

  • Abbott, Dean
  • AB testing
  • Accident Fund Insurance
  • accommodation bookings
  • actuarial approach
  • advertisement targeting, predictive
  • advertising. See marketing and advertising
  • Against Prediction: Profiling, Policing, and Punishing in an Actuarial Age (Harcourt)
  • AI. See artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Airbnb
  • Air Force
  • airlines and aviation, predicting in
  • Albee, Edward
  • Albrecht, Katherine
  • algorithmic trading. See blackbox trading
  • Allen, Woody
  • Allstate
    • employee security access needs
    • machine learning and predictive models
    • Mechanical Turk
    • personalized recommendations
    • sarcasm in reviews
  • American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
  • American Public University System
  • analytics
  • Analytics Revolution, The (Franks)
  • Ansari X Prize
  • Apollo
  • Apple, Inc.
  • Apple Mac
  • Apple Siri
  • Applied Predictive Analysis (Abbott)
  • “Are Orange Cars Really not Lemons?” (Elder, Bullard)
  • Argonne National Laboratory
  • Arizona Petrified Forest National Park
  • Arizona State University
  • artificial intelligence (AI)
    • Mechanical Turk
    • mind-reading technology
    • possibility of, the
    • Watson computer and
  • Asimov, Isaac
  • astronomy
  • AT&T Research BellKor Netflix Prize teams
  • Australia
  • Austria
  • automatic suspect discovery (ASD)
    • approach to
    • arguments for and against
    • assumptions about NSA's use of
    • challenges of
    • defined
    • example patterns
    • privacy issues and
  • automobile insurance
    • crashes, predicting
    • credit scores and accidents
    • driver inattentiveness
    • fraud predictions for
  • Averitt
  • aviation incidents
  • Aviva Insurance (U.K.)
  • AWK computer language
  • Ayres, Ian


  • backtesting. See also test data
  • Baesens, Bart
  • bagging (bootstrap aggregating)
  • Baker, Stephen
  • Baltimore
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbie dolls
  • Bari, Anasse
  • Bayes, Thomas (Bayes Network)
  • Beane, Billy
  • Beano
  • Beaux, Alex
  • behavioral predictors
  • Bella Pictures
  • BellKor
  • BellKor Netflix Prize teams
  • Ben Gurion University (Israel)
  • Bernstein, Peter
  • Berra, Yogi
  • Berry, J. A.
  • Big Bang theory
  • Big Bang Theory, The (TV show)
  • Big Brother
  • BigChaos team
  • big data
    • about
    • The Data Effect and
    • “wider” data and
  • billing errors, predicting
  • black-box trading
  • Black Swan, The (Taleb)
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield of Tennessee
  • BMW
  • BNSF Railway
  • board games, predictive play of
  • Bohr, Niels
  • Boire, Richard
  • Bollen, Johan
  • books, about Predictive Analytics
  • book titles, testing
  • Bowie, David
  • brain activity, predicting
  • Brandeis, Louis
  • Brazil
  • breast cancer, predicting
  • Breiman, Leo
  • Brigham Young University
  • British Broadcasting Corporation
  • Brobst, Stephen
  • Brooks, Mel
  • Brynjolfsson, Eric
  • buildings, predicting fault in
  • Bullard, Ben
  • burglaries, predicting
  • business rules, decision trees and
  • buying behavior, predicting


  • Cage, Nicolas
  • Canadian Automobile Association
  • Canadian Tire
  • car crashes and harm, predicting
  • CareerBuilder
  • Carlin, George
  • Carlson, Gretchen
  • Carnegie Mellon University
  • cars, “orange lemons,”
  • car services passenger destination, predicting
  • CART decision trees
  • causality
  • cell phone industry
    • consumer behavior and
    • dropped calls, predicting
    • GPS data and location predicting
    • Telenor (Norway)
  • CellTel (African telecom)
  • Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
  • Cerebellum Capital
  • Chabbert, Martin
  • Chaffee, Alexander Day
  • Chaouchi, Mohamed
  • Charlotte Rescue Mission
  • Chase Bank
    • actuarial approach used by
    • churn modeling
    • data, learning from
    • economic recession and risk
    • learning from data
    • mergers and growth of
    • microrisks faced by
    • mortgage risk decision trees
    • mortgage risks, predicting
    • mortgage value estimation
    • predictive models and success
    • risks faced by
    • Steinberg as leader
  • cheating, predicting
  • check fraud, predicting
  • chess-playing computers
  • Chicago Police Department
  • Chopra, Sameer
  • Chu-Carroll, Jennifer
  • churn modeling
  • Cialdini, Robert
  • Citibank
  • Citigroup
  • Citizens Bank
  • City of Boston
  • City of Chicago
  • City of New York
  • city power, predicting fault in
  • city regulations, crime predictions and
  • civil liberties, risks to
  • Clarke, Arthur C.
  • clicks, predicting
  • clinical trial recruitment, predicting
  • Clinton, Hillary
  • cloning customers
  • Coase, Ronald
  • Colbert, Stephen
  • Colburn, Rafe
  • collection agencies, PA for
  • collective intelligence
  • collective learning
  • Columbia University
  • Commander Data
  • company networks, predicting fault in
  • Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning (Davenport and Harris)
  • competitions. See PA competitions
  • computational linguistics. See also natural language processing (NLP)
  • computer “intelligence.” See artificial intelligence (AI)
  • computer programs, decision trees and
  • computers
  • computer science
  • Con Edison
  • conferences
  • Congo massacres
  • consumer behavior, insights on
  • contests. See PA competitions
  • Continental Airlines
  • control sets
  • corporate roll-ups
  • couponing, predictive
  • Coursera
  • Cox Communications
  • Craig, Roger
  • credit cards
    • fraud detection for
    • payment systems, predicting fault in
  • credit risk
    • credit scores and
    • typing and
  • Crichton, Michael
  • crime fighting and fraud detection
    • cheating in board games
    • credit card fraud
    • in financial institutions
    • fraud, defined
    • fraudulent transactions
    • IRS tax fraud
    • machine injustice
    • network intrusion
    • PA application
    • PA for
    • prejudice in, risk of
    • spam filtering
  • crime prediction for law enforcement
    • automatic suspect discovery (ASD) and NSA
    • cybercrime
    • ethical risks in
    • fighting, PA for
    • judicial decisions and
    • murder, predicting
    • PA application
    • PA examples and insights
    • prediction models for, pros and cons of
    • recidivism
    • Uber and behavior
  • crowdsourcing
    • collective intelligence and
    • Kaggle PA crowdsourcing contests
    • noncompetitive crowdsourcing
    • PA and
  • Cruise, Tom
  • customer need, predicting fault in
  • customer retention
    • cancellations and predicting
    • with churn modeling
    • with churn uplift modeling
    • contacting customers and
    • feedback and dissatisfaction
  • customization, perils of
  • cybercrime
  • cybernetics


  • D’Arcy, Aoife
  • data, sharing and using
    • automatic suspect discovery (ASD) and NSA
    • battle over mining
    • choosing what to collect
    • growth and rates of expansion
    • policies for
    • privacy concerns and
  • data, types and sources of
    • big data
    • buzzwords for
    • consumption and
    • employee data
    • fake data
    • free public data
    • learning data
    • location data
    • medical data
    • personal data
    • social media posts
    • textual data
  • data, value of
    • about
    • learning from data
    • machine learning and
    • personal data
    • as “the new oil,”
  • Dataclysm (Rudder)
  • Data Effect,The
  • data gluts
  • data hustlers and prospectors
  • data mining
  • Data Mining for Managers (Boire)
  • Data Mining Techniques (Linoff, Berry)
  • data preparation phase
  • data science
  • Data-sim (Lohr)
  • Data Smart (Foreman)
  • data storage
  • dating websites
    • attractiveness ratings and success
    • consumer behavior on
    • predicting on
  • Davenport, Thomas H.
  • death predictions
  • “Deathwatch” (Siegel)
  • deception, predicting
  • Decision Management Systems (Taylor)
  • decision trees
    • CART decision trees
    • circle single model
    • decision boundaries in
    • getting data from
    • in machine learning
    • methods competing with
    • mortgage risk decision trees
    • overlearning and assuming
    • random forests
    • uplift trees
  • deduction versus induction
  • Deep Blue computer
  • DeepQA
  • deliveries, predicting
  • Delta Financial
  • Deming, William Edwards
  • Democratic National Committee (DNC)
  • Deshpande, Bala
  • Dey, Anindya
  • Dhar, Vasant
  • diapers and beer, behavior and
  • Dick, Philip K.
  • differential response modeling. See uplift modeling
  • discrimination, risks of
  • disease, predicting
  • Disraeli, Benjamin
  • divorce
  • dolls and candy bars, behavior and
  • Domingoes, Pedro
  • donations and giving, predicting
  • do-overs
  • Dormehl, Luke
  • downlift
  • driver inattentiveness, predicting
  • driverless cars
  • Drucker, Peter
  • drugs effects and use, predicting
  • “Dry Bones” (song)
  • DTE Energy
  • Dubner, Stephen J.
  • Duhigg, Charles
  • dunnhumby
  • Dyson, George


  • Echo Nest
  • economic recession
  • education
    • grades, predicting
    • guided studying for targeted learning
    • PA for
    • student dropout risk, predicting
    • student knowledge and performance, predicting
  • eHarmony
  • Eindhoven University
  • Eindhoven University, Netherlands
  • Einstein, Albert
  • Elder, John
    • about
    • “Are Orange Cars Really not Lemons?,”
    • black-box trading systems
    • on employee death predictions
    • on generalization paradox
    • in Netflix Prize competition
    • on passion for science
    • on power of data
    • risks taken by
    • on “vast search,”
  • Elder Research, Inc.
  • elections, crime rates and
  • electoral politics
    • Hillary for America 2016 Campaign
    • musical taste political affiliation
    • Obama for America 2012 Campaign
    • Obama for America Campaign
    • uplift modeling applications for
    • voter persuasion, predicting
  • electronic equipment, predicting fault in
  • Elements of Statistical Learning, The (Hastie, Tibshirani, Friedman)
  • Elie Tahari
  • e-mail
    • consumer behavior and addresses for
    • government storage of
    • phishing e-mails
    • spam filtering for
  • emotions
    • in blog posts
    • human behavior and
    • mood predictions and
    • See also human behavior
  • employee longevity, predicting
  • employees and staff
    • job applications and positions
    • job performance, predicting
    • job promotions and retention
    • job skills, predicting
    • LinkedIn for career predictions
    • privacy concerns and data on
    • quitting, predicting
  • Energex (Australia)
  • energy consumption, predicting
  • Ensemble Effect, The
  • Ensemble Experts
  • ensemble models
    • about
    • automatic suspect discovery (ASD) and
    • CART decision trees and bagging
    • collective intelligence in
    • complexity in
    • crowdsourcing and
    • generalization paradox and
    • IBM Watson question answering computer and
    • IRS (tax fraud)
    • meta-learning and
    • Nature Conservancy (donations)
    • Netflix (movie recommendations)
    • Nokia-Siemens Networks (dropped calls)
    • University of California, Berkeley (brain activity)
    • for uplift modeling
    • U.S. Department of Defense (fraudulent invoices)
    • U.S. Department of Defense Service (fraudulent invoices)
    • U.S. Special Forces (job performance)
  • Ensemble team
  • Epagogix
  • erectile dysfunction
  • Experian
  • Exxon Mobil Corp.


  • “Fab Four” inventors
  • Facebook
    • data glut on
    • data on
    • fake data on
    • friendships, predicting
    • happiness as contagious on
    • job performance and profiles on
    • social effect of
    • student performance PA contest
  • facial recognition
  • Failure of Risk Management, The (Hubbard)
  • false conclusions, avoiding
  • false positives (false alarms)
  • family and personal life, PA for
  • Farrell, Colin
  • fault detection for safety and efficiency, PA for
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • FedEx
  • Femto-photography
  • Ferguson, Andrew
  • Ferrucci, David
  • FICO
  • Fidelity Investments
  • finance and accounting, fraud detection in
  • finance websites, behavior on
  • financial risk and insurance, PA for
  • Fingerhut
  • Finland
  • fire, predicting
  • First Tennessee Bank
  • Fisher, Ronald
  • Fleming, Alexander
  • flight delays, predicting fault in
  • Flight Risks, predicting
  • Flirtback computer program
  • Florida Department of Juvenile Justice
  • fMRI brain scans
  • Foldit
  • Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • Fooled by Randomness (Taleb)
  • Ford Motor Co.
  • forecasting
  • Foreman, John W.
  • Formula, The (Dormehl)
  • Fox & Friends (TV show)
  • Franklin, Benjamin
  • Franks, Bill
  • fraud, defined
  • fraud detection. See also crime fighting and fraud detection
  • Freakonomics Radio
  • Freakonomics Radio
  • frequency
  • Friedman, Jerome
  • friendships, predicting
  • Fukuman, Audrey
  • Fulcher, Christopher
  • Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Analytics (Kelleher, MacNamee, D’Arcy)
  • fund-raising, predicting in
  • Furnas, Alexander
  • future, views on
    • human nature and knowing about
    • predictions for 2022
    • uncertainty of


  • Galileo
  • Gates, Bill
  • generalization paradox
  • Ghani, Rayid
  • Gilbert, Allen
  • Gladwell, Malcolm
  • GlaxoSmithKline (U.K.)
  • Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
  • Goldbloom, Anthony
  • Gondek, David
  • Google
    • mouse clicks, measuring for predictions
    • privacy policies
    • Schmidt
    • searches for playing Jeopardy!
    • self-driving cars
    • spam filtering
  • Google Adwords
  • Google Flu Trends
  • Google Page Rank
  • government
    • data storage by
    • fraud detection for invoices
    • PA for
    • public access to data
    • See also individual names of U.S. government agencies
  • GPS data
  • grades, predicting
  • grant awards, predicting
  • Greenwald, Glenn
  • Grockit
  • Groundhog Day (film)
  • Grundhoefer, Michael


  • hackers, predicting
  • HAL (intelligent computer)
  • Halder, Gitali
  • Handbook of Statistical Analysis and Data Mining Applications (Nisbet, Elder, Miner)
  • Hansell, Saul
  • happiness, social effect and
  • Harbor Sweets
  • Harcourt, Bernard
  • Harrah's Las Vegas
  • Harris, Jeanne
  • Harvard Medical School
  • Harvard University
  • Hastings, Reed
  • healthcare
    • death predictions in
    • health risks, predicting
    • hospital admissions, predicting
    • influenza, predicting
    • insurance companies, predicting
    • medical research, predicting in
    • medical treatments, risks for wrong predictions in
    • medical treatments, testing persuasion in
    • PA for
    • personalized medicine, uplift modeling applications for
  • health insurance companies, PA for
  • Hebrew University
  • Heisenberg, Werner Karl
  • Helle, Eva
  • Helsinki Brain Research Centre
  • Hennessey, Kathleen
  • Heraclitus
  • Heritage Health Prize
  • Heritage Provider Network
  • Hewlett Foundation
  • Hewlett-Packard (HP)
    • employee data used by
    • financial savings and benefits of PA
    • Global Business Services (GBS)
    • quitting and Flight Risks, predicting
    • sales leads, predicting
    • turnover rates at
    • warranty claims and fraud detection
  • Hillary for America 2016 Campaign
  • HIV progression, predicting
  • HIV treatments, uplift modeling for
  • Hollifield, Stephen
  • Holmes, Sherlock
  • Hopper
  • hormone replacement, coronary disease and
  • hospital admissions, predicting
  • House (TV show)
  • “How Companies Learn Your Secrets” (Duhigg)
  • Howe, Jeff
  • HP. See Hewlett-Packard (HP)
  • Hubbard, Douglas
  • human behavior
    • collective intelligence
    • consumer behavior insights
    • emotions and mood prediction
    • mistakes, predicting
    • social effect and
  • human genome
  • human language
    • natural language processing (NLP)
    • PA for
    • persuasion and influence in
  • human resources. See employees and staff


  • IBM
    • corporate roll-ups
    • Deep Blue computer
    • DeepQA project
    • Iambic IBM AI
    • mind-reading technology
    • natural language processing research
    • sales leads, predicting
    • student performance PA contest
    • T. J. Watson Research Center
    • value of
    • See also Watson computer Jeopardy! challenge
  • ID3
  • impact modeling. See uplift modeling
  • Imperium
  • inappropriate comments, predicting
  • incremental impact modeling. See uplift modeling
  • incremental response modeling. See uplift modeling
  • India
  • Indiana University
  • Induction Effect, The
  • induction versus deduction
  • inductive bias
  • ineffective advertising, predicting
  • infidelity, predicting
  • Infinity Insurance
  • influence. See persuasion and influence
  • influenza, predicting
  • information technology (IT) systems, predicting fault in
  • InnoCentive
  • insults, predicting
  • insurance claims
    • automobile insurance fraud, predicting
    • death predictions and
    • financial risk predicting in
    • health insurance
    • life insurance companies
    • life nsurance companies
  • Integral Solutions Limited
  • Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
  • International Conference on Very Large Databases
  • Iowa State University
  • iPhone. See Apple Siri
  • Iran
  • Israel Institute of Technology


  • Japan
  • Jennings, Ken
  • Jeopardy!(TV show). See Watson computer Jeopardy! challenge
  • Jevons, William Stanley
  • Jewell, Robert
  • jobs and employment. See employees and staff
  • Jones, Chris
  • Journal of Computational Science
  • JPMorgan Chase. See Chase Bank
  • judicial decisions, crime prediction and
  • Jung, Tommy
  • Jurassic Park (Crichton)
  • Just Giving


  • Kaggle
  • Kane, Katherine
  • Kasparov, Garry
  • KDnuggets
  • Keane, Bil
  • “keep it simple, stupid” (KISS) principle
  • Kelleher, John D.
  • Khabaza, Tom
  • killing, predicting
  • King, Eric
  • Kiva
  • Kmart
  • knee surgery choices
  • knowledge (for education),predicting
  • Kotu, Vijay
  • Kretsinger, Stein
  • Kroger
  • Kuneva, Meglena
  • Kurtz, Ellen
  • Kurzweil, Ray


  • language. See human language
  • Lashkar-e-Taiba
  • law enforcement. See crime prediction for law enforcement
  • lead poisoning from paint, predicting
  • learning
    • about
    • collective learning
    • education—guided studying for targeted learning
    • learning from data
    • memorization versus
    • overlearning, avoiding
  • Leinweber, David
  • Leno, Jay
  • Levant, Oscar
  • Levitt, Stephen
  • Lewis, Michael
  • lies, predicting. See deception, predicting
  • Lie to Me (TV show)
  • life insurance companies, PA for
  • Life Line Screening
  • lift
  • Lindbergh, Charles
  • LinkedIn
    • friendships, predicting
    • job skills, predicting
  • Linoff, Gordon S.
  • Linux operating systems
  • Lloyds TSB
  • loan default risks, predicting
  • location data
  • logistic regression
  • Lohr, Steve
  • London Stock Exchange
  • Los Angeles Police Department
  • Lotti, Michael
  • Loukides, Mike
  • love, predicting
  • Lynyrd Skynyrd (band)


  • MacDowell, Andie
  • machine learning
    • about
    • courses on
    • in crime prediction
    • data preparation phase for
    • decision trees in
    • induction and
    • induction versus deduction
    • learning data
    • learning from mistakes in
    • learning machines, building
    • overlearning
    • predictive models, building with
    • silence, concept of
    • testing and validating data
    • univariate versus multivariate models
    • See also Watson computer Jeopardy! challenge
  • machine risk
  • MacNamee, Brian
  • macroscopic risks
  • Mac versus Windows users
  • Madrigal, Alexis
  • Magic 8 Ball toy
  • Mao, Huina
  • maritime incidents, predicting
  • marketing and advertising
    • banner ads and consumer behavior
    • mouse clicks and consumer behavior
    • targeting direct marketing
  • marketing models
    • do-overs in
    • messages, creative design for
    • Persuasion Effect, The
    • quantum humans, influencing
    • response uplift modeling
  • marketing segmentation, decision trees and
  • marriage and divorce, predicting
  • Mars Climate Orbiter
  • Martin, Andres D.
  • Maryland, crime predictions in
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Master Algorithm, The (Domingos)
  • Matrix, The (film)
  • McCord, Michael
  • McKinsey reports
  • McNamara, Robert
  • Mechanical Turk
  • medical claims, fraudulent
  • medical treatments. See healthcare
  • memorization versus learning
  • Memphis (TN) Police Department
  • metadata
  • meta-learning
  • Mexican Tax Administration
  • Miami Police Department
  • Michelangelo
  • microloan defaults, predicting
  • Microsoft
  • Milne, A. A.
  • Mimoni (Mexico)
  • mind-reading technology
  • Miner, Gary
  • Minority Report (film)
  • Missouri
  • Mitchell, Tom
  • mobile operators. See cell phone industry
  • moneyballing, concept of
  • mood labels
  • mood prediction, blogs and
  • mortgage prepays and risk, predicting
  • mortgage risk decision trees
  • mortgage value estimation
  • mouse clicks, predicting
  • movie hits, predicting
  • movie recommendations
  • movies
  • MTV
  • MultiCare Health System (Washington State)
  • “multiple comparisons problem”/multiple comparisons trap”
  • multivariate models
  • murder, predicting
  • Murray, Bill
  • music, stroke recovery and
  • musical taste, political affliation and
  • Muslims


  • Naïve Bayes
  • Naked Future, The (Tucker)
  • NASA
    • Apollo 11
    • Mars Climate Orbiter
    • PA contests sponsored by
    • on space exploration
  • National Insurance Crime Bureau
  • National Security Agency (NSA)
  • National Transportation Safety Board
  • natural language processing (NLP)
  • Nature Conservancy
  • Nazarko, Edward
  • Nerds on Wall Street (Leinweber)
  • Netflix movie recommendations
  • Netflix Prize
    • about
    • competition and winning
    • crowdsourcing and PA for
    • meta-learning and ensemble models in
    • PragmaticTheory team
  • Netherlands
  • net lift modeling. See uplift modeling
  • net response modeling. See uplift modeling
  • net weight of evidence (NWOE)
  • network intrusion detection
  • New South Wales, Australia
  • New York City Medicaid
  • New York State
  • New York Times, The
  • Next (Dick)
  • Ng, Andrew
  • Nightcrawler (superhero)
  • Nineteen Eighty-Four (Orwell)
  • 99designs
  • Nisbet, Robert
  • “no free lunch” theorem
  • Nokia
  • Nokia-Siemens Networks
  • nonprofit organizations, PA for
  • Noonan, Peggy
  • No Place to Hide (Greenwald)
  • Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management
  • nuclear reactors, predicting fault in
  • null hypothesis
  • Numerati, The (Baker)


  • Obama for America 2012 Campaign
  • observation, power of
  • Occam's razor
  • O’Connor, Sandra Day
  • office equipment, predicting fault in
  • Oi (Brasil Telecom)
  • oil flow rates, predicting
  • oil refinery safety incidents, predicting
  • OkCupid
  • Oklahoma State University
  • O’Leary, Martin
  • Olshen, Richard
  • 1–800-FLOWERS
  • 1-sided equality of proportions hypothesis test
  • Online Privacy Foundation
  • Oogway
  • open data movement
  • open question answering
  • open source software
  • Optus (Australia)
  • “orange lemons” (cars)
  • Orbitz
  • Oregon, crime prediction in
  • organizational learning
  • organizational risk management
  • Orwell, George
  • Osco Drug
  • overfitting. See overlearning
  • overlearning
  • Oz, Mehmet


  • PA (predictive analytics)
    • about
    • assumption about NSA's use of
    • choosing what to predict
    • in crime fighting and fraud detection
    • crowdsourcing and
    • defined
    • in family and personal life
    • in fault detection for safety and efficiency
    • in finance and accounting fraud detection
    • in financial risk and insurance
    • forecasting versus
    • frequently asked questions about
    • in government, politics, nonprofit, and education
    • in healthcare
    • in human language understanding, thought, and psychology
    • launching and taking action with PA
    • in law enforcement and fraud detection
    • in marketing, advertising, and the Web
    • “orange lemons” and
    • overview
    • risk-oriented definition of
    • text analytics
    • in workforce (staff and employees)
  • PA (predictive analytics) applications
    • black-box trading
    • blog entry anxiety detection
    • board games, playing
    • credit risk
    • crime prediction
    • customer retention with churn modeling
    • customer retention with churn uplift modeling
    • defined by
    • education—guided studying for targeted learning
    • employee retention
    • fraud detection
    • mortgage value estimation
    • movie recommendations
    • network intrusion detection
    • open question answering
    • political campaigning with voter persuasion modeling
    • predictive advertisement targeting
    • pregnancy prediction
    • recidivism prediction for law enforcement
    • spam filtering
    • targeting direct marketing
    • uplift modeling applications
    • See also Central Tables insert
  • PA (predictive analytics) competitions and contests
    • in astronomy and science
    • for design and games
    • for educational applications
    • Kaggle crowdsourcing contests
    • Netflix Prize
  • PA (predictive analytics) insights
    • consumer behavior
    • crime and law enforcement
    • finance and insurance
    • miscellaneous
  • Palmisano, Sam
  • Panchoo, Gary
  • Pandora
  • parole and sentencing, predicting
  • Parsons, Christi
  • PAW (Predictive Analytics World) conferences
  • payment processors, predicting fault in
  • PayPal
  • penicillin
  • Pennsylvania
  • personalization, perils of
  • persuasion and influence
    • observation and
    • persuadable individuals, identifying
    • predicting
    • scientifically proving persuasion
    • testing in business
    • uplift modeling for
    • voter persuasion modeling
  • Persuasion Effect, The
  • persuasion modeling. See uplift modeling
  • Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona
  • Pfizer
  • Philadelphia (PA) Police Department
  • photographs
    • caption quality and likability
    • growth of in data glut
  • Piotte, Martin
  • Pitney Bowes
  • Pittsburgh Science of Learning
  • Pole, Andrew
  • police departments. See crime prediction for law enforcement
  • politics, PA for. See also electoral politics
  • Porter, Daniel
  • Portrait Software
  • Post hoc, ergo propter hoc
  • Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business (Duhigg)
  • PragmaticTheory team
  • prediction
    • benefits of
    • choosing what to predict
    • collective obsession with
    • future predictions
    • good versus bad
    • limits of
    • organizational learning and
  • prediction, effects of and on
    • about
    • Data Effect,The
    • Ensemble Effect, The
    • Induction Effect, The
    • Persuasion Effect, The
    • Prediction Effect, The
  • prediction markets
  • predictive analytics. See PA (predictive analytics)
  • Predictive Analytics (Siegel), website of
  • Predictive Analytics and Data Mining (Kotu, Deshpande)
  • Predictive Analytics Applied (training program)
  • Predictive Analytics for Dummies (Bari, Chaouchi, Jung)
  • Predictive Analytics Guide
  • Predictive Analytics Times
  • Predictive Analytics World (PAW)
  • Predictive Analytics World (training programs)
  • Predictive Analytics World (PAW) conferences
  • Predictive Marketing and Analytics (Strickland)
  • predictive models
    • about
    • action and decision making
    • causality and
    • defined
    • deployment phase
    • Elder's success in
    • going live
    • machine learning and building
    • marketing models
    • observation and
    • overlearning and assuming
    • personalization and
    • response modeling
    • response uplift modeling
    • risks in
    • univariate versus multivariate
    • uplift modeling
    • See also ensemble models
  • predictive technology. See also machine learning
  • predictor variables
  • pregnancy and birth, predicting
    • customer pregnancy and buying behavior
    • premature births
  • prejudice, risk of
  • PREMIER Bankcard
  • prescriptive analytics
  • privacy
    • Google policies on
    • insight versus intrusion regarding
    • predicted consumer data and
  • probability, The Data Effect and
  • profiling customers
  • Progressive Insurance
  • Psych (TV show)
  • psychology
    • predictive analysis in
    • schizophrenia, predicting
  • psychopathy, predicting
  • purchases, predicting
  • p-value


  • Quadstone


  • Radcliffe, Nicholas
  • Radica Games
  • Ralph's
  • random forests
  • Rebellion Research
  • recency
  • recidivism prediction for law enforcement
  • recommendation systems
  • Reed Elsevier
  • reliability modeling
  • REO Speedwagon (band)
  • response modeling
    • drawbacks of
    • examples of
    • targeted marketing with
  • response rates
  • response uplift modeling
  • restaurant health code violations, predicting
  • retail websites, behavior on
  • retirement, health and
  • Richmond (VA) Police Department
  • RightShip
  • Rio Salado Community College
  • risk management
  • risk scores
  • Risky Business (film)
  • Romney, Mitt
  • Rousseff, Dilma
  • Royal Astronomy Society
  • R software
  • Rudder, Christian
  • Russell, Bertrand
  • Rutter, Brad


  • safety and efficiency, PA for
  • Safeway
  • sales leads, predicting
  • Salford Systems
  • “Sameer Chopra's Hotlist of Training Resources for Predictive Analytics” (Predictive Analytics Times)
  • Sanders, Bernie
  • Santa Cruz (CA) Police Department
  • sarcasm, in review
  • Sartre, Jean-Paul
  • SAS
  • satellites, predicting fault in
  • satisficing
  • Schamberg, Lisa
  • Scheer, Robert
  • schizophrenia, predicting
  • Schlitz, Don
  • Schmidt, Eric
  • Schwartz, Ari
  • Science magazine
  • scientific discovery, automating
  • Seattle Times
  • security levels, predicting
  • self-driving cars
  • Selfridge, Oliver
  • Semisonic (band)
  • sepsis, predicting
  • Sesame Street
  • Sesenbrenner, James
  • Sessions, Roger
  • Shakespeare, William
  • Shaw, George Bernard
  • Shearer, Colin
  • Shell
  • shopping habits, predicting
  • sickness, predicting
  • Siegel, Eric
  • silence, concept of
  • Silver, Nate
  • Simpsons, The (TV show)
  • Siri
  • Sisters of Mercy Health Systems
  • smoking and smokers
    • health problems and causation for
    • motion disorders and
    • social effect and quitting
  • Snowden, Edward
  • Sobel, David
  • social effect
  • social media networks
    • data glut on
    • happiness as contagious on healthcare
    • LinkedIn
    • PA for
    • spam filtering on
    • Twitter
    • YouTube
    • See also Facebook
  • sociology, uplift modeling applications for
  • SpaceShipOne
  • spam, predicting
  • spam filtering
  • Spider-Man (film)
  • sporting events, crime rates and
  • sports cars
  • Spotify
  • Sprint
  • SPSS
  • staff behavior. See employees and staff
  • Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500
  • Stanford University
  • staplers, hiring behavior and
  • Star Trek (TV shows and films)
  • statistics
  • StatSoft
  • stealing, predicting
  • Steinberg, Dan
  • stock market predictions
    • black-box trading systems
    • Standard & Poor's (S&P) 500
  • Stone, Charles
  • Stop & Shop
  • street crime, predicting
  • Strickland, Jeffrey
  • student dropout risks, predicting
  • student performance, predicting
  • suicide bombers, life insurance and
  • Sun Microsystems
  • Super Crunchers (Ayres)
  • SuperFreakonomics (Levitt and Dubner)
  • supermarket visits, predicting
  • surgical site infections, predicting
  • Surowiecki, James
  • Sweden
  • system failures
  • Szarkowski, John


  • Taleb, Nassim Nicholas
  • Talking Heads (band)
  • Target
    • baby registry at
    • couponing predictively
    • customer pregnancy predictions
    • privacy concerns in PA
    • product choices and personalized recommendations
    • purchases and target marketing predictions
  • targeted marketing with response uplift modeling
  • targeting direct marketing
  • target shuffling
  • taxonomies
  • tax refunds
  • Taylor, James
  • TCP/IP
  • Telenor (Norway)
  • Teragram
  • terrorism, predicting
  • Tesco (U.K.)
  • test data
  • test preparation, predicting
  • text analytics
  • Text Analytics World
  • textbooks
  • text data
  • text mining. See text analytics
  • They Know Everything about You (Scheer)
  • thought and understanding, PA for
  • thoughtcrimes
  • Tibshirani, Robert
  • Titantic (ship)
  • T. J. Watson Research Center
  • tobacco. See smoking and smokers
  • Tolstoy, Leo
  • traffic, predicting
  • training data. See also learning
  • training programs
  • train tracks, predicting fault in
  • Trammps (band)
  • travel websites, behavior on
  • Trebek, Alex
  • TREC QA (Text Retrieval Conference—Question Answering)
  • truck driver fatigue, predicting
  • true lift modeling. See uplift modeling
  • true response modeling. See uplift modeling
  • TTX
  • Tucker, Patrick
  • Tumblr
  • Turing, Alan and the Turing test
  • Twenty Questions game, decision trees and
  • Twilight Zone (TV show)
  • Twitter
    • 2001: A Space Odyssey (film)
    • data glut on
    • fake accounts on
    • mood prediction research via
    • person-to-person interactions saved by
  • 2degrees (New Zealand)
  • typing, credit risk and


  • Uber
  • uncertainty principle
  • understanding and thought, predictive analysis in
  • univariate models
  • University of Alabama
  • University of Buffalo
  • University of California, Berkeley
  • University of Colorado
  • University of Helsinki
  • University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics
  • University of Massachusetts
  • University of Melbourne
  • University of New Mexico
  • University of Phoenix
  • University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
  • University of Southern California
  • University of Texas
  • University of the District of Columbia
  • University of Utah
  • University of Zurich
  • uplift modeling
    • customer retention with churn uplift modeling
    • downlift in
    • influence across industries
    • mechanics and workings of
    • Obama for America Campaign and
  • The Persuasion Effect, and
    • response uplift modeling
    • targeted marketing with response uplift modeling
    • Telenor using
    • U.S. Bank using
  • uplift trees
  • UPS
  • U.S. Armed Forces
  • U.S. Bank
  • U.S. Department of Defense
  • U.S. Department of Defense Finance and Accounting Service
  • U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
  • U.S. government. See government
  • U.S. National Institute of Justice
  • U.S. National Security Agency
  • U.S. Naval Special Warfare Command
  • U.S. Postal Service
  • U.S. Social Security Administration
  • U.S. Special Forces
  • U.S. Supreme Court
  • Utah Data Center


  • variables. See predictor variables
  • “vast search,”
  • Vermont Country Store
  • Vineland (NJ) Police Department
  • viral tweets/posts, predicting
  • Virginia, crime prediction in
  • Volinsky, Chris
  • voter persuasion, predicting


  • Wagner, Daniel
  • Walgreens
  • Wall Street Journal, The
  • Walmart
  • Wanamaker, John
  • warranty claim fraud, predicting
  • washing machines, fault detection in
  • Watson, Thomas J.
  • Watson computer Jeopardy! challenge
    • about
    • artificial intelligence (AI) and
    • candidate answer evidence routines
    • confidence, estimation of
    • Craig's question predictions for
    • creation and programming of
    • ensemble models and evidence
    • Jeopardy! questions as data for
    • language processing and machine learning
    • language processing for answering questions
    • moneyballing Jeopardy!
    • natural language processing (NLP) and
    • open question answering
    • playing and winning
    • praise and success of
    • predictive models and predicting answers
    • predictive models for predicting answers
    • predictive models for question answering
    • Siri versus Watson
    • speed in answering for
  • Web browsing, behavior and
  • Webster, Eric
  • Wells Fargo
  • Whiting, Rick
  • Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? (TV show)
  • “wider” data
  • Wiener, Norbert
  • Wikipedia
    • editor attrition predicting
    • entries as data
    • noncompetitive crowdsourcing in
  • Wilde, Oscar
  • Wilson, Earl
  • Windows versus Mac users
  • Winn-Dixie
  • Wired magazine
  • Wisdom of Crowds, The (Surowiecki)
  • WolframAlpha
  • WordPress
  • workplace injuries, predicting
  • Wright, Andy
  • Wright brothers
  • Wriston, Walter


  • X Prize


  • Yahoo!
  • Yahoo! Labs
  • Yes! 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to Be Persuasive (Cialdini et al.)
  • yoga, mood and
  • YouTube


  • Zeng, Xiao-Jun
  • Zhou, Jay

The Notes (—120 pages of citations and comments pertaining to the chapters—available online only.

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