
Stephen Brookfield would like to acknowledge his colleague, friend, and coauthor, Steve Preskill. Steve suggested the book, provided the passion that fueled it, and was a consistently creative, energetic, and funny partner. The two of us have worked on three books together now and all have been a delight. To have a best friend be a professional collaborator is a rare gift and one for which Stephen is eternally grateful.

Stephen Preskill would like to acknowledge Stephen Brookfield for agreeing to write another book with him and for more than twenty years of warm friendship and productive collaborations. Stephen has been an unending source of humor, good fun, and creative energy. And with Stephen's support and mentorship, Steve has not only become a much better writer and teacher, he has become a better person as well.

Both of us would like to thank all the community members, workshop participants, colleagues, and students who have told us over the years, “I tried that out and here's how it worked.” You helped us hone and refine these techniques to serve a wide audience.

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