
• A •

A+ certification, CompTIA, 114

Abdul, Paula, 220

access control

attacks and countermeasures, 4849

authentication, 4647

basic concepts of, 4546

biometric, 72

computing architecture and design, 66

discretionary, 283

emerging issues in, 49

mandatory, 290

media, 291

by network administrator, 21

overview, 45

processes, 4748

role-based, 297

access point (AP), 127, 277

Accredited Configuration Engineer (ACE), 112

acknowledgment (ACK), 277

acquisitions, 145146

active hub, 277

actual throughput, 277

addressing, TCP/IP, 54

Advanced Security Practitioner, CompTIA (CASP), 115

agencies, government. See public sector

alarm, defined, 277

algorithms, 59, 62, 277

alumni networks, 225

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 277

AngelList, 160

antimalware, 10, 6869

applicant-tracking systems, 217219, 277

application development tools, 277

Application layer (Layer 7), OSI model, 34

application programs (apps), 19, 277

architect level Cisco certification, 105, 107

architecture, 136, 277. See also computing architecture and design

articles, writing, 188189

Associate of (ISC)2 Certification, 121

associate-level certifications

Cisco, 105106

Juniper Networks, 109110

asymmetric key, 61

asynchronous transfer mode (ATM), 277

attacks. See also specific attacks

access control, 4849

cryptography, 62

IT operations, 7071

telecommunications and network, 5758

attenuation, 277

audit certifications, SANS Institute, 123

authentication, 10, 4547. See also access control

availability, 278

• B •

backup, 19, 68, 278

bartering, 267268

behavioral interview, 232233

Bell 101 modem, 3940

benchmarking, 278

biometric access controls, 72

biometric authentication, 47

block cipher, 5960


About page, 187

blog services, 186

defined, 185

guest posts, 188

networking, 186

overview, 185

posting articles to, 189

setting up, 185186

Subscribe feature, 187

tag cloud, 187

using and maintaining, 187188

Bluetooth, 53, 278

books, for self-guided education, 8485

bottleneck, 278. See also systems design


blogging, 185188

Facebook, 182183

Internet, permanence of information on, 190

LinkedIn, 176182

meeting people, 174176

networking, importance of, 176

online searches about self, 192

overview, 173174

personal versus professional, 190192

recruiters, 193

Twitter, 183185

writing articles and e-books, 188189

Branding For Dummies, 173, 190

broadband, 40, 278

Brown, Lawrie, 274

brute-force attacks, 62

budgets, in networking jobs, 20

bus, 64, 278

business analyst, 27

business cards, 176

business continuity planning (BCP), 278

business intelligence (BI), 278

business objectives, network, 3233

business partners, configuring communications with, 11

BYOD (bring your own device), 18, 58, 71, 278

• C •

cable connectors, Ethernet, 3637

cabling, 12, 19, 300

CADD (computer-aided design and drafting), 280

CAE (computer-aided engineering), 280

call center solutions, 278

CAM (computer-aided manufacturing), 280

capacity utilization, 278. See also congestion

Capella University, 94

carriers, 40, 4142, 278, 280, 301

CAT-5 cable, 279

CAT-6 cable, 52, 279

CC (common criteria), 280

CCM (customer communications management), 281

CCNA Routing and Switching Portable Command Guide, 273

CDIA+ certification, CompTIA, 116

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access), 279

cellular carriers, 4142

central processing unit (CPU), 63, 279

certificate authority (CA), 279


Check Point, 112113

choosing between types of, 102104

Cisco, 104107

continuing education, 97

cost of, 102

defined, 279

Juniper Networks, 109111

maintaining knowledge through, 99

Microsoft, 107109

online instruction, 92

on-the-job training, 85, 86

other vendors, 113

overview, 101

Palo Alto Networks, 111112

planning for, 101102

Red Hat, 113

renewing, 102

on resume, 198, 200

security, 118124

specializations, 124

third-party, 114117

training companies, 99

training diploma versus, 104

Certified Authorization Professional (CAP), 120

Certified Cyber Forensics Professional (CCFP), 119120

Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC), 122

Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT (CGEIT), 122

Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), 121

Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), 121

Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), 118119

Certified Network Professional (CNP) Program, NPA, 117

Certified Network Security Engineer (CNSE), 112

Certified Software Security Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP), 119

change management, 67, 279

cheat sheet, 3

Check Point Certified Professional Program, 112113

Chiaravalle, Bill, 173

Chowbay, Rajah, 274

chronological resume, 196197, 205206, 208210

CIM (customer information management), 281

circuit switching, 279

CISA (Certified Information Systems Auditor), 121

Cisco certifications

architect level, 105, 107

associate level, 105106

entry level, 105

expert level, 106107

overview, 103, 104105

professional level, 106

CISM (Certified Information Security Manager), 121

CISSP (Certified Information Systems Security Professional), 118119

CISSP Guide to Security Essentials, 274275

Clarke, Glen, 271272

class of service (COS), 279

Clearwire network, 43

client-server, defined, 279

cloud computing

building virtual infrastructure, 157158

computing architecture and design, 6566

defined, 279

security concerns, 75

WANs, 41

Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture, 275

CNP (Certified Network Professional) Program, NPA, 117

COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology), 77, 281

Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA), 279

coding, in software development, 26

collaboration tools, 279

colleges. See education

co-lo (co-location) facilities, 12

Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), 77, 279

common criteria (CC), 280

communication components, 64

communications, 11, 3943

community, consulting in, 266

competitive local exchange carriers (CLECs), 40, 280

compiler, 280

compliance, 7578

CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association) certifications, 114116

CompTIA A+ Certification All-in-One For Dummies, 271272

computer crime laws, 76

computer forensics, 119

computer repair specialist, 25

Computer Security: Principles and Practice, 274

computer-aided design and drafting (CADD), 280

computer-aided engineering (CAE), 280

computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), 280

computers, 8, 127, 267

computing architecture and design, 6266

Conference Board, 16

conferences, meeting people at, 174175

confidentiality, maintaining, 245

configuration management (CM), 67, 280

confrontational interview, 233

congestion, 280

connectionless, defined, 280

connectivity, defined, 280

connector, defined, 280

console, defined, 280


appearance and approach, 165

in community, 266

confidence, importance of, 165

defined, 281

factors to consider, 163165

firms, working for, 166168, 170

independent, 168169, 170

versus internal work, 170

overview, 163

social skills required, 164

travel related to work in, 165, 168

workload, 164165

consulting proposals, 136

contention, 281

continuing education, 9697

continuous monitoring, 68

continuous operations, 281

control, defined, 281

Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology (COBIT), 77, 281

convergence, 281

cookie, 281

core router, 281

corporate culture, 225226, 259

COS (class of service), 279

COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission), 77, 279

Coursera, 95

cover letter. See also resume

with applicant-tracking systems, 217219

defined, 281

errors in, 219

essential elements, 215, 218219

generic replies to, 221

keywords in, 219

overview, 213

for referrals and recruiters, 214, 220221

scenarios related to, 214215

traditional, 215216

CPU (central processing unit), 63, 279

creative tools, 281

CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control), 122

cryptanalysis, 59

cryptography, 5862

cryptosystem, 59

CSSLP (Certified Software Security Lifecycle Professional), 119

CTT+ certification, CompTIA, 116

culture, corporate. See corporate culture

curriculum vitae (CV), 207, 281. See also resume

customer communications management (CCM), 281

customer facing jobs, 135

customer information management (CIM), 281

customer relationship management (CRM), 282

cutover test, 282

cyclical redundancy check (CRC), 282

• D •

daisy chain, 282

dark fiber, 52, 282

dashboard, 282

data centers, 12, 7475, 282

data closets, 12

data destruction, 68

Data Link layer (Layer 2), OSI model, 34

data loss prevention (DLP) system, 57

Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification (DOCSIS), 52, 282

data protection laws, 146

data retention, 282

data warehouse, 282

database, defined, 282

database administrator (DBA), 2627

database appliances, 282

database management system (DBMS), 282

decryption, 59

dedicated LAN, 282

dedicated public cloud, 66

defense contractor firms, 153154

defense in depth, 68

degrees, value of, 91

demilitarized zone (DMZ), 56

demos, product, 136

denial of service (DoS) attack, 58, 283

Department of Defense Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation (DIACAP), 283

design goals, network, 3132

device drivers, 64

DeVry University, 94

digital certificate, 61, 283

digital signature, 61, 283

digital subscriber line (DSL), 51, 283

digital video recorder (DVR), 283

diploma, training, 104

Director of Central Intelligence Directive (DCID 6/3), 283

disaster, defined, 283

disaster recovery planning (DRP), 283

discretionary access control, 283

discrimination, during interview, 227

distributed antenna system (DAS), 283

distributed application, 283

distributed computing, 283

distributed denial of service (DDoS), 283

document management (DM), 284

Downing, Wayne, III, 274

dropout rate, 95

DS-0, 40, 284

DS-1, 51, 284

Dwyer, Lawrence, III, 274

• E •

E-1, 51, 284

e-books, writing, 188189

education. See also certification; self-guided education

college degrees, value of, 91

continuing, 9697

employment in, 154, 268

graduate degrees, 92

maintaining knowledge, 99

military, 98

nontraditional, 9799

online universities, 9296

on-the-job training, 8586

overview, 8384

prerecorded college courses, 8689

on resume, 197198

training companies, 9899

undergraduate programs, 9091

edX, 96

802.11 specifications, 3839, 53

electric generator, 74, 284

electric power, security measures for, 74

electromagnetic interference (EMI), 284

Electronic Protected Health Information (EPHI), 284

elevator pitch, 175

email server antimalware, 69

emergency procedures, studying, 85

employees. See networking jobs; specific job opportunities; star employees, habits of

employment history, on resume, 196197

employment laws, 146

Empson, Scott, 273

encapsulation, 50

encryption, 5961

encryption keys, 61

end users, helping, 910, 19

Endian Community firewall, 129

engagement management, consulting firms, 166167

enterprise class, 284

enterprise network, 110, 284

enterprise requirements planning (ERP), 284

enterprise unified communications infrastructure, 284

entry level Cisco certification, 105

environmental security, 7175

equipment for lab, 127128

equipment protection, 74

Erl, Thomas, 275

E-Series certification, Juniper Networks, 111

Ethernet, 3637, 284

expense accounting, consulting firms, 166

experience, acquiring. See also education

lab, setting up, 126129

online research, 126

on-the-job training, 131

overview, 125

through non-networking roles, 2529

volunteering, 129130

working on the side, 130

expert system, 284

expert-level certifications

Cisco, 105, 106107

Juniper Networks, 109110

exterior lighting, 73, 285

extranet, 285

• F •


defined, 285

groups, 183

overview, 182

pages, 183

personal versus professional use, 191

profile, 182

timeline, 182

Fall, Kevin, 273

fault management, 285

federal agencies. See public sector

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 285

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), 285

Federal Information Systems Management Act (FISMA), 152153

Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FEDRAMP), 285

Federal Trade Commission (FTC), 285

femtocell, 285

fences, 73, 285

fiber distributed data interface (FDDI), 38, 285

fiber-optic cable, 53, 285

file systems, 63

file transfer, 285

File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 285

Findlay, Barbara, 173

FIPS 200, 285

fire extinguisher, 286

firewalls, 10, 5556, 111112, 127, 286

firmware, 64, 286

first impression, importance of at interview, 226227

fixed-mobile convergence (FMC), 286

fleet tracking, 286

forensics, 77, 286

forensics certifications, SANS Institute, 123

for-profit online schools, 92, 9495

frame, defined, 286

frame relay, 286

functional resume, 197, 206207, 208, 211212

Fundamentals of Wireless Communication, 275

• G •

gateway, 286

general ledger, 286

general office tools, 286

generator, electric, 74, 284

GIAC Security Expert (GSE) certification, 123124, 225

global enterprises, working for, 146

Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC) program, SANS Institute, 122124

Global Knowledge, 99

goals, interview questions regarding, 253

Gordon, Marc, 164

gossip, avoiding, 244245

governance, defined, 286

government jobs. See public sector

GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), 52

grade of service, 287

graduate degrees, 92

Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 76, 287

Gregory, Peter H., 168, 182, 200, 232, 274275

GSM, defined, 287

guard dogs, 73, 287

guards, 72, 287

guideline, defined, 287

• H • site, 126

hacker, defined, 125, 287

hacktivist, defined, 287

Haller, Brian, 154

hard copy resume, 202, 227228

hardware, 19, 6364

hardware address, 287

hashing, 47, 48, 6061

hazards, in site survey, 73

headhunter, 287. See also recruiters

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 76, 287

Healthcare Information Security and Privacy Practitioner (HCISPP), 120121

Healthcare IT Technician certification, CompTIA, 116

heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), 7475, 287

help (service) desk, IT, 6768

help desk jobs, 910

help desk (service desk) analyst, 2021

hierarchical routing, 287

higher education. See education

high-performance computing, 287

high-tech career path, networking in, 1416

hijacking, session, 49, 298

home networks, 265266

honeymoon period, 240242

hot spot, 287

hub, 36, 277, 293

human resource management system (HRMS), 288

hybrid cloud, 66

hybrid resume, 207

hypervisor, 65

• I •

icons, explained, 2

identity access management (IAM), 4748

implementation, defined, 288

implementation engineer, 137138

incident management, 6970, 288

incident response, 139, 288

independent consultants, 168169, 170

industry associations, 174, 199200

industry regulations, 76, 142143

inert gas fire suppression, 288

information flow, 288

information security analyst, 28

information security policies, 19

information security regulation, 142143

InfoSec Institute, 99

infrared communication, 53, 288

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 65, 288

in-house networking professionals

consulting versus, 170

global enterprises, 146

growth, mergers, and acquisitions, 145146

nonprofit organizations, 147

overview, 141142

in private sector, 142144

small versus large organizations, 144145

integrity, defined, 288

interests, on resume, 199

internal audit, 288

International Information Systems Security Certification Consortium (ISC)2, 118121

International Telecommunications Union (ITU), 42

Internet, defined, 288

Internet address, 288

Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 288

Internet of Things (IoT), 58, 66, 288

Internet service provider (ISP), 110, 289


asking questions during, 229, 234235, 257258

behavioral, 232233

challenges, asking about, 259

company success, asking about, 258259

concerns, asking about, 263

confrontational, 233

corporate culture, asking about, 260

defined, 289

disagreements with boss, questions about, 252253

first impression, importance of, 226227

goals, questions about, 253

habits to avoid, 228229

happiness at company, asking about, 260261

importance of, 223224

job jumpers, questions related to, 254

manager, asking about working with, 261

motivation, questions regarding, 252

next step, asking about, 263264

open-ended, 230

overview, 223, 249

panel, 233

practicing, 230

preparing for, 224229

salary questions, 255

soft skills, questions related to, 252

strengths and weaknesses questions, 251

strong close, tips for, 235

success, asking to define, 262263

taking notes during, 224

team leadership skill questions, 254

team or organization makeup, asking about, 261

technical, 230232

“tell me about yourself” question, 249250

thank-you letter, 235237

tips for, 227228

traits of successful employees, asking about, 262

types of, 229234

unprepared, preparing for, 249250

videoconferencing, 234

“why should we hire you?” question, 250251

intranet, 289

intrusion prevention system (IPS), 5657, 69, 289

investigations, 7578

IoT (Internet of Things), 58, 66, 288

IP address, 289

IPv6, 58

ISACA certifications, 121122

(ISC)2, 118121

ISO, defined, 289

ISO 27001, 289

ISO 27002:2013, 77

ISP (Internet service provider), 110, 289

IT auditor, 29

IT Business Edge, 16

IT operations. See also networking jobs; specific IT operations

basic concepts, 6670

emerging issues in, 7071

getting to know as new employee, 240241

job families, 1416

non-networking roles, 2529

outsourcing, 7879

overview, 66

security skills, need for, 27

status of networking, 28

IT quality auditing certification, 124

IT service (help) desk, 6768

ITU (International Telecommunications Union), 42

• J •

job rotation, 289

job titles, 2025. See also specific job titles

jobs. See networking jobs; specific jobs; star employees, habits of

Juniper Networks Reference Guide: JUNOS Routing, Configuration, and Architecture, 274

Juniper Networks Technical Certification Program (JNTCP), 109111

jurisdictional issues, 78

• K •

kernel, 64

key card, 72, 289

key length, 59, 289

key logger, 49, 289

key management, 61, 289

keys, metal, 72

keywords, 203, 219

• L •

lab, setting up, 126129

LANs (local area networks), 3539, 282, 290

large organizations, working for, 144145

latency, 289

laws, 76, 146. See also regulations

layer, defined, 289

leadership, in public sector jobs, 151

legal certifications, SANS Institute, 123


a building, defined, 289

exterior, 73, 285

line conditioner, 74, 289

link, defined, 290


connections, 179

defined, 290

groups, 180181

headline, 178

investigating corporate culture on, 225

as living resume, 182

overview, 176177

photo, 177

profile sections, 178179

recommendations, 179180

recruiter use of, 181

successful use of, 181

updates, 180

Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, 274

Linux OS, 128129

Lobree, Bruce, 165

local agencies. See public sector

local exchange companies (LECs), 40

login, 290

logout, 290

Long Term Evolution (LTE), 52, 290

loss, 290

Lowe, Doug, 272273

• M •

M0n0wall firewall, 129

Mac address, 290

Mac OSX, 128

machine-to-machine communications (M2M), 290

Mahmood, Zaigham, 275

main storage, 63, 290

mainframe, 290

malicious software (malware), 49, 7071, 290

managed network services, 290

managed security service provider (MSSP), 290

managed services provider (MSP), 139140

managed WAN services, 41

management certifications, SANS Institute, 123

mandatory access control, 290

man-in-the-middle attacks, 62

mantraps, 72, 291

marketing, 169. See also branding

Mashable, 16

massively open online courses (MOOCs), 93, 9596

materials requirements planning (MRP), 291

maximum tolerable downtime (MTD), 291

MD-5 hashing algorithm, 60

media access control (MAC), 291

mentorship, 8586, 131, 270

mergers, 145146

mesh, 291

message digest, 60

message switching, 291

metal keys, 72

Microsoft Technology certifications, 103, 107109

Microsoft Windows OS, 128

microwave communications, 4243, 291

military contractor firms, 153154

military education, 98

minorities, discrimination towards, 227

MIT online courses, 86, 8789

mobile device management (MDM) services, 291

modems, 3940, 291

monitoring, provided by MSP, 139

motivation, interview questions about, 252

multifactor authentication, 47, 291

multilayer switch, 291

multimode fiber, 291

multinational companies, working for, 146

multiplexing, 291

multiprotocol label switching (MPLS), 52, 292

• N •

narrowband, 40, 292

National Information Assurance Certification and Accreditation Process (NIACAP), 292

near field communications (NFC), 53, 292

need to know, defined, 292

neighbors, helping, 266

NetCom Learning, 99

network adapter, 292

network address, 292

network administrator, 21, 22, 292

network analyzer, 292

network architect, 22

network architecture, 292

network bridge, 292

network configuration and change management (NCCM) tools, 292

network devices, 9, 12

network engineers, 2122, 111

network fault monitoring tool, 292

network hub, 293

network interface card (NIC), 36, 293

Network layer (Layer 3), OSI model, 34

network management, 293

network manager, 2223

network operator, 293

network performance monitoring tools, 293

Network Professional Association (NPA) certifications, 117

network redundancy, 32, 293

network resilience, 32, 293

network router, 293

network segmentation, 154

network solutions providers, 135140

Network+ certification, CompTIA, 115

network-attached storage (NAS), 293

networking, professional, 176. See also branding

networking blogs, 186. See also blogs

networking consultants. See consulting

Networking For Dummies, 272273

networking jobs. See also networks; specific jobs; star employees, habits of

essential tasks in, 1920

future of, 16

in high-tech career path, 1416

importance of, 1718

job titles, 2025

overview, 13, 7, 17

people skills, 1314

skills and activities in, 813

status of in IT, 28

working on the side, 130

networks. See also specific network types; specific networking technologies

business objectives, 3233

cabling, 12, 19

computers, relation to, 8

defined, 293

design goals, 3132

designing, 1213

home, 265266

importance of, 78

OSI model, 3334

overview, 31

performance monitoring, 19

TCP/IP, 3435

NIST 800-53, 293

node, 293

noise, 293

nominal speed, Ethernet, 36, 37

nominal throughput, 293

nondisclosure agreement, 294

noninterference, 294

nonprofit, defined, 294

nonprofit online schools, 92, 9394

nonprofit organizations, working for, 147

nonrepudiation, 61

North American Electric Reliability Corp (NERC), 294

Northwestern University, 93

• O •

object, defined, 294

object oriented, defined, 294

offer letter, 294

office productivity tools, 286

onboarding, 240242

online courses, 8689

online research, 126

online universities, 9296

on-the-job training, 8586, 131

open source, 156157, 269, 294

open-ended interview, 230

operating systems (OSs), 6465, 128129, 294

Oracle VirtualBox, 129

orientation, good habits during, 240242

OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) 7-Layer model, 3334, 35, 294

outsourcing IT, 7879

• P •

packets, 3435, 54, 294

Palo Alto Networks certifications, 111112

panel interview, 233

paperwork, in networking jobs, 13

parallel test, 294

parity checking, 294

password, 39, 46, 4849, 295

password quality, 46, 294

password recovery, 48, 295

patches, managing, 19

Pavlichek, Doris, 274

payload, 295

Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), 295

PDI+ certification, CompTIA, 116

people skills, 1314, 200

performance monitoring, networks, 19

persistence, importance of, 220

personal attributes, positive, 244245

personal branding, 190192. See also branding

phishing, 49, 57, 295

phone companies, WAN services from, 40

physical and environmental security, 7175

Physical layer (Layer 1), OSI model, 34

picocell, 295

PIN pad, 72, 295

ping, defined, 295

plain old telephone service (POTS), 51

plaintext, 295

Planet3 Wireless certifications, 117

platform as a service (PaaS), 65

point-of-sale (POS), 295

policy, defined, 295

politics, engaging in, 267

polling, 295

port, 295

positive personal attributes, 244245

precompromised encryption algorithms, 62

prerecorded college courses, 8689

pre-sales, 168, 295

pre-sales engineer, 2425, 135137

Presentation layer (Layer 6), OSI model, 34

price quotes, by pre-sales engineer, 136

privacy, defined, 295

private cloud, 65

private company, 142

private key, 61

private sector

defined, 296

industry regulations, 142143

military and defense contractors, 153154

overview, 142

versus public companies, 143144

supporting company goals, 144

procedure, defined, 296

process, defined, 296

proctored online courses, 92

product demos, 136

professional branding, 190192. See also branding

professional certification. See certification

professional networking, 176. See also branding

professional skills, developing, 242243

professional-level certifications

Cisco, 105, 106

Juniper Networks, 109110

programmer, 26

project management certification, 124

project management tools, 296

project manager (PM), 28

project procedures, consulting firm, 167

Project+ certification, CompTIA, 116

proof of concept (POC), 136, 296

proposals, consulting, 136

protocol stack, 296

protocols, 5455, 296. See also specific protocols

pseudorandom number generator (PRNG), 59, 296

public cloud, 65, 66

public companies, 143144

public key cryptography, 61

public sector

change in, 151

compensation, 150

defined, 296

education, 154

leadership, 151

local versus federal, 152

military and defense contractors, 153154

overview, 149

public service, 150

regulations, 152153

tenure, 152

transparency, 150151

public-switched telephone network (PSTN), 296

publishing e-books, 189

Puttini, Ricardo, 275

• Q •

queuing theory, 296

quotation, defined, 296

• R •

rainbow tables, 48

RAM (random access memory), 63

razor wire, 296

recovery, password, 48, 295

recruiters, 181, 193, 214, 220221, 296

recycling old computers, 267

Red Hat Certificate of Expertise in Server Hardening, 113

redundancy, network, 32, 293

redundant controls, 75

references, 200, 208, 296

referrals, cover letter for, 220221

regulations, 7578, 142143, 152153

Remember icon, explained, 2

remote access, 9, 69, 297

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), 86

repeater, 297

replay attack, 48

research, online, 126

resellers, Juniper Networks, 111

resignation, 297

resiliency, network, 32, 293

response time, 297

resume. See also cover letter

bringing to interview, 227228

chronological, 196197, 205206, 208210

versus curriculum vitae, 207

customizing content, 204

defined, 297

education, 197198

employment history, 196197

examples, 205, 208212

format of, 201202

functional, 197, 206207, 208, 211212

hard copy, 202

heading, 196

hybrid, 207

industry associations, 199200

interests, 199

items to omit from, 207208

keywords in, 203

LinkedIn as living, 182

metadata, cleaning up, 202

overview, 195

padding, 208

plagiarizing, 204205

references, 200, 208

skills, 198199, 200

soft copy, 201202

summary, 196

tailoring, 203204

tips for, 200201

training and certifications, 198, 200

truth, importance of in, 208

visual style, 201

volunteering, 200

Resumes For Dummies, 201

ring topology, 297

risk assessment, 297

risk ledger, 297

risk management, 297

risk treatment, 297

role-based access control (RBAC), 297

router, 36, 54, 297

routing, 54, 287

routing table, 297

• S •

SaaS (software as a service), 65, 299

salary questions, during interview, 255

sales, by independent consultants, 169

sales force automation (SFA), 297

sales jobs, for network solutions providers, 135137

salting, 48, 62, 297

SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Networking, and Security) Institute certification, 122124

Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SarBox), 298

satellite communications, 43

SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition), 300

scalability, 298

SDN (software-defined networking), 53

secondary storage, 63, 298

secure siting, 73

security. See also attacks

books on, 274275

certifications, 118124

design goals, 32

equipment protection, 74

incident management, 6970

information security analyst, 28

information security policies, 19

investigations, 77

IT operations, 7071

network-centric security devices, 5557

overview, 50

physical and environmental, 7175

skills related to, need for, 27

wireless LAN, 39

security administration certifications, SANS Institute, 122123

security auditor, 29

security awareness training, 298

security development life cycle, 119

security expert certifications, SANS Institute, 123124

security hardware, 64

Security+ certification, CompTIA, 115

segregation of duties, 298

SEI-CMMI (Software Engineering Institute - Capability Maturity Model Integration), 299

self-guided education

lab, setting up, 126129

online research, 126

on-the-job training, 131

overview, 8485, 125

volunteering, 129130

working on the side, 130

semi-autonomous business units, 159

separation of duties, 298

server antimalware, 68

servers, 19, 298

service (help) desk, IT, 6768

service clubs, meeting people at, 175

service desk (help desk) analyst, 2021

service-level agreement (SLA), 298

session, 298

session hijacking, 49, 298

Session layer (Layer 5), OSI model, 34

SHA-1 hashing algorithm, 60

SHA-2 hashing algorithms, 60

shielded twisted pair (STP), 298

short, defined, 298

side channel attack, 298

signal, 298

signal-to-noise ratio, 298

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), 299

simulation, 299

single point of failure, 299

single-factor authentication, 4647

site access security, 7273

site survey, 73

skunk works, 159

small organizations, working for, 144145

smart card authentication, 47

smoke detector, 299

social engineering, 49, 299

Social Media Security Professional certification, CompTIA, 116

social networking. See branding; specific social networking sites

social skills, for consulting jobs, 164

soft copy resume, 201202

soft skills, interview questions about, 252

software. See malicious software

software as a service (SaaS), 65, 299

software developer, 26

software development life cycle (SDLC), 299

Software Engineering Institute - Capability Maturity Model Integration (SEI-CMMI), 299

software security certifications, SANS Institute, 123

software-defined networking (SDN), 53

solutions, designing, 136

Sonderegger, James, 274

Sorensen, Glen, 176

source code, 299

Soyinka, Wale, 274

spam, 69, 299

specialist-level certifications, Juniper Networks, 109110

specialized certifications, 124

specification, 299

spiffs, 137

sponsored vendor events, 175

sprinkler system, 299

Stallings, William, 274

standard, defined, 299

star employees, habits of

company, getting to know, 241

competence, 241242

during honeymoon period, 240242

IT department, getting to know, 240241

overview, 239

positive personal attributes, 244245

professional skills, 242243

technical skills, 243244

star topology, 299

startup companies, working for

building virtual infrastructure in cloud, 157158

characteristics of work, 158159

factors to consider, 160161

finding jobs, 159160

free or open source products for, 156157

overview, 155

skunk works, 159

StartUpHire, 160

state agencies. See public sector

state attack, 299

statistical multiplexing, 300

steganography (stego), 61, 300

Stevens, W. Richard, 273

storage devices, connecting, 11

STP (shielded twisted pair), 298

Strata certificates, CompTIA, 116

stream cipher, 60, 300

strengths, describing in interview, 251

strong authentication, 10

structured cabling, 300

subject, defined, 300

subnet address, 300

subnet mask, 300

subnetwork, 300

supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), 300

suppliers, working with, 20

support jobs, for network solutions providers, 138139

support specialists, for Juniper Networks resellers, 111

switch, 36, 127

symmetric key, 61

Synchronous Optical Network (SONET), 51, 300

SysAdmin, Audit, Networking, and Security (SANS) Institute certification, 122124

systems design, 300

systems management, by MSP, 139

Systems Security Certified Practitioner (SSCP), 118

Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model (SSE-CMM), 300

• T •

T-1, 51. See also DS-1

tag cloud, 187

tailgating, 72, 300

take-grant, defined, 301

TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), 3435, 37, 5455, 301

TCP/IP Illustrated trilogy, 273

teaching networking, 154, 268

team leadership skill questions, during interview, 254

teamwork, 243

technical interview, 230232

technical skills, enhancing, 243244

technical support jobs, 138139

technical training, 124

technology industry associations, 174

technology skill certifications, CompTIA, 115116


attacks and countermeasures, 5758

basic concepts in, 50

emerging issues in, 58

network technologies, 5053

overview, 50

security, 5557

services, managing, 11

software-defined networking, 53

TCP/IP, 5455

WAN services, 40

telecommunications carrier, 301

Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), 301

telecommunications manager, 24

telecommuting, 7980

Tetz, Edward, 271272

thank-you letter, after interview, 235237

third-party certifications, 103

third-party networking certifications, 114117

third-party suppliers, working with, 20

Thomas, Thomas, II, 274

threat, defined, 301. See also attacks; specific threats

throughput, 277, 293, 301

time accounting, consulting firms, 166

Tip icon, explained, 2

token, defined, 47, 301

token-based authentication, 10, 47

token-ring LANs, 3738

topology, 301

trading, 267268

training. See also certification; education

as new employee, 242

ongoing, 243244

on-the-job, 8586, 131

for pre-sales engineer, 137

on resume, 198

technical, 124

user, 19

vendor-specific, 85

training companies, 9899

training diploma, 104

Transmission Control Protocol. See TCP/IP

transparency, public sector jobs, 150151

Transport layer (Layer 4), OSI model, 34

Trojan horse, 301

troubleshooting skills, 13

trusted platform module (TPM), 301

Tse, David, 275

TTY/TDD, defined, 301

tuition, 90, 91, 93, 94, 97

TweetDeck, 185

Twitter, 183185, 301

• U •

Udacity, 95

UDP protocol, 55

undergraduate programs, 9091

unified communications and collaboration (UCC), 301

unified communications (UC), 24, 301

uninterruptible power supply (UPS), 74, 301

universities. See education

University of Illinois, 93

University of Maryland University College (UMUC), 93

University of Michigan, 86

University of Phoenix, 94

Unix OS, 128

unshielded twisted pair (UTP), 302

updates, book, 3

upgrades, managing, 19

US News and World Report, 90, 91

user accounts, maintaining, 9

user ID, 46, 302

user training, 19

users groups, 244, 268269, 302

• V •

value, focusing on in interview, 228

value-added network (VAN), 302

value-added reseller (VAR), 302

vendor events, meeting people at, 175

vendor-specific networking certification

Check Point, 112113

Cisco, 104107

Juniper Networks, 109111

Microsoft, 107109

other vendors, 113

overview, 103, 104

Palo Alto Networks, 111112

Red Hat, 113

vendor-specific training, 85

VentureLoop, 160

very small aperture terminal (VSAT), 43, 302

video surveillance, 73, 302

videoconferencing interview, 234

virtual infrastructure, 157158

virtual private network (VPN), 57, 302

VirtualBox, Oracle, 129

virtualization, 6465, 129

virus, defined, 302

visible notices, site access security, 73

visitor logs, 73, 302

Viswanath, Pramod, 275

voice over LTE (VoLTE), 302

voicemail, setting up, 12

VoIP (voice over Internet protocol), 12, 24

volunteering, 129130, 200, 244

vulnerability management, 70, 302

• W •

walkthrough, 302

walls, 73, 302

WAN technology, 35, 3943, 302

Warning! icon, explained, 2

watering hole attack, 49, 58

watermarking, 61, 303

weaknesses, describing in interview, 251

web access filter, 303

web application, 303

web extras, for book, 3

web-filtering system, 57

webinar, 126

webmaster, 26

website filtering, 69

white boarding, in technical interview, 231

Wi-Fi, 1011, 3839, 53, 303

Wi-Fi Alliance, 38

WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), 43, 52, 303

Windows OS, 128

Wired Equivalency Protocol (WEP), 53, 303

wired networks, 3638, 5153

wireless network engineer, 2324

wireless networks. See also Wi-Fi

advantages of, 23

books on, 275

consumer and business network, 53

issues related to, 23

LANs, 3839, 117

telecom, 52

WANs, 4143

Wireless Protected Access 2 (WPA2), 53, 303

Wireless Protected Access (WPA), 53, 303

wireless USB, 53

wiring closet, 303

workstation antimalware, 68

World Mentoring Academy, 96

worm, defined, 303

Wright, Gary R., 273

writing articles and e-books, 188189

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