

  • Prototyping workflows in Visio 2010
  • Creating declarative workflows in SharePoint Designer 2010
  • Developing custom actions in Visual Studio 2010
  • Importing reusable workflows to Visual Studio 2010
  • Using association, initiation, and task InfoPath forms in workflows
  • Developing site workflows in Visual Studio 2010
  • Building Pluggable Workflow Services
  • Developing workflow event receivers

The SharePoint 2010 workflow platform is built on the engine that's provided by Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. The improvements made to this platform allow greater flexibility for creating powerful workflow scenarios.

Think of workflow in SharePoint 2010 in three primary scenarios:

  • A workflow model is created as a draft or prototype by a business user in Visio or SharePoint Designer. The business user hands this model off to workflow developers at some point, and they take over in Visual Studio 2010. After the developers take over, they work to complete the workflow, add any required code, and modify it to match the business requirement and their server deployments. All further development on the workflow model is done in Visual Studio 2010.
  • A developer builds activities in Visual Studio 2010 (known as SharePoint Designer Actions) for deployment to SharePoint. These activities can be used by a nontechnical person who owns the workflow business logic, and that person puts together the workflow in either SharePoint Designer or Visio.
  • A developer builds and implements a workflow model in Visual Studio 2010 and packages it for deployment. In this scenario, all development on the workflow model is done in Visual Studio 2010.

These three scenarios are the focus of the rest of this chapter.


First, take a look at the scenario you are going to tackle. In this chapter, you'll continue on the example presented in Chapter 9 with one exception. You create a content type named Training, and you add it as the default content type to the Trainings custom list. Following is a quick orientation about the use cases that are discussed throughout this chapter.

The Human Resources (HR) department at the fictitious Adventure Works company uses SharePoint to implement a training-course-offering system. Figure 13-1 illustrates part of this application where an HR training coordinator can create trainings and add them to a SharePoint list named Trainings.

images If you need a refresher on how to create the Human Resources site and the Trainings list, please refer to Chapter 9.

The process starts when the training coordinator creates a training course and starts an instance of the Training Approval workflow. The running instance of the workflow adds a task to the Tasks list, which notifies the training manager that a new training course is waiting for his approval. The training manager interacts with the running instance of the workflow to complete the assigned task. This interaction requires approving the suggested training course, but the interaction could be other things such as rejecting it, reassigning the task, or requesting a change. If the approval decision is made, the workflow execution branches into one of the following two processes:

  • If approved, a training site is created.
  • If not approved, the suggested training is deleted from the Trainings list.

In either case, the workflow terminates in the final step.



Creating the Training Content Type

Before diving into modeling the approval workflow, you need to create the Training content type and add it to the Trainings list. Use the out-of-the-box Item content type as the parent and the following information to create the Training content type:

  • Title: A title for the training opportunity (OOTB Site Column)
  • Code: A code that uniquely identifies the training (unique eight-character fixed)
  • Description: The description of the training (OOTB Site Column)
  • Start Date: The training's start date (OOTB Site Column)
  • End Date: The training's end date (OOTB Site Column)
  • Cost: The cost of the training (American dollars)
  • Level: The difficulty level associated with the training (a number from one to five)
  • Enrollment Deadline: The date that enrollment ends
  • Address: The address of the training facility (OOTB Site Column)
  • Additional Information: Optional information about the training itself (enhanced rich text with pictures, tables, and hyperlinks)

images If some of the fields are not available in the available site columns pane, activate the SharePoint Server Publishing Infrastructure feature.

With the Training content type, you should now be able to create a new custom list called Trainings, enable content type management in the list, and add the Training content type as the default content type to the list.


If you have been doing workflow development or design for any amount of time, you have almost assuredly been engaged in some kind of communication and collaboration exercise with business stakeholders who own the process. Maybe you have been given a flowchart on a piece of paper, so you can look at it and come to a level of understanding on the business requirements or, even worse, maybe everything has been verbally communicated to you.

Furthermore, you may have had a lot of discussions with the business people to make sure that all stakeholders are clear on what is being implemented and that the development path is completely aligned with what they expect to see as the final product. The bottom line is that workflow development, just like any other development task, requires a two-way communication channel between the business people and the developer, and quite frankly, a channel that's always open! In practice, maybe this wasn't that hard, but the good news is, this process is a lot easier now. The workflow lifecycle is one of the most exciting new features in SharePoint 2010 and is empowering the business user. All this has been made possible by introducing a series of new features along with a much tighter integration among Visio, SharePoint Designer, and Visual Studio 2010. Add to this many enhancements made to each tool for building workflows with the emphasis on developer experience, spending less time trying to solve challenges caused by each tool's specific shortcomings, and instead, spending more time on the business problem itself.

This section shows how these tools come together to help you model and implement a business process. You start by learning how to envision your workflow in Visio and then import it into SharePoint Designer and carry on working on it. Finally, you learn how you can take things to the next level by extending the same workflow in Visual Studio 2010.

Prototyping in Visio

Visio has always been a wonderful tool for diagramming business processes, but for a long time it has suffered from having just a small number of people using it inside organizations for very limited use cases.

In the current wave of products with SharePoint 2010 and Office 2010, one of the new features is that business analysts can leverage Visio diagrams to model a workflow and draw its business process before it has gone through the implementation phase. Perhaps most important, business analysts who design and orchestrate a business process are already familiar with flowcharting in Visio and they don't necessarily need to know about the details of workflow implementation or SharePoint.

In this section, you model the Training approval workflow in Visio 2010 and export it into an interchangeable file format so that it can be imported into SharePoint Designer in the next section.

And, with that, let's get started.

  1. Launch Visio 2010 and, from the template categories, select the FlowChart template. Within the FlowChart template category, create a new file using the Microsoft SharePoint workflow drawing template, a new template just for SharePoint workflows.
  2. Once the new Visio file is created, notice that all workflow activities are divided into in three separate stencils, as follows:
    • SharePoint Workflow Actions
    • SharePoint Workflow Conditions
    • SharePoint Workflow Terminators

    images Think of activities as building blocks of a workflow. It's important to understand that every workflow activity in Visio directly maps to an activity in SharePoint Designer and Visual Studio.

  3. From the SharePoint Workflow Terminators stencil on the left side of the window, find and add Start and Terminate shapes to the Drawing canvas. All the other shapes are going to go between these two shapes.
  4. Open the SharePoint Workflow Conditions stencil and add a Compare Data Source shape to the Drawing canvas between the Start and Terminate Shapes. Then, change the name of the shape to “Manager Approved?”
  5. Open the SharePoint Workflow Actions stencil and add Start Approval Process and Log to history list shapes between Start and Compare Data Source shapes. There are still three more shapes to add to the Drawing canvas after the Compare Data Source shape: one Delete Item shape and two Send an Email shapes.
  6. Add the process flow connections between the shapes, by hovering over each shape, and then clicking and dragging one of the arrows to the next shape. Use Figure 13-2 as an example. Finally, right-click the connection from the shape that says “Manager Approved?” to the one that says “Delete Item” and click No. Do the same thing for the other process flow, but this time click Yes.


    FIGURE 13-2

  7. Save the process diagram to your local drive as TrainingApprovalWF_VisioModel.vsd.
  8. Export the workflow to a Workflow Visio Interchange (.vwi) file, which can then be used in the next section (“Customizing the Workflow in SharePoint Designer”). To export the workflow, click Export button in Process tab, and save the Visio diagram with a name such as TrainingApprovalWF_VisioModel.vwi.

Clicking the Export button validates the Visio diagram and stops you from saving it if the diagram has any issues, such as loose connectors. Sometimes validation happens quickly, so depending on the complexity of your diagram, you might not see it.

At any point during the modeling process, you can manually validate the diagram simply by clicking the Check Diagram button in the Process tab of the Ribbon.

Customizing the Workflow in SharePoint Designer

After a workflow is modeled in Visio, it can be handed off to IT professionals who are more technical and can extend the workflow using SharePoint Designer. This step of the workflow lifecycle starts out with importing the Visio workflow into SharePoint Designer and completing it in this tool. This includes defining initiation and association forms, variables, the parameters of each step, as well as adding some new steps. Finally, they publish the complete workflow back to SharePoint. That was the short story.

When you opt to build your workflow using SharePoint Designer, there is one important thing to understand: Although SharePoint Designer 2010 offers many new improvements for building workflows, it doesn't replace Visual Studio under any circumstances. The primary purpose of SharePoint Designer is to build rules-based workflows in a declarative way, whereas Visual Studio is still the preferred tool for building powerful, enterprise-scale workflows, as you'll see later in this chapter.

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to the Human Resources site where the Trainings list resides.
  2. From Site Actions menu, click Edit in SharePoint Designer. This opens SharePoint Designer 2010 against the Human Resources site that you are currently in. SharePoint Designer is no longer constrained to a folder-based hierarchy, which means that you can click the Workflows section on the Navigation collections on the left side of the window to display all the workflows scoped at the current site.
  3. Click the Import from the Visio button in the Ribbon and point the dialog box to the location where you saved TrainingApprovalWF_VisioModel.vw, and then click Next. This takes you to the next step of the Import Wizard, where you should give the workflow a name (for example, Training Approval Workflow), choose the Reusable Workflow option, and select the Training content type as the workflow target, as shown in Figure 13-3. You learn about reusable workflows in the next section.
  4. Click Finish to import the workflow. This opens the workflow design canvas and displays all activities defined in the Visio diagram with empty values, as shown in Figure 13-4.





That's it. In just a short amount of time, you imported the workflow model created in Visio into SharePoint Designer and made it ready for further customization. Now the real fun begins!

images One major item not covered in this chapter is the round trips between Visio and SharePoint Designer. What this means to you is that you can sync changes made to the workflow in SharePoint Designer with the original Visio diagram or vice versa. Perhaps most important, you can do this as many times as you want.

Reusable Workflows

Before going any further in this chapter, let's shift gears and talk about a new feature called reusable workflows.

When you create a declarative workflow in SharePoint Designer 2010 against a SharePoint 2010 site, you don't need to strongly associate the workflow with a list; instead, you can point it to all content types or just a content type of your choice, as you did with the Training content type in the previous section.

The ability to make the workflow available for later attachment to any list across the site is referred to as “reusable workflow.” In the previous version of SharePoint, a workflow could be reused only if it was developed in Visual Studio. Reusability has been a major request from customers who want to put the business logic modeling in the hands of those who are the most familiar with the business processes.

Reusable workflows offer more than just being loosely coupled from lists. Just keep this in mind as you read the rest of this section.

First of all, reusable workflows can be used as templates for creating other workflows. If you have worked with other workflow tools, such as K2, the notion of workflow templatization should be familiar to you. Much like these tools, SharePoint Designer 2010 now supports workflow templates and gives you the ability to use existing reusable workflows as a starting point for developing new ones. There are two ways you can use a reusable workflow as a template for building other workflows:

  • Right-click a reusable workflow inside SharePoint Designer, and from the context menu select copy and modify.
  • Save the workflow as a WSP solution file (aka a template) and then import it into Visual Studio 2010. This will be covered later in this chapter.

Not many people know this, but by default, when you create a reusable workflow, it's only reusable within the site in which it was created. If, however, you create a reusable workflow at the root web, you can convert your reusable workflow to a globally reusable workflow, which publishes a copy of the workflow to the global workflow catalog (the one that contains the out-the-box workflows). This process makes the workflow available to all sites in the current site collection. This can be done by clicking the Publish Globally button in the Ribbon next to the famous Import from Visio button. Needless to say, this option is dimmed if you are not in the root site.

images Globally reusable workflows cannot be directly imported to Visual Studio using the Import Reusable Workflow template.

So, the out-of-the-box workflows are reusable. Even though an OOTB workflow is read-only, you can unlock and drill through each one, see the At-a-Glance overview of the workflow, and further configure it using SharePoint Designer. Once again, for all practical purposes, this was almost impossible in the previous version of SharePoint.

With that understanding of when and why to use reusable workflows, let's get back to the Training approval workflow.

Association and Initiation Form Parameters

Workflows can collect data when they are initiated or associated. They can collect a number of different types of information in a number of different stages during their lifecycle.

Before you get into the workflow logic customization in SharePoint Designer, you must collect information from the person who associates the workflow with the Training content type. Additionally, you must collect information from the training coordinator when he or she initiates (starts) the workflows to allow the training course to go through the approval process.

For the example presented in this chapter, this includes:

  • The training manager username (Association Form)
  • A brief description about why the training coordinators think the training is important (Initiation Form)

Setting up the parameters for association and initiation forms is a simple matter of following a couple of steps. From the Workflow tab in the Ribbon, click Initiation Form Parameters and then click Add to set up the parameters as shown in Tables 13-1 and 13-2.

TABLE 13-1: Configuration Settings for the Why Important Parameter That Appears on the Initiation Form

Field Name Why Important
Information Type Multiple lines of text
Collect form parameter during Initiation (Starting the workflow)
Default value Please describe why this training course is important.

TABLE 13-2: Configuration Settings for the Training Manager Parameter That Appears on the Association Form

Field Name Training Manager
Information Type Person or Group
Collect form parameter during Association (Attaching to the content type)
Show Field User name
Allow selection of People Only
SharePoint Group Approvers
Allow blank Value No

When you have set up the parameters, your workflow Association and Initiation Form Parameters should look like the ones shown in Figure 13-5.



Click OK to close the Association and Initiation Form Parameters window and return to the workflow design canvas.

Customizing the Workflow Logic

With the Initiation and Association parameters created, you can now begin customizing the logic your workflow requires. As you saw in Figure 13-4, the imported workflow currently has one step marked “ID3”. However, to make things cleaner, you change the workflow so that it has two steps named as follows:

  • On Approval Process
  • After Approval Process
Step 1: On Approval Process

This step starts an approval process and notifies the training manager that a training course needs to be approved. To accomplish this part of the example, follow these steps:

  1. Position the insertion point (orange line) on the top of the step that says “ID3”.
  2. From the Ribbon, click Step to insert a new step.
  3. Rename the step to On Approval Process.
  4. Click the Start Approval Process on This Item with These Users action to highlight it.
  5. From the Ribbon, click Move Up to move this action from the ID3 step to the Approval Process step.
  6. With the focus on the Approval Process step, click the first link that says Approval or Approval (2), or such. This takes you to a page where you can customize the OOTB Approval action and its overall task process. A sample is shown in Figure 13-6.


    FIGURE 13-6

    In the Settings section, options allow the training manager to reassign the approval task or to send the training back to the coordinator requesting that he or she make changes to the submitted training and send it back for approval. Notice also Task Outcomes, where you are given more options for interacting with the training approval process than just approving or rejecting it. For example, you can have a To be Considered outcome that stores the suggested training in another list for future use. Then, you can have your workflow treat these types of training courses completely differently than the rejected ones. Perhaps, if you want to see how powerful the OOTB Approval action really is, you should click on one of the bottom three links in the Customization section. Each link leads you to a lot of configurations and options that are used for controlling the behavior of this action. For example, Figure 13-7 shows the Completion Conditions. Notice how the isItemApproved variable is set to Yes when the task is approved. You will use this variable later on to implement your own condition.


    FIGURE 13-7

    Leave everything else at its defaults in Figure 13-7 and click the left arrow on the workflow header (the breadcrumb) to go back to where you left off in Step 6. Resuming with step 7:

  7. In the Task Information section, change Approval to Training Approval. Optionally, you can define who owns the approval process (if it's different from the training manager).
  8. In the Task Form Fields section, click New to set up a task parameter as shown in Table 13-3. Essentially, a task parameter allows you to collect some information in the task form.

    For example, if the training is approved or rejected, you probably want the manager who is doing the approving or rejecting to rate the training suggestion.

    TABLE 13-3: Configuration Settings for the Suggestion Rate Task Parameter That Appears on the Task Form

    Field Name Suggestion Rate
    Information Type Choice (menu to choose from)
    Add to default view Yes
    Choices Good, So-So, Poor (one per each line)
    Default Value Empty
    Display as Drop-down menu
    Allow “Fill-in” choices No
    Allow blank Value No
  9. Click the This Item link and select Current Item.
  10. Click the These Users link to open the Select Task Process Participants dialog box.
  11. Configure the Participants parameter by clicking the lookup icon to the right of the field and selecting the participants.
    • Or Select from Existing Users or Groups: Workflow Lookup for a User
    • Data Source: Workflows Variables and Parameters
    • Field from Source: Parameter: Training Manager
    • Return Field As: Login Name
  12. In the Title parameter, type Training Approval Required.
  13. For the body of the message, enter the information shown in Figure 13-8. The information in the bracket can be automatically generated by placing the cursor in the beginning of the instruction message and clicking the Add or Change Lookup button. Select the following Source and Field combinations:
    • Data Source: Current Item
    • Field from Source: Created By
    • Return Field As: Display Name

The first step in your workflow is now complete. The workflow design canvas should now look similar to Figure 13-9.





Before implementing the next step of the workflow, note three more things about the extra options that SharePoint Designer gives you for building workflows:

  • Look back at Figure 13-6. Notice that, if you check the box to only allow task recipients and process owners to read and edit workflow tasks, the training manager and the process owner are the only people who will see the task and perhaps the sensitive information residing in it. This means that the permission level for the task is broken, and it's created with a set of unique permissions. Previously this could be only accomplished programmatically by using the CreateTask and CreateTaskWithContentType activities and their SpecialPermissions property, as shown in Listing 13-1. For more information on creating tasks with custom permissions, see my blog post at www.devhorizon.com/go/24.
    LISTING 13-1: Item-Level Permission in Workflow CreateTask Activity
    private void createTask(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //Code Omitted for brevity
        CreateTask task1 = sender as CreateTask;
        HybridDictionary permsCollection = new HybridDictionary();
        task1.SpecialPermissions = permsCollection;
  • Look back at Figure 13-8. In top-right corner of the dialog box, there is a button with a plus sign on it that allows you to have multiple assignment stages with serial or parallel participants (the default is one serial assignment stage). So, technically, you can have multiple training managers reviewing approval tasks in serial or parallel.
  • One more tip about Figure 13-8. In the scenario provided in this chapter, the person who creates the training course (the coordinator) is the person who initiates the workflow, so it's safe to use the [%Current Item: Created By%] lookup in the body of the task instruction. However, if the training course is created by someone other than the coordinator, you can look up the initiator, too. Among the new data-binding enhancements made in SharePoint Designer 2010, there is a Workflow Lookup for the person who initiates the workflow. To look up the initiator, click the Lookup icon to the right of the Participants field and select the following:
    • Data Source: Workflow Context
    • Field from Source: Initiator
    • Return Field As: Display Name
Step 2: After Approval Process

Step 2 won't execute until the approval process in the previous step has been completed. To be technically accurate, after the approval action creates a task for the training manager, the workflow is serialized, or dehydrated, to the SharePoint database, waiting for the task to be approved or rejected. When the training manager approves or rejects the training course, the workflow wakes up (rehydrates, or is deserialized) and continues to the second step. To complete Step 2, follow these steps:

  1. Rename the step from ID3 to After Approval Process.
  2. Click on the This Message link to define the message logged when the flow enters Step 2. Type Inside After Approval Process in the textbox.
  3. Click the value link in the If statement, and then click the function (fx) button to define a workflow lookup, by selecting the following combinations:
    • Data Source: Workflow Variables and Parameters
    • Field from Source: Variable:IsItemApproved
  4. Click this test and select equals.
  5. Click the second value link in the If statement, and then click Yes.
  6. Click the These Users link to open the Define Email Message dialog box. This is more or less just like it was in SharePoint Designer 2007.
  7. In the To parameter, define the following lookup:
    • Data Source: Current Item
    • Field from Source: Created By
    • Return Field As: Email Address
  8. In the Subject parameter, type Your training suggestion is approved.
  9. For the body of the message, enter the information shown in Figure 13-10. The information in the bracket can be automatically generated by placing the cursor in the appropriate place and clicking the Add or Change Lookup button with the following Source and Field combinations:
    • Data Source: Current Item
    • Field from Source: Title
  10. In the Else statement, click this list link and set it to Current Item.
  11. Repeat Steps 6 through 9 for the second email action with one exception: you need to compose a message to let the training coordinator know that the suggestion has been rejected.

That takes care of the second step in your workflow. When you are done, the workflow design canvas should look like Figure 13-11.


FIGURE 13-10


FIGURE 13-11

All you need to do now is save and publish the workflow. First, click the Save button to save the workflow settings, and then click the Publish button in the Ribbon to publish the workflow back to the HR site.

At this point, the workflow has been published to the SharePoint site and is listed as a reusable workflow in the workflows home page in SharePoint Designer 2010. Unfortunately, there is still some cosmetic and plumbing work left before you can really say that you are done.

Workflow InfoPath Forms

If you recall, the training approval workflow needs some extra information passed into it to function properly. Specifically, it needs to know which user will be assigned the approval tasks (the training manager). In addition, it needs to collect some information from the person initiating the workflow (the training coordinator) about why he or she thinks the suggested training is important, so it can be displayed to the training manager.

To satisfy these requirements, it makes sense to have some forms within the workflow lifecycle. The training approval workflow requires three types of forms:

  • Association form: A form that collects some default settings used throughout the workflow lifecycle. This form is filled out once when an administrator configures the workflow and every time the default settings must be modified.
  • Initiation form: A form that collects information from the person who starts the workflow. If the workflow is configured to start automatically, this form can be omitted.
  • Task form: A form that collects information from people who are assigned a task by workflow.

Fortunately when you publish your workflow, SharePoint Designer generates all these three types of forms for you. To see how these forms look, click the Workflow Settings button in the Ribbon. This takes you to the Training Approval Workflow home page, where all three forms are available in a section called Forms.

The word three is not a typo in the preceding paragraph, because there are really three forms there, even though there appear to be only two. The Training Approval Workflow.xsn file is a single InfoPath form that lumps the initiation and association forms together using two distinct views; one named Start (the default) is used for the initiation form and Associate is used for the association form. The Approval.xsn file represents the task form.

Go ahead and click each form to open it in InfoPath Designer 2010. The process of customizing and publishing these forms back to SharePoint is covered in much greater detail in Chapter 9. Needless to say, you really don't need to make any changes except for applying some basic formatting and adding new titles to each form.

Figures 13-12 through 13-14 illustrate all three forms after your artworks are completed.


FIGURE 13-12


FIGURE 13-13

Note in the task form that, for each outcome, the Reassignment and Change Request options, you'll get a button. Notice also the Suggestion Rate field, which is used for rating the training suggestion, has a drop-down list and appears at the bottom of the form.


FIGURE 13-14

When you are done changing the look and feel of these forms, save them locally and then click Quick Publish, the big button in the Backstage, to sync your changes back to the original form templates in SharePoint. Additionally, you may need to save and publish the workflow again to see both form templates labeled as “custom form,” as shown in Figure 13-15.


FIGURE 13-15

You have just created your first workflow in SharePoint Designer 2010 with three InfoPath forms. It's great that you have the workflow completed, but truth to be told, it doesn't do anything until it's glued to the Training content type.

Associating a Workflow to a Content Type

The last thing you need to do to wrap up your workflow customization foray in SharePoint Designer is to associate it with the Training content type. All you need to do is click the Association to Content Type button in the Ribbon and select Training. Essentially, what happens behind the scenes here is that SharePoint Designer attaches the workflow to the Training content type (not just the Training list).

images The capability to attach declarative workflows to content types was the number one feature request for SharePoint Designer 2010.

To do so, SharePoint Designer takes you directly to the workflow association page, where you should configure a few settings, such as workflow name, task list, and workflow history (standard stuff). You can leave pretty much everything in the first page set as the defaults and click Next to go to the page that contains your custom InfoPath association form, as shown in Figure 13-16. Enter the login name for the training manager (or look it up using the People Picker control), and then click Save when you are done.

This takes care of the workflow and the content type association and takes you to the final step: testing!


FIGURE 13-16

Testing the Workflow

With the workflow published and added to the Training content type, it can finally be tested. Navigate to the Trainings list and create a new training. Select the new training and, from the Ribbon, click Workflows.

This takes you to a page that shows all the workflows that are available for the Training content type. Go ahead and click your workflow's name to get it started. The first screen that appears is the initiation form that SharePoint Designer created for you and that you customized using InfoPath Designer.

Fill in your comment for the Why Important field, and click Start.

Your workflow starts, and you are returned to the Trainings custom list. You'll also notice that a new column has been added to the list schema (and the current view) after your workflow name. It contains the current status of your workflow, In Progress, as shown in Figure 13-17.


FIGURE 13-17

Back in the browser a new task is created in the Tasks list with the title of Training Approval Required. This task is assigned to the training manager you set up in the association form. Figure 13-18 demonstrates this task, as well as all the buttons that are provided to allow you to interact with the submitted training course. Go ahead and click the Approve button now.


FIGURE 13-18

At this point, you should be able to see that the workflow's status is changed to Approved in the Trainings list, as well as see an email sent to the coordinator indicating that his training suggestion has been approved.

Creating Custom Actions with Visual Studio 2010

The workflow that you have built up to this point has a problem.

The problem is that it doesn't fully satisfy the business requirement of the Training Approval Workflow. Refer to Figure 13-1 again. Your workflow is missing the most important step of the process: Create Training Site.

In this section, you learn how to build a custom workflow activity in Visual Studio 2010 that creates a training site. Then, you learn how to use this activity in your SharePoint Designer reusable workflow (as a workflow action). Finally, you learn how to import the whole workflow into Visual Studio 2010 and take it from there.

Setting Up the Visual Studio Project

Your first coding task in this chapter is to take care of the Create Training Site use case in your workflow. Unfortunately, SharePoint Designer doesn't have an action to create sites, so you need to code it yourself (finally!).

To make this process flexible so it can be reused in multiple scenarios, you create a custom workflow activity. This activity is used in the Training Approval reusable workflow inside the If statement of the After Approval Process step.

To get started, open Visual Studio 2010 and create an empty SharePoint project from the SharePoint 2010 template; name it AdventureWorksWFs.

When the SharePoint Customization Wizard dialog box opens, go ahead and select Deploy as a Farm Solution, as shown in Figure 13-19.


FIGURE 13-19

Before you begin, you need to add the following three references to your project:

  • Microsoft.SharePoint.dll
  • Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Actions.dll
  • System.Workflow.ComponentModel.dll

Next, add a new Workflow Activity or just a C# class to the project and name it CreateTrainingSite.cs.

images This chapter covers custom activities that are deployed in a farm solution. For creating sandboxed custom activities that show up as actions in SharePoint Designer, see Microsoft Patterns and Practices SharePoint Guidance at www.microsoft.com/spg.

Replace the class declaration with the following line:

public class CreateTrainingSite : Activity

In addition, add the following three using statements:

using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Workflow.ComponentModel;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;

Coding the Activity

With the project now created, the next step you are going to tackle is creating the custom properties for your activity to capture some information. To make this activity work, you need two pieces of information at minimum:

  • URL: This is the location where the training site will be created.
  • Site Name: This is the name of the training site created by the activity. (In this example, it's the training code.)

To capture this information at design time, you need to create two custom properties of type DependencyProperty with appropriate setters and getters. Think of custom properties for an activity like custom properties on any other .NET component; there is nothing special about them. To create property dependencies, you can use the built-in workflow snippets. Just type wdp and then press the Tab key twice.

Listing 13-2 shows CreateTrainingSite.cs after both properties have been added.


LISTING 13-2: The CreateTrainingSite Class
public class CreateTrainingSite : Activity
     public static DependencyProperty UrlProperty =
     DependencyProperty.Register(“Url”, typeof(string),

     [Description(“Url of training site”)]
     [Category(“Chapter 12 Workflow”)]
     public string Url
             return ((string)
              base.SetValue(CreateTrainingSite.UrlProperty, value);
      public static DependencyProperty SiteNameProperty =
      DependencyProperty.Register(“SiteName”, typeof(string),

       [Description(“Training site name”)]
       [Category(“Chapter 12 Workflow”)]
       public string SiteName

               return ((string)
                base.SetValue(CreateTrainingSite.SiteNameProperty, value);


Each of the attributes decorating your dependency properties in Listing 13-2 means something different in Visual Studio and the SharePoint Designer workflow design canvas. They are explained briefly in Table 13-4.

TABLE 13-4: Property Attributes

Description A description of what the property does.
Category A category in which the property belongs within the Properties window of Visual Studio.
Browsable Indicates whether the property is visible within the Properties window of Visual Studio. Possible values are True or False.
DesignerSerializationVisibility Specifies the visibility of the property to the design-time serializer. Possible values are Visible, Hidden, and Content.

The next thing you need to take care of is overriding the Execute method in your activity, as shown in Listing 13-3. This code uses the dependency properties to retrieve the URL and the name for the training site and just creates it. The code for creating the site is relatively simple.


LISTING 13-3: Code to Create the Training Site
protected override ActivityExecutionStatus Execute(
ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
    using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(Url))
        using (SPWeb web = siteCollection.OpenWeb())

            using (SPWeb trainingWeb = web.Webs.Add(SiteName))
                trainingWeb.Description = “This site is
                created using the CreateTrainingSite activity.”;
                 trainingWeb.Title = SiteName;
    return ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed;


With the Execute method created, the custom activity needs to be placed inside a WSP package so that it can be deployed to any SharePoint environment. That's what you will do in the next section.

Preparing the Activity for Deployment

Configure the AdventureWorksWFs project to be signed with a strong name key and then compile it. Next, right-click the project and click Add images SharePoint Mapped Folder. Next, select the Template1033Workflow SharePoint location to map. This adds the Workflow mapped folder to the AdventureWorksWFs project.

Right-click the mapped Workflow folder, and select Add images New Item. From the list of available templates, select XML File and name it SPDCustomActivities.actions.

Replace the contents of the new XML file with the XML fragment in Listing 13-4.

images Ensure that the PublicKeyToken within the SPDCustomActivities.actions file (24cb177bb81fb105) is updated with the public key token from the AdventureWorksWFs.dll assembly in your development machine.


LISTING 13-4: Workflow Actions Schema File
<Actions Sequential=“then” Parallel=“and”>
  <Action Name=“Create Training Site”
            Assembly=“AdventureWorksWFs, Version=,
            Category=“Adventure Works”>
  <RuleDesigner Sentence=“Create a training site using the name %1 at %2.”>
          <FieldBind Field=“SiteName” Text=“The name of the
           training site (i.e. Code Field)”
          DesignerType=“TextArea” Id=“1”/>

          <FieldBind Field=“Url” Text=“Full url of the parent site” Id=“2”
          <Parameter Name=“SiteName” Type=“System.String, mscorlib” Direction=“In” />
          <Parameter Name=“Url” Type=“System.String, mscorlib” Direction=“In” />


In Listing 13-4, you define a custom workflow action with the code behind in the AdventureWorksWFs.dll assembly. RuleDesigner instructs the workflow design canvas about what needs to go where on the design surface.

images You can add a <Condition> element to Listing 13-4 that points to a class containing a method to perform a specific condition check. For example, you can use this to check for the existence of a training site before it's created. The condition you define this way will appear in SharePoint Designer and you can reuse it when building declarative workflows. Refer to Microsoft Patterns and Practices SharePoint Guidance at www.microsoft.com/spg for instructions on how to implement conditions for your custom actions.

It's obvious that when you add this activity to the workflow design canvas, it's going to have two textboxes used in collecting the training site name and URL as input parameters (defined in the <Parameters> element). Note that these parameters are bound to the dependency properties you defined in Listing 13-2 using <FieldBind> elements.

Deploying the Activity

To see everything in action, you need to complete the last piece of your custom activity: deployment. So, to get started, simply follow these steps:

  1. Right-click the Features folder and select Add Feature. This opens the Feature Designer.
  2. Rename the new feature file and its title to AdventureWorksWFsFeature.
  3. Change the scope to Farm.
  4. Right-click the AdventureWorksWFsFeature file in Solution Explorer, and select Add Event Receiver.
  5. Replace the contents of the FeatureReceiver class with the code shown in Listing 13-5.
  6. Build and Deploy the AdventureWorksWFs.


LISTING 13-5: Adding the Custom Activity as authorizedType to the Web.config
public class AdventureWorksWFsFeatureEventReceiver : SPFeatureReceiver
    public override void FeatureActivated(
     SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
        SPWebService contentService = SPWebService.ContentService;

     public override void FeatureDeactivating(
      SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
         // Code Omitted for brevity
     public SPWebConfigModification GetConfigModification()
         string assemblyValue = typeof
         string namespaceValue = typeof
         SPWebConfigModification modification =
          new SPWebConfigModification(
         assemblyValue, namespaceValue),

        modification.Owner = “AdventureWorksWFs”;
        modification.Sequence = 0;
        modification.Type = SPWebConfigModification.
        modification.Value =
         “<authorizedType Assembly=“{0}”
         TypeName=“*” Authorized=“True” />”,
         assemblyValue, namespaceValue);

         “SPWebConfigModification value: {0}”,

        return modification;


There are a few last things to look at in Listing 13-5 before you move on to the next section. First of all, as you can tell, the code uses its own public key token. As always, update this key (24cb177bb81fb105) with the correct key from your own assembly. Second, the code uses the SPWebConfigModification class to programmatically add the custom activity declaration as an authorizedType to the web application's web.config file across your farm.

images For more information about the SPWebConfigModification class, see my blog post at www.devhorizon.com/go/25.

But, what's the authorizedType element, and why do you need it?

During the validation phase of workflow compilation, if this entry is not present in the web.config file, for reasons of security your request to access the CreateTrainingSite type is rejected and you can't add the action in SharePoint Designer. The authorizedType element indicates Assembly, Namespace, Type Name, and Authorized flags with possible values of True or False. Notice that, just as when you are adding a SafeControl element, wildcard characters are allowed, to include or exclude complete namespaces. For instance, using Type=“*” indicates that all types within the AdventureWorksWFs namespace in the AdventureWorksWFs assembly are good to go (not any other namespaces).

When executed, the chunk of code in Listing 13-5 adds the following XML element to the web.config file of the content web applications.

<authorizedType Assembly=“AdventureWorksWFs, Version=,
Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=24cb177bb81fb105” Namespace=“AdventureWorksWFs”

The last step is to build and deploy your solution. That wraps up your foray into custom activity development.

Completing SharePoint Designer Workflow

With the custom activity built and deployed to the SharePoint farm, you should now be able to go back to SharePoint Designer and finish where you left off before creating your custom activity.

Open SharePoint Designer and, from the Workflows category, open the training approval workflow. Next, place the insertion point inside the If statement, just before the Email Current Item:Created By action. Click Action in the Ribbon and, from the drop-down list, click Create Training Site under the Adventure Works category, as shown in Figure 13-20.


FIGURE 13-20

In the Name of the training site (that is, the Code field) link, define the following lookup:

  • Data Source: Current Item
  • Field from Source: Code

In the full URL of the parent site link, type a fixed URL where the training sites will be created. You end up with a surface that looks like Figure 13-21.


FIGURE 13-21

For the sake of simplicity, the URL of the trainings' parent site is hard coded in the workflow action. When you are doing this for real, however, you will want to make the URL configurable either as an association parameter or persisted somewhere else such as in the SPSite or SPWeb property bags.

Before you take the new changes in the workflow and publish them back to SharePoint again, take a look at just one more setting to change: Workflow Visualization.

Workflow Visualization and Monitoring

If you have been doing workflow development for a while, you probably know that it's not unusual for companies to want to visually track their key business processes and instantly assess the current state of each process in real time.

Put yourself in their shoes and think about it for a second. A workflow is a model to represent a business process. As an owner of that process, don't you want to know where the process is at a given point in time?

images It's easy to forget, but those small and simple pieces of functionality, such as business process updates, when missing, result in decreased technology adoption.

Unfortunately, in the previous versions of SharePoint this was not that easy to implement. Sure, you could provide an event system inside your workflow that raised events during the workflow lifecycle and persisted some information about the current stage of a workflow in a SharePoint list or database, and then build a nice UI based on the persisted information, but how easy would this be?

Thankfully, in SharePoint Server 2010, things are much clearer and easier. If you recall from earlier discussion in this chapter, you can use Visio 2010 to model your workflow. Well, that was just a warm-up and not the only way you can benefit from the Visio-Workflow love relationship in SharePoint Server 2010.

Similar to Excel Services in concept, a new service in SharePoint Server 2010 named Visio Services allows developers to build and publish data-driven visual diagrams to SharePoint. The underlying data for a data-bound Visio diagram can come from a variety of data sources, including the workflow tracking information. So, Visio Services give you the ability to produce real-time visual diagrams of workflow steps and present them to process owners in the workflow status page.

To enable this functionality, simply go to the workflow settings page, and ensure that the Show Workflow Visualization on Status Page check box is checked. To render the workflow visualization component in the status page, you need to ensure that the following three pieces are in place:

  • Activate the Visio Web Access farm feature.
  • Activate the SharePoint Server Enterprise Site Collection features.
  • Install Silverlight.

With the visualization option checked, you can push the workflow back into the HR site again by republishing it. At this point, you should be able to kick off another instance of the Approval Training process and see the visualization in action, as shown in the diagram in Figure 13-22.


FIGURE 13-22

If everything goes smoothly and your workflow instance completes successfully, you can browse to the URL you specified for the training's parent site and see the custom team site that is created as part of the workflow execution.

Visualization aside, SharePoint workflows come with some reports to monitor how they are running based on the history information of their execution. Same as the visualization component, these reports are accessible in the Workflow Status page images Workflow History section images View workflow reports.

These reports are generated on demand and they are in Excel format. You have the option to store the Excel file in a document library of the current site and either download it to the Excel client or view it online using Office Web App, as shown in Figure 13-23.

  • Cancellation & Error Report: As implied by the name, this report is used to record information about a workflow being cancelled or when it encounters errors before completion.
  • Activity Duration Report: This report gives you information about the time taken by a workflow instance to complete as well as for each activity within the workflow.


FIGURE 13-23

Importing to Visual Studio 2010

If you've made it this far in this chapter, you probably agree that, with the powerful combination of Visio and SharePoint Designer 2010, you have a nice, wizard-based approach to creating your custom workflows in your hands. You saw that extending the SharePoint Designer workflows using custom actions (developed in Visual Studio) was not that difficult either. Easy development aside, SharePoint Designer 2010 made it really easy to reuse your workflow in the site in which you created it or in the entire site collection.

What if you need to implement more sophisticated use cases? For this reason, and quite frankly many others, enterprise developers may need another tool. Thankfully, rather than using a third-party tool or developing your workflow completely from the ground up in Visual Studio, you can export your SharePoint Designer 2010 workflow to Visual Studio (every developer's best friend) and further extend it there.

In this section, you export the Training Approval workflow to a WSP solution package, import it into the same Visual Studio solution that contains your custom activity, and then learn how to deal with a few nuances surrounding the importing process.

images Even if you don't find yourself importing declarative workflows into Visual Studio, I still recommend you read this section. An imported reusable workflow project is a fantastic example that demonstrates how various workflow items, such as InfoPath forms, declarative rule conditions, and custom fields, are associated with and deployed alongside the workflow itself. This journey is quite an adventure!

To export your workflow to Visual Studio, first you need to save it as a template. To do so, click the Save as Template button in the Ribbon, as shown in Figure 13-24. One thing to keep in mind is that to save a workflow as template, you need to publish it to SharePoint and then save it as template. Just saving a workflow to the site's workflows catalog won't cut it.


FIGURE 13-24

This would save the workflow as a WSP file in the Site Assets library. In your site, browse to the Site Assets library (View All Site Content images Site Assets) and the workflow should be there. Click the item that says Training Approval Workflow and, from the ECB (Edit Control Block) menu, click Send To images Download a Copy. Next, save the Training_Approval_Workflow.wsp file to your local drive.

Now, go back to AdventureWorksWFs Visual Studio solution, right-click the solution node, and select Add images New Project. From the list of available SharePoint 2010 templates, select Import Reusable Workflow template. You also need to name the project something that's meaningful, such as TrainingApprovalWorkflow, and then click OK. On the SharePoint Customization Wizard dialog box, ensure that the target site is the same as the site you deployed the custom activity project to earlier.

Select Deploy as Farm Solution, and click the Next button until you reach the step where you need to point the wizard to the location of the Training_Approval_Workflow.wsp file on your local drive. After you click Next, you should see the Training Approval workflow selected and ready to be converted to a sequential workflow. At this point, all you need to do is to click Finish.

images Visual Studio is the finish line in the marathon of the workflow development lifecycle. Once the workflow is imported into Visual Studio, it can't go back to SharePoint Designer or Visio.

Figure 13-25 shows the Visual Studio structure of the imported workflow project.

As you may notice, your workflow was imported to Visual Studio and converted to a code-separated workflow.

When you create a workflow in SharePoint Designer, it is an XOML-only workflow (aka a declarative workflow) with bunch of XML content and no code modules. Sure, you developed a custom action and used it in your workflow, but don't forget that the custom action was developed and kept in a separate assembly and you just referenced it in your workflow, again declaratively.

In code-separated workflows, the markup and the implementation logic of the workflow are kept in two separate files with different extensions — .xoml and .xoml.cs (or xoml.vb). They also compile differently than XOML-only workflows. When you build your code-separated workflow, the markup file (.xoml.cs file) is compiled into a partial class. This partial class, along with the partial class from the code file (.xoml.cs file), is entered into the C# compiler and a .NET assembly is generated as the result of compilation. In XOML-only workflows, there is no code behind, so obviously the compilation process is different.


FIGURE 13-25

There is one more type of workflow that was not mentioned earlier because it had no relevancy to the discussion: code-only workflows. Typically, those are the workflows that most developers are familiar with. They just contain C# (VB.NET) code.

So with that understanding of different types of workflows, let's see what's available inside the imported project:

  • Featurel: The feature used in adding the Approval Training workflow. This will be covered in more detail later.
  • Package.package: This is the WSP package that contains the converted workflow feature.
  • The .vwi and .vdw files: The Visio diagram and the interchangeable file you created in the “Prototyping in Visio” section. These visualization files are only for XOML-only workflows that are created; they are of no use once they are ported over to the Visual Studio project.
  • The .xsn files: Initiation, association, and task InfoPath forms.
  • ApprovalFT content type: The Approval content type that's added to the Tasks list when Featurel is activated. This will be explained later.
  • Element.xml: The element manifest file for the Approval Training workflow. This will be covered in much greater detail later (See Listing 13-8).
  • The .xoml and .xoml.cs files: The .xoml file contains the markup to declare various workflow activities (differentiated by the namespace). The .xoml.cs file is the code behind.
  • The .rules file: This file contains RuleConditions associated with the workflow. As alluded to earlier, the Training Approval file doesn't have any custom conditions, so the XML fragment in this file contains only the OOTB conditions that are generated for the workflow by SharePoint Designer.

The .xoml file is the XML representation of your workflow (aka the markup), including all parameters and activities.

images The XOML is like food for your body. If you don't feed the workflow engine with XOML, it won't function.

Listing 13-6 shows the Feature definition file in the imported project. Note a few things about the Feature definition. First, the Feature's scope is set to site collection. This is required for adding workflow templates to SharePoint. Second, there are some element manifest files referenced in the Feature definition as follows:

  • The first bold underlined line is used to define a custom content type named ApprovalFT.
  • The ApprovalFT content type references a custom field called Suggestion Rate, which is defined by the second bold underlined element manifest. This file contains the actual field definition for suggestion rating. Note that this file is not shown in Figure 13-25, but it does exist under the ApprovalFT content type folder.
  • The third bold underlined line is the element manifest file for the workflow itself.


LISTING 13-6: Feature Definition for the Training Approval Workflow
<Feature xmlns=“http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/”
Title=“Converted workflows”
Id=“2ee76467-59c3-4e7d-8321-19f6029c5ea5” Scope=“Site”>
  <ElementManifest Location=“ApprovalFTElements.xml” />
  <ElementManifest Location=“Suggestion_RateElements.xml” />
  <ElementManifest Location=“Training_Approval_WorkflowFTElements.xml” />


The next element manifest to review is the one used for defining the ApprovalFT content type. Listing 13-7 shows this element manifest file.

Notice the first highlighted line in Listing 13-7. The ApprovalFT content type inherits the OOTB SharePoint Server Workflow Task content type and will be added to the Tasks list when Featurel is activated. The Training Approval workflow creates task items based on this content type.

The second highlighted line references the Suggestion Rate custom filed. This field maps to the Task Parameter that you created with the same name when you customized the workflow earlier in this chapter. It is used to store the training coordinator's feedback (Good, So-So, or Bad) about a training. This field shows up as a custom site column when you deploy the workflow later to a desired site collection (under the Custom Site Columns group).


LISTING 13-7: ApprovalFT Content Type
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<Elements xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”
<ContentType ID=“0x010801004395428BE5AF4279A724EE6F59495385”
Name=“ApprovalFT” Description=“”>
     <FieldRef Description=“Rate this training suggestion”
      DisplayName=“Suggestion Rate” ID=“{92dfa913-154f-4531-87b7-5ed663631a17}”
      Customization=“” />
  <Forms xsi:nil=“true” />
    <XmlDocument NamespaceURI=
      <FormUrls xmlns=



Listing 13-8 shows the element manifest file for the Training Approval workflow. Note the following in Listing 13-8.

  • The Name attribute of the Workflow element is the name of the workflow template that will appear in the list of available workflows when associating the workflow to the Training content type. You may want to rename the value to something shorter, for example ApprovalTrainingWorkflow.
  • Leave the value of the instantiationURL attribute at its default. When you start the workflow manually, SharePoint examines the InstantiationURL attribute to determine the proper .ASPX page. The default value points to an out-of-the-box page at _layouts/ IniWrkflIP.aspx. This page examines the value of the Instantiation_FormURN element, looking for an InfoPath form to load into an InfoPath form web part that's on the page. Yes, you guessed right! The Instantiation_FormURN attribute is currently missing. Don't worry; you take care of this a bit later. When users start the form, IniWrkflIP.aspx passes the data it collects (that is, the Why Important field) back to the SharePoint object model, which in turn starts the associated workflow and passes the information to the workflow instance.
  • The same thing applies to the AssociationUrl attribute. It's pointing to a page at _layouts/ CstWrkflIP.aspx that loads the association form specified in the Instantiation_FormURN attribute — which obviously has gone missing during the import process, too!
  • The TaskListContentTypeId attribute refers to the ApprovalFT content type ID.
  • The second and third bold underlined lines are the association and initiation parameters you created when you customized the workflow in SharePoint Designer. They are just two custom fields used as the metadata of the workflow forms. Don't expect to see them in the site columns.
  • The third bold underlined line shows the StatusPageUrl attribute. This attribute points to the workflow status page where you saw the Visio Silverlight visualization component along with other information about the workflow such as the workflow history data.


LISTING 13-8: Element Manifiest for the Training Approval Workflow
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<Elements xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:xsd=
  <Workflow Name=“TrainingApprovalWorkflow - Training Approval WorkflowFT”

   AssociationUrl=“_layouts/CstWrkfl IP.aspx”
   InstantiationUrl=“_layouts/IniWrkfl IP.aspx”

           <Field Name=“TrainingManager” Required=“TRUE”
           DisplayName=“Training Manager”
           Description=“” Direction=“None”
           Type=“User” Hidden=“TRUE” ReadOnly=“TRUE”
           FormType=“Association” />

           <Field Name=“WhyImportant” Required=“TRUE”
           DisplayName=“Why Important”
           Description=“” Direction=“None”
           Type=“Note” Hidden=“TRUE” ReadOnly=“TRUE”
             <Default>Please describe why this training course is
         <Parameters />


With your tour of the imported project completed, it's now time to begin your investigation.

Identifying the Missing Pieces

Of course, the devil is always in the details….

Although you may expect that you can just press F5 and expect the full-blown workflow to deploy and run in a SharePoint site, this is not the case in 99% of scenarios (I left 1% there just in case I missed something after testing 15 different importing scenarios).

images The imported project is just a template. Don't expect it to be more than just a starting point to work from, as opposed to starting from scratch.

The following is the list of major issues related to the imported workflow project.

What Are the Missing Pieces?
1 Two references are missing, so the project won't compile.
2 InfoPath forms are not packaged and deployed alongside the generated Feature definition and manifest files.
3 InfoPath forms are not specified in the element manifest file for the Training Approval workflow. Three FormURN elements are currently missing.
4 Initiation form is the default view in the imported Training Approval Workflow.xsn form template. When you deploy the form and try to associate the workflow to the Training content type, it's the initiation form that loads by default, and you won't be able to associate the workflow and define the Training Manager.
5 The tasks created by the workflow are not shown using the InfoPath task form.
6 The workflow is not associated with the Training content type. When you deploy the workflow, the Training Approval workflow won't show up in the list of the available workflows for the Training content type.

Let's address the missing items one at a time. First, the references.

Adding the Missing References

Figure 13-26 shows the Training Approval Workflow.xoml file. The XML fragment in this file is quite lengthy, but it's not very difficult to understand. To help you understand this file better, three line numbers have been added for the important parts.

Line #1 declares some CLR namespaces that contain the public types exposed as elements within the .xoml file. For example, CreateTrainingSite is a public type in AdventureWorksWFs.dll, so it's being declared at the beginning of this file and used as an attribute later on.

Line #2 is the declaration of your CreateTrainingSite activity. It's the child element of the IfElseBranchActivity element with the ShapeText attribute with the value of “Manager Approved?”, as shown in Line #3.

When you import your workflow to Visual Studio, some of the required assemblies are not referenced correctly. To compile the project, you need to add the following references manually:

  • Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Actions.dll: If you don't reference this assembly, the project doesn't compile. This assembly is located in the ISAPI folder under 14 hive.
  • AdventureWorksWFs (from the Projects tab): If you don't add this reference, the project doesn't compile.


FIGURE 13-26

Compilation aside, if you don't add the AdventureWorksWFs project reference, you won't be able to see the workflow design canvas for the workflow. To prove the point, delete the reference (if added), and then click on the Training Approval Workflow.xoml file. You should receive a very common error message like the one shown in Figure 13-27.


FIGURE 13-27

With the references in place, you should now be able to compile the project successfully (finally!). Moving right along …

Packaging the InfoPath Forms

That brings you to the second item on the list of things to take care of.

At this point, if you attempt to build and deploy the workflow, it will deploy just fine, but the InfoPath forms won't be included in the WSP package. Obviously, if they are not in the package, they won't be available in the Feature folder when everything is deployed. If they are not deployed, they won't be published and made available to your workflow either. Blame it on the Import Wizard; it's just a chain of problems it has caused.

Resolving this issue is a simple matter — just include the forms in the WSP package and modify the Feature definition file to include a Feature receiver that publishes the forms.

Start with the easy one: including the forms in the WSP package:

  1. In the Workflows folder, right-click the Training_Approval_WorkflowFT node and choose Add images New Item.
  2. From the available SharePoint 2010 templates, select Module and name it Forms. Note that if you choose a different name, you must modify the code snippets presented in the rest of this chapter and replace the word “Forms” with your own.
  3. Drag the Approval.xsn and Training Approval Workflow.xsn files from Other Imported Files images Files images Workflows images Training Approval Workflow folder, and drop them in the Forms module. Your project looks something like Figure 13-28.


FIGURE 13-28

The next thing that you are going to tackle is to add a specific Feature receiver to the ApprovalTrainingWorkflow feature (formerly known as Feature1). You don't need to code this Feature receiver, because it is shipped with the product. You reuse it to publish the InfoPath forms.

Go to the Feature Designer, and then click the Manifest button. This will bring up the Manifest Editor dialog box, where you can add the code in Listing 13-9 to the Edit Options text box, as shown in Figure 13-29.


LISTING 13-9: Feature Definition for the Training Approval Workflow
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8” ?>
Version=, Culture=neutral,
ReceiverClass= “Microsoft.Office.Workflow.Feature.WorkflowFeatureReceiver”
    <Property Key=“GloballyAvailable” Value=“true” />
    <Property Key=“RegisterForms” Value=“Forms*.xsn” />


Note three things about the Feature definition file shown in Listing 13-9:

  • The Feature receiver is used when workflow contains InfoPath 2010 forms. It will publish the forms specified in the <Properties> element into InfoPath Forms Services 2010 when the Feature is installed. Note the version number, as it has been changed since the previous version ( The public key is the same as before.
  • The Value attribute for the RegisterForms key indicates the path to the InfoPath forms, which is relative to the Feature file location. This tells the Feature receiver where your forms are located.
  • Leave the GloballyAvailable property set to true, so the forms are globally available across all site collections when they are published.


FIGURE 13-29

While you are in the Feature Designer, take a look at the Preview of Packaged Manifest text box. Note the relative references to the forms within the <ElementFile> element that result from dragging and dropping the .xsn files to the Forms module folder.

Associating the Forms with the Workflow

The element manifest file for the Training Approval workflow is missing three FormURN elements that are used in specifying the workflow InfoPath forms for the workflow.

Listing 13-10 shows the changes that you need to make to the element manifest file for the Training Approval workflow to include the InfoPath forms.

Note the extra child elements in the <MetaData/>. Each element references an ID that points to a specific InfoPath form as follows:

  • To specify the association form, the Association_FormURN element is used.
  • To specify the initiation form, the Instantiation_FormURN element is used.
  • To specify the task-editing form, the TaskID_FormURN element is used.

Keep in mind, though, that the initiation and association forms are located within the same InfoPath form, which is why they both have the same ID. URN is like GUID in the sense that it's unique to the form. To find the unique ID, you need to open each form in InfoPath 2010 in Design mode. From the Backstage, click the Info tab, and then in the Form Statistics billboard, click on the button that says Form Template Properties. You'll see the URN in the ID text box of the modal dialog box that appears.


LISTING 13-10: Element Manifest for the Training Approval Workflow (Some Elements and Attributes Are Not Included for Brevity)
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<Elements xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance” xmlns:xsd=




       </StatusPageUrl >


With the URNs properly referenced in the element manifest file, you can now move on to the fourth item in the list of things to take care of.

Switching to the Right InfoPath View Based on the Workflow Context

The fourth problem is that, when the Training Approval Workflow.xsn form is loaded, it always defaults to the Start view, which in turn loads the initiation form. This is great when users start the workflow, but it's certainly not the expected behavior when the workflow needs to be associated with the Training content type. To resolve this issue, you need to set up a rule that runs when the form loads, and changes the view to the right one based on the workflow context.

To prove the point, open Training Approval Workflow.xsn in InfoPath 2010 in Design mode and navigate to the Page Design tab in the Ribbon. In the Views drop-down list, notice how the Start view is set to default and the Associate view is set as the second view of the form, as shown in Figure 13-30.


FIGURE 13-30

Navigate to the Data tab and go to the section called Rules. Click the Form Load button to open the Rules pane for the Form Load event.

Click the New button and select Action. First, enter a meaningful name, such as SwitchView, in the Details for text box.

images This chapter is on workflows. Creating declarative rules for use in an InfoPath form is covered in great detail in Chapter 9.

Second, you need to set the condition of the rule. The condition is clear: you want to switch the view to Associate when the workflow is in association mode. To do so, you use the isStartWorkflow field from the form's secondary data source named Context, as shown in Figure 13-31.

Use the isStartWorkflow field as the left operand, is equal to as the operator, and the string(false()) function as the right operand in the condition, as shown in Figure 13-32.


FIGURE 13-31


FIGURE 13-32

Third, click the Add button and select Switch Views from the list of actions. Select Associate in the dialog box that appears and click OK.

That's it. Publish the form back to SharePoint using Quick Publish; you're done with it. Quick Publish also saves the form locally in your Visual Studio project folder.

Displaying Tasks Using the WrkTaskIP.aspx Page

Listing 13-11 shows the changes that you need to make to the element manifest file for the ApprovalFT content type to display the tasks created by the workflow using the custom InfoPath task form.

Note the <Display> and <Edit> elements in Listing 13-11. The values point to an out-of-the-box page at _layouts/ WrkTaskIP.aspx. This page examines the value of the Task0_FormURN element, looking for an InfoPath form to load into an InfoPath form web part that's on the page. When users approve or reject an item, WrkTaskIP.aspx passes the data it collects (such as the Suggestion Rate field) back to the workflow instance.


LISTING 13-11: ApprovalFT Content Type (Some Elements and Attributes Are Not Included for Brevity)
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<Elements xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”
  <ContentType ID=“0x01080100FA9090DE01D349CC8E81891FF66E43F2”
    Name=“ApprovalFT” Description=“”>
      <XmlDocument NamespaceURI=


Associating the Workflow with the Training Content Type

The last issue you need to fix requires that you modify the element manifest file for the workflow and associate it with the Training Approval workflow. SharePoint uses the value of the <AssociationCategories> element to display only the appropriate workflows for a list or content type.

To keep the focus on the workflow concept, this chapter assumes that the Training content type is already deployed and made available in the desired site collection where you will deploy the Training Approval workflow. You also need to know the Training's content type ID beforehand to specify it in the workflow element manifest file.

Optionally, you can add the necessary code to your project to create the Training content type declaratively or programmatically.

images Another point worth emphasizing is that SharePoint 2010 allows developers to create content types programmatically and assign content type IDs. This is an improvement over the past when the only way a content type could be created and assigned an ID was declaratively.

For more information about creating content types using the SharePoint 2010 object model, refer to Microsoft Patterns and Practices SharePoint Guidance at www.microsoft.com/spg.

The value that goes inside the <AssociationCategories> element may include a character-delimited string, using the character ; as the delimiter. This string can be up to 256 characters in length. Workflows associated with a specific list type and defined in a specified Feature have the following pattern:

Pattern: “List;” + Feature ID + “;” + List ID


  List; c3cce3c5-468c-4ad6-991c-c2d9936e409f;1300

Workflows that are associated with a content type, however, follow a different pattern.

Pattern: “ContentType;” + Content Type ID



In contrast, a pattern defining a site workflow with no association to a list or content type has no delimiter. Site workflows are covered in much greater detail later in this chapter.

Pattern: “Site”



There are several ways to get the Training content type ID, but most likely the easiest way is through the browser. Browse to the Site Content Types gallery and click on Training content type. Highlight the value of the ctype query string parameter and copy it to the Clipboard, as shown in Figure 13-33.


FIGURE 13-33

Listing 13-12 shows the element manifest file for the Training Approval workflow. Note the <AssociationCategories> element with the Training Content Type ID pasted from the Clipboard.


LISTING 13-12: Element Manifest for the Training Approval Workflow (Some Elements and Attributes Are Not Included for Brevity)
<?xml version=“1.0” encoding=“utf-8”?>
<Elements xmlns:xsi=“http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance”
       </StatusPageUrl >


Adding Some Code to the Workflow

Congratulations! Looks like your long list of things to take care of finally has come to an end. At this point, you can go ahead and add some code to the workflow.

Right-click the Training Approval Workflow.xoml file and select View Designer to open the workflow design canvas. In the Toolbox, in the Windows Workflow v3.0 section, drag a Code activity to the Designer and drop it directly below the EmailActivity6 activity, as shown in Figure 13-34.

This adds an activity named codeActivity1 to the workflow design canvas. Double-click codeActivity1 to generate an event handler. Replace codeActivity1_ExecuteCode with the code in Listing 13-13.

The code simply creates a sample announcement in the Announcements list in another site each time a training course is approved.


LISTING 13-13: Approval Training Workflow Partial Class
using Microsoft.SharePoint.WorkflowActions;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System;

public partial class Training_Approval_WorkflowFT :
    protected override void Initialize(System.IServiceProvider provider){}

    private void codeActivity1_ExecuteCode(object sender,
     System.EventArgs e)
         using (SPSite site = new SPSite(“http://wf1/sites/clean”))
             using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
                 SPList announcementsList = web.Lists[“Announcements”];
                 SPListItem aListItem = announcementsList.Items.Add();
                 aListItem[“Title”] = “Imported reusable workflow is up


Putting It All Together

Now that you have all the plumbing work done, you should be able to package the workflow, with all its bells and whistles, and deploy it to a desired site collection. The business requirements of the Training Approval workflow dictate that everything must be deployed using a single package.


FIGURE 13-34

To satisfy this requirement, you need to take the following steps:

  1. Go to the Package Designer for the TrainingApprovalWorkflow project.
  2. In the Package Designer, select the AdventureWorksWFs Feature mapped folder and Work flow(AdventureWorksWFs) Feature from the Items in the Solution pane, and click the add button ( > ) to move them to Items in the Package pane.

This causes these artifacts to be deployed with the WSP solution that you will build from the TrainingApprovalWorkflow project. The Package Designer now should look as shown in Figure 13-35.


FIGURE 13-35

That's it. Save the Visual Studio solution, and you are ready to deploy it. Right-click the TrainingApprovalWorkflow project in the Solution Explorer and select Deploy. Your workflow Feature should be successfully installed in all site collections.

Browse to a site collection other than the one used in SharePoint Designer and activate the Feature. Next, browse to Site Settings images Site Content Types images Training images Workflow Settings. Note that your workflow is assigned to the Training content type and shows up in the list of available workflows, as shown in Figure 13-36.

Figure 13-37 proves that the custom rule you added to the InfoPath form kicks in here and switches the form to the right view. Specify the training manager and click Save to associate the workflow to the Training content type.


FIGURE 13-36


FIGURE 13-37

Figure 13-38 shows the new Training Approval workflow started for a training suggestion.


FIGURE 13-38


SharePoint Designer workflows are very powerful for modeling business processes, and the people who create them don't require any knowledge of code. However, the workflows lose their effectiveness in the broader spectrum of enterprise-scale applications, where more control over processes is key.

As mentioned previously, using Visual Studio is an extremely attractive option for workflow development. In Visual Studio 2010, there are four new areas for workflow developers that matter the most and, therefore, are the focus of the rest of this chapter:

  • Site workflows
  • ASP.NET Association and Initiation templates
  • External Data Exchange Services (aka Pluggable Workflow Services)
  • Workflow events

Site Workflows

Still staying at a high level, let's have a refresher on reusable workflows again. You need it for this section.

In SharePoint 2010, workflows don't necessarily need to be strongly associated with a list instance. Instead, you can associate a reusable workflow to all content types, a specific content type in the current site, or across multiple sites in a given site collection, which makes it a globally reusable workflow. Reusable workflows have addressed many issues customers had in the previous versions of SharePoint. However, they are still very list-centric. Sure, you can assign the workflow to a content type, but unless that content type is attached to a list, the workflow itself is nothing more than a bunch of code sitting around doing absolutely nothing.

Too much dependency on the list infrastructure comes with its own limitations. For instance, if you wanted to use workflows to model a business process in a site with no list, you would have to create a dummy list, hide it from the end users, and deal with the management issues and all kinds of other headaches. In the majority of the cases, developers ended up using other functionalities, such as event handlers, or even took the business process outside the SharePoint context and implemented it there.

Let's face it, although the previous version of SharePoint was an easy-to-use workflow host and got many people involved in workflows, it was not the greatest general-purpose host for workflows. In another words, SharePoint, as a workflow host, was not flexible enough.

Thankfully, Microsoft didn't stop there, though; they came up with a new breed of workflows in SharePoint 2010, named site workflows.

images The idea of site workflows is to cut the dependency of a workflow on a SharePoint list item and let it run on literally any SharePoint object.

To give you some flavors of what you can accomplish using site workflows, let's jump right on few very common scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: Accessing backend data sources. Picture this: every time a site workflow kicks off, a number of new customers are retrieved from a customer relationship management (CRM) application and added to the visitors group of the company's extranet site. The data access can be provided through Business Data Connectivity Services or a custom data access layer.
  • Scenario 2: Managing site permissions. Imagine this: you want to automate the process of adding users to departmental sites and giving them permissions to the appropriate lists based on their job title. You can create a site workflow that runs in the portal site and lets users start it directly from the View All Site Content page where there is a link to site workflows. Users are then routed through an approval process and finally given access or denied access to the requested site.
  • Scenario 3: Implementing general business logic. Dream this: upon the creation of a project team site, a group work site is created along with it and added as a subsite.
  • Scenario 4: Managing business process on folders. Love this: you want to create a workflow that runs on folders rather than individual items. When you start the workflow, it will assign a number of tasks to the owners of the documents within the folder. While the workflow instance is running, you can go to the workflow status page and find out about the outstanding tasks. Barbara Decker, who is one of the document's owners, receives an email, which includes a link pointing to the document that she's tasked to review. She opens the document in Word, reviews and modifies the document, and then completes her task from within the Word client without even visiting the site.

The scenario you are going to tackle in this section is similar to the one that was presented at the beginning of this chapter, with one exception: it breaks the dependency of the Training Approval workflow on the Trainings list context.

This means that training coordinators no longer need to go to the Training list, create a new training course, and kick off the workflow manually. Instead, they suggest the training course through an application page that starts a site workflow, as shown in Figure 13-39. The workflow routes the training suggestion through an approval process and finally creates the training site if necessary.


FIGURE 13-39

Building a Sequential Site Workflow

Now that you know what you are building, get started by creating a workflow project in Visual Studio. Select a Sequential Workflow template from the SharePoint images 2010 category, and name it TrainingApprovalSiteWorkflow.

In the SharePoint Customization Wizard, select the option to deploy the project as a farm solution, and click Next. In the second step, change the default name to TrainingApprovalSiteWorkflow and choose the second option, which says Site Workflow.

In the third step, you specify which lists to use for tasks created by the workflow and workflow history information. Leave everything at its default and click Next. The last step is about how to start the workflow. Again, leave the selected option (start manually) and click Finish.

images This is probably the best time to fill you in on two key tips. First, you cannot add workflow templates to Sandboxed Solutions. Second, unlike list-based workflows, site workflows cannot be started automatically.

After the project is created, rename the default workflow1.cs to TrainingApprovalSWF.cs. Make sure that you rename it in the code behind and the Designer class. The easiest way is to find the word workflowl and replace it with TrainingApprovalSWF in the entire project.

Next, add a reference to AdventureWorksWFs project where you created the CreateTrainingSite custom activity. This should immediately add the custom activity to the toolbox, as shown in Figure 13-40.


FIGURE 13-40

With the project now created, the next logical step is to model the workflow in the Designer canvas. Conceptually, this step is pretty similar to what you did in Visio 2010 when you built your declarative workflow earlier in this chapter.

Open the workflow in the design canvas and perform the following activities:

  1. Add a CreateTask activity directly below the OnWorkflowActivityl activity.
  2. Add a logToHistoryListActivity activity after the CreateTask activity.
  3. Drag and drop an OnTaskChanged activity directly below the logToHistoryListActivity activity.
  4. Add an ifElseActivity activity after the OnTaskChanged activity.
  5. Add a CreateTrainingSite activity inside the ifElseActivity activity to the right branch.
  6. Add a SendEmail activity inside the ifElseActivity activity to the left branch.

When you are done dropping activities into place, your Designer canvas should look like Figure 13-41. Notice that there are little red exclamation icons next to some of the activities. This is because they all failed in the design-time validation process. Don't worry about them; you will fix these errors next.

images Notice that the Visual Studio workflow design canvas is based on .NET 3.5 Framework, not .NET Framework 4.0.

Click CreateTask1 and, in the property windows, find the Correlation Token property. Type taskToken as the value of this property. You also need to specify an owner for the OwnerActivityName subproperty. Select the value from the drop-down list and set it to the name of the workflow class (TrainingApprovalSWF). Repeat the same steps for the OnTaskChanged1 activity to set the Correlation Token and OwnerActivityName properties. The correlation token of the OnTaskChanged1 activity must match with the CreateTask1 activity, so make sure that you select taskToken from the drop-down list. If this is not available, type it again. With the correlation tokens properly set, the error icons should disappear from both activities.


FIGURE 13-41


In the context of workflow tasks, a correlation token ensures that the related task activities are operating on the correct task. For example, the CreateTask1 and OnTaskChanged1 activities operate on the same task, so they get the same correlation token. If there were another set of CreateTask and OnTaskChanged activities that needed to create and work on a separate task, they would get their own correlation token, too.

Correlation tokens are not only for task activities. They can be used anywhere in a workflow where message correlation is required. For example, a correlation token can be used to ensure that the correct instance of the workflow is resumed when a message is received, in response to a requested action.

Now you should be able to configure the TaskId and TaskProperties properties of the CreateTaskl activity.

Go back to the property window for CreateTaskl activity and find the TaskId property. Click the ellipse button to bring up the property binder dialog box, and then click the Bind To a New Member tab. A member can be a field or a property of type System.Guid. Type approvalTask_TaskId as the member name, select the Create Field radio button, and click OK. The TaskID property ensures that each task gets its own GUID, which can be identified and used in the workflow later (you will see the usage in the OnTaskChangedl activity). Repeat the same steps for the TaskProperties property of the CreateTaskl activity, and name it approvalTask_TaskProperties. This property represents the properties of a task created by the workflow and allows the workflow instance to set specific values in it.

The next activity to configure is the LogToHistory activity. There are two properties that you need to set: HistoryOutcome and HistoryDescription. Both properties are set the same way that TaskId was set in CreateTaskl.

The review by the training manager introduces a natural delay where the workflow runtime engine is waiting for any change to the task item. While waiting for the training manager to complete his task, the workflow instance dehydrates and no longer remains in memory on the server it is running on. At this point, the state of the workflow instance is written to the SharePoint content database in such a way that it can be retrieved later.

Once the workflow wakes up (rehydrates), it continues on and the OnTaskChangedl activity is executed. To configure the OnTaskChanged activity, you need to wire up one more property: TaskId. This time, instead of creating a new field, bind it to the approvalTask_TaskId field you created before.

Notice that the OnTaskChangedl activity has no TaskProperties property. This makes sense, because this activity doesn't create any task that the workflow needs to set values on it. Instead, it has two other properties: BeforeTaskProperties and AfterTaskProperties. In this example, you use only the AfterTaskProperties property. To set this property, use the binding dialog box and create a new field named onApprovalTaskChangedAfterProperties.

images Think of BeforeTaskProperties and AfterTaskProperties like a “before and after” picture of someone who has had a hair transplant. The BeforeTaskProperties property contains a picture of the task before it's changed (pretty thin!). The AfterTaskProperties contains a picture of the task after it's changed. After a task is completed, it is thicker in terms of information, because it has the approval status, approver's comment, and probably some custom data. The bottom line: you should realize the difference!

Configuring the SendEmail activity is very similar to other activities. The only point worth emphasizing here is the correlation token. In this activity, set the correlation token to workflowToken. The workflowToken token is the workflow's default correlation token, and it is generated automatically when you create a workflow project. Typically, this token is used in activities that do not correlate directly to workflow tasks. Using this token will automatically set the OwnerActivityName subproperty. Type an email address in the From property and give the Subject property a meaningful value such as “Your training suggestion is rejected.”

The last activity that you need to configure is your own activity. Setting up this activity is the simplest of all. It exposes only two properties: Url and SiteName. For both these properties, use the binding dialog box and create new fields of type System.String with proper names such as createTrainingSiteName and createTrainingSiteUrl. That's it for the CreateTrainingSite1 activity.

At this point, all of your activities are configured. Don't worry about the red little exclamation error in ifElseBranchActivity1. This will be fixed later by code.

If you look at the code behind, you will see that Visual Studio has generated the following variable declarations and maybe some methods if you have double-clicked any activity.

You are going to leave the workflow alone for a little while and come back to it after the next section. The next step is to create the initiation form.

Adding an ASPX Initiation Form

Your workflow needs an initiation form to be displayed to the training coordinators when they start it. This form allows the workflow to gather information about the training before it gets started. To keep things simple, this section covers only initiation form creation, but nothing prevents you from following the same steps for creating the initiation form and creating association and task forms as well.

It's worth mentioning that the form that you will build is not an InfoPath form. It's an ASPX page that will be coded completely from scratch (for the most part, anyway; read on).

Thankfully, Visual Studio 2010 ships with new SPIs (SharePoint Project Items) for workflow forms. First, right-click the TrainingApprovalSWF SPI in Solution Explorer and choose Add images New Item. Select the Workflow Initiation Form template, name it start.aspx, and click OK. Next, change the namespace in the code behind, the HTML markup, and the Designer class from TrainingApprovalSiteWorkflow.TrainingApprovalSWF to TrainingApprovalSiteWorkflow.

This will fix some of the namespace conflicts that occur later when you code the activities, so it is important that you take care of it here.

Notice how the new form is automatically associated with the workflow by the changes made to the element manifest file, as shown in Listing 13-14. If you need a refresher on the InstantiationUrl attribute, see the “Importing to Visual Studio” section earlier in this chapter.


LISTING 13-14: Training Approval Site Workflow Element Manifest File
<Elements xmlns=“http://schemas.microsoft.com/sharepoint/”>
    Description=“My SharePoint Workflow”



The form you just added is an ASPX page with code behind and all the wiring already done. Open the code-behind file and take a peek. The GetInitiationData method sends the data from the initiation form to the workflow instance. The returned value of this method is what you reference in your workflow, using the workflowProperties.InitiationData property.

By default, this method returns an empty string, which is most likely not adequate in real-world solutions. Instead, you should use the XML serialization functionality included in the Microsoft .NET Framework to pass the form's data into the workflow. It is not enough to pass in the initialization form data to workflow; you also need to write the appropriate code in the workflow that pulls the XML data submitted by initiation form and deserializes it into an object. The deserialization part will be taken care of later when you code the activities.

The first step is to create a new C# class and add two references to the System.IO and System.Xml.Serialization assemblies. Next, add the code shown in Listing 13-15 to the class.


LISTING 13-15: Code to Serialize and Deserialize the Initiation Form Data
public class TrainingInfo
      private string title = default(string);
      private string code = default(string);
      private string description = default(string);
      public string Title
          get {return this.title;}
          set {this.title = value;}
      public string Code
          get { return this.code;}
          set { this.code = value;}
      public string Description
          get { return this.description;}
          set { this.description = value;}
public class TrainingInitFormHelper
   public static string SerializeTrainingForm(TrainingInfo training)
       XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TrainingInfo));
       using (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter())
           serializer.Serialize(writer, training);
           return writer.ToString();


Listing 13-15 contains two classes: TrainingInfo and TrainingInitFormHelper. The TrainingInfo class represents a training object. For the sake of simplicity, the code implements only three fields — title, code, and description — with their getter and setter assessors. As implied by the name, the TrainingInitFormHelper class is a helper class to facilitate the process of persisting data collected by the workflow initiation form. There is nothing really special to this code; it just contains standard .NET code for serializing an object of type TrainingInfo.

The second step is to insert the following HTML markup inside the main content placeholder of the page:

<asp:Label id=“lblTitle” Text=“Title:” runat=“server”/>
<asp:TextBox ID=“txttitle” runat=“server” />
<br />
<asp:Label id=“lblCode” Text=“Code:” runat=“server”/>
<asp:TextBox ID=“txtTrainingCode” runat=“server” />
<br />
<asp:Label id=“lblDes” Text=“Description:” runat=“server”/>
<asp:TextBox ID=“txtDescription” runat=“server”/>
<br />

While you are in the HTML markup, you may also want to change the title of the page, button labels, and other elements. Next, go to the form's code behind and insert the following lines of code in the GetInitiationData method to collect and return the form's data:

TrainingInfo tInfo = new TrainingInfo();
tInfo.Title = txttitle.Text;
tInfo.Code = txtTrainingCode.Text;
tInfo.Description = txtDescription.Text;
string xmlString = TrainingInitFormHelper.SerializeTrainingForm(tInfo);
return xmlString;

Note one thing about the start.aspx code behind: the StartSiteWorkflow() method contains the code to programmatically start an instance of the Training Approval workflow, as shown in Listing 13-16.

The first line gets a collection of the workflow association object that represents the workflow that is associated with the initiation form. The second line starts a new instance of the workflow, passing in the association object and returned data from the GetInitiationData method, and tells the workflow to run synchronously. The other two possible values for running the workflow are SynchronousAllowPostpone and Asynchronous. The former is used to run the workflow instance synchronously, but switches to asynchronous if the synchronous execution fails. The latter enables the workflow to run synchronously.

The third line uses the SPUtility.Redirect method to redirect the user who starts the workflow back to a URL. This URL is the one that's specified in the source query string parameter of the original request. You use this redirection later, but for now just keep in mind that, after starting the workflow, users don't have to stay in the initiation form or look at the boring workflow information in the status page. They can be redirected to anywhere you want.


LISTING 13-16: Code Used in Starting the Site Workflow Programmatically
private void StartSiteWorkflow()
  SPWorkflowAssociation association =
    [new Guid(this.associationGuid)];
    ((object)null, association, GetInitiationData(),
  SPUtility.Redirect(this.Web.Url, SPRedirectFlags.UseSource,


With the initiation form complete, the next step is to take care of the coding aspects of the workflow and go through the process of implementing the business logic.

Coding the Activities

With the workflow activities in place, properties bound to fields, and ASPX initiation form created, you can now start coding. Most of your coding here involves creating event handlers for the activities used in the workflow.

To avoid confusion, it's very important to understand that some of these event handlers are called during or after their associated activity is executed. For instance, the event handler for the sendEmail1 activity is run when the activity begins executing but before the email is sent out to the recipients. As another example, the event handler for the OnTaskChanged1 activity is called after the activity is executed. As mentioned previously, you can always access the values contained in the afterProperties property collection representing the changes made to the task.

And with that, let's begin coding.

The first activity you are going to implement is onWorkflowActivatedl. In the Designer canvas, double-click the activity to generate the event handler. Click in the method body and insert the code shown in Listing 13-17. This code will deserialize an object of type TrainingInfo, passed by the ASPX initiation form, and store it in a class-scoped private variable named twInfo. The private variable is then used by other activities in the workflow to deliver the functionality they need. In this stage of the workflow, the name of the training site and its URL are also set using the fields created in the CreateTrainingSitel activity.


LISTING 13-17: Coding the onWorkflowActivated1 Activity
private TrainingInfo twInfo = default(TrainingInfo);

private void onWorkflowActivatedl_Invoked(object sender,
 ExternalDataEventArgs e)
    XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(TrainingInfo));
    XmlTextReader reader = new XmlTextReader(new
    twInfo = (TrainingInfo)serializer.Deserialize(reader);
    createTrainingSiteName = twInfo.Code;
    createTrainingSiteUrl = workflowProperties.WebUrl;


The next step is to create the task and assign it to the training manager. This task is created by the CreateTaskl activity. To set the initial attributes associated with the approval task, double-click the activity to generate the event handler and add the code shown in Listing 13-18. Most of the attributes represent the common fields in the task list of SharePoint.

Keep in mind that if you need to add custom data to the task, the SPWorkflowTaskProperties object contains a hash table to store extra information in the task in key-value pairs. You can set or get a specific custom property by using the property name as an index in the ExtendedProperties property. This mechanism really opens your hand to store information in the workflow task and use it later in the task form.


LISTING 13-18: Coding the createTask1 Activity
private void createTaskl_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e)
    createTaskl.TaskId = Guid.NewGuid();
    approvalTask_TaskProperties = new
    approvalTask_TaskProperties.AssignedTo =
    approvalTask_TaskProperties.DueDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(l.0F);
    approvalTask_TaskProperties.Title = “Approval Required for “ +
     twInfo.Title ;

    approvalTask_TaskProperties.Description =
     “Specify the approval result here.”;
     createTask1.TaskProperties = approvalTask_TaskProperties;


One warning on Listing 13-18: the AssignedTo property is set to the first administrator in the SiteAdministrators collection. In your production system, you want to read this value from the association data submitted to the workflow by the association form. The steps required to send and receive the association data are identical to those for the initiation form. Again, XML serialization is always your best friend; let it help you.

With the task created, the next step is to write an information entry in the workflow history list using the logToHistoryListActivity1 activity. Right-click the activity and, from the context menu, click Generate Handler. Set the values of the HistoryDescription and HistoryOutcome properties, as shown in Listing 13-19.


LISTING 13-19: Coding the logToHistoryListActivity1 Activity
private void logToHistoryListActivity1_MethodInvoking(object sender,
 EventArgs e)
    logToHistoryListActivityHistoryDescription =
     string.Format(“ Training = {0}/{1} is waiting for
    logToHistoryListActivityHistoryOutcome =
     string.Format(“ A task is created for training {0}
     and assigned to the training manager ”, twInfo.Title);


Now, it's time to add the required logic to respond to the task changes. When the OnTaskChanged1 activity is executed, you can access the values contained in the beforeProperties or afterProperties property collection objects. To access these properties, first add an event handler.

Before adding the necessary logic to the handler, create two additional local variables to help store the result of the task:

private bool bTrainingApproved = false;
private string strTrainingManagerComment =

Next, add the code in Listing 13-20 to the empty onTaskChanged1_Invoked method. The code determines whether the training manager has indicated that the task is complete and if the training course is approved. The Boolean evaluation of this condition is stored in a class-level variable named bTrainingApproved. For the sake of simplicity, the code assumes that when a workflow task is complete, it's either approved or rejected and the approval decision is specified in the description column of the task using either the word “Approved” or “Rejected.”


LISTING 13-20: Coding the onTaskChanged1 Activity
private void onTaskChangedl_Invoked(object sender, ExternalDataEventArgs e)
    if (onApprovalTaskChangedAfterProperties.PercentComplete == l.0F &&
      bTrainingApproved = true;
      bTrainingApproved = false;


For the sendEmaill activity, you have essentially three properties to set: Subject, From, and Body. However, because the former two properties are already configured, the process is much easier. Add the code in Listing 13-21 to the sendEmaill_MethodInvoking method that is created when you double-click the activity. The code creates some information about the suggested training course and includes it in the body of the email message.


LISTING 13-21: Coding the sendEmail1 Activity
private void sendEmaill_MethodInvoking(object sender, EventArgs e)
    sendEmaill.Body = string.Format
     (“Sorry, but your suggestion {0}/{l}
     has been rejected by the training manager. ”,
     twInfo.Code, twInfo.Title);


At this point, all the activities are handled except for the final activity: ifElseActivityl. If you recall, the configuration of this activity was postponed, so it's now about time to get it coded, too.

In this activity, the workflow determines whether the training manager approved or rejected the training course subject to the workflow and takes a different path, depending on his decision.

The logic of branching is no different than in any IF ELSE statement. When the condition is evaluated, a true or false statement is returned and the workflow branches to one of the ifelsebranchactivity activities. There are two kinds of conditions that can be set for this activity:

  • Declarative Rule Condition: This requires coding the logic in the workflow's built-in Condition Editor. The logic must always result in a Boolean evaluation.
  • Code Condition: This requires an event handler just like all the other activities. The event handler must always result in a Boolean evaluation.

Select the branch that contains the ifElseBranchActivity1 activity and set the Condition property to Declarative Rule Condition, as shown in Figure 13-42.


FIGURE 13-42

There are two more additional properties to set: ConditionName and Expression. Clicking in the text box next to the ConditionName property displays the ellipses where you can click and launch the workflow's built-in Condition Editor. This dialog box contains all the declarative rule conditions in your workflow, and obviously it should be empty for now. Click the New button to launch the Rule Condition Editor dialog box.

The Rule Condition Editor dialog box is where you can type in the conditional expression. Notice that the editor comes with IntelliSense, which displays a list of properties, fields, and methods in the workflow class. Enter the following expression to determine whether the training course is rejected:


Clicking the OK button returns you to the Select Condition dialog box, where you rename the condition, giving it a more descriptive name. Repeat the same steps for the ifElseBranchActivity2 branch, using the following expression:


The conditions that you created can be reused by other activities, too. Figure 13-43 shows the workflow's built-in Condition Editor after both conditions are created.

After all these button clicks, if you check the content of the .rules file, you will find the XML fragment of the condition you just wrote.


FIGURE 13-43

Compiling and Deploying

All of your activities are coded now. All you need to do is press F5 and wait for the workflow to compile and be deployed. The packaging process is no different from any other SPI, as everything will be bundled into a WSP solution.

images Depending on the changes you've made to the deployment configuration, you may need to go to the site collection Features gallery and activate the Feature manually. Workflow templates are defined at the site-collection level.

When the SharePoint site shows up, browse to the View All Site Content page and click Site Workflows. You should see all of the site workflows, as well as the workflow that was just deployed. Click the workflow to start it. This redirects you to the workflow initiation form, as shown in Figure 13-44. Type some information and click the Start Workflow button.


FIGURE 13-44

Go ahead and approve or reject the task. If the training suggestion is approved (include “Approved” in the description column), a site is created for the training. If not, the workflow simply terminates, but it sends an email to the training coordinator before doing so.

I will be the first one to admit that the initiation form is totally unstyled and looks horrible, quite literally. But, then again, this chapter is not meant to teach you branding 101!

Figure 13-45 shows the log entry created by the logToHistoryListActivityl activity.


FIGURE 13-45

Last, but certainly not least, there is one option available to direct users back to where they came originally from after starting a site workflow. If you have been using SharePoint for any amount of time, you probably know that URLs are everywhere and play an important role in many forms in SharePoint. On most SharePoint forms, you can simply add your own URL to the Source query string parameter and SharePoint will automatically redirect the user to that URL when the form is submitted. The same rule applies to site workflow initiation forms.

As mentioned previously, the initiation form code-behind file contains the redirection logic that redirects the workflow originator to the URL specified in the Source query string parameter. Take a look at the initiation form URL. It should be similar to the following URL, except that it contains your own site URL:


If you add this link somewhere in your site, by replacing the Source query string value with the URL of a specific page, you can get the users to the workflow initiation form. Then, when they start the workflow, they will be redirected back to that page. A very simple tip, but it makes a lot of people scratch their heads for a while.

Debugging the Workflow

As always, no application is complete without debugging, audit trails, logging, and testing. At a high level, workflow exceptions can be categorized in the following two distinctive groups:

  • Failed on start (retrying): This usually means that the workflow assembly cannot be loaded or the assembly in the global assembly cache (GAC) does not match the information specified in the <workflow> element of the workflow manifest file.
  • Error Occurred: This means that the workflow has started, but there was an error in one of the activities.

Debugging a workflow live is very similar to other types of debugging done with SharePoint projects created in Visual Studio 2010. You can set a few breakpoints in the code behind or on each activity in the Designer canvas and press F5. Behind the scenes, Visual Studio attaches to the right W3WP.exe process.

The SharePoint Unified Logging Service (ULS) also logs a large amount of information about each instance. Some of the core workflow exceptions are caught only by the ULS, which makes it a good place to refer to when debugging your workflows.

ULS logs and live debugging aside, there are three more options available when debugging workflows:

  • Fault handlers: A developer uses the FaultHandler activity to capture a specific exception type and execute one or more activities in response to that exception when workflows fail.
  • Try-catch block: As with any other application, a developer captures exceptions in the code using a try-catch block. This enables the developer to handle exceptions and take actions accordingly.
  • Workflow events: A developer creates an event handler that listens to various workflow events and provides logging and error notifications to the site administrator. This will be covered later in this chapter.

Now that you have some idea of how you go about fault handling in your workflows, you can build a fault handler.

A FaultHandler activity can be associated with most of the activities in the workflow or the workflow itself. Obviously, when it's associated with the workflow, the handler acts at a global level as opposed to when it's local to a specific activity. Figure 13-46 shows how to associate a FaultHandler activity with the workflow.


FIGURE 13-46

After selecting the View Fault Handlers option, the Designer canvas changes to the Workflow Exceptions mode. There is already a FaultHandlersActivity activity on the surface. This is a composite activity that can contain one or more FaultHandler activities. Drag a FaultHandler activity from the toolbox into the rectangular area directly below the icon that shows a folder with an exclamation mark next to it. Next, right-click the FaultHandler activity that you just added and select Properties from the context menu.

Find the FaultType property and then click the ellipsis button. From the list of available exceptions, select the Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException, as shown in Figure 13-47.


FIGURE 13-47

The SPException represents an exception in SharePoint. This exception is typically used when a violation of some kind happens. For example, attempting to delete one of the out-of-the-box galleries, such as Workflows, creates an SPException exception. Because attempting to create a site with the same name as an existing site is considered a violation, this exception suits the logic of your workflow very well.

Drag a logToHistoryListActivity activity from the toolbox and drop it directly above the termination step, where it says Drop Activities Here. In the event of an exception of type SPException, this activity adds a log entry to the workflow history list associated with the workflow.

images Remember, the capability to copy and paste activities from one workflow design canvas to another design canvas is a great convenience. Let it help you.

For the logToHistoryListActivity2 activity, there are two properties that you need to set: HistoryOutcome and OtherData. Both properties are set the same way that the properties of the logToHistoryListActivity2 activity were set. The OtherData property is used to write additional information in the log entry written to the workflow history list. Unlike the HistoryOutcome and HistoryDescription properties, the OtherData property is not restricted to 255 characters in length.

Right-click the logToHistoryListActivity2 activity, and then select the Generate Handlers option from the context menu. Add the code shown in Listing 13-22.


LISTING 13-22: Coding the logToHistoryListActivity2 Activity
public String logToHistoryListActivity2HistoryOutcome =
public String logToHistoryListActivity2OtherData = default(System.String);

private void logToHistoryListActivity2_MethodInvoking
 (object sender, EventArgs e)
    logToHistoryListActivity2HistoryOutcome =
    logToHistoryListActivity2OtherData =


The logToHistoryListActivity activity writes the log entries to the workflow history list. The workflow history list is hidden and is not listed under View All Site Content link. You can find this list by clicking on the In Progress link in the workflow status page or by typing the following URL in the browser. Each workflow instance is uniquely identified by an ID of type GUID, which needs to be specified in the WorkflowInstanceID query string parameter. This ID is used to communicate with the instance.


The log entries are only kept for 60 days, by default. There is a timer job named Workflow Auto Cleanup that runs on a daily basis and removes log entries older than 60 days after the workflow is completed or canceled, as shown in Figure 13-48.


FIGURE 13-48

With the fault handler in place and the logToHistoryListActivity properties bound to fields and its event handler code, you can cause an intentional error to test the fault handler.

Start a workflow with “SWF01” as the training code. Once you verify that the training site is created, start the workflow one more time and use the same code. Because the CreateTrainingSite activity uses the training code as the title for the website, you should get the error message shown in Figure 13-49, in the workflow history list.


FIGURE 13-49

Pluggable Workflow Services

Previously, SharePoint-hosted workflows could only subscribe to a limited number of SharePoint core events such as ISharePointService, ITaskService, IListItemService, and IModificationService. However, many scenarios required workflow developers to interact with other internal or external events. Another issue was that workflow activities were intrinsically synchronous. So, running operations that take a long time to complete within the main workflow thread could potentially block other activities in the workflow from execution.

Imagine that you have created a workflow that interacts with a CRM web service and the service takes three seconds to respond to an action. There are 1,000 instances of the workflow spawning every day. You certainly don't want to keep all those instances in the web frontend servers' memory for three seconds each just to complete a service call. Instead, you want to run the service call outside the workflow activity, so whenever the workflow gets the result back from the CRM service, the workflow wakes up and continues on, as shown in Figure 13-50.


FIGURE 13-50

In WSS 3.0, one solution to overcome this shortcoming was to use the combination of an event handler attached to the Tasks list and workflow tasks to send a request to CRM (using its native web services) and have CRM update the task with the result. Once the result is written to the task, you can always access it in the workflow channel by using the OnTaskChanged activity. Microsoft also had a pattern called business event, which was conceptually very similar to this solution.

But, what if you want to get data into a workflow while it's running without getting tasks involved?

Thankfully, SharePoint 2010 now supports Pluggable Workflow Services via External Data Exchange (EDS). A Pluggable Workflow Service allows workflow instances to communicate with events outside the workflow channel. This is not something new and has been part of Windows Workflow Foundation for a while. When you think about it, all the dehydration and rehydration behaviors of workflows in SharePoint are based on the EDS communication system. So, Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 used it for modeling its own workflow communication system, but Microsoft just decided to lock it down and not allow SharePoint developers to directly benefit from it in their custom SharePoint-hosted workflows.

There are three primary uses for Pluggable Workflow Services:

  • Subscribing to internal and external events. Any event that dehydrates the workflow and rehydrates it when it starts again.
  • Handling long-running operations in an asynchronous manner, so the workflow can dehydrate and rehydrate the workflow while the operation is running.
  • Getting resource-intensive operations off the workflow thread so that it can switch back to other workflow activities; for example, if there are activities that have no dependency on the result of the operation or there are parallel activities that need to complete before the result is returned to the workflow.

There is nothing special about a Pluggable Workflow Service. Think of it as being like an event handler, feature receiver, or any other code that runs within SharePoint. It's just some code that is registered with workflow runtime that runs in SharePoint and runs on the workflow host thread. This service can be implemented in such a way that it can interact with running instances of a workflow.

At a high level, creating a Pluggable Workflow Service involves several steps. To get started, add a C# class to your workflow project and name it TrainingSiteCreationLocalService.cs. Next, add the following using statements to the class:

using System.Workflow.Activities;
using System;
using Microsoft.SharePoint;
using System.Threading;
using System.Workflow.Runtime;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Workflow;

Now, the class needs the logic required for the plumbing to work.

The first thing you need to create is the contract of the service. Listing 13-23 shows a service interface that's decorated with an ExternalDataExchange attribute. The interface definition contains an event and a method. The former provides the communication into the workflow, and the latter provides the communication into the service.

images From noiv on, the term “the service” refers to the Pluggable Workflow Service that you are implementing in this chapter.

An event called MessageIn is raised when the service needs to send a message into the workflow instance. When you insert this line, you get an error on the CommunicationObjArgs class. It's normal; you have defined an event handler, but you didn't specify the method that actually handles the event. Don't worry, you'll add this next. Keep in mind that you can have multiple events raised and more than one message pushed back into the workflow.

The interface also contains a method for the data that the workflow sends out to the service. Again, you can have the workflow communicate with the service to send more than one message.


LISTING 13-23: The Service Contract
public interface ITrainingSiteCreationService
    event EventHandler<CommunicationObjArgs> MessageIn;
    void CreateTrainingSite(string sitename, string url);


With the service contract in place, the next step is to add the event class that inherits the ExternalDataEventArgs class, as shown in Listing 13-24. This class is the handler for the event you added to the interface definition. It represents a serializable message that needs to go into the workflow.

Two things must be implemented in this class. First, a constructor that uses the :base(Id) constructor. This ID uniquely identifies a workflow instance. As previously mentioned, without this ID, it's impossible to know which instance to correlate the message to. Second, the class must be marked as Serializable, so the message is serialized on the way into the workflow instance.


LISTING 13-24: Event Handler Implementation
public class CommunicationObjArgs : ExternalDataEventArgs
    public CommunicationObjArgs(Guid id) : base(id) { }
    public string webID;


The last piece of code you need to add is the actual service implementation, as shown in Listing 13-25. This class must derive from SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService and implement the service interface (the contract). At minimum, this class must implement two members:

  • The method that's defined in the interface definition. In this example, it's called CreateTrainingSite().
  • An inherited abstract member called SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService .CallEventHandler. This method will handle the callback to the workflow instance.

In addition to the member implementations, the service must declare a public event of type CommunicationObjArgs, so it can be used in the plumbing to route the event handler (see CallEventHandler method).


LISTING 13-25: Service Implementation
class StateObject
    public SPWeb web;
    public Guid instanceId;
    public StateObject(Guid instanceId, SPWeb web)
        this.instanceId = instanceId;
        this.web = web;

class TrainingSiteCreationService : SPWorkflowExternalDataExchangeService,

     public event EventHandler<CommunicationObjArgs> MessageIn;
     public void CreateTrainingSite(string sitename, string url)
         ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state)
             StateObject sObject = state as StateObject;
            string webID = string.Empty;
            using (SPSite siteCollection = new SPSite(url))
                using (SPWeb web = siteCollection.OpenWeb())
                    using (SPWeb trainingWeb = web.Webs.Add(sitename))
                        trainingWeb.Description = “This site is created by a
                         pluggable workflow service.”;
                        trainingWeb.Title = sitename;
                        webID = trainingWeb.ID.ToString();
             RaiseEvent(sObject.web, sObject.instanceld,
              “MessageIn”, new object[] { webID });
           }, new StateObject(WorkflowEnvironment.WorkflowInstanceId,

 public override void CallEventHandler(Type eventType,
  string eventName,object[] eventData, SPWorkflow workflow,
  string identity,System.Workflow.Runtime.IPendingWork workHandler,
  object workItem)
     var msg = new CommunicationObjArgs(workflow.InstanceId);
     msg.webID = eventData[0].ToString();
     msg.WorkHandler = workHandler;
     msg.WorkItem = workItem;
     msg.Identity = identity;
     this.MessageIn(null, msg);

// Code omitted for brevity



Note a few things about Listing 13-25:

  • ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem queues an anonymous method delegate for execution on a separate thread. This method will execute as soon as a thread pool thread becomes available.
  • The QueueUserWorkItem method only takes two parameters. The first parameter is the code that the thread executes. Using an anonymous method delegate means that you do not need to create an additional method to execute the long-running code. The second parameter, which starts after the delegate (new StateObject()), is for an object containing data to be used inside the anonymous method delegate.
  • StateObject is a class used to hold data to be used by the anonymous method delegate. This class contains two pieces of information: the workflow instance ID and the SPWeb object where the workflow is running.
  • RaiseEvent() call raises a workflow event and sends an event back through CallEventHandler().
  • The CallEventHandler() method is the plumbing code that gets the returned message (webID) from the long-running code into the workflow instance. This is done by passing an instance of the CommunicationObjArgs to the workflow instance.

With the service implementation complete, the service needs to be registered with the SharePoint workflow runtime host. Open the web.config file and insert the following line into <WorkflowServices> element. As always, replace the public token key with your own.

<WorkflowService Assembly=“TrainingApprovalSiteWorkflow,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b3dec5fc56831cdf”

While you are in the web.config file, notice how some EDS implementations that SharePoint Workflow communication systems uses are already registered.

Switch back to the workflow design canvas; you are done with the TrainingSiteCreationLocalService.cs file. Delete the CreateTrainingSite1 activity in the right branch of the ifElseActivity1 activity. Instead, drag and drop the following three activities into the workflow:

  • CallExternalMethodActivity
  • HandleExternalEvent
  • LogToHistoryListActivity

These activities will be used for in and out communications with the service. Notice how one activity is blue and the other one is green. Blue in workflow activities denotes that the activity sends something out or does something. Green activities are those waiting for something to happen. The workflow design canvas now should look like Figure 13-51.


FIGURE 13-51

The CallExternalMethodActivity1 activity calls the CreateTrainingSite method in the service, and the HandleExternalEvent1 activity dehydrates the workflow and waits for the event MessageIn to be raised. After the event is raised (or if it was raised before the activity executes), the data that is passed into the workflow (webId) is written to the workflow history list, using the LogToHistoryListActivity3 activity.

images To provide a better designer experience, a command-line utility called wca.exe can be executed against a compiled ExternalDataExchange interface to create strongly typed activities. These activities can be then dragged from the toolbox just like any other activity and placed in workflow. If you opt to use this tool, I highly recommend that you run it only when the interface definition has been finalized and is no longer being actively developed. For more information about this tool, refer to the official documentation at www.devhorizon.com/go/26.

The next step is to configure new activities to point to the service. For the CallExternalMethodActivityl activity, there are four properties that must be set. Use the following combination as an example:

  • InterfaceType: ITrainingSiteCreationService (see Figure 13-52)
  • MethodName: CreateTrainingSite
  • sitename: Bind it to a new field named callExternalMethodActivitysitename
  • url: Bind it to a new field named callExternalMethodActivityurl

Just as with the CreateTrainingSitel activity, the workflow must set the sitename and url properties of the CallExternalMethodActivityl activity before the activity will execute. Insert the code shown in Listing 13-26 into the onWorkflowActivatedl_Invoked method.


FIGURE 13-52


LISTING 13-26: Modifying the onWorkflowActivated1_Invoked Method
private void onWorkflowActivated1_Invoked(object sender,
 ExternalDataEventArgs e)
    //Code Omitted for brevity
    callExternalMethodActivitysitename = twInfo.Code;
    callExternalMethodActivityurl = workflowProperties.WebUrl;


To configure the HandleExternalEvent activity, you essentially have three properties to set. Use the following combination as an example:

  • InterfaceType: ITrainingSiteCreationService (same as the CallExternalMethodActivity activity)
  • EventName: MessageIn
  • e: Bind it to a property (not a field) called handleExternalEventActivity1_e1

The last activity that you need to configure is the LogToHistoryListActivity3 activity. Setting up this activity is a piece of cake, because you have done this twice already. Bind the HistoryOutcome property to a field called logToHistoryListActivity3HistoryOutcome. Right-click the activity and, from the context menu, click Generate Handler. Set the value of the HistoryOutcome property, as shown in Listing 13-27. Notice how webID is used as a property of the handleExternalEventActivity1_e1 property.


LISTING 13-27: Coding the logToHistoryListActivity3 Activity
private void logToHistoryListActivity3_MethodInvoking(object sender,
 EventArgs e)
    logToHistoryListActivity3HistoryOutcome =
     string.Format(“The ID of the training site created is {0}”,


That's it. The service is completed and everything's ready. Go ahead and deploy the new workflow. Run the workflow the same way as before and create a sample training. Ensure that you mark the task as 100% complete and type the word “Approved.” The workflow should create the site using the Pluggable Workflow Service you created. Figure 13-53 illustrates the workflow history. Note how the WebID of the new training site is returned from the service and is written to the workflow history list. Basically, you got a message into the service (sitename and url) and a message out (WebID).

Congratulations on a job well done!


FIGURE 13-53

Tapping into Workflow Events

As indicated in the previous section, workflows in SharePoint 2010 have the ability to respond to events. SharePoint 2010 adds another new feature: workflow events. Essentially, workflows in SharePoint 2010 are structured to emit events that other event receivers can intercept and monitor. If workflows can listen to events and they can emit events, what does this tell you? The answer is that workflows can interact with each other. For example, imagine a series of chained workflows operating on the same list, with each starting after the previous one completes.

This new feature provides a number of key benefits for developers. The most obvious one is that it lends modularity to their workflow design, allowing them to break their workflows into smaller workflows and chain them together. This results in more reusable workflows. Consequently, this means that developers can create code to capture the events emitted by running instances of a workflow. For example, they can monitor and intercept out-of-the-box workflows for errors and handle them in an appropriate way, including custom error notification.

The event receivers have been dramatically improved in SharePoint 2010. The workflow events that ship with SharePoint 2010 are divided into the following four types:

  • WorkflowStarting
  • WorkflowStarted
  • WorkflowCompleted
  • WorkflowPostponed

images It's important to understand that new workflow event receivers fire only on list workflows. They don't work for site workflows.

Consequently, Visual Studio 2010 has a new template and a new SPI for event receivers. When you create a new workflow event receiver, you can select the list and the desired workflow events to trap, as shown in Figure 13-54.


FIGURE 13-54

After the project is created, the workflow event receiver is implemented in a class that inherits from the SPWorkflowEventReceiver class. Add the code shown in Listing 13-28 to the WorkflowCompleted method.

The code checks the workflow completion type and sends two types of notifications based on that. If the workflow completes successfully, a helper method is called and the email address of the person who started the workflow is passed into it. However, if the workflow errors out, the exception is retrieved and a notification error is sent to the administrator with the exception information included through another helper method.


LISTING 13-28: The WorkflowCompleted Method
public override void WorkflowCompleted(SPWorkflowEventProperties properties)
    switch (properties.CompletionType )
        case SPWorkflowEventCompletionType.Completed:
          string orginUserEmail =
        case SPWorkflowEventCompletionType.Errored:
          Exception ex = properties.ErrorException;



This chapter introduced a whole new landscape of workflow features in SharePoint 2010.

  • Visio 2010 has two impacts on workflow development. It can be used to prototype a workflow as well as to visualize a running instance of a workflow.
  • You can import that prototype into SharePoint Designer 2010. You can further customize the workflow by using the SharePoint Designer.
  • Reusable workflows are like templates. They can be used as a starting point for creating other workflows. If they are converted to globally reusable workflows, they can be shared across all sites within the same site collection.
  • SharePoint Designer 2010 can create declarative workflows and associate them with content types, a functionality that was missing in the last version of the product.
  • SharePoint Designer workflows come with all three types of workflow forms (association, initiation, and task). They all can be customized by InfoPath and published back to SharePoint.
  • Developers can create workflow actions in Visual Studio 2010 for use in SharePoint Designer workflows. They can be sandboxed, too. In multi-tenant or hosting environments, this would be beneficial. Custom actions must be registered in the web.config file as an authorizedType element.
  • A SharePoint Designer reusable workflow can be imported into Visual Studio, but it's just a template. It needs some touch-ups before it's a fully functional WSP package, ready for deployment to other site collections or web applications.
  • Site workflows are a new type of workflow in SharePoint 2010. They can run on any SharePoint object, not only list items. Remember, site workflows cannot be saved as templates; neither can they be copied and modified. They are just not reusable.
  • There are two SPIs in Visual Studio 2010 for creating ASPX association and initiation forms. These forms already have the code required to start and cancel a workflow programmatically.
  • Starting with SharePoint 2010, workflows can listen to internal and external events through the implementation of a Pluggable Workflow Service. SharePoint workflow communication is accomplished through External Data Exchange.
  • The CallExternalMethodActivity and HandleExternalEvent activities can be used to send and receive messages to and from a Pluggable Workflow Service asynchronously.
  • Workflows in SharePoint 2010 can emit events that other event receivers can intercept and monitor.
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