This chapter contains a variety of topics of a more advanced nature that relate to wavelets. Since these topics are more advanced, an overview will be presented with details left to the various references.


7.1.1 Wavelet Algorithm

In this section we briefly discuss the number of operations required to compute the wavelet decomposition of a signal (the computational complexity of the wavelet decomposition algorithm).

To take a concrete setting, suppose f is a continuous signal defined on the unit interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 1. Let


be a discrete sampling of ƒ. We wish to count the number of multiplications in the decomposition algorithm in terms of the number N = 2n.

The decomposition algorithm stated in Eq. (5.12) or Eq. (5.17) computes the aj-i and bj–i, j = n,..., 1, using the formulas


Note that there are half as many aj-i coefficients as there are aj coefficients. So the index l on the left runs from 0 to 2j–


This result is often summarized by stating that the wavelet decomposition algorithm requires O(N) multiplication operations where N is the number of data at the top level. Here, O(N) stands for a number that is proportional to N. The proportionality constant in this case is 2(L + 1) (which is 6 in the case of Haar or 10 in the case of Daubechies).

By comparison, the number of multiplicative operations for the fast Fourier transform is 0(N logN) (see Section 3.1.3). However, this comparison is unfair since the fast Fourier transform decomposes a signal into all its frequency components between 0 and N/2. By contrast, the wavelet decomposition algorithm decomposes a signal into its frequency components which lie in ranges bounded by powers of 2. For example,


is the decomposition of f given in Theorem 5.11. This should be regarded as the component of f which involves frequencies in the range 27–1 to 2j. Therefore, the wavelet decomposition algorithm does not decompose the signal into the more detailed range of frequencies that are offered by the discrete Fourier transform.

7.1.2 Wavelet Packets

Wavelets can be used to obtain a decomposition of a signal into a finer gradation of frequency components using wavelet packets. We briefly describe the technique for doing this, which requires O (N log N) operations, and therefore it is no more efficient than the fast Fourier transform. A more complete discussion may be found in Meyer (1993, Chapter 7).

We illustrate the idea of wavelet packets in the specific case when n = 3. A signal f3 ∈ V3 can be decomposed via Theorem 5.11 as


We can put this decomposition into a more hierarchical structure


The arrows marked “H” are the projection operators onto the wavelet components. The arrows marked “L” stand for the projection to the next lower level (e.g., the projection from V2 to V1). The H stands for “high-pass filter” since the wavelet part of a particular level represents the component with higher frequency (e.g., the W1 component of V2 = W1V1 represents higher frequencies that are not in the V1 component). Likewise, the L stands for “low-pass filter” since it projects to the next lower level.

The ƒ3 component contains the frequency range from 1 to 8. The w2 component contains frequency components from 5 to 8. The analogous frequency ranges for the w1, w0, and w0 components are 3 to 4, 2, and 1, respectively. The idea behind wavelet packets is to apply the high-pass and low-pass filters to each of w2, w1, and w0. The high-pass filter and low-pass filters applied to w2 create new components W21 and w20, respectively, which are orthogonal to one another. The process is iterated until a complete decomposition into all frequencies is obtained.

In the case of ƒ3, a complete decomposition into all components is illustrated in the following diagram.


To count the number of operations required, imagine that this diagram were extended to handle n levels (n = 3 is illustrated). Each component in the kth

level of the diagram requires O(2N–k) computations. Since there are 2k components in the kh level, the total number of computations for this level is 0(2”) (independent of k). Since there are n levels (not counting the first, which only contains the original signal), the total number of operations is 0(n2n) or Nlog2 N, where N = 2n. This is the same number of operations required by the fast Fourier transform.


The signal processing of two-dimensional video images or of digitized three-dimensional scans of solid objects can be done using wavelets, as generalized to multidimensions. Wavelets in higher dimensions can be obtained in several ways (Daubechies, 1992). We will briefly describe a two-dimensional multiresolution framework commonly used in various image processing tasks.

Suppose that ϕand ψ are the scaling function and wavelet for a multiresolution analysis and that they are real-valued and compactly supported. The Haar system or the ones corresponding to Daubechies wavelets are examples. As shown in previous sections, the functions


are orthonormal bases for the spaces Vj and Wj, respectively. Moreover, each ψjk is orthogonal to all the ϕjk- Finally, the ϕand ψ satisfy the scaling and wavelet relations below.


Because ϕ is real and has compact support, the Pk’s are real and are nonzero for only a finite number of k’s. The “inverse” of the scaling relation, which expresses ϕ (2x) in terms of (x – k) and ψ(x – k), is Eq. (5.10) with j = 1:


In the two-dimensional case, we will need one scaling function but three wavelet functions: horizontal, vertical, and diagonal. To help in describing these, let x = (x1, x2), where x1 and x2 are in R, and let k = {k1, k2), where k1 and k2 are integers; we will write this as k ∈ Z2. The scaling function is


and we also set


The horizontal, vertical, and diagonal wavelets are, respectively (Mallat, 1998),


We define c07ie002 1, 2, 3, analogously to Φj,k It is easy to show (exercise 6) that Φ satisfies the scaling relation,


and that the Ψγ’s satisfy wavelet relations,


Analogous to Eq. (5.10) in the one-variable setting, the inverse scaling relation in the two-dimensional case is


The space of finite-energy, two-dimensional “signals” is the Hubert space L2(R2), which comprises all functions f(x) = f(x1,X2) such that


where || f ||L2(S2) is the norm. The inner product for L2(R2) is


Its role in image processing is analogous to L2(R) in one-dimensional signal processing.

The scaling functions and wavelets are orthonormal in L2(R2) for fixed j,


The wavelets, but not the scaling functions, are also orthogonal at different levels—that is, different j’s. Except for there being three wavelets instead of one, these orthogonality relations are analogous to those for the one-dimensional case.

We can use the scaling function Φ to introduce a two-dimensional multireso-lution analysis. Define the approximation space Vj to be the span of the Φj,k’s in L2(R2). In a way similar to that used for denning the Vj’s, we use the three wavelets to define the wavelet spaces c07ie003, c07ie004 and c07ie005 For example, c07ie003 is the span of {c07ie006 k ∈ Z}, and similarly for the other spaces. These three wavelet spaces are all orthogonal to each other and to V,. The wavelet spaces, but not the approximation spaces, are also orthogonal for different levels j, j’. The resulting multiresolution analysis is described in this result:

Proposition 7.1 The approximation spaces Vj, j ∈ Z, together with the scaling function Φ, satisfy all of the properties of a multiresolution analysis, with L2(R) replaced by L2(R2). In addition, the following decomposition formula holds:


Note. Equation (7.4) is the multidimensional analogue of V)+i = V) ⊕ Wj in the one-variable setting (see Chapter 5).

Proof. The defining properties of a multiresolution analysis are given in Definition 5.1. The scaling relation (7.1) implies Φ(x – 1) is a linear combination of the Φ(2x – k)’s. Consequently, Φ(x – 1) is in V1. Since every function in V0 is in the span of the Φ(x – l)’s, we have that V0 C V1. A similar argument using Φj,1 and Φj+1,k gives us that the approximation spaces are nested:


Of course, V0 was constructed from the basis Φ(x – 1), so that V0 is generated by shifts of the scaling function. The remaining properties needed for a multires olution analysis—namely, density, separation, and scaling—are left as exercises.

The decomposition (7.4) follows from Eqs. (7.1), (7.2), and (7.3).

Our convention for the coefficients for expansions in the bases for these spaces is this. Let fL2(R2). If fj,- ∈ Vj is the projection of f onto Vj and c07ie007 is the projection of f onto c07ie008, then the orthonormality of the bases implies that


As we did earlier, we introduce “a” and “b” notation:


With this and a little algebra, it is easy to see that the expansions above become


Wavelet analysis relies on the decomposition of Vy+i in Eq. (7.4). It implies that the projection of f onto V7+1 can be written as


Expressing fj+1 in terms of the basis j+i,k}k∈Z2 for Vj+1 and equating it to the fj, c07ie008 expansions from Eq. (7.6), which come from the bases {Φj,k}k∈z2 U c07ie009 we obtain decomposition and reconstruction formulas for the coefficients at the levels j and j + 1:



These equations are the multidimensional analogs of Eqs. (5.12) and (5.13) in one-variable.

Signal processing with two-dimensional wavelets follows the same overall steps as in one dimension: sampling, decomposition, processing (e.g., compression, denoising), and reconstruction. Let’s illustrate these steps for an image f(x1,x2) on the unit square, where {{x1,x2); 0 ≤x1,x2 1}. Suppose that the sampled image has n2 pixels, where n = 2j+1. The samples are then just f(2–J–1k1,2–J–1k2). Here k = (k1k2), 0 ≤ k1 k2 ≤ n – l.

The decomposition step requires initializing the highest-level approximation coefficients, the c07ie010 Suppose Φ a scaling function with compact support, so that Φ(2j+1x – k) has support within a few pixels of the point 2–j–1 k = {2–J–1 2–j–lk2). Then


When either or both of the components k1 or k2 are outside of the interval [0, n – 1], we assume that f(2j–1k) = 0. This allows us to define c07ie011 for all k. The rest of the decomposition step amounts to iterating Eqs. (7.7) to obtain the approximation and wavelet coefficients down to some desired level, denoted by j0 < J. The wavelet coefficients can then be processed accordingly.

For example, if filtering is the goal, then the wavelet coefficients corresponding to the unwanted frequencies can be set to zero. If compression is the goal, then the wavelet coefficients whose absolute values are below some desired threshold can be set equal to zero (and thus it is not necessary to store or transmit these zeros). It is these modified wavelet coefficients that are used in the reconstruction step by iterative use of Eq. (7.8) starting with j = jo and proceeding to the highest level j = J. As indicated in Eq. (7.9), the value of the modified image at x = 2–j–1k is approximated by the (now modified) value of c07ie011

For signal processing, it is essential to understand what the approximation and wavelet coefficients mean. Let’s look at a simple example where we use the Haar scaling function and wavelet for ϕ and ψ These have p0 = p1 = 1 and q0 = 1, q1 = – 1. The corresponding pk’s and P£’s in Eqs. (7.1) and (7.2), which are all 0 unless k is (0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), or (1,1), are best displayed in a matrix form in which the entries correspond to k = (0, 0), k = (1, 0), and so on:


We can calculate the level J approximation coefficients initialized by taking Eq. (7.9) for level J + 1 approximation coefficients in Eqs. (7.7). Combining this with the pk above, we see that


where x1 = 2–J and y1,0 = 2–j–1(1, 0), and so on. The point here is that c07ie012 is the average of f evaluated at the corners of the square of length 2–j–1 on each side, with 2–jl as its lower left-hand corner. It is thus a smoothed or “blurred” version of the image using 1/4 of the original number of pixels, with each new pixel being 2–J on a side rather than 2–j–1 on a side. A similar analysis, along with a little algebra, shows that the wavelet coefficient c07ie013 has the form


which is the difference of the horizontal pixel averages on the square. Such wavelet coefficients will be able to pick up changes among horizontal lines. Coefficients for the form


pick up differences among vertical lines. Finally, the wavelet coefficients of the form


pick up changes among diagonal lines. The behavior of these wavelet coefficients is the origin of the designation of a wavelet as horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

The coefficient formulas that we’ve just discussed are specific to the Haar mul-tiresolution analysis. Even so, the general interpretation of coefficients remains for many other one-dimensional multiresolution analyses. We point out that when other ϕ and ψ are used, the above formulas must be modified. Moreover, other technical difficulties with filter lengths and edges arise. Still, processing a two-dimensional signal or image is done with these interpretations for the coefficients kept in mind.


1. Let f ∈ L2(R2). For the two-dimensional Haar multiresolution analysis, with scaling function Φ, show that the scaling coefficient c07ie014 for the projection of f onto the space Vj is the exactly the average of f over the support of Φ(2jx – k). This allows us to interpret c07ie014 as a pixel value associated with the square having length 2–j on a side and lower left-hand corner 2–j {k1, k2).

2. The square S below is divided into congruent squares, each having sides of length 2–J–l. The lower left-hand corner L of S has coordinates 2–j {k1, k2).


(a) Let p1,...,p4 be the pixel values of f ∈ L2(R2) associated with S1,..., S4. (See exercise 1.) Show that ps = c07ie014 is the average of these four pixel values.

(b) Express the wavelet coefficients bfc , X = 1, 2, 3 in terms the pixel values pi,..., P4. Briefly discuss why these expressions illustrate the interpretation of the wavelet coefficients as vertical, horizontal, and diagonal.

3. Let f(x1,x2) = 5 – x1 3x2 on the square [0,1] × [0,1], and 0 elsewhere. Use exercise 1 to calculate the 16 pixel values for the projection of f onto level j = 2. Use exercise 2 to calculate pixel values for j = í and j = 0. Plot the resulting images. Notice the “blurring” that occurs as j decreases.

4. Provide filter diagrams for the two-dimensional decomposition and reconstruction formulas.

5. Complete the proof of Proposition 7.1.

6. Show that (7.1) and (7.2) hold.

7. This exercise is really a small project. You will need Matlab’s Wavelet Toolbox to carry it out. Find two gray-scale images on the web. Color images can be used, but doing so complicates matters. The idea is to hide one image inside of the other. Using two-dimensional wavelets, try to hide in such a way that the hidden image cannot be seen just by looking at it, but it can be recovered from a wavelet analysis of the combined image. Try several different wavelets to see which one works best.


In this section we analyze the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms and we show that the latter involves the I2 adjoint of the former. As before, we assume that ɸand ψ are the scaling and wavelet functions associated to a multiresolution analysis. We rewrite the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms using the orthonormal bases ϕjk(x) = 2j/2ϕ(2Jx – k) ∈ Vj) and ϕjk(x) = 2j/2ϕ(2jx – k) ∈ Vj. To do this, it is more convenient to use coefficients c07ie015 := (f,ϕ and c07ie016 : = (f,ψ) which are related directly to the orthonormal bases for Vj and Wj. The c07ie014’s and c07ie017’s introduced in Section 5.1.4 relate to the c07ie015’s and c07ie016’s via.


The decomposition algorithm (5.9) becomes the following:

Theorem 7.2 (Decomposition). A function c07ie018 where j = n is the top level, can be decomposed as






In terms of convolution and the down-sampling operator D


The reconstruction algorithm (5.11) can be restated as follows.

Theorem 7.3 {Reconstruction). Suppose


and let


Then the coefficients clj can be computed from the sequences cj–1 and d–1 by


In terms of convolution and the up-sampling operation U, we obtain


where P* = ±pk and Q* = -*.Pl_k(-if.

Except for the factor of c07ie019 which results from using the orthonormal bases ϕjl and ψji, these theorems are identical to the algorithms in Eqs. (5.12) and (5.13) [or Eqs. (5.17) and (5.22)].

Recall that l2 is the space of all sequences x = (xj); j ∈ Z with j |xj|2 < ∞. In practical applications, there are only a finite number of nonzero Xj and so the condition j |xj|2 < ∞ is automatically satisfied. The key operators involved with decomposition algorithm are the down-sampling operator D : l2l2 and the operators TP : l2 → l2 and TQ : l2 → l2


where P and Q are the sequences defined in Theorem 7.2. Likewise, the key operators in the reconstruction algorithm are the up-sampling operator U and the operators TP* : l2l2 and Tq* : l2l2.


where P* and Q* are the sequences defined in Theorem 7.3.

Our goal now is to show that the operators TP and TP* are adjoints of one another and likewise for the operators involving Q. Recall that if T : VV is a linear operator on an inner product space V, then its adjoint T* is defined by


Lemma 7.4

  • The adjoint of TP is TP*.
  • The adjoint of Tq is Tg*.
  • The adjoint of D (the down-sampling operator) is U (the up-sampling operator).

Proof. The first two properties follow from Theorem 3.14, which states that the adjoint of the operator associated with the convolution with a sequence fn is the convolution operator associated with the sequence c07ie020 Thus, the first property follows from the fact that c07ie021Likewise, c07ie022 c07ie023and so the second property follows from Theorem 3.14.

For the third property, let x and y be sequences in I2. Using the definition of D (see Definition 5.13),


On the other hand, only the even entries of Uy are nonzero and (Uy)2n = yn (see Definition 5.15). Therefore


By comparing these two sets of equations, we conclude {Dx, y) = (x, Uy} as desired. ¦

Using the lemma and Theorems 7.2 and 7.3, the decomposition and reconstruction algorithms can be restated (essentially) as being adjoints of each other.

Theorem 7.5 Decomposition. Let c07ie024 and c07ie025 Suppose


where D is the down-sampling operator and Tp (respectively Tq) is the operator that convolves with the sequence P (respectively Q). A function ƒ, =∑i a¡(pji(x) can be decomposed as






Conversely, the sequence a7 can be reconstructed from a7 x and V x by


Proof. The decomposition formulas follow from Theorem 7.2. For the reconstruction formula, Theorem 7.3 implies


Equations (7.10) and (7.11) can be combined as


which is another way of stating that the reconstruction process is the adjoint of decomposition and that the reconstruction process inverts decomposition [because (Tq °To + T* ° T) sends the sequence a7 to itself]. Operators with this property have a special name.

Definition 7.6 A pair of filters, Tp and Tq (i.e., convolution operators with the sequences P and Q, respectively) is called a quadrature mirror filter if the associated maps T0 = D°TP and T = D°Tq satisfy


for all sequences x = (...,x i,x0,x,...) ∈ l2(Z).

An equivalent formulation of Eq. (7.12) is


For if equation (7.12) holds, then


The I2 norm of a signal x = (...,x-,xq,x,...), (i.e., nxn)> is proportional to the energy of the signal. So a physical interpretation of Eq. (7.12) is that a quadrature mirror niter preserves the energy of a signal.

7.3.1 Transfer Function Interpretation

Our goal in this section is to transcribe the denning property of a quadrature mirror niter


into a condition on the transfer functions of the niters Tp and Tq.

First, we recall the definition of a transfer function given just after Theorem 3.13. A sequence x = (..., x–1, x0, x1,...)l2(Z) has a discrete Fourier transform ‘x which is a function on the interval – π ≤θ≤π defined by


If Tp is a convolution operator with the sequence Pn—that is, (Tpx)n = ∑k Pn–kxk—then the transfer function of Tp is the function c07ie029p on the interval —it ≤6 ≤ 7t defined by


As shown in Theorem 3.13,


Another key property that we will use is the computation of the transfer function of the transpose of a convolution operator, that is,


which is established in Theorem 3.14.

To transcribe Eq. (7.13) into one involving transfer functions, we take the discrete Fourier transform (the hat of) both sides of this equation. In what follows, we will use the notation T{x){9) = x~(6) for expressions x that are long. We start with the (Tq o Tq)(x) term on the left side,




where the last two equalities use Eqs. (7.14) and (7.15), respectively. Now if y is the sequence yn, n ∈ Z, then from the last section we have (Dy)n = y2n. So,




which can be re-described as


(the terms when n is odd cancel since then e –inπ = –1). Therefore


Applying this equation to the sequence yn = Tp(x)n yields


Inserting this into the end of Eq. (7.18), we obtain




Adding these two equations and setting it equal to x~(6) [as required by Eq. (7.12)] yields


Let G (6) be the term inside the first parentheses on the left and let H(6) be the term on the inside of the second parentheses. The preceding equation now reads


which must hold for all sequences x. Let us first apply this equation when x(λ) = e, which occurs when x is the sequence given by x0 = 1 and xn = 0 for nonzero n. We obtain


Now apply the equation when x(λ) = eie, which occurs when x is the sequence given by x_i = 1 and xn = 0 for all other n. After dividing by e’e, we obtain


Adding these two equations, we obtain G (6) = 1. Subtracting these two equations yields H(6) = 0. Inserting the expressions for G and H, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 7.7 The filters Tp and Tq form a quadrature mirror filter if and only if


or, equivalently, the matrix


is unitary.

When the quadrature mirror filters come from a scaling function and wavelet, then (the transpose of) the unitary matrix in the preceding theorem becomes


with p(θ) = P(e–) and q(θ) = Q{e–) as defined in Section 6.1. This is the same matrix as that given after Theorem 5.21, and we saw that this matrix was unitary from the techniques given in that section.


In Chapter 2, which discussed the Fourier transform, we discussed the Fourier inversion formula. In this section we develop an analogous wavelet transform and its associated inversion formula. Let us first review the case of the Fourier transform. For a function, ƒ, in L2(R), its Fourier transform is given by


Another notation for the Fourier transform is f (A). The inverse Fourier transform of a function gL2(R) is given by


The content of the Fourier inversion Theorem 2.1 is that c02ie014–1 as defined previously, really is the inverse operator of T, that is,


As discussed in Chapter 2, c02ie014{f){k) roughly measures the component of f which oscillates with frequency k. The inversion formula c07ie030 when written as


expresses the fact that f can be written as a weighted sum (or integral) of its various frequency components.

7.4.1 Definition of the Wavelet Transform

The wavelet transform, along with its associated inversion formula, also decomposes a function into a weighted sum of its various frequency components. However, this time the weights involve a given wavelet, rather than the exponential term eiλx.

To introduce the wavelet transform, we assume that a wavelet function, ψ(x), is given that satisfies the following two requirements.

Figure 7.1. Graph of ψ1,0.


1. ψ(x) is continuous and has exponential decay (i.e., ψ(x) ≤ Mec|x| for some constants C and M).

2. The integral of ψ is zero, (i.e., c07ie026).

An example of a suitable wavelet function is ψ(x) = xe–x2 whose graph appears in Figure 7.1. Another example is the wavelet function of Daubechies constructed in the previous chapter. The Daubechies wavelet is only nonzero on a finite interval, so the first requirement is automatically satisfied (by taking the constant M large enough). Note that no assumptions are made concerning orthogonality of the wavelet with its translates. The Daubechies wavelets are constructed so that its translates are orthogonal; but the preceding example, //(x) = xe~x , is not orthogonal to its translates.

In the derivations that follow, we will actually assume that ¡r{x) equals zero outside /A,which is a stronger condition than the first condition just given. However, every derivation given can be modified to include wavelets with exponential decay.

We are now ready to state the definition of the wavelet transform.

Definition 7.8 Given a wavelet ψ satisfying the two requirements just given, the wavelet transform of a function fL2(R) is a function Wf : R2R given by


From the preceding definition, it is not clear how to define the wavelet transform at a = 0. However, the change of variables y = (x — b)/a converts the wavelet transform into the following:


From this representation, clearly W/(a, b) = 0 when a = 0. As a gets small, the graph of


becomes tall and skinny as illustrated in the graphs of ψ1,0 and ψ1/2,0 with ψ(x) = xe–x2 given in Figures 7.1 and 7 .2, respectively.

Therefore the frequency of ψa,b increases as a gets small. Also note that if most of the support of ψ (i.e., the nonzero part of the graph of ψ) is located near the origin (as with the preceding example), then most of the support of ψa,b will be located near x = b. So Wf(a, b) measures the frequency component of f that vibrates with frequency proportional to 1/a near the point x = b.

7.4.2 Inversion Formula for the Wavelet Transform

The inversion formula for the wavelet transform is given in the following theorem.

Figure 7.2. Graph of image


Theorem 7.9 Suppose ψ is a continuous wavelet satisfying the following:

  • ψ has exponential decay at infinity.
  • c07ie026

Then for any function f e L2(R), the following inversion formula holds:




As with the Fourier inversion theorem, the preceding wavelet inversion theorem essentially states that a function f can be decomposed as a weighted sum (or integral) of its frequency components, as measured by Wf(a, b). The difference is that with the wavelet inversion theorem, two parameters, a and b, are involved since the wavelet transform involves a measure of the frequency (using the parameter a) of f near the point x =b.

Before we start the proof, we should state why Cf is finite (since the integrand defining it appears to become infinite at X = 0). First, we split the integral that defines Cf into two pieces: one involving an integral over |A.| > 1 and a second involving the integral over |A.| < 1. For the first integral, we note that ψ has exponential decay and so ψ is a member of L2(R). Therefore its Fourier transform also belongs to L2(R) and so


For the second integral, first note that the exponential decay assumption on ψ implies ψ is differentiable. From a first-order (Taylor) expansion about X = 0, we have


where O(λ) stands for terms that are bounded by C|λ| for some constant C. We also have c07ie031 by the second assumption on ψ stated in the theorem. Therefore, the second integral can be estimated by


Since both integral pieces of Cψ are finite, we conclude that Cψ is finite as well.

Proof of the Wavelet Transform Theorem. Let F(x) be the quantity given on the right side of the main statement of the theorem, that is,


We must show that F(x) is equal to f (x). We shall accomplish this using the following two steps.

  • Step 1. We first show


where Fb{·} stands for the Fourier transform of the quantity inside the brackets {,} with respect to the variable b .This step follows by applying Plancherel’s Theorem (Theorem 2.12), which states that c07ie027 F(u) .This theorem is applied to the e-integral occurring in the definition of F(x) and where v(b) = ψ((x – b)/a) and u(b) = Wf(a, b) (with, x and a constant). In order to apply the Plancherel Theorem, both of these functions must belong to L2(R) .If f and ψ have finite support, then the b-support of Wf(a,b) will also be finite (as you can check) and so Wf(a,b) and c07ie028 are L2 functions in b.

  • Step 2. The next step is to evaluate the two Fourier b-transforms occurring in the integrand of Step 1. We will show


We shall establish Step 2 later. Assuming this step for the moment, we proceed to the conclusion. Combining Steps 1 and 2, we obtain



where the last equality lollows by interchanging the order oí the y and a-integrals. To calculate the a-integral on the right, we make a change of variables u = ay (and so du = y da) provided that y ≠ 0 to obtain



If y = 0, then by assumption c07ie032(0) =0 and so the rightmost integral in Eq. (7.20) is zero. Therefore the rightmost integral in Eq. (7.20) is equal to Cψ/2π for all values of y except y = 0. Since the y-integral in Eq. (7.20) is not affected by the value of the integrand at the single point y = 0, we can substitute Eq. (7.22) into Eq. (7.20) to obtain


where the last equality follows from the Fourier inversion theorem. This finishes the proof, modulo the derivation of Step 2, which we present next.

Proof of Step 2. The first equality in Step 2 follows from the sixth property of Theorem 2.6. In more detail, we use the definition of the Fourier transform to obtain


After the change of variables v = (x — b)/a, this becomes




Taking conjugates of both sides of this equation establishes the first equality in Step 2.

To establish the second equality, we use the definition of the wavelet transform


The next step is to bring the Fourier transform operator Fb under the integral sign. This can be accomplished by viewing the integral as a sum and using the linearity of the Fourier transform operator. More precisely, we approximate the integral on the right by the following Riemann sum


This approximation becomes more accurate as the partition gets finer (i.e., as Δx → 0). The Fourier transform operator, Fb is linear and can be brought inside the sum to obtain


Now, we let the partition get finer and obtain (in the limit as Δx → 0)


Inserting Eq. (7.25) into this equation, we obtain


as claimed in the second equation of Step 2. This completes the derivation in Step 2 and the proof of the theorem.

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