Chapter 14. VBA Overview and Basic Examples

In This Chapter

  • An overview of using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) to manipulate charts

  • Macros to activate and deactivate charts

  • Macros to determine whether a chart is selected

  • Macros to count and loop through all charts

  • Macros to delete charts and print charts

This is the first of three chapters that deal with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). VBA is Excel's programming language, and it is used to automate various aspects of Excel — including charts.

VBA in a Nutshell

VBA is Microsoft's common application scripting language. VBA is included with all Office 2007 applications, and it's also available in applications from other vendors. You use VBA to write procedures, frequently known as macros.


This chapter assumes a basic familiarity with VBA. You should know how to use the VB Editor, enter code, execute procedures, and so on. If you have no experience using VBA, the material in this and the next two chapters will not make much sense. The remainder of this section presents a quick overview of VBA — useful as a refresher for those who haven't used VBA in a while. It's also useful to help novices decide whether learning VBA would be helpful.

Ready for the nutshell version of VBA? Here goes:

  • You perform actions in VBA by executing VBA code.

  • You write (or record) VBA code, which is stored in a VBA module.

  • VBA modules are stored in an Excel workbook, but you view or edit a module using the Visual Basic Editor.

  • A VBA module consists of procedures.

    A procedure is basically a unit of computer code that performs some action. Here's an example of a simple Sub procedure called Test. This procedure calculates a simple sum and then displays the result in a message box:

    Sub Test()
        Sum = 1 + 1
        MsgBox "The answer is " & Sum
    End Sub
  • In addition to Sub procedures, a VBA module can have Function procedures.

    A Function procedure returns a single value. A function can be called from another VBA procedure, or used in a worksheet formula. This book does not cover Function procedures.

  • VBA manipulates objects contained in its host application (in this case, Excel is the host application).

    Excel provides you with more than 100 classes of objects to manipulate. Examples of objects include a workbook, a worksheet, a range in a worksheet, a chart, and a shape. Many more objects are at your disposal, and you can manipulate them using VBA code.

  • Object classes are arranged in a hierarchy.

    Objects can act as containers for other objects. For example, Excel is an object called Application, and it contains other objects, such as Workbook and Add-In objects. The Workbook object can contain other objects, such as Worksheet objects and Chart objects. A Worksheet object can contain objects such as Range objects, PivotTable objects, embedded chart objects (called ChartObjects), and so on. The arrangement of these objects is referred to as Excel's object model.

  • Like objects form a collection.

    For example, the Worksheets collection consists of all the worksheets in a particular workbook. The Charts collection consists of all Chart sheet objects. The ChartObjects collection consists of all charts embedded in a single worksheet. Collections are objects in themselves.

  • When you refer to a contained or member object, you specify its position in the object hierarchy using a period (also known as a "dot") as a separator between the container and the member.

    For example, you can refer to a workbook named Book1.xlsx as follows:


    This refers to the Book1.xlsx workbook in the Workbooks collection. The Workbooks collection is contained in the Excel Application object. Extending this to another level, you can refer to Sheet1 in Book1 as follows:


    You can take it to still another level and refer to a specific cell as follows:


    If you omit a specific reference to an object, Excel uses the active objects.

    If Book1 is the active workbook, the preceding reference can be simplified as follows:


    If you're certain that Sheet1 is the active sheet, you can simplify the reference even more:

  • Objects have properties

    A property can be thought of as a setting for an object. For example, a Range object has properties such as Value and Name. A Chart object has properties such as HasTitle and ChartType. You can use VBA to determine object properties and also to change them.

  • You refer to properties by combining the object with the property, separated by a period.

    For example, you can refer to the value in cell A1 on Sheet1 as follows:

  • You can assign values to VBA variables.

    Think of a variable as a name that you can use to store a particular value.

    To assign the value in cell A1 on Sheet1 to a variable called Interest, use the following VBA statement:

    Interest = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value
  • You can also assign a variable's value to a cell.

    To assign a variable called Interest to cell A1 on Sheet1, use the following VBA statement:

    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value = Interest
  • Objects have methods.

    A method is an action that is performed with the object. For example, one of the methods for a Range object is ClearContents. This method clears the contents of the range.

  • You specify methods by combining the object with the method, separated by a period.

    For example, to clear the contents of cell A1 on the active worksheet, use this statement:

  • VBA also includes all the constructs of modern programming languages, including arrays, looping, and so on.

Believe it or not, this summary pretty much describes VBA. Now it's just a matter of learning some details.

The Macro Recorder and Charts

I often recommend using the macro recorder to learn about objects, properties, and methods. Unfortunately, Microsoft took a major step backward in Excel 2007 when it comes to recording chart actions. Although you can record a macro while you create and customize a chart, the recorded macro might not produce the same result when you execute it. Even worse, some actions are simply ignored.

Following is a macro that I recorded while I created a column chart, deleted the legend, and then added a shadow effect to the column series:

Sub RecordedMacro()
    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Range("Sheet1!$A$2:$B$4")
    ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
End Sub

The chart is shown in Figure 14-1.

The macro recorder was turned on while this chart was created and customized.

Figure 14-1. The macro recorder was turned on while this chart was created and customized.

Notice the following points:

  • Even though I selected the range before I turned on the macro recorder, the source data range is hard-coded in the macro. In other words, the recorded macro does not use the Selection object, which is typical of other recorded macros. Therefore, you can't record a macro that creates a chart from the selected range. You can, however, create such a macro manually.

  • The macro also hard-codes the chart's name. When this macro is played back, it's unlikely that the newly created chart will be named Chart 1, so the macro will either select the wrong chart or end with an error if a chart with that name does not exist.

  • Although selecting the data series was recorded, the formatting command was not. So, if you would like to find out which objects and properties are used to format a data series, the macro recorder is of no help.

Bottom line? In Excel 2007, Microsoft downgraded macro recording for charts to the point where it's almost useless in some situations. I don't know why this happened, but it's likely that the programmers just didn't have the time, and meeting the product ship date was deemed a higher priority.

Despite the flaws, recording a chart-related macro can still be of some assistance. For example, you can use a recorded macro to figure out how to insert a chart, change the chart type, add a series, and so on. But when it comes to learning about formatting, you're on your own.


See Chapter 15 for sample macros that create charts.

The Chart Object Model

When you use VBA to work with charts, you'll quickly discover that the Chart object model is very complex. First, keep in mind that a Chart object can have either one of two different parent objects. The parent object of a chart on a chart sheet is the Workbook object that contains the chart sheet. The object hierarchy is as follows:


The parent object of an embedded chart is a ChartObject object. The parent of a ChartObject object is a Worksheet object. The object hierarchy for an embedded chart is as follows:


A Chart object contains, of course, other objects. Following is a partial object hierarchy for a Chart object:

  Axes (Collection)
  SeriesCollection (Collection)

These objects, in turn, can contain other objects. Consider the SeriesCollection, which is a collection of all Series objects in the chart. A Series object contains the following objects:

  Points (Collection)

Now consider the Points collection. Each Point object contains the following objects:


And it doesn't stop here. The DataLabel object contains an additional object: Font.

Assume that you want to change the font size of a single data label. Furthermore, assume that this data label belongs to the first point of the first series of the first chart in the first worksheet of the active workbook. Your VBA statement, as follows, needs to traverse this object hierarchy to get to the Size property of the Font object:


Here's a VBA statement that does the job (this is a single statement that spans two lines):

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1) _
   .Points(1).DataLabel.Font.Size = 24

If you also wanted to make that data label bold, you need an additional statement:

ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1).ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1) _
  .Points(1).DataLabel.Font.Bold = True


Actually, it's even a bit more complex. Setting the Size or Bold property for a Font object will generate an error if the data point doesn't have a data label (that is, if the HasDataLabel property of the Point object is False (its default setting).

Using Object Variables

The deeply nested objects in the Chart object model can be confusing, and result in very long VBA statements. One way to make your code more efficient is to use object variables. For example, refer to the object hierarchy for changing the font of a single data label. Here's a VBA procedure that creates an object variable (MyFont) that represents the Font object:

Sub DeclareObjectVariable()
    Dim MyFont As Font
    Set MyFont = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart. _
    MyFont.Size = 24
    MyFont.Bold = True
End Sub

The Dim statement declares the variable as a specific object type (in this case, a Font object). The Set statement creates the variable. After the MyFont variable is declared and created, you can use the MyFont object variable instead of the lengthy reference. In general, object variables are most useful when your code needs to refer to an object in several different places.

Following is a VBA procedure that declares object variables for each object in the hierarchy (six of them). This isn't really a practical example. It's more useful as a way to help understand the object hierarchy and object variables.

Sub ObjectVariableDemo()
    Dim MyChartObject As ChartObject
    Dim MyChart As Chart
    Dim MySeries As Series
    Dim MyPoint As Point
    Dim MyDataLabel As DataLabel
    Dim MyFont As Font

    Set MyChartObject = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
    Set MyChart = MyChartObject.Chart
    Set MySeries = MyChart.SeriesCollection(1)
    Set MyPoint = MySeries.Points(1)
    Set MyDataLabel = MyPoint.DataLabel
Set MyFont = MyDataLabel.Font
    MyFont.Size = 24
    MyFont.Bold = True
End Sub

Using the With-End With construct

Another way to deal with lengthy object references is to use a With-End With structure, as follows:

Sub With_Demo()
    With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart. _
        .Size = 24
        .Bold = True
    End With
End Sub

The two statements between the With and the End With statements are property settings for the Font objects.

This technique also works with object variables. In the procedure that follows, an object variable is declared and created, and this object variable is used in the With-End With structure:

Sub With_Demo2()
    Dim MyFont As Font
    Set MyFont = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart. _

    With MyFont
        .Size = 24
        .Bold = True
    End With
End Sub

Finding Out More about the Chart Object Model

Covering the Chart object model in a comprehensive manner would require a complete book. And it would be a very boring book. The best way to become familiar with the Chart object model is to find out about the pieces as you need them. The sections that follow describe some ways to help you determine which objects, methods, and properties are required to perform a particular VBA task.

Using the Help System

Many people complain about the Help system for Microsoft Office. It's certainly not perfect, but it can be very helpful for understanding objects, methods, and properties. When you're working in the VB Editor, you can type a search term in the Type a Question for Help box. Or just move the cursor over any keyword in your code and press F1. Figure 14-2 shows the Help window that displays when I pressed F1 when the cursor is located within the word Series.

Notice that, when a Help topic is displayed, its location within the Table of Contents is highlighted. Using the Table of Contents can often help you located related information. Also, you can click a link at the bottom (Series Object Members) to view the methods and properties of this object.

The Help topic for Series.

Figure 14-2. The Help topic for Series.

Declaring Object Variables and Using IntelliSense

The section "Using Object Variables," earlier in this chapter, describes how to declare and create object variables. One significant advantage to creating object variables is that you can use IntelliSense when writing your VBA code. When you're typing code, Excel continually monitors what you type. If it knows exactly which object you're working with, it offers assistance in the form of a drop-down list.

Figure 14-3 shows an example. Here, MyChart is an object variable that represents a Chart object. When I type the dot after the variable name, Excel displays a list of properties and methods for the object. If you continue typing, the IntelliSense feature scrolls the list to show items that begin with the characters you typed. Select an item from the list and press Tab, and Excel adds it to your code.

When you create an object variable, the Autocomplete feature can help you identify properties and methods.

Figure 14-3. When you create an object variable, the Autocomplete feature can help you identify properties and methods.

Using the Macro Recorder

As I noted earlier, the macro recorder in Excel 2007 leaves much to be desired when it comes to recording chart-related macros. However, the macro recorder is not completely useless.

You can find out quite a bit by turning on the macro recorder while you create and modify charts. The code itself won't win any awards (assuming that it even works), but you'll often gain some insights regarding objects, properties, and methods. Then you can use the Help system to understand the details.

Searching the Internet

In a typical week, I may get 20-30 unsolicited questions via e-mail. I don't have the time to answer individual questions, but I have noticed that approximately 95% of these questions can be answered simply by searching the Internet.

The Web contains a massive amount of information about Excel — including lots of VBA coding examples. Even if the code you find isn't exactly what you need, it can often lead you in the right direction.


See Appendix B for more information about searching the Web for Excel chart-related information.

Simple Chart Macros

The sections that follow present simple VBA code examples that work with charts.


Additional examples are presented in Chapter 15.

Activating and Deactivating a Chart

Clicking an embedded chart activates the chart. Your VBA code can activate an embedded chart using the Activate method. Here's an example that activates the first embedded chart on the active sheet:


Note that the Activate method applies to the ChartObject object — not the Chart object contained in the ChartObject.

The following statement, for example, generates an error:


When a chart is on a chart sheet, however, the Activate method does apply to the Chart object. To activate the chart on the first chart sheet in the active workbook, use a statement like this:


When a chart is activated, you can refer to it in your code with the ActiveChart property, which returns a Chart object. For example, the following statement displays the name of the active chart. If no existing chart is active, the statement generates an error.

MsgBox ActiveChart.Name

If you use the macro recorder to create chart-related macros, you'll find that the recorded code always activates the chart and then selects the objects that are manipulated. To modify a chart with VBA, you don't have to activate it or make any selections. In fact, it's usually more efficient if your code does not activate charts and select elements.

The following two procedures have exactly the same effect. (They change the embedded chart named Chart 1 to an area chart.) The first procedure activates the chart before performing the manipulations; the second one doesn't.

Sub ModifyChart1()
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Activate
    ActiveChart.Type = xlArea
End Sub

Sub ModifyChart2()
    ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart.Type = xlArea
End Sub

Following is another variation that creates an object variable for the chart. Again, the chart is not activated.

Sub ModifyChart3()
    Dim MyChart As Chart
    Set MyChart = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Chart
MyChart.Type = xlArea
End Sub

You can use the Activate method to activate a chart, but how do you deactivate (that is, deselect) a chart? According to the Help system, you can use the Deselect method, as follows, to deactivate a chart:


However, this statement simply doesn't work — at least in the initial release of Excel 2007.

As far as I can tell, the only way to deactivate a chart by using VBA is to select something other than the chart. For an embedded chart, you can use the RangeSelection property of the ActiveWindow object to deactivate the chart and select the range that was selected before the chart was activated:


The following statement also deselects an embedded chart and selects the active cell (not the previously selected range):


Determining whether a Chart Is Activated

A common type of macro performs some manipulations on the active chart — the chart selected by a user. For example, a macro might change the chart's type, apply a style, or export the chart to a graphics file.

The simple macro that follows adds a title to the active chart. If a chart is not active when this macro is executed, the macro fails and you'll see the rather cryptic error message shown in Figure 14-4.

Sub AddTitle()
    With ActiveChart
       .SetElement msoElementChartTitleAboveChart
       .ChartTitle.Text = "Budget Projections"
    End With
End Sub
This error message appears if a chart is not active.

Figure 14-4. This error message appears if a chart is not active.

Your VBA code can determine whether the user has actually selected a chart by checking whether ActiveChart is Nothing. If so, a chart is not active. The AddTitle macro follows, showing the modification that checks for an active chart. If a chart is not selected, the user sees a message (see Figure 14-5) and the procedure ends with no further action.

Sub AddTitle()
    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Select a chart before running this macro.", vbInformation
        Exit Sub
End If
With ActiveChart
        .SetElement msoElementChartTitleAboveChart
        .ChartTitle.Text = "Budget Projections"
    End With
End Sub

This code will run without error if an embedded chart is active or if a chart sheet is selected.

Using a message box to inform the user that a chart must be selected before executing the macro.

Figure 14-5. Using a message box to inform the user that a chart must be selected before executing the macro.

Determining whether the Active Chart Is Embedded

As you know, a chart can be either one of two types: an embedded chart or a chart on a chart sheet. In some cases, your macro may need to make this determination. The TypeOfSelection macro, which follows, displays one of three messages:

Sub TypeOfSelection()
    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "No Chart"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If TypeName(ActiveChart.Parent) = "Workbook" Then
        MsgBox "Chart Sheet"
        Exit Sub
    End If
    If TypeName(ActiveChart.Parent) = "ChartObject" Then
        MsgBox "Embedded Chart"
    End If
End Sub

The TypeOfSelection macro first checks for whether a chart is active. If not, it displays No Chart and the macro ends. The next two If statements use VBA's TypeName function to determine the object type of the active chart's "parent" object. (An object's parent is the object that contains it.) The Chart object in an embedded chart is contained in a ChartObject object. The ChartObject's parent is the worksheet in which it is embedded. The parent of a chart sheet is the Workbook object that contains it.

Deleting from the ChartObjects or Charts Collection

To delete a chart in a worksheet, your VBA code must know the name or index of the ChartObject. The following statement deletes the ChartObject named Chart 1 in the active worksheet:

ActiveSheet.ChartObjects("Chart 1").Delete

To delete all ChartObject objects in a worksheet, use the Delete method of the ChartObjects collection, as follows:


In Excel 2007, you can also delete embedded charts by accessing the Shapes collection. The following statement deletes Chart 1 in the active worksheet:

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Chart 1").Delete

To delete a single chart sheet, you must know the chart sheet's name or index. The following statement deletes the chart sheet named Chart1:


Alternatively, you can use the following statement:


To delete all chart sheets in the active workbook, use the following statement:


Deleting sheets causes Excel to display a warning like the one shown in Figure 14-6. The user must reply to this prompt for the macro to continue. If you are deleting a sheet with a macro, you probably won't want this warning prompt to appear. To eliminate the prompt, use the following series of statements:

Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Attempting to delete one or more chart sheets results in this message.

Figure 14-6. Attempting to delete one or more chart sheets results in this message.

Counting and Looping through Charts

The examples in the following sections deal with various aspects of counting charts and looping through all charts in a worksheet or workbook.

Counting Chart Sheets

To determine how many chart sheets are in the active workbook, access the Count property of the Charts collection. For example, the following statement displays the number of chart sheets in the active workbook:

MsgBox Activeworkbook.Charts.Count

Counting Embedded Charts

To count the number of embedded charts in a particular worksheet, access the Count property of the ChartObjects collection. The following statement, for example, displays the number of embedded charts on Sheet1 of the active workbook:

MsgBox ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects.Count

Looping through All Charts

A common task is to perform an operation on all existing charts. For example, you may want to write a macro to resize all embedded charts, or add the current date to each chart's title. The following macro loops through all embedded charts in the active worksheet and displays a list of their names in a message box:

Sub LoopThruChartObjects()
    Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
    Dim Msg As String
    Msg = ""
    For Each ChtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
        Msg = Msg & ChtObj.Name & vbNewLine
    Next ChtObj
    MsgBox Msg
End Sub

The LoopThruChartObjects macro uses a variable named Msg to store the names of the charts and then displays the list in a message box. vbNewLine is a built-in constant that adds a line break to the Msg variable.

The previous examples looped through embedded charts. The following procedure is similar, but it loops through all chart sheets in the active workbook:

Sub LoopThruChartSheets()
    Dim Cht As Chart
    Dim Msg As String
    Msg = ""
    For Each Cht In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
        Msg = Msg & Cht.Name & vbNewLine
    Next Cht
    MsgBox Msg
End Sub

The listing that follows combines the two previous macros and uses two loops: One loop cycles through all worksheets, and another loop cycles through all embedded charts. The result is a listing of all embedded charts in all worksheets. The result of running this macro is shown in Figure 14-7. This workbook contains six embedded charts in three worksheets.

Sub LoopThruChartObjects2()
    Dim Wks As Worksheet
    Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
    Dim Msg As String
    Msg = ""
    For Each Wks In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
        For Each ChtObj In Wks.ChartObjects
            Msg = Msg & Wks.Name & " –" & ChtObj.Name & vbNewLine
        Next ChtObj
    Msg = Msg & vbNewLine
    Next Wks
    MsgBox Msg
End Sub
Displaying the names of all embedded charts in all worksheets.

Figure 14-7. Displaying the names of all embedded charts in all worksheets.

Changing the Location of All Charts

The Location method of a Chart object moves a chart. You can use this method to convert embedded charts to chart sheets (and vice versa).

The following macro loops through all embedded charts on the active sheet and moves each chart to a chart sheet:

Sub ConvertToChartSheets()
    Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
    For Each ChtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
        ChtObj.Chart.Location Where:=xlLocationAsNewSheet
    Next ChtObj
End Sub

The macro that follows performs the opposite task: It loops through all chart sheets and converts each chart to an embedded chart on the active sheet.

Sub ConvertToEmbeddedCharts()
    Dim Cht As Chart
    For Each Cht In ActiveWorkbook.Charts
        Cht.Location Where:=xlLocationAsObject, Name:=ActiveSheet.Name
    Next Cht
End Sub


After running the ConvertToEmbeddedCharts macro, all the embedded charts are stacked on top of each other. You may want to modify this macro such that the embedded charts are better positioned. For more information, see the section "Sizing and Aligning Charts," later in this chapter.

Printing All Embedded Charts

As you know, printing a worksheet also prints the embedded charts in that worksheet. In some cases, you may prefer that each chart be printed on a separate page. The example in this section prints all embedded charts on the active sheet:

Sub PrintAllCharts()
    Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
    For Each ChtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
    Next ChtObj
End Sub

This procedure loops through all ChartObject objects and uses the PrintOut method of the Chart object. If you just want to preview the charts, use the PrintPreview method nstead of the PrintOut method.

Setting Axis Values

Figure 14-8 shows a worksheet with a line chart that uses the data in column A. In addition, the sheet has three named cells: AxisMin (D2), AxisMax (D3), and MajorUnit (D4). Clicking the button executes the following macro, which retrieves the data in the named cells and uses the values as property settings for the Axis object:

Sub SetAxisValues()
    With ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.Axes(xlValue)
        .MinimumScale = Range("AxisMin")
        .MaximumScale = Range("AxisMax")
        .MajorUnit = Range("MajorUnit")
    End With
End Sub
Using a macro to modify axis settings using values stored in cells.

Figure 14-8. Using a macro to modify axis settings using values stored in cells.


This example, named axis settings.xlsm, is available on the companion CD-ROM.

This macro accesses the Axes collection of the Chart object. Using the xlValue argument causes it to use the value axis. As you know, a chart can have additional axes. The following table shows how to access each of the possible Axis objects on a chart. Note that specifying xlPrimary as the second argument is optional (if omitted, xlPrimary is assumed).

Axis Type

How to Reference It

Primary category (X) axis

Axes(xlCategory, xlPrimary)

Primary value (Y) axis

Axes(xlValue, xlPrimary)

Secondary category (X) axis

Axes(xlCategory, xlSecondary)

Secondary value (Y) axis

Axes(xlValue, xlSecondary)

Series axis


Keep in mind that the properties for an Axis object vary, depending on the type. For example, a category axis does not have the properties used in the preceding macro — unless it's specified as a date category axis. To make a category axis a date category axis, use a statement like this:

ActiveChart.Axes(xlCategory).CategoryType = xlTimeScale

Other CategoryType settings are xlCategoryScale and xlAutomatic. These correspond to the options available on the Axis Options tab of the Format Axis dialog box.


See Chapter 15 for an example that uses an event procedure to perform this task automatically when you change a value.

Sizing and Aligning Charts

When you work with several embedded charts, you may prefer that the charts are all the same size and aligned. The following macro does the job:

Sub SizeAndAlignCharts()
    Dim ChtWidth As Long, ChtHeight As Long
    Dim TopPosition As Long, LeftPosition As Long
    Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
    If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Select a chart"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    'Get size of active chart
    ChtWidth = ActiveChart.Parent.Width
    ChtHeight = ActiveChart.Parent.Height
    TopPosition = ActiveChart.Parent.Top
    LeftPosition = ActiveChart.Parent.Left

    'Loop through all Chart Objects
    For Each ChtObj In ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
        ChtObj.Width = ChtWidth
        ChtObj.Height = ChtHeight
        ChtObj.Top = TopPosition
        ChtObj.Left = LeftPosition
        TopPosition = TopPosition + ChtObj.Height
    Next ChtObj
End Sub

The SizeAndAlignCharts macro requires that a chart is active and uses this chart as a "base." The procedure resizes all other charts on the sheet such that they are the same size as the active chart. In addition, the charts are repositioned so that they are all aligned vertically.

The TopPosition variable stores the vertical position of the chart and is modified each time through the loop. The new vertical position is the previous vertical position plus the height of the ChartObject object. The result is a stack of charts, neatly aligned with no space in between each.


This example, named size and align charts.xlsm, is available on the companion CD-ROM.

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