innovation

  5.1 Business networks, activity, primary and secondary influences

  5.2 Networks in each economic partnership across the O2C Arc showing populations using 2001 census data

  5.3 Limitations of networks

  6.1 Production options for a firm

  6.2 Global value chain governance types

  6.3 Total production of motor vehicles in the EU and a group of reference countries, 2005–09

  6.4 Top five destinations and origins of exports and imports of road vehicles (SITC78) for 2009

  7.1 Classification of the sector of activity

  7.2 Characteristics of the district provinces (DPs)

  7.3 Measures of the independent variables

  7.4 Descriptive statistics and correlation matrix of the variables

  7.5 Determinants of patent applications in Italian regions (2001–08)

  8.1 Survey summary

  8.2 Manufacturing industries by sector

  8.3 Export and import orientation of manufacturing firms in 2005

  8.4 Export and import decisions, the role of technological innovation

8A1 Export and import orientation of manufacturing firms in 2004

  9.1 Sample characteristics

  9.2 Definitions of variables

  9.3 Descriptive statistics

  9.4 Cox proportional hazard regressions on the probability to be a target after the IPO

10.1 Distribution of KIBS firms by industry and geographical area

10.2 Vertical disintegration by industry and geographical area

10.3 Variables description

10.4 OLS estimates: all observations

10.5 OLS estimates by KIBS class

10.6 OLS estimates: all observations, relative agglomeration variables

10.7 OLS estimates with relative agglomeration variables by KIBS class

11.1 Regional innovation indicators in Skåne

13.1 Employment in the Eau Claire MSA for the period 2001–09

13.2 Employment in New Sønderborg municipality since 1997 (workplaces)

14.1 Brief description of variables and data sources

14.2 Descriptive statistics

14.3 Correlation matrix

14.4 Regression results: technological innovation

14.5 Regression results: business performance

15.1 Propositions and questions explored

15.2 Levels of entrepreneurship and potential entrepreneurship

15.3 Profile of entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in the deprived community

15.4 Types of businesses set up and potential businesses by sector

15.5 Sources of support when starting a business

15.6 Use of formal enterprise support

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