Viewing Multiple Slides with Slide Sorter

After you have created several slides, you may want to take your focus off individual slides and look at your presentation as a whole. The best view for this task is Slide Sorter view, which displays all your slides as thumbnails placed in sequence from left to right. If you have many slides, they will be arranged in rows. In this view, it’s easy to rearrange slides to organize your show and to duplicate or delete slides.

Display Slide Sorter View

  • Click the Slide Sorter button to display the view.

    Display Slide Sorter View



To return to Normal view from Slide Sorter and display a particular slide, just double-click that slide’s thumbnail in Slide Sorter. Normal view opens with the selected slide displayed in the Slide pane.



Notice that certain tabs of the ribbon, such as Insert and Design, have most or all of their commands unavailable in Slide Sorter. That’s because Slide Sorter is not the view you use to work on slide content. Rather, you use it to organize slides. To work on slide content, you have to return to Normal view where the tools on those tabs will be available to you.

Display More Slides in Slide Sorter

  1. Click the slider on the Zoom tool.

  2. Drag to the left to make the thumbnails smaller, thereby fitting more slides on the screen. Drag to the right to make thumbnails bigger, fitting fewer on a screen.

    Display More Slides in Slide Sorter

See Also

See Also

You can do more than view slides in Slide Sorter view. You can delete, duplicate, hide, and reorder slides, as well as preview animations and more. See "Chapter 6" for more features of this handy view.

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