

absolute colorimetric, specifying, 191

Acrobat layers, Adobe PDF option for creating, 365

actions for buttons, editing or adding, 336–337

activation of program, 2

Actual Size, viewing document in, 38

Add button, Pathfinder, 247

additive RGB. See RGB (Red, Green, Blue)


Acrobat, 365

Creative Suite, 1, 442

Dreamweaver, exporting documents for, 378–379

exploring programs, 442

Fireworks, accessing Kuler panel with, 208

Product Improvement Program, 23

programs working with, 441–45?

web site

plug-ins, availability of, 429

updates and patches, checking for, 20

Welcome screen links to, 4

Adobe Bridge, 1, 442

automating tasks in, 452

Batch command in, 450


documents, 14

graphics, 134

color settings synchronizing, 189

copying and pasting settings in, 450

digital cameras preferences for Camera RAW, 446

DNG format, converting RAW files to, 445

documents, inserting file information in, 402–403

getting started with, 444

Home web site, 4

Image Processor command in, 450

images, working with, 448–449

JPEG files, opening, 446

labels to images, adding, 449

libraries, using, 343

linked graphics, locating, 134

modifying images in, 450

naming/renaming, 14

automatically renaming files, 452


documents in, 12, 14–15

graphics, 134


camera raw files, 446

presets, applying, 450

previewing, 448–449

raw images

importing, 445

modifying, 447, 450

working with, 446–447

renaming files automatically in, 452

revealing documents in, 15

screen, diagram of, 443

searching in, 14, 448

templates, accessing and selecting, 30

thumbnails in, 448–449

TIFF files, opening, 446

Tools menu, automating tasks with, 452

Web Photo Gallery, creating, 451

working with files in, 15

workspaces, 443

customizing, 444

XMP files in, 449

Adobe ConnectNow, 442

Share My Screen command, 453

Adobe Device Central, 1, 442

checking content using, 457

screen, exploring, 456

Tools menu in Adobe Bridge for starting, 452

Adobe Drive, 442

working with, 455

Adobe Extension Manager, 1, 442

working with, 458

Adobe Flash, 360. See also SWF file format

buttons in, 333

export file formats, 361

Flash movie, exporting document as, 374–375

Kuler panel, accessing, 208

page transitions in, 332

XFL for Flash, exporting document as, 376–377

Adobe Illustrator

importing artwork from, 129, 130–131

Kuler panel, accessing, 208

placing graphic files saved in, 128

specialty frames for graphics, importing, 142

Adobe InCopy, 432. See also assignments

assignment files, creating, 434

color of user, setting up, 433

InDesign content, exporting, 434

managed files, 432, 434

notes, adding, 433

Package for, 436

screen, diagram of, 440

updating content in, 439

user identification, setting up, 433

working with, 440

Adobe InCopy CS3 Interchange, 361

Adobe InCopy Document, 361

Adobe InDesign CS3

file format, 12

Interchange (INX), 361

Adobe InDesign CS4

installing, 2–3

system requirements, 3

tagged text, 361

window, viewing, 6

Adobe InDesign Markup (IDML) file format, 12, 361

Adobe InDesign Template (INDT) file format, 30. See also templates

Adobe PDF. See PDF file format

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Bridge, using commands in, 450

automating tasks in, 452

Batch command in Adobe Bridge, 450

clipping paths, creating, 250

Image Processor command in Adobe Bridge, 450

importing images, selecting layers when, 129, 130–131

Kuler panel, accessing, 208

placing graphic files saved in, 128

wrapping text, path for, 123

Adobe Updater Preferences dialog box, 20–21

Adobe Version Cue, 1, 442

Adobe Bridge and, 444

Adobe Drive with, 455

managing files with, 454

XMP files in, 449

After-Blending Intent option, 190

AICB (Adobe Illustrator Clipboard), 142

Align and Distribute, 11

aligning. See also grids; Smart Guides

bullets and numbering, 115

objects, 166

paragraphs, 109

stroke on path, changing alignment of, 216

table cells, content of, 265

tabs, 116

text frame options, setting, 120

text on a path, 89

Type tool option, 11

All Caps, styling text as, 102–103

alpha channels

clipping path, selecting as, 251

importing images with, 129, 130–131

for wrapping text, 123

anchor points

adding, 238–239

deleting, 239

Direct Selection tool, selecting with, 159

joining, 242

moving, 236

open path, adding to, 239

with Pen tool, 234–235

reshaping, 236

selecting, 236

Smooth tool, using, 243

splitting paths at, 240


hyperlinks creating text anchors, 322

for objects, 177

ANPA color library, 202

anti-aliasing in Story Editor display, 422, 423


Adobe InCopy, Appearance panel in, 440

Black, preferences for appearance of, 421

of conditional text, 350

of graphic frames, 154

hyperlinks, changing appearance of, 325

ruler guides, changing appearance of, 44–45

AppleScripts, 352

Application bar, 6

in Adobe InCopy, 440

Apply Effect, 11

Apply Photoshop Clipping Path Option, 250

Arial font, 102

Arrange Documents menu, 18–19

artboards, importing, 129, 130–131

artwork. See graphics


checking content out and in, 438

creating, 436–437

existing assignment, adding to, 437

locked files, overriding, 439

out-of-date content, checking for, 439

packages, creating, 436

same time, creating assignment and adding content at, 436–437

updating content, 439

Assignments panel, 435. See also assignments

Assign Profile dialog box, 190–191

audio, 330–331

Autocorrect for text, 100

autoflowing imported text, 93



guides in, 44

Smart Guides in back, showing, 47

Story Editor display, setting, 422

base color, 203


characters, shifting, 105

for footnotes, 315

paragraph rule, setting for, 113

paragraphs to baseline, aligning, 109

printing options, 384

table sells, specifying option for, 265

for text frames, 121

baseline grids, 48

preferences, setting, 49

Basic Feather effect, 229

Batch command in Adobe Bridge, 14, 450

bevel effect, 228

with corner options, 230

rectangles, beveled, 231

strokes, bevel join on, 217

bibliographies, hanging indents for, 110

bicubic downsampling with Adobe PDF, 366


BMP file format, placing graphic files saved in, 128

color profiles for, 190–191

fonts, creating, 104

print as bitmap option, 394

black. See also CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black)

tones, preferences for, 421

blank pages, printing, 384

bleed. See marks and bleed

Bleed view, 36

blend effect, creating, 224–225

blending mode

color space, selecting, 225

feather effects, 229

glow effects, 227

with shadow effects, 226

BMP file format, placing graphic files saved in, 128

boldfacing, changing, 102


Adobe PDF option, 365

creating, 328–329

Bookmarks panel, 329


adding or deleting, 77

blank page, inserting, 79

eBook, exporting document for, 378

existing book, opening, 76

new book, creating, 76

opening documents in, 77

Page Order options, 79

printing, 77

saving, 77

synchronizing, 78

updating page and section numbers in, 79

Books template, 30

Book workspace, 52–53

borders to tables, adding, 273

Bounding Box option, 122–123

Bridge. See Adobe Bridge

Bring Forward in object stack, 168

Bring to Front in object stack, 168

Brochures template, 30

browsing. See also Adobe Bridge

Kuler panel themes, 208

bullets and numbering

adding, 114

Adobe Dreamweaver, exporting document for, 379

digital editions, specifying options for, 378

formatting, 115

paragraph styles, setting, 279

butt caps on strokes, 217


actions, adding or editing, 336–337

Buttons panel, working with, 333

button states, working with, 338

deleting, 333

events for button, setting, 336

objects to buttons, converting, 334–335

sample, creating from, 334

tab order, setting, 339

Buttons panel, 333


camera raw images. See Adobe Bridge; DNG file format

Canon CR2 format, 447

cap colors for paragraph rule, width of, 112

capitalization. See also case-sensitivity; drop caps; small caps

Autocorrect fixing, 100

changing case, 312

hyphenating capitalized words, 309

spell-checking preferences, 418

caps on strokes, changing, 216–217


Adobe PDF passwords, 370

changing case, 312

with Find/Change command, 305

of style names, 284

Catalogs template, 30


contents of, 2

sets template, 30

Cell Options dialog box, Diagonal Lines tab, 272

cell phones and RGB color, 192

cells. See tables


paragraphs, 109

with Smart Guides, 47

text on path, 89

Certificates template, 30

chapter numbers

adding to document, 72

text variable, 74

Character panel, InCopy, 440

characters. See also letters

advanced type settings for, 412

for bullets, 114–115

End Nested Style Here special character, 288–289

Find/Change command for, 304

Info panel, information in, 50

for leading text, 105

outlines, creating, 124

for page numbers, 70

spacing options, 311

special characters

Find/Change command for, 304

inserting, 118

character styles

attributes for, 281

creating, 280–281

deleting, 280

nested styles, creating, 288–289

Character Styles panel, 276

check boxes, 114–115

Chinese typefaces, 412

Chisel Hard option with bevel effect, 228

Choke effect

with feather effects, 229

with glow, 227

with shadows, 226

Classic System theme, 422

Clear Transformation command, 169


handling preferences, setting, 426

objects, copying, 162

Clip Content to Cell option, 265

clipping path

alpha path as clipping path, selecting, 251

editing on importing, 131

graphic, modifying from, 131, 250

importing images with, 129, 130–131

for wrapping text, 123

Close button, 18, 26

for panels, 8

closed path, opening, 240–241

closing documents, 26

CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black), 192

Adobe PDF options, setting, 368

black tones, preferences for, 421

Color panel, selecting with, 196

EPS file format options, 372

preserving colors, 211

Working Space controls, 188–189

Collapse to Icons option for panels, 8

collapsing/expanding. See panels

Color blend mode, 224

Color guide panel, 214

Color Management, 188–189

printing options, 396

color modes, 192

Color panel, selecting with, 196

Color panel, 156

fill or stroke color, changing, 214

selecting color modes with, 196

working with, 197

Color Picker, 214, 215

color profiles

for bitmap images, 190–191

changing, 190–191

deleting, 190–191

document colors to other profile, converting, 190–191

importing images with, 129, 130–131

Info panel, information in, 50

rendering intent, specifying, 191

colors. See also CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black); color profiles; fills; gap color/tint; gradients; Lab color; marks and bleed; objects; paragraphs; printing; RGB (Red, Green, Blue); strokes; Swatches panel; tables

Adobe InCopy, setting colors for, 433

Adobe PDF output options, 368

applying colors, 193

assignments, association with, 436

for baseline grids, 49

blend effect, creating, 224–225

for buttons, 338

of camera raw images, 447

changing settings, 188–189

character styles, setting, 281

for commands, 428

for conditional text, 350

for cross-references, 326

dashed/dotted lines, gap color for, 217

for Document grids, 49

EPS file format options, 372

Eyedropper tool, using, 194–195

frame for graphic, coloring, 149

gradient swatches, creating, 204–205

for guides, 44

hidden text, changing colors of, 119

for hyperlinks, 325

Kuler panel, using colors from, 208–209

layer colors, specifying, 180

note colors, identifying, 317

overprinting colors, 210

for package files, 404

proofing colors on screen, 211

separations, previewing, 389

soft proofing colors on screen, 211

swatch libraries, adding colors from, 202

synchronizing color settings, 189

for text in Story Editor display, 422

tint swatches, creating, 203

for Web Photo Gallery, 451

Color Sampler tool with camera raw files, 447

Color Settings dialog box, 188–189

color space

for blending transparent objects, 225

Info panel, information in, 50

color stops

editing, 221

with gradients, 204–205

columns and rows. See also guides; tables

changing options, 34–35

for Data Merge, 354

hyphenating across, 309

for new documents, 29

text frame options, setting, 120

Command Bar for InCopy, 440

commands, 6

Adobe InCopy commands, 440

Batch command in Adobe Bridge, 14, 450

Community Help site, 22

Community resources, Welcome screen links to, 4


Adobe PDF options, setting, 364

of assignments, 436

composition preferences, setting, 413

compound path, creating, 248–249


Adobe PDF options, 363, 366

Flash movie, document exported as, 375

condensed style, changing, 102

conditional text, working with, 350–351

Conditional Text panel, 351

Configure Plug-ins dialog box, 429

configuring plug-ins, 429

ConnectNow. See Adobe ConnectNow

consolidating all documents, 19

contact sheet, creating, 132–133

continued text, adding page numbers to, 125

Control of Transform panel, 169, 170

Control panel, 6, 156

Adobe Bridge, 443

Customizing, 430

resizing objects in, 160

using, 11

Convert Direction Point Tool, 237


printing option, 384

saving copy of document, 25

Copyfit Info panel, Adobe InCopy, 440

copying. See also objects

Adobe Bridge, settings in, 450

Clipboard handling preferences, setting, 426

master pages, 69

paths, 143

text, 101

corner object effects, 230

Corner Options dialog box, 230

rectangle shapes using radius value in, 231

Create Outlines command, 124, 142–143

creep for booklet pages, 399

cropping. See also positioning

Adobe PDF setting options, 366

camera raw files, 447

fitting graphics in frames and, 147

Position Tool, –145

Cross-Reference dialog box, 327

cross-references, creating, 326–327

CSS styles

Adobe Dreamweaver, exporting document for, 379

for eBook, 378

CSV (comma-delimited) data fields, 354


graphic preview cursor, 132

Story Editor cursor options, setting, 423

curves, Pen tool for drawing, 234–235

custom-dashed stroke, applying, 218

custom page size, 29


spacing, automatic adjustment of, 410

text, 101


Darken blend mode, 224

dashes. See also strokes

inserting, 118

Data Merge, 354–355

template, 30

DCS file format, WMFgraphic files saved in, 128

Default Image Intent option, 190–191

Delete Workspace dialog box, 53

deleting. See also tables

with Adobe Bridge, 14

Adobe PDF preset, creating, 371

anchor points, 239

bookmarks, 329

books, documents in, 77

buttons, 333

button states, 338

character styles, 280

color profiles, 190–191

color swatch, 199, 200

combined object, 165

cross-references, 327

empty pages, 96, 411

guides, 43

hyperlinks, 321, 324

layers, 179

library items, 342–343

master pages, 68–69

moving, deleting pages after, 63

notes, 317

objects, 157

in Open dialog box, 13

pages in Pages panel, 62

paragraph styles, 278

plug-ins, 429

presets, 32–33, 383

in Save As dialog box, 13

script files, 352

segments, 239

styles, 293

tabs, 116

text on path, 88

text variables, 75

trap presets, 392

workspaces, 53

XML tags, 356

destination files

Adobe PDF options, setting, 368

for cross-references, 327

for hyperlinks, 320

for linked graphics, 137

detect edges and wrapping text, 123

Device Profiles tab, Device Central, 456

Device Sets panel, Device Central, 456

diagonal lines in table cells, adding, 272

Diagonal Lines tab, Cell Options dialog box, 272

DIC color library, 202


Autocorrect dictionary, 100

custom dictionaries, using, 300

preferences, setting, 416–417

digital cameras. See also Adobe Bridge

documents, inserting file information in, 402–403

digital editions, exporting documents for, 378–379

Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine options, inserting, 403

Directional Feather effect, 229

Direct Selection tool. See also overflow text

anchor points, selecting, 159

frames and graphics, selecting and moving, 144

graphics, selecting, 144, 158

grayscale graphic, applying color to, 149

with grouped objects, 164–165

objects, selecting, 157, 159


changing, 36

library display, changing, 346–347

output views, 36–37

Story Editor display preferences, setting, 299, 422–423

Distribute Columns Evenly command, 262

Distribute Rows Evenly command, 262


columns, 262

objects, 166–167

DNG file format

converting raw images to, 445

description of, 447

saving raw images in, 446


document windows, 19

panels, 8

Document grids, 48, 49

Document Presets dialog box, 32

documents. See also assignments; books; exporting documents; graphics; Microsoft Word; multiple documents; new documents; opening

Adobe Bridge, working with, 14

changing document options, 34

closing, 26

color profiles, converting, 190–191

display performance, setting, 151

file information, inserting, 402–403

images, inserting, 16

object defaults, setting, 232

preview images with document, saving, 24–25

printing, 382

saving, 24–25

spell-checking, 298–299

swatches from other documents, importing, 202

tabs, open as, 409

text, inserting, 16

XML tags, placing, 356–357

zooming in/out view of, 38–39

Document Setup dialog box, 34

document windows, 6

for Adobe InCopy, 440

docking/undocking, 19

working with, 18

double quotation marks, inserting, 118


extensions with Adobe Extension Manager, 458

print option for downloading fonts, 388

downsampling with Adobe PDF, 366


graphics, 136

pages, moving, 62–63

paths, 143

snippets, creating, 348–349

text, 101

text editing options, selecting, 411

with Zoom tool, 38

drop caps

creating, 111

paragraph styles, setting, 279

Drop Shadow, 11, 226

DTBook format for eBooks, selecting, 378


color stops, 221

color swatch, 198

layers, 178–179

objects, 162–163

pages, 58

plug-ins, 429


dynamic spelling, 298, 299, 419


eBook, exporting document for, 378–379

Edit Custom Dictionary dialog box, 300

editing. See also hyperlinks; Story Editor; text

Adobe PDF editing preset, creating, 371

button actions, 336

clipping path on importing, 131

color swatch, 199

cross-reference formats, 327

gradients, 220–221

Kuler panel theme, 209

linked graphics, 139, 140

mixed ink groups, 207

presets, 383

Quick Apply, styles with, 295

scripts, 352

Spread view content, 37

styles with Quick Apply, 295

tables, text in, 258–259

Edit With submenu, 140

effects. See also specific effects

for text on a path, 89

elements in XML file format, 356

Ellipse Frame tool, 154


converting, 231

creating elliptical shape, 154

Ellipse tool, 154

text, adding, 84, 86

e-mail, hyperlinks to, 322


Adobe PDF options, 365

general preferences, setting, 408

graphics, 136, 137

preflight profiles, 400–401

emboss effect, 228

em dashes, inserting, 118

empty pages, deleting, 96, 411

empty sounds or movie clip frames, creating, 330

Emulator tab, Adobe Device Central, 456


JavaScript, 408

Live Preflight, 400–401

en dashes, inserting, 118

End Nested Style Here special character, 288–289

endnotes. See footnotes

English typefaces, 412

envelopes with Data Merge, 354–355

EPS file format, 361

exporting document in, 372–373

inserting files in, 16

metadata to files, adding, 403

placing graphic files saved in, 128

EPUB format for eBooks, selecting, 378

erasing parts of paths, 246

errors. See also spell-checking

Preflight panel, options in, 401

Essentials workspace, 52–53

events for buttons, setting, 336

Excel. See also XLS file format

tables, importing, 256–257

Exclude Overlap button, Pathfinder, 247

EXIF file format for metadata, 449

existing document, opening, 12

Exit command, 26

exiting InDesign, 26

Expand Panels button, 8

exporting. See exporting documents; importing/exporting

exporting documents, 360. See also PDF file format

for Adobe Dreamweaver, 378–379

description of file formats, 361

for digital editions, 378–379

in EPS file format, 372–373

as JPEG files, 380

XFL for Flash, exporting document as, 376–377

Export PDF dialog box, 332

Extension Manager. See Adobe Extension Manager

Extensions submenu for accessing Kuler panel, 208

Eyedropper tool

colors, using for, 194–195

fill or stroke color, changing, 214

options, changing, 195


facing pages

changing, 34

new documents, selecting for, 28

spreads, preserving, 411

Fancy corner options, 230

Favorites panel, Adobe Bridge, 443

feather effects, 229

fields for Data Merge, 354

file formats. See also exporting documents; specific types

opening document files in, 12

placing graphic files saved in, 128

File path, Adobe Bridge, 443

files. See also Adobe InCopy; Adobe Version Cue; assignments

documents, inserting file information in, 402–403

handling preferences, setting, 424–425

hyperlinks to, 322

package files, creating, 404–405

sidecar files, 449

fills. See also tables

adding, 268–269

applying fill colors, 193, 214–215

compound path, object's fill in, 249

default and switch for fill colors, 214–215

defaults, setting, 232

Eyedropper tool, using, 194–195

Filter panel, Adobe Bridge, 443


with Adobe Bridge, 14, 443

Graduated Filter with camera raw files, 447

Find/Change command, 302–303

for glyphs, 302–303, 306

for GREPs, 302–303, 306

with objects, 302–303, 308

special characters, finding, 304

Find Font dialog box, 301

first-line indent

for bullets and numbering, 115

creating, 110

first page, navigating to, 61

Fit Page In Window option, 38

Fit Spread in Window option, 38


booklet pages, marks and bleed in, 399

Flash movie, document exported as, 374

graphics in frames, 147

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 376

Flash. See Adobe Flash

flattened artwork, printing, 395

Flattener Preview mode, 36–37

flatten transparency. See transparency

flipping, 11. See also objects

print orientation, 391

text on a path, 89

floating all windows, 19

floating tools panel options, 409

Focoltone color library, 202

Folders panel, Adobe Bridge, 443

folders with Adobe Bridge, 14

Font Family option, Type tool, 11

fonts. See also glyphs; OpenType

Adobe PDF options, setting, 369

changing, 301

font family and style, 102

size of font, 104

digital editions, specifying options for, 378

Find/Change command, using, 302–303

finding fonts, 301

general preferences, setting, 408

graphics, options for, 388

package files including, 404–405

preferences, setting, 410–411

preview size, selecting, 411

printing options, 394

size of font, changing, 104

Story Editor display, setting, 422

styles, changing, 102–103

Font Size option, Type tool, 11

Font Type option, Type tool, 11

Footnote Options dialog box, 314


adding, 314

changing options, 315

Find/Change command for searching, 303

importing, 314

foreign characters, printing, 387

formatting. See also styles

bullets and numbering, 115

dragged text, inherited formatting for, 101

footnotes, 315

frames, graphics in, 149

graphics in frames, 149

JPEG files, documents exported as, 380

table of contents, 80–81

form letters with Data Merge, 354–355

Forms template, 30


lines, drawing, 156

objects, constraining movement of, 161

fractions. See glyphs

Frame Fitting Options dialog box, 146–147

frames. See graphic frames; text frames; unassigned frames

Frame tools for adding text, 84, 86

Free Transform tool, 170

French typefaces, 412

Fuji RAF format, 447


Gallery & Story panel, InCopy, 440

gamut colors. See also out of gamut

identifying, 197

gap color/tint. See also tables

for dashed/dotted lines, 217

paragraph rule, width of, 112

general preferences, setting, 408

Get Photos from Camera command, Adobe Bridge, 445

Getting Started, Welcome screen links to, 4

GIF file format

metadata to files, adding, 403

placing graphic files saved in, 128

WMFgraphic files saved in, 128

Global Light effect, 226

with bevel effect, 226

with emboss effect, 226

setting, 228

with shadows, 226

glow effects, 227


Find/Change command, using, 302–303, 307

highlighting text with, 413

inserting or replacing, 117

spacing options, 311

Go Back option, 61

Go Forward option, 61

Go to Page option, 61

GPS (global positioning system) file format for metadata, 449

Gradient Feather tool, 223, 229

Gradient panel, 205. See also gradients

gradients. See also color stops

applying gradient fill to object, 220

editing, 220–221

Gradient Feather tool, 223, 229

Gradient tool, working with, 222

swatches, creating, 204–205

Gradient tool, 222

Graduated Filter with camera raw files, 447

graphic frames. See also assignments

appearance of, 154

for bookmarks, 328

clipping path to frame, converting, 131, 250

coloring graphic frame, 149

compound path as frame, creating and releasing, 142

fitting graphics in, 146–147

formatting graphics in, 149

Frame Fitting Options dialog box, fitting graphics in frames with, 146–147

grayscale graphic, coloring, 149

moving frames and graphics, 144–145

nesting graphics in, 148

resizing, 145

for fitting graphics in frames, 146

graphics and frames, 145

searching for, 308

selecting frames and graphics, 144–145

specialty frames for graphics, creating, 142–143

type outlines as frames, creating, 143

graphic preview cursor, 132

graphics, 128. See also Adobe Photoshop; graphic frames; tables

Adobe Bridge, placing graphics from, 134–135

clipping path, modifying, 250

contact sheet, creating, 132–133

copying, 136

default display options, setting, 151

Direct Selection tool, selecting with, 144, 158


changing display performance, 150

default display options, setting, 151


file information, inserting, 402–403

images, inserting, 16

drag-and-drop, 136

editing linked graphics, 139, 140

embedding, 136, 137

changing graphic from linked to embedded, 139

existing frame with graphic, placing graphic in, 128

grayscale graphic, coloring, 149

high quality display, 150

InCopy, exporting content to, 434

Info panel, information in, 50

Info panel, viewing in, 51

inline graphic in object, placing, 176

linked graphics

Adobe bridge, locating in, 134

displaying information on, 137

editing, 139, 140

relinking, 137, 138, 139

replacing, 138

working with, 139

XMP metadata, displaying, 141

locating graphics

Adobe bridge, locating linked graphic in, 134

Links panel, 138

moving, 136

multiple graphics, placing, 132–133

nesting graphics in frames, 148

options, placing graphics with, 129

package files including, 404–405

pasting, 136

preview cursor, 132

print options, setting, 388

relinking, 138

missing graphic, 137, 139

replacing linked graphic, 138

resizing, 145

allowing for, 82

with Direct Selection tool, 158

for fitting graphics in frames, 146

setting place import options, 130–131

sorting graphics in Links panel, 137

typical display setting, 150

updating links, 139

XMP metadata, displaying, 141

zooming in/out view of, 38–39


with camera raw images, 447

EPS file format options, 372

graphics in grayscale, adding color to, 149

greeked text, 411


applying, 286–287

creating, 282

Find/Change command, using, 302–303, 306

paragraph styles, setting, 279

searching for, 306

GREP Styles dialog box, 306

grids. See also baseline grids

Adobe PDF option, 365

colors, specifying, 49

preferences, changing, 48–49

printing options, 384

showing/hiding, 48

Step and Repeat command, creating grid with, 163

tiling documents in, 19

working with, 48, 49

groups. See also objects

mixed ink group, creating, 207

style groups, creating, 283

guides. See also rulers; Smart Guides

Adobe PDF option, 365

changing guides, 44


color, specifying, 44

locking/unlocking, 43

creating, 42

deleting, 43

moving, 42

printing options, 384

Smart Guides, 46–47

working with, 43


changing size of, 35

new documents, selecting for, 29

text frame options, setting, 120


Hand tool, moving with, 50

hanging indents, creating, 110

Hard Light blend mode, 224

harmony rule for colors, 209

headers and footers. See also tables

for panels, 8

height, weight, width, 11. See also tables

changing, 34

for cross-references, 326

Flash movie, document exported as, 374

for hyperlinks, 325

for new documents, 28

paragraph rule, width of, 112–113

printing setup options, 385

stroke, selecting weight of, 156, 216

text frame options, setting, 120

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 376

help information, 22–23

Adobe ConnectNow toolbar for, 453

searching for, 22–23

Help menu

help information on, 22–23

updates, checking for, 21

hidden lock files (IDLK), 438

hidden text

in table of contents, 81

working with, 119

hiding. See showing/hiding


composition preferences, setting, 413

for conditional text, 359

for cross-references, 326

for hyperlinks, 325

HKS color library, 202

horizontal lines, converting, 231

horizontally tiling all documents, 19

horizontal text, leading applied to, 105

HTML document as Flash movie, exporting, 375


Adobe PDF option, 365

appearance, changing, 325

creating, 322–323

cross-references, creating, 326–327

defining destinations, 320

deleting, 321, 324

editing, 321

from Hyperlinks panel, 325

Flash movie, document exported as, 375

resetting, 324

updating, 324


creating hyperlink from, 322–323

destination, setting URL as, 320

Hyperlinks panel, 324–325

cross-references, creating, 327


dictionary preferences, setting, 416

inserting hyphens, 118

options, changing, 309

in package files, 405

paragraph styles, setting, 279

Hyphenation dialog box, 309


ICMA files, 436

ICML files, 436


for linked graphics, 137

Pages panel icons, 56–57

showing/hiding, 428

IDML file format, 12, 361

IDMS files. See snippets

Illustrator. See Adobe Illustrator

Image Processor command in Adobe Bridge, 52

images. See graphics

Images format, inserting files in, 16

importing/exporting, 432. See also exporting documents; graphics; text

Adobe PDF preset, creating, 371

footnotes, 314

plug-ins, 429

presets, 383

specialty frames for graphics, 142

swatches from other documents, 202

text variables, importing, 75

XML tagged data, 356–357, 358

InCopy. See Adobe InCopy

INDD file format, 12

inserting files in, 16

indenting. See also first-line indent; paragraphs

bullets and numbering, 115

INDL file format. See libraries

INDT file format, 30

Info panel, 50–51

Ink Manager, 391

Ink on Paper theme, 422


Adobe PDF options, 368

color separations, previewing, 389

EPS file options, 373

for printing, 391

inline object, creating, 176

Inner Glow effect, 227

Inner Shadow effect, 226

Insert Anchored Object dialog box, 177

inserting. See also pages

bookmarks, insertion point for, 328

dashes, 118

tabs, 116

text variables, 75

Insert Pages dialog box, 58–59

multiple pages, inserting, 59

Inset corner options, 230

inside and outside margins. See margins

Inspector panel, Adobe Bridge, 443


extensions with Adobe Extension Manager, 458

Macintosh computers, InDesign CS4 in, 3

Windows, InDesign CS4 in, 2

interactive documents. See also buttons; hyperlinks

Adobe PDF options, 365

Flash movie, interactivity options for, 375

Interactivity workspace, 52–53

interface preferences, setting, 409


North America Web/Internet color settings, 188

updates, checking for, 20

Web color library, 202

Intersect button, Pathfinder, 247

Inverse Rounded corner options, 230

inverted rounded rectangles, converting, 231

IPTC file format for metadata, 449

island spreads, 64

isolate blending, 224

italicizing, changing, 102


Japanese typefaces, 412


Adobe Dreamweaver, exporting document for, 379

enabling or disabling, 408

JDF File Using Acrobat checkbox with Adobe PDF, 369

Join or Close Path button, 242

joins on strokes, changing, 216–217

JPEG file format, 360, 361

Adobe Bridge, opening with, 446

exporting documents in, 380

importing images, options for, 129, 131

metadata to files, adding, 403

placing graphic files saved in, 128

raw images, saving, 446

as recommended compression method, 366

Jump Object option, 122–123

Jump to Next Column option, 122–123


options, changing, 311

of paragraphs, 109

paragraph styles, setting, 279

table cells, content of, 265

text frame options, setting, 120


Keep options for paragraphs, 310

kerning, 106

highlighting text with, 413

increments preferences, setting, 414–415

keyboard increments preferences, setting, 414–415

keyboard shortcuts

defining, 427

icons for starting InDesign CS4, 4

starting InDesign CS4 with, 5

for tools, 10

zooming in/out with, 39

Keywords panel, Adobe Bridge, 443

knockout group blending, 224

Korean typefaces, 412

Kuler panel, using colors from, 208–209


lab color, 192

Color panel, selecting with, 196

Labels and Stickers template, 30

labels for Adobe Bridge images, 449

landscape orientation

changing, 34

for new documents, 28


advanced type settings for, 412

for Autocorrect, 100

last-line indent, creating, 110

last page, navigating to, 61

last saved version, reverting to, 24

Latin typefaces, 412

Layer Options dialog box, 180


Adobe InCopy, exporting content to, 434

Adobe PDF, creating Acrobat layers with, 365

colors for layers, specifying, 180

copying objects between, 184

deleting, 179

duplicating, 178–179

Find/Change command, searching locked layers with, 303

guides, options for, 180

importing, 129, 130

locking/unlocking, 180, 182

merging layers, 183

moving objects between, 184

naming/renaming, 180

new layer, renaming, 178

new layer, creating, 178

options, setting, 180

pasting, creating new layer while, 178

printing, 180

printing options, 384

reordering, 183, 184

selecting layers, 184

showing/hiding, 180, 181

searching hidden layers, 303

wrapping text, preventing, 180

Layers panel, showing/hiding objects and layers in, 181

Layout Adjustment options, 82

Layout menu

pages, navigating between, 60–61

table of contents, creating, 80–81

Layout view, drag-and-drop editing in, 101

LCD Optimized display for Story Editor, 423


Auto Leading option, 311

entire paragraph, applying to, 410

tabs, leaders with, 116

text, 105

left-aligning paragraphs, 109

left indents

for bullets and numbering, 115

creating, 110

left side, dragging text to, 89

lens corrections with camera raw images, 447


half page size, 29

page size, 29

Quick Apply commands, 295

spacing options, 311


adding items in, 342–343

Adobe Bridge libraries, using, 343

changing item information, 345

deleting items in, 342–343

display, changing, 346–347

existing library, opening, 342

new library, creating, 342

object types for items, changing, 345

opening existing library, 342

placing items on page, 344

Samples button library, 333

searching in, 346

sorting items in, 346–347

swatch libraries, adding colors from, 202

updating items in, 344

ligatures. See glyphs

Lighten blend mode, 224

Linear gradients, 204

line breaks

balancing, 310

forcing, 98–99

lines. See strokes

Line tool, 156. See also strokes

links. See also graphics; hyperlinks

Adobe Bridge, locating linked graphics with, 134

Adobe PDF options, 365

missing link preferences, setting, 425

in package files, 404

preferences, setting, 425

styles, breaking links to, 286

Links panel. See also graphics

sorting items in, 137

List view, displaying library items in, 347

Live Preflight, 400–401

locating graphics. See graphics


assignment files, overriding locked, 439

guides, 43

layers, 180, 182

moving locked objects, 82

object position, 175

Lock Position command, 175

lowercase text, creating, 312


Macintosh computers. See also PICT file format

AppleScripts, 352

installing InDesign CS4 in, 3

starting InDesign CS4 in, 5

System color library, 202

magnification. See zooming in/out

Make Compound Path command, 248–249

managing files. See also Adobe InCopy

with Adobe Bridge, 14

margins. See also gutters

changing options, 34–35

guide color, specifying, 44

new documents, options for, 29

objects to margins, aligning, 166

optical margin adjustment, setting, 311

markers, inserting, 118

marks and bleed

with Adobe PDF, 367

for booklet pages, 398

changing bleed values, 34

guide color, specifying, 44

for new documents, 28–29

print options, setting, 386–387

master pages

adding objects to, 66

copying, 69

deleting, 68–69

detaching, 68–69

document page, applying to, 68

existing page, creating master page from, 66–67

Find/Change command for searching, 303

hiding master items, 69

multiple pages, applying master to, 68

overriding master element, 68–69

page numbers, adding, 70–71

printing options, 384

scratch, creating master page from, 66–67

section numbers, adding, 70–71

Start Page and Numbering At option, 71

text variables, creating and using, 74–75

unassigning masters, 68–69

master text frames

changing, 34

with imported text, 92

new documents, selecting for, 28

Smart Text Reflow for, 411

Measure tool, 185

Media Files format, inserting files in, 16

meetings, Adobe ConnectNow toolbar for, 453

menus, 6. See also specific menus

colors for commands, 428

customizing, 428

InCopy menus, 440

shortcuts for menus, creating, 427

Menus template, 30

Merge Layers command, 183

merging. See also Data Merge

color swatches, 201

layers, 183

table cells, 260, 264

user dictionary into document, 417

metacharacters, 304

metadata. See also Adobe Bridge

description of, 449

documents, inserting file information in, 402–403

Metadata panel, Adobe Bridge, 443

Microsoft Excel. See also XLS file format

tables, importing, 256–257

Microsoft Word

importing text from, 90

inserting files in documents, 16

styles from Word document, importing, 284–285

tables, importing text into, 256–257

Minus Back button, Pathfinder, 247

missing link preferences, setting, 425

miter join on strokes, 217

mixed inks, 206–207


colors, setting, 188

page size, setting, 29

More options for new documents, 29

Move Page command, 62–63

Movie command, 330


adding, 330–331

options, setting, 330–331

moving. See also objects

with Adobe Bridge, 14

anchor points, 236

books, documents in, 77

color swatches, 201

frames and graphics, 144–145

graphics, 136

guides, 42

with Hand tool, 50

help topics, moving between, 23

pages, 62–63

segments, 236

tabs, 116

text, 101

multiple documents

arranging, 19

working with, 18

multiple pages, inserting, 59


naming/renaming. See also Adobe Bridge; layers

assignments, 436

bookmarks, 328–329

master page, 67

plug-ins, 429

styles, 284

navigating pages, 60–61


creating nested styles, 288–289

graphics in frames, 148

paragraph styles, setting, 279

tables, creating nested, 254

New Character Styles dialog box, 280

New Document dialog box, 32

new documents

presets, creating with, 32

template, creating from, 30

New Features, Welcome screen links to, 4

New Hyperlink From URL command, 322–323

New Paragraph Styles dialog box, 278

Newsletters template, 30

New Workspace dialog box, 52

next page, navigating to, 61

next spread, navigating to, 61

Nikon NEF format, 447

90-degree angles, drawing lines at, 156

Noise effect

with feather effects, 229

with glow, 227

with shadows, 226

nonbreaking space, inserting, 118

non-Latin text, setting preferences for, 412

non-printing content

Adobe PDF option, 365

in package files, 405

printing options for objects, 384

Normal view, 36

North American,

Prepress 2 color settings, 188

Purpose 2 color settings, 188

Web/Internet color settings, 188

notes. See also footnotes

to Adobe InCopy managed files, 433

creating, 316

Notes panel, working in, 317

preferences, setting, 420

tables, adding to, 316

text to notes, converting, 316, 317

Notes panel, 317

No Wrap option, 122

Numbering and Section Options dialog box

chapter numbers, adding, 72–73

master pages, page and section numbers for, 70–71

number of pages

changing, 34

master spread, specifying for, 67

new documents, selecting for, 28

numbers. See also bullets and numbering; chapter numbers; number of pages; page numbers

footnotes, numbering, 315


objects. See also anchor points; gradients; graphics; layers

aligning, 166

anchored objects, creating, 177

blend effect, creating, 224–225

buttons, converting object to, 334–335


applying, 193, 214

Eyedropper tool, using, 194–195

overprinting colors, 210

copying, 162–163

layers, copying objects between, 184

scaling and copying objects, 172

defaults, setting, 232

deleting, 157

deleting combined object, 165

Direct Selection tool

grouped objects, working with, 164–165

inline object, creating, 176

selecting with, 157, 159

distances and angles, measuring, 185

duplicating, 162–163

Find/Change command, using, 302–303, 308

flipping objects, 171

Free Transform tool, transforming objects with, 170

grouped objects, 164–165

creating groups, 164

selecting objects in group, 165

ungrouping objects, 164

individual transformation, repeating, 174

inline object, creating, 176

library items, object types for, 345

locking/unlocking object position, 175

measuring distances and angles between, 185

moving, 161

layers, moving objects between, 184

multiple objects, duplicating, 163

overlapping objects, creating compound shapes from, 247

repeating transformations, 174

resizing, 160

rotating, 169–170

free rotating objects, 171

scaling, 160, 169–170, 172

searching for, 302–303, 308

Selection tool, 157

inline object, moving, 176

resizing objects with, 160

sequence of transformations, repeating, 174

shearing, 173

shortcuts for object editing, creating, 427

showing/hiding, 181

slipping objects, 172

Smart Guides for moving, 161

spacing, distributing objects with, 166–167

stack of objects, arranging, 168


creating, 290–291

default object styles, modifying, 290

transformations, 169

repeating transformations, 174

Object Shape option, 122–123

older versions, updating from, 2

On Blur event for buttons, 336

On Click event for buttons, 336

On Focus event for buttons, 336

online activation of program, 2

Online Library panel, Adobe Device Central, 456

On release event for buttons, 336

On Roll Over event for buttons, 336

opacity, 11

for Gradient Feather effect, 229

Open dialog box, 12

deleting files in, 13

opening. See also Adobe Bridge

books, documents in, 76

closed paths, 240–241

existing document, opening, 12

libraries, 342

panels, 7

recently opening document, 13

Open Package command, 436

Open Path button for splitting paths, 240

OpenType, 104

character styles, setting, 281

glyphs, inserting, 117

highlighting text with, 413

paragraph styles, setting, 279

Open With command with Adobe Bridge, 134

OPI options

with Adobe PDF, 369

print options, 394

optical margin adjustment, setting, 311

optical size of fonts, setting, 410

Options menu

for panels, 8, 9

for tools, 11

ordinals. See glyphs


changing, 34

flipping print orientation, 391

for new documents, 28

printing setup options, 385

Outer Glow effect, 227

outlines, creating, 124

out of gamut, 192

converting out of gamut colors, 197

overflow text

changing thread between frames, 95

reshaping, 85

text on a path, correcting, 89

threading/unthreading, 94–95

overlapping objects, creating compound shapes from, 247

Overlay blend mode, 224


colors, 210

paragraph rule, width of, 112

simulating, 391

Overprint Preview mode, 36–37

overrides. See also styles

Adobe PDF options, setting, 369

assignment files, locked, 439

print options, 394


Package for InCopy, 436

packages, creating, 404–405


file format, 12

Shortcuts for, 427

page numbers. See also number of pages

books, options for, 78–79

continued text, adding to, 125

general preferences, setting, 408

master pages, adding to, 70–71

for table of contents, 81

pages. See also facing pages; master pages; Pages panel; spreads

Adobe PDF options, setting, 364

for bookmarks, 328

EPS file format options, 372

Flash movie, document exported as, 374

hyperlinks to, 320

inserting pages

multiple pages, inserting, 59

with Pages panel, 58–59

JPEG files, documents exported as, 380

objects to page, aligning, 166

Preflight panel options, 401

transitions, applying, 332

trap preset, assigning, 392–393

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 376

page size options

changing, 34

list of, 29

for new documents, 28

printing, setup for, 385

Pages/Links panel, 8

Pages panel. See also master pages; spreads

deleting pages, 62

display, changing, 56

duplicating pages, 58

inserting pages with, 58–59

multiple pages, inserting, 59

navigating pages, 60–61

showing/hiding icons, 57

target a page, navigating with, 60

work on a page, navigating with, 60

page transitions

Flash movie, document exported as, 375

for Pages panel icons, 57

Page Transitions dialog box, 332

panel groups, 6

in Adobe InCopy, 440

panels, 6. See also Control panel; Pages panel; Tools panel

in Adobe Device Central, 456

in Adobe InCopy, 440

collapsing/expanding, 7

panel set between icons and panels, 9

hidden panels, auto-showing, 409

icons, auto-collapsing, 409

Info panel, sizing object with, 51

opening/closing, 7

Options menu, using, 8, 9

panels, 8

shortcuts for panels, creating, 427

showing/hiding, 7, 36, 52

while you work, 8

Pantone color library, 202

Paragraph panel, InCopy, 440

paragraphs. See also bullets and numbering

aligning, 109


rule, width of, 112

styles, setting, 279

creating, 98–99

cross-references, creating, 326

drop caps, creating, 111

indenting, 110

styles, setting, 279

Info panel, information in, 50

keeping lines together in, 310

rules, applying, 112–113

spacing, 110

in table cells, 265

table of contents, formatting for, 81

paragraph styles

attributes, setting, 279

basic paragraph style, changing, 277

creating, 279

deleting, 278

existing text, creating from, 278

for table of contents, 80

Paragraph Styles panel, 276

password options in Adobe PDF, 370

pasteboard. See also guides

Show Entire Pasteboard option, 38

Paste In command, 164–165


Adobe Bridge, settings in, 450

Clipboard handling preferences, setting, 426

graphics, 136

layers while pasting, creating, 178

spacing, automatic adjustment of, 410

text, 101

patches, checking for, 20–21

Pathfinder command, 247

Pathfinder panel

Convert Shape buttons in, 231

Join or Close Path button, 242

Reverse button, 241

paths. See also clipping path; points; reshaping; strokes

closed path, opening, 240–241

closing open path, 242

compound path, creating, 248–249

erasing parts of, 246

frames, importing paths as, 143

Pencil tool, drawing with, 244–245

Pen tool, drawing with, 234–235

reversing direction of, 241

selecting path as clipping path, 251

Smooth tool, using, 243

splitting paths, 240

PDAs (personal data assistants), RGB colors for, 192

PDF file format, 361

advanced options setting, 369

and bookmarks, 328

for buttons, 336–337

buttons in, 333

Clipboard handling preferences, setting, 426

compression options, setting, 366

for data merged files, 354

exporting documents, 362

general options, setting, 364–365

graphic files saved in, 128

inserting files in, 16

Marks and Bleeds option, setting, 367

metadata to files, adding, 403

output options, setting, 368

for page transitions, 332

placing, 130–131

Preflight panel, creating PDF report in, 401

presets, 363

exporting with, 371

security options, setting, 370

table of contents, PDF bookmarks for, 81

tagged PDF, creating, 364

PD/FX options with Adobe PDF, 368

Pencil tool, 244–245

Pen tool, 234–235

perceptual colors, specifying, 191

phone activation of program, 2

Photoshop. See Adobe Photoshop

PICT file format

EPS file preview option, 373

WMFgraphic files saved in, 128

pirated versions, preventing, 2

Place command. See also graphics

with Adobe Bridge, 134

importing text with, 90–91

inserting artwork with, 16

multiple graphics, placing, 132–133

placing graphics. See graphics

plug-ins, configuring, 429

PNG file format

metadata to files, adding, 403

placing graphic files saved in, 128

pod panels, Adobe ConnectNow toolbar for, 453

points. See also anchor points

Convert Direction Point Tool, using, 237

defined, 41

Direct Selection tool

converting points on path with, 237

moving, 240–241

and fonts, 104

ruler units preferences, setting, 414

Polygon Frame tool, 154


converting, 231

creating, 154–155

Pen tool, drawing with, 234

Polygon tool, 154

text, adding, 84, 86–87

portrait orientation

changing, 34

for new documents, 28


frames and graphics with Position tool, 144–145

printing setup options, 385

poster images for sounds and movies, 331


EPS file format options, 372

points preferences, setting, 414

preferences. See also type preferences

camera raw preferences, setting, 446

Clipboard handling preferences, setting, 426

composition preferences, setting, 413

dictionary preferences, setting, 416–417

file handling preferences, setting, 424–425

general preferences, setting, 408

grid preferences, changing, 48–49

interface preferences, setting, 409

links preferences, setting, 425

notes preferences, setting, 420

restoring, 425

ruler units preferences, setting, 414

spell-checking preferences, setting, 418–419

Story Editor display preferences, setting, 422–423

Units & Increments preferences, 414–415

prefixes for master pages, 67

Preflight panel, 400–401

Status bar, accessing from, 17

preflight profile

Status bar, accessing from, 17

using, 400–401

presets. See also PDF file format

in Adobe Bridge, 450

deleting, 32–33, 383

printing with, 383

saving, 32

text variables, 74

transparency flattener preset, creating, 395

trapping preset, creating, 392

working with, 33

previewing. See also Adobe Bridge

color separations, 389

data merge data, 355

EPS file format options, 373

guide color for backgrounds, specifying, 44

images, saving, 24–25

overprinted colors, 210

page transitions, 332

save preferences, setting, 424

text frame options, 120

Preview panel, Adobe Bridge, 443

Preview view, 36

previous page, navigating to, 61

previous spread, navigating to, 61

Print command, 382

printers' marks options with Adobe PDF, 367

printing. See also overprinting; spreads; trapping

Adobe PDF print options, 363

advanced options, setting, 394–395

auto options, 385

booklet, spreads in, 398–399

books, 77

color handling options, 396

Color Management options, setting, 396

color separations, previewing, 389

data format options, 388

documents, 382

flattened artwork, 395

general options, setting, 384–385

graphics print options, setting, 388

Help topics, 23

keyboard shortcuts, list of, 427

layers, 180

marks and bleed print options, setting, 386–387

negative option, 390

output options, setting, 390–391

package files, print settings in, 404

preflight profile, using, 400–401

preserving color numbers, 396

with presets, 383

profile, setting, 396

sets, working with, 427

setup print options, setting, 384–385

simulating paper color option, 396

summary print options, 397

text as black, 390

transparency flattener preset, creating, 395

Printing and Proofing workspace, 52–53

Profile Inclusion Policy with Adobe PDF, setting, 368

projecting caps on strokes, 217

proofing colors on screen, 211

PSB file format for raw images, 446

PSD file format

importing images, options for, 129, 130–131

metadata to files, adding, 403

placing graphic files saved in, 128

raw images, saving, 446



Adobe PDF, setting image quality with, 366

JPEG files, documents exported as, 380


file format, 12

Shortcuts for, 427

Quick Apply, 11

for styles, 294–295

Quick Search, Adobe Bridge, 443

Quit InDesign command, 26

quotation marks

dictionary preferences, setting, 417

inserting, 118

typographer's quotes, using, 410


Radial gradients, 204

radius value in Corner Options dialog box, 231

range of page option for printing, 384


Flash movie, document exported as, 375

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 377

raw images. See Adobe Bridge; DNG file format

recently opening document, opening, 13

records for Data Merge, 354

Rectangle Frame tool, 154


converting, 231

creating, 154

Rectangle tool, 154

text, adding, 84, 86

red-eye removal with camera raw files, 447

reference number for footnotes, 315

reference point

for fitting graphics in frames, 147

objects, transforming, 169

reflowing text, 411

Smart Text, 96–97

registration marks, printing, 387

relative colorimetric, specifying, 191

Release Compound Path command, 142–143

releasing compound paths, 142–143, 249

relinking. See also graphics

cross-references, 327

renaming. See naming/renaming

repeated words, spell-checking preferences, 418


books, documents in, 77

importing text, replacing item with, 90

table of contents, 81

reports for page files, creating, 404


all warning dialogs, 408

cross-references, 327


anchor points or segments, 236

erasing to reshape paths, 246

Pencil tool, paths with, 244

resizing. See sizing/resizing


Adobe PDF setting options, 366

Info panel, information in, 50

JPEG files, documents exported as, 380

resource help, 22–23

restoring preferences, 425

retouching with camera raw files, 447

revealing documents

in Adobe Bridge, 15

in Status bar, 17

reverse order option for printing, 384

reversing fill in compound path, 249

RGB (Red, Green, Blue), 192

Adobe PDF options, setting, 368

Color panel, selecting with, 196

EPS file format options, 372

Working Space controls, 188–189

right-aligning paragraphs, 109

right indents, creating, 110

right side, dragging text to, 89

RIP (Raster Image Processing), 390, 392

rotating, 11. See also objects; spreads

with Adobe Bridge, 14

camera raw files, 447

Spread view, 37

tables, text in, 265

Rotation and Shear Angle, 11

round bullets, 114–115

round caps on strokes, 217

Rounded corner options, 230

round join on strokes, 217

RTF file format, 361

importing text from, 90

inserting files in, 16


changing ruler options, 40


appearance, changing, 44–45

movement, allowing, 82

measurement units, changing, 41

origin, changing, 41

paragraph rule, applying, 112–113

showing/hiding, 41

units preferences, setting, 414

working with, 41

rules for paragraph styles, setting, 279

run-in style table of contents, 81

Running Header text variable, 74


sample, creating buttons from, 334

sampling options for Adobe PDF, 366

satin effect, 227

saturation, specifying, 191

Save As dialog box, 13


books, 77

camera raw images, 447

color swatches, 201

copy of document, 25

documents, 24–25

file handling preferences, setting, 424

gradients, 205

presets, 32

print summary, 397

Web Photo Gallery, 451

Scale X and Y, 11


Flash movie, document exported as, 374

general preferences, setting, 408

Info panel, information in, 50

objects, 160, 169–170, 172

printing setup options, 385

shortcuts for scaling, creating, 427

text, 108

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 376

Scissor tool for splitting open paths, 240

screen fonts, 104


editing scripts, 352

general preferences, setting, 408

running scripts, 352–353

Scripts panel, 352–353

SCT file format, WMFgraphic files saved in, 128

searching. See also Find/Change command

in Adobe Bridge, 14, 448

for fonts, 301

for glyphs, 302–303, 306

for GREPs, 302–303, 306

for help information, 22–23

in libraries, 346

for objects, 302–303, 308

spell-check options, 299


books, updating section numbers in, 79

master pages, adding numbers to, 70–71


Adobe PDF security options, setting, 370

JavaScript, enabling or disabling, 408


deleting, 239

moving, 236

Pencil tool, drawing with, 244

reshaping, 236

selecting, 236

splitting paths in middle of, 240


anchor points, 236

frames and graphics, 144–145

segments, 236

text, 98–99

Selection tool. See also Direct Selection tool; objects

fitting frames in graphics with, 146

objects, selecting, 157

selecting and moving frames and graphics with, 144

with Smart Guides, 46

Send Backward in object stack, 168

Send to Back in object stack, 168

Sentence case, creating, 312

Separations Preview mode, 36–37

servers in Adobe InCopy, working with, 432

shadow effects, 226

Drop Shadow effect, 11, 226

shapes. See also reshaping; specific shapes

compound shapes, creating, 247

converting shapes, 231

creating, 154–155

with Smart Guides, 46

Share My Screen command, 442, 453

sharing. See Adobe InCopy; assignments; interactive documents

shearing objects, 169–170, 173

Shear tool, 173

shortcuts. See also keyboard shortcuts

Macintosh computers, creating shortcuts on, 5

showing/hiding. See also hidden text; layers; panels

grids, 48

guides, 43

icons, 428

master items, 69

notes, 317

objects, 181

Pages panel icons, 57

plug-ins, information on, 429

rulers, 41

separation inks, 388

Tools panel, 36

Show Text Threads command, 94–95

sidecar files, 449

signature for booklet pages, 399

simulating overprinting print option, 391

single quotation marks, inserting, 118

single word justification, 311

sizing/resizing. See also graphic frames; graphics; page size options

icon size for Pages and Masters, specifying, 56

Pages panel, 56

shortcuts for sizing, creating, 427

skewing text, 108

slug area

Adobe PDF options, 367

changing values, 34

guide color, specifying, 44

for new documents, 28–29

page numbers in, 62

Slug view, 36

small caps, 412

styling text as, 102–103

Smart Guides, 46–47

objects, moving, 161

with Pen tool, 234

preferences, changing, 47

Smart Match Style Group synchronize options, 78

smart spacing, 47

Smart Text Reflow, 96–97

options, selecting, 411

Smooth tool, 243

Smooth Tool Preferences dialog box, 243

snapping options, adjusting, 82

Snap to Document Grid command, 49

Snap to Guides command, 42–43

Snap to Zone, 44, 47


creating, 348–349

dragging, creating by, 348–349

import options, setting, 425

using, 348–349

Soft Light blend mode, 224

soft proofing colors on screen, 211

Soft Proofs mode, 36–37

soft returns, forcing, 98–99

Solid Color Intent option, 190


with Adobe Bridge, 14

bookmarks, 329

Sound Options dialog box, 330–331


adding, 330–331

options, setting, 330–331

source files

for cross-references, 327

for hyperlinks, 320

for linked graphics, 137


automatic adjustment of, 410

footnotes, 315

glyph spacing, 311

letter spacing options, 311

objects with spacing, distributing, 166–167

paragraphs, 110

paragraph styles, setting, 279

Story Editor display, setting, 422

table columns and rows, evenly distributing spacing of, 262

text on a path, 89

word spacing options, 311

Spanish typefaces, 412

special characters. See characters

specialty frames for graphics, creating, 142–143

spell-checking. See also dictionaries

Autocorrect fixing errors, 100

documents, 298–299

dynamic spelling, 298, 299, 419

note content, 420

options, 299

preferences, setting, 418–419

spine, aligning paragraphs to, 109


paths, 240

table cells, 264

spot colors and mixed inks, 206–207

Spread effect

with glow, 227

with shadows, 226


adding/removing pages from, 64

EPS file format options, 372

facing-page spreads, preserving, 411

Flash movie, document exported as, 374

island spreads, 64

JPEG files, documents exported as, 380

object to spread, aligning, 166

page transitions, applying, 332

printing, 384

booklet spreads, 398–399

rotating, 37, 65

Pages panel icons, 57

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 376

spreadsheets, links preferences when placing, 425


Adobe Bridge, images in, 14, 449

object stack order, arranging, 168

StandardSoundPoster.jpg, 330

star shape

creating, 154–155

frame for text, creating, 87

starting InDesign CS4, 4–5

Start menu, 13

Start Page and Numbering At option, 71

Status bar

pages, navigating between, 60–61

working with, 17

Step and Repeat command

grid, creating, 163

objects, copying, 162


Adobe InCopy, exporting content to, 434

Find/Change command, searching story layers with, 303

Story Editor

background color for notes in, 420

display preferences, setting, 299, 422–423

drag-and-drop editing in, 101

tables, editing text in, 258–259

working with, 313

straightening camera raw files, 447

strikethrough options

character styles, setting, 281

paragraph styles, setting, 279

Strikethrough text, 102–103

Stroke panel, 8, 156

strokes. See also gap color/tint; tables

alignment of stroke on path, changing, 216

applying strokes, 193, 214–215

attributes, changing, 216–217

caps, changing, 216–217

converting, 231

custom-dashed stroke, applying, 218

custom styles, creating, 218–219

dashed/dotted strokes

applying, 218

creating, 218–219

gap color for, 217


for colors, 214–215

setting, 232

drawing, 156

Eyedropper tool, using, 194–195

Info panel, information in, 50

joins, changing, 216–217

styles, 217–219

custom styles, creating, 218–219

dashed stroke style, applying, 218

Structure pane for placing XML tags, 356–358

styles. See also character styles; GREPs; objects; paragraph styles; strokes; tables

applying, 286–287

for bullets, 114–115

case-sensitivity of names, 284

cell styles, creating, 292

Character Styles panel, 276

clearing style overrides, 286–287

for cross-references, 326

deleting table and cell styles, 293

editing with Quick Apply, 295

End Nested Style Here special character, 288–289

font style, changing, 102–103

groups, creating, 283

for hyperlinks, 325

importing styles, 284–285

InDesign document, loading styles from, 284

letter commands with Quick Apply, 295

links to style, breaking, 286

loading styles, 284

Microsoft Word document, importing styles from, 284–285

nested styles, creating, 288–289


formatting, 286–287

object style overrides, clearing, 291

paragraph rule, width of, 112

with Paragraph Styles panel, 276

Quick Apply, using, 294–295

renaming styles, 284

table styles, 292–293

Style Source setting for books, 78

subsampling with Adobe PDF, 366

subscript, 102–103

advanced type settings for, 412

Subtract button, Pathfinder, 247


for booklet pages, 399

print options, viewing summary of, 397

superscript, 102–103

advanced type settings for, 412

swapping text on path, 89

swashes. See glyphs

Swatches panel. See also gradients

adding color swatch, 199

all unnamed colors, adding, 201

for button colors, 338

Color Picker, adding colors from, 215

deleting color swatch, 199, 200

display, changing, 198

editing color swatch, 199

fill or stroke color, changing, 214

gradient swatches, creating, 204–205

Kuler panel, adding, 208

loading swatches, 201

merging color swatches, 201

mixed inks with, 206–207

moving swatches, 201

name of swatch, entering, 199

saving swatches, 201

selecting swatches, 201

tint swatches, creating, 203

working with swatches, 200–201

swatch libraries, adding colors from, 202

SWF file format, 360, 361

exporting document in, 374–375

switching between pages in Status bar, 17


@ before field name, adding, 354

Autocorrect, inserting with, 100

inserting, 118


books, 78

camera raw images, 447

System color library, 202

system requirements, 3


table of contents

creating, 80–81

for digital editions, 378

Table Options dialog box, 273


adjusting options, 256

aligning content in cells, 265

alternating fills and strokes in, 270–271

borders, adding, 273

clipping for graphics, setting, 265


for borders, 273

for diagonal lines in cells, 272

strokes and fills, setting for, 270–271

columns and rows, inserting, 261

Control panel, modifying tables with, 260


tables to text, 255

text to tables, 255

defined, 253


cell contents, 258

columns and rows, 261

table and cell styles, 293

diagonal lines in cells, adding, 272

dimensions, specifying, 254

editing text in tables, 258–259

elements, selecting, 258


adding, 268–269

alternating fills, 270–271

gap color/tint

for borders, 273

for diagonal lines in cells, 272

tables, strokes in, 271


clipping for graphics, setting, 265

importing graphics, 256

headers and footers, 266–267

converting cells and, 267

height, weight, width

adjustment options, 263

for borders, 273

elements, specifying, 260


graphics into tables, 256

text into tables, 256–257

merging/unmerging cells, 260, 264

Microsoft Excel tables, importing, 256–257

Microsoft Word text, importing, 256–257

modifying, 260–261

navigating in tables, 258

nested tables, creating, 254

new table, creating, 254

notes, adding, 316

spacing of columns and rows, evenly distributing, 262

splitting cells, 264

Story Editor, using, 258–259


adding, 268–269

alternating strokes, 270–271

cells, adding to, 268–269

diagonal lines in table cells, adding, 272

drawing order, setting, 268

style and weight, specifying, 260

styles, 292–293

Table panel, modifying tables with, 260


converting tables and text, 255

editing text in tables, 258–259

entering text in tables, 258

importing text, 256–257

rotating, 265

Story Editor, editing text with, 258–259

text frames, adjusting tables in, 274

tabloid page size, 29

Tab Order dialog box, 339


for bullets and numbering, 115

button tab order, setting, 339

paragraph styles, setting, 279

setting, 116

stops, defined, 116

target a page, navigating with, 60


creating template document, 31

new document, creating, 30

saving document as, 25

for Web Photo Gallery, 451

Terminal theme, 422

Testing panels, Adobe Device Central, 456–457

text. See also character styles; fonts; hidden text; kerning; overflow text; paragraphs; paragraph styles; Smart Text Reflow; Story Editor; tables; text frames; tracking; type preferences; wrapping text

Autocorrect options, 100

autoflowing imported text, 93

baseline, shifting characters from, 105

black, printing text as, 390

for bookmarks, 328

with bullets, 114–115

for buttons, 338

colors in Story Editor display, 422

conditional text, working with, 350–351

copying, 101

cutting, 101

documents, inserting text in, 16

dragging text, 101

Find/Change command, using, 302–303, 304

Frame tools, adding with, 84, 86

greeked text, 411

importing text, 90–91

autoflowing imported text, 93

continued text, adding page numbers to, 125

flowing imported text, 92–93

with options, 90–91

Info panel, viewing in, 51

inherited formatting for dragged text, 101

leading text, 105

links preferences when placing, 425

notes, converting text to, 316, 317

overflowing text, reshaping, 85

pasting, 101

reflowing, 96–97

scaling text, 108

searching, 302, 303–304

selecting, 98–99

skewing text, 108

special text characters, inserting, 118

Type of a Path tool, using, 84

typing text, 98

text breaks, inserting, 118

text frames. See also assignments; overflow text

baseline options, 121

creating text in, 85

elliptical frame, creating, 86

ignoring text wrapping in, 121

options, setting, 120–121

outlines, creating, 124

overflowing text, reshaping, 85

polygon frame, creating, 87

rectangle frame, creating, 86

searching for, 308

star frame, creating, 87

tables, adjusting, 274

wrapping text, 85, 123

ignoring text wrap, 121

Text Only file format, 361

text variables

defining, 74

working with, 75


Kuler panel, using colors from, 208–209

Story Editor display, setting, 422

threading/unthreading overflow text, 94–95

3-D bevel effect, 228


for grids, 49

for guides, 45


Adobe PDF options, setting, 364

library items, displaying, 347

options for showing, 409

in Pages panel, 56

printing setup options, 385

TIFF file format

Adobe Bridge, opening with, 446

EPS file preview option, 373

importing images, options for, 129, 131

for metadata, 403, 449

placing graphic files saved in, 128

raw images, saving, 446

tiling documents, 19

Times New Roman font, 102

tints. See also gap color/tint

dashed/dotted lines, tint color for, 217

paragraph rule, width of, 112

swatches, creating, 203

Title Case, creating, 312

tone curve for camera raw images, 447

tools. See also specific tools

keyboard shortcuts for, 10

shortcuts for tools, creating, 427

Tools panel, 6

for InCopy, 440

keyboard shortcuts, 10

showing/hiding, 36

using, 10–11


note tooltips, showing, 420

options for showing, 409

top and bottom margins. See margins

Toyo color library, 202

tracking, 107

highlighting text with, 413

increments preferences, setting, 414–415

Tracking and Indentation option, Type tool, 11

Transform Again submenu, 169

transformation. See also objects

values, showing, 409

transitions. See page transitions

transitions for pages, displaying, 332


Adobe PDF options, setting, 369

blend, create effect with, 225

color space for blending transparent objects, 225

importing, 129, 130

for Pages panel icons, 57

print options, 394–395

XFL for Flash, document exported as, 377

trapping, 390

assigning trap presets to pages, 392–393

preset, creating, 392

Trap Presets panel, 392

triangles, converting, 231

triple-click, changing action of, 99

TrueType fonts, 104

Trumatch color library, 202

turning on/off

Adobe Version Cue, 454

Smart Guides, 46

2-up perfect bound for booklet, printing, 398

2-up saddle stitch for booklet, printing, 398

TXT file format

data fields, 354

importing text from, 90

inserting files in, 16

Type on a Path tool, 84

creating text on path, 88

deleting text on path, 88

modifying text on path, 89

type outlines as frames, creating, 143

type preferences

advanced preference, setting, 412

general preferences, setting, 410–411

Type tools

options with, 11

text frame, creating text in, 85

using, 84

typing text, 98

typographer's quotes, using, 410

Typography workspace, 52–53


unassigned frames, 153, 154

searching for, 308

underlining, 102–103

character styles, setting, 281

conditional text, 359

paragraph styles, setting, 279

undoing/redoing, 53

updates and updating``

assignments, 439

data merge sources, 355

Help menu, checking on, 21

hyperlinks, 324

Internet, checking for updates on, 20

library items, 344

package files, 404

uploading Web Photo Gallery, 451

uppercase text, creating, 312

URLs. See hyperlinks

user dictionary preferences, 416


vector-based images, inserting, 16

Version Cue. See Adobe Version Cue

vertical lines, converting, 231

vertically tiling all documents, 19

vertical spacing in text, changing, 105

videos. See movies

views and viewing. See also display; rulers

InCopy views, 432

InDesign window, 6

object styles, 290

page transitions, 332

print summary, 397

Zoom tool, changing view with, 38–39

Visibility icon, 428

visibility settings

for cross-references, 326

for hyperlinks, 325

Visual Basic scripts, 352

visually impaired persons, PDF options for, 370


warning dialogs, resetting, 408

Web color library, 202

Web Photo Gallery, creating, 451

Web sites

hyperlinks to, 320

weight. See height, weight, width

Welcome screen

Open dialog box, 12

opening document from, 13

starting InDesign CS4 from, 4

What's New, finding, 23

white space, inserting, 118

width. See height, weight, width

Windows menu, 18–19

System color library, 202

WMF file format, graphic files saved in, 128

Word. See Microsoft Word


Info panel, information in, 50

spacing options, 311

Working Space color controls, 188–189

work on a page, navigating with, 60

workspaces. See also Adobe Bridge

built-in workspaces, 52

creating, 52

deleting, 53

displaying, 53

wrapping text. See also text frames

composition preferences, setting, 413

contour options, 123

inside edges, including, 123

layers, preventing wrapping in, 180

objects, wrapping and unwrapping around, 122

setting shape wrap options, 123

WYSIWYG font menu, 410–411


XFL file format, 360

exporting document as, 376–377

XHTML format for eBooks, selecting, 378

XLS file format

importing text from, 90

inserting files in, 16

XML file format, 361

creating XML tags, 356

document, placing XML tags in, 356–357

elements in, 356

exporting XML, 358

importing XML tagged data, 356–357

XMP file format, 449

documents, inserting file information in, 402–403

linked graphic, displaying information for, 141

XMP Software Development Kit, 403


zooming in/out

in camera raw files, 447

image view, 38–39

shortcut keys for, 39

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