

  1. Ability magazine
  2. Abinader, Eliza
  3. Accessibility
    1. as component of humility
    2. “like-father-like-son” stories on being
  4. Accountability
  5. Adaptation
    1. to the channel agnostic customers
    2. definition of
    3. merging stores with online convenience
    4. need for brick-and-mortar stores to evolve through
    5. Nordstrom Rack store adaptation and innovation
    6. Nordstrom’s legacy of innovation and
    7. transitioning to a values-driven culture
    8. See also Innovation
  6. Allen, Paul
  7. Get Big Fast (Spector)
  8. Anniversary Sales (Nordstrom)
    1. on accommodating customer’s cancelled order during the
    2. golf carts provided to take customers to their cars during a
    3. as largest volume-driving event of the year
    4. social media for contacting customers before
  9. Anytime, Anywhere (Dan Nordstrom)
  10. Arias, Norma
  11. Ash, Mary Kay
  12. Asian Enterprise Magazine
  13. Awareness
    1. Betsy Sanders on learning customer
    2. Bruce Nordstrom on salesperson’s need for
    3. customer service means getting to know customers as a person
    4. definition of
    5. The diamond story illustrating
    6. everyone involved in customer service and
    7. making memories stories
    8. manager’s roles and responsibilities for facilitating
    9. “measure both feet” as part of
    10. stories reflecting that “everyone” is customer service
    11. for understanding customer likes and dislikes


  1. Baldwin, Terri
  2. Barnes & Noble
  3. “Beauty Bash” (Nordstrom)
  4. Bender, Bob
  5. Best’s Appeal, Inc.
  6. B.F. Goodrich
  7. Birchfield, Jan
  8. Black Enterprise
  9. Black, Ray
  10. The Bob Love Story (Love)
  11. Bonding leave for parents
  12. Botched hair coloring story
  13. Breast Prosthesis Program (Nordstrom)
  14. Brick-and-mortar stores
    1. customer question on finding online product at
    2. digitalization of the
    3. features redefining customer experience at
    4. the fun of store openings
    5. as here to stay
    6. IBM’s global study on customer experience in
    7. merging online convenience with
    8. need to evolve with changing customer needs
    9. pop-ups at
    10. “Space” concept applied to
    11. See also Nordstrom;
  15. Bride and maid of honor story
  16. Busch, Sarah
  17. Butler, David
  18. Buyers
    1. the best ones excel at listening
    2. customer feedback regularly provided to
    3. empowered buying decisions made by
    4. mentoring of new
    5. Nordstrom loyalty to
    6. onboarding new employees including
    7. See also Employees; Salespeople
  19. Byrd, Jackie


  1. Canada
    1. contrasting Target and Nordstrom’s entrance into
    2. stolen purse story on two women from
  2. Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
  3. Candy boutique (Nordstrom)
  4. Career advancement
    1. leadership model for development and
    2. Nordstrom commitment to providing opportunities for
    3. what Nordstrom owes to its employees related to
  5. Cash Grants program
  6. Certified Prosthesis Fitters (Nordstrom)
  7. Charitable Giving teams (Nordstrom)
  8. Charles, Keith
  9. Chicago Bulls
  10. Christmas wishes story
  11. Cinderella story
  12. Claremont Graduate University
  13. Coaching
    1. criticism given with trust, loyalty, and honesty
    2. manager responsibilities to provide feedback and
    3. “The Nordstrom Way” guidelines on teaching and
    4. See also Mentoring
  14. Collaboration/teamwork
    1. exchange of information required for effective
    2. helping bride and maid of honor story on
    3. management by consensus for shared leadership and
    4. neuroscience findings on oxytocin, empathy, and
    5. Nordstrom awards presented for outstanding
    6. Nordstrom’s focus on
    7. Nordstrom team contests
    8. wedding outfit story illustrating
  15. Colquitt, Britton
  16. Colquitt, Dustin
  17. Commissions
    1. importance of trust in a commission-based culture
    2. Nordstrom compensation of hourly wage and
    3. Nordstrom’s standard 6.75 percent
    4. relationship between customer service and
    5. structuring Nordstrom’s
  18. Communication
    1. Blake Nordstrom on need for flow of
    2. definition of
    3. effectiveness of face-to-face
    4. exchange of information required for effective
    5. multiple challenges used for Nordstrom
    6. Nordstrom’s open-door policy
    7. Nordstrom store manager’s daily morning
    8. one-to-one texting service provided to shoppers
    9. over- and under-communication problems of
    10. social media used for customer
    11. special role of salespeople in Nordstrom
    12. See also Feedback; Listening
  19. Community cares
    1. Cash Grants program
    2. human rights work by
    3. M*A*C VIVA GLAM program
    4. Minority- and Women-Owned Supplier Diversity Program
    5. as pillar of Nordstrom’s corporate social responsibility
    6. Treasure & Bond private label brand donations
  20. Compensation
    1. creating a sales-driven entrepreneurial with
    2. of cross-selling by salespeople
    3. 401(k) plan, profit sharing, and stock-purchase plans
    4. hourly wage and commission fee structure of Nordstrom
    5. how commission rates are structured at Nordstrom
    6. motivating Nordstrom salespeople through
    7. Pacesetters (highest achieving salespeople)
    8. parental leave benefits
    9. relationship between customer service and selling
  21. Competition
    1. creating a sales-driven entrepreneurial with
    2. definition of
    3. dynamic tension among employees created by
    4. “How Much Can You Sell?” signs reflecting culture of
    5. need for Nordstrom employees to have competitive spirit
    6. Nordstrom team contests
    7. regularly held Nordstrom sales contests
  22. Composting and recycling
  23. Concierge service (Nordstrom)
  24. Connect boards (Nordstrom)
  25. Contemplative Leadership Development
  26. Convenience Center (Nordstrom)
  27. Corporate Equality Index (CEI) survey
  28. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
    1. as benchmark for customer loyalty
    2. connecting through service and
    3. respecting the environment pillar of Nordstrom’s
    4. taking care of communities pillar of Nordstrom’s
  29. Critical honesty
  30. Cross-selling
  31. Customer experience
    1. brick-and-mortar stores’ continued importance to
    2. channel agnostic customers and the
    3. creating positive memories to enhance the
    4. Forrester Research’s PowerRankings on Nordstrom as best online
    5. Generation Z preference for brick-and-mortar stores
    6. innovative features redefining in-store
    7. merging stores with online convenience
    8. Nordstrom belief that employee experience determines
    9. RSi’s client challenge to enhance their
  32. Customer loyalty
    1. corporate social responsibility as benchmark for
    2. creating positive memories to build
    3. customer letter on Jackie Byrd’s success in building
    4. generous return policy contributing to
    5. to an individual salesperson
    6. Nordstrom stories on building
    7. Robert Spector’s story on lesson about
    8. salesperson-customer relationship foundation of
    9. salesperson follow-through to build
    10. See also Loyalty
  33. Customer obsession
  34. Customer relationships
    1. Chris Sharma’s success in building his
    2. customer letter on Jackie Byrd and their great
    3. honesty role in building trust and loyalty in
    4. making them a friend salespeople approach to
    5. return policy role in strong
    6. salespeople who know how to sell a
    7. three questions to ask during every interaction
    8. trust as the basis of
    9. See also Salespeople
  35. Customers
    1. as always being the focus at Nordstrom
    2. being accessible to
    3. buyers regularly provided with feedback by
    4. challenge to preserve cross-generational appeal to
    5. channel agnostic
    6. commitment to diversity of their
    7. creating positive memories for
    8. customer service means getting to know them as a person
    9. developing awareness of likes and dislikes of
    10. empowering salespeople to take care of
    11. feedback to buyers from salespeople and
    12. Generation Z
    13. honesty to build trust with your
    14. how to treat them to build trust
    15. IBM’s global study findings on
    16. it is everybody’s job to make them happy
    17. Nordstrom’s Convenience Center to research shopping
    18. Nordstrom’s digitally connection with
    19. Nordstrom’s philosophy is to adapt to wants and needs of
    20. respect shown to the
    21. salespeople’s respectful treatment of children as
    22. Shana’s comments on as grateful
    23. social media used to communicate with
    24. who are members of Nordstrom’s loyalty program
  36. Customer service
    1. communicating letters of complaint about
    2. empowerment of salespeople as driving the best
    3. global recognition of Nordstrom’s
    4. heads-up vs. heads-down
    5. hearing stories during RSi consultations about
    6. how respect drives beyond sales and
    7. making memories stories on awareness and
    8. reinforcing the culture for providing the best
    9. relationship between sales and
    10. relationship between selling commissions and
    11. relationship of humility to Nordstrom’s
    12. stories reflecting that “everyone” is
    13. “use good judgment” for providing the best
    14. See also Nordstrom stories; “The Nordstrom Way”
  37. “Customer Service All Stars” (Nordstrom)
  38. Customer traveling in France story


  1. Deaf customer buying slippers story
  2. Decision making
    1. buyers empowered to do their own
    2. reasonableness criteria for making customer
    3. “use good judgment” rule to guide employee
  3. Denver Broncos
  4. The diamond story
  5. Diversity
    1. of Nordstrom customers
    2. of Nordstrom employees
    3. Nordstrom’s Minority- and Women-Owned Supplier Diversity Program
  6. Drake, Jennifer
  7. Dress pant replacement story
  8. Drucker, Peter


  1. Ebony magazine
  2. Empathy
  3. Employee experience
    1. Gallup polls measuring workplace culture and engagement of
    2. Nordstrom on customer experience determined by
    3. practicing loyalty to build positive
  4. Employee loyalty
    1. the Bob Love story on
    2. career advancement opportunities to build
    3. early commitment to
    4. profit-sharing plan to build
    5. See also Loyalty
  5. Employee profit-sharing plan
  6. Employees
    1. as always starting at the bottom
    2. approach to onboarding new
    3. attract those who share the values of culture
    4. Blake on impossibility of teaching a work ethic to
    5. commitment to diversity of
    6. compensation of
    7. competitive spirit of Nordstrom
    8. creating positive memories to build customer loyalty
    9. Have Fun and Give Back values of
    10. hiring those you trust
    11. holding them accountable
    12. mentoring and coaching
    13. “My Career” website and ongoing coaching feedback
    14. “Nordstrom Cares Heroes,”
    15. Nordstrom “connect boards” communication of
    16. “Nordstrom Employee Handbook” provided to
    17. Nordstrom family Seeking honest criticism from
    18. Nordstrom loyalty to their
    19. Nordstrom’s approach to communication with
    20. onboarding new
    21. performance-related competition between
    22. values-driving culture on trusting
    23. what Nordstrom owes to its
    24. See also Buyers; Recognition meetings; Salespeople
  7. Employee stock-purchase plan
  8. Empowerment
    1. as all too often a cliché
    2. as byproduct of trust given to Nordstrom salespeople
    3. freedom to accept returned merchandise illustration of Nordstrom
    4. Inverted Pyramid illustrating employee
    5. of Nordstrom buyers buying decisions
  9. Entrepreneurial culture
    1. compensation based on a sales-driven
    2. hiring empowered self-starters as part of a
    3. “How Much Can You Sell?” signs reflecting the
  10. Environmental care
    1. ongoing initiatives to reduce pollution and conserve energy
    2. as pillar of Nordstrom’s corporate social responsibility
    3. recycling and composting efforts by Nordstrom
    4. solicitation of green or cost-saving suggestions
  11. Estée Lauder


  1. Facebook
  2. Face-to-face communication
  3. Feedback
    1. to buyers from salespeople and customers
    2. communicating letters of complaint about customer service
    3. internal “connect boards” providing employee to manager
    4. Nordstrom family Seeking honest employee
    5. regularly provided to buyers from managers
    6. “What Would You do?” surveys sent to Rack employees
    7. See also Communication
  4. Floor awareness. See Awareness
  5. Footwear News
  6. Forest Stewardship Council-certified stock
  7. Forrester Research’s PowerRankings
  8. Fortune magazine
    1. “Best Companies to Work For” ranking of Nordstrom by
    2. “50 Best Companies for Minorities” ranking of Nordstrom by
    3. “Most Admired Companies” ranking of Nordstrom by
    4. “100 Best Companies to Work For” ranking of Nordstrom by
  9. 401(k) plan
  10. Fraley, Tom
  11. Fun. See Have Fun and Give Back values


  1. Gallup polls on employee engagement
  2. Garcia, Bart
  3. Generation Z customers
    1. IBM-National Retail Federation study finding on
    2. IBM study findings on
  4. “Girlfriend” fitting rooms (Nordstrom)
  5. Give Back. See Have Fun and Give Back values
  6. Golden handcuffs
  7. Golden State Warriors’ playoff game
  8. Golf cart story
  9. Google performance study


  1. Haladay, Elsbeth
  2. Harvard Business Review
  3. HauteLook
    1. See also
  4. Have Fun and Give Back values
    1. Charitable Giving teams
    2. Christmas wishes story illustrating the
    3. corporate social responsibility reflecting
    4. encouraging colleagues to have
    5. getting ready for a last-minute date story
    6. how employees thrive under the
    7. store openings
  5. Heads-up vs. heads-down service
  6. Hershewe, Jacob
  7. High-trust companies
    1. holding their people accountable
    2. as trusting their employees
  8. Hiring practices
    1. Nordstrom’s commitment to diversity as part of
    2. Nordstrom’s successful approach to
  9. Hispanic Business
  10. Hixon, Adrienne
  11. Holland, Greg
  12. Home, Harry
  13. Honesty
    1. criticism given with trust, loyalty, and
    2. as key to building trust with customers
    3. Nordstrom customer relationships built through trust and
  14. Housekeeping story
  15. “How Much Can You Sell?” signs
  16. The hubcap story
  17. Hugo Boss
  18. Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index (CEI) survey
  19. Human rights work
  20. Humility
    1. accepting critical feedback with
    2. accessibility component of practicing
    3. Bruce Nordstrom as an example of
    4. Bruce Nordstrom on customer service and
    5. definition of
    6. Inverted Pyramid, servant leadership, and
    7. Nordstrom’s customer service relationship to
    8. Nordstrom’s entrance into Canadian market done with
    9. story illustrating Bruce Nordstrom’s
    10. valued in the Nordstrom culture
  21. Hutton, Callie


  1. IBM customer study
  2. IBM-National Retail Federation study
  3. Innovation
    1. as being customer obsessed and digitally enabled
    2. customer obsession driving Nordstrom’s
    3. definition of
    4. digitalization of the brick-and-mortar stores
    5. features redefining in-store customer experience
    6. in-house “Convenience Center” to research shoppers
    7. merging stores with online convenience
    8. need for brick-and-mortar stores to evolve through
    9. Nordstrom Direct Sales Division
    10. Nordstrom Personal Touch America
    11. Nordstrom’s legacy of adaptation and
    12. product diversification
    13. transitioning to a values-driven culture
    14. using Volumental’s 3-D technology to measure shoe size
    15. “What’s next?” thinking that drives
    16. See also Adaptation
  4. “In Search of Excellence” (Peters)
  5. Inverted Pyramid (Nordstrom)
    1. description and meaning of the
    2. effective communication component of the
    3. illustration of the
    4. Nordstrom communication “trickle up” the
    5. respect for the culture reflected by the
    6. servant leadership and trust components of the
  6. iQmetrix


  1. Jewelry loan story
  2. John W. Nordstrom Award
  3. Jordan, Michael
  4. Josie Natori


  1. Kansas City Chiefs
  2. Kato, Mr.
  3. Kim, Olivia
  4. King, Larry


  1. Last-minute date story
  2. Leadership
    1. management by consensus of shared
    2. Nordstrom model of
    3. Nordstrom’s approach to communication between teams and
    4. servant
    5. See also Managers
  3. Leave It Better Than You Found It (Bruce Nordstrom)
  4. Letters of complaint
  5. “Like-father-like-son” accessibility stories
  6. Listening
    1. the best buyers excel at
    2. communication importance of
    3. learning by
    4. as part of the Nordstrom culture
    5. See also Communication
  7. Lopez, Ramon
  8. Love, Bob
  9. Love, Nancy
  10. Loyalty
    1. criticism given with trust, honesty, and
    2. definition of
    3. Nordstrom’s early commitment to
    4. vendor
    5. See also Customer loyalty; Employee loyalty
  11. Lumpectomy


  1. MacDonald, Charlie
  2. MacMillan, Jack
  3. M*A*C VIVA GLAM program
  4. Madden, Steve
  5. Make Nordstrom Special contests
  6. Making memories stories
    1. Cinderella story
    2. deaf customer buying slippers
    3. golf cart story
    4. jewelry loan
    5. Morgan’s mismatched size shoes
    6. purse sale
    7. purse theft
  7. Mall of America (TV show)
  8. Management by consensus
  9. Managers
    1. communication practices of Nordstrom
    2. Google study on successful
    3. hired from Canada as part of Canadian expansion
    4. internal “connect boards” providing employee feedback to
    5. John W. Nordstrom Award given to selected
    6. mentoring and coaching feedback provided by
    7. providing career advancement opportunities
    8. providing employee recognition
    9. roles and responsibilities of
    10. “What’s next?” thinking by
    11. See also Leadership
  10. Mary Kay Cosmetics
  11. Mastectomy
  12. Maternity disability pay
  13. McCarthy, Patrick
  14. McCormack, Mike
  15. McKibbin, Karen
  16. “Measure both feet” advice
  17. Mensah, Van
  18. “Men’s Clubhouse” (Nordstrom)
  19. Mentoring
    1. criticism given with trust, loyalty, and honesty
    2. manager role and responsibilities for
    3. Nordstrom’s “My Career” website and ongoing coaching feedback
    4. to transfer Nordstrom culture to new associates
    5. See also Coaching
  20. Minorities
    1. Nordstrom’s advertisements in publications targeting
    2. Nordstrom’s commitment to diversity and hiring
  21. Minority- and Women-Owned Supplier Diversity Program
  22. Minority Business News USA
  23. The Mom & Pop Store: True Stories from the Heart of America (Spector)
  24. Morgan’s mismatched size shoes story
  25. Mr. John (John N. Nordstrom)
  26. Multichannel return policy
  27. “My Career” website (Nordstrom)


  1. National Basketball Association
  2. National Football League
  3. National Retail Federation-IBM study
  4. National Stuttering Federation of America
  5. “The Neuroscience of Trust” (Zak)
  6. New York Times
  7. Nike
  8. Nordstrom
    1. corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs of
    2. entering the Canadian market
    3. Fortune magazine rankings of
    4. Have Fun and Give Back values of
    5. Human Rights Campaign’s Corporate Equality Index (CEI) survey score of
    6. mission of
    7. Nordstrom Rack discount stores of
    8. the One Nordstrom
    9. preserving cross-generational appeal challenge facing
    10. what it owes to its employees
    11. See also Brick-and-mortar stores;; Nordstrom’s philosophy; Nordstrom stories
  9. Nordstrom Best
  10. Nordstrom Best credit card
  11. Nordstrom, Blake
    1. accessibility of
    2. on commitment to the diversity of their employees
    3. on customer service merging stores with online
    4. on empowerment that encourages personal ownership
    5. on how a commission system encourages better service
    6. on humility connection to customer service
    7. on importance of listening to everyone
    8. on importance of the Inverted Pyramid
    9. on impossibility of teaching a work ethic
    10. on need for effective flow of communication
    11. on number of Nordstrom employees reaching $1 million sales
    12. open to honest criticism by employees
    13. on relationship between great service and sales
    14. shared leadership during tenure of
    15. on silo approach to leadership development
    16. on trust leading to creation of success
    17. well-known accessibility of
    18. on what Nordstrom owes to its employees
  12. Nordstrom, Bruce
    1. accessibility of
    2. childhood memories of his father and vendors
    3. on the happiest Nordstrom customers
    4. on his dad’s example of shared leadership
    5. on his father’s strong values
    6. on holding employees accountable
    7. on humility aspect of customer service
    8. humility illustrated by
    9. on importance of teamwork at Nordstrom
    10. on learning to aware of customer needs
    11. Leave It Better Than You Found It memoir of
    12. “measure both feet” advice of
    13. on mentors used to transfer culture to new associates
    14. Nordstrom Rack competition category named after
    15. on Nordstrom salespeople being “trained by parents”
    16. open to honest criticism by employees
    17. product diversification during tenure of
    18. recalling the fluoroscope x-ray machine in shoe stores
    19. on salesperson’s need for awareness
    20. support of generous return policy by
    21. teaching Betsy Sanders customer awareness
  13. Nordstrom Canada
  14. Nordstrom Cares
    1. programs of the community care pillar of
    2. programs of the respecting the environment pillar of
  15. “Nordstrom Cares Heroes”
    1. customer obsession driving development of
    2. customer texting service provided shoppers using
    3. Dan Nordstrom leading innovation at
    4. Forrester Research’s PowerRankings as best online experience
    5. merging customer experience at stores with
    6. Nordstrom Cares information on the
    7. as part of One Nordstrom
    8. Reserve & Try service to reduce returns from
    9. See also Brick-and-mortar stores; HauteLook; Nordstrom;
  17. Nordstrom culture
    1. creating a sales-driven entrepreneurial
    2. desire to not punish many for the few philosophy of the
    3. employee’s upward mobility as part of the
    4. empowerment of employees as part of
    5. ensuring highest product quality value of the
    6. having respect for the
    7. Inverted Pyramid illustrating empowerment of the
    8. listening to others as part of the
    9. mentoring used to engage new associates into the
    10. promoting from within practice of the
    11. reinforcing the culture for providing best customer service
    12. showing respect as part of the
    13. story illustrating how new associates absorb
    14. “use good judgment” rule as foundation of the
    15. value of humility as part of the
    16. See also Nordstrom’s philosophy; Values-driven culture; Workplace culture
  18. Nordstrom, Dan
  19. Nordstrom Direct Sales Division
  20. Nordstrom, Elmer
    1. on benefits of team contests
    2. creating a sales-driven entrepreneurial culture
    3. on earning employee loyalty
    4. humility expressed by
    5. on innovation of product diversification
    6. introducing “high tech” back in the 1930s
    7. President’s Cup category named after
    8. promoting from within practice supported by
    9. shared leadership during tenure of
    10. support of generous return policy by
    11. A Winning Team written by
    12. work on cultivating vendor relationships by
  21. “Nordstrom Employee Handbook”
  22. Nordstrom, Erik
    1. on benefits of online returns to the store
    2. on commitment to the diversity of their employees
    3. on the customer as always being the focus
    4. on the diamond story
    5. on how The Rack enhances Nordstrom’s business
    6. on humility connection to customer service
    7. on need for stores to evolve with changing customer needs
    8. on Nordstrom’s Inverted Pyramid
    9. open to honest criticism by employees
    10. on providing career advancement opportunities
    11. shared leadership during tenure of
    12. on starting at the bottom at Nordstrom
    13. on teaching customer service
  23. Nordstrom, Everett
    1. Bruce on the strong values of his father
    2. commitment to loyalty to employees by
    3. creating a sales-driven entrepreneurial culture
    4. on devoting the extra effort to fun and profit
    5. establishing the generous return policy
    6. his commitment to “The Nordstrom Way”
    7. his perfectionism about product quality
    8. how he showed his employees respect
    9. innovation of product diversification support by
    10. introducing “high tech” back in the 1930s
    11. President’s Cup category named after
    12. shared leadership during tenure of
    13. work on cultivating vendor relationships by
  24. Nordstrom family
    1. accessibility to employees and customers by
    2. humility demonstrated by the
    3. Nordstrom family’s Seattle Seahawks involvement by the
    4. Seeking honest truth from employees
    5. shared leadership practiced by the
    6. “starting at the bottom” tradition followed by
  25. Nordstrom, Jamie (James F.)
    1. on benefits of the return policy
    2. on competitive spirit of employees
    3. on empowering salespeople to taking returns
    4. on it being everybody’s job to make customers happy
    5. on not differentiating between online and store customers
    6. on preparing its first store in Manhattan
  26. Nordstrom, Jim
    1. on how to show respect for employees
    2. humility expressed by
    3. on importance of being accessible
    4. on judging salespeople on their performance
    5. on limits of recognition pep rallies
    6. Nordstrom Rack competition category named after
    7. product diversification during tenure of
    8. shared leadership during tenure of
    9. on special role of salespeople in Nordstrom
    10. “starting at the bottom” at Nordstrom
    11. support of generous return policy by
    12. teaching Betsy Sanders customer awareness
  27. Nordstrom, John N.
    1. Bob Love’s story on support of
    2. on developing awareness of customer’s likes and dislikes
    3. humility expressed by
    4. involvement with Seattle Seahawks by
    5. John W. Nordstrom Award given to managers reflecting values of
    6. Mr. John’s written by
    7. Nordstrom Rack competition category named after
    8. product diversification during tenure of
    9. on public acknowledgment of heroics
    10. shared leadership during tenure of
    11. on supporting their frontline people
    12. support of generous return policy by
    13. teaching Betsy Sanders customer awareness
    14. the tire story as told by
  28. Nordstrom, John W.
    1. coming to this country with nothing
    2. on Wallin & Nordstrom’s first sale
  29. Nordstrom, Lloyd
    1. commitment to loyalty to employees by
    2. creating a sales-driven entrepreneurial culture
    3. establishing the generous return policy
    4. innovation of product diversification supported by
    5. introducing “high tech” back in the 1930s
    6. on Nordstrom family role in securing Seattle Seahawks franchise
    7. President’s Cup category named after
    8. shared leadership during tenure of
    9. work on cultivating vendor relationships by
  30. Nordstrom Personal Touch America
  31. Nordstrom, Peter
    1. open to honest criticism by employees
    2. shared leadership during tenure of
    3. on shared responsibility of career development
    4. on “starting at the bottom” at Nordstrom
  32. Nordstrom Product Group (NPG)
  33. Nordstrom Quality Center
  35. Nordstrom Rack stores
    1. career development opportunities offered by
    2. customer-friendly return policy applied to
    3. early history and continued adaptation and innovation at the
    4. “heads-up” service provided at
    5. Nordstrom competitions named for Bruce, John N., and Jim held in
    6. as part of One Nordstrom
    7. Quality Center role in refurbishing shoes sent to
    8. sign on customer loyalty in the employee area of
    9. “What Would You do?” surveys sent to employees of
  36. Nordstrom’s philosophy
    1. to adapt to the wants and needs of the customer
    2. always “starting at the bottom” as part of the
    3. on desire to not punish the many for dishonesty of a few
    4. on employees and customers creating the Nordstrom story
    5. to hire people attracted to entrepreneurial culture and help them success
    6. schooling new salespeople in the
    7. value of trust emphasized by the
    8. See also Nordstrom; Nordstrom culture; Values
  37. Nordstrom stories
    1. Bob Love’s experience with Nordstrom
    2. botched hair coloring
    3. on building customer loyalty
    4. on Chris Sharma
    5. Christmas wishes
    6. Cinderella
    7. on creating memories for customers
    8. customer traveling in France
    9. deaf customer buying slippers
    10. the diamond story
    11. dress pant replacement
    12. efforts to create new ones every day
    13. on Elsbeth Haladay
    14. on Everett Nordstrom’s respect for his buyers
    15. golf cart story
    16. helping disabled customer with a wedding outfit
    17. helping the bride and maid of honor
    18. the hubcap story
    19. illustrating Bruce Nordstrom’s humility
    20. on Jackie Byrd’s customer service
    21. jewelry loan
    22. last-minute date preparation
    23. on learning to become aware of customer needs
    24. “like-father-like-son” accessibility
    25. Morgan’s mismatched size shoes
    26. on new associates helping out a non-customer
    27. on not judging a book (customer) by its cover
    28. on ordained salesperson performing marriage of customer
    29. pant replacement
    30. purse sale
    31. purse theft
    32. sharing heroics by salespeople through
    33. soiled sweater replaced
    34. on teamwork
    35. the tire story
    36. on Wallin & Nordstrom’s first sale
    37. woman with amputated left leg
    38. See also Customer service; Nordstrom; Salespeople
  38. “The Nordstrom Way”
    1. customer-friendly return policy illustrating the
    2. employee’s upward mobility as part of the
    3. Everett Nordstrom’s commitment to the
    4. individualized for each employee
    5. John W. Nordstrom Award given to managers reflecting
    6. recognizing employees and recognition meetings to reinforce
    7. “use good judgment” rule as foundation of
    8. See also Customer service; Values-driven culture
  39. “The Nordstrom Way” guidelines
    1. 1: Stay true to the values of the culture
    2. 2: Attract people who share the values of the culture
    3. 3: Teach and coach based on those values
  40. The Nordstrom Way (Spector)
  41. Northeastern University (Boston)
  42. Northern Commercial Company


  1. Obama, Barack
  2. Onboarding
    1. helping employees to find their own way
    2. mentoring used to transfer Nordstrom culture to new associates
    3. “Nordstrom Employee Handbook used during”
    4. Nordstrom’s open-door policy emphasized during
    5. Nordstrom’s successful approach to
    6. reinforcing the culture for providing best customer service
    7. story illustrating transferring of Nordstrom culture to new associates
    8. “use good judgment” focus of
    9. Van Mensah on helping new employees during
  3. One Nordstrom illustration
  4. Online Nordstrom. See
  5. Oxytocin


  1. Pacesetters
    1. compensation of the top-performing
    2. the highest achieving salespeople called
    3. on importance of social media communication with customers
  2. Pant replacement story
  3. Parental leave benefits
  4. Partners in Excellence Award
  5. Paur, Cynthia
  6. People of color
    1. Minority- and Women-Owned Supplier Diversity Program for
    2. Nordstrom’s advertisements in publications targeting
    3. Nordstrom’s commitment to diversity and hiring
  7. Performance
    1. compensation based on a sales-driven entrepreneurial culture and
    2. employee competition based on their
    3. Google study findings on managers who produce high
    4. “How Much Can You Sell?” signs encouraging high
    5. of Pacesetters (highest achieving salespeople)
    6. SPH (sales-per-hour) measure of
  8. Peters, Tom
  9. Pippen, Scottie
  10. Pop-ups
  11. President’s Cup (Nordstrom)
  12. Product diversification
  13. Product quality
  14. Professional Football Hall of Fame
  15. Profit sharing program
  16. Purse sale story
  17. Purse theft story


  1. The Rack. See Nordstrom Rack stores
  2. Ralph Lauren
  3. Recognition
    1. manager role in providing
    2. Nordstrom policy on public and private expressions of
    3. of Nordstrom’s customer service reputation
    4. neuroscience finding on relationship of trust to
    5. Partners in Excellence Award given to vendors by Nordstrom
  4. Recognition meetings
    1. four key aspects of a good
    2. John W. Nordstrom Award presented during regional
    3. Make Nordstrom Special contest winners honored at
    4. to reinforce the Nordstrom Way
    5. as a source of fun for employees
    6. See also Employees
  5. Reconstructive breast surgery
  6. Recycling and composting
  7. Reeves, breAnne O.
  8. The Relationship Model (TRM) methodology
  9. Reserve & Try service (Nordstrom)
  10. Respect
    1. between colleagues
    2. for the customers
    3. definition of
    4. as the essence of teamwork
    5. how it drives beyond sales customer service
    6. Nordstrom salespeople’s treatment of children with
    7. Nordstrom’s Inverted Pyramid component of
    8. Nordstrom’s service founded on
    9. as part of the Nordstrom culture
    10. and recognition as biggest influence on trust
    11. story illustrating what is and isn’t
    12. See also Values
  11. Return policy
    1. considered the best way to build customer loyalty
    2. multichannel approach to the
    3. Nordstrom Reserve & Try service to reduce online returns
    4. origins of the customer-friendly
    5. the tire story on
    6. “use your best judgment” guide to their
  12. Richmond Times-Dispatch
  13. Rozelle, Pete
  14. RSi
    1. challenging clients to enhance the customer experience
    2. consulting and advisory services of
    3. contact information on
    4. description, message, and methodology of
    5. keynote programs of
  15. RSi workshops
    1. asking audience to think of coworker they would like to thank
    2. hearing about Nordstrom customer service during
    3. story told by woman with amputated left leg during


  1. Sales contests (Nordstrom)
  3. Salespeople
    1. Bruce on accountability of
    2. Bruce on being “trained by their parents”
    3. Certified Prosthesis Fitters training of
    4. compensation for motivating
    5. competition and entrepreneurialship of
    6. creating positive memories to build customer loyalty
    7. customer loyalty to individual
    8. empowerment as byproduct of trust given to
    9. encouraged cross-selling by
    10. examples of outstanding
    11. feedback to buyers from customers and
    12. follow-through with customers to build trust
    13. hiring of
    14. making each customer a friend approach by
    15. mentoring used to engage new associates into culture
    16. Nordstrom loyalty to their
    17. Nordstrom trust in their
    18. onboarding new
    19. Pacesetters (highest achieving salespeople)
    20. respect show between colleagues
    21. special communication role of
    22. stories on heroics by
    23. three questions to ask during every customer interaction
    24. trusted relationship of customers with
    25. “use good judgment” for customer service
    26. See also Buyers; Customer relationships; Employees; Nordstrom stories; Onboarding
  4. Sales-per-hour (SPH) measurement
  5. Sanders, Betsy
  6. Seattle Seahawks
  7. Seattle SuperSonics
  8. Servant leadership
    1. humility component of
    2. listening as essential to
  9. Shafii, Nader
  10. Sharma, Chris
  11. Sharma, Chris
  12. Shaw, Mrs.
  13. Shoe measurements
    1. the old fluoroscope x-ray machine
    2. Volumental’s 3-D technology to measure shoe size
  14. Shoe-tying classes for children (Nordstrom)
  15. Smiley, Larry
  16. Smith, Adam
  17. Smith, Char
  18. Smith, Sherman
  19. Social media
    1. examples of how salespeople communicate using
    2. how it helps drive Nordstrom’s business
    3. how the “use good judgment” rule still applies to
  20. Soiled sweater replaced story
  21. Sour Bridges (band)
  22. “Space” concept
  23. Spector, Fred
  24. Spector, Robert
  25. Spector’s Meat Market (New Jersey)
  26. “Starting at the bottom”
  27. State of the Company employee meetings
  28. Steve Madden shoes
  29. Stolen purse story
  30. Store openings
  31. stories. See Nordstrom stories
  32. Sugarfina


  1. Target
  2. Tatsumura, Brian
  3. Team contests
  4. Teamwork. See Collaboration/teamwork
  6. Thomas, Geevy
    1. on being present with our customers
    2. on creating Nordstrom stories by serving customers
    3. on customer obsession driving innovation
    4. on leveraging The Rack relationship with the full-line stores
    5. on Nordstrom’s digital connection with customers
    6. on The Rack’s heads-up customer service
    7. on The Rack’s sign on customer loyalty
    8. on reasonableness when making customer decisions
    9. on respect flowing from bottom of the Inverted Pyramid
    10. on serving customers by serving colleagues
  7. The tire story
  8. Tommy Bahama
  9. Treasure & Bond donations
  10. Trust
    1. creating success through environment of
    2. criticism given with loyalty, honesty, and
    3. empowerment of employees as byproduct of
    4. as fragile and requiring reinforcement
    5. honesty and sincerity to build customer
    6. how Nordstrom’s return policy builds
    7. importance in a commission-based culture
    8. neuroscience on recognition as biggest influence on
    9. Nordstrom’s Inverted Pyramid component of
    10. Nordstrom’s “use good judgment” as expression of
    11. from your customers
    12. in your employees
    13. See also Values
  11. Tumblr
  12. 24-hour concierge service (Nordstrom)
  13. Twitter


  1. UGGs shoes
  2. Undercover Boss (TV show)
  3. University of Washington
  4. UPS
  5. “Use good judgment” rule (Nordstrom)
    1. buyer’s buying decisions based on the
    2. as foundation of the Nordstrom culture
    3. how it applies to social media communication
    4. their return policy guided by their


  1. Values
    1. customer awareness
    2. the diamond story illustrating Nordstrom
    3. Have Fun and Give Back
    4. honesty as key to building trust
    5. humility as one of Nordstrom’s
    6. John W. Nordstrom Award given to managers reflecting Nordstrom
    7. Nordstrom salespeople trained by whoever instilled their
    8. Nordstrom’s mission and
    9. respect
    10. See also Nordstrom’s philosophy; Trust
  2. Values-driven culture
    1. attract people who share the values of the
    2. begun by hiring employees you trust
    3. staying true to the
    4. teach and coach employees based on values of the
    5. trust from your customers in a
    6. understanding the value of a
    7. See also Nordstrom culture; “The Nordstrom Way”; Workplace culture
  3. Vendor loyalty
    1. making a difference during World War II
    2. Nordstrom’s emphasis on recognition of
  4. Vendors
    1. loyalty to
    2. The Rack relationship with
  5. Virtue, Christine
  6. Virtue, Morgan
  7. Volumental


  1. Wallin, Carl F.
  2. Wallin & Nordstrom
  3. Walmart
  4. Walmart Stores
  5. Wedding outfit story
  6. “What’s next?” thinking
  7. “What Would You do?” surveys (Nordstrom Rack)
  8. White Glove Contests (Nordstrom)
  9. Wilkos, Steve
  10. Wilson, Eric
  11. A Winning Team (Elmer Nordstrom)
  12. Witman, David
  13. Women- and Minority-Owned Supplier Diversity Program
  14. Women’s Wear Daily
  15. Workplace culture
    1. Blake Nordstrom on impossibility of teaching work ethic
    2. Gallup polls that measure employee engagement in
    3. See also Nordstrom culture; Values-driven culture
  16. World War II
  17. Worzel, Ken


  1. Yelp
  2. Youkhanna, Jennifer


  1. Zak, Paul J.
  2. Zissimos, John
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