
Throughout this book, we've been careful not to flood you with information which — while interesting — would get in the way of learning the important concepts. We've had to avoid talking about interesting interactions between components we hadn't discussed yet, and we've avoided burrowing deep into implementation details that thrill us but may baffle learners.

In this chapter, though, we've been able to talk to you like the informed developer that you are, sharing some of our favorite tidbits about the inner workings of ASP.NET MVC, as well as advanced techniques to get the most from the framework. We hope you've enjoyed it as much as we have!

Title Page

To my wife Rachel, my daughters Rosemary, Esther, and Ellie, and to you for reading this book. Enjoy!

—Jon Galloway

My wife, Akumi, deserves to have her name on the cover as much as I do for all her support made this possible. And thanks to Cody for his infectious happiness.

—Phil Haack

To Potten on Potomac.

—K. Scott Allen


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Cover Image

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About the Authors

JON GALLOWAY works at Microsoft as a Community Program Manager focused on ASP.NET MVC. He wrote the MVC Music Store tutorial, helped organize mvcConf (a free online conference for the ASP.NET MVC community), and travelled the world in 2010 teaching MVC classes for the Web Camps tour. Jon previously worked at Vertigo Software, where he worked on several Microsoft conference websites, high profile Silverlight video players, and MIX keynote demos. Prior to that, he's worked in a wide range of web development shops, from scrappy startups to Fortune 500 financial companies. He's part of the Herding Code podcast (, blogs at, and twitters as @jongalloway. He lives in San Diego with his wife, three daughters, and a bunch of avocado trees.

PHIL HAACK is a Senior Program Manager with the ASP.NET team working on the ASP.NET MVC project. Prior to joining Microsoft, Phil worked as a product manager for a code search engine, a dev manager for an online gaming company, and as a senior architect for a popular Spanish language television network, among other crazy pursuits. As a code junkie, Phil Haack loves to craft software. Not only does he enjoy writing software, he enjoys writing about software and software management on his blog, In his spare time, Phil contributes to various open source projects and is the founder of the Subtext blog engine project, which is undergoing a re-write, using ASP.NET MVC, of course.

Brad Wilson works for Microsoft as a Senior Software Developer on the Web Platform and Tools team on the ASP.NET MVC project. He joined Microsoft on the Patterns and Practices team in 2005, and also worked on the team that builds the CodePlex open source hosting site. Prior to Microsoft, he has been a developer, consultant, architect, team lead, and CTO at various software companies for nearly 20 years. He's also the co-author of the open source developer testing framework, along with James Newkirk (of NUnit fame). He has been an active blogger since 2001 and writes primarily on ASP.NET topics at as well as tweeting as @bradwilson. Brad lives in beautiful Redmond, WA, where he hones his love for all types of games—especially Poker.

K. SCOTT ALLEN is the founder of OdeToCode LLC. Scott provides custom development, consulting, and mentoring services for clients around the world.

About the Technical Editors

EILON LIPTON joined the ASP.NET team as a developer at Microsoft in 2002. On this team, he has worked on areas ranging from data source controls to localization to the UpdatePanel control. He now works on the ASP.NET MVC Framework as a principal development lead. Eilon is also a frequent speaker on a variety of ASP.NET-related topics at conferences worldwide. He graduated from Boston University with a dual degree in Math and Computer Science. In his spare time Eilon spends time in his garage workshop building what he considers to be well-designed furniture. If you know anyone who needs a coffee table that's three feet tall and has a slight slope to it, send him an e-mail.


THANKS TO FAMILY AND FRIENDS who graciously acted as if “Jon without sleep” is someone you'd want to spend time with. Thanks to the whole ASP.NET team for making work fun since 2002, and especially to Brad Wilson and Phil Haack for answering tons of random questions. Thanks to Warren G. Harding for normalcy. Thanks to Philippians 4:4-9 for continually reminding me which way is up.

—Jon Galloway

THANKS GO TO MY LOVELY WIFE, Akumi, for her support which went above and beyond all expectations and made this possible. I'd like to also give a shout out to my son, Cody, for his sage advice, delivered only as a two year old can deliver it. I'm sure he'll be embarrassed ten years from now that I used such an anachronism (“shout out”) in my acknowledgment to him. Thanks go to my daughter, Mia, as her smile lights up the room like unicorns.

—Phil Haack

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