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Regions and Cities

Managing Editor
Gillian Bristow, University of Cardiff, UK.

Maryann Feldman, University of Georgia, USA
Gernot Grabher, HafenCity University Hamburg, Germany
Ron Martin, University of Cambridge, UK
Martin Perry, Massey University, New Zealand

In today's globalized, knowledge-driven and networked world, regions and cities have assumed heightened significance as the interconnected nodes of economic, social and cultural production, and as sites of new modes of economic and territorial governance and policy experimentation. This book series brings together incisive and critically engaged international and interdisciplinary research on this resurgence of regions and cities, and should be of interest to geographers, economists, sociologists, political scientists and cultural scholars, as well as to policymakers involved in regional and urban development. For more information on the Regional Studies Association visit

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  1. Beyond Green Belts
Managing urban growth in the 21st century
Edited by John Herington

  2. Retreat from the Regions
Corporate change and the closure of factories
Stephen Fothergill and Nigel Guy

  3. Regional Development in the 1990s
The British Isles in transition
Edited by Ron Martin and Peter Townroe

  4. Spatial Policy in a Divided Nation
Edited by Richard T. Harrison and Mark Hart

  5. An Enlarged Europe
Regions in competition?
Edited by Louis Albrechts, Sally Hardy, Mark Hart and Anastasios Katos

  6. The Regional Imperative
Regional planning and governance in Britain, Europe and the United States
Urlan A. Wannop

  7. The Determinants of Small Firm Growth
An inter-regional study in the United Kingdom 1986–1990
Richard Barkham, Graham Gudgin, Mark Hart and Eric Hanvey

  8. The Regional Dimension of Transformation in Central Europe
Grzegorz Gorzelak

  9. Union Retreat and the Regions
The shrinking landscape of organised labour
Ron Martin, Peter Sunley and Jane Wills

10. Regional Development Strategies
A European perspective
Edited by Jeremy Alden and Philip Boland

11. British Regionalism and Devolution
The challenges of state reform and European integration
Edited by Jonathan Bradbury and John Mawson

12. Innovation Networks and Learning Regions?
James Simmie

13. Regional Policy in Europe
S. S. Artobolevskiy

14. New Institutional Spaces
TECs and the remaking of economic governance
Edited by Martin Jones and Jamie Peck

15. The Coherence of EU Regional Policy
Contrasting perspectives on the structural funds
Edited by John Bachtler and Ivan Turok

16. Multinationals and European Integration
Trade, investment and regional development
Edited by Nicholas A. Phelps

17. Unemployment and Social Exclusion
Landscapes of labour inequality and social exclusion
Edited by Sally Hardy, Paul Lawless and Ron Martin

18. Metropolitan Planning in Britain
A comparative study
Edited by Peter Roberts, Kevin Thomas and Gwyndaf Williams

19. Social Exclusion in European Cities
Processes, experiences and responses
Edited by Judith Allen, Goran Cars and Ali Madanipour

20. Regional Development Agencies in Europe
Edited by Charlotte Damborg, Mike Danson and Henrik Halkier

21. Community Economic Development
Edited by Graham Haughton

22. Foreign Direct Investment and the Global Economy
Corporate and institutional dynamics of global-localisation
Edited by Jeremy Alden and Nicholas F. Phelps

23. Restructuring Industry and Territory
The experience of Europe's regions
Edited by Anna Giunta, Arnoud Lagendijk and Andy Pike

24. Out of the Ashes?
The social impact of industrial contraction and regeneration on Britain's mining communities
Chas Critcher, Bella Dicks, David Parry and David Waddington

25. Regional Innovation Strategies
The challenge for less-favoured regions
Edited by Kevin Morgan and Claire Nauwelaers

26. Geographies of Labour Market Inequality
Edited by Ron Martin and Philip S. Morrison

27. Sustainable Cities
Graham Haughton and Colin Hunter

28. Regions, Spatial Strategies and Sustainable Development
David Counsell and Graham Haughton

29. Clusters and Regional Development
Critical reflections and explorations
Edited by Bjørn Asheim, Philip Cooke and Ron Martin

30. Regional Competitiveness
Edited by Ron Martin, Michael Kitson and Peter Tyler

31. Regional Development in the Knowledge Economy
Edited by Philip Cooke and Andrea Piccaluga

32. The Rise of the English Regions?
Edited by Irene Hardill, Paul Benneworth, Mark Baker and Leslie Budd

33. Geographies of the New Economy
Critical reflections
Edited by Peter W. Daniels, Andrew Leyshon, Michael J. Bradshaw and Jonathan Beaverstock

34. European Cohesion Policy
Willem Molle

35. Creative Regions
Technology, culture and knowledge entrepreneurship
Edited by Philip Cooke and Dafna Schwartz

36. Devolution, Regionalism and Regional Development
The UK experience
Edited by Jonathan Bradbury

37. Intelligent Cities and Globalisation of Innovation Networks
Nicos Komninos

38. Whither Regional Studies?
Edited by Andy Pike

39. Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts
The governance of the global value chain
Edited by Fiorenza Belussi and Alessia Sammarra

40. China and Europe
The implications of the rise of China as a global economic power for Europe
Edited by Klaus Kunzmann, Willy A Schmid and Martina Koll-Schretzenmayr

41. Globalizing Regional Development in East Asia
Production networks, clusters, and entrepreneurship
Edited by Henry Wai-chung Yeung

42. Manufacturing in the New Urban Economy
Willem van Winden, Leo van den Berg, Luis de Carvalho and Erwin van Tuijl

43. The Impacts of Automotive Plant Closures
A tale of two cities
Edited by Andrew Beer and Holli Evans

44. The Futures of the City Region
Edited by Michael Neuman and Angela Hull

45. Migration in the 21st Century
Rights, outcomes, and policy
Kim Korinek and Thomas Maloney

46. Leadership and Place
Edited by Chris Collinge, John Gibney and Chris Mabey

47. Beyond Territory
Edited by Harald Bathelt, Maryann Feldman and Dieter F. Kogler

48. The Recession and Beyond
Local and regional responses to the downturn
Edited by David Bailey and Caroline Chapain

49. Cultural Political Economy of Small Cities
Edited by Anne Lorentzen and Bas van Heur

50. Just Growth
Inclusion and prosperity in America's metropolitan regions
Chris Benner and Manuel Pastor

51. Industrial Policy Beyond the Crisis
Regional, national and international perspectives
Edited by David Bailey, Helena Lenihan and Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod

52. Promoting Silicon Valleys in Latin America
Luciano Ciravegna

53. Regional Development in Northern Europe
Peripherality, marginality and border issues
Edited by Mike Danson and Peter De Souza

54. Creating Knowledge Locations in Cities
Innovation and integration challenges
Willem van Winden, Luis de Carvalho, Erwin van Tujil, Jeroen van Haaren and Leo van den Berg

55. Complex Adaptive Innovation Systems
Relatedness and transversality in the evolving region
Philip Cooke

56. Innovation Governance in an Open Economy
Shaping regional nodes in a globalized world
Edited by Annika Rickne, Staffan Laestadius and Henry Etzkowitz

57. Creative Industries and Innovation in Europe
Concepts, measures and comparative case studies
Edited by Luciana Lazzeretti

58. Community-based Entrepreneurship and Rural Development
Creating favourable conditions for small businesses in Central Europe
Matthias Fink, Stephan Loidl and Richard Lang

59. Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation?
Networking, knowledge and regional policies
Edited by Nicola Bellini, Mike Danson and Henrik Halkier

60. Leadership and Change in Sustainable Regional Development
Edited by Markku Sotarauta, Ina Horlings and Joyce Liddle

61. Networking Regionalised Innovative Labour Markets
Edited by Ulrich Hilpert and Helen Lawton Smith

62. Re-framing Regional Development
Evolution, innovation and transition
Edited by Philip Cooke

63. The University and the City
John Goddard and Paul Vallance

64. The Value of Arts and Culture for Regional Development
A Scandinavian perspective
Edited by Lisbeth Lindeborg and Lars Lindkvist

65. Europe's Changing Geography
The impact of inter-regional networks
Edited by Nicola Bellini and Ulrich Hilpert

66. Working Regions
Reconnecting innovation and production in the knowledge economy
Jennifer Clark

67. The Economic Geography of the IT Industry in the Asia Pacific Region
Edited by Philip Cooke, Glen Searle and Kevin O'Connor

68. Entrepreneurial Knowledge, Technology and the Transformation of Regions
Edited by Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and Roger Stough

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