Appendix N


This appendix provides information about graphics classes used by Windows Forms applications.


This section describes the most important graphics namespaces and their most useful classes, structures, and enumerated values.


This namespace defines the most important graphics objects such as Graphics, Pen, Brush, Font, FontFamily, Bitmap, Icon, and Image. The following table describes the namespace’s most useful classes and structures.

Bitmap Represents a bitmap image defined by pixel data.
Brush Represents area fill characteristics.
Color Defines a color’s red, green, blue, and alpha components as values between 0 and 255. Alpha = 0 means the object is transparent, and alpha = 255 means it is opaque.
Font Represents a particular font (name, size, and style, such as italic or bold).
FontFamily Represents a group of typefaces with similar characteristics.
Graphics Represents a drawing surface. Provides methods to draw on the surface.
Icon Represents a Windows icon.
Image Abstract base class from which Bitmap, Icon, and Metafile inherit.
Metafile Represents a graphic metafile that contains drawing commands (in contrast to rasterized bitmap data).
Pen Represents line drawing characteristics such as color, thickness, and dash style.
Pens Provides a large number of predefined pens with different colors and thickness 1.
Point Defines a point’s X and Y coordinates.
PointF Defines a point’s X and Y coordinates with floating-point values.
Rectangle Defines a rectangle using a Point and a Size.
RectangleF Defines a rectangle using a PointF and a SizeF (with floating-point values).
Region Defines a shape created from rectangles and paths for use in filling, hit testing, or clipping.
Size Defines a width and height.
SizeF Defines a width and height with floating-point values.
SolidBrush Represents a solid brush.


This namespace contains classes for more advanced two-dimensional drawing. Some of these classes refine more basic drawing classes. For example, the HatchBrush class represents a specialized type of Brush that fills with a hatch pattern. Other classes define values for use by other graphics classes. For example, the Blend class defines color-blending parameters for a LinearGradientBrush.

The following table describes this namespace’s most useful classes and enumerations.

Blend Defines blend characteristics for a LinearGradientBrush.
ColorBlend Defines blend characteristics for a PathGradientBrush.
DashCap Enumeration that determines how the ends of each dash in a dashed line are drawn.
DashStyle Enumeration that determines how a dashed line is drawn.
GraphicsPath Represents a series of connected lines and curves for drawing, filling, or clipping.
HatchBrush Defines a Brush that fills an area with a hatch pattern.
HatchStyle Enumeration that determines the hatch style used by a HatchBrush object.
LinearGradientBrush Defines a Brush that fills an area with a linear color gradient.
LineCap Enumeration that determines how the ends of a line are drawn.
LineJoin Enumeration that determines how lines are joined by a method that draws connected lines such as Graphics.DrawLines or Graphics.DrawPolygon.
Matrix Represents a transformation matrix.
PathGradientBrush Defines a Brush that fills an area with a color gradient that follows a path.


This namespace contains objects that deal with more advanced bitmap graphics. It includes classes that define image file formats such as GIF and JPG, classes that manage color palettes, and classes that define metafiles. The following table describes this namespace’s most useful classes.

ColorMap Defines a mapping from old color values to new ones.
ColorPalette Represents a palette of color values.
ImageFormat Specifies an image’s format (.bmp, .emf, .gif, .jpg, and so on).
Metafile Represents a graphic metafile that contains drawing instructions.
MetafileHeader Defines the attributes of a Metafile object.
MetaHeader Contains information about a Windows metafile (WMF).
WmfPlaceableFileHeader Specifies how a metafile should be mapped to an output device.


This namespace contains objects for printing and managing the printer’s characteristics. The following table describes the most useful of these classes.

Margins Defines the margins for the printed page.
PageSettings Defines the page settings either for an entire PrintDocument or for a particular page. This object has properties that are Margins, PaperSize, PaperSource, PrinterResolution, and PrinterSettings objects.
PaperSize Defines the paper’s size.
PaperSource Defines the printer’s paper source.
PrinterResolution Defines the printer’s resolution.
PrinterSettings Defines the printer’s settings.


This namespace contains only three classes, all of which are for working with installed fonts. The following table describes these classes.

FontCollection Base class for the derived InstalledFontCollection and PrivateFontCollection classes.
InstalledFontCollection Provides a list of the system’s installed fonts.
PrivateFontCollection Provides a list of the application’s privately installed fonts.


The basic steps for drawing in Visual Basic are to obtain a Graphics object and use its methods to draw shapes. Brush classes determine how shapes are filled, and Pen classes determine how lines are drawn.

The following sections describe the most useful properties and methods provided by key drawing classes, including the Graphics, Pen, and Brush classes.


The Graphics object represents a drawing surface. It provides many methods for drawing shapes, filling areas, and determining the appearance of drawing results.

All of the drawing methods (as opposed to the filling methods) except DrawString take a Pen object as a parameter to determine the lines’ color, thickness, dash style, and other properties. DrawString takes a Brush object instead of a Pen object as a parameter.

The following table lists the Graphics object’s drawing methods.

DrawArc Draws an arc of an ellipse.
DrawBezier Draws a Bézier curve.
DrawBeziers Draws a series of connected Bézier curves.
DrawClosedCurve Draws a smooth closed curve that connects a series of points, joining the final point to the first point.
DrawCurve Draws a smooth curve that connects a series of points.
DrawEllipse Draws an ellipse.
DrawIcon Draws an Icon onto the Graphics object’s drawing surface.
DrawIconUnstretched Draws an Icon object onto the Graphics object’s drawing surface without scaling.
DrawImage Draws an Image object onto the Graphics object’s drawing surface.
DrawImageUnscaled Draws an Image object onto the drawing surface without scaling.
DrawLine Draws a line.
DrawLines Draws a series of connected lines.
DrawPath Draws a GraphicsPath object.
DrawPie Draws a pie slice taken from an ellipse.
DrawPolygon Draws a polygon.
DrawRectangle Draws a rectangle.
DrawRectangles Draws a series of rectangles.
DrawString Draws text.

The following table lists the Graphics object’s area filling methods. These methods take Brush objects as parameters to determine the filled shape’s color, hatch pattern, gradient colors, and other fill characteristics.

FillClosedCurve Fills a smooth curve that connects a series of points.
FillEllipse Fills an ellipse.
FillPath Fills a GraphicsPath object.
FillPie Fills a pie slice taken from an ellipse.
FillPolygon Fills a polygon.
FillRectangle Fills a rectangle.
FillRectangles Fills a series of rectangles.
FillRegion Fills a Region object.

The following table lists other useful Graphics object properties and methods.

AddMetafileComment Adds a comment to a metafile.
Clear Clears the Graphics object and fills it with a specific color.
Clip Determines the Region object used to clip any drawing the program does on the Graphics surface.
Dispose Releases the resources held by the Graphics object.
DpiX Returns the horizontal number of dots per inch (DPI) for this object’s surface.
DpiY Returns the vertical number of dots per inch (DPI) for this object’s surface.
EnumerateMetafile Invokes a callback method for each record defined in a metafile.
ExcludeClip Updates the Graphics object’s clipping region to exclude the area defined by a Region or Rectangle.
FromHdc Creates a new Graphics object from a device context handle (hDC).
FromHwnd Creates a new Graphics object from a window handle (hWnd).
FromImage Creates a new Graphics object to draw on an Image object.
InterpolationMode Controls anti-aliasing when drawing scaled images to determine how smooth the result is.
IntersectClip Updates the Graphics object’s clipping region to be the intersection of the current clipping region and the area defined by a Region or Rectangle.
IsVisible Returns True if a specified point is within the Graphics object’s visible clipping region.
MeasureCharacterRanges Returns an array of Region objects that show where each character in a string will be drawn.
MeasureString Returns a SizeF structure that gives the size of a string drawn on the Graphics object with a particular font.
MultiplyTransform Multiplies the Graphics object’s current transformation matrix by another transformation matrix.
PageScale Determines the amount by which drawing commands are scaled.
PageUnit Determines the units of measurement: Display (depends on the device, typically pixel for monitors and 1/100 inch for printers), Document (1/300 inch), Inch, Millimeter, Pixel, or Point (1/72 inch).
RenderingOrigin Determines the point used as a reference when hatching.
ResetClip Resets the object’s clipping region so that the drawing is not clipped.
ResetTransformation Resets the object’s transformation matrix to the identity matrix.
Restore Restores the Graphics object to a state saved by the Save method.
RotateTransform Adds a rotation to the object’s current transformation.
Save Saves the object’s current state.
ScaleTransform Adds a scaling transformation to the Graphics object’s current transformation.
SetClip Sets or merges the Graphics object’s clipping area to another Graphics object, a GraphicsPath object, or a Rectangle.
SmoothingMode Controls anti-aliasing when drawing lines, curves, or filled areas.
TextRenderingHint Controls anti-aliasing and hinting when drawing text.
Transform Gets or sets the Graphics object’s transformation matrix.
TransformPoints Applies the object’s current transformation to an array of points.
TranslateTransform Adds a translation transformation to the Graphics object’s current transformation.


The Pen object determines the appearance of drawn lines. It determines such properties as a line’s width, color, and dash style. The following table lists the Pen object’s most useful properties and methods.

Alignment Determines whether the line is drawn inside or centered on the theoretical perfectly thin line specified by the drawing routine.
Brush Determines the Brush used to fill the line.
Color Determines the line’s color.
CompoundArray Lets you draw a line that is striped lengthwise.
CustomEndCap Determines the line’s end cap.
CustomStartCap Determines the line’s start cap.
DashCap Determines the cap drawn at the ends of dashes.
DashOffset Determines the distance from the start of the line to the start of the first dash.
DashPattern An array of Singles that specifies a custom dash pattern.
DashStyle Determines the line’s dash style.
EndCap Determines the cap used at the end of the line.
LineJoin Determines how lines are joined by a method that draws connected lines such as DrawPolygon.
MultiplyTransform Multiplies the Pen object’s current transformation by another transformation matrix.
ResetTransform Resets the Pen object’s transformation to the identity transformation.
RotateTransform Adds a rotation transformation to the Pen object’s current transformation.
ScaleTransform Adds a scaling transformation to the Pen object’s current transformation.
SetLineCap This method takes parameters that let you specify the Pen object’s StartCap, EndCap, and LineJoin properties at the same time.
StartCap Determines the cap used at the start of the line.
Transform Determines the transformation applied to the initially circular “pen tip” used to draw lines.
Width The width of the pen.


The Brush class is an abstract class, so you cannot make instances of it. Instead, you must make instances of one of its derived classes: SolidBrush, TextureBrush, HatchBrush, LinearGradientBrush, or PathGradientBrush. The following table briefly describes these classes.

SolidBrush Fills areas with a single solid color.
TextureBrush Fills areas with a repeating image.
HatchBrush Fills areas with a repeating hatch pattern.
LinearGradientBrush Fills areas with a linear gradient of two or more colors.
PathGradientBrush Fills areas with a color gradient that follows a path.


The GraphicsPath object represents a path defined by lines, curves, text, and other drawing commands. You can use Graphics object methods to fill and draw a GraphicsPath, and you can use a GraphicsPath to define a clipping region. The following table lists the GraphicsPath object’s most useful properties and methods.

CloseAllFigures Closes all open figures by connecting their last points with their first points and then starts a new figure.
CloseFigure Closes the current figure by connecting its last point with its first point and then starts a new figure.
FillMode Determines how the path handles overlaps when you fill it. This property can take the values Alternate and Winding.
Flatten Converts any curves in the path into a sequence of lines.
GetBounds Returns a RectangleF structure representing the path’s bounding box.
GetLastPoint Returns the last PointF structure in the PathPoints array.
IsOutlineVisible Returns True if the indicated point lies beneath the path’s outline.
IsVisible Returns True if the indicated point lies in the path’s interior.
PathData Returns a PathData object that encapsulates the path’s graphical data.
PathPoints Returns an array of PointF structures giving the points in the path.
PathTypes Returns an array of Bytes representing the types of the points in the path.
PointCount Returns the number of points in the path.
Reset Clears the path data and resets FillMode to Alternate.
Reverse Reverses the order of the path’s data.
StartFigure Starts a new figure, so future data is added to the new figure.
Transform Applies a transformation matrix to the path.
Warp Applies a warping transformation defined by mapping a parallelogram onto a rectangle to the path.
Widen Enlarges the curves in the path to enclose a line drawn by a specific pen.


The StringFormat object determines how text is formatted. It enables you to draw text that is centered vertically or horizontally, aligned on the left or right, and wrapped or truncated. The following table lists the StringFormat object’s most useful properties and methods.

Alignment Determines the text’s horizontal alignment. This can be Near (left), Center (middle), or Far (right).
FormatFlags Gets or sets flags that modify the StringFormat object’s behavior.
GetTabStops Returns an array of Singles giving the positions of tab stops.
HotkeyPrefix Determines how the hotkey prefix character is displayed. This can be Show, Hide, or None.
LineAlignment Determines the text’s vertical alignment. This can be Near (top), Center (middle), or Far (bottom).
SetMeasureableCharacter Ranges Sets an array of CharacterRange structures representing ranges of characters that will later be measured by the Graphics object’s MeasureCharacterRanges method.
SetTabStops Sets an array of Singles giving the positions of tab stops.
Trimming Determines how the text is trimmed if it cannot fit within a layout rectangle.


The Image class represents the underlying physical drawing surface hidden below the logical layer created by the Graphics class. Image is an abstract class, so you cannot directly create instances of it. Instead, you must create instances of its child classes Bitmap and Metafile.

The following table describes the Image class’s most useful properties and methods, which are inherited by the Bitmap and Metafile classes.

Dispose Frees the resources associated with this image.
Flags Returns attribute flags for the image.
FromFile Loads an image from a file.
FromHbitmap Loads a Bitmap image from a Windows bitmap handle.
FromStream Loads an image from a data stream.
GetBounds Returns a RectangleF structure representing the rectangle’s bounds.
GetPixelFormatSize Returns the color resolution (bits per pixel) for a specified PixelFormat.
GetThumbnailImage Returns a thumbnail representation of the image.
Height Returns the image’s height.
HorizontalResolution Returns the horizontal resolution of the image in pixels per inch.
IsAlphaPixelFormat Returns True if the specified PixelFormat contains alpha information.
Palette Determines the ColorPalette object used by the image.
PhysicalDimension Returns a SizeF structure giving the image’s dimensions in pixels for Bitmaps and 0.01 millimeters for Metafiles.
PixelFormat Returns the image’s pixel format.
RawFormat Returns an ImageFormat object representing the image’s raw format.
RotateFlip Rotates, flips, or rotates and flips the image.
Save Saves the image in a file or stream with a given data format.
Size Returns a Size structure containing the image’s width and height in pixels.
VerticalResolution Returns the vertical resolution of the image in pixels per inch.
Width Returns the image’s width.


The Bitmap class represents an image defined by pixel data. It inherits the Image class’s properties and methods described in the previous section. The following table describes some of the most useful new methods added by the Bitmap class.

FromHicon Loads a Bitmap image from a Windows icon handle.
FromResource Loads a Bitmap image from a Windows resource.
GetPixel Returns a Color representing a specified pixel.
LockBits Locks the Bitmap image’s data in memory, so it cannot move until the program calls UnlockBits.
MakeTransparent Makes all pixels with a specified color transparent by setting the alpha component of those pixels to 0.
SetPixel Sets a specified pixel’s Color value.
SetResolution Sets the Bitmap image’s horizontal and vertical resolution in dots per inch (DPI).
UnlockBits Unlocks the Bitmap image’s data in memory so that the system can relocate it, if necessary.


The Metafile class represents an image defined by metafile records. Those records define drawing commands so the image can be smoothly scaled. In contrast, a Bitmap contains pixel data that cannot be resized without some jagged or fuzzy appearance.

The Metafile class inherits the Image class’s properties and methods described in the section “Image” earlier in this appendix. The following table describes some of the most useful new methods added by the Metafile class.

GetMetafileHeader Returns the MetafileHeader object associated with this Metafile.
PlayRecord Plays a metafile record. Use the Graphics class’s EnumerateMetafile method to get the data needed to play metafile records.
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