
administrative assistants, as gatekeepers, 63–64

advisers, as gatekeepers, 64–65

agreements, putting in writing, 149

air travel, 40, 110

Americans, perceptions of, 178

appointment confirmation calls, 14

arguing with customers, 118–119

assertive tone, 68–69

Assured Customers

about, 47–48

approaches to use with, 48–49

complaints by, 196

culture and personality, 186

Energized Salespersons and, 53

executive summaries for, 202

Kind Salespersons and, 54–55

listening to, 96, 102, 109

negotiating with, 150–151

objections from, 131–132

Precise Salespersons and, 52

questions for, 92–93

risk management, 143–144

style-matching strategy, 48

voice mail and, 69, 71, 73

Assured Salespersons, 54

attachments, email, 168

attention span, short, 107–108

attitude challenges, in listening and presenting, 108–110

audible signals, turning off, 26

Belgian customers/culture, 185

benefits, of good/service, 138–139

Big Dog sales tactic, 3

BlackBerry devices, 72

see also mobile phone calls

boredom, 109–110, 112, 113

Brazilian customers/culture, 185

budget, 84, 89

business, asking for, 10, 145–147

call forwarding, 65–66

calls, prioritizing, 7–9

Canadian customers/culture, 181, 188t

carbon used during travel, 110

Central American customers/culture, 182, 186

check-ins, 127–128, 139–140, 174

Chinese customers/culture, 181, 183, 188t

choices, offering to customers to solve complaints, 198


advice to ignore, 146

after handling objections, 124, 128

after receiving complaint, 198–199

sealing the close, 151–154

setting up the close, 137–140

see also negotiating the close

clothing, for videoconferencing, 172

cold calls, 169, 170–171


cultural considerations, 184–186

matching to personality types, 37–40, 55–56

nonverbal, 105–106, 113

competition, 89

complaints, customer, 196–199

conference calls, 160–161, 173–175

conferences, researching, 28

contact management programs

electronic methods, 33–36

key elements of, 30–32

pen and paper methods, 32–33

costs, 5, 118–119, 141

credibility, establishing, 80–81

cultural considerations, 177–191

Americans, perceptions of, 178

culture and personality, 186

dealing with cultural differences, 186–187, 188–189t

examples, effective, 190–191

examples, ineffective, 179–180

language and communication, 184–186

relationship, role of, 181–183

time, views of, 180–181

customer information/records, 30–36

key elements, 30–32

record-keeping methods, 32–36


anxiety, eliminating, 140–145

arguing with, 118–119

establishing/deepening relationship with, 78–79, 82

existing, 98

gifts to, 152–153

locating, 27–30

needs of, 81–82

new, 99–100

personality types, 41–51 (see also specific types)

prioritizing, 22, 23f, 24–26

prospects vs., 9–10

who don’t call back, 7

Databank sales tactic, 2–3

decision making, questions about, 85

delivery, getting started on, 153–154

desk, clearing at end of day, 27

disclosure to gatekeepers

full, 64

minimal, 59–60, 66

partial, 60–61

efficiency, improving, 26–27

80/20 rule, 22, 109

electronic customer record-keeping methods, 33–36

email, 14, 161, 167–172

emoticons, 166

Empathy Technique, for handling objections, 126–127

Energized Customers

about, 44–45

approaches to use with, 46

Assured Salespersons and, 54

complaints by, 196

culture and personality, 186

executive summaries for, 202

Kind Salespersons and, 54

listening to, 101–102, 109

negotiating with, 150

objections from, 126, 130–131

Precise Salespersons and, 53

questions for, 92–93

risk management, 142–143

style-matching strategy, 45–46

voice mail and, 69, 70–71

Energized Salespersons, 53–54

ENGAGE technique for webinars/conference calls, 173–175

excitement, listening for, 112, 113

executive assistants, as gatekeepers, 63–64

expectations, setting, 9–10

faxing, 167

feature/benefit/check-in (F-B-C) process, 137–140

features, of good/service, 138

Five-Step Technique, for handling objections, 122–124

focusing/listening challenges, 103–110

follow-up, 62, 99, 169, 171

fonts, in texting, 166

formality/informality, with gatekeepers, 67


customer information, 31–32

planning, 23f

French customers/culture, 181, 185–186, 189t

Friday, as work day, 8

gatekeepers, 57–75

administrative/executive assistants, 63–64

advisers/researchers, 64–65

defined, 57

examples, effective, 74–75

examples, ineffective, 58

keeping track of, 62

partnerships with, 66–68

receptionists/central operators, 59–62

rollover or call forwarding, 65–66

voice mail and, 68–74

German customers/culture, 179, 180, 181, 186, 188t, 190

gifts to customers, 152–153

Glad Hand sales tactic, 3

goals, setting, 6–7, 26–27

grammar, 168

Greek customers/culture, 181

green selling method, phone sales as, xi–xii, 5, 82

greetings, email, 170

Guatemalan customers/culture, 185

guideline sheets, for videoconferencing, 172

H (how) questions, 86

hook, in email, 170

humor, cultural differences in, 185

“I think,” avoiding during presentation, 111

idioms, 184–185

impatience, dealing with, 108–109

Indian customers/culture, 182

Infusion sales tactic, 3

interns, 65

interrupting, 86–87, 112, 197

invisibility, advantages to, 121

INVOLVE technique, 110–113

Italian customers/culture, 181

italics, in texting, 166

Japanese customers/culture, 179, 181, 188t, 190

Kind Customers

about, 49–50

approaches to use with, 51

Assured Salespersons and, 54

complaints by, 196

culture and personality, 186

Energized Salespersons and, 53

hesitation after hearing questions, 87

listening to, 96–97, 102–103, 109

negotiating with, 151

objections from, 126, 132–133

Precise Salespersons and, 52

presenting to, 111

questions for, 93

risk management, 144–145

style-matching strategy, 50–51

voice mail and, 69, 71

Kind Salespersons, 54–55

Korean customers/culture, 189t

landline phones, 72

language considerations, 184–185

listening and presenting, 95–116

attitude challenges, 108–110

examples, effective, 116

examples, ineffective, 96–97

existing customers, 98

focusing/listening challenges, 103–110

listening for customer’s personality style, 96–97, 100–103

listening from “hello,” 98–100

listening while presenting, 110–113

new customers, 99–100

obstacle challenges, 104–108

presentation tools, 113–115

Mediterranean customers/culture, 181

Mexican customers/culture, 181, 185, 188t

Middle Eastern customers/culture, 186

mindset, positive, 9–10

mobile phone calls, 72, 158, 163–165

multitasking distractions, 104–105

name-dropping, 114–115

negotiating the close, 135–154

business, asking for, 145–147

buyer anxiety, eliminating, 140–145

close, sealing, 151–154

close, setting up, 137–140

details, carving out, 147–151

examples, effective, 154

examples, ineffective, 136

news, monitoring, 13

nonverbal communication, 105–106, 113

notes, 6–7, 107

objections, 117–134

cost, 118–119

examples, effective, 133–134

examples, ineffective, 118–119

personality types and, 130–133

techniques for handling, 122–129

value of, 119–122

obstacle challenges, in listening and presenting, 104–108

online chat, 162–163


appointment confirmation calls, 14

examples, effective, 15

examples, ineffective, 1

personal questions, avoiding, 78–79

prospecting calls, 12–13

referral calls, 11–12

thank-you calls, 11

transactional questions, avoiding, 79

operators, as gatekeepers, 59–62

original equipment manufacturer (OEM), 139

Pacific Rim customers/culture, 179, 181

passive tone, 68–69

pausing, while handling objections, 123, 129

payment, asking for, 136–137

PEAK, see personality types (Precise, Energized, Assured, and Kind)

pen and paper customer record-keeping methods, 32–33

personal calls, monitoring, 26

personality types (Precise, Energized, Assured, and Kind)

assessing, 193–194

cultural considerations, 186

customer, 41–51

examples, matched, 55–56

examples, mismatched, 38–39

listening for, 96–97, 100–103

matching communication style to, 37–40, 55–56

negotiating by, 149–151

objection patterns, 130–133

questions for, 91–93

salesperson, 51–55

voice and, 51, 68–69

see also specific types

phone sales, advantages of, xi–xiii, 5

planning form, 23f

power words, 49

Precise Customers

about, 41–42

approaches to use with, 43–44

Assured Salespersons and, 54

complaints by, 196

culture and personality, 186

Energized Salespersons and, 53–54

hesitation after hearing questions, 87

Kind Salespersons and, 54

listening to, 100–101, 109

negotiating with, 150

objection patterns, 130

questions for, 91–92

risk management, 141–142

style-matching strategy for phone success, 42–43

voice mail and, 69, 70, 73

Precise Salespersons, 52–53

prep work, 5–9

organizing work space, 6

prioritizing calls, 7–9

setting call goals, 6–7

presentation tools, 113–115

see also listening and presenting


calls, 7–9

customers, 22, 23f, 24–26

proposals, written, 200–204

prospecting calls, 12–13

prospects, vs. customers, 9–10

punctuation, in email, 168

qualifying tactics, 80

Question Technique, for handling objections, 124–126


about customer needs, 81–82

asking at right time, 87–93

avoiding wrong questions, 82–85

clichéd or overly restrictive, 91

disaffirming, 91

establishing/deepening relationship with customer, 78–79, 82

examples, effective, 94

examples, ineffective, 76–77

guidelines, 85–87

H (how), 86

level 1–3, 88–89

level 4–7, 89

level 8–10, 89

personal, 78–79

personality styles and, 91–93

sales-stopper, 90–91

self-serving, 91

stupid, 91

T (tell), 86

as tactics, 79–82

transactional, 79

W (who, what, when, where), 85

“why,” 77, 85

“quick question” strategy, 118

receptionists, as gatekeepers, 59–62

recon calls, 61

referrals, 10, 11–12, 169, 170


cultural differences in role of, 181–183

questions to establish/deepen, 78–79, 82

researchers, as gatekeepers, 64–65

researching potential customers

external, 27–29

internal, 29–30

resellers, selling to, 139

resistance, reengaging after, 146–147

risk management, 140–145, 182

Russian customers/culture, 185–186

salesperson personality types, 51–55

see also specific types

Saudi Arabian customers/culture, 189t

Scandinavian customers/culture, 181

schedule, staggering, 8

scouting calls, 61

Seduction sales tactic, 2

signature lines, 171–172

silence, 177–178

slides, for videoconferencing, 172–173

small talk, 182

smokescreens, 129

social networking sites, 28–29

South American customers/culture, 180–181

Spanish customers/culture, 185 “spend,” vs. “invest,” 136

Standard English, 184

START technique, 15

start time, committing to, 8–9

steamrolling, 115

storytelling, 113–114

Strategic Master Planning Form, 23f

strategy notes, 6–7

stress, listening for suggestions of, 99

style, email, 167–168

subject lines, email, 169

summarizing customer complaints, 197

Swiss customers/culture, 181, 185

T (tell) questions, 86

tactics, replacing old with new, 2–4

technical problems, 29–30

technology in phone sales, 155–176

examples, effective, 176

examples, ineffective, 156–157

pros and cons, 158–163

strategic use guidelines, 163–175

see also specific types testimonials, third-party, 113–114

texting, 156, 159, 165–167

“thank you,” saying, 152–153, 170–171

thank-you calls, 11

thoughts, organizing, 111–112


cultural differences in views of, 180–181

questions dealing with, 89

time and information management, 17–36

customer information, gathering and managing, 30–36

customers, locating, 27–30

examples, effective, 36

examples, ineffective, 17–18

importance of, 18–19

time-to-sales ratio, improving, 19–22, 20f, 23f, 24–27

time-to-sales ratio, 19–22, 20f, 23f, 24–27

tongue trick, 87, 108–109, 123

trade shows, researching, 28

trees, planting, 152

trust scale, 88–90, 88f, 93

United Kingdom customers/culture, 185, 189t

Venezuelan customers/culture, 179–180, 189t, 191

videoconferencing, 161–162, 172–173, 182–183


controlling your, 121

personality types and, 51, 68–69

voice mail

company automated menu, 73–74

computer-generated mailbox recording, 73

confirming appointments using, 14

customer outgoing messages, 51, 68–69

direct first-person voice mail, 71–72

leaving messages, 6, 70–71, 72

personality and voice inflection, 51, 68–69

right customer, wrong voice, 72–73

W (who, what, when, where) questions, 85

warm calls, 171

web conferencing, 161–162

webinars, 157, 159–160, 173–175, 182

“why” questions, 77, 85

work space, organizing, 6

“you,” vs. “I” or “we,” in email, 168

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