
Chapter 2
With Power Comes Responsibility
Hewlett-Packard, Target, the Cops, and the NSA Deduce Your Secrets

How do we safely harness a predictive machine that can foresee job resignation, pregnancy, and crime? Are civil liberties at risk? Why does one leading health insurance company predict policyholder death? Two extended sidebars explore: (1) Does the government undertake fraud detection more for its citizens or for self-preservation, and (2) for what compelling purpose does the National Security Agency (NSA) need your data even if you have no connection to crime whatsoever, and can the agency use machine learning supercomputers to fight terrorism without endangering human rights?

Predictive analytics…is right at the fulcrum point of utopian and dystopian visions of the future.

–Andrew Frank, Research Vice President, Gartner

What would happen if your boss were notified that you're allegedly going to quit—even though you had said this to no one? If you are one of the more than 300,000 who work at Hewlett-Packard (HP), your employer has tagged you—and all your colleagues—with a “Flight Risk” score. This simple number foretells whether you're likely to leave your job. As an HP employee, there's a good chance you didn't already know that. Postpone freaking out until you finish reading the full explanation in this chapter.

This story about HP arrived in the wake of media outcry against Target in 2012 after learning the big-box retailer had taken to predicting customer pregnancy. The media firestorm invoked misleading accusations, fear of corporate power, postulations by television personalities, and, of course, predictive analytics (PA). To my surprise, I ended up in the thick of it.

TV news programs strike like a blunt instrument, but often in the right general direction. The media assault was reactionary and chose to misinform, yet legitimate quandaries lurk below the surface. Target's and HP's predictive power brings to focus an exceptionally challenging and pressing ethical question. Within the minefield that is the privacy debate, the stakes just rose even higher.

Why? Because prediction snoops into your private future. These cases involve the corporate deduction of previously unknown, sensitive facts: Are you considering quitting your job? Are you pregnant? This isn't a case of mishandling, leaking, or stealing data. Rather, it is the generation of new data, the indirect discovery of unvolunteered truths about people. Organizations predict these powerful insights from existing innocuous data, as if creating them out of thin air. Are they equipped to manage their own creation?

While we come to terms with the sheer magnitude of prediction's power, we've only begun to fathom the privacy concerns it introduces. A chain reaction triggers and surprises even the experts: Organizations exert newfound capabilities, consumers rise up, the media stir the pot, and scientists dodge bullets and then reexamine scruples.

The journey eventually takes us to a particularly uncomfortable dilemma. Beyond expectant moms and departing employees, PA also flags potential criminals and actively helps law enforcement decide who stays in prison and who goes free.

This tale follows my journey from carefree technologist to unwitting talking head and the journey of organizations from headstrong to humbled. The asocial domain of data and analytics is not so irrelevant after all.

The Prediction of Target and the Target of Prediction

In 2010, I invited an expert at Target, Andrew Pole, to keynote at Predictive Analytics World, the conference series I founded. Pole manages dozens of analytics professionals who run various PA projects at Target. In October of that year, Pole delivered a stellar speech on a wide range of PA deployments at Target. He took the stage and dynamically engaged the audience, revealing detailed examples, interesting stories, and meaningful business results that left the audience clearly enthused. Free to view, here it is:

Toward the end, Pole described a project to predict customer pregnancy. Given that there's a tremendous sales opportunity when a family prepares for a newborn, you can see the marketing potential.

But this was something pointedly new, and I turned my head to scan the audience for any reactions. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Normally, for marketing projects, PA predicts buying behavior. Here, the thing being predicted was not something marketers care about directly, but rather, something that could itself be a strong predictor of a wide range of shopping needs. After all, the marketer's job is to discover demand and pounce on it. You can think of this predictive goal as a “surrogate” (sorry) for the pertinent shopping activities a retail marketer is paid to care about.

  1. What's predicted: Which female customers will have a baby in coming months.
  2. What's done about it: Market relevant offers for soon-to-be parents of newborns.

From what data did Target learn to predict pregnancy, given that predictive modeling requires a number of known cases from which to learn? Remember, the predictive modeling process is a form of automated data crunching that learns from training examples, which must include both positive and negative examples. An organization needs to have positively identified in the past some cases of what it would like to predict in the future. To predict something like “will buy a stereo,” you can bet a retailer has plenty of positive cases. But how can you locate Target customers known to be pregnant?

You may be surprised how simple it is to answer this puzzle. Can you guess? Let's assume no medical information or pharmaceutical data is employed for this project. Why does a customer inform Target she is pregnant? The answer: the Target baby registry. Registrants not only disclose they're pregnant, but they also reveal their due date. In addition, Target has indicated there are other marketing programs through which more moms-to-be identify themselves, thus also serving as positive learning examples.

Target pulled together training data by merging the baby registry data with other retail customer data and generated a “fairly accurate” predictive model. The store can now apply the model to customers who have not registered as pregnant. This identifies many more pregnant customers, since we can assume most such customers in fact do not register.

The model predictively evaluates a customer based on what she has purchased, which can include baby-related products, but may include combinations of other products not necessarily directly related to babies. Deriving the model is an automated act of trend spotting that explores a broad range of factors. I doubt Target's system confirmed that buying pickles and ice cream turns out to be a good indicator of pregnancy, but any and all product categories were analyzed and considered. The model identified 30 percent more customers for Target to contact with pregnancy-oriented marketing material—a significant marketing success story.

A Pregnant Pause

Strutting charismatically across the conference stage, Pole boldly lauded this unorthodox endeavor, which he led at Target. The business value was clear, the story entertaining. It's likely he was delivering what had gone over well for internal Target presentations, but now to an open forum. It made for great material and engaged the audience.

I wondered for a moment if there had been any concerns but assumed, as one engrossed in the core technology itself may tend to do, that this project had been vetted, that concerns had been allayed and put to rest by folks at Target. Emerging from inside the PA practitioner's dark data cave, squinting at the world outside, it can be hard to imagine how unsuspecting folks walking down the street might respond to such a project. In fact, Pole reassured the audience that Target carefully adheres to all privacy and data-use laws. “Target wants to make sure that we don't end up in the newspaper or on TV because we went out and we used something that we're not supposed to be using.” Little did we know where this was headed.

My 15 Minutes

Because the ensuing media storm around Target's pregnancy prediction pulled me into its wake, I witnessed from a front-row seat how, if one reporter sets off just the right spark, the pundits will obediently burn and the news cycle will fan the flames.

Who spilled the beans in the first place? A few months after Pole's presentation, New York Times reporter Charles Duhigg interviewed me. Exploring, he asked for interesting new ways PA was being used. I rattled off a few and included pregnancy prediction, pointing him to the online video of Pole's talk, which had thus far received no media attention, and connecting him to Pole via e-mail. I must admit that by now the privacy question had left my mind almost entirely.

One year later, in February 2012, Duhigg published a front-page New York Times Magazine article, sparking a viral outbreak that turned the Target pregnancy prediction story into a debacle. The article, “How Companies Learn Your Secrets,” conveys a tone that implies wrongdoing is a foregone conclusion. It punctuates this by alleging an anonymous story of a man discovering his teenage daughter is pregnant only by seeing Target's marketing offers to her, with the unsubstantiated but tacit implication that this resulted specifically from Target's PA project. The Times even produced a short video to go with the article, which features dramatic, slow-motion, color-muted images of Target shoppers checking out, while creepy, suspenseful music plays and Duhigg himself states, “If they know when [your life is changing], then they can…manipulate you…so that your habits put dollars in their pockets.” He refers to the practice of data-driven marketing as “spying on” customers.

This well-engineered splash triggered rote repetition by press, radio, and television, all of whom blindly took as gospel what had only been implied—that the teen's story stemmed from Target's pregnancy prediction—and ran with it. Not incidentally, the article was excerpted from and helped launch Duhigg's book, The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (Random House, 2012), which hit the New York Times bestseller list.

The tornado sucked me in because the article quoted me in addition to Pole who, along with Target as a whole, had now unsurprisingly clammed up. As an independent consultant, I enjoyed unfettered freedom to make public appearances. I had no prudent employer that might hold me back.

Thrust into the Limelight

This techie transmogrified into a pundit, literally overnight, as I raced to New York City on a red-eye to appear on Fox News. But placing my talking head on millions of TVs does not magically prepare me for such a role. Thriving in an abstract pool of data, the PA professional occasionally surfaces for air, usually only by accident. For the most part, this work is an exercise in math and algorithms to discover patterns that promise to hold true tomorrow—a strange, magical game to almost defy whatever laws of physics prohibit time travel. Inside this petri dish, you're insulated, knowing nothing of the visceral angst of broken hearts or broken privacy. In asking me to shed my lab coat for a suit and tie, the powers that be declared that our previously esoteric activities buried beneath these murky depths of data are truly important after all.

The morning news program Fox & Friends positioned me behind a desk, and I struggled to sit still in what was clearly the hot seat. Celebrity host Gretchen Carlson looked over and raised her voice to greet me from across the studio just before we started: “Hi, Eric!” I greeted her back as if it were just another day in the studio: “Hi, Gretchen!”

Then we were live to an estimated two million viewers. Falling in line behind the Times, Carlson read Target the riot act for exposing a girl's pregnancy, neglecting to mention the story was only an unsubstantiated allegation and implying this kind of collateral damage is innate to PA's application. A third talking head, a professor of medical ethics, reinforced the theme that all applications of PA ought best be shut down, at least pending further investigation. The millions of TVs tuned to Fox at that moment displayed a Target store, overlaid with the question, “Are stores spying on you?” Later the screen proclaimed, “Target has got you in its aim.”

It quickly became clear I was to serve as a foil as the news show demonized my profession. For the moment, I was the face of PA, and I had to fight back. If there is a certain carelessness in how organizations wield the increasing power to predict, so too is there carelessness in misleading media coverage. I took a deep breath and asserted that the New York Times article was misleading because it implied Target has a “supernatural” ability to accurately predict who is pregnant, and because it established an unsubstantiated connection to the pregnant teen's alleged story. Target's predictions are not medical diagnosis and are not based on medical information. Finally, I managed to squeeze into my allotted seconds the main point: It is really important that PA not be universally stigmatized. You can watch the televised clip at

In another interview, I was confronted with a quote from privacy advocate Katherine Albrecht, who said, “The whole goal [of retailers] is to figure out everything you can learn about your customer. We're creating a retail zoo, where customers are the exhibits.” My reply? Unlike the social sciences, PA's objective is to improve operational efficiency rather than figure people out for its own sake—and, either way, just because you're observing a person does not mean that person is being treated like an animal.

The media coverage was broad and, within a few weeks, it seemed like everyone I spoke with both inside and outside my work life had at least caught wind of the Target pregnancy story. Even comedian Stephen Colbert covered it, suggesting Target's next move will be to predict from your spouse's shopping habits that she is having an affair, and therefore send you a coupon for a hot plate that will go perfectly with your new studio apartment (more than just a joke, divorce prediction is included in this book's Central Table 1).

As the dust settles, we're left with a significant challenge: How can true privacy concerns be clearly defined, even as media overblows and confuses?

You Can't Imprison Something That Can Teleport

Information about transactions, at some point in time, will become more important than the transactions themselves.

—Walter Wriston, former chairman and CEO of Citicorp

Information wants to be free.

—Stewart Brand to Steve Wozniak at the first Hackers Conference, 1984

Data matters. It's the very essence of what we care about.

Personal data is not equivalent to a real person—it's much better. It takes no space, costs almost nothing to maintain, lasts forever, and is far easier to replicate and transport. Data is worth more than its weight in gold—certainly so, since data weighs nothing; it has no mass.

Data about a person is not as valuable as the person, but since the data is so much cheaper to manage, it's a far better investment. Alexis Madrigal, senior editor at The Atlantic, points out that a user's data can be purchased for about half a cent, but the average user's value to the Internet advertising ecosystem is estimated at $1,200 per year.

Data's value—its power, its meaning—is the very thing that also makes it sensitive. The more data, the more power. The more powerful the data, the more sensitive. So the tension we're feeling is unavoidable. If nobody cared about some piece of data, nobody would try to protect it, and nobody would want to access it or even bother to retain it in the first place. John Elder reflected, “The fact that it's perceived as dangerous speaks to its power; if it were weak, it wouldn't be a threat.”

Ever since the advent of paper and pen, this has been the story. A doctor scribbled a note, and the battle to establish and enforce access policies began.

But now, digital data travels so far, so fast, between people, organizations, and nations. Combine this ability of data to go anywhere at almost no cost with the intrinsic value of the stuff that's traveling, and you have the makings of a very fickle beast, a swarm of gremlins impressively tough to control. It's like trying to incarcerate the X-Men's superhero Nightcrawler, who has the ability to teleport. It's not confined to our normal three dimensions of movement, so you just can't lock it up.

Data is such a unique thing to ship, we have a special word for its telekinetic mode of transport. We call it telecommunication.

Data wants to spread like wildfire. As privacy advocate David Sobel put it, “Once information exists, it's virtually impossible to limit its use. You have all this great data lying around, and sooner or later, somebody will say, ‘What else can I do with it?’”

This new, powerful currency proves tough to police. A shady deal to share consumer records is completed with the press of a button—no covert physical shipment of goods required.

Law and Order: Policies and Policing of Data

[Privacy is] the most comprehensive of all rights and the one most cherished by a free people.

—Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis, 1928

And yet, we must try our darnedest to tame this wild creature. An open free-for-all is surely not an option. The world will continue struggling to impose order on the distribution of medical facts, financial secrets, and embarrassing photos. Consternation runs deep, with an estimated one in four Facebook users posting false data due to privacy concerns.

Each organization must decide data's who, what, where, when, how long, and why:

  1. Retain—What is stored and for how long.
  2. Access—Which employees, types of personnel, or group members may retrieve and look at which data elements.
  3. Share—What data may be disseminated to which parties within the organization, and to what external organizations.
  4. Merge—What data may be joined together, aggregated, or connected.
  5. React—How may each data element be acted upon, determining an organization's response, outreach, or other behavior.

To make it even more complicated, add to each of these items “…under which circumstances and for what type of intention or purpose.”

Pressing conundrums ensue. Which data policies can and should be established via legislation, and which by industry best practices and rules of etiquette? For which data practices may the organization default the consumer in, in which case she must take explicit action to opt out if so desired? How are policies enforced: What security standards—encryption, password integrity, firewalls, and the like—promise to earn Fort Knox's reputation in the electronic realm?

We have our work cut out for us.

The Battle over Data

The Internet of free platforms, free services, and free content is wholly subsidized by targeted advertising, the efficacy (and thus profitability) of which relies on collecting and mining user data.

—Alexander Furnas, writer for The Atlantic

The stakes increase and the opponents' resolve hardens like cooling lava.

In one corner we have privacy advocates, often loath to trust organizations, racing to squeeze shut data's ebb and flow: Contain it, delete it, or prevent it from being recorded in the first place.

In the other corner we have the data hustlers, salivating: the hoarders and opportunists. This colorful group ranges from entrepreneurs to managers, techies, and board members.

Data prospectors see value, and value is exciting—from more than just a selfish or economic standpoint. We love building the brave new world: increasing productivity and efficiency, decreasing junk mail and its environmental impact, improving healthcare, and suggesting movies and music that will better entertain you. And we love taking on the scientific challenges that get us there.

And yet, even the data hustlers themselves can feel the pain. I was at Walgreens a few years ago, and upon checkout an attractive, colorful coupon spit out of the machine. The product it hawked, pictured for all my fellow shoppers to see, had the potential to mortify. It was a coupon for Beano, a medication for flatulence. I'd developed mild lactose intolerance but, before figuring that out, had been trying anything to address my symptom. Acting blindly on data, Walgreens' recommendation system seemed to suggest that others not stand so close.

Other clinical data holds a more serious and sensitive status than digestive woes. Once, when teaching a summer program for talented teenagers, I received data I felt would have been better kept away from me. The administrator took me aside to inform me that one of my students had a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. I wasn't trained in psychology. I didn't want to prejudge the student, but there is no “delete” button in the brain's memory banks. In the end, the student was one of my best, and his supposed disorder never seemed to manifest in any perceivable way.

Now we are witnessing the increasing use of location data from cell phones and cars. Some people are getting into serious trouble with their bosses, spouses, and other law enforcement agencies. Tom Mitchell, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University and a world leader in the research and development of machine learning capabilities, wrote in a Science article: “The potential benefits of mining such data [from cell phones that track location via GPS] are various; examples include reducing traffic congestion and pollution, limiting the spread of disease, and better using public resources such as parks, buses, and ambulance services. But risks to privacy from aggregating these data are on a scale that humans have never before faced.”

These camps will battle over data for decades to come. Data hustlers must hone their radar for land mines, improving their sensitivity to sensitivity. Privacy advocates must see that data-driven technology is a tool that can serve both good and evil—like a knife. Outlawing it completely is not an option. There's no objectively correct resolution; this is a subjective, dynamic arena in which new aspects of our culture are being defined. Dialogue is critical, and a “check here to agree to our lengthy privacy policy that you are too busy to read” does not count as dialogue. Organizations and consumers are not speaking the same language. Striking a balance, together, is society's big new challenge. We have a long way to go.

Data Mining Does Not Drill Down

Exonerate the data scientists and their darling invention. PA in and of itself does not invade privacy—its core process is the opposite of privacy invasion. Although it's sometimes called data mining, PA doesn't “drill down” to peer at any individual's data. Instead, PA actually “rolls up,” learning patterns that hold true in general by way of rote number crunching across the masses of customer records. Data mining often appears to be a culprit when people misunderstand and completely reverse its meaning.

But PA palpably intensifies the battle over data. Why? It ignites fire under data hustlers across the world with a greater and more urgent hunger for more data. Having more data elements per customer means better odds in number crunching's exploration for what will prove most predictive. And the more rows of customer records, the better the predictive model resulting from PA's learning process.

Don't blame the sun when a thirsty criminal steals lemonade. If data rules are fair and right, PA activities that abide by them cannot contribute to abuse or privacy invasion. In this case, PA will be deemed copacetic and be greeted with open arms, and all will be well in our happy futuristic world of prediction. Right?

Fade to black and flash forward to a dystopia. You work in a chic cubicle, sucking chicken-flavored sustenance from a tube. You're furiously maneuvering with a joystick, remotely operating a vehicle on a meteor digging for precious metals. Your boss stops by and gives you a look. “We need to talk about your loyalty to this company.”

The organization you work for has deduced that you might be planning to quit. It predicts your plans and intentions, possibly before you have even conceived them.

HP Learns about Itself

In 2011, two crackerjack scientists at HP broke ground by mathematically scrutinizing the loyalty of each and every one of their more than 300,000 colleagues. Gitali Halder and Anindya Dey developed predictive models to identify all “Flight Risk” employees, those with a higher expected chance of quitting their jobs.

Retaining employees is core to protecting any organization. After all, an organization's defining characteristic is that it's a collection of members. One of five ideological tenets set forth by a founder of HP is: “We achieve our common objectives through teamwork.” Employees contribute complementary skills and take on complementary roles. They learn how to work together. It's bad news when a good one goes. The management of employee turnover is a significant challenge for all companies. For example, another multinational corporation looked to decrease turnover among customer service agents at a call center in Barcelona. Folks would come just to spend the summer in that beautiful city and then suddenly give notice and split. It would help to identify such job applicants in advance.

In this endeavor, the organization is aiming PA inwardly to predict its own staff's behavior, in contrast to the more common activity of predicting its patrons' behavior. As with predicting which customers are most likely to leave in order to target retention efforts, HP predicts which of its staff are likely to leave in order to do the same. In both cases, it's like identifying leaks in a boat's hull in order to patch them up and keep the ship afloat.1

  1. What's predicted: Which employees will quit.
  2. What's done about it: Managers take the predictions for those they supervise into consideration, at their discretion. This is an example of decision support rather than feeding predictions into an automatic decision process.
The figure depicts a cartoon where a lady sitting on a chair, with a desk in front of her, has her left hand on her forehead and right hand holding a paper. A man is sitting on a chair opposite her and the text written in the cartoon  reads “ I am surprised. With such extensive experience in predictive analytics you should have known that we wouldn't hire you.”

Reproduced with permission.

Insight or Intrusion?

HP is the iconic success story. It literally started in the proverbial garage and now leads the worldwide manufacturing of personal computers. The company came in as the twenty-seventh largest employer of 2011, amassing $127 billion in revenue, which makes it one of the highest-earning technology companies in the world.

HP is an empire of sorts, but by no means a locked-up citadel. Some working groups report turnover rates as high as 20 percent. On a ship this big, there are bound to be some leaks, especially given the apparent short attention span of today's technology worker.

HP is a progressive analytics leader. Its analytics department houses 1,700 workers in Bangalore alone. They boast cutting-edge analytical capabilities across sales, marketing, supply chain, finance, and human resources (HR) domains. Their PA projects include customer loss prediction, sales lead scoring, and supplier fraud detection.

Gitali Halder leads HP's analytics team in Bangalore focused on HR applications. With a master's in economics from the Delhi School of Economics and several years of hands-on experience, Halder is your true PA powerhouse. Confident, well spoken, and gregarious, she compels and impresses. Having teamed with HP consultant Anindya Dey, also in Bangalore, the two shine as a well-presented dynamic duo, as evidenced by their polished presentation on this project at the Predictive Analytics World conference in November 2011 in London.

Halder and Dey compiled a massive set of training data to serve as learning material for PA. They pulled together two years of employee data such as salaries, raises, job ratings, and job rotations. Then they tacked on, for each of these employee records, whether the person had quit. Thus, HP was positioned to learn from past experience to predict a priceless gem: which combinations of factors define the type(s) of employees most likely to quit their jobs.

If this project helps HP slow its employee turnover rate, Halder and Dey may stand above the crowd as two of its most valuable employees—or become two of the most resented, at least by select colleagues. Some devoted HP workers are bound to be uncomfortable that their Flight Risk score exists. What if your score is wrong, unfairly labeling you as disloyal and blemishing your reputation?

A whole new breed of powerful HR data emerges: speculative data. Beyond personal, financial, or otherwise private data about a person, this is an estimation of the future and thus speaks to the heart, mind, and intentions of the employee. Insight or intrusion?

It depends on what HP does with it.

Flight Risk: I Quit!

On the other side of the world, Alex Beaux helps Halder and Dey bring the fruits of their labor to bear upon a select niche of HP employees. It's 10.5 hours earlier in Houston, where Beaux sits as a manager for HP's internal Global Business Services (GBS). With thousands of staff members, GBS provides all kinds of services across HP to departments that have something they'd like to outsource (even though “outsourcing” to GBS technically still keeps the work within HP).

Beaux, Halder, and Dey set their sights on GBS's Sales Compensation team, since its roughly 300 employees—spread across a few countries—have been exhibiting a high attrition rate of up to 20 percent. A nicely contained petri dish for a pilot field test of Flight Risk prediction, this team provides support for calculating and managing the compensation of salespeople internationally.

The message is clear: Global enterprises are complex! This is not a team of salespeople. It isn't even a regular HR team that supports salespeople. Rather, it is a global team, mostly in Mexico, China, and Poland, that helps various HR teams that support salespeople. And so this project is multilevel: It's the analytical HR management of a team that helps HR (that supports salespeople).

Just read that paragraph five more times and you'll be fine. I once worked on an HP project that predicted the potential demand of its corporate clients—how many computers will the company need to buy, and how much of that need is currently covered by HP's competitors? Working on that project for several months, I was on conference calls with folks from so many working groups named with so many acronyms and across so many time zones that it required a glossary just to keep up.

This organizational complexity means there's great value in retaining sales compensation staff. A lot of overhead must be expended to get each new hire ramped up. Sales compensation team members boast a very specific skill set, since they manage an intricate, large-scale operation. They work with systems that determine the nitty-gritty as to how salespeople are compensated. A global enterprise does not follow an orderly grid designed by a city planner—it takes on a patchwork quality since so much organizational growth comes of buying smaller companies, thus absorbing new sales teams with their own compensation rules. The GBS Sales Compensation team handles an estimated 50 percent of the work to manage sales compensation across the entire global organization.

Insights: The Factors behind Quitting

The data showed that Flight Risk depends on some of the things you would expect. For example, employees with higher salaries, more raises, and increased performance ratings quit less. These factors pan out as drivers that decrease Flight Risk. Having more job rotations also keeps employees on board; Beaux conjectures that for the rote, transactional nature of this work, daily activities are kept more interesting with periodic change.

One surprise is that getting a promotion is not always a good thing. Across all of HP, promotions do decrease Flight Risk, but within this Sales Compensation team, where a number of promotions had been associated with relatively low raises, the effect was reversed: Those employees who had been promoted more times were more likely to quit, unless a more significant pay hike had gone along with the promotion.

The analysis is only as good as the data (garbage in, garbage out). In a similar but unrelated project for another company, I predictively modeled how long new prospective hires for a Fortune 1000 business-to-business (B2B) provider of credit information would stay on if hired for call center staffing. Candidates with previous outbound sales experience proved 69 percent more likely to remain on the job at least nine months. Other factors included the number of jobs in the past decade, the referring source of the applicant, and the highest degree attained. This project dodged a land mine, as preliminary results falsely showed new hires without a high school degree were 2.6 times as likely to stay on the job longer. We were only days away from presenting this result to the client—and recommending that the company hire more high school dropouts—when we discovered an unusual combination of errors in the data the client had delivered.2 Error-prone data—noise—usually just means fewer conclusions will be drawn, rather than strong false ones, but this case was an exceptional perfect storm—a close call!

As for any domain of PA, the predictive model zips up these various factors into a single score—in this case, a Flight Risk score—for each individual. Even if many of these phenomena seem obvious or intuitive, the model is where the subtle stuff comes in: how these elements weigh in relative to one another, how they combine or interact, and which other intuitive hunches that don't pan out should be eliminated. A machine learning process automates these discoveries by crunching the historical data, literally learning from it.

Halder and Dey's Flight Risk model identified $300 million in estimated potential savings with respect to staff replacement and productivity loss across all HP employees throughout all global regions. The 40 percent of HP employees with highest Flight Risk scores included 75 percent of the quitters (a predictive lift of 1.9).

I asked the two, who themselves are HP employees, what their own Flight Risk scores were. Had they predicted themselves likely to quit? Halder and Dey are quick to point out that they like their jobs at HP very much, but admit they are in fact members of a high-risk group. This sounds likely, since analytics skills are in high demand.

Delivering Dynamite

When chemists synthesize a new, unstable element, they must handle with care.

HP's Flight Risk scores deploy with extreme caution, under lock and key. Beaux, Halder, and Dey devised a report delivery system whereby only a select few high-level managers who have been trained in interpreting Flight Risk scores and understanding their limitations, ramifications, and confidentiality may view individual employee scores—and only scores for employees under them. In fact, if unauthorized parties got their hands on the report itself, they would find there are no names or identifying elements for the employees listed there—only cryptic identifiers, which the authorized managers have the key to unscramble and match to real names. All security systems have vulnerabilities, but this one is fairly bulletproof.

For the GBS Sales Compensation team of 300 employees, only three managers see these reports. A tool displays the Flight Risk scores in a user-friendly, nontechnical view that delivers supporting contextual information about each score in order to help explain why it is high or low. The consumers of this analytical product are trained in advance to understand the Flight Risk scores in terms of their accompanying explanations—the factors about the employee that contributed to the score—so that these numbers aren't deferred to as a forceful authority or overly trusted in lieu of other considerations.

A score produced by any predictive model must be taken with a very particular grain of salt. Scores speak to trends and probabilities across a large group; one individual probability by its nature oversimplifies the real-world thing it describes. If I were to miss a single credit card payment, the probability that I'd miss another in the same year may quadruple, based on that factor alone. But if you also take into account that my roof caved in that month (this is a fictional example), your view will change. In general, the complete story for an individual is in fact more than we can ever know. You can see a parallel to another scrutinized practice: diagnosing someone with a psychological disorder and thus labeling them and influencing how they're to be treated.

Over time, the Flight Risk reports sway management decisions in a productive direction. They serve as early warning signals that guide management in planning around loss of staff when it can't be avoided, and working to keep key employees where possible. The system informs what factors drive employee attrition, empowering managers to develop more robust strategies to retain their staffs in order to reduce costs and maintain business continuity.

The Value Gained from Flight Risk

And the results are in. GBS's Sales Compensation staff attrition rates that were above 20 percent in some regions have decreased to 15 percent and continue to trend downward. This success is credited in large part to the impact of Flight Risk reports and their well-crafted delivery.

The project gained significant visibility within HP. Even HP's worldwide vice president of sales compensation heartily applauded the project. Flight Risk reports continue to make an impact today, and their underlying predictive models are updated quarterly over more recent data in order to remain current.

These pioneers may not realize just how big a shift this practice is from a cultural standpoint. The computer is doing more than obeying the usual mechanical orders to retain facts and figures. It's producing new information that's so powerful, it must be handled with a new kind of care. We're in a new world in which systems not only divine new, potent information but must carefully manage it as well.

Managed well and delivered prudently, Flight Risk scores can perhaps benefit an organization without ruffling too many feathers. Given your established relationship with your boss, perhaps you'd be comfortable if he or she received a Flight Risk score for you, assuming it was considered within the right context. And perhaps it's reasonable and acceptable for an employer to crunch numbers on employee patterns and trends, even without the employees necessarily knowing about it. There's no universally approved ethical framework yet established—the jury is still out on this new case.

But, moving from employment record to criminal record, what if law enforcement officers appeared at your door to investigate you, Future Crime Risk report in hand?

Predicting Crime to Stop It Before It Happens

What if you could shift the intelligence paradigm from “sense, guess, and respond” to “predict, plan, and act”?

—Sgt. Christopher Fulcher, Chief Technology Officer of the Vineland, New Jersey, Police Department

Cops have their work cut out for them. Crime rates may ebb and flow, but law enforcement by its nature will always face the impossible challenge of optimizing the deployment of limited resources such as patrolling officers and perusing auditors.

Police deploy PA to predict the location of crime and to direct cops to patrol those areas accordingly. One system, backtested on two years of data from Santa Cruz, California, correctly predicted the locations of 25 percent of burglaries. This system directs patrols today, delivering 10 hot spots each day within this small city to send police vehicles to. The initiative was honored by Time magazine as one of the 50 best inventions of 2011.

  1. What's predicted: The location of a future crime.
  2. What's done about it: Police patrol the area.

Another crime prediction system, revealed at a 2011 conference by Chief Information Officer Stephen Hollifield of the Richmond, Virginia, police department, serves up a crime-fighting display that marks up maps by the risk of imminent crime and lists precincts, neighborhoods, and crime types by risk level. Since this system's deployment, Richmond crime rates have decreased. Similar systems are in development in Chicago; Los Angeles; Vineland, New Jersey; and Memphis, where prediction is credited with reducing crime by 31 percent. In 2009, the U.S. National Institute of Justice awarded planning grants to seven police departments to create crime prediction capabilities.

Lightning strikes twice. The predictive models leverage discoveries such as the trend that crimes are more—not less—likely to soon reoccur in nearby locations, as detected in Santa Cruz. In Richmond, the predictive model flags for future crime based on clues such as today's city events, whether it's a payday or a holiday, the day of the week, and the weather.

What's not to like? Law enforcement gains a new tool, and crime is defrayed. Any controversy over these deployments appears relatively tame. Even the American Civil Liberties Union gave this one a nod of the head. No harm, no foul.

In fact, there's one type of crime that elicits loud complaints when predictive models fail to detect it: fraud. To learn more, see the sidebar on fraud detection. After the sidebar, we continue on to explore how crime-predicting computers inform how much time convicts spend in prison.

The Data of Crime and the Crime of Data

PA has taken on an enormous crime wave. It is central to tackling fraud and promises to bolster street-level policing as well.

In these efforts, PA's power optimizes the assignment of resources. Its predictions dictate how enforcers spend their time—which transactions auditors search for fraud and which street corners cops search for crime.

But how about giving PA the power to help decide who belongs in prison?

To help make these tough decisions, judges and parole boards consult predictive models. To build these models, Philadelphia's Adult Probation and Parole Department enlisted a professor of statistics and criminology from the University of Pennsylvania. The parole department's research director, Ellen Kurtz, told The Atlantic, “Our vision was that every single person, when they walked through the door [of a parole hearing], would be scored by a computer” as to his or her risk of recidivism—committing crime again.

Oregon launched a crime prediction tool to be consulted by judges when sentencing convicted felons. The tool is on display for anyone to try out. If you know the convict's state ID and the crime for which he or she is being sentenced, you can enter the information on the Oregon Criminal Justice Commission's public website and see the predictive model's output: the probability the offender will be convicted again for a felony within three years of being released.

  1. What's predicted: Whether a prosecuted criminal will offend again.
  2. What's done about it: Judges and parole boards consult model predictions when making decisions about an individual's incarceration.

The predictive model behind Oregon's tool performs admirably. Machine learning generated the model by processing the records of 55,000 Oregon offenders across five years of data. The model then validated across 350,000 offender records across 30 years of history. Among the least risky tenth of criminals—those for whom the model outputs the lowest predictive scores—recidivism is just 20 percent. Yet among the top fifth receiving the highest scores, recidivism will probably occur; over half of these offenders will commit a felony again.

Law enforcement's deployment of PA to predict for individual convicts is building steam. In these deployments, PA builds upon and expands beyond a longstanding tradition of crime statistics and standard actuarial models. Virginia's and Missouri's sentencing guidelines also prescribe the consideration of quantitative risk assessment, and Maryland has models that predict murder. The machine is a respected adviser that has the attention of judges and parole boards.

Humans could use some help with these decisions, so why not introduce an objective, data-driven voice into the process? After all, studies have shown that arbitrary extraneous factors greatly affect judicial decisions. A joint study by Columbia University and Ben Gurion University (Israel) showed that hungry judges rule negatively. Judicial parole decisions immediately after a food break are about 65 percent favorable, but then drop gradually to almost zero percent before the next break. If your parole board judges are hungry, you're much more likely to stay in prison.

With this reasoning accepted, the convict's future now rests in nonhuman hands. Given new power, the computer can commit more than just prediction errors—it can commit injustice, previously a form of misjudgment that only people were in a position to make. It's a whole new playing field for the machine, with much higher stakes. Miscalculations in this arena are more costly than for other applications of PA. After all, the price is not as high when an e-mail message is wrongly incarcerated in the spam folder or a fraud auditor's time is wasted on a transaction that turns out to be legitimate.

Machine Risk without Measure

In the movie Minority Report, Tom Cruise's science fiction cop tackles and handcuffs individuals who have committed no crime (yet), proclaiming stuff like: “By mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime Division, I'm placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Marks and Donald Dubin.” Rather than the punishment fitting the crime, the punishment fits the precrime.

Cruise's bravado does not go unchecked. Colin Farrell's Department of Justice agent confronts Cruise, and the two brutes stand off, mano a mano. “You ever get any false positives?” accuses Farrell.

A false positive, aka false alarm, is when a model incorrectly predicts yes when the correct answer is no. It says you're guilty, convicting you of a crime you didn't (or in this case, won't) commit.

As self-driving cars emerge from Google and BMW and begin to hit the streets, a new cultural acceptance of machine risk will emerge as well. The world will see automobile collision casualty rates decrease overall and eventually, among waves of ire and protest, will learn to accept that on some occasions the computer is to blame for an accidental death.

But when a criminal who would not reoffend is kept in prison because of an incorrect prediction, we will never have the luxury of knowing. You can prove innocent a legitimate transaction wrongly flagged as fraudulent, but an incarcerated person has no recourse to disprove unjust assumptions about what his or her future behavior outside prison would have been. If you prevent something, how can you be certain it was ever going to happen?

We're entrusting machines to contribute to life-changing decisions for which there can be no accountability: We can't measure the quality of these decisions, so there's no way to determine blame. We've grown comfortable with entrusting humans, despite their cherished fallibility, to make these judgment calls. A culture shift is nigh as we broaden this sacred circle of trust. PA sometimes makes wrong predictions but often proves to be less wrong than people. Bringing PA in to support decision making means introducing a new type of bias, a new fallibility, to balance against that of a person.

The development of computerized law enforcement presents extraordinarily tough ethical quandaries:

  • Does the application of PA for law enforcement fly in the face of the very notion of judging a person as an individual? Is it unfair to predict a person's risk of bad behavior based on what other people—who share certain characteristics with that person—have done? Or, isn't the prediction by a human (e.g., a judge) of one's future crimes also intrinsically based only on prior observations of others, since humans learn from experience as well?
  • A crime risk model dehumanizes the prior offender by paring him or her down to the extremely limited view captured by a small number of characteristics (variables input to a predictive model). But, if the integration of PA promises to lower the overall crime rate—as well as the expense of unnecessary incarceration—is this within the acceptable realm of compromises to civil liberties (on top of incarceration) that convicts endure?
  • With these efforts under way, should not at least as much effort go into leveraging PA to improve offender rehabilitation; for example, by targeting those with the highest risk of recidivism? (In one groundbreaking case, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice does just this—see Central Table 5.)

PA threatens to attain too much authority. Like an enchanted child with a Magic 8 Ball toy (originated in 1950), which is designed to pop up a random answer to a yes/no question, insightful human decision makers could place a great deal of confidence in the recommendations of a system they do not deeply understand. What may render judges better informed could also sway them toward less active observation and thought, tempting them to defer to the technology as a kind of crutch and grant it undue credence. It's important for users of PA—the judges and parole board members—to keep well in mind that it bases predictions on a much more limited range of factors than are available to a person.

The Cyclicity of Prejudice

Yet another quandary lurks. Although science promises to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcement, when you formalize and quantify decision making, you inadvertently instill existing prejudices against minorities. Why? Because prejudice is cyclic, a self-fulfilling prophecy, and this cycling could be intensified by PA's deployment.

Across the United States, crime prediction systems calculate a criminal's probability of recidivism based on things like the individual's age, gender, and neighborhood, as well as prior crimes, arrests, and incarcerations. No government-sponsored predictive models explicitly incorporate ethnic class or other minority status.

However, ethnicity creeps into the model indirectly. Philadelphia's recidivism prediction model incorporates the offender's ZIP code, known to highly correlate with race. For this reason, redlining, the denying of services by banks, insurance companies, and other businesses by geographical region, has been largely outlawed in the United States.

Similarly, terrorist prediction models factor in religion. Levitt and Dubner's book SuperFreakonomics (HarperCollins, 2009) details a search for suspects among data held by a large UK bank. Informed in part by attributes of the September 11 perpetrators, as well as other known terrorists, a fraud detection analyst at the bank pinpointed a very specific group of customers to forward to the authorities. This microsegment was defined by factors such as the types of bank accounts opened, existence of wire transfers and other transactions, record of a mobile phone, status as a student who rents, and a lack of life insurance (since suicide nullifies the policy). But to get the list of suspects down to a manageable size, the analyst filtered out people with non-Muslim names, as well as those who made ATM withdrawals on Friday afternoons—admittedly a proxy for practicing Muslims. Conceptually, this may not be a huge leap from the internment of suspected enemies of the state, although it should be noted that this was not a government-sponsored analysis. While this work has been criticized as an “egregious piece of armchair antiterrorism,” the bank analyst who delivered the suspect list to the authorities may exert power by way of his perceived credibility as a bank representative.

But even if such factors are disallowed for prediction, it's still a challenge to avoid involving minority status.

Bernard Harcourt, a professor of both political science and law at the University of Chicago and author of Against Prediction: Profiling, Policing, and Punishing in an Actuarial Age, told The Atlantic that minority group members discriminated against by law enforcement, such as by way of profiling, are proportionately more likely to show a prior criminal record (e.g., since they may be screened more often), which artificially inflates the minority group's incidence of criminal records. Rather than race being a predictor of prior offenses, prior offenses are indicative of race. By factoring in prior offenses to predict future crimes, “you just inscribe the racial discrimination you have today into the future.” It's a cyclic magnification of prejudice's already self-fulfilling prophecy.

Even Ellen Kurtz, who champions the adoption of the crime model in Philadelphia, admits, “If you wanted to remove everything correlated with race, you couldn't use anything. That's the reality of life in America.”

But don't make data a scapegoat. It isn't solely a petri dish in which racial discrimination grows—it's also a tool that serves the fight against discrimination. Government departments outside law enforcement, such as the Federal Housing Finance Agency, the Education Department, and the Department of Housing and Urban Development, collect data for the very purpose of detecting discriminatory practices in banking loans, public education, affordable housing, and employment opportunities.

Within law enforcement, the math getting us in trouble could also remedy the problem by quantifying prejudice. However, that could be done only by introducing the very data element that—so far—remains outside the analysis, albeit inside the eye of every profiling police officer: race. Technically, there could be an analytical means to take this on if race were input into the system. This would require addressing new questions and debates analogous to those that arise with the implementation of equal- opportunity practices.

Good Prediction, Bad Prediction

Privacy is a compromise between the interests of the government and the citizen.

—Eric Schmidt, former Executive Chairman and CEO, Google

Information technology has changed just about everything in our lives…. But while we have new ethical problems, we don't have new ethics.

—Michael Lotti

When we think in terms of power, it is clear we are getting a raw deal: We grant private entities—with no interest in the public good and no public accountability—greater powers of persuasion than anyone has ever had before and in exchange we get free e-mail.

—Alexander Furnas, writer for The Atlantic

With great power comes great responsibility.

—Spider-Man's wise uncle (paraphrasing the Bible, Voltaire, and others)

Pregnancy prediction faces the opposite dilemma of that faced by crime prediction. Crime prediction causes damage when it predicts wrong, but predicting sensitive facts like pregnancy can cause damage when it's right. Like X-ray glasses, PA unveils new hot-button data elements for which all the fundamental data privacy questions must be examined anew. Sherlock Holmes, as well as his modern-day doppelganger Dr. Gregory House, size you up and embarrass you: A few scuff marks on your shoe and the detective knows you're having an affair. Likewise, no one wants her pregnancy unwittingly divulged; it's safe to assume organizations generally don't wish to divulge it, either.

It's tempting to write off these matters as benign in comparison to the qualms of crime prediction. KDnuggets, a leading analytics portal, took a poll: “Was Target wrong in using analytics to identify pregnant women from changes in their buying behavior?” The results were 17 percent “Yes,” 74 percent “No,” and 9 percent “Not sure” among the analytics community. One written comment pointed out that intent is relevant, asking, “When I yield a seat on a train to elderly people or a pregnant woman, am I ‘trying to infer sensitive personal data such as pregnancy or elderliness’? Or just trying to provide the person with her needs?”

But knowledge of a pregnancy is extremely potent, and leaking it to the wrong ears can be life-changing indeed. As one online pundit proclaimed, imagine the pregnant woman's “job is shaky, and your state disability isn't set up right yet, and, although she's working on that, to have disclosure could risk the retail cost of a birth ($20,000), disability payments during time off ($10,000 to $50,000), and even her job.”

As with pregnancy, predictive models can also ascertain minority status—from behavior online, where divulging demographics would otherwise come only at the user's discretion. A study from the University of Cambridge shows that race, age, sexual orientation, and political orientation can be determined with high levels of accuracy based on one's Facebook likes. This capability could grant marketers and other researchers access to unvolunteered demographic information.

Google itself appears to have sacrificed a significant boon from predictive modeling in the name of privacy by halting its work on the automatic recognition of faces within photographs. When he was Google's CEO, Eric Schmidt stated his concern that facial recognition could be misused by organizations that identify people in a crowd. This could, among other things, ascertain people's locations without their consent. He acknowledges that other organizations will continue to develop such technology, but Google chose not to be behind it.

Other organizations agree: Sometimes it's better not to know. John Elder tells of the adverse reaction from one company's HR department when the idea of predicting employee death was put on the table. Since death is one way to lose an employee, it's in the data mix. In a meeting with a large organization about predicting employee attrition, one of John's staff witnessed a shutdown when someone mentioned the idea. The project stakeholder balked immediately: “Don't show us!” Unlike healthcare organizations, this HR group was not meant to handle and safeguard such prognostications.

Predicting death is so sensitive that it's done secretly, keeping it on the down low even when done for benevolent purposes. One top-five health insurance company predicts the likelihood an elderly insurance policyholder will pass away within 18 months, based on clinical markers in the insured's recent medical claims. On the surface, this sounds potentially dubious. With the ulterior motives of health insurance often under scrutiny, one starts to imagine the terrible implications. Might the insurance company deny or delay the coverage of treatment based in part on how likely you are to die soon anyway? Not in this case. The company's purposes are altruistic. The predictions serve to trigger end-of-life counseling (e.g., regarding living wills and palliative care). An employee of the company told me the predictive performance is strong, and the project is providing clear value for the patients. Despite this, those at the company quake in their boots that the project could go public, agreeing only to speak with me under the condition of anonymity. “It's a very sensitive issue, easily misconstrued,” the employee said.

The media goes too far when it sounds alarms that imply PA ought to be sweepingly indicted. To incriminate deduction would be akin to outlawing thought. It's no more than the act of figuring something out. If I glance into my friend's shopping cart and, based on certain items, draw the conclusion that she may be pregnant, have I just committed a thoughtcrime—the very act enforced against by Big Brother in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four? And so the plot twists, since perhaps critics of Target who would compare this kind of analysis to that of Big Brother are themselves calling the kettle black by judging Target for thoughtcrime. Pregnancy prediction need not be viewed as entirely self-serving—as with any marketing, this targeting does have potential to serve the customer. In the end, with all his eccentricities, Sherlock Holmes is still our hero, and his revealing deductions serve the greater good.

“Privacy and analytics are often publicly positioned as mortal enemies, but are they really?” asks Ari Schwartz of the U.S. Department of Commerce's National Institute of Standards and Technology. Indeed, some data hustlers want a free-for-all, while others want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. But Schwartz suggests, “The two worlds may have some real differences, but can probably live a peaceful coexistence if they simply understand where the other is coming from.”

It's not what an organization comes to know; it's what it does about it. Inferring new, powerful data is not itself a crime, but it does evoke the burden of responsibility. Target does know how to benefit from pregnancy predictions without actually divulging them to anyone (the alleged story of the pregnant teen is at worst an individual albeit significant gaffe). But any marketing department must realize that if it generates quasimedical data from thin air, it must take on, with credibility, the privacy and security practices of a facility or department commonly entrusted with such data. You made it, you manage it.

PA is an important, blossoming science. Foretelling your future behavior and revealing your intentions, it's an extremely powerful tool—and one with significant potential for misuse. It's got to be managed with extreme care. The agreement we collectively come to for PA's position in the world is central to the massive cultural shifts we face as we fully enter and embrace the information age.

The Source of Power

New questions arise as we move from predicting the repeat offenses of convicts to the discovery of new potential suspects within the general populace of civilians. The following sidebar on automatic suspect discovery brings these questions to the surface, after which the next chapter turns to the source of predictive power—data—and explores the most bizarre insights it reveals, and how easy it is to be fooled by it.


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