Appendix T


Visual Studio provides several classes that treat data as a stream — an ordered series of bytes. These classes are not difficult to use, but they are similar enough to be confusing. This appendix summarizes the stream classes and describes their properties and their methods. See Chapter 29, “Streams,” for more information on streams.


The following table lists the Visual Studio stream classes. It can provide you with some guidance for selecting a stream class.

BinaryReader, BinaryWriter Read and write data from an underlying stream using routines that manage specific data types (such as ReadDouble and ReadUInt16).
BufferedStream Adds buffering to another stream type. This sometimes improves performance on relatively slow underlying devices.
CryptoStream Applies a cryptographic transformation to its data.
FileStream Represents a file as a stream. Usually, you can use a helper class such as BinaryReader or TextWriter to make working with a FileStream easier.
MemoryStream Lets you read and write stream data in memory. This is useful when you need a stream but don’t want to read or write a file.
NetworkStream Sends and receives data across a network connection.
Stream A generic stream class. This is a virtual (MustInherit) class, so you cannot create one directly. Instead, you must instantiate one of its subclasses.
StreamReader, StreamWriter These classes inherit from TextReader and TextWriter. They provide methods for reading and writing text into an underlying stream, usually a FileStream.
StringReader, StringWriter These classes inherit from TextReader and TextWriter. They provide methods for reading and writing text into an underlying string.
TextReader, TextWriter These virtual (MustInherit) classes define methods that make working with text on an underlying stream easier.


The following table describes the Stream class’s most useful properties.

CanRead Returns True if the stream supports reading.
CanSeek Returns True if the stream supports seeking to a particular position in the stream.
CanTimeout Returns True if the stream supports timeouts.
CanWrite Returns True if the stream supports writing.
Length Returns the number of bytes in the stream.
Position Returns the stream’s current position in its bytes. For a stream that supports seeking, the program can set this value to move to a particular position.
ReadTimeout Determines the stream’s read timeout in milliseconds.
WriteTimeout Determines the stream’s write timeout in milliseconds.

The following table describes the Stream class’s most useful methods.

BeginRead Begins an asynchronous read.
BeginWrite Begins an asynchronous write.
Close Closes the stream and releases any resources it uses (such as file handles).
EndRead Waits for an asynchronous read to finish.
EndWrite Ends an asynchronous write.
Flush Flushes data from the stream’s buffers into the underlying storage medium (device, file, and so on).
Read Reads bytes from the stream and advances its position by that number of bytes.
ReadByte Reads a byte from the stream and advances its position by 1 byte.
Seek If the stream supports seeking, sets the stream’s position.
SetLength Sets the stream’s length. If the stream is currently longer than the new length, it is truncated. If the stream is shorter than the new length, it is enlarged. The stream must support both writing and seeking for this method to work.
Write Writes bytes into the stream and advances the current position by this number of bytes.
WriteByte Writes 1 byte into the stream and advances the current position by 1 byte.

The FileStream and MemoryStream classes add only a few methods to those defined by the Stream class. The most important of those are new constructors specific to the type of stream. For example, the FileStream class provides constructors for opening files in various modes (append, new, and so forth).


These are stream helper classes that make it easier to read and write data in specific formats onto an underlying stream. The following table describes the BinaryReader class’s most useful methods.

Close Closes the BinaryReader and its underlying stream.
PeekChar Reads the reader’s next character, but does not advance the reader’s position, so other methods can still read the character later.
Read Reads characters from the stream and advances the reader’s position.
ReadBoolean Reads a Boolean from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 1 byte.
ReadByte Reads a byte from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 1 byte.
ReadBytes Reads a number of bytes from the stream into a byte array and advances the reader’s position by that number of bytes.
ReadChar Reads a character from the stream and advances the reader’s position according to the stream’s encoding and the character.
ReadChars Reads a number of characters from the stream, returns the results in a character array, and advances the reader’s position according to the stream’s encoding and the number of characters.
ReadDecimal Reads a decimal value from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 16 bytes.
ReadDouble Reads an 8-byte floating-point value from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 8 bytes.
ReadInt16 Reads a 2-byte signed integer from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 2 bytes.
ReadInt32 Reads a 4-byte signed integer from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 4 bytes.
ReadInt64 Reads an 8-byte signed integer from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 8 bytes.
ReadSByte Reads a signed byte from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 1 byte.
ReadSingle Reads a 4-byte floating-point value from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 4 bytes.
ReadString Reads a string from the current stream and advances the reader’s position past it. The string begins with its length.
ReadUInt16 Reads a 2-byte unsigned integer from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 2 bytes.
ReadUInt32 Reads a 4-byte unsigned integer from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 4 bytes.
ReadUInt64 Reads an 8-byte unsigned integer from the stream and advances the reader’s position by 8 bytes.

The following table describes the BinaryWriter class’s most useful methods.

Close Closes the BinaryWriter and its underlying stream.
Flush Writes any buffered data into the underlying stream.
Seek Sets the position within the stream.
Write Writes a value into the stream. This method has many overloaded versions that write characters, arrays of characters, integers, strings, unsigned 64-bit integers, and so on.


These are stream helper classes that make it easier to read and write text data onto an underlying stream. The following table describes the TextReader class’s most useful methods.

Close Closes the reader and releases any resources that it is using.
Peek Reads the next character from the text without changing the reader’s state so other methods can read the character later.
Read Reads data from the input. Overloaded versions of this method read a single character, or an array of characters up to a specified length.
ReadBlock Reads data from the input into an array of characters.
ReadLine Reads a line of characters from the input and returns the data in a string.
ReadToEnd Reads any remaining characters in the input and returns them in a string.

The following table describes the TextWriter class’s most useful properties.

Encoding Specifies the data’s encoding (ASCII, UTF-8, Unicode, and so forth).
FormatProvider Returns an object that controls formatting.
NewLine Gets or sets the stream’s new-line sequence.

The following table describes the TextWriter class’s most useful methods.

Close Closes the writer and releases any resources it is using.
Flush Writes any buffered data into the underlying output.
Write Writes a value into the output. This method has many overloaded versions that write characters, arrays of characters, integers, strings, unsigned 64-bit integers, and so forth.
WriteLine Writes data into the output followed by the new-line sequence.


The StringReader and StringWriter classes let a program read and write text in a string. They implement the features defined by their parent classes TextReader and TextWriter. See the section “TextReader and TextWriter” earlier in this appendix for a list of those features.


The StreamReader and StreamWriter classes let a program read and write data in an underlying stream, often a FileStream. They implement the features defined by their parent classes TextReader and TextWriter. See the section “TextReader and TextWriter” earlier in this appendix for a list of the features.


The System.IO.File class provides several handy methods for working with text files. The following table summarizes these methods.

AppendText Creates a text file or opens it for appending if it already exists. Returns a StreamWriter for writing into the file.
CreateText Creates a text file, overwriting it if it already exists. Returns a StreamWriter for writing into the file.
Exists Returns True if a file exists. It is better practice (and much faster) to only try to open the file if Exists returns True, rather than just try to open the file and catch errors with a Try Catch block.
OpenText Opens an existing text file and returns a StreamReader to read from it. This method throws a FileNotFoundException if the file doesn’t exist.
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