Chapter 32. Software requirements and risk management

Dave, the project manager for the Chemical Tracking System at Contoso Pharmaceuticals, is meeting with his lead programmer, Helen, and the lead tester, Ramesh. All are excited about the new project, but they remember the problems they ran into on an earlier project called the Pharm Simulator.

“Remember how we didn’t find out that the users hated the Simulator’s user interface until beta testing?” Helen asked. “It took us four weeks to rebuild it and retest it. I sure don’t want to go through that death march again.”

“That was awful,” Dave agreed. “It was also annoying that the users we talked to swore they needed a lot of features that no one has used so far. That drug interaction modeling feature took three times longer to code than we expected, and we wound up throwing it out. What a waste!”

Ramesh had a suggestion. “Maybe we should list these problems from the Simulator so we can try to avoid them on the Chemical Tracking System. I read an article on software risk management that said we should identify risks up front and figure out how to prevent them from hurting the project.”

“I don’t know about that,” Dave protested. “We probably won’t have those same problems again. If we write down things that could go wrong on the Chemical Tracking System, it’ll look like I don’t know how to run a software project. I don’t want any negative thinkers on this project. We have to plan for success!”

As Dave’s final comment suggests, software engineers and project managers are eternal optimists. We often expect our next project to run smoothly, despite the history of problems on earlier projects. The reality is that dozens of potential pitfalls can delay or derail a software project. Contrary to Dave’s beliefs, software teams must identify and control their project risks, beginning with those related to requirements.

A risk is a condition that could cause some loss or otherwise threaten the success of a project. This condition hasn’t actually caused a problem yet—and you’d like to keep it that way. These potential problems might have an adverse impact on the project’s cost, schedule, or technical success; the product’s quality; or the team’s effectiveness. Risk management is the process of identifying, evaluating, and controlling risks before they harm your project. If something untoward has already happened on the project, it’s an issue, not a risk. Deal with current problems and issues through your project’s ongoing status tracking and corrective action processes.

Because no one can predict the future with certainty, risk management is used to minimize the likelihood or impact of potential problems. Risk management means dealing with a concern before it becomes a crisis. This improves the chance of project success and reduces the financial or other consequences of those risks that you can’t avoid. Risks that lie outside the team’s sphere of control should be directed to the appropriate level of management for attention.

Because requirements play such a central role in software projects, the prudent project manager will identify requirements-related risks early and control them aggressively. Typical requirements risks include misunderstanding the requirements, inadequate user involvement, uncertain or changing project scope and objectives, and continually changing requirements. Project managers can control requirements risks only through collaboration with customers and other stakeholders. Jointly documenting requirements risks and planning mitigation actions reinforces the customer-development partnership that was discussed in Chapter 2.

Simply knowing about the risks doesn’t make them go away, so this chapter presents a brief tutorial on software risk management ([ref248]). Later in the chapter, we also describe a number of risk factors that can raise their ugly heads during requirements engineering activities. Use this information to launch an attack on your requirements risks before they attack your project.

Fundamentals of software risk management

Projects face many kinds of risks besides those related to requirements. Dependence on an external entity, such as a subcontractor or another project that is providing components to be reused, is a common source of risk. Project management is fraught with risks from poor estimation, rejection of accurate estimates by managers, insufficient visibility into project status, and staff turnover. Technology risks threaten highly complex and leading-edge development projects. Lack of knowledge is another source of risk, such as with practitioners who have insufficient experience with the technologies being used or with the application domain. Transitioning to a new development method introduces a raft of new risks. And ever-changing, imposed government regulations can disrupt the best-laid project plans.

Scary! This is why all projects need to take risk management seriously. Risk management involves scanning the horizon for icebergs, rather than steaming full speed ahead with great confidence that your ship is unsinkable. As with other processes, scale your risk management activities to your project’s size. Small projects can get by with a simple risk list, but formal risk management planning is a key element of a successful large-scale project.

Elements of risk management

Risk management involves the application of tools and procedures to contain project risk within acceptable limits. It provides a standard approach to identify and document risk factors, evaluate their potential severity, and propose strategies for mitigating them ([ref251]). Risk management includes the activities shown in Figure 32-1 (adapted from [ref164]).

An illustration that shows a box labeled risk
                management on the left expanding into three boxes in the
                center, labeled assessment, avoidance, and control. The
                assessment box expands into three boxes on the right labeled
                identification, analysis, and prioritization. The control box
                expands into three boxes on the right labeled management
                planning, resolution, and monitoring.
Figure 32-1. Elements of risk management.

Risk assessment is the process of examining a project to identify potential threats. Facilitate risk identification with lists of common risk factors such as those described in the Requirements-related risks section later in this chapter or with other public lists of typical risks (for example, [ref036]; [ref164]). During risk analysis, you’ll examine the potential consequences of specific risks to your project. Risk prioritization helps you focus on the most severe risks by assessing the potential risk exposure from each. Risk exposure is a function of both the probability of incurring a loss due to the risk and the potential magnitude of that loss.

Risk avoidance is one way to deal with a risk: don’t do the risky thing. You can avoid some risks by not undertaking certain projects, by relying on proven rather than cutting-edge technologies and development methods, or by excluding features that will be especially difficult to implement. Software development is intrinsically risky, though, so avoiding risk might also mean losing opportunities.

Most of the time you’ll have to perform risk control activities to manage the top-priority risks you identified. Risk management planning produces a plan for dealing with each significant risk, including mitigation approaches, contingency plans, owners, and timelines. Mitigation actions try either to prevent the risk from becoming a problem at all or to reduce the adverse impact if it does. The risks won’t control themselves, so risk resolution involves executing the plans for mitigating each risk. Finally, track your progress toward resolving each risk item through risk monitoring, which should become part of your routine project status tracking. Monitor how well your risk mitigation actions are working, look for new risks that have popped up, retire risks whose threat has passed, and update the priorities of your risk list periodically.

Documenting project risks

It’s not enough to simply recognize the risks that face your project. You need to manage them in a way that lets you communicate risk issues and status to stakeholders throughout the project’s duration. Figure 32-2 shows a template for documenting an individual risk statement. You might find it more convenient to store this information in tabular form, such as a spreadsheet, which makes it easy to sort the list of risks in various ways, or in a database. Keep the risk list separate from project plans so that it’s easy to update throughout the project’s duration.

An illustration showing a suggested template for
                recording information to track an individual risk item. The
                information stored for each risk is the ID, submitter, date
                opened, date closed, risk statement, scope of impact,
                probability, impact, exposure, risk management plan,
                contingency plan, owner, and date due.
Figure 32-2. Risk item tracking template.

Use a condition-consequence format when you document risk statements. That is, state the risk condition that you are concerned about, followed by the potential adverse outcome—the consequence—from that condition. Often, people who suggest risks state only the condition (“the customers don’t agree on the product requirements”) or the consequence (“we can satisfy only one of our major customers”). Pull these statements together into the condition-consequence structure: “If the customers don’t agree on the product requirements, then we might be able to satisfy only one of our major customers.” One condition might lead to several consequences, and several conditions can result in the same consequence.

The template provides spaces to record the probability of a risk materializing into a problem, the negative impact on the project as a result of that problem, and the overall risk exposure. I like to estimate the probability on a scale from 0.1 (highly unlikely) to 1.0 (certain to happen), and the impact on a relative scale of 1 (no problem) to 10 (big trouble). Even better, try to rate the potential impact in units of lost time or money. Multiply the probability by the impact to estimate the exposure from each risk.

Don’t try to quantify risks too precisely. Your goal is to differentiate the most threatening risks from those you don’t need to tackle immediately. You might find it easier simply to estimate both probability and impact as high, medium, or low. Those items that have at least one high rating demand your early attention.

Use the Risk Management Plan field to identify the actions you intend to take to control the risk. Some mitigation strategies work to reduce the risk probability, others to reduce the impact. Consider the cost of mitigation when planning. It doesn’t make sense to spend $20,000 to control a risk with a maximum estimated impact of only $10,000 if it materialized into a problem. You might also devise contingency plans for the most severe risks to anticipate what actions to take if, despite your efforts, the risk does affect your project. Assign every risk that you plan to control to an individual owner, and set a target date for completing the mitigation actions. Long-term or complex risks might require a multistep mitigation strategy.

Figure 32-3 illustrates a risk that the Chemical Tracking System team leaders discussed at the beginning of this chapter. The team estimated the probability and impact on the basis of their previous experience. Until they evaluate other risks, they won’t know how serious a risk exposure of 4.2 is—risk exposures are relative. The first two mitigation approaches reduce the probability of this risk becoming a problem by increasing user involvement in the requirements process. Prototyping reduces the potential impact by seeking early feedback on the user interface.

An illustration showing the description of a sample
                risk item. The risk statement is “If we have insufficient user
                involvement in requirements elicitation, then we might need to
                perform extensive user interface rework after beta testing.”
                The probability is estimated at 0.6, the impact at 7, and the
                exposure at 4.2. Four activities are listed for a possible
                mitigation plan for this risk.
Figure 32-3. Sample risk item from the Chemical Tracking System.

Planning for risk management

A risk list is not the same as a risk management plan. For a small project, you can include your plans for controlling risks in the software project management plan. A large project should write a separate risk management plan that spells out the approaches it intends to take to identify, evaluate, document, and track risks. This plan should include the roles and responsibilities for the risk management activities. A risk management plan template is available with this book’s companion content. Many projects appoint a project risk manager to be responsible for staying on top of the things that could go wrong. One company dubbed their risk manager “Eeyore,” after the gloomy Winnie-the-Pooh character who constantly bemoaned how bad things could become.


Don’t assume that risks are under control just because you identified them and selected mitigation actions. Follow through on the risk management actions. Include enough time for risk management in the project schedule so that you don’t waste your investment in risk planning. Include risk mitigation activities, risk status reporting, and updating the risk list in your project’s task list.

Establish a rhythm of periodic risk monitoring. Keep the 10 or so risks that have the highest risk exposure visible, and track the effectiveness of your mitigation approaches regularly. When a mitigation action is completed, reevaluate the probability and impact for that risk item and then update the risk list and any other pending mitigation plans accordingly. A risk is not necessarily under control simply because the mitigation actions have been completed. You need to judge whether your mitigation approaches have reduced the exposure to an acceptable level or whether the opportunity for a specific risk to become a problem has passed.

The risk factors described on the following pages are organized by the five requirements engineering subdisciplines of elicitation, analysis, specification, validation, and management. Techniques are suggested that can reduce each risk’s probability or impact. This list is just a starting point; accumulate your own list of risk factors and mitigation strategies based on the lessons you learn from each project. [ref159] describe additional risks related to software requirements. Be sure to write your risk statements in the condition-consequence format.

Requirements elicitation

Numerous factors can conspire to hamper your requirements elicitation efforts. Following are several areas of potential elicitation risk and suggestions for how to avoid them.

Product vision and project scope Scope creep is more likely if the stakeholders lack a shared understanding of what the product is supposed to be (and not be) and do. Early in the project, write a vision and scope document that contains your business requirements, and use it to guide decisions about new or modified requirements.

Time spent on requirements development Tight project schedules often pressure managers and customers into glossing over the requirements because they believe that if the developers don’t start coding immediately, they won’t finish on time. Record how much effort you actually spend on requirements development for each project so that you can judge whether it was sufficient and improve your planning for future projects. Agile development approaches allow construction to begin earlier than on projects following a waterfall life cycle.

Customer engagement Insufficient customer involvement during the project increases the chance of an expectation gap. Identify stakeholders, customers, and user classes early in the project. Determine who will serve as the literal voice of the user for each user class. Engage key stakeholders as product champions. Make sure product champions fulfill their commitments so you elicit the correct needs.

Completeness and correctness of requirements specifications Elicit user requirements that map to business requirements to ensure that the solution will deliver what the customers really need. Devise usage scenarios, write tests from the requirements, and have customers define their acceptance criteria. Create prototypes to make the requirements more meaningful for users and to elicit specific feedback from them. Enlist customer representatives to review the requirements and analysis models.

Requirements for innovative products It’s easy to misgauge market response to products that are the first of their kind. Emphasize market research, build prototypes, and use focus groups to obtain early and frequent customer feedback about your innovative product visions.

Defining nonfunctional requirements Because of the natural emphasis on product functionality, it’s easy to neglect nonfunctional requirements. Query customers about quality characteristics such as performance, usability, security, and reliability. Document these nonfunctional requirements and their acceptance criteria as precisely as you can.

Customer agreement on requirements If the diverse customers for your system don’t agree on what you should build, someone will be unhappy with the result. Determine who the primary customers are, and use the product champion approach to get adequate customer representation and involvement. Make sure you’re relying on the right people for making decisions about requirements. Have appropriate stakeholder representatives review the requirements.

Unstated requirements Customers often hold implicit expectations that are neither communicated nor documented. Try to identify any assumptions the customers might be making. Use open-ended questions to encourage customers to share more of their thoughts, wishes, ideas, information, and concerns than you might otherwise hear. Asking customers what would make them reject the product might reveal some topics that have not yet been explored.

Existing product used as the requirements reference Requirements development might not be deemed important on next-generation or replacement projects. Developers are sometimes told to use the existing product as their source for requirements, with a list of changes and additions. Chapter 21 suggested some ways to reverse-engineer requirements from an existing application.

Solutions presented as needs User-proposed solutions can mask the users’ actual needs, lead to automating ineffective business processes, and overconstrain the developers’ design options. The analyst must drill down to understand the intent—the real requirement—behind a solution the customer has presented.

Distrust between the business and the development team As you have seen throughout this book, effective requirements engineering demands close collaboration among various stakeholders, particularly customer communities (the business side for IT projects) and developers. If these parties do not feel that their counterparts are working in good faith toward a mutually beneficial outcome, conflicts can arise and requirements elicitation can be threatened.

Requirements analysis

It isn’t prudent to just record whatever the customer tells you and dive into development. Requirements analysis poses its own threat areas, as described below.

Requirements prioritization Ensure that every functional requirement, feature, or user requirement is prioritized and allocated to a specific system release or iteration. Evaluate the priority of new requirements against the backlog of work remaining to be done, so that you can make appropriate trade-off decisions and iteration plans.

Technically difficult features Evaluate the feasibility of each requirement to identify those that might take longer than anticipated to implement. Use status tracking to watch for requirements that are falling behind their implementation schedule. Take corrective action as early as possible. Prototype the novel or risky requirements to select effective approaches.

Unfamiliar technologies, methods, languages, tools, or hardware Don’t underestimate the learning curve of getting up to speed with new techniques that are needed to satisfy certain requirements. Identify those high-risk requirements early on, and work with the development team to allow sufficient time for false starts, learning, and experimentation.

Requirements specification

Requirements are all about communication. Just because requirements are communicated on paper or in writing doesn’t mean they are actually understood.

Requirements understanding Different interpretations of the requirements by developers and customers lead to expectation gaps, in which the delivered product fails to satisfy customer needs. Peer review of requirements by developers, testers, and customers can mitigate this risk. Trained and experienced business analysts will acquire the right information and write high-quality specifications. Creating models and prototypes that represent the requirements from multiple perspectives can reveal fuzzy, ambiguous requirements.

Time pressure to proceed despite open issues It is a good idea to mark areas of the requirements that need further work with TBD (to be determined) or as issues, but it’s risky to proceed with construction if these haven’t been resolved. Record who is responsible for closing each open issue and the target date for resolution.

Ambiguous terminology Create a glossary to define business and technical terms that might be interpreted differently by different readers. Requirements reviews can help participants reach a common understanding of terms and concepts.

Design included in requirements Design elements that are included in the requirements place constraints on the options available to developers. Unnecessary constraints inhibit the creation of optimal designs. Review the requirements to make sure they emphasize what needs to be done to solve the business problem, rather than dictating the solution.

Requirements validation

Even if you’ve done a good job on requirements elicitation, it’s important to confirm the quality and validity of the solution that the requirements specify. Validation offers the following pitfalls.

Unvalidated requirements The prospect of reviewing a lengthy requirements specification is daunting, as is the idea of writing tests very early in the development process. However, if you confirm the correctness and quality of each set of requirements before their implementation, you can avoid considerable expensive rework later. Include time and resources for these quality activities in the project plan. Gain commitment from your customer representatives to participate in requirements reviews. Perform incremental, informal reviews to find problems as early and cheaply as possible.

Inspection proficiency If inspection participants do not know how to inspect requirements effectively, they might miss serious defects. Train all team members who will participate in inspections of requirements documents. Invite an experienced inspector from your organization or an outside consultant to observe your early inspections to coach the participants.

Requirements management

Much of the requirements-related risk on a software project comes from how changes are handled. Those and other requirements management risks are mentioned below.

Changing requirements You can control rampant scope creep by using documented business requirements and scope definitions as the benchmark for approving changes. A collaborative elicitation process with extensive user involvement can cut requirements creep nearly in half ([ref131]). Detecting requirements errors early reduces the number of modifications requested later on. Design the system for easy modifiability, particularly when you are following an iterative life cycle.

Requirements change process Risks related to how requirements changes are handled include not having a defined change process, using ineffective change mechanisms, failing to incorporate valuable changes efficiently, and incorporating changes that bypass the process. A requirements change process that includes impact analysis, a change control board, and a tool to support the process is an important starting point. Clear communication of changes to the affected stakeholders is essential.

Unimplemented requirements Requirements tracing helps you avoid overlooking any requirements during design, construction, or testing.

Expanding project scope If requirements are poorly defined initially, further clarification can expand the scope of the project. Vaguely specified areas of the product will consume more effort than anticipated. The project resources that were allocated according to the initial incomplete requirements might be insufficient to implement the full scope of user needs. To mitigate this risk, plan on a phased or incremental delivery life cycle. Implement the top priority functionality in the early releases, and elaborate the system’s capabilities in later iterations.

Risk management is your friend

A project manager can use risk management to raise the awareness of conditions that could cause the project to suffer. Consider the manager of a new project who’s concerned about getting appropriate users involved in requirements elicitation. The astute manager will realize that this condition poses a risk and will document it in the risk list, estimating the probability and impact based on previous experience. If time passes and users still are not involved, the risk exposure for this item will increase, perhaps to the point where it compromises the project’s success. I’ve been able to convince managers to postpone a project that could not engage sufficient user representatives by arguing that we shouldn’t waste the company’s money on a doomed project.

Periodic risk tracking keeps the project manager apprised of the threat from identified risks. Escalate risks that aren’t adequately controlled to senior managers, who can either initiate corrective actions or make a conscious business decision to proceed despite the risks. Risk management helps you keep your eyes open and make informed decisions, even if you can’t control or avoid every adversity your project might encounter.

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