Appendix A. What's on the CD–ROM?

This appendix provides you with information on the contents of the CD that accompanies this book. For the latest and greatest information, please refer to the ReadMe file located at the root directory of the CD. Here is what you will find:

  • System Requirements

  • Using the CD with Windows

  • What's on the CD

  • Troubleshooting

System Requirements

Make sure that your computer meets the requirements listed in this section. Your PC must have the following:

  • Excel 2007 for Windows

  • A CD–ROM drive

Using the CD

To install the items from the CD to your hard drive, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the CD into your computer's CD–ROM drive. The license agreement appears.

    The interface won't launch if you have autorun disabled. In that case, choose Start

    Using the CD
  2. Read through the license agreement, and then click the Accept button if you want to use the CD.

    The CD interface appears. The interface allows you to install the programs and run the demos with just a click of a button (or two).

What's on the CD

The following sections provide a summary of the software and other materials you'll find on the CD.

Sample Files for Excel 2007 Charts

The files discussed in the book are organized by chapter. The files are all Excel 2007 files that have the following extensions:

  • XLSX: An Excel workbook file

  • XLSM: An Excel workbook file that contains VBA macros

  • XLAM: An Excel add–in file that contains VBA macros

When you open an XLSM file, Excel may display a Security Warning and tell you that macros have been disabled. To enable macros, click the Options button in the Security Warning panel and then select the Enable This Content option.

Because the files on this CD are from a trusted source, you may want to copy the files to your hard drive and then designate the folder as a trusted location. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open an Explorer window, and select the CD–ROM drive that contains the companion CD–ROM.

  2. Right–click the folder that corresponds to the root folder for the samples files, and select Copy from the shortcut menu.

  3. Activate the folder on your hard drive where you'd like to copy the files. Right–click the directory, and choose Paste from the shortcut menu.

The CD–ROM files will be copied to a subfolder in the folder you specified in Step 3. To designate this new folder as a trusted location, follow these steps:

  1. Start Excel and choose Office

    Sample Files for Excel 2007 Charts
  2. In the Excel Options dialog box, click the Trust Center tab.

  3. Click the Trust Center Settings button.

  4. In the Trust Center dialog box, click the Trusted Locations tab.

  5. Click the Add New Location button to display the Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box.

  6. In the Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box, click the Browse button, and locate the folder that contains the files copied from the CD–ROM.

  7. Make sure that you select the Subfolders of This Location Are Also Trusted option.

After performing these steps, when you open XLSM files from this location, the macros are enabled and you don't see the Security Warning.


Some chapters don't use any sample files.

  • introductory examples.xlsx: A workbook that contains the examples pictured in Chapter 01

  • 3–d charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of 3–D charts

  • area charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of area charts

  • bar charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of bar charts

  • bubble charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of bubble charts

  • column charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of column charts

  • combination charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of combination charts

  • doughnut charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of doughnut charts

  • line charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of line charts

  • pie charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of pie charts

  • radar charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of radar charts

  • scatter charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of scatter charts

  • six chart types.xlsx: A workbook that shows the same data plotted as six different chart types

  • stock charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of stock charts

  • surface charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of surface charts

  • 3–d charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of formatting 3–D charts

  • axes.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of axis formatting

  • data labels.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of data labels

  • data table.xlsx: A workbook that contains a data table example

  • series.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of chart series formatting

  • titles.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of chart title formatting

  • error bars.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of chart error bars

  • linear trendlines.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of linear trendlines

  • moving average.xlsx: A workbook that contains moving average examples

  • nonlinear trendlines.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of nonlinear trendlines

  • other series enhancements.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of other chart enhancements (series lines, high–low lines, up/down bars, and varied colors)

  • annotating charts.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the use of shapes to annotate a chart

  • chart backgrounds.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the use of clip art in a chart background

  • image in plot or chart area.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the use of an image in a chart's plot area or chart area

  • images in a chart series.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the use of images in a chart series

  • chart with scrollbar.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to control the data shown in a chart by using a scroll bar

  • climate data chart.xlsx: A workbook that contains an interactive chart that displays climate information for two selected cities

  • daily.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates a self–expanding chart

  • first and last point in series.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to specify the first and last data points in a chart series

  • first point and number of points.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to specify the first data point and the number of data points to be displayed in a chart series

  • plot every nth value.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to plot every nth value in a series

  • plot last n data points.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to display only the last n data points in a series

  • select series with checkboxes.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to use check boxes to control which series are displayed in a chart

  • broken axis.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to simulate a broken vertical axis in a chart

  • comparative histogram.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a comparative histogram

  • conditional column colors.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a column chart that displays different colors, depending on the value

  • dummy axis examples.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of charts that use a dummy axis

  • gantt chart.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a simple Gantt chart

  • horizontal reference line.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to insert a horizontal reference line into a chart

  • identify max and min data points.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates a way to display the maximum and minimum data point values in a chart

  • multiple charts on chart sheet.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to put multiple charts on a single chart sheet

  • overlay charts.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates various ways to combine charts

  • scatter chart with colored quadrants.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to apply a different color to each quadrant in a scatter chart

  • scatter charts timeline.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a text–based timeline using a scatter chart

  • shade between lines.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to apply shading between two lines in a chart

  • single data point charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains several charts that display a single data point

  • stacked and grouped.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates various ways to combine charts

  • stacked column chart variations.xlsx: A workbook that contains several examples of stacked column charts

  • step chart.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a step chart

  • vary column width.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a column chart with varying column widths

  • vertical and horizontal bands.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create vertical and horizontal bands in a chart

  • vertical line in column chart.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to insert a vertical line in a column chart

  • color scale examples.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates conditional formatting color scales

  • data bars examples.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates conditional formatting data bars

  • icon set examples.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates conditional formatting icon sets

  • sparkline chart examples.xlsm: A workbook that contains examples of small sparkline charts, plus a macro to position and size sparkline charts

  • sparkline generator.xlam: An Excel 2007 add–in that creates a series of sparkline charts

  • sparkline text charts.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create sparkline charts using text characters

  • text character charts.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create simple charts directly in a range

  • 3d scatterplot.xlsm: A workbook that simulates a 3–D scatter plot, with macros to rotate the chart

  • area under a curve.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to calculate the area under a curve

  • box plot.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a box plot

  • connecting data points.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to connect scatter chart data points to the axes

  • frequency distributions.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates several ways to create a frequency distribution

  • function plot 2D.xlsx: A workbook that makes it easy to plot a function with one variable

  • function plot 3D.xlsm: A workbook that makes it easy to plot a function with two variables

  • function plots.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to plot a function

  • normal distribution.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to plot a normal curve

  • scatter chart circles.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a circle on a scatter chart

  • z–score plot.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to plot z–scores with standard deviation bands

  • bank accounts.xlsx: A workbook that contains data suitable for a pivot table

  • frequency distribution chart.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a pivot chart that displays a frequency distribution

  • pivot chart from multiple sheets.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to create a pivot chart from data in multiple worksheets

  • reverse pivot.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that converts a summary table into a three–column table suitable for a pivot table

  • sales by region.xlsx: A workbook that contains data suitable for a pivot table

  • survey results.xlsx: A workbook that contains survey data suitable for a pivot chart

  • chart complexity.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates how to reduce chart complexity

  • chart type problems.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of problems resulting from using the wrong chart type

  • misleading charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains various examples of misleading charts

  • text problems.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates text–related problems on charts

  • analog clock chart.xlsm: A workbook that displays a clock in a chart

  • animated charts.xlsm: A workbook that contains examples of animated charts

  • bouncing shapes.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that animate shapes

  • bubble chart mouse.xlsx: A workbook that contains a bubble chart that resembles a cartoon mouse

  • clip art with charts.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of using clip art in a chart

  • dice roller.xlsm: A workbook that simulates tossing two dice and plots the results in a chart

  • doughnut chart spinner.xlsm: A workbook that uses a macro to convert a doughnut chart into a spinning wheel

  • horse race.xlsm: A chart that simulates a horse race

  • hypocycloid chart.xlsx: A workbook that plots a hypocycloid curve

  • hypocycloid chart – animated.xlsm: A workbook that plots a hypocycloid curve, with a macro to animate the chart

  • mountain ranges.xlsx: A workbook that simulates mountain ranges using an area chart

  • plot sin and cosine.xlsx: A workbook that generates a design by plotting SIN and COSINE functions

  • radar chart designs.xlsx: A workbook that creates designs using a radar chart

  • rotating shape.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros that animate shapes

  • scatter chart drawings.xlsx: A workbook that contains examples of drawings created with a scatter chart

  • smile chart.xlsx: A workbook that contains a chart that displays a smile, based on the value in a cell

  • axis settings.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that modifies a chart's axis scale values

  • size and align charts.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that sizes and aligns charts in a worksheet

  • axis scaling – calculate event .xlsm: A workbook that contains an event procedure that changes axis scaling when the worksheet is calculated

  • axis settings – event macro.xlsm: A workbook that contains an event procedure that changes axis scaling when a new value is entered into a cell

  • create a chart.xlsm: A workbook that contains example macros that create a chart

  • data labels.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that adds data labels to a chart series

  • format a chart.xlsm: A workbook that contains example macros to apply formatting to a chart

  • format all charts.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that applies formatting to all charts in a worksheet

  • get series ranges.xlsm: A workbook that contains VBA functions that retrieve ranges used by a chart series

  • hide charts – event macro.xlsm: A workbook that contains an event macro that hides all charts except the chart selected from a drop–down list

  • plot data in active row – event macro.xlsm: A workbook that contains an event macro that displays a chart series based on the location of the active cell

  • save as gif.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that saves a chart as a GIF file

  • scrolling chart.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro to scroll the series in a chart

  • series based on active cell – event macro.xlsm: A workbook that contains an event macro that displays data on a chart based on the location of the active cell

  • word cloud.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that creates a word cloud in a shape

  • chart colors.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros which change colors in charts

  • chart to grayscale picture.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that converts a chart to a grayscale image

  • color conversion functions.xlsm: A workbook that contains color conversion functions

  • document theme demo.xlsx: A workbook that demonstrates the effect of applying different document themes

  • generate theme colors.xlsm: A workbook that contains a macro that generates theme colors in a range of cells

  • rgb color demo.xlsm: An interactive workbook that demonstrates the RGB color system

  • shape object colors.xlsm: A workbook that contains macros which apply formatting to shapes

  • tintandshade demo.xlsm: A workbook that demonstrates the TintAndShade property of a theme color

  • weirddog.jpg: A graphics file used by the shape object colors.xlsm example

eBook version of Excel 2007 Charts

The complete text of this book is on the CD in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). You can read and search through the file with the Adobe Acrobat Reader (also included on the CD).


The following applications are on the CD:

  • Power Utility Pak v7 (30–Day Trial Version)

Shareware programs are fully functional, trial versions of copyrighted programs. If you like particular programs, register with their authors for a nominal fee and receive licenses, enhanced versions, and technical support.

Freeware programs are copyrighted games, applications, and utilities that are free for personal use. Unlike shareware, these programs do not require a fee or provide technical support.

GNU software is governed by its own license, which is included inside the folder of the GNU product. See the GNU license for more details.

Trial, demo, or evaluation versions are usually limited either by time or functionality (such as being unable to save projects). Some trial versions are very sensitive to system date changes. If you alter your computer's date, the programs will "time out" and will no longer be functional.


If you have difficulty installing or using any of the materials on the companion CD, try the following solutions:

  • Turn off any antivirus software that you may have running. Installers sometimes mimic virus activity and can make your computer incorrectly believe that it is being infected by a virus. (Be sure to turn the antivirus software back on later.)

  • Close all running programs. The more programs you're running, the less memory is available to other programs. Installers also typically update files and programs; if you keep other programs running, installation may not work properly.

  • Reference the ReadMe file. Please refer to the ReadMe file located at the root directory of the CD–ROM for the latest product information at the time of publication.

Customer Care

If you have trouble with the CD–ROM, please call Wiley Product Technical Support at (800) 762–2974. Outside the United States, call (317) 572–3994. You can also contact Wiley Product Technical Support at John Wiley & Sons can provide technical support only for installation and other general quality control items. For technical support on the applications themselves, consult the program's vendor or author.

To place additional orders or to request information about other Wiley products, please call (877) 762–2974.

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