
The Prediction Effect

I'm just like you. I succeed at times, and at others I fail. Some days good things happen to me, some days bad. We always wonder how things could have gone differently. I begin with seven brief tales of woe:

  1. In 2009 I just about destroyed my right knee downhill skiing in Utah. The jump was no problem; it was landing that presented an issue. For knee surgery, I had to pick a graft source from which to reconstruct my busted ACL (the knee's central ligament). The choice is a tough one and can make the difference between living with a good knee or a bad knee. I went with my hamstring. Could the hospital have selected a medically better option for my case?
  2. Despite all my suffering, it was really my health insurance company that paid dearly—knee surgery is expensive. Could the company have better anticipated the risk of accepting a ski jumping fool as a customer and priced my insurance premium accordingly?
  3. Back in 1995 another incident caused me suffering, although it hurt less. I fell victim to identity theft, costing me dozens of hours of bureaucratic baloney and tedious paperwork to clear up my damaged credit rating. Could the creditors have prevented the fiasco by detecting that the accounts were bogus when they were filed under my name in the first place?
  4. With my name cleared, I recently took out a mortgage to buy an apartment. Was it a good move, or should my financial adviser have warned me the property could soon be outvalued by my mortgage?
  5. While embarking on vacation, I asked the neighboring airplane passenger what price she'd paid for her ticket, and it was much less than I'd paid. Before I booked the flight, could I have determined the airfare was going to drop?
  6. My professional life is susceptible, too. My business is faring well, but a company always faces the risk of changing economic conditions and growing competition. Could we protect the bottom line by foreseeing which marketing activities and other investments will pay off, and which will amount to burnt capital?
  7. Small ups and downs determine your fate and mine, every day. A precise spam filter has a meaningful impact on almost every working hour. We depend heavily on effective Internet search for work, health (e.g., exploring knee surgery options), home improvement, and most everything else. We put our faith in personalized music and movie recommendations from Spotify and Netflix. After all these years, my mailbox wonders why companies don't know me well enough to send less junk mail (and sacrifice fewer trees needlessly).

These predicaments matter. They can make or break your day, year, or life. But what do they all have in common?

These challenges—and many others like them—are best addressed with prediction. Will the patient's outcome from surgery be positive? Will the credit applicant turn out to be a fraudster? Will the homeowner face a bad mortgage? Will the airfare go down? Will the customer respond if mailed a brochure? By predicting these things, it is possible to fortify healthcare, combat risk, conquer spam, toughen crime fighting, boost sales, and cut costs.

Prediction in Big Business—The Destiny of Assets

There's another angle. Beyond benefiting you and me as consumers, prediction serves the organization, empowering it with an entirely new form of competitive armament. Corporations positively pounce on prediction.

In the mid-1990s, an entrepreneurial scientist named Dan Steinberg delivered predictive capabilities unto the nation's largest bank, Chase, to assist with their management of millions of mortgages. This mammoth enterprise put its faith in Dan's predictive technology, deploying it to drive transactional decisions across a tremendous mortgage portfolio. What did this guy have on his résumé?

Prediction is power. Big business secures a killer competitive stronghold by predicting the future destiny and value of individual assets. In this case, by driving mortgage decisions with predictions about the future payment behavior of homeowners, Chase curtailed risk, boosted profit, and witnessed a windfall.

Introducing…the Clairvoyant Computer

Compelled to grow and propelled to the mainstream, predictive technology is commonplace and affects everyone, every day. It impacts your experiences in undetectable ways as you drive, shop, study, vote, see the doctor, communicate, watch TV, earn, borrow, or even steal.

This book is about the most influential and valuable achievements of computerized prediction, and the two things that make it possible: the people behind it, and the fascinating science that powers it.

Making such predictions poses a tough challenge. Each prediction depends on multiple factors: The various characteristics known about each patient, each homeowner, each consumer, and each e-mail that may be spam. How shall we attack the intricate problem of putting all these pieces together for each prediction?

The idea is simple, although that doesn't make it easy. The challenge is tackled by a systematic, scientific means to develop and continually improve prediction—to literally learn to predict.

The solution is machine learning—computers automatically developing new knowledge and capabilities by furiously feeding on modern society's greatest and most potent unnatural resource: data.

“Feed Me!”—Food for Thought for the Machine

Data is the new oil.

—European Consumer Commissioner Meglena Kuneva

The only source of knowledge is experience.

—Albert Einstein

In God we trust. All others must bring data.

—William Edwards Deming (a business professor famous for work in manufacturing)

Most people couldn't be less interested in data. It can seem like such dry, boring stuff. It's a vast, endless regimen of recorded facts and figures, each alone as mundane as the most banal tweet, “I just bought some new sneakers!” It's the unsalted, flavorless residue deposited en masse as businesses churn away.

Don't be fooled! The truth is that data embodies a priceless collection of experience from which to learn. Every medical procedure, credit application, Facebook post, movie recommendation, fraudulent act, spammy e-mail, and purchase of any kind—each positive or negative outcome, each successful or failed sales call, each incident, event, and transaction—is encoded as data and warehoused. This glut grows by an estimated 2.5 quintillion bytes per day (that's a 1 with 18 zeros after it). And so a veritable Big Bang has set off, delivering an epic sea of raw materials, a plethora of examples so great in number, only a computer could manage to learn from them. Used correctly, computers avidly soak up this ocean like a sponge.

As data piles up, we have ourselves a genuine gold rush. But data isn't the gold. I repeat, data in its raw form is boring crud. The gold is what's discovered therein.

The process of machines learning from data unleashes the power of this exploding resource. It uncovers what drives people and the actions they take—what makes us tick and how the world works. With the new knowledge gained, prediction is possible.

The figure depicts data pointing an arrow toward a computer representing machine learning which further points an arrow toward a magic ball representing predictions.

This learning process discovers insightful gems such as:1

  • Early retirement decreases your life expectancy.
  • Online daters more consistently rated as attractive receive less interest.
  • Rihanna fans are mostly political Democrats.
  • Vegetarians miss fewer flights.
  • Local crime increases after public sporting events.

Machine learning builds upon insights such as these in order to develop predictive capabilities, following a number-crunching, trial-and-error process that has its roots in statistics and computer science.

I Knew You Were Going to Do That

With this power at hand, what do we want to predict? Every important thing a person does is valuable to predict, namely: consume, think, work, quit, vote, love, procreate, divorce, mess up, lie, cheat, steal, kill, and die. Let's explore some examples.2

The Limits and Potential of Prediction

An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen.

—Earl Wilson

How come you never see a headline like “Psychic Wins Lottery”?

—Jay Leno

Each of the preceding accomplishments is powered by prediction, which is in turn a product of machine learning. A striking difference exists between these varied capabilities and science fiction: They aren't fiction. At this point, I predict that you won't be surprised to hear that those examples represent only a small sample. You can safely predict that the power of prediction is here to stay.

But are these claims too bold? As the Danish physicist Niels Bohr put it, “Prediction is very difficult, especially if it's about the future.” After all, isn't prediction basically impossible? The future is unknown, and uncertainty is the only thing about which we're certain.

The figure depicts a cartoon of weather bureau where a man is standing and writing something on a sheet placed on the table. To his right is a computer and to his left is a weather machine whereas behind him is an umbrella framed on the wall with “in case of prediction error” written above it.

Let me be perfectly clear. It's fuzzy. Accurate prediction is generally not possible. The weather is predicted with only about 50 percent accuracy, and it doesn't get easier predicting the behavior of humans, be they patients, customers, or criminals.

Good news! Predictions need not be accurate to score big value. For instance, one of the most straightforward commercial applications of predictive technology is deciding whom to target when a company sends direct mail. If the learning process identifies a carefully defined group of customers who are predicted to be, say, three times more likely than average to respond positively to the mail, the company profits big-time by preemptively removing likely nonresponders from the mailing list. And those nonresponders in turn benefit, contending with less junk mail.

The figure depicts a human image holding a brochure of shoes in its hand, representing today. An arrow from here points toward another human image holding a pair of shoes in its hand, representing tomorrow.

Prediction—A person who sees a sales brochure today buys a product tomorrow.

In this way the business, already playing a sort of numbers game by conducting mass marketing in the first place, tips the balance delicately yet significantly in its favor—and does so without highly accurate predictions. In fact, its utility withstands quite poor accuracy. If the overall marketing response is at 1 percent, the so-called hot pocket with three times as many would-be responders is at 3 percent. So, in this case, we can't confidently predict the response of any one particular customer. Rather, the value is derived from identifying a group of people who—in aggregate—will tend to behave in a certain way.

This demonstrates in a nutshell what I call The Prediction Effect. Predicting better than pure guesswork, even if not accurately, delivers real value. A hazy view of what's to come outperforms complete darkness by a landslide.

This is the first of five Effects introduced in this book. You may have heard of the butterfly, Doppler, and placebo effects. Stay tuned here for the Data, Induction, Ensemble, and Persuasion Effects. Each of these Effects encompasses the fun part of science and technology: an intuitive hook that reveals how it works and why it succeeds.

The Field of Dreams

People…operate with beliefs and biases. To the extent you can eliminate both and replace them with data, you gain a clear advantage.

—Michael Lewis, Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game

What field of study or branch of science are we talking about here? Learning how to predict from data is sometimes called machine learning—but it turns out this is mostly an academic term you find used within research labs, conference papers, and university courses (full disclosure: I taught the Machine Learning graduate course at Columbia University a couple of times in the late 1990s). These arenas are a priceless wellspring, but they aren't where the rubber hits the road. In commercial, industrial, and government applications—in the real-world usage of machine learning to predict—it's called something else, something that in fact is the very topic of this book:

Predictive analytics (PA)—Technology that learns from experience (data) to predict the future behavior of individuals in order to drive better decisions.3

Built upon computer science and statistics and bolstered by devoted conferences and university degree programs, PA has emerged as its own discipline. But beyond a field of science, PA is a movement that exerts a forceful impact. Millions of decisions a day determine whom to call, mail, approve, test, diagnose, warn, investigate, incarcerate, set up on a date, and medicate. PA is the means to drive per-person decisions empirically, as guided by data. By answering this mountain of smaller questions, PA may in fact answer the biggest question of all: How can we improve the effectiveness of all these massive functions across government, healthcare, business, nonprofit, and law enforcement work?

Figure depicting advertise, recommend, discount, loan, advise, assist, educate, investigate, incarcerate, diagnose, and treat point arrows toward a centrally placed human image describing predictions drive how organizations treat and serve an individual.

Predictions drive how organizations treat and serve an individual, across the frontline operations that define a functional society.

In this way, PA is a completely different animal from forecasting. Forecasting makes aggregate predictions on a macroscopic level. How will the economy fare? Which presidential candidate will win more votes in Ohio? Whereas forecasting estimates the total number of ice cream cones to be purchased next month in Nebraska, PA tells you which individual Nebraskans are most likely to be seen with cone in hand.

PA leads within the growing trend to make decisions more “data driven,” relying less on one's “gut” and more on hard, empirical evidence. Enter this fact-based domain and you'll be attacked by buzzwords, including analytics, big data, data science, and business intelligence. While PA fits underneath each of these umbrellas, these evocative terms refer more to the culture and general skill sets of technologists who do an assortment of creative, innovative things with data, rather than alluding to any specific technology or method. These areas are broad; in some cases, they refer simply to standard Excel reports—that is, to things that are important and require a great deal of craft, but may not rely on science or sophisticated math. And so they are more subjectively defined. As Mike Loukides, a vice president at the innovation publisher O'Reilly, once put it, “Data science is like porn—you know it when you see it.” Another term, data mining, is often used as a synonym for PA, but as an evocative metaphor depicting “digging around” through data in one fashion or another, it is often used more broadly as well.

Organizational Learning

The powerhouse organizations of the Internet era, which include Google and Amazon…have business models that hinge on predictive models based on machine learning.

—Professor Vasant Dhar, Stern School of Business, New York University

A breakthrough in machine learning would be worth 10 Microsofts.

—Bill Gates

An organization is sort of a “megaperson,” so shouldn't it “megalearn”? A group comes together for the collective benefit of its members and those it serves, be it a company, government, hospital, university, or charity. Once formed, it gains from division of labor, mutually complementary skills, and the efficiency of mass production. The result is more powerful than the sum of its parts. Collective learning is the organization's next logical step to further leverage this power. Just as a salesperson learns over time from her positive and negative interactions with sales leads, her successes, and failures, PA is the process by which an organization learns from the experience it has collectively gained across its team members and computer systems. In fact, an organization that doesn't leverage its data in this way is like a person with a photographic memory who never bothers to think.

With only a few striking exceptions, we find that organizations, rather than individuals, benefit by employing PA. Organizations make the many, many operational decisions for which there's ample room for improvement; organizations are intrinsically inefficient and wasteful on a grand scale. Marketing casts a wide net—junk mail is marketing money wasted and trees felled to print unread brochures. An estimated 80 percent of all e-mail is spam. Risky debtors are given too much credit. Applications for government benefits are backlogged and delayed. And it's organizations that have the data to power the predictions that drive improvements in these operations.

In the commercial sector, profit is a driving force. You can well imagine the booming incentives intrinsic to rendering everyday routines more efficient, marketing more precisely, catching more fraud, avoiding bad debtors, and luring more online customers. Upgrading how business is done, PA rocks the enterprise's economies of scale, optimizing operations right where it makes the biggest difference.

The New Super Geek: Data Scientists

The alternative [to thinking ahead] would be to think backwards…and that's just remembering.

—Sheldon, the theoretical physicist on The Big Bang Theory

Opportunities abound, but the profit incentive is not the only driving force. The source, the energy that makes it work, is Geek Power! I speak of the enthusiasm of technical practitioners. Truth be told, my passion for PA didn't originate from its value to organizations. I am in it for the fun. The idea of a machine that can actually learn seems so cool to me that I care more about what happens inside the magic box than its outer usefulness. Indeed, perhaps that's the defining motivator that qualifies one as a geek. We love the technology; we're in awe of it. Case in point: The leading free, open-source software tool for PA, called R (a one-letter, geeky name), has a rapidly expanding base of users as well as enthusiastic volunteer developers who add to and support its functionalities. Great numbers of professionals and amateurs alike flock to public PA competitions with a tremendous spirit of “coopetition.” We operate within organizations, or consult across them. We're in demand, so we fly a lot. But we fly coach, at best Economy Plus.

The Art of Learning

Whatcha gonna do with your CPU to reach its potentiality?

Use your noggin when you log in to crank it exponentially.

The endeavor that will render my obtuse computer clever:

Self-improve impeccably by way of trial and error.

Once upon a time, humanity created The Ultimate General Purpose Machine and, in an inexplicable fit of understatement, decided to call it “a computer” (a word that until this time had simply meant a person who did computations by hand). This automaton could crank through any demanding, detailed set of endless instructions without fail or error and with nary a complaint; within just a few decades, its speed became so blazingly brisk that humanity could only exclaim, “Gosh, we really cranked that!” An obviously much better name for this device would have been the appropriately grand La Machine, but a few decades later this name was hyperbolically bestowed upon a food processor (I am not joking). Quel dommage. “What should we do with the computer? What's its true potential, and how do we achieve it?” humanity asked of itself in wonderment.

A computer and your brain have something in common that renders them both mysterious, yet at the same time easy to take for granted. If while pondering what this might be you heard a pin drop, you have your answer. They are both silent. Their mechanics make no sound. Sure, a computer may have a disk drive or cooling fan that stirs—just as one's noggin may emit wheezes, sneezes, and snores—but the mammoth grunt work that takes place therein involves no “moving parts,” so these noiseless efforts go along completely unwitnessed. The smooth delivery of content on your screen—and ideas in your mind—can seem miraculous.4

They're both powerful as heck, your brain and your computer. So could computers be successfully programmed to think, feel, or become truly intelligent? Who knows? At best these are stimulating philosophical questions that are difficult to answer, and at worst they are subjective benchmarks for which success could never be conclusively established. But thankfully we do have some clarity: There is one truly impressive, profound human endeavor computers can undertake. They can learn.

But how? It turns out that learning—generalizing from a list of examples, be it a long list or a short one—is more than just challenging. It's a philosophically deep dilemma. Machine learning's task is to find patterns that appear not only in the data at hand, but in general, so that what is learned will hold true in new situations never yet encountered. At the core, this ability to generalize is the magic bullet of PA. There is a true art in the design of these computer methods. We'll explore more later, but for now I'll give you a hint. The machine actually learns more about your next likely action by studying others than by studying you.

While I'm dispensing teasers that leave you hanging, here's one more. This book's final chapter answers the riddle: What often happens to you that cannot be witnessed, and that you can't even be sure has happened afterward—but that can be predicted in advance?

Learning from data to predict is only the first step. To take the next step and act on predictions is to fearlessly gamble. Let's kick off Chapter 1 with a suspenseful story that shows why launching PA feels like blasting off in a rocket.


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