

Twenty people were interviewed for The Art of Winning Commitment. They are all recognized leaders or people who, by virtue of a particular expertise, have something important to say to leaders. Each of them is thoughtful and articulate about leadership. The interviews were conducted by the author from January through June, 2003.

Odds Bodkin—storyteller and author.

Matt Catingub—conductor of the Honolulu Symphony Pops Orchestra.

Wesley Clark—retired U.S. Army General, former Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. European Command, and CNN military analyst.

Kathy Covert—founder of the GeoData Alliance.

Pat Croce—former President of the Philadelphia 76ers and best-selling author.

Jim Ellis—retired U.S. Army General and former Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Central Command, currently Executive Director and CEO of The Boggy Creek Gang Camp.

Vincent Francia—Mayor of Cave Creek, Arizona.

Monsignor Dale Fushek—founder, President, and CEO of Life Teen, Inc.

Dawn Gutierrez—Executive Director, New Way Learning Academy.

Alice Harris—founder and Executive Director, Parents of Watts.

Mary Ellen Hennen—Director for Administration, Minnesota State Lottery.

David Hollister—former Mayor of Lansing, Michigan, currently Director of Consumer and Industry Services for the state of Michigan.

Marvin Israelow—former School Board President, Chappaqua School District.

Michael Jones—pianist, author, and consultant.

Wilma Mankiller—former Chief of the Cherokee Nation.

Beverly O’Neill—Mayor of Long Beach, California.

Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi—Professor Emeritus at Temple University and founder of the Spiritual Eldering Institute.

Bill Strickland—President and CEO of Manchester Craftsmen’s Guild and Bidwell Training Center.

Jim Wold—former Superintendent of the New Richmond School District (Wisconsin), now Executive Director of the School of Education at Capella University.

Bonnie Wright—retired from a thirty-two-year career in a variety of leadership roles for the Red Cross, including CEO of Arizona Red Cross.

Print and Web Resources for Leaders

The following list of resources is not offered as a complete bibliography of sources used in The Art of Winning Commitment, or as a comprehensive list of resources for leaders. It is a guide to the resources consulted for the book that leaders might find useful in continuing their own development.

Bennis, Warren. On Becoming a Leader. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Bodkin, Odds. Various writing at <>.

Chopra, Deepak. Speech to the Mobius Leadership Forum annual conference at the Harvard Business School, April 11–12, 2002. At <>.

Gafni, Marc. Soul Prints: Your Path to Fulfillment. N.Y.: Pocket Books, 2001.

Gardner, Howard. Leading Minds: An Anatomy of Leadership. N.Y.: Basic Books, 1995.

Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1995.

Goleman, Daniel, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee. Primal Leadership. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2002.

Henri, Robert. The Art Spirit. N.Y.: Harper & Row, 1984 (1923).

Hollister, David. On Organizing. At <>.

Jones, Michael. Creating an Imaginative Life. Berkeley, Calif.: Conari Press, 1995.

Keen, Sam. Hymns to an Unknown God: Awakening the Spirit in Everyday Life. N.Y.: Bantam Books, 1994.

Nachmanovitch, Stephen. Free Play: Improvisation in Art and Life. Los Angeles: Tarcher/Putnam, 1990.

Pearce, Joseph Chilton. Evolution’s End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence. San Francisco: HarperSanFrancisco, 1992.

Richards, M.C. Centering: In Pottery, Poetry, and the Person. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1989.

Richards, Dick. Worthy Visions Pass One Simple Test. Louisville, Ky.: Brown Herron Publishing, 2002. At <>.

Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman, and Ronald S. Miller. From Age-ing to Sageing: A Profound New Vision of Growing Older. N.Y.: Warner Books, 1995.

Simmons, Annette. The Story Factor: Secrets of Influence from the Art of Storytelling. Cambridge, Mass.: Perseus Publishing, 2001.

Sternberg, Robert J. Successful Intelligence: How Practical and Creative Intelligence Determine Success in Life. N.Y.: Simon & Schuster, 1996.

Unabridged Communications, “Who Leads? A Report on the Usage of Lead, Leader, and Leadership in Selected Newsprint Media in 1996,” a report for Callahan, Smith & Gunter, Inc, at <>.

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