

  1. Academic settings: Cocktail Party Conversational Roles Deliberative Polling Facilitator Summary If You Could Only Ask One Question Jigsaw Newsprint Dialogue Participation Rubric Participatory Decision Making Question Brainstorm Quotes to Affirm and Challenge Rotating Stations Setting Ground Rules Strategic Questioning Titling the Text
  2. Active listening: Circle of Voices Circular Response Clearness Committee Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Narrative Listening and Questioning Single Word Sum-Ups Stand Where You Stand Team Modeling Understanding Check
  3. Adversarial/controversial topics: Canvassing for Common Ground Conversational Roles Deliberative Polling Hatful of Quotes to discuss Today’s Meet technique for unbridgeable positions
  4. Alinsky, Saul
  5. Anonymity: Structured Silence Today’s Meet
  6. Appreciative Pause technique: description and purposes of how it works questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate where and when it works well. See also Sticky Note Plaudit technique


  1. Baptiste, I.
  2. Big picture discussions (Chalk Talk)
  3. Blaming (or hectoring)
  4. Boal, A.
  5. Body language: showing interest in what speakers say using; of those who want to join the discussion Writing Discussion
  6. Bohm, David
  7. Bohmian Dialogue technique: description and purposes of; how, were, and when it works questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  8. Brainstorming: caution against killing it with critique; Question Brainstorm Setting Ground Rules
  9. Brookfield, S. D.
  10. Building group cohesion: Appreciative Pause—Stickyy Note Plaudit Canvassing for Common Ground Circular Response Clearness Committee Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Jigsaw Musicalizing Discussion Mutual Invitation Narrative Listening and Questioning Participatory Decision Making Understanding Check. See also Large groups; Small groups


  1. Canvassing for Common Ground technique: description and purposes of how, were, and when it works questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  2. Chalk Talk technique: description and purposes of how, were, and when it works questions most suited to what to watch out for what users appreciate
  3. Circle of Voices technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works wells questions suited to what to watch out for what users appreciate most about the
  4. Circular Response technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions suited to what to watch out for what users appreciate
  5. Classrooms. See Academic settings
  6. Clearness Committee technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well
  7. Cocktail Party technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  8. Collaboration: Bohmian Dialogue Jigsaw Participation Rubric. See also Decision making discussions
  9. Color of Fear (film)
  10. Comfort zone. See Getting out of the comfort zone
  11. Common ground. See Canvassing for Common Ground technique
  12. Community-based settings: Canvassing for Common Ground Deliberative Polling If You Could Only Ask One Question Musicalizing Discussion Newsprint Dialogue Open-ended Questions Participatory Decision Making Question Brainstorm Quotes to Affirm and Challenge Rotating Stations Strategic Questioning
  13. Conflict management: Canvassing for Common Ground Dramatizing Discussion Hatful of Quotes to get past conflict
  14. Consensus: basic principles for moving toward; Canvassing for Common Ground watch out for routinized
  15. Controversial/adversarial topics: Canvassing for Common Ground Conversational Roles Deliberative Polling Hatful of Quotes to discuss Today’s Meet technique for unbridgeable positions
  16. Conversational Moves technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  17. Conversational Roles technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that suit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  18. Creativity: Drawing Discussion Musicalizing Discussion Open-ended Questions Titling the Text
  19. Critical Conversation Protocol technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  20. Critical Debate technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this technique what to watch out for what users appreciate
  21. Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIA) technique: Circle of Voices second-round ground rule violation addressed during; description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  22. Critical thinking: Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Deliberative Polling Single Word Sum-Ups What Do You Think?


  1. Debriefing: caution against skipping the Strategic Questioning; Rotating Stations and possible flops with Rotating Stations for Today’s Meet for small-group reports
  2. Decision making discussions: Canvassing for Common Ground Clearness Committee Critical Conversation Protocol Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Deliberative Polling Jigsaw Nominating Questions Participatory Decision Making Setting Ground Rules Titling the Text What Are You Hearing?. See also Collaboration
  3. Dedrick, J.
  4. Deliberative Polling technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  5. Democracy Project (Graeber)
  6. Democratize participation techniques: Canvassing for Common Ground Chalk Talk Circle of Voices Circular Response Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Deliberative Polling Newsprint Dialogue Nominating Questions Open-ended Questions Participatory Decision Making Rotating Stations Snowballing Today’s Meet. See also Equality; Participation
  7. Didacticism
  8. Digital divide: Today’s Meet what to watch for
  9. Discussions Without Speech techniques: Appreciative Pause—Sticky Note Plaudit Chalk Talk Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Drawing Discussion Musicalizing Discussion Newsprint Dialogue Quick Writes Structured Silence Today’s Meet Writing Discussion
  10. Diverse participants: Chalk Talk technique for Structured Silence Team Modeling
  11. Dramatizing Discussion technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate Drawing Discussion technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  12. Dyslexia


  1. Elbow, P.
  2. Electronic word cloud
  3. Embarrassing participants
  4. Empowerment: Dramatizing Discussion Question Brainstorm
  5. Equality: Open-ended Questions; Participatory Decision Making Structured Silence. See also Democratize participation techniques
  6. ESL (English as a Second Language) speakers: Newsprint Dialogue accommodating Single Word Sum-Ups
  7. Exclusionary pecking order
  8. Extroverts: Chalk Talk to equalize introverts and; Newsprint Dialogue and watching out for frustration of The Three-Person Rule and feeling silenced by Writing Discussion and frustration felt by


  1. Facilitator Summary technique: description and purposes of how, when, and where it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  2. Facilitators: Deliberative Polling and problem of bias by; disclosure by Dramatizing Discussion and untrained intervening in case of blatant errors intervening to stop people from interrupting Open-ended Questions Participation Rubric preparing for Cocktail Party rewording or reframing questions stepping in to disallow inappropriate questions trust in the What Do You Think? on opinion of. See also specific technique
  3. Fishkin, James
  4. Foundational thinking
  5. Foxfire Fund
  6. Freire, Paulo
  7. Frustration: Bohmian Dialogue and watching out for Circular Response and watching out for Clearness Committee and watching for Newsprint Dialogue and watching out for Open-ended Questions and watching out for Writing Discussion and watching out for


  1. Gender differences (Appreciative Pause)
  2. Getting out of their comfort zone: Chalk Talk Clearness Committee Cocktail Party Dramatizing Discussion Drawing Discussion Justifiable Pressure Methodological Belief Musicalizing Discussion Stand Where You Stand Today’s Meet
  3. Gimmicky problem (Conversational Moves)
  4. Graeber, David
  5. Group discussions: the bored and burned out reality of mandatory learning the protocols to energize and repurpose protocols to plan for spontaneity in variety of techniques used to spice up
  6. Groupthink


  1. Hatful of Quotes technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  2. Hectoring (or blaming)
  3. Horton, Myles


  1. If You Could Only Ask One Questions technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  2. Illiteracy: Quick Writes and issue of; Writing Discussion and issue of dyslexia, spelling difficulties, and
  3. Independent judgments (What Do You Think?)
  4. Interruptions: intervening to stop people from; Single Word Sum-Ups and problems with
  5. Introverts: Chalk Talk to equalize extroverts and; Newsprint Dialogue preference by Single Word Sum-Ups providing safety for Writing Discussion and comfort by


  1. Jigsaw technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  2. Judgment: The Three-Person Rule to slow down rush to; What Do You Think? for independent
  3. Just Mercy (Stevenson)
  4. Justifiable Pressure technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate


  1. Kettering Foundation


  1. Large groups: Bohmian Dialogue Open-ended Questions The Three-Person Rule Today’s Meet. See also Building group cohesion; Small to large group transition
  2. Law, Eric
  3. Leadership walking the talk
  4. Lee Mun Wah
  5. Lindeman, Eduard
  6. Lyman, F.


  1. McKnight, K. S.
  2. Melville, K.
  3. Memory: Facilitator Summary and the problem of recollection and; Think-Pair-Share to aid recollection and
  4. Methodological Belief technique: asking questions that ask us to practice description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  5. Mezirow, J.
  6. Mistiming
  7. Mistrust. See Organizational mistrust
  8. Modeling behavior: critical thinking Setting Ground Rules Team Modeling. See also specific technique
  9. Montgomery College
  10. Morale builders, Appreciative Pause—Sticky Note Plaudit
  11. Movement. See Physical movement
  12. Multiple discussion purposes techniques: Chalk Talk Circle of Voices Conversational Moves Critical Conversation Protocol Participation Rubric Setting Ground Rules Team Modeling Today’s Meet
  13. Multiple perspectives/diverse settings: Chalk Talk Rotating Stations
  14. Musicalizing Discussion technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  15. Mutual Invitation technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions suited to this technique what to watch out for what users appreciate


  1. Naake, Joan
  2. Narrative Listening and Questioning technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  3. National Issues Forum (Melville, Willingham, & Dedrick)
  4. New group techniques: Appreciative Pause Chalk Talk Circle of Voices Participation Rubric Quick Writes Setting Ground Rules Single Word Sum-Ups Think-Pair-Share The Three-Person Rule Today’s Meet
  5. Newsprint Dialogue technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions suited to what to watch out for what users appreciate
  6. Nominating Questions technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for
  7. Nonverbal discussions. See Discussions Without Speech techniques


  1. Occupy Movement
  2. On Dialogue (Bohm)
  3. Online discussion boards
  4. On-the-Spot Questions and Topics: definition and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol The three-person rule used with what to watch out for what users appreciate
  5. Open-ended Questions techniques:
    1. description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  6. Organically developing conversations:
    1. Circular Responses Rotating Stations Snowballing Structured Silence
  7. Organizational mistrust: Canvassing for Common Ground Facilitator Summary Today’s Meet to overcome. See also Resistance; Trust
  8. Organizational retreats: Newsprint Dialogue Participation Rubric Titling the Text
  9. Organizational settings: Canvassing for Common Ground If You Could Only Ask One Question Musicalizing Discussion Open-ended Questions Participatory Decision Making Rotating Stations


  1. Palmer, Parker
  2. Paraphrasing: facilitator rewording or reframing questions Understanding Check
  3. Participation: Justifiable Pressure to drive list of techniques used to drive. See also Democratize participation techniques
  4. Participation Rubric technique: critical thinking using the; description and purposes of how, where, and when this works wells questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  5. Participatory Decision Making technique: an abridged version of; description and purposes of how it works questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate where and when it works well
  6. Performance anxiety: Conversational Moves helping people with their Mutual Invitation and watching out for Newsprint Dialogue eliminating Today’s Meet eliminating
  7. Permanent records: Newsprint Dialogue Rotating Stations
  8. Phillips, Christopher
  9. Physical movement: Newsprint Dialogue Snowballing Stand Where You Stand
  10. Problem solving: Clearness Committee Facilitator Summary Stand Where You Stand
  11. Professional development. See Staff/professional development workshops
  12. Profundity
  13. Program admissions (Participation Rubric)
  14. Promoting good questions: Clearness Committee Narrative Listening and Questioning Nominating Questions On-the-Spot Questions and Topics Open-ended Questions Question Brainstorm Strategic Questioning Team Modeling What Do You Think?
  15. Public shaming


  1. Question Brainstorm technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when this works wells questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  2. Quick Writes technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when this works wells questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  3. Quotes to Affirm and Challenge technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when this works wells questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate


  1. Relationship building. See Building group cohesion
  2. Resistance: Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) to manage participant’s justifiable Understanding Check. See also Organizational mistrust
  3. Respectful listening: Circle of Voices Circular Response Clearness Committee Mutual Invitation Participatory Decision Making What Are You Hearing?
  4. Respectful treatment: Appreciative Pause—Sticky Note Plaudit Circular Response Mutual Invitation Setting Ground Rules
  5. Respecting truth
  6. Rotating Stations technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when this works wells questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  7. Rothstein, D.


  1. Santana, L.
  2. Scaffolding (Hatful of Quotes)
  3. Scruggs, M.
  4. Second-round ground rule
  5. See also Appreciative Pause
  6. Setting Ground Rules technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol The Three-Person Rule applied to the what to watch out for What users appreciate
  7. Silence: caution against embarrassing participants during; Clearness Committee and feeling awkward about the don’t make people feel pressured to break their Newsprint Dialogue use of Structured Silence The Three-Person Rule and awkward
  8. Single Word Sum-Ups technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for What users appreciate
  9. Small groups: Bohmian Dialogue Clearness Committee Dramatizing Discussion If You Could Only ASk One Questions Open-ended Questions Question Brainstorm Rotating Stations for debriefing work done by Setting Ground Rules Sticky Note Plaudit for summaries by Today’s Meet for reports given by. See also Building group cohesion
  10. Small to large group transition: Canvassing for Common Ground Critical Incident Questionnaire (CIQ) Dramatizing Discussion Drawing Discussion Musicalizing Discussion Newsprint Dialogue Nominating Questions Rotating Stations Snowballing Stand Where You Stand. See also Large groups
  11. Smith, Hilton
  12. Snowballing technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions suited to what to watch out for what users appreciate
  13. Social media: Justifiable Pressure use of Today’s Meet and the digital divide
  14. Social movements (If You Could Only Ask One Question)
  15. Socrates café
  16. Specificity: Appreciative Pause and lack of; Participation Rubric Rotating Stations and lack of user appreciation for Conversational Moves
  17. Spelling difficulties
  18. Staff/professional development workshops: Cocktail Party Facilitator Summary Jigsaw Newsprint Dialogue used during Open-ended Questions
  19. Stand Where You Stand technique:
    1. description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  20. Start-up projects (Titling the Text)
  21. Stevenson, Bryan
  22. Sticky Note Plaudit technique: description and purposes of how it works questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate where and when it works well. See also Appreciative Pause technique
  23. Storytellers: Critical Conversation Protocol definition of
  24. Strategic Questioning technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  25. Structured Silence technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  26. Summarizing: Chalk Talk used for Snowballing and possibility of too much Sticky Note Plaudit to debrief small-group


  1. Team facilitation
  2. Team Modeling technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  3. The techniques: to energize and repurpose group discussions planning for spontaneity using using a variety to spice up discussions walking the talk through commitment to. See also specific technique
  4. TED Talk (Bryon Stevenson)
  5. Text-based discussions: Critical Debate Deliberative Polling Hatful of Quotes If You Could Only Ask One Questions Jigsaw Question Brainstorm Quick Writes Quotes to Affirm and Challenge Stand Where You Stand Titling the Text
  6. Think-Pair-Share technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  7. The Three-Person Rule technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well On-the-Spot Questions and Topics used with questions suited to this activity Setting Ground Rules use of the what to watch out for what users appreciate
  8. Titling the Text technique: description and purposes of; how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
  9. Today’s Meet technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions suited to what to watch out for what users appreciate
  10. Town hall meetings (Quotes to Affirm and Challenge)
  11. Training workshops. See Staff/professional development workshops
  12. Trust: Critical Debate as requiring; in the facilitator


  1. Understanding Check. See also Organizational mistrust
  2. Unbridgeable positions Understanding Check technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works questions suited to this technique what to watch out for


  1. Verbal word cloud


  1. What Are You Hearing? technique:
  2. description and purposes of how, where, and when it works questions suited to this technique what to watch out for
  3. What Do You Think? technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works questions suited to this technique what to watch out for what users appreciate
  4. Willingham, T.
  5. Writing Discussion technique: description and purposes of how, where, and when it works well questions that fit this protocol what to watch out for what users appreciate
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