Chapter 16. SharePoint workflow fundamentals

For Microsoft SharePoint 2013, Microsoft completely redesigned the architecture of the workflow engine. Unlike previous versions of SharePoint (2007 and 2010), which were based on Microsoft Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) 3.0, the new 2013 engine supports WF 4.5. This chapter walks you through the architecture of this new engine. Along the way, you’ll learn how to work with Workflow Manager 1.0, which provides a WF 4.5 server farm. You’ll also learn how to create your own workflow from scratch.

The new architecture

A good way to understand the new architecture of workflow in SharePoint 2013 is to compare it to the existing WF 3.x architecture in SharePoint 2010 (Figure 16-1). This legacy workflow engine is still available in SharePoint 2013, mainly for backward compatibility, and a good understanding of its limits allows a better understanding of the architectural choices made in SharePoint 2013.

A diagram illustrating the architecture of WF 3.x in SharePoint 2010 and 2013. The WF 3.x engine is at the bottom. On top of WF 3.x are some custom workflow services to customize persistence, transaction management, and communication between SharePoint and WF 3.x. On top of these is the SharePoint Server Object Model, which extends the WF engine and provides useful entry points for developing custom pages and solutions interacting with the WF engine and SharePoint. On the client side, you could have Microsoft Office 2010, SharePoint 2010/2013, or any custom software solution.

Figure 16-1. A simplified schema of the architecture of WF 3.x in SharePoint 2010 and 2013.

From a functional perspective, every workflow instance running on WF 3.x is hosted in SharePoint 2010/2013 and runs on a SharePoint server. When a running workflow instance interacts with an end user through custom pages or tasks, the workflow instance is executed within the process of a web front-end server. When a workflow instance executes some background tasks, it runs in the background timer service of SharePoint, through a dedicated timer job that will run every n minutes (by default, every 5 minutes) onto one dedicated application server. While a workflow instance is not running—for example, because it is waiting for an external event such as an approval from an end user—the instance gets persisted in the content database of the target site collection and is unloaded to keep the environment light and safe.

Such an architecture works great for simple and low-traffic scenarios. For a huge workflow infrastructure with thousands of running workflow instances, however, you cannot rely on executing instances within the same process that is providing web content to end users, nor can you rely on a single dedicated application server. Thus, in SharePoint 2013 you should take advantage of the new WF 4.5 engine (shown in Figure 16-2) and relegate WF 3.x to backward compatibility uses only.

A diagram depicting the new architecture of WF 4.5 in SharePoint 2013. On the left is SharePoint 2013, which is now a separate environment from the workflow engine. On the SharePoint side are all the native services of SharePoint and a workflow service application, which communicates with a remote workflow manager engine through a dedicated workflow client library. The workflows are executed on a remote and dedicated server farm infrastructure, which can be hosted in the cloud, on Windows Azure, or on servers on-premises in your own server farm. In the middle, security is guaranteed by OAuth and the Access Control Service of Windows Azure or by a server-to-server configuration. Communication between SharePoint and Workflow Manager occurs across the Windows Azure Service Bus, while Workflow Manager communicates back to SharePoint using the new REST API introduced in SharePoint 2013.

Figure 16-2. A simplified schema of the new architecture of WF 4.5 in SharePoint 2013.

As shown in Figure 16-2, the workflow engine now runs on a dedicated server farm, based on a new service called Workflow Manager 1.0. The Workflow Manager 1.0 engine has a highly scalable architecture, which allows executing a huge number of workflow instances in near–real time and using an external multiserver and multitenant infrastructure. In Microsoft Office 365, Workflow Manager is hosted on Microsoft Windows Azure to improve scalability. On-premises, you have to deploy a server farm, which can be hosted on the same SharePoint servers or on a dedicated set of servers, in case you need to serve a high number of workflow instances and users in a dedicated environment.

The Workflow Manager farm and the SharePoint 2013 farm communicate across the network, empowering the new Windows Azure Service Bus when communicating between SharePoint and Workflow Manager. In Office 365, the Windows Azure Service Bus will be provided by Windows Azure. On-premises, however, you will have to install the stand-alone version of the Service Bus, which can be installed together with Workflow Manager 1.0. Later in this chapter, you will learn how to deploy on-premises both Workflow Manager 1.0 and the Service Bus engine. On the other side, when Workflow Manager communicates with SharePoint 2013, it uses the new Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs, like any external SharePoint 2013 app.

The security infrastructure is enforced using OAuth 2.0 and Windows Azure Access Control Services (ACS) in Office 365, or, if you are on-premises, a local security (server-to-server, or S2S) trust between SharePoint 2013 and the local Workflow Manager.


To work properly, both the OAuth 2.0 and S2S configurations require you to have an instance of the User Profile service of SharePoint 2013 installed and configured. Thus, starting with SharePoint 2013, the new WF 4.5 workflow engine is available only on SharePoint Server Standard or Enterprise; it is no longer available on SharePoint Foundation. On the contrary, the legacy WF 3.x engine still works on SharePoint Foundation 2013.

On the SharePoint side of the architecture, there is also a service application proxy, which connects the SharePoint 2013 farm with the remote Workflow Manager 1.0 farm. To communicate with the remote Workflow Manager 1.0 farm, the service application proxy uses a Workflow Client 1.0 library, which provides the basic and primitive commands for interacting with the remote Workflow Manager 1.0 farm. Internally, the Workflow Services Manager component, which sits on top of the workflow service application proxy, provides capabilities to support workflow instance management, deployment, messaging, and interoperability with legacy SharePoint 2010 workflows.

SharePoint, on its own side, manages lists, libraries, items, documents, and all the events that can be of any interest for the workflow engine. Moreover, SharePoint saves and manages workflow associations, activities, and metadata configuration. Whenever an event of interest occurs for Workflow Manager, such as itemAdded or itemUpdated, the workflow service application proxy will inform Workflow Manager using a WCF-based communication channel, using the Service Bus and an event publish/subscribe model. This publish/subscribe model can also be accessed by apps and custom workflows, which can send activation messages through the Service Bus to the external Workflow Manager engine. One interesting thing to notice is that, thanks to the publish/subscribe event model offered by the Service Bus, if an event of interest for multiple target workflow instances occurs on the SharePoint side, the communication channel between SharePoint and Workflow Manager will deliver only one event notification. On the Workflow Manager side, the Service Bus will raise the event in every target workflow instance, via a multicast event-based system, reducing the traffic across the wire and allowing multiple subscribers for the same published event.

In this new architecture, you can associate a workflow definition either with an SPWeb object or an SPList instance. Starting with SharePoint 2013 and the new workflow architecture, a workflow association cannot be defined targeting an SPContentType object, however. Thus, SharePoint 2013 supports list workflows and site workflows only. Moreover, as it was in the previous version of the workflow engine, in 2013, a workflow instance can be started manually by an end user, or automatically upon specific events, such as an item creation or change. Furthermore, with the new engine, as with the old, you can start a workflow definition as many subsequent times against a specific item as you want, but you cannot start two concurrent instances of the same workflow definition against a unique target item.

As soon as a workflow association is started against a target item, the client side of the workflow service will inform the remote Workflow Manager using an event, which is defined accordingly to the publish/subscribe infrastructure defined. If there will be any workflow definition on the Workflow Manager side subscribed for that specific event happening, then a new workflow instance will be created. Moreover, as it was with SharePoint 2010 workflows, every workflow association relies on a workflow tasks list, as well as a workflow history list. The workflow tasks list holds the tasks related to the workflow processes, while the workflow history list stores history messages.

From a development perspective, an advanced user can create workflow definitions using either SharePoint Designer 2013 or Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. You can create workflows for both versions of the workflow engine using either tool.

The following are the main goals achieved with this new architecture:

  • Higher and better scalability. The new workflow engine is very scalable and highly performing.

  • Decoupling between SharePoint 2013 and Workflow Manager 1.0. The new Workflow Manager is completely independent from SharePoint 2013, so it can be run wherever you need, keeping SharePoint unaware of the real location of the workflow farm.

  • SharePoint app integration and support for cloud-ready workflows. You can develop apps that empower workflows in their internal implementation and that can run in the cloud (autohosted or provider-hosted), communicating with the remote SharePoint 2013 environment.

  • Markup-based workflow definition and better expressiveness. The workflow definitions are now mainly markup based, and to publish a new workflow definition you simply need to publish the XAML markup code—not libraries or .NET assemblies at the SharePoint farm level.

  • More power to SharePoint Designer 2013. Because of the previous point, SharePoint Designer 2013 is now more powerful and is the best choice to implement many of the workflows you will need. This opens the workflow engine to inexperienced users and nondevelopers.

  • Independence from cloud or on-premises deployment. The overall architecture is independent from the location of both the SharePoint 2013 farm (on-premises or on Office 365) and the Workflow Manager farm (on-premises or on Windows Azure).

Deployment of Workflow Manager 1.0

To start playing with the new Workflow Manager 1.0 engine, you can use Office 365, which is already configured and ready to use, or you can deploy the workflow engine on-premises. The new workflow engine is not configured by default, however; you need to download, install, and configure it before you can use it. If you plan to play with the new workflow engine simply on Office 365, skip ahead to the “Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013” section. If you plan to deploy the workflow on-premises, read on here.

You can download the Workflow Manager 1.0 engine, as well as Workflow Client 1.0, from Microsoft through Web Platform Installer 4.5 (or later), which is available at Figure 16-3 displays the interface of Web Platform Installer 4.5 when installing Workflow Manager 1.0.

A screen shot illustrating the UI of Web Platform Installer 4.5 during the installation of Workflow Manager 1.0. It lists the tools available for installation.

Figure 16-3. The Web Platform Installer UI during the installation of Workflow Manager 1.0.

More Info

Be careful to download the right version of the product. In fact, via Web Platform Installer 4.5, you can download Workflow Manager 1.0 as well as the Workflow 1.0 beta 2version. However, the beta version is not supported on SharePoint 2013 RTM. Moreover, the Workflow Manager 1.0 package includes Workflow Client 1.0, and you do not need to download and install it separately.

In order to leverage the new workflow engine on-premises, you should install the February 2013 Cumulative Update of both Service Bus 1.0 and Workflow Manager 1.0. Moreover, you should install the March 2013 Public Update for SharePoint 2013. Lastly, you need to have the RTM version of the Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2012.

To install Workflow Manager 1.0, you need the following:

  • .NET Framework 4.5

  • Service Bus 1.0 (Plus February 2013 CU)

  • Workflow Client 1.0 (Plus February 2013 CU)

  • Windows PowerShell 3.0

  • SQL Server 2008 R2 Service Pack 1 (SP1), SQL Server Express 2008 R2 SP1, or SQL Server 2012

If you are installing Workflow Manager 1.0 on the same servers where you are running the SharePoint 2013 farm, all these requirements will be already satisfied. Otherwise, if you plan to install Workflow Manager on-premises on a dedicated set of servers, you will have to install all of them, and you will have to install Workflow Client 1.0 only onto the SharePoint servers.

After you install Workflow Manager 1.0, you must run the Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard, which will walk you through the various configuration steps. The configuration wizard starts by asking if you want to configure a new Workflow Manager farm or if you want to join an already existing farm (Figure 16-4).

A screen shot illustrating the first step of the Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard. It includes commands for configuring a new farm with default settings, configuring a new farm providing custom settings, and joining an already existing farm.

Figure 16-4. The first step of the Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard.

Choose to configure a new farm, and select the second option—Configure Workflow Manager With Custom Settings—which will allow you to personalize the farm configuration for your testing, development, or production environment.

Next, the wizard asks you to provide some configuration information about the Workflow Manager farm (Figure 16-5). You will have to provide information about the following:

  • The target Microsoft SQL Server service instance and the database name for storing the Workflow Manager farm management data.

  • The target Microsoft SQL Server service instance and the database name for storing workflow instance data.

  • The target Microsoft SQL Server service instance and the database name for storing workflow resources.

  • The account to use for running the Workflow Manager service instance. This should be a set of valid domain-level credentials, which will be authorized to log on as a service on the servers of the farm. You should avoid using any domain administrative account for this purpose. It would be better to create a dedicated service account.

  • The certificates to use for securing communication across the Workflow Manager farm, as well as for securing configuration data. You can autogenerate these certificates by simply providing a shared secret, or you can provide the three certificates (communication, outbound signing, and configuration encryption) needed, choosing them from the current certificate store. In a real production environment, the best practice is to use manually created certificates, because you will have to trust them on all of the machines and services consuming the Workflow Manager farm, including the SharePoint 2013 farm.

  • The TCP ports that will be used by Workflow Manager to publish its environment. By default, the ports configured are port 12290 for secure (HTTPS) management requests, and port 12291 for insecure (HTTP) management requests. In a development and testing environment, you can configure HTTP, too. In a production environment, however, you should avoid publishing Workflow Manager over HTTP for security reasons.

  • The domain group that will determine the users authorized to manage the Workflow Manager farm. Again, you should create and configure a dedicated group, rather than use the automatically proposed group of domain administrators.

A screen shot depicting the second step of the Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard. It includes fields for configuring the target database server, the database file names, the credentials to use, and many other options discussed in this section.

Figure 16-5. The second step of the Workflow Manager Configuration Wizard, for configuring the Workflow Manager farm.

After you configure the Workflow Manager farm, you must configure the Service Bus. Again, the wizard will drive you through the steps to accomplish this task. In particular, as you can see in Figure 16-6, you will be prompted for providing the following information:

  • The target Microsoft SQL Server service instance and the database name for storing the Service Bus farm management data.

  • The target Microsoft SQL Server service instance and the database name for storing the Service Bus gateway data.

  • The target Microsoft SQL Server service instance and the database name for storing the Service Bus message container data.

  • The account to use for running the Service Bus service instance. This should be a set of valid domain-level credentials, which will be authorized to log on as a service on the servers of the farm. Avoid using any domain administrative account for this purpose; create a dedicated service account instead.

  • The certificates to use for securing communication with the Workflow Manager farm, as well as for securing configuration data. You can autogenerate these certificates simply by providing a shared secret, or you can provide the two certificates (for communication and configuration encryption) needed, choosing them from the current certificate store. In a real production environment, the best practice, once again, is to use manually created certificates, because you will have to trust them on all of the machines and services consuming the Workflow Manager farm, including the SharePoint 2013 farm.

  • The TCP ports that will be used by the Service Bus to publish its environment. By default, the ports configured are port 9355 for secure (HTTPS) communication, port 9344 for network-level (TCP) communication, and port 9356 for message broker communication. It will be configured also a port range of five ports, by default starting on port 9000 and ending on port 9005, for internal farm communication between servers in the Service Bus farm.

  • The domain group that will determine the users authorized to manage the Service Bus farm. Again, you should create and configure a dedicated group, rather than using the automatically proposed group of domain administrators.

A screen shot showing the main step for configuring the Service Bus. In particular, there are fields for configuring the target database server, the database file names, the credentials to use, and many other configuration options, which are discussed in the current section.

Figure 16-6. The main step of the Service Bus Configuration wizard for configuring the Workflow Manager farm.

The Workflow Manager Configuration wizard also allows you to generate a PowerShell script for automating the installation process, just in case you want to repeat the same installation process using that script. After configuring a first server in the farm, you will be able to add as many servers as you want. It will suffice to download and install Workflow Manager 1.0 on any target server and to run the Workflow Manager Configuration wizard, choosing to join an already existing farm.

After having configured the Workflow Manager farm, you will have a wide set of database files configured on the target Microsoft SQL Server database engine, including

  • The Service Bus Gateway database

  • The Service Bus Management database

  • The Service Bus Message Container database

  • The Workflow Manager Instance Management database

  • The Workflow Manager Management database

  • The Workflow Manager Resource Management database

While on your development environment, you need not give these database files special attention, but in a real production environment, you should consider including these databases in you disaster-recovery and high-availability plans.

More Info

For further details about deploying a highly available Workflow Manager farm, read the article “Configuring a Highly Available Workflow in Workflow Manager 1.0,” available on MSDN at

After you configure a Workflow Manager farm, you should have three services running on the target servers:

  • Service Bus Gateway

  • Service Bus Message Broker

  • Workflow Manager Backend

The last step before you can use Workflow Manager in SharePoint 2013 is to link the Workflow Manager farm with the SharePoint 2013 farm. To accomplish this task, you simply need to execute the following PowerShell cmdlet:

Register-SPWorkflowService -SPSite 'http://devbook.sp2013.local/' -WorkflowHostUri 'http://sp2013srv01:12291/' -AllowOAuthHttp –Force $wfproxy = Get-SPWorkflowServiceApplicationProxy $wfproxy.RegisterWorkflowLifecycleManagementEnvironment()

Table 16-1 lists all of the arguments available for the Register-SPWorkflowService cmdlet.

Table 16-1. Arguments that you can provide to the Register-SPWorkflowService cmdlet




Specifies the target site collection to configure.


Specifies the full URL (including the port number) of the workflow service management endpoint.


Enables support for OAuth over HTTP, instead of requiring HTTPS.


Forces the current configuration, overwriting any already existing configuration settings and ignoring any errors.


Allows connecting each subscription (tenant) to a dedicated workflow service instance. If not provided, every subscription will connect to a single and shared workflow service instance.


Specifies a name for identifying the SharePoint 2013 farm to the workflow service instance.

As already stated, in a development or testing environment, you could configure the Workflow Manager farm to use HTTP and port 12291, and not only HTTPS and port 12290. On the other hand, in a production environment, you should always configure HTTPS, and you should register as trusted the X.509 certificate used by the Workflow Manager farm on the SharePoint 2013 farm as well.

More Info

For further details about managing SSL certificates between Workflow Manager 1.0 and SharePoint 2013, read the article “Installing Workflow Manager certificates in SharePoint Server 2013,” available on TechNet at

After linking the SharePoint 2013 farm with the Workflow Manager farm, you will be able to find a new service application proxy named Workflow Service Application Proxy under SharePoint Central Administration (SPCA), on the Manage Service Applications page. By clicking that service application proxy, you will be presented with a simple page stating that the workflow service is connected, as shown in Figure 16-7.

A screen shot illustrating the service application proxy page for the Workflow Service Application Proxy. The screen simply displays the workflow service status, which should be Connected.

Figure 16-7. The service application proxy page of the Workflow Service Application Proxy.

One last test to check that the workflow service is properly configured and connected to SharePoint 2013 is to start a new instance of SharePoint Designer 2013 and access the site you just connected with the workflow service. Click the Workflows command on the left-hand accordion and add a new list workflow definition for any of the available lists or libraries—for example, choose the Documents library if it exists in the target site. In the Create List Workflow dialog box will be a drop-down list with a caption of Platform Type (see Figure 16-8).

A screen shot illustrating the dialog window provided by SharePoint Designer 2013 when you create a new list workflow definition. The dialog window provides fields for configuring the name, the description, and the target platform of the workflow. The target platform type, if the SharePoint 2013 farm is properly configured for supporting Workflow Manager 1.0, provides both the values SharePoint 2010 Workflow and SharePoint 2013 Workflow.

Figure 16-8. The dialog window for creating a new list workflow definition in SharePoint Designer 2013.

If this drop-down list provides you both SharePoint 2010 Workflow (WF 3.x) and SharePoint 2013 Workflow (WF 4.5), then you are ready to start creating workflows with the new workflow engine. If you see only SharePoint 2010 Workflow, you need to double-check your farm configuration.

Your first workflow with SharePoint Designer 2013

The best way to learn about a tool or technique is to see it in action, so in this section, you will create a SharePoint workflow from scratch with Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2013. For this exercise, imagine that you want to implement a sample approval workflow, which will assign an approval task to a target user as soon as a new document is uploaded to a target library.

To begin, open SharePoint Designer 2013 and connect to a target site configured for supporting the new workflow engine. Choose the Workflows section in the left-hand accordion and select the command to create a new List Workflow. For example, target the Documents library that is available by default in many site definitions, or create a new document library for using it as the target of your workflow definition. Choose the SharePoint 2013 workflow target platform.

SharePoint Designer 2013 will prompt you with a new design surface, which is made of stages. A stage is a piece of a workflow definition that allows grouping conditions and actions together. You can think of a stage as a state in a state machine workflow; you can go to a specific stage when a certain condition occurs, or you can repeat a stage until a condition ceases. Through stages, you can control the flow of your workflow definitions, and you can create repetitions. Stages are a new and fundamental feature introduced in SharePoint Designer 2013 thanks to the new workflow engine of SharePoint 2013. Each stage can be made of one or more conditions, steps, actions, or loops. On the top ribbon of SharePoint Designer 2013, as shown in Figure 16-9, you can choose to add any of these elements to the design surface.

A screen shot depicting the design surface available in SharePoint Designer 2013 for creating workflow definitions. The ribbon contains commands for adding conditions, actions, steps, and loops. In the main design area of the screen, you can define one or more stages to model the target workflow definition.

Figure 16-9. The workflow design surface of SharePoint Designer 2013.

When designing an approval workflow, you first must define some infrastructural variables and startup parameters, which will be used to configure any workflow instance. On the ribbon, click the Initiation Form Parameters button. You will be prompted with a dialog box like the one illustrated in Figure 16-10.

A screen shot illustrating the Association And Initiation Form Parameters dialog box of SharePoint 2013. The dialog box allows adding, modifying, removing, and ordering association and initiation parameters for the current workflow. Every parameter has a name, a description, an optional default value, and a field type.

Figure 16-10. The Association And Initiation Form Parameters dialog box of SharePoint Designer 2013.

As in SharePoint 2010, in SharePoint 2013 a workflow definition can have an association form, which is used to configure the workflow association with its target. It can also have an initiation form, which is used to provide startup parameters to a specific workflow instance. An association or initiation parameter can assume several types of values:

  • Single line of text

  • Multiple lines of text

  • Number (for example, 1, 1.0, or 100)

  • Date and time

  • Choice (menu to choose from)

  • Yes/no (check box)

  • Person or group

  • Hyperlink or picture

You can define every parameter by providing a name, a description, an underlying data type, and an optional default value. Assume that the current approval workflow needs to define a default request-for-approval message during association, as well as a target approver (person or group) during initiation. Add a couple of parameters that fit these definitions and name them ApprovalRequestMessage and TargetApprover. As you define each parameter, the interface of the dialog box adapts to the target data type you choose. For example, while configuring the TargetApprover parameter as a field of type Person or Group, you are prompted with a designer for configuring the behavior of the PeoplePicker control that will be used.

Now you can define some variables by clicking the Local Variables ribbon command. The variables should have a name and a data type. The available data types are:

  • Boolean

  • Date/Time

  • Dictionary

  • GUID

  • Integer

  • Number

  • String

First, define an ApprovalOutcome variable of data type Boolean. Now you are ready to design the real workflow. In order to ask to the TargetApprover subject to approve the document, add an action, evaluate its result, and change the status of the target document. The action for assigning a task to a target user is available in the Actions group. In Chapter 15 you learned how to create a very simple activity from scratch by writing some custom code. From a SharePoint 2013 viewpoint, an action is a wrapper around one or more activities that makes them available as a human-readable statement. Table 16-2 lists the default actions available in SharePoint Designer 2013. Although they are not listed here, some legacy actions of SharePoint 2010 are still available (for backward compatibility) in SharePoint 2013 via the interop bridge.

Table 16-2. The default actions available in SharePoint Designer 2013

Action name


Start a List Workflow

Starts a new list workflow instance based on the SharePoint 2010 workflow engine. You can provide some input parameters and choose the target item on which the workflow instance will be executed.

Start a Site Workflow

Starts a new site workflow instance based on the SharePoint 2010 workflow engine. You can provide some input parameters with which the workflow instance will be executed.

Add a Comment

Enables you to leave a comment on the workflow design surface.

Add Time to Date

Adds a specific time in minute, hours, days, or months to a date. The output is saved in a variable. The date to change can be a specific date, the current date, or a lookup value.

Build Dictionary

Builds a dictionary variable (key/values pairs). It is typically used for managing JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) data retrieved from an external Representational State Transfer (REST) service consumed over HTTP. The output is saved in a variable.

Call HTTP Web Service

Allows calling an external REST service over HTTP, using the verbs GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. You can provide a variable (typically a dictionary) as an input request and get back a response variable, which can still be a dictionary. You can also collect variables for retrieving the HTTP response headers and the HTTP response status code.

Count Items in a Dictionary

Counts the number of items in a dictionary, storing the resulting number into a variable.

Do Calculation

Performs a calculation across two numbers, specific or lookup, applying any of the following operations: plus, minus, multiply by, divide by, and module. The result is saved in a variable.

Get an Item from a Dictionary

Retrieves a specific item from a dictionary variable, storing the result in a variable.

Log to History List

Logs a message to the workflow history list.

Pause for Duration

Pauses the current workflow instance for a time interval in days, hours, and minutes.

Pause until Date

Pauses the current workflow instance until a specific date and time, which can be provided as an explicit value or can be read from a lookup value or variable.

Send an Email

Sends an email to a user or group of users. You can configure properties for To, CC, Subject (specific or lookup/calculated), and Message Body (with formatting and calculated fields). Internally, it uses the SPUtility.SendMail function via the Client-Side Object Model (CSOM).

Set Time Portion of Date/Time Field

Sets the time portion (hours and minutes) of a date or time field. It saves the result in a variable.

Set Workflow Status

Sets the status of the current workflow instance.

Set Workflow Variable

Sets the value of a variable of the current workflow instance.

Check In Item

Checks in an item in a target document library.

Check Out Item

Checks out an item from a target document library.

Copy Document

Copies a document from one document library to another.

Create List Item

Creates a new list item in a target list. You can provide field values for the new item.

Delete Item

Deletes an item from a list.

Discard Check Out Item

Discards changes and checks in an item that is checked out.

Set Field in Current Item

Sets the value of a specific field into the current item.

Translate Document

Translates a specific document in a particular language using the Machine Translation Service application introduced with SharePoint 2013 Server. The result is saved as a document in a specified target library.

Update List Item

Updates a list item in a target list. You can provide field values to update in the target item.

Wait for Event in List Item

Pauses the current workflow instance, waiting for a specified event. The event can be an ItemAdded or an ItemUpdated event. The result is stored in a variable.

Wait for Field Change in Current Item

Pauses the current workflow instance, waiting for a specific field of the current item to change its value.

Assign a Task

Assigns a task to a target person or group. You can define participants, title, description (with formatting and lookup), and due date. You can wait, pausing the workflow instance, for task completion. You can plan to send a reminder email and recurrent reminder emails. You can also define custom task outcome values.

Start a Task Process

Starts a task process with multiple task recipients. You can define task completion to be serial (one at a time) or parallel (all at once). You can pause the current workflow instance, waiting for all responses, the first response, a specific response, or the percentage of responses.

Extract Substring from End of String

Copies n characters from the end of a string and copies the result into a variable.

Extract Substring from Index of String

Retrieves a substring from a provided string, starting at a specified character index, and copies the result into a variable.

Extract Substring from Start of String

Copies n characters from the beginning of a string and copies the result into a variable.

Extract Substring of String from Index with Length

Retrieves a substring from a provided string, starting at a specified character index, copying n characters and storing the result into a variable.

Find Interval Between Dates

Calculates the time interval in minutes, hours, or days between two dates and saves the result in a variable.

Find Substring in String

Searches for a substring in a specified string and returns the index of the substring’s starting point, if any, into a result variable.

Replace Substring in String

Replaces a substring in a provided string and stores the result in a variable.

Trim String

Removes white spaces at the begging and end of a provided string value and stores the result in a variable.

Go to Stage

Defines the next stage to which the current workflow instance will go.

To monitor the outcome of actions and determine the flow of a process, you can use conditions. Table 16-3 lists the conditions available in SharePoint Designer 2013. Although not included here, some legacy SharePoint 2010 conditions are still available (for backward compatibility) via the interop bridge. In addition, in Chapter 18 you will learn how to extend the list of conditions and actions by creating custom code in Visual Studio 2012.

Table 16-3. The conditions available in SharePoint Designer 2013

Condition name


If Any Value Equals Value

Checks if a field value of the current item or of a lookup item equals a specific value

Created by a Specific Person

Checks if the current item has been created by a specific person

Created in a Specific Date Span

Checks if the current item has been created within a specific date and time interval

Modified by a Specific Person

Checks if the current item has been modified by a specific person

Modified in a Specific Date Span

Checks if the current item has been modified within a specific date and time interval

Person Is a Valid SharePoint User

Checks if a specific person is a valid SharePoint user

Title Field Contains Keywords

Checks if the Title field value of the current item contains a specific string value

Lastly, you can define loops (Loop n Times and Loop with Condition action), as well as parallel blocks, which are useful for creating real workflow and business processes.

For the sample approval workflow, you need to add a few more actions from Table 16-2. Assume that the approval process should not take more than five days from the creation of the target item to approve. Thus, insert an Add Time to Date action to add five days to the current date and time, and store the result in a variable. Next, add an action to assign an approval task to the target approver user, providing values for task recipients, title, description, and due date, and reading them from the current workflow variables. Now rename the current stage by clicking the stage title and providing a Title value of “Assign Approval Task.”

Add a new stage and name it Check Approval Outcome. At the very end of the first stage, add a Go to Stage action, and set the target stage to the Check Approval Outcome stage. In the new stage, add a condition of type If Any Value Equals Value, and configure it to check the approval task outcome. If the task outcome is an approval, the workflow will set the workflow variable named ApprovalOutcome to a value of Yes; otherwise, it will set that variable to a value of No. Moreover, the workflow will save a message in the history list to track the approval result.

Lastly, the stage will read any comment from the approval task and save it into the ApprovalComment workflow variable. To complete the workflow definition, create the second stage to complete the workflow instance, configuring a Go to Stage action to go to the End of Workflow action. Figure 16-11 shows the resulting workflow definition.

A screen shot illustrating the workflow designer of SharePoint 2013, shown during the editing of the sample document approval workflow. A couple of stages with actions and conditions describing the approval process are visible.

Figure 16-11. The approval workflow designed in SharePoint Designer 2013.

To test the example workflow, you need to save and publish it using the corresponding ribbon commands on the ribbon of SharePoint Designer 2013. As soon as you publish the workflow definition, you can browse to the target library, upload a document, and start a workflow instance. To start an instance, click the ECB (Edit Control Block) menu of the newly uploaded item and choose the Workflows menu item. As shown in Figure 16-12, you will be prompted with the list of all the available workflow definitions, grouped by target platform type (SharePoint 2010 workflows and SharePoint 2013 workflows). Start the example workflow and follow the process.

A screen shot illustrating the webpage for starting a new workflow instance in SharePoint 2013. It includes a list of all the workflow associations available for starting, as well as a list of already completed workflow instances and a list of any already running workflow instances.

Figure 16-12. The page for starting a new workflow instance in SharePoint 2013.

Upon starting the workflow instance, you will be prompted with the initiation form, which asks you to provide the initiation parameters that were defined at the very beginning of the workflow design process. Those are the ApprovalRequestMessage and TargetApprover parameters. Figure 16-13 shows the initiation form autogenerated by SharePoint Designer 2013.

A screen shot depicting the initiation form of the document approval workflow. The page is autogenerated by SharePoint Designer 2013 and prompts the user for the ApprovalRequestMessage and TargetApprover arguments.

Figure 16-13. The initiation form of the sample document approval workflow.

Start the workflow instance and follow the process. Notice the default view of the current library now displays the name of the running workflow instance as the title of the workflow status field. This field presents the status of the running workflow instances and behaves like any other list field, enabling you to filter and sort values. You can export the field into such client platforms as the Office 2013 client, and it provides a direct entry point to the workflow status page, which contains information about the currently running workflow instance, the pending tasks, and the history list. Figure 16-14 highlights the workflow status field.

A screen shot showing the default view of the document library where the sample approval workflow instance is running. The workflow status field, useful for accessing the workflow status page, is outlined in red.

Figure 16-14. The document library view with the approval workflow status field outlined in red.

The workflow status page provides information about the workflow initiator, the start date and time, the last run date and time, the SharePoint internal status of the workflow instance, and the workflow status. Table 16-4 lists the possible values for the workflow internal status field, while Figure 16-15 highlights two workflow status fields on the workflow status page.

Table 16-4. The values available for the internal status field of a workflow instance

Status name



Signals that the workflow instance has not started.


Signals that the workflow instance has started and is running.


Signals that execution of the workflow has been stopped, but may be resumed.


Signals that the workflow instance has received a cancellation message.


Signals that execution of the specified workflow instance is canceled.


Terminates the running workflow instance and raises the Completed event in the host. Once the workflow is terminated, it cannot be resumed.


Signals that the workflow instance has finished running.


Signals that no status has been specified.


Signals that the workflow instance is in an invalid state.

A screen shot depicting the workflow status page, highlighting the Internal Status and Status fields.

Figure 16-15. The two workflow status fields provided by the workflow status page.

Figure 16-16 shows the form for editing the approval task. To reach that form, simply click any task presented on the workflow status page, and then select the Edit Task command from the ECB menu. As you can see, aside from the standard task fields, there are a few commands in the bottom area of the form for approving or rejecting the document.

A screen shot illustrating the approval task form provided by SharePoint 2013 for an approval task. It includes the standard fields for approval tasks, such as Task Name, Start Date, Due Date, Assigned To, % Complete, and Description. At the bottom is a series of buttons for approving, rejecting, or saving the current task.

Figure 16-16. The approval task form provided by default in SharePoint 2013 for a workflow approval task.

In SharePoint, tasks like the one illustrated in Figure 16-16 are a fundamental part of a workflow process and, in general, are among the most frequently used techniques to interact with end users. Before SharePoint 2013, a user had to browse all the lists of tasks of every different site to manage his or her assigned tasks—a complex and time-consuming process. Luckily, SharePoint 2013 introduces the new Work Management Service Application, which enables you to aggregate tasks from multiple systems into a unique and central location. This location is the user’s personal site and is provided through the User Profile service. Users can aggregate tasks from SharePoint 2013, Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, Microsoft Project Server 2013, and potentially any other provider that supports the Work Management Service Application. Thus, all the workflow tasks created by SharePoint 2013 workflows, regardless of the site where they were created, are aggregated and provided to the end users through a unique and consolidated UI, which improves usability and productivity of end users.

Back to SharePoint Designer 2013, you can experience one of the most brilliant features introduced in SharePoint 2013 workflows: the visual designer view. Click the Views ribbon command and choose Visual Designer view. Figure 16-17 shows the result.

A screen shot illustrating the visual designer view of SharePoint Designer 2013 with a document approval workflow design in progress. It shows stencils and designer regions that represent the workflow process from a business viewpoint.

Figure 16-17. The approval workflow in the visual designer view in SharePoint Designer 2013.

You can click the Export to Visio ribbon command to export the workflow definition into a VSDX file of Microsoft Visio 2013. This capability is useful if you need to share the workflow process definition with someone who is not an experienced SharePoint user or designer, but rather a businessperson with only Visio 2013 installed on his or her machine. In Visio 2013, you will have exactly the same user experience you have in SharePoint Designer 2013 while in the Visual Designer view. Lastly, consider that, at a later time, you will be able to import into SharePoint Designer 2013 a workflow definition designed or edited in Visio 2013.

More about workflows

Now that you have defined a basic workflow sample, you can tackle some more advanced and useful topics. For example, you will see how exceptions are handled in workflows and how they are presented to end users. You will also learn how to create reusable workflows and how to manage versioning of workflows definitions.

Exception management

Consider exception management, for example. SharePoint Designer 2013 does not include any actions or conditions to implement try…catch blocks for business logic. Instead, you must consult the workflow status page for details about exceptions that occur, as shown in Figure 16-18.

A screen shot illustrating the SharePoint 2013 workflow status page displaying an exception related to the execution of a workflow instance. Clicking the info symbol opens the box shown, which details the stack trace of the exception that occurred.

Figure 16-18. The workflow status page of a workflow instance that raised an exception while running.

As you can see, the stack trace message that pops up when you click the info icon is not completely user friendly and probably would be unintelligible to the average end user. Another common exception occurs if the user tries to start an instance of a workflow definition that is already running against the current item. The workflow instance will not start, because only a single instance of a workflow definition can be started against an item. The workflow instance will try to start, however, and will instantly fail with an internal status value of Terminated, providing a message like the one shown in Figure 16-19.

A screen shot showing the workflow status page of a workflow instance that has been terminated because another instance of the same workflow definition is already running on the target item. Clicking the info button displays the box shown, which informs the user about the issue and provides the unique ID of the other workflow instance already running against the current item.

Figure 16-19. The workflow status page of a workflow instance that has been terminated because another instance of the same workflow definition is already running on it.

Reusable workflows

In SharePoint Designer 2013, you have the option to create a reusable workflow definition, which is almost the same as a classic list workflow, but you can reuse it by associating its definition with multiple targets. The design process is almost the same as the one for defining a classic list workflow as well. After saving and publishing the reusable workflow, however, you have to click the Associate To List ribbon command to effectively associate the workflow definition with a target. The association process starts your default web browser, after which you associate the workflow definition with its target using the web browser interface.

You can also save as a template a workflow definition created in SharePoint Designer 2013. A saved template is just a Windows SharePoint Services Solution Package (WSP) saved in the Sites Assets library of the current site and that you can download and reuse somewhere else.


In Visual Studio 2012, you can import a saved WSP file using the project template called SharePoint 2013 - Import Reusable 2010 Workflow. However, be careful, because that project template works only with old-style WSP packages, which define SharePoint 2010 workflows. It does not handle SharePoint 2013 workflow definitions.

Remember, however, that when you define a workflow in SharePoint Designer 2013, behind the scenes SharePoint Designer creates a flowchart workflow model and produces only a XAML markup-based definition of the process, together with the VSDX file for Visio 2013 used for rendering the view illustrated in Figure 16-17, and any ASPX form file. You can check this behavior by browsing, using SharePoint Designer 2013, to the folder containing the source files of the workflow. In Figure 16-20 you can see the content of the folder representing the sample approval workflow.

A screen shot illustrating the content of the folder containing the files of the sample approval workflow designed in SharePoint Designer 2013. The folder contains the ASPX initiation form, the VSDX file for Visio 2013, the XAML file declaring the workflow structure, and a file about the association between the workflow and its target.

Figure 16-20. The content of the folder containing the sample approval workflow defined in SharePoint Designer 2013.

Versioning workflows

Starting with WF 4.5, the workflow engine of .NET Framework can manage versioning of workflow identities. From a SharePoint 2013 perspective, however, the versioning of a workflow definition remains unchanged. The Workflow Settings page, which is the page from which you associate a workflow definition with a target, gives you the option to remove an existing workflow association. When you remove one workflow definition, you must choose what will happen to the running instances of that workflow. Figure 16-21 shows the Remove Workflows page that is displayed when you choose to remove an association.

A screen shot showing how the Remove Workflows page behaves. The page allows removing a workflow definition from a target association and allows you to choose whether the workflow should simply be removed, or should keep running instances but stop the creation of new ones.

Figure 16-21. The Remove Workflows page for a list.

You have the option to force workflow association removal, interrupting any running instances, by selecting the Remove option. Otherwise, you can select the No New Instances option, which allows the running instances to complete, but disables the capability to create new instances of that workflow. Usually, these options are very useful when performing workflow maintenance or an upgrade. In fact, an idle workflow instance is persisted in the Workflow Manager database and will be reloaded in memory when execution starts again as the result of an event like a user’s task change, a delay expiration, and so on.

When this occurs, you have no guarantee that the same workflow version will still be available in the current environment. For example, there could be a newer version, potentially different from the original one used during instance creation.

If you decide to forcibly remove the workflow association without waiting for any running instances to complete, the workflow engine of SharePoint will terminate running instances immediately, and thus avoid any kind of issues related to workflow versioning. Of course, you will lose any data or information status about the running workflow instances.

On the other hand, if you decide to prevent new instances of the workflow, but you leave all the running instances in their state, you will have the opportunity to wait for their completion. After all the running instances complete, you can forcibly remove the association from the target list. In the meantime, you can associate a new version of the workflow and start using it on the other items of the target list.

While working with workflows defined in SharePoint Designer 2013, the workflow publishing engine of SharePoint Designer 2013 will always upgrade existing workflow associations, keeping already running instances associated with the original workflow definition and starting the new instances using the new workflow definition. Moreover, be mindful that using the Remove Workflows page to remove a workflow association of a workflow definition that you defined in SharePoint Designer 2013 leaves the environment in an unstable state. In fact, you will still be able to associate that workflow definition to the target list, but you will no longer be able to edit its definition using SharePoint Designer.


Reading this chapter, you learned about the architecture of the new workflow engine of SharePoint 2013 by comparing it with the legacy SharePoint 2010 workflow engine. You learned how to deploy a Workflow Manager environment on-premises, and you saw how to connect a SharePoint 2013 farm on-premises with an external Workflow Manager. Then you created a simple approval workflow using SharePoint Designer 2013 in order to better understand how to design workflows based on markup, without writing any code. At the end of the chapter, you learned how errors, workflow statuses, and versioning are handled.

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