Additional material
This book refers to additional material that can be downloaded from the Internet, as described in the following sections.
Locating the web material
The web material that is associated with this book is available in softcopy on the Internet from the IBM Redbooks web server. Point your web browser to the following URL:
Alternatively, you can go to the IBM Redbooks website at:
Select Additional materials and open the directory that corresponds with the IBM Redbooks form number, SG248076.
Using the web material
The additional web material that accompanies this book includes the following files:
File name Description A Liberty profile developer tools project with code samples from Chapter 3, “Developing and deploying web applications” on page 59 A Liberty profile developer tools project with code samples from Chapter 4, “Iterative development of OSGi applications” on page 97 A Liberty profile developer tools project with code samples from Chapter 5, “Developing enterprise applications with Liberty profile” on page 111 A Derby database for use with samples from Chapter 5, “Developing enterprise applications with Liberty profile” on page 111 A Derby database for use with samples from Chapter 5, “Developing enterprise applications with Liberty profile” on page 111 A Derby database for use with samples from Chapter 5, “Developing enterprise applications with Liberty profile” on page 111
Downloading and extracting the web material
Create a subdirectory (folder) on your workstation, and download the contents of the web material files into this folder. Extract the file into this folder to access the sample application files.
Importing the Liberty profile developer tools projects
To use any of the Liberty profile developer tools projects, you must first create a Liberty profile server runtime environment on your Eclipse installation, as described in 2.2.1, “Installation using the Liberty profile developer tools” on page 43.
Use the following process to use any of the three example projects:,, or
1. Extract the compressed project file into its own subdirectory.
2. From Eclipse, run File → Import → Existing Projects Into Workspace.
3. In the Import Projects window, enter the path to the subdirectory where you extracted the compressed file in the Select root directory field. This should complete the Projects field with either ITSOWeb (for the examples from Chapter 3, “Developing and deploying web applications” on page 59 and Chapter 5, “Developing enterprise applications with Liberty profile” on page 111), or five projects beginning with ITSO.OSGiExample (for the examples from Chapter 4, “Iterative development of OSGi applications” on page 97).
4. Select the box to copy projects into the workspace.
5. Click Finish.
Using the compressed Derby database files
To use the compressed Derby database files, simply extract the compressed files and make a note of the file path. The examples in Chapter 5, “Developing enterprise applications with Liberty profile” on page 111 describe how to set up a data source to point to these example databases.
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