
The core of this book—a set of leadership competencies for inspiring mind, heart, and spirit—was forged in the domain that encompasses experience, observation, reflection, and application. The book is a result of more than three decades of consulting, coaching, and training leaders and prospective leaders in over fifty organizations and in more than a dozen countries. It owes much to all of the clients and friends who generously shared their stories and their challenges, and who invited me on their expeditions to develop their leadership abilities.

The seed of the book was an electronic document nurtured in partnership with my friend and colleague Rick McKnight, and first brought to the marketplace by Tom Brown, a pioneer internet publisher. John Willig, who is my literary agent, encouraged the document to become a book and found a home for it. Adrienne Hickey, acquisitions editor for AMACOM, recognized it as a valuable contribution to the literature of leadership, and Christina McLaughlin and Erika Spelman patiently and sensitively guided it into this its present form. I am grateful to all of them.

Twenty leaders and leadership thinkers stepped forward to share their stories and insights: Odds Bodkin, Matt Catingub, Wesley Clark, Kathy Covert, Pat Croce, Jim Ellis, Vincent Francia, Dale Fushek, Dawn Gutierrez, Alice Harris, Mary Ellen Hennen, David Hollister, Marvin Israelow, Michael Jones, Wilma Mankiller, Beverly O’Neill, Zalman Schachter-Shalomi, Bill Strickland, Jim Wold, and Bonnie Wright. Whenever the writing bogged down I returned to their ideas and experiences and found inspiration. I am grateful to all of them as well.

Others gave invaluable assistance by connecting me with those who agreed to be interviewed, or by offering advice and counsel, or by reading and commenting on early drafts. For those things, great thanks go to Linne Bourget, Bob Canady, George Davis, Kathryn Hall, Nick Head, Bob Paull, Norman Schwartzkopf, Christine Whitney-Sanchez, Mike Wold, and Alan Zaklad.

And then there is Melanie Richards—my amazing and brilliant wife. I have relied on her unflagging drive to scout for information, people, and opportunities, and for finding just the right note in this writing. I have depended on her patience, understanding, creativity, and love. For all of those things, and for much more, I am deeply grateful.

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