An introduction to the Liberty profile
The IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Liberty Profile is a composable, dynamic application server environment that supports development and testing of web applications. Recent updates add not just Java EE Web Profile support, but also Java EE Full Platform support. The profile is fully supported for production use, but is designed to work alongside WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse to provide a simplified, but comprehensive, application development and testing environment.
This guide is for developers of web and Open Services Gateway initiative (OSGi) applications. It assumes familiarity with web and OSGi application concepts, but does not assume familiarity with WebSphere Application Server resources or products. This guide refers to other IBM Redbooks publications and the WebSphere Application Server V8.5 IBM Knowledge Center for additional information.
The topics in this chapter provide an overview of Liberty profile characteristics that are useful for iterative and collaborative application development:
1.1 Liberty profile overview
The Liberty profile is a simplified, lightweight development and application runtime environment that has the following characteristics:
Simple to configure. Configuration is read from an XML file with text-editor-friendly syntax.
Dynamic and flexible. The run time loads only what your application needs and recomposes the run time in response to configuration changes.
Fast. The server starts in under 5 seconds with a basic web application.
Extensible. The Liberty profile provides support for user and product extensions, which can use System Programming Interfaces (SPIs) to extend the run time.
The Liberty profile is built by using OSGi technology and concepts. The fit-for-purpose nature of the run time relies on the dynamic behavior inherent in the OSGi Framework and Service Registry. As bundles are installed to or uninstalled from the framework, the services that each bundle provides are added or removed from the service registry. The addition and removal of services similarly cascades to other dependent services. The result is a dynamic, composable run time that can be provisioned with only what your application requires and responds dynamically to configuration changes as your application evolves.
1.1.1 Programming models
The Liberty profile supports a subset of the Java EE 6 and Java EE 7 stacks. The following list notes the supported technologies that are supported by all versions of the Liberty profile:
Java Servlet 3.1
JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2
JavaServer Pages (JSP) 2.3
Java Expression Language 3.0
Standard Tag Library for JavaServer Pages (JSTL) 1.2
Bean Validation 1.1
Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.1
Common Annotations for the Java Platform 1.1
Java Transaction API (JTA) 1.2
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) 4.1
Java API for RESTful Web Services (JAX-RS) 2.0
Java API for RESTful Web Service clients (JAX-RS Client) 2.0
Java API for XML Processing (JAXP) 1.3
Java Management Extensions (JMX) 2.0
JavaBeans Activation Framework (JAF) 1.1
Streaming API for XML (StAX) 1.0
Enterprise Java Beans Lite (EJB Lite) 3.2
Contexts and Dependency Injection 1.2
The WebSphere Application Server Liberty Core edition is a separate offering that is available for production use that is based on the Liberty profile. The Liberty Core edition extends the technologies that were listed previously to support the following Java EE 6 Web Profile specifications:
EE Concurrency Utilities 1.0
JavaMail 1.5
In other editions, such as WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment, the Liberty profile supports the following technologies in addition to those contained in Liberty Core:
Java EE 7 Full Platform
Java API for XML-based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.2
Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.2
SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) 1.3
Java Message Service API (JMS) 2.0
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.1 3.2 - Message-Driven beans
The Liberty profile supports OSGi applications in all editions. The following list shows supported technologies for OSGi applications (with a reference to the specification where appropriate):
Web Application Bundles (OSGi R4.2 Enterprise, Chapter 128)
Blueprint Container (OSGi R4.2 Enterprise, Chapter 121)
 – Blueprint Transactions
 – Blueprint Managed JPA
JNDI (OSGi R4.2 Enterprise, Chapter 126)
OSGi application of Java EE technologies that are supported by the profile
A complete list of the technologies that are supported by the Liberty profile can be found at:
1.1.2 Supported development environments
Both Liberty and full profile WebSphere Application Server support a broad list of operating systems: IBM AIX®, HP, IBM i, Linux, Solaris, Windows, and z/OS. The Liberty profile is also supported, for development, on Mac OSX.
The Liberty profile server runs on Java Version 6 or later regardless of the vendor that provides it.
The list of supported operating systems and requirements for the Liberty profile can be found at the following link:
1.1.3 Application development and deployment tools
IBM provides two development tools that are designed for use with WebSphere Application Server applications and include tools that are specifically suited for use with the Liberty profile:
IBM Rational® Application Developer for WebSphere Software V9
IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V9 provides a development environment for building applications that run on WebSphere Application Server. This tool supports all Java EE artifacts that are supported by WebSphere Application Server, such as servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP), JavaServer Faces (JSF), Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB), Extensible Markup Language (XML), SIP, Portlet, and web services. It also includes integration with the OSGi programming model. The workbench contains wizards and editors that help build standards-compliant, business-critical Java EE, Web 2.0, and service-oriented architecture (SOA) applications. Code quality tools help teams find and correct problems before they escalate into expensive problems. Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software can be used to develop applications for both the full profile and the Liberty profile.
For more information about Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software V9, see the following website:
WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse
The IBM WebSphere developer tools V8.5.5 provides a development environment for developing, assembling, and deploying Java EE, OSGi, Web 2.0, and Mobile applications, and supports multiple versions of WebSphere Application Server. When combined with Eclipse SDK and Eclipse Web Tools Platform, WebSphere developer tools provides a lightweight environment for developing Java EE applications.
WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse is a no additional charge edition for developer desktop and includes Eclipse adapters. With Version 8.5.5, WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse editions are provided at no additional charge for developer desktops and are supported under production runtime licenses.
Although not as rich in features as Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, this tool is an attractive option for developers using both the Liberty profile and the full profile.
For more information about WebSphere developer tools and access to the tool, see the following website:
WebSphere developer tools: In this book, the development and deployment processes that are described are applicable to either tool. We use the generic term WebSphere developer tools as an inclusive term for both WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse and Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software.
1.1.4 Additional resources
There are additional resources available to support development with the Liberty profile. The following list notes developer-community focused resources:
WASdev community
The WASdev community is a hub for information about developing applications for WebSphere Application Server, and using the Liberty profile in particular. Articles, podcasts, videos, and samples are refreshed regularly as new technology is made available through early access programs or new product releases.
WASdev forum
The WASdev forum provides an opportunity for users of WebSphere Application Server and the Liberty profile to interact with each other and with the IBM developers working on the products.
Stack Overflow tags
Stack Overflow is a Q&A site that has no cost to use. It allows users to ask and answer questions with built-in incentives to reward high-quality answers. Use the websphere or websphere-liberty tags to ask or answer questions about WebSphere Application Server and the Liberty profile.
1.2 Simplified configuration
The Liberty profile runtime environment is composed of a set of OSGi bundles. Any bundle containing configurable resources also contains metadata describing the configuration that those resources accept or require using the OSGi Metatype service. A generic description of a metatype service is a bundle containing within it an XML schema describing each resource’s configuration attributes, types, and value bounds. The configuration metadata within each bundle will also assign appropriate default values, and can construct default instances where appropriate. With functional defaults already in place, you only need to specify the values you want to customize.
1.2.1 Server definition
The Liberty profile supports multiple servers using the same installation. Each server is defined in its own directory, where the directory name is the server name. New servers are easily created using the command line or the WebSphere developer tools, but manual creation also works. Using the WebSphere developer tools to create a server is described in 2.2, “Installing the Liberty profile” on page 43.
A server definition requires only one configuration file, server.xml, to define a server. The server.xml file must contain a server element. If there are no configuration changes, default values suffice. The server element can be empty, as shown in Example 1-1.
Example 1-1 Server.xml file
<server description=”optional description” />
The empty definition in Example 1-1 starts only the core kernel. Additional function is enabled using features. Features are described in 1.3.1, “Feature management” on page 26.
1.2.2 Server configuration using the server.xml file
The server.xml file has a simple XML format that can be edited using your favorite text editor. Though there is no requirement to use a GUI to edit your server’s configuration, the WebSphere developer tools provide an enhanced editor for use in an Eclipse IDE. This editor has context-sensitive help, wizard-style value selection, and built-in configuration validation. The enhanced editor also allows direct viewing and editing of the XML source.
Figure 1-1 on page 20 shows the design and source tabs of the enhanced server.xml editor in the WebSphere developer tools.
Figure 1-1 The source and design tabs show different views of the server’s configuration
The subsequent chapters in this publication provide examples using the enhanced editor to make server configuration updates. If you follow the examples, you might find it interesting to switch to the source view. There, you can observe changes in the server.xml file after using the enhanced editor to modify the server’s configuration.
1.2.3 Bootstrap properties
There is another configuration file, which is used by the Liberty profile server when initializing the OSGi framework and platform core, called The file is an optional peer of the server.xml file containing simple text properties as key=value pairs. Bootstrap properties are generally used to influence early server start behavior or to define machine-specific properties. The bootstrap properties file is not created by default.
1.2.4 Portable configuration using variables
The Liberty profile configuration manager resolves variables when processing configuration information. Using configuration variables allows environment-specific attributes to be removed from the bulk of the server’s configuration. This isolates general aspects of server or application configuration from environment-specific elements such as host names, port numbers, or file system locations.
The Liberty profile provides several predefined variables to help make server configurations portable. The following list demonstrates syntax and briefly summarizes the supported location variables:
wlp.install.dir This is the profile’s installation directory.
wlp.user.dir This directory is the root of the tree containing user configuration. By default, this directory is a child of the installation directory, ${wlp.install.dir}/usr. It can be configured to an alternative location using an environment variable when the server is started. This is the name of the server.
wlp.user.dir This is root of the user directory.
server.config.dir The server configuration directory contains the server.xml file and any other optional configuration files that are used to customize the server’s environment. The name of this directory is used as the server’s name. By default, this directory is a child of the user directory called ${wlp.user.dir}/servers/serverName.
server.output.dir The server output directory contains resources that are generated by the server, such as logs. The Liberty profile supports shared configurations, for example, multiple running server instances sharing the configuration files. Shared configurations are supported by allowing the instance-specific output directory to be moved using an environment variable when the server is started. By default, the server output directory is the same as the server’s configuration directory. Shared user applications directory, ${wlp.user.dir}/shared/apps.
shared.config.dir Shared user configuration directory, ${wlp.user.dir}/shared/config.
shared.resource.dir Shared user resources directory, ${wlp.user.dir}/shared/resources.
When specifying file or resource locations, use the most specific location variable that applies. Being specific helps to ensure that your server configuration can be propagated to other environments (a fellow developer’s notebook, a dedicated test automation framework, a distributed production environment) without requiring changes to the server.xml file.
Example 1-2 shows a simple file that defines custom variables for machine-specific host and ports, and a common file location that is based on one of the built-in location variables.
Example 1-2 A simple file
Figure 1-2 on page 22 shows an example of replacing values in a server.xml file with variables defined in the file from Example 1-2.
Figure 1-2 Using variables in the enhanced editor
The enhanced editor provides content assist for variables that are defined in either the or server.xml files. Variables are filtered based on the field being configured. If the field is for a number (integer, long, and so on), the content assist list will show variables only with numeric values. This context-sensitive variable filtering is shown in Figure 1-3.
Figure 1-3 Content assist will filter-defined variables
1.2.5 New configuration types and validation
The simple XML format that is used in server.xml uses intuitive, natural types to make configuring the server more natural. For example, durations and timeouts can be specified using strings containing units of time (specify 1m30s for 1 minute and 30 seconds).
The server is tolerant of configuration mistakes where possible. If the initial configuration for the server is malformed, the server will not start, but indicates where the syntax error occurred to help with correcting the problem. If the configuration for a running server is updated with invalid syntax, the change is not applied, and the server continues to run. It also displays a message indicating where the configuration problem was so it can be corrected. Subsequent updates to correct the error are applied to the server without requiring a server restart. A configuration that is provided for unknown or inactive elements is ignored. You do not have to remove configuration for features that are disabled.
The following website provides an index describing all configurable attributes of the run time:
1.2.6 Encoding passwords
Passwords can be specified as encoded strings to alleviate concerns about using plain text passwords in configuration files. There are two ways to create and specify an encoded password:
The command line. You can use the securityUtility script in the ${wlp.install.dir}/bin directory:
securityUtility encode myPassword
This returns an encoded string, starting with “{xor}...”, to be copied verbatim into your server.xml file.
Tip: The securityUtility script can be used to produce passwords that are XOR-encoded, hash-encoded, or aes-encrypted. Run the following help command for more information about the new encoding options:
securityUtility help encode
The enhanced editor. When the editor is used to configure passwords, a standard password dialog box performs the same encoding step and sets the attribute value to the resulting encoded string.
1.2.7 Shared configuration using includes
The Liberty profile also supports composed configuration. It is possible for the server.xml file to include other files. Included files are specified using the <include.../> directive, and must use the server.xml file’s syntax. Each included file must also contain a <server.../> element. Figure 1-4 provides a basic representation of how the configuration manager works with configuration coming from various sources. Each bundle in the run time provides configuration defaults and configuration metadata. The configuration manager reads this information from each bundle and merges it with information read from the server.xml file and any included files. The configuration manager will stop processing, with an error, if any required configuration files cannot be found.
Figure 1-4 The configuration manager processing configuration metadata
By using variables and included files, a wide variety of configuration patterns becomes possible. Configuration can be shared across servers or persisted in a source control repository at varying levels of granularity. For example, a configuration that is associated with a data source can be collected into a single XML file that is reused (as an included resource) across multiple server configurations. The data source configuration can use variables (for output directories, host names, ports, and so on) so that it can be applied directly across multiple servers unchanged.
Included files can be specified using full paths, paths with variables, or relative paths. Relative paths are resolved by looking in a location relative to the parent file, the server’s configuration directory, or the shared configuration directory (in that order).
Include statements can appear anywhere within the <server.../> configuration element, and each included file can include other files. To ensure that your included configuration behaves predictably, you must be aware of the following processing rules for included configuration files:
Each included file is logically merged into the main configuration at the position that the <include /> statement occurs in the parent file.
For configuration instances such as applications or endpoints, a unique configuration is created for each appearance of the element in the XML file. An ID is generated if not otherwise specified.
For singleton services, such as logging or application monitoring, entries are processed in the order that they appear in the file and later entries add to or override previous ones. This is also true for configuration instances (an application or data source) where the configuration instances have the same ID.
Note: Configuration dropins can also be used to further extend the configuration of a server. For more information, see the following link:
1.2.8 Dynamic configuration updates
The Liberty profile contains an implementation of the OSGi Configuration Admin service, which operates using the service patterns that are defined in that specification. Per that specification, the Liberty profile configuration manager does the following tasks:
Maintains and manages the configuration of the OSGi Service Platform as a whole. It sets the active configuration, at run time, for all configurable services.
Monitors the OSGi Service Registry and provides configuration information to configurable services as they are registered.
At start, the configuration manager processes the contents of the server.xml file. It then merges those contents with the default values provided by each bundle to provide configuration information to each registered configurable service. If the server.xml file changes, the configuration manager reprocesses the file contents and immediately pushes configuration changes out to the configurable services affected by the change. There is no need to restart the server.
The configuration manager also responds dynamically as bundles are added or removed from the system. For example, a new bundle might introduce additional configurable services. When a bundle is started, the configuration manager:
Detects new services.
Resolves any user-provided configuration against the new configuration metadata and defaults that are provided by the new bundle.
Provides the resolved configuration to the consuming services.
Because the run time is dynamic, the configuration manager is tolerant when it processes configuration information from any source (user or system). The configuration manager safely ignores configuration elements or attributes for which it does not have metadata. For unknown attributes, the values are passed to the associated configurable services along with the rest of its configuration data. For unknown configuration definitions, the configuration manager parses configuration information at the time it becomes available and provides it to associated configurable services.
1.3 Runtime composition with features and services
The composable nature of the Liberty profile is based on the concept of features. A feature is a unit of function, essentially the minimum set of bundles that are required to support a particular technology. Features can, and do, overlap, and they can include other features.
As an example, the servlet-3.0 feature installs the collection of OSGi bundles required to support servlet applications, but not JSP applications. The jsp-2.2 feature includes the servlet-3.0 feature (it requires a servlet engine). When you enable the jsp-2.2 feature in a server, it installs all of the bundles that are required for servlet applications in addition to the bundles required to support JSPs (Figure 1-5).
Figure 1-5 Features are the units of composition for a Liberty profile server run time
1.3.1 Feature management
Features are configured in server.xml by adding <feature> elements to the <featureManager../>. When a new server is created using the server create command, the server.xml file has the jsp-2.2 feature enabled, as shown in Example 1-3.
Example 1-3 Server.xml file with jsp-2.2 feature
The WebSphere developer tools enhanced editor provides a list of features to choose from and shows those features implicitly enabled by others, as shown in Figure 1-6.
Figure 1-6 Selecting features with the enhanced editor
Features can be added or removed from the server configuration while the server is running without requiring a server restart.
1.3.2 Automatic service discovery
The fit-to-purpose nature of the run time relies on dynamic behavior inherent in the OSGi Framework and the Service Registry. The Liberty profile relies on the OSGi Service Registry for dynamic registration and discovery of services.
When a feature is enabled, the bundles that are required by that feature are installed in the OSGi framework. When a bundle is installed and started, in some cases, services are registered in the Service Registry. For most bundles in the Liberty profile, service registration and lifecycle are managed using OSGi Declarative Services (DS) components.
DS support operates on declared components, each of which is defined by an XML file in the bundle. When a bundle containing component declarations is added to the framework, DS takes action. It reads each component declaration and registers provided services in the service registry. DS then manages the lifecycle of the component by controlling its lifecycle based on a combination of declared attributes and satisfied dependencies.
The simple XML description of components allows DS to resolve service dependencies without requiring the component to be instantiated, or its implementation classes to be loaded. All of this facilitates late and lazy resource loading, which helps improve the server start and runtime memory footprint.
1.4 Frictionless application development
The Liberty profile can deploy applications in the following ways:
As an archive file (WAR, EAR, or EBA)
Extracted into a directory
Described by an XML file (loose configuration)
There is no distinction between installing and starting an application, though installed applications can be stopped and restarted.
By default, the Liberty profile monitors deployed applications for changes. Updates to static files (HTML, CSS, or JavaScript) or JSP files are detected and served immediately. Changes to servlet classes cause an automatic restart of the application.
Caution: For large applications, monitoring the file system for changes to an application can be resource-intensive. Consider extending the monitoring interval if you see excessive I/O activity while the server is running. Application update monitoring should be disabled in production environments. For information, see 8.1.1, “Turning off application monitoring” on page 216.
1.4.1 Quick start using dropins
By default, each server contains a monitored application directory named dropins. When an application is placed in this directory, the server automatically deploys and starts the application.
There are several options for placing applications in the dropins directory. Each provides a way for the server to determine the application type. The following list describes the placement options:
Place the archive file with its identifying suffix (ear, war, wab, and so on) directly into the dropins directory:
Extract the archive file into a directory that is named with the application name and the identifying suffix:
Place the archive file or the extracted archive into a subdirectory that is named with the identifying suffix:
1.4.2 Configuration-based application deployment
Explicitly declaring your application allows you to specify additional properties such as the context root, alter application start behavior, and so on. Explicitly configured applications are recommended for production environments to allow dropins monitoring to be disabled.
An application is declared in the server.xml file using the <application.../> element, which supports the following attributes:
location The path to the application resource.
id A unique identifier for the application.
name A descriptive/display name for the application.
type The application type: WAR, EAR, or EBA. If this is not specified, it is inferred (if possible) from the application file name.
context-root The context root of the application.
autoStart A Boolean value indicating whether the server should start the application automatically. The default is true.
The location is the only required attribute for a declared application. It specifies the location of the application resource (archive, extracted directory, or loose configuration XML file) and can refer to any location in the file system. If the specified location is a relative path, it is resolved first against ${server.config.dir}/apps and then against ${}.
Example 1-4 shows the terms for defining a web application in the serverl.xml file.
Example 1-4 Defining a web application in the server.xml file by using the application element
<application context-root="helloworld" type="war" id="helloworld"
location="helloworld.war" name="helloworld"/>
Type-specific application elements can be used to simplify the declaration of applications:
These elements are used in a manner identical to the generic <application.../> element, but eliminate the type attribute, as the application type is built into the shorthand of the element itself. The I<webApplication.../> element also uses a contextRoot attribute instead of context-root. Example 1-4 and Example 1-5 show two equivalent declarations for an application, using the <application.../> and <webApplication.../> elements.
Example 1-5 Defining a web application in the server.xml file by using the webApplication element
<webApplication contextRoot="helloworld" location="helloworld.war" />
Update monitoring for declared applications has a configurable trigger. By default, the file system is polled for changes. When you use the tools to develop your applications, the tools change the update trigger from polled to mbean. This allows the tools to influence when the server discovers updated files based on when files are saved and whether they are actively being edited.
1.4.3 Using loose configuration for applications
In a loose configuration, an application can be distributed across arbitrary locations on disk, and yet run as though it existed in a single, flat directory structure. Tools such as Rational Application Developer and WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse use loose configuration to allow users to run their applications directly from the projects in their Eclipse workspace. This saves disk space, improves performance, and gives developers more immediate feedback when they make changes because it avoids copying files between the Eclipse workspace and the server definition.
1.4.4 Configuring an application’s context root
The context root is the entry point of a web application. The context root for an application is determined using the following criteria in order of precedence:
1. The context root attribute of an application declared in server.xml
<application context-root=”rootOne” location=”...”/>, or
<webApplication contextRoot=”rootOne” location=”...”/>
2. The context-root element in the application.xml file in an EAR application
3. The context-root element in the ibm-web-ext.xml in a web application
<context-root uri="rootThree" />
4. The name of the declared web application in server.xml
<application name=”rootFour” ... />
5. The Web-ContextPath in the bundle manifest of an OSGi WAB
Web-ContextPath: /rootFive
6. The directory or file name of an artifact in the dropins directory
${server.config.dir}/dropins/war/rootSix ${server.config.dir}/dropins/rootSix.war
1.4.5 Compatibility with WebSphere Application Server
The Liberty profile is a part of WebSphere Application Server and shares core technologies with the full profile. Applications that are developed on Version v8.5 of the Liberty profile, with the exceptions of those using Java Platform, Enterprise Edition 7, will run on version v8.0 or v8.5 of the full profile. There are differences between the Liberty profile and full profile. The differences are mostly focused on the definition and use of classloading or shared libraries. Section 3.3, “Controlling class visibility in applications” on page 93 provides an overview of how classloading and shared library support work in the Liberty profile. That overview gives special regard to management and use of third-party libraries.
Chapter 8, “From development to production” on page 215 describes strategies for promoting applications that are developed using the Liberty profile to production systems.
1.5 Product extensions
The Liberty profile supports direct extension of the run time by using product extensions. A product extension allows custom content to be added to a Liberty installation in a way that avoids conflicts with the base content of the product and with other product extensions. A product extension is defined by using a simple properties file in the ${wlp.install.dir}/etc/extensions/ directory named <extensionName>.properties. This naming convention helps ensure that each product extension has a unique name. The unique name, in turn, is used as a prefix to avoid collisions when specifying extension-provided features and configuration in the server.xml file.
Product extensions usually contain features and bundles, but can also contain other things such as custom server templates or scripts. In general, the structure of a product extension resembles the structure of a Liberty profile installation, as shown in Figure 1-7, particularly regarding the following items
Bundles (in a lib/ directory),
Features (in a lib/features/ directory),
Server templates (in a templates/servers/ directory)
Creating a product extension is as simple as creating a properties file in the ${wlp.install.dir}/etc/extensions/ directory, which follows the naming convention and contains the following two values:
A descriptive product ID, usually in the form of a reverse-qualified domain name.
The absolute or relative location of the root product extension directory. If the value of this property is a relative path, it is assumed to be a peer of the Liberty installation directory, ${wlp.install.dir}.
For convenience in development, the ${wlp.user.dir}/extension/ directory functions as a default product extension, and uses, usr as its prefix in the configuration. Figure 1-7 shows the Liberty profile installation with default and product extension content.
Figure 1-7 A Liberty profile installation with default and product extension content
Example 1-6 provides a snippet of the server.xml file demonstrating how prefixes are used when enabling extension-provided features. The prefix that is used for Product Extension A from Figure 1-7 is extA, which matches the name of the file in ${wlp.install.dir}/etc/extensions that defines the extension.
Example 1-6 Using extension-provided features in the server.xml file
Section 9.2, “Defining a custom feature” on page 231 walks through creating and packaging a custom feature as a subsystem archive (an *.esa file). Both the featureManager command and the WebSphere developer tools provide mechanisms for managing the features that are installed into product extensions.
For more information about product extensions, see the following website:
1.6 Overview of Java EE 7
The Liberty Profile has added support for Java EE 7 by means of adding both a bundle for the Java EE 7 Web Profile and a bundle for the Java EE 7 Full Platform. Each of these bundles includes a collection of features that implement the standards required by the Java EE specification.
1.6.1 Java EE 7 Web Profile
The Web Profile provides specifications for web applications. Java EE 6 introduced the Web Profile to help developers of dynamic web applications, providing technologies such as EJB Lite, Java Persistence API, and Java Transaction API. The Java EE 7 Web Profile updates the specifications of the original Web Profile and adds support for HTML5.
The Java EE 7 Web Profile includes the following features:
beanValidation-1.1 The Bean Validation 1.1 specification provides an annotation-based model for validating JavaBeans. It can be used to assert and maintain the integrity of data as it travels through an application.
cdi-1.2 The Contexts and Dependency Injection specification makes it easier to integrate Java EE components of different types. It provides a common mechanism to inject component such as EJBs or Managed Beans into other components such as JSPs or other EJBs.
ejbLite-3.2 This feature enables support for Enterprise JavaBeans written to the EJB Lite subset of the EJB 3.2 specification.
el-3.0 This feature enables support for the Expression Language (EL) 3.0.
jaxrs-2.0 This feature enables support for Java API for RESTful Web Services. JAX-RS annotations can be used to define web service clients and endpoints that comply with the REST architectural style. Endpoints are accessed through a common interface that is based on the HTTP standard methods.
jaxrsClient-2.0 This feature enables support for Java Client API for JAX-RS 2.0.
jdbc-4.1 This feature enables the configuration of DataSources to access databases from applications. Any JDBC driver that complies with the JDBC 4.1, 4.0, 3.0, or 2.x specification can be used; customized configuration of many specific providers is included. High performance connection pooling is also provided.
jndi-1.0 This feature enables the use of Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) to access server configured resources such as DataSources or JMS Connection Factories. It also allows access to Java primitives configured in the server as a jndiEntry.
jpa-2.1 This feature enables support for applications that use application-managed and container-managed JPA written to the Java Persistence API 2.1 specification. The support is built on top of EclipseLink to support the container-managed programming model.
jsf-2.2 This feature enables support for web applications that use the JavaServer Faces (JSF) 2.2 framework. This framework simplifies the construction of user interfaces.
jsonp-1.0 The Java API for JSON Processing (JSON-P) feature provides a standardized method for constructing and manipulating data to be rendered in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON).
jsp-2.3 This feature enables support for JavaServer Pages (JSPs) that are written to the JSP 2.3 specification. This framework simplifies the construction of user interfaces. Enabling this feature also enables the Expression Language (EL) version 3.0 feature.
managedBeans-1.0 This feature enables support for the Managed Beans 1.0 specification. Managed Beans provide a common foundation for different Java EE components types that are managed by a container. Common services provided to Managed Beans include resource injection, lifecycle management, and the use of interceptors.
servlet-3.1 This feature enables support for HTTP servlets written to the Java servlet 3.1 specification. You can package servlets in Java EE specified WAR or EAR files. If servlet security is required, you should also configure an appSecurity feature. Without a security feature, any security constraints for the application are ignored.
webProfile-7.0 This feature combines the Liberty features that support the Java EE 7.0 Web Profile.
websocket-1.0 This feature enables support for WebSocket applications written to the Java API for WebSocket 1.0 specification.
websocket-1.1 This feature enables support for WebSocket applications written to the Java API for WebSocket 1.1 specification.
1.6.2 Java EE 7 Full Platform
Java EE 7 introduces the Full Platform, which includes not just the Web Profile specifications, but also specifications for enterprise, web service, batch, and other applications. It also adds support for application security, deployment, and management.
The Java EE 7 Full Platform bundle adds the following features, but also loads the features from the Java EE 7 Web Profile listed above:
websocket-1.1 This feature enables support for WebSocket applications written to the Java API for WebSocket 1.1 specification.
appClientSupport-1.0 This feature enables the Liberty server to process client modules and support remote client containers.
batch-1.0 This feature enables support for the Java Batch 1.0 API specified by JSR-352.
concurrent-1.0 This feature enables the creation of managed executors that allow applications to submit tasks to run concurrently, with thread context that is managed by the application server. It also enables the creation of managed thread factories to create threads that run with the threadcontext of the component that looks up the managed thread factory.
ejb-3.2 This feature enables support for Enterprise JavaBeans written to the EJB 3.2 specification.
ejbHome-3.2 This feature enables the use of home interfaces in Enterprise JavaBeans.
ejbPersistentTimer-3.2 This feature enables the use of persistent timers in Enterprise JavaBeans.
ejbRemote-3.2 This feature enables the use of remote interfaces in Enterprise JavaBeans.
jacc-1.5 This feature enables support for Java Authorization Contract for Containers (JACC) version 1.5. In order to add the jacc-1.5 feature to your server, you need to add the third-party JACC provider, which is not a part of WebSphere Application Server Liberty profile.
jaspic-1.1 This feature enables support for securing the server runtime environment and applications using Java Authentication SPI for Containers (JASPIC) providers as defined in JSR-196.
javaee-7.0 This feature combines the Liberty features that support the Java EE 7.0 Full Platform.
javaeeClient-7.0 This feature enables support for Java EE 7 Application Client.
javaMail-1.5 This feature allows applications to use the JavaMail 1.5 API.
jca-1.7 This feature enables the configuration of resource adapters to access enterprise information systems (EISs) from applications. The configuration of a resource adapter also includes the configuration of connection factories, administered objects, and activation specifications. Any resource adapter that complies with the JCA 1.7 specification or lower can be used. High performance connection pooling is also provided.
jcaInboundSecurity-1.0 This feature enables security inflow for resource adapters.
jms-2.0 This feature enables the configuration of resource adapters to access messaging systems using the Java Message Service API. This also includes the configuration JMS connection factories, queues, topics, and activation specifications. Any JMS resource adapter that complies with the JCA 1.6 specification can be used.
jmsMdb-3.2 This feature is superseded by mdb-3.2. This feature enables the use of message-driven Enterprise JavaBeans written to the EJB 3.2 specification. Message-driven beans (MDBs) allow asynchronous processing of messages within a Java EE component.
mdb-3.2 This feature enables the use of message-driven Enterprise JavaBeans written to the EJB 3.2 specification. MDBs allow asynchronous processing of messages within a Java EE component.
wasJmsClient-2.0 The wasJmsClient-2.0 feature provides applications with access to the message queues that are hosted on WebSphere Application Server through the JMS 2.0 API. This feature supersedes wasJmsClient-1.1. The wasJmsClient-2.0 feature is compliant with JMS 2.0 specifications and is supported only on JDK 7 or later. It enables access to the messaging engine that is enabled through the wasJmsServer feature, and also to the service integration bus that is hosted on a full profile server.
wasJmsSecurity-1.0 This feature enables the WebSphere Embedded Messaging Server to authenticate and authorize access from JMS clients.
wasJmsServer-1.0 This feature enables an embedded messaging server that is JMS-compliant. Applications can send and receive messages by using the wasJmsClient feature.
wmqJmsClient-2.0 This feature provides applications with access to message queues hosted on IBM MQ through the JMS 2.0 API.
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