Chapter II.5. Repeating Commands by Looping

To write any program, you must specify what the computer needs to do at any given time. Sometimes, you may need to write the same command multiple times. For example, suppose you want to print your name five times. You could just write the same command five times like this:

PRINT "John Smith"
PRINT "John Smith"
PRINT "John Smith"
PRINT "John Smith"
PRINT "John Smith"

Writing the same five commands is cumbersome. Even worse, what if you suddenly decide you want to print your name not just five times, but five thousand times? Do you really want to write the same command five thousand times?

Probably not, which is why computer scientists invented loops. A loop is just a shortcut for making the computer run one or more commands without writing those commands multiple times. So rather than type the same command five times as in the preceding example, you could use a loop like this:

FOR I = 1 TO 5
  PRINT "John Smith"

This tells the computer to run the PRINT "John Smith" command five times. If you want to print John Smith five thousand times, you just have to change the number of times you want the loop to run by replacing the 5 with 5000, such as

FOR I = 1 TO 5000
  PRINT "John Smith"

Loops basically make one or more commands run more than once, as shown in Figure 5-1.

A loop can run one or more commands over and over.

Figure II.5-1. A loop can run one or more commands over and over.

Looping a Fixed Number of Times with the FOR-NEXT Loop

The simplest loop runs one or more commands a fixed number of times, such as five or ten times. Such loops that run a fixed number of times are FOR-NEXT loops and look like this:

FOR Variable = InitialValue TO EndValue
NEXT Variable

The first line serves two purposes. The first time the FOR-NEXT loop runs, this line sets the value of the variable to an initial value, such as 1. The second and all additional times the FOR-NEXT loop runs, it checks if its variable is still within a range of values, such as between 1 and 10. If so, the FOR-NEXT loop runs again.

The second line consists of one or more commands that you want to run multiple times.

The third line tells the FOR-NEXT loop to increase the value of its variable by 1 and run the FOR-NEXT loop again.

The FOR-NEXT loop defines four items:

  • A variable

  • The initial value of the variable (usually 1)

  • The ending value of the variable

  • One or more commands that run multiple times

Using a FOR-NEXT loop variable

Like all variables, the name of a FOR-NEXT loop variable can be anything, although it's best to use a descriptive name if possible. So if you want to print the names of all the employees of a company by using a FOR-NEXT loop, you could use EmployeeID as a descriptive variable name, such as

FOR EmployeeID = 1 TO 150
  PRINT EmployeeName
NEXT EmployeeID

This example would print out each name (EmployeeName) starting with the employee who has the EmployeeID of 1 and continuing until it prints the employee with the EmployeeID of 150.

If your FOR-NEXT loop variable is meant only for counting and doesn't represent anything, like employee numbers, you can just use a generic variable name, such as I or J, such as

FOR I = 1 TO 15
  PRINT "John Smith"

This FOR-NEXT loop just prints the name "John Smith" on-screen 15 times.


Never change the value of a FOR-NEXT loop's variable within the loop or else you risk creating an endless loop — the computer keeps running the same commands over and over again without stopping. This makes your program appear to freeze or hang, essentially stopping your program from working altogether. The following example creates an endless loop:

FOR I = 1 TO 5
  PRINT "John Smith"
  I = 3

This FOR-NEXT loop runs five times. The first time the FOR-NEXT loop runs, the value of the I variable is set to 1. But within the FOR-NEXT loop, the value of the I variable is then set to 3. So each time the FOR-NEXT loop runs again, it checks to see if the I variable's value is between 1 and 5.

Because the FOR-NEXT loop always resets the value of the I variable to 3, the I variable never falls outside the range of 1 to 5, so this FOR-NEXT loop runs indefinitely.


The curly bracket language family creates a FOR-NEXT loop that looks slightly different than the way other languages do. For example, this is how BASIC creates a FOR-NEXT loop:

FOR I = 1 TO 15
  PRINT "John Smith"

This is the equivalent FOR-NEXT loop in C:

for (i = 1, i <= 15, i++)
  printf("John Smith");

The first line consists of three parts:

  • i = 1: Sets the value of the i variable to 1

  • i <= 15: Makes the FOR-NEXT loop keep repeating as long as the value of the i variable is less than or equal to 15

  • i++ −−: Increases the value of the i variable by 1


In any programming language, you can add 1 to any variable by doing this:

I = I + 1

The curly bracket language family gives you a shortcut for adding 1 to any variable, which is known as the increment operator, such as


This is equivalent to

i = i + 1

The increment operator is used more often than writing out the entire i = i + 1 command because it's much shorter. There's also a similar decrement operator that looks like


This is equivalent to

i = i - 1

Counting by a different range

Normally, the FOR-NEXT loop counts from 1 to another number, such as 15. However, you can also count from any number range, such as 23 to 41, 102 to 105, or 2 to 8. The main reason to use a different range of numbers is if those numbers represent something in your program.

For example, suppose employees are assigned an employee number starting with 120 and there are four employees, as shown in Table 5-1.

Table II.5-1. A Database of Employee Names Assigned with Specific Employee ID Numbers

Employee Name

Employee ID Number

John Smith


Maggie Jones


Susan Wilson


Emir Kelly


You could use a FOR-NEXT loop like this:

FOR EmployeeID = 120 TO 123
  PRINT EmployeeName (EmployeeID)
NEXT EmployeeID

Each time this FOR-NEXT loop runs, it prints the employee name associated with a particular employee number, so it prints out the following:

John Smith
Maggie Jones
Susan Wilson
Emir Kelly


Counting by different number ranges is useful only if those numbers mean something to your program. If you just need to count a fixed number of times, it's much clearer to count from 1 to a specific value instead. The following FOR-NEXT loop actually runs four times (120, 121, 122, and 123):

FOR EmployeeID = 120 TO 123
  PRINT EmployeeName
NEXT EmployeeID

Notice that counting from 120 to 123 doesn't make it clear exactly how many times the FOR-NEXT loop runs. At first glance, it appears that the FOR-NEXT loop may repeat only three times.

To clarify exactly how many times the FOR-NEXT loop runs, it's always much clearer to count from 1, such as

FOR EmployeeID = 1 TO 4
  PRINT EmployeeName
NEXT EmployeeID

Counting by different increments

Normally, the FOR-NEXT loop counts by 1. So consider the following FOR-NEXT loop:

FOR I = 1 TO 4
  PRINT "The value of I = ",I

This FOR-NEXT loop would print

The value of I = 1
The value of I = 2
The value of I = 3
The value of I = 4

If you want to count by a number other than 1, you must define an increment. So if you want to count by 2, you'd have to define an increment of 2, such as

FOR I = 1 TO 4 STEP 2
  PRINT "The value of I = ",I

This modified FOR-NEXT loop would only print

The value of I = 1
The value of I = 3

Although many languages, such as BASIC, assume the FOR-NEXT loop always increments by 1 unless you specifically tell it otherwise, the curly bracket languages always force you to define an increment value. To define a FOR-NEXT loop in C to increment by 2, you can define i = i + 2, as follows

for (i = 1, i <= 4, i = i + 2)
  printf("The value of i = %d", i);

Counting backward

Rather than count forward from 1 to 4, you can also make a FOR-NEXT loop count backward, such as

  PRINT "The value of I = ",I


Much like using different number ranges, such as 34 to 87, counting backward makes sense only if those numbers have a specific meaning to your program, such as


This example would print


Although languages, such as BASIC, use a specific keyword (DOWNTO) to make a FOR-NEXT loop count backward, curly bracket languages let you count backward by changing both the initial and ending value of the for-next variable and then defining an increment that subtracts instead of adds, such as

for (i = 10, i >= 1, i = i - 1)
", i);

Looping Zero or More Times with the WHILE Loop

The FOR-NEXT loop is great when you know exactly how many times you want to run one or more commands. However, what if the number of times you want to run a loop can vary?

For example, you might have a loop that asks the user for a password, as shown in Figure 5-2. How many times should this loop run?

The WHILE loop keeps running until a certain condition occurs.

Figure II.5-2. The WHILE loop keeps running until a certain condition occurs.

The answer is that the loop should keep running until the user types in a valid password. Because you don't know how many times the loop needs to run, you need to use a WHILE loop to check a True or False (Boolean) expression. In this case, the Boolean expression is, "Did the user type in a valid password?" If the answer is yes (True), the user can run the program. If the answer is no (False), the loop asks the user to try typing in a password again.

The WHILE loop typically looks like this:

WHILE (True or False Boolean expression)
  Command to change Boolean expression

With the curly bracket languages, the WHILE loop looks like this:

while (True or False Boolean expression)
  command to change Boolean expression

The WHILE loops consists of four parts:

  • The beginning of the WHILE loop, which checks a Boolean expression for a True or False value

  • One or more commands to run

  • One or more commands that can change the Boolean expression in the beginning of the WHILE loop

  • The end of the WHILE loop

Before the WHILE loop runs even once, it checks a Boolean expression for a True or False value. If this value is True, the WHILE loop runs. If this value is False, the WHILE loop doesn't run.

Within the WHILE loop there must be one or more commands that can change the Boolean expression of the WHILE loop to False.


If a WHILE loop doesn't include at least one command that can change its Boolean expression, the WHILE loop runs indefinitely, creating an endless loop that hangs or freezes your program.

The following WHILE loop keeps asking for a password until the user types SECRET:

DIM Answer as String
PROMPT "Enter password: ", Answer
WHILE (Answer <> "SECRET")
  PRINT "Invalid password!"
  PROMPT "Enter password: ", Answer


Right before most WHILE loops is usually a line that sets an initial value to a variable used in the loop's Boolean expression. In the preceding example, the value of the Answer variable is set (initialized) to Answer, which is whatever the user types in response to the Enter password: prompt. Then the WHILE loop checks if the value of the Answer variable is SECRET.

The first line defines the Answer variable as a string data type. The second line asks the user for a password and stores that answer in the Answer variable.

The WHILE loop first checks if the Answer variable is SECRET. If not, the loop runs the two commands that print Invalid password and then asks Enter password: on-screen once more.

Whatever reply the user types gets stored in the Answer variable. Then the WHILE loop checks this Answer variable again before running.


You can make a WHILE loop count like a FOR-NEXT loop. Suppose you had the following FOR-NEXT loop:


The equivalent WHILE loop might look like this:

I = 10
WHILE (I >= 1)
  I = I - 1

Although the WHILE loop can count, notice that it takes more lines of code to do so, and the WHILE loop isn't as easy to understand as the FOR-NEXT loop. If you need a loop to run a fixed number of times, use the FOR-NEXT loop. If you aren't sure how many times you need a loop to run, use the WHILE loop.

Looping at Least Once with the DO Loop

Before a WHILE loop runs, it checks a Boolean expression to see if it's True or False. If this Boolean expression is False, the WHILE loop never runs at all. What if you want to insure that the loop runs at least once? In that case, you must use a DO loop.

A DO loop acts like an upside-down WHILE loop. First the DO loop runs once and then it checks a Boolean expression. A typical DO loop looks like this:

  Command to change the Boolean expression
LOOP WHILE (True or False Boolean expression)

This DO loop keeps repeating while a Boolean expression remains False. As long as this Boolean expression stays False, the DO loop keeps running.

You could use a DO loop to ask the user to type in a password like this:

DIM Password as String
Password = ""
  PROMPT "Enter password: ", Password
LOOP WHILE (Password <> "SECRET")

This DO loop always prints Enter your password: at least once before checking its Boolean expression Password = "SECRET". If this Boolean expression is False, the DO loop stops running. If this Boolean expression is True, the DO loop repeats again.


Like the WHILE loop, you often need to initialize a variable right before the DO loop. This variable is usually part of the loop's Boolean expression to determine when the loop can stop running.

In the curly bracket language family, the DO loop looks like this:

  command to change Boolean expression
 while (True or False Boolean expression);

This DO loop keeps repeating while a Boolean expression is True. The moment this Boolean expression becomes False, the DO loop stops running.

Playing with Nested Loops

Every loop (FOR-NEXT, WHILE, and DO) can run one or more commands multiple times. Therefore, it's possible for a loop to run another loop (which in turn can run a third loop, and so on).


When loops appear inside one another, they're nested loops.

The following shows a FOR-NEXT loop nested inside another FOR-NEXT loop, as shown in Figure 5-3:

FOR I = 1 TO 4
  PRINT "Outer loop run #"; I
  FOR J = 1 TO 3
    PRINT " Nested loop run #"; J
A nested loop appears inside another loop.

Figure II.5-3. A nested loop appears inside another loop.

When one loop is nested inside another loop, the inner (nested) loop runs first. Then the outer loop runs once. Then the outer loop repeats running the nested loop again.


With nested loops, the nested (inner) loop runs more often than the outer loop.

In the preceding example, the outer loop runs 4 times and the nested loop runs 3 times, so the nested loop ultimately runs 12 times (3 * 4), as shown here:

Outer loop run #1
   Nested loop run #1
   Nested loop run #2
   Nested loop run #3
Outer loop run #2
   Nested loop run #1
   Nested loop run #2
   Nested loop run #3
Outer loop run #3
   Nested loop run #1
   Nested loop run #2
   Nested loop run #3
Outer loop run #4
   Nested loop run #1
   Nested loop run #2
   Nested loop run #3


The more nested loops you have, the harder it can be to tell exactly what your program actually does. As a general rule, it's best to nest only one loop inside another.

Prematurely Exiting from a Loop

Loops normally run a fixed number of times (with a FOR-NEXT loop) or until a Boolean expression changes (with a WHILE or DO loop). However, it's possible to exit prematurely out of a loop by using a special EXIT command.

Prematurely exiting a loop means not waiting for the loop to stop on its own, such as

  Play video game
  IF Player wants to quit THEN EXIT
LOOP UNTIL (Game over)

In this case, the loop ends in one of two ways: when the game ends or when the user specifically quits the game.

To prematurely exit a loop, you always need to check if another Boolean expression is True or False. Generally, it's not a good idea to prematurely exit out of a loop because it can make your program harder to understand.


The curly bracket languages don't have an EXIT command but a break command, which works the same way, such as

  Play video game;
  if (Player wants to quit) break;
while (Game over <> True);

Checking Your Loops

Although loops eliminate the need to write the same command multiple times, loops also introduce the risk of making your program harder to understand as a result (and also harder to fix and update). So when using loops, keep these points in mind:

  • To loop a fixed number of times, use a FOR-NEXT loop.

  • To loop zero or more times, use a WHILE loop.

  • To loop at least once, use a DO loop.

  • Both WHILE and DO loops usually need a variable that's used to check a Boolean expression to determine when the loop ends.

  • A WHILE or DO loop always needs a command that changes its Boolean expression that determines when the loop will eventually stop.

  • A loop that never stops running is an endless loop.

  • Some programming languages let you use an EXIT (or break command) to stop a loop prematurely. Use this with caution because it can make your program harder to understand.


When using a loop, always make sure you know how that loop will eventually stop.

Almost every program needs to use loops, so make sure you understand the differences between all the different loop variations you can use. Ultimately, loops let you run multiple commands without explicitly writing them all out, so think of loops as a programming shortcut.

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