Chapter 4

Joining the Big Leagues with the Scaled Agile Framework


check Choosing which SAFe configuration fits your organization

check Seeing how SAFe aligns your team with management

check Mapping your team’s work to solution trains

check Focusing on delivering value with agile release trains

check Delivering a product with multiple agile teams

The Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®) is a modular, scalable system for orchestrating alignment, collaboration, and delivery for large numbers of agile teams. It got its start when Dean Leffingwell and his collaborators (now known as Scaled Agile, Inc.) began looking at how some of the largest organizations deliver software. What they found was a mix of Lean thinking, agile practices, and traditional top-down decision-making. The Scaled Agile team then consolidated and distilled these common practices to form SAFe.

In this chapter, I introduce you to SAFe in principle and in practice. I bring you up to speed on the SAFe framework and principles, offer guidance on how (and how not to) implement SAFe, and step you through the framework’s various management layers so you can determine whether SAFe is the right framework for your organization. If you decide it is, this chapter can help you begin to envision your organization with SAFe and start taking the steps necessary to transform your organization into a SAFe enterprise.

SAFe is a little more prescriptive than other enterprise agile approaches. These practices are often closely related and presented in layers. They start with a few high-level Lean principles and practices for management and then work their way down to the team level. SAFe relies heavily on its infographics. This could be a little overwhelming at first when you look at graphics such as the SAFe full-framework graphic (Full SAFe), shown in Figure 4-1.


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-1: The Full SAFe graphic.

warning Scaled Agile, Inc., controls the SAFe graphics, and these graphics are subject to change. While this chapter may not track exactly with the latest Full SAFe graphic, it will track closely enough with it for you to gain the understanding you need to determine whether this framework is right for your organization and to start formulating your plan to transition your organization to SAFe. You can always get the most current version of the SAFe graphics at, where you will find an open repository of diagrams backed by detailed definitions and descriptive content.

Getting Your Head in the SAFe Game

Whenever you first encounter a complex model consisting of numerous parts, you can often benefit by stepping back to look at the whole before digging down into the details. In this section, I take you a few steps back to present SAFe in principle and in practice, so you have a general idea of what it is and how it’s used to make large organizations agile.

Here, I introduce the SAFe framework and principles, explain the benefits of its modular approach, and encourage you to view SAFe as a compromise between traditional top-down management and team-based agile. I also steer you clear of the common mistake of focusing too much on SAFe practices without getting a handle on the overarching concepts.

Meeting the SAFe framework and principles

Looking at the Full SAFe graphic (refer to Figure 4-1), you see right away that it’s a beast. It’s designed for hundreds of developers and dozens of teams that are either working on one big product or several smaller products. The product(s) might have millions of lines of code that must be updated regularly across the enterprise. But when you step back for a moment and look at the whole and consider it in the context of the SAFe principles, it all begins to make sense.

Considering the framework and principles together

The Full SAFe graphic and SAFe principles make more sense when you look at them together. I like to think of them in terms of process and principles:

  • The SAFe framework (see Figure 4-1) is the overall process that organizations follow to transform into agile enterprises.
  • The nine principles govern the way individuals and teams throughout the organization do their jobs.

When you embark on using SAFe for the first time, it’s usually better to start with the framework before adopting the principles. In other words, consider what your organization will look like as a SAFe agile enterprise before tackling the way everyone’s mindset and behaviors will change.

Taking a bird’s-eye view of the Full SAFe graphic

When you look at the Full SAFe graphic for the first time, note the following four areas:

  • Enterprise: In the upper-left corner of the graphic is “Enterprise,” which represents the organization in two ways:
    • “Enterprise” is in the top-left corner for a reason — it’s the top of the SAFe food chain, the source of all business vision and strategy, funding, and governance.
    • Note that the box around “Enterprise” extends around everything else, indicating that the enterprise is the entire organization.
  • SAFe management levels: The better part of the graphic is devoted to the four SAFe management levels: Portfolio, Large Solution, Program, and Team. I describe the levels in a little more detail in the next section and in a lot more detail in the later section, “Stepping Through the SAFe Management Layers and Levels.”
  • The foundation: At the bottom of the graphic is a gray bar that represents the foundation on which the SAFe framework rests. It includes Lean-Agile Leaders, Core Values, Lean-Agile Mindset, and SAFe principles.
  • The spanning palette: The bar on the left contains tools used to develop and deliver products through the SAFe methodology, including Metrics, Shared Services, Milestones, Roadmap, and Vision. For more about the spanning palette, see the later section, “Filling in the background with the SAFe spanning palette.”

Brushing up on SAFe framework fundamentals

The Full SAFe configuration is divided into the following four management levels:

  • Portfolio: At this level, you find the principles, practices, and roles for creating and managing value streams. A value stream is a series of steps for building solutions that deliver value to a customer continuously. The people and processes that reside in the Portfolio level are responsible for building solutions that enable the enterprise to meet its strategic objectives.
  • Large Solution: This level contains the roles, activities, and artifacts (byproducts of the development process, such as a user story) to build large-scale solutions beyond the scope of what a single agile release train (ART) can develop.

    remember An ART is a team of teams, which you find at the Program level (discussed next). At the Large Solution level, you find solution trains (teams of teams of teams). A solution train may have dozens of ARTs, each having 5 to 12 agile teams.

  • Program: At the Program level are the roles and activities necessary to deliver solutions continuously via ARTs. This is where agile teams, key stakeholders, and other resources conduct their ongoing mission to develop and deliver solutions. Each ART is composed of 5 to 12 agile teams. (The “train” in ART is based on the idea that this train is always moving on time; you can pile features into the backlog, and the train will fit them into the product incrementally, so no team needs to wait for another team to complete its work.)
  • Team: At this level, each team (five to nine team members) is dedicated to defining, developing, testing, and delivering a quality end product. Every team at this level is part of an ART at the Program level.

For more detailed coverage of these four layers, see the later section, “Stepping Through the SAFe Management Layers and Levels.” Here’s how the framework functions in practice:

  1. At the Portfolio level, high-level business leaders break down value into a backlog (a prioritized list what’s needed to deliver the desired value), which is then broken down into epics (high-level business cases); for example, “create a version of our software that works with Apple products.” (A single epic may spawn more than one product or solution.)
  2. At the Large Solution level, engineers work with the customer to deliver large and complex solutions. This might be a software program with several different areas of functionality. The teams work together to create a solution train that helps align people to a common vision, mission, and backlog.
  3. At the Program level, leaders break down the epic from the portfolio backlog to create a program backlog (a prioritized list of product features). A feature may require one team or several teams based on its size and complexity. If several teams are required, they function within the construct of an ART.
  4. At the Team level, each agile team pulls projects from its program backlog in order of priority and completes them within a specified period of time.

With SAFe, an organization’s value to the customer is defined at the enterprise level and broken down into smaller and smaller units of value at each level of the framework from portfolio (at the top) to team (at the bottom). Each of these levels refines the epic to ensure that the organization continuously delivers the highest value to the customer.

Getting to know the nine SAFe principles

SAFe has nine principles that govern the way everyone in the organization approaches product development:

  1. Take an economic view.
  2. Apply systems thinking.
  3. Assume variability; preserve options.
  4. Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles.
  5. Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems.
  6. Visualize and limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths.
  7. Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning.
  8. Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers.
  9. Decentralize decision-making.

warning Don’t focus on these principles just yet. Their significance and application may be difficult to grasp at this point. It’s a bit like looking at the lyrics of a song before you decide if you like the music. Consider reviewing the principles after you have a better understanding of the framework.

Picking and choosing what to use

At first glance, the framework graphic looks like a subway map for the most confusing city on Earth. But fear not. You may not need all four levels of Full SAFe, and you may not use all the little pieces of whichever SAFe configuration you use. The framework tries to show you everything that you can do, not everything you must do. Remember, it’s modular.

The first choice you need to make is which SAFe configuration to use. Each of these configurations includes only the management levels that are appropriate for that solution. Four are provided:

  • Full SAFe: This is the most comprehensive Scaled Agile Framework. It’s intended to be used for complex solutions that can have hundreds of people and dozens of teams working to deliver the product.
  • Portfolio SAFe: This is for organizations that are primarily interested in aligning their agile development to one or two value streams and just one or more agile release trains.
  • Large Solution SAFe: This is for large and complex solutions that don’t need the type of portfolio management like other SAFe configurations. This is for industries where you wouldn’t need SAFe to govern portfolio of projects. Instead you’ll have one or two complex projects that may take dozens of teams to deliver. This configuration is more common for industries such as aerospace and defense. Here most of the focus is on the product and not necessarily on governance.
  • Essential SAFe: This is the most stripped-down version of the Scaled Agile Framework. Consider it SAFe lite. This version has the most crucial elements of the framework and can be a building block for some of the larger configurations. It includes key concepts such as the agile release train, and it helps align teams to a common solution.

tip Choose the smallest configuration you think will work best for your organization. You can easily upsize to a larger version of the framework, if necessary, but if you start with too large a configuration, you may make your efforts more complicated than they need to be and encounter needless resistance and frustration.

technicalstuff The earlier versions of SAFe had collapsible levels and tabs on each side of the diagram. The idea was that you could collapse and tab your way through the graphic to create something customized. So, you had to show or hide the different parts of the one big graphic to make it fit your organization. Now SAFe uses these configurations as a way to provide the “out-of-the-box” configuration that’s appropriate for your environment. You don’t have hidden layers, which can become confusing.

remember SAFe is a template, suitable for tailoring. It’s not intended to be used exactly as presented. In fact, it’s modular, and you’re encouraged to use the elements that work best for you and be aware of the rest if you need them. You can freely mine the framework for ideas and practices that you think might help your organization.

SAFe’s flexibility and it numerous options make it a popular starting point for organizations interested in making the leap to enterprise agility, but those qualities also pose a challenge — it’s easy to get lost in the process and lose any sense of the ground below.

Approaching SAFe as a practical compromise

The Agile Manifesto (see Chapter 1) was a battle cry against large processes and heavy systems. In fact, the very first value in the Agile Manifesto is “individuals and interactions over processes and tools.” Teams are supposed to focus on delivering software, not on the overwhelming process of doing so. Looking at the SAFe diagram, you’d have a hard time imagining the founding agile workgroup accepting this framework as part of the agile mindset. It’s an overwhelming process filled with dozens of tools.

Many people in the agile community feel that SAFe subverts the benefits of being agile. The framework takes away much of the self-directed power of agile teams. It does this in favor of giving management greater visibility and control. In a sense, SAFe takes the agile teams that were designed to own all the aspects of the product and forces them to align with a larger organizational goal.

In theory, SAFe may contradict agile, but as I explain in the following sections, it’s more of a compromise that makes sense in terms of a large-scale enterprise product.

Reinterpreting “lightweight”

At first glance, SAFe may appear too big to be agile, but its size serves a practical purpose. If you have a large product with hundreds of developers, then coordinating dozens of agile teams becomes increasingly difficult. Also, if you have several smaller products that all depend on each other, then you need some way to communicate a common vision. You don’t want one product to be completely different from every other product you’re delivering.

If you’re a large organization, and you’re stumbling through a hybrid approach, attempting to combine agile with traditional top-down management (see “Avoiding water-agile-fall” later in this chapter), then SAFe’s guidance can be useful.

Being realistic

The reality is that many organizations already have one foot in waterfall (top-down management) and another in agile (bottom-up management). What SAFe does (and does really well) is offer a shared set of best practices for what such an organization is already doing. In one sense, SAFe normalizes this water-agile-fall approach, even though this approach may not be benefiting your organization. On the other hand, SAFe may be the only form of the agile mindset that your organization will accept — the only way to infuse some creativity into a large rigid process.

Either way, SAFe is very reasonable in the context of the problem it’s trying to solve. The framework assumes that your teams can’t deliver an enterprise-level product using the bottom-up approach that’s inherent with an agile team. In a sense, SAFe is built on the premise that a cross-functional, self-organized agile team doesn’t scale well when you’re developing larger products.

Giving managers more authority

The solution to the problem of trying to develop large, complex products with small, self-organized agile teams is to take some authority and self-direction away from the teams and create communities of teams that work together and follow a common path. Manager-style roles in these communities can help prioritize work and set direction.

remember SAFe is a compromise; it’s not just another top-down process to control your teams, nor is it fully consistent with an agile mindset. The framework contains plenty of fixes to help decentralize management, which helps it avoid the top-down, command-and-control approach in waterfall frameworks. SAFe also features plenty of practices to help ensure agile teams have as much creative flexibility as possible.

If you see this framework as a set of compromises, then your teams can get a lot of value from following SAFe. The framework gives you the convenience of trying to fit agile into your enterprise instead of the other way around. For many organizations, SAFe is the best place to start.

Avoiding water-agile-fall

If you’ve worked on a large enterprise project, then you’ve probably heard of the waterfall approach. In 1970, Dr. Winston Royce described a method for “managing large software developments” based on his personal experience in the development of ground systems for spacecraft mission planning, control, and post-flight analysis. The approach, as he described it, is delivered in seven sequential phases (including analysis and coding), cascading like a waterfall from system requirements to operations. Royce introduced five additional process features or steps “to eliminate most of the development risks.” Interestingly, the fifth step Royce added was to “involve the customer” in a number of reviews at critical phases in the waterfall sequence.

Take automobile manufacturing as an example. To develop a new vehicle, you would first envision the type of car you want, such as an SUV hybrid with all the trimmings. Designers would draw the car, then engineers would figure out which parts were needed and how to fit them all together, then analysts would determine how to build it and how much that would cost. After it’s built, experts would test the car for safety, drivability, and so on. Based on the test results, you would probably need to go through the process several times until you had the product you wanted. Finally, you’d sell the completed product to dealers who would sell it to their customers.

Royce applied this approach to software development. He said to create software you needed to plan out all the features. Then, high-level software architects would create a design for the whole product. Then teams of software developers would work to code the product. A quality assurance group would test-drive the software, bugs would be fixed, and then you’d ship the completed software to your customer.

In this section, I explain the fundamental flaw in this approach to product development, particularly software development, and explain why combining the waterfall approach with agile, a common practice, can be a recipe for disaster, if it’s not done right.

Recognizing the flaw: Planning over adapting

Software developers who tried Royce’s waterfall approach soon discovered that it was fundamentally flawed. During the planning, software features changed so frequently that many companies ended up delivering a product that was completely different from the idea they started with. All the time and effort spent planning was wasted.

Mixing the worst of both worlds

To address this weakness in the model, many organizations began encouraging a more agile mindset so that the software development teams could quickly pivot and modify the product to better fit their customers’ needs. However, most organizations that embraced the more responsive agile approach refused to let go of the more predictable waterfall approach. As a result, many organizations ended up with a hybrid, often referred to as water-agile-fall. You might hear it called the “hybrid approach” or “mixed methodology,” but the construct is the same: You have a waterfall organization with agile teams.

This hybrid approach allows development teams to have much more flexibility to design, code, and test even when much of the product has already been planned and analyzed. However, these same teams are pressured by the top brass to deliver a well-planned product on a specific release date. A team might be free to create the minimum viable product, but that well-planned product must be delivered on time and within a set budget.

remember In many ways, water-agile-fall is the worst of both worlds. Time spent planning is wasted, because everything is subject to change, and developers have a tough time being agile when the product is (or is perceived to be) inflexible.

Introducing a “SAFer” approach

Even though water-agile-fall is less than ideal, many organizations insist on it. This is where SAFe really shines, because it gives organizations the best of both worlds. It accepts the reality of how most large organizations approach agile. Then it takes the best practices of this mixed approach and bundles them into a comprehensive enterprise framework.

As you can imagine, this hybrid approach has a lot of compromises. In many cases, most large enterprises would do better either transitioning to agile or trying to improve their existing waterfall arrangement. For organizations that are currently following a water-agile-fall approach, SAFe is a more effective model that’s easier to transition to. Large organizations have no reason to reinvent the wheel when they have so many best practices and compromises bundled into SAFe. The SAFe team has worked for years to fine-tune its framework to deal with the exact challenge these water-agile-fall organizations struggle with. Why not take advantage of the team’s hard work?

Differentiating doing agile from being agile

At its heart, enterprise agile is a radical change; it’s a difficult change to embark on, and it’s even more difficult to see through to its finish. SAFe offers organizations the comfort of having a structured plan for their transformation, but it doesn’t confuse this plan with the groundwork required for transformational change. Such change requires that people think about their work in a different way, so don’t fall into the false comfort of the promise of a structured plan.

remember There’s a big difference between doing agile and being agile. Standing up in a meeting (a common Scrum practice described in Chapter 1) is easy, but communicating with one another on a true, cross-functional team and communicating across teams is much more difficult. With SAFe, you can encounter similar distinctions but on a much larger scale. (For more about the importance of changing mindsets and culture, see Chapter 9.)

Wait a minute: Is SAFe the right solution?

An old joke keeps floating around the Internet: If you want to look smart at meetings you should ask, “How do we bring this idea to scale?” “Scale” has become a corporate buzzword. No one really knows what it means. Does it mean you want to make something bigger? Or does it mean you just want something to be more widely used?

This lack of understanding only makes companies think wrongly that they need to use scaling to tackle many of their challenges. The fact is, the Scaled Agile Framework has benefited from including these buzzwords. It has both “scale” and “agile” in its name, so it seems like a ready-made, pre-packaged solution for any large company. It lends itself well to marketing; if you’re a large organization, and you want to try agile, then you’ll need the Scaled Agile Framework.

Before you embrace SAFe, ask yourself whether it makes sense for your organization. If you have only 25 people in charge of developing and delivering new solutions, SAFe probably isn’t the right solution. You can figure that out just by looking at the SAFe graphic. Skim down the left side of the graphic, and you’ll see a lot of new roles: Epic Owners, an Enterprise Architect, Lean Portfolio Managers, Solution Architects and Managers, System Architects, Product Managers, Product Owners, Scrum Masters, and more. Start adding all that management to a small group of people, and just imagine what will happen. Your organization will have more managers than developers.

remember Don’t assume that because you’re big, you need a big framework. Right now, it seems as though most SAFe implementations are a mismatch between what organizations have and what they need. It’s almost like an oversized jacket on the shoulders of a few small development teams.

Stepping Through the SAFe Management Layers and Levels

The Full SAFe configuration graphic (see Figure 4-1) has four management levels and an underlying layer, the foundation layer, on which those levels rest. In this section, I guide you through the foundation and the four management levels and provide some guidance on how to put the framework into practice.

Bottom up: Starting at the foundation

At the bottom of the Full SAFe graphic is a gray box that represents the foundation on which the framework rests (see Figure 4-2). A line extends from the left and right sides of the box to surround the four management levels, indicating that the foundation layer applies to all four levels and to the entire enterprise. The foundation contains the following items:

  • Lean-Agile Leaders: The people responsible for the successful adoption of SAFe and its outcomes.
  • Core Values: The four fundamental beliefs that are key to SAFe’s success (see Figure 4-3):
    • Alignment: Unlike team agile (see Chapter 2), in which solutions are built from the bottom up, in SAFe, top-level management formulates and communicates the vision, and all others must align their efforts with that vision. SAFe teams then have some flexibility on how to deliver the product.
    • Built-in quality: All the work that comes out of the system must be ready for production. No time is set aside at the end for testing and reworking.
    • Transparency: Everyone on the team should feel comfortable sharing problems and challenges. At no time should team members sense that they’ll be penalized for making mistakes. In software development, mistakes happen, but, much like politics, “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up” that causes the most problems. All the teams should develop a shared sense of trust to avoid unknown mistakes that may impact the quality of the software.
    • Program execution: Bottom line, deliver the goods.
  • Lean-Agile Mindset: The beliefs, assumptions, and actions that comply with the Agile Manifesto and with Lean thinking. Think of the SAFe mindset as a culture defined by merging agile and Lean principles.
  • SAFe Principles: Nine directives that govern how the organization thinks, acts, and interacts around what it does. See the earlier section “Getting to know the nine SAFe principles” for a list of the nine principles.
  • Implementation Roadmap: The implementation roadmap consists of an overview graphic and 12 sets of activities for implementing SAFe. Don’t concern yourself with this yet. Just keep in mind that at some point, everyone in your organization will require SAFe orientation and training.
  • SAFe Program Consultant (SPC): The change agent in the organization is responsible for improving its software and systems development processes.

All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-2: The foundation.


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-3: The core values.

Heading to the top: The enterprise

In one respect, the enterprise is the entire organization; it encompasses executive leadership and all four process management levels. In another respect, it sits at the top of the SAFe food chain as the source of all the business strategy, funding, and overall governance of the organization.

SAFe takes a practical view of the enterprise — as the entity that hires people who provide their expertise or service to the organization. The relationship is very transactional. The enterprise provides employees with a salary, and, in return, they execute the enterprise’s strategic themes and product delivery.

In its role as the head of the organization, the enterprise works with others in the organization to develop strategic themes that the rest of the organization is then responsible for executing. Execution begins at the Portfolio level, discussed next.

Visioning at the Portfolio level

As the head of the organization, the enterprise collaborates with top-level managers at the Portfolio level (see Figure 4-4), where managers much reach a consensus on many of the decisions around a product. At this level, management sets the direction for the entire enterprise by creating value streams that align with the enterprise’s strategic themes.


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-4: The SAFe Portfolio level.

technicalstuff As you recall from earlier in this chapter, a value stream is a series of steps that provide value to a customer. For example, you enter a restaurant, you’re seated at a table, and the server brings you a menu, a place setting, and a glass of water; takes your order; and delivers your order to the kitchen. The cooks prepare your order (which involves additional steps), and then the server brings your food to you. All of these steps comprise the value stream.

In this section, I take you on a tour of the Portfolio level, where you meet the people who drive the process and develop an understanding of the purpose of this level and how it functions.

Meeting the key players

The Portfolio level includes three distinct roles (which can be held by several people):

  • Epic owners: Define, coordinate, and facilitate implementation of high-level epics (business cases, such as introducing a new product, merging with another company, or responding to marketplace changes).
  • Enterprise architects: Provide the strategic technical direction, which may include recommending the development and delivery of technology stacks, application programming interfaces (APIs), and hosting strategies, and facilitating the reuse of ideas, components, services, and proven patterns across a portfolio’s solutions.
  • Lean portfolio management: Typically the business managers and executives who are responsible for the highest level of decision-making and financial accountability related to the portfolio’s success.

Prioritizing epics and adding them to the backlog

The Portfolio level is where management formulates large business initiatives for the organization, considering such things as new business opportunities, mergers and acquisitions, problems with existing solutions, marketplace challenges, and so forth. Here, all big ideas are welcome. Ideas are then reviewed, analyzed, and added to the portfolio backlog (a prioritized list of major initiatives) for execution.

Portfolio managers use a Kanban board, as explained in the next section, to help determine what gets added to the backlog.


A Kanban board is a swim-lane diagram that shows the progress of proposed and approved epics (initiatives or tasks), as shown in Figure 4-5. Progress is usually indicated by the column labels “Funnel” (where all ideas/epics are listed), “Review,” “Analysis,” “Portfolio Backlog,” “Implementation,” and “Done.” (See Chapter 8 for more about Kanban.)


FIGURE 4-5: A typical Kanban board.

In SAFe, you break down the work into the smallest possible chunks. At this stage, these chunks are epics. You can then prioritize the epics to decide where to place them in the backlog.


A common way to prioritize items in the backlog is to do the weighted shortest job first (WSJF). To determine which is the weighted shortest job, calculate the cost of delay (CoD) and divide that by the job duration. For example, if you’re working on a product that will generate $50,000 per month for the company, CoD is $50,000 per month, because the company will lose $50,000 every month the product is delayed. (You could divide that figure by 4 to determine the weekly CoD or by 30 to calculate the daily CoD.) To determine WSJF, you divide that figure by the duration of the project, so if the CoD is $50,000 per month, and the project will take eight months:


If you have two 12-month projects, one of which will generate $5 million in revenue and the other $500,000 in revenue, the CoD for the first project has a much greater return for the same duration, so its weight is also greater and you do that job first.

Unfortunately, the expected economic impact may be unknown. Fortunately, the WSJF criteria can be relative. All you need is relative scoring to support prioritization. It’s similar to the relative estimating you do for Scrum projects (see Chapter 1). You can balance a bunch of elements, including business value, time pressure, and risk reduction or opportunity enablement, to come up with a cost of delay. Then you divide that by the job size to determine its relative weight. So, in general, the highest priority job would take very little time to complete and add a lot of business value.

tip Some organizations like to use the same planning poker group decision-making process you see in Scrum to come up with the cost of delay and job size (see Chapter 1). Others may use a spreadsheet to come up with ballpark estimates and may even break down their estimates into CoDs for several areas, such as business value, time pressure, and risk removal. Some just use two estimates: one for CoD, the other for duration, and the two together to calculate WSJF using the earlier formula.


Nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) are constraints or restrictions that apply to all items in the backlog (see Figure 4-6). For example, an NFR may be that all items must comply with the Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) security standards or that all software must be written in a certain version of Java.


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-6: Constraints on the backlog.

You can see that NFRs are a constraint on the backlogs at all of the management levels. SAFe is reminding you that you can't spend all of your adding features. The framework forces you to also consider reliability, performance, and supportability. In a sense, you shouldn’t always be focused just on cooking the meal. Sometimes you need to spend a little more time setting the table.

Financing value streams with Lean Budgets

Another way portfolio managers prioritize work and prevent any team from becoming inundated is through Lean Budgets — a set of practices for funding value streams rather than projects (see Figure 4-7). Remember that SAFe takes a transactional view of how people work in an enterprise. So, when the portfolio management team assigns a budget to a value stream, what it’s really saying is, “You’re welcome to work on whatever you want, but this is the only thing we’re going to pay you for.”


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-7: Prioritizing items in the backlog using Lean Budgets.

Shifting the focus from projects and products to value streams

While the Portfolio level has many components, its primary focus is on the value stream. The steps involved vary depending on the product and how the organization delivers the product to the customer, but it’s triggered by some event such as the customer placing an order, and it ends when the customer receives the product or some other value (see Figure 4-8). The steps in the middle are the actions the team needs to take to deliver that value. Maybe the team must meet to develop a vision for the product and then develop, test, and tweak the product before releasing it. Each of those actions is a step in the value stream.


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-8: A value stream.

Value streams are a central part of Lean budgeting, which focuses the attention of everyone in the organization on financing these value streams. In addition, all key performance indicators (KPIs) are tied to value streams, so performance is measure by the value delivered to customers and how efficiently and cost-effectively that value is delivered.

Within the value stream are epics and enablers:

  • Epics: The products or solutions customers value.
  • Enablers: The tools that deliver the information and insight in support of the development and delivery of value. SAFe recognizes the following four types of enablers:
    • Exploration: To validate the need or the solution
    • Architectural: To pave the architectural runway — the code, components, and technical infrastructure for implementing features
    • Infrastructure: To develop, test, and integrate initiatives
    • Compliance: To prepare compliance activities

Making value streams Lean

SAFe relies heavily on Lean thinking, which emphasizes minimizing waste while maximizing value, or finding the most efficient path to deliver what customers value. Making a value stream Lean is a two-step process:

  1. Identify what the customer deems most valuable.
  2. Optimize the process for delivering that value to the customer.

remember Lean is a concept that came out of the Toyota Production System and was originally used in automobile manufacturing. Software developers later adapted it and created Lean Software Development.


Finding what customers value can be easy or difficult, depending on how your organization creates its product. For example, if your company sells running shoes online, then determining what customers value should be pretty easy; they want quality shoes at a reasonable price that are easy to find and order, are delivered quickly, and are free and easy to return if they don’t fit. However, if your company develops an accounting application, finding out what the customer values can be more difficult. You may even have several different customer types — home users, small-business users, and corporate accounts.

Having a conversation early on about what the customer values is a key benefit to using SAFe. The portfolio-level practices encourage executives to help the rest the organization define what high-level value they need to provide to their customers. The SAFe enterprise strategic themes get the ball rolling, then the managers have to turn these themes into actual value streams with dedicated budgets.


After you’ve identified a customer and the value you deliver to that customer, it’s time to streamline your value streams, which you can do in several ways, including the following:

  • Remove unnecessary steps from the value stream.
  • Make existing steps in the value stream more efficient.
  • Reduce queue time by breaking the steps into their smallest possible components and distributing them.

You can see examples of value stream optimization by standing in line at your local grocery store. In the past, the checkout clerks had to key in the prices of each item. With the use of barcodes and scanners, that step has pretty much been eliminated. The step of having to weigh produce hasn’t been completely eliminated, but it has been made more efficient by building a scale into the scanner mechanism. And if lines start to get too long, a manager will open additional lanes to move customers through the checkout process faster. All of these are ways to optimize the value stream.

Amazon’s grocery stores have streamlined the value stream even more by completely eliminating checkout lines. A customer logs in to the store by tapping her smartphone on a turnstile when she enters the store, and as she adds items to her cart, they’re entered into the customer’s virtual cart app, which then totals the bill and charges it to the shopper’s credit card as she exits the store.

technicalstuff In SAFe, value-stream optimization is based primarily on queueing theory, specifically Little’s Law, which postulates that the best way to get something through a complex system is to split it up into the smallest possible chunks. The idea is that several short lines will go through a system faster than one long line.

Imagine that your work was set up like the water tank pictured in Figure 4-9. The “L” represents the water in the tank. You can think of it as the work in progress (WIP). The “λ” is the spout coming out of the tank. It’s your team’s throughput — the amount of work the team can finish (your constraint). The “W” is the lead time. This is the amount of time it takes for work to go through the whole system.


FIGURE 4-9: Illustration of Little’s Law.

Imagine that your team’s throughput “λ” is two gallons per day. That means five gallons in the tank will give you a lead time of 2.5 days:


Now image that there are 30 gallons in the tank. This will give your team a lead time of 15 days:


A shorter lead time will make your work more predictable and give your customer a greater opportunity to provide feedback. That means you want to break your work down into the smallest possible chunks and have it flow through the system at a protectable pace. In this case, you wouldn’t want to keep any more than five gallons of work in the tank at any one time.

warning Don’t try to cram big chunks of work, especially unplanned work, into the value stream. Doing so may make you feel as though you’re getting a lot done, but this will cause bottlenecks that can grind development to a halt. Just look at what happens on a highway when a few drivers try to rush to the front of the line and merge in front of everyone else. Some entrance ramps even have traffic “metering” lights for flow control to prevent a line of traffic from trying to merge all at once or trying to enter the highway at a rate that would overwhelm the road’s capacity. Although the idea of having a stoplight might seem to contradict the SAFe concept of continuous movement, the idea of adding work gradually to the system to prevent bottlenecks is fundamental to the SAFe concept.

Tackling big jobs at the Large Solution level

If you’re a large organization, you may have several teams of teams that must be coordinated to deliver large solutions. SAFe accommodates such scenarios with its Large Solution level (see Figure 4-10).


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FIGURE 4-10: The SAFe Large Solution level.

technicalstuff In the previous version of the Full SAFe illustration, the Large Solution level was called the value stream level. It was a collapsible management level between the Portfolio and the Program levels. The value stream level focused mostly on mapping solutions to value streams. The Large Solution level still retains a lot of that legacy, except here, instead of mapping value streams to agile release trains, you have a simpler solution train.

remember In the large solution configuration of SAFe, the Large Solution level is at the top of the diagram. This configuration is for organizations that don’t require the same level of portfolio management that you see in places that have a large project portfolio (or they’re working on one big solution). You might use this for an organization such as a government agency or an aerospace or defense company. These organizations already have a robust built-in platform for managing their portfolio or are working on one solution — such as a rocket.

Meeting solution-level management

The solution-level employees are focused mostly on high-level solution governance. They capture requirements in a larger solution intent, and they work to coordinate several agile release trains around their larger solution train. The following people are part of the solution-level management:

  • Solution architect/engineer: These people think about how well the solution maps to the organization’s current architecture. They take a “system view” when they try to match the solution to various technical considerations.
  • Solution management: This person works to make sure the solution aligns with the customer’s expectations. They do this by creating a solution vision and roadmap. Then they prioritize the solution on a Kanban board.
  • Solution Train Engineer (STE): This person makes sure the agile release trains align with the larger solution train. Each release should incrementally add value to the larger solution.

Using an economic framework to finance a solution

SAFe finances value streams, not projects. You don’t want a focus on a car project; instead you want to finance family transportation. This value stream could have several different solutions (car, minivan, boat, motorcycle). The economic framework is a set of decisions that support this overall view. You’ve already seen how SAFe finances value streams using Lean budgeting (see “Financing value streams with Lean Budgets”) and prioritizing based on the cost of delay (see “Starting the weighted shortest job first”). These ideas come into play in the decisions you make when you’re delivering the best solution.

If you decided to create several family transportation solutions, you’d have to use an economic framework to make the best decisions. You could decide that a minivan would generate the most revenue and so that work would have the highest cost of delay. Using an economic framework, you may decide to make this the highest priority solution.

Planning with solution intent

According to Scaled Agile, Inc., solution intent is “the repository for storing, managing, and communicating the knowledge of current and intended Solution behavior.” It “includes documented, fixed, and variable specifications and designs; reference to applicable standards, system models, functional and nonfunctional tests; and traceability.” In simpler terms, solution intent involves answering two questions:

  • What are we building?
  • How are we going to build it?

remember This word “intent,” in this context, means a conscious, willful desire to do something, and it implies that some planning is involved. Think of it in terms of legal language; committing a crime with intent means you did it deliberately, not inadvertently. If you’re an agile aficionado, you may find the concept of solution intent troubling because agile views software development as a continuous process of building an ever-changing product that requires frequent adaptations, not as a process of building a preconceived product. With solution intent, you have the well-established intent with only some flexibility to make changes.

SAFe addresses this concern by splitting the intent into fixed and variable specifications and designs (see Figure 4-11):

  • Fixed: Required
  • Variable: Flexible and adaptive

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FIGURE 4-11: Solution intent.

For example, suppose a restaurant manager makes the cooks responsible for creating the menu. It’s a hamburger joint, and the manager tells the cooks they need to have six different specialty burgers. The only fixed requirement is that customers will be able to choose any of six different specialty burgers, but it’s up to the cooks to decide what these burgers will be. They can decide based on variables, such as local customer preferences, what they like best to cook, and perhaps which ingredients are in season.

In such a case, the fixed/variable model works well, but what if the restaurant manager makes the six burger types a fixed requirement? In other words, management creates the menu, and the cooks must follow it. The only variable may be the actual recipes — how much of each ingredient to add. Now, the cooks have much less flexibility. If they know, for example, that people are flocking to other restaurants to order, say, an olive burger, they have no flexibility to add that burger to the menu, and the restaurant starts losing business.

warning If you do decide to use solution intent, be careful how you use fixed and variable design. If you use too much fixed design, you’re probably not getting that much value from your agile teams. If you use too much variable design, you’re probably not getting that much value from your planning efforts.

Prioritizing solutions with a Kanban board and backlog

Like the Portfolio level (and every level in the SAFe framework), the Large Solution level uses a Kanban board. At the Large Solution level, the Kanban board is used to track solutions from the idea phase to completion. After ideas are reviewed, analyzed, and approved, they’re added to the solutions backlog — a prioritized list of solutions that can then be developed and delivered by the solution train, discussed next. (For additional details about Kanban boards, backlogs, and methods used to prioritize work, see the earlier section, “Prioritizing epics and adding them to the backlog.”)

Riding the solution train

The solution train is a coordinated team of teams of teams, along with suppliers, that designs and builds large, complex solutions, such as automobiles, software suites, banking systems, and defense systems. The purpose of the solution train is to produce a solution demo that can be integrated, evaluated, and made accessible to customers and other stakeholders.


The solution demo is the product of the solution train’s collective efforts. After it’s produced, the solution demo can then be inspected by customers and other stakeholders and adapted.


The solution train’s focus is on building and integrating features and capabilities into the solution:

  • Features: A feature is a system service that meets the need of a customer or stakeholder.
  • Capabilities: Capabilities are whatever you need to do to deliver the value to the customer. The customer may not have asked for these capabilities and may never see them, but they’re important to the success of the value stream, and they’re typically available across all ARTs.


An enabler is supporting architecture or infrastructure that’s not part of the value delivered to the customer, but is required to provide that value. For example, you may need a new server, a new testing environment, or a network upgrade to deliver value to the customer. All these items would be considered enablers.

remember The enabler concept is a significant departure from Scrum at the team level. A Scrum team focuses on creating user stories that represent customer value. You wouldn’t want to have a user story that says something like, “As a server, I need to be updated so that I can deliver more pages.”


Suppliers are organizations (internal or external) that provide components, subsystems, or services to support the solution train’s ability to develop and deliver solutions to customers. Suppliers are often used to reduce lead times and improve quality.

Considering the solution from the customer perspective

At the far right of the Large Solution level is the goal of the solution train — to deliver a solution that meets the customer’s need in the context in which the customer will employ that solution:

  • Customer: The one and only boss in the system.
  • Solution: The products, services, or systems delivered to the customer (internal or external).
  • Solution context: The operational environment for the solution, including its requirements, usage, installation, operation, and support. The solution context may be outside of the organization that develops and delivers the solution.

Making things happen at the Program level

The Program level (see Figure 4-12) is like the factory floor; it’s where most of your teams and teams of teams (ARTs) work to develop and deliver the product. In this section, I introduce you to the various components that comprise the SAFe Program level and provide guidance on how to establish a Program level in your enterprise.


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FIGURE 4-12: The SAFe Program level.

Meeting the program leaders

At the Program level are several leadership roles:

  • System architect/engineer: Defines the technical and architectural vision for the solution to be developed.
  • Product and solution management: Identifies customer needs, prioritizes features, and develops the program vision and roadmap.
  • Release Train Engineer (RTE): Coordinates, coaches, leads, and facilitates the teams that comprise an ART. Think of the RTE as the engineer that drives the train. If you’re familiar with Scrum (see Chapter 6), think of the RTE as a super Scrum Master.
  • Business owners: Ensure governance, compliance, and return on investment for each solution an ART develops.

Understanding program increments

The Program level delivers work in a program increment (PI) — a fixed period of time (typically 8 to 12 weeks) a team has to deliver the solution in the form of a working, tested product. If you’re familiar with Scrum, you can think of this as a sprint of sprints. (See Chapter 1 for more about sprints.)

One of the RTE’s most important duties is to manage and facilitate the program-increment-planning meeting. Prior to each PI, the RTE meets with her ART to formulate a plan for completing its work. This meeting may take a couple days, because each ART may have a hundred or more people working in dozens of teams. The RTE must get these teams to coordinate their activities and maintain close communication for the duration of the PI.

Loading work into the backlog

RTEs work with product and solution management to pull epics from the top level and add them to their trains. Together, they use a Program-level Kanban board with columns to help prioritize and organize these epics and indicate what they want to implement now as well as other work that can wait.

Riding the ART through the continuous delivery pipeline

With Kanban board in hand, the RTE coordinates the agile release train (ART). According to Scaled Agile, Inc., an ART is a “cross-functional team-of-agile-teams, which along with other stakeholders, develops and delivers solutions incrementally, using a series of fixed-length iterations (building blocks) within a program increment (PI) time box.” The idea is to maintain a continuous delivery pipeline with the following four traits:

  • Continuous exploration (CE): The process of monitoring market and user needs and figuring out ways to address those needs.
  • Continuous integration (CI): The process of developing, testing, integrating, and validating features taken from the program backlog.
  • Continuous deployment (CD): The process of taking validated features, building them into the product, testing them, and preparing them for release.
  • Release on demand: The process of placing features into production to be released to customers immediately or incrementally as driven by market demand.

The ART is the vehicle that delivers the organization’s value streams (see Figure 4-13). Some value streams are small enough that one ART can deliver its intended solution. Other value streams are large enough that they require several ARTs to deliver a more complicated solution.


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FIGURE 4-13: Map value streams to ARTs.

remember These agile release trains also coordinate with larger solution trains. These solution trains deliver a solution demo at the end of every program increment. It’s here that you get customer feedback on the new capabilities of the solution.

The train analogy describes ideal workflow in SAFe product development. The train never stops running. As the cars pass by, the teams pull features from the backlog. Each team completes and delivers its work, where it can be picked up by another team to move it to the next stage in the process. Because the process is continuous, no team has to wait for another team to complete its work. If a team isn’t ready to deliver, it doesn’t hold up progress; it simply waits for the train to pass by again.

remember You want trains to run without handoffs. (A handoff occurs when one team completes its work and passes it along to another team, so it can begin its work.) Because everyone is always working together on small tasks, you can limit handoffs and move the product through the system more quickly.

Breaking down silos with DevOps

Short for development and operations, DevOps is a mindset and collection of technical practices to improve communication and collaboration among everyone working in the Program level. DevOps consist of the following five elements:

  • Automation: Developing and automating the continuous delivery pipeline increases the frequency and quality of deployment, stimulates innovation by making it safer to experiment, reduces time to market, shortens the lead time for fixes, reduces the frequency and severity of release failures, and improves recovery times.
  • Culture: Everyone shares the responsibility of delivering value to the customer.
  • Lean Flow: The Lean Flow concept has everyone looking for ways to visualize and limit work in progress (WIP), reduce batch sizes, and manage queue lengths to improve efficiency and speed of development and deployment.
  • Measurement: DevOps mandates measurement and analysis over intuition in decision-making. Analysis is based on automated collection of real-time data regarding the performance of solutions.
  • Recovery: DevOps stresses a proactive approach to recovery, based on the assumption that failures will happen rather than “failure is not an option.” Teams are encouraged to plan for and rehearse failures, to be able to fix forward or roll back (to a prior working state), and swarm to fix a problem whenever one occurs (a stop-the-line mentality).

Transitioning to SAFe can be a monumental challenge for large enterprises with long-established departments for business analysts, project managers, product managers, system architects, hardware and software engineers, and software development, testing, and even deployment.

These separate departments are like vertical stacks that run through your organization (see Figure 4-14). That’s why they’re commonly referred to as “silos.” Silos are tall, thin buildings that farmers use to store grain; they’re designed to keep the stores of grain separate, not to share grain. Likewise, organizations with strict departmental divisions are not geared for close communication and collaboration.


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FIGURE 4-14: Creating ARTs across organizational silos.

In organizations such as these, creating and coordinating ARTs can be difficult. In a sense, you must create virtual organizations within your larger organization that cut across these silos. As you can imagine, that’s not easy, especially in an organization with a strong control culture. If you’re a manager in one of these silos, then you may feel as though your department and position are being threatened. The purpose of DevOps is to break down silos by creating communities with a shared mission, mindset, and methodologies.

Forming ARTs

Performance at the Program level depends heavily on your team-building ability. The goal is to form teams that can work independently and together to deliver the greatest value to the customer the fastest. Here’s one way to approach the challenge of forming ARTs:

  1. List all the teams involved in developing and delivering your product.
  2. Divide these teams into different value streams.
  3. Create each train so it has the fewest dependencies. You don’t want trains to depend on another to deliver their product. If you do then you’ll just be adding more handoffs.

Think about how this might work in a restaurant. The value stream consists of all the steps necessary to take orders from customers, prepare their orders, and deliver the food and beverages to their table, preferably to everyone who’s sitting at the table at the same time, so they can eat together. That’s three steps: (1) Take orders, (2) prepare food and beverages, and (3) deliver food and beverages.

Now you could create teams around each of those steps, but then you’d have a team of servers to take orders and another team to deliver orders. In addition, you’d have a bottleneck at the kitchen, because they’d be preparing food and pouring drinks. A better approach is to start with the teams and then look at how those teams align with the value stream. For example, most large restaurants have three teams: one for handling the dining room, one for preparing food, and a third for preparing drinks:

  • Dining room: Host/hostess, servers, bussers
  • Kitchen: Prep cooks, grill cook, broiler cook, fry cook, pastry chef
  • Bar: Bartenders

The kitchen team is commonly a team of two or three teams:

  • Prep cooks: The prep cooks chop vegetables, make salads, cut and grind meat, weigh and mix ingredients, and deliver uncooked food to the cooks.
  • Cooks: The cooks fry, grill, boil, broil, bake, deep fry, and then arrange the food on plates.
  • Expediter (Food Train Engineer): Busy restaurants have an expediter who serves as the liaison between the cooks and servers, clarifying and arranging orders as they come in, making sure the food leaving the kitchen matches the order and is up to the restaurant’s standards, ensuring that all orders for any given party are sent out at about the same time, and solving any complaints about the food that they receive from customers via the servers. Having an expediter enables the servers to focus on their customers and the cooks to focus on preparing the food.

Each of the teams functions independently but also must communicate and cooperate with at least one other team: Servers must communicate with the cooks (or the expediter) and bartenders. Cooks must communicate with the servers (or the expediter) and prep cooks. The bartenders must communicate with the servers (and perhaps directly with customers). But you’ve also eliminated a lot of the dependencies. No team should be waiting for the other to start its work. The bartender’s free to make drinks while your cooks are working on meals. When each team delivers its product, it’s scooped up by the wait staff and delivered to the customer. The expediter makes sure all the meals for any given table are sent out from the kitchen at the right time and that the server picks them up to deliver, so nobody at the table has to wait. In SAFe, this is described as the coordination of ARTs.

Taking off from the architectural runway

Near the bottom of the Program level, note that the agile release train runs on top of something called an architectural runway, which, according to Scaled Agile, Inc., contains “the existing code, components, and technical infrastructure needed to implement near-term features without excessive redesign and delay.”

For example, in a restaurant, while servers, cooks, and bartenders perform the steps required to seat patrons, take orders, and deliver food and beverages, a great deal of infrastructure and equipment is required for them to do their jobs. Infrastructure may include the building itself; a website for advertising and taking orders; a phone system for communicating with customers, suppliers, and staff; a scheduling and payroll system; a system for accepting various methods of payment, and so on. Equipment may include dining room furniture, refrigerators, ovens, grills, deep fryers, plates, silverware, and dishwashers. All of this makes up the architectural runway that supports the restaurant’s efforts to deliver value to its customers. Note, however, that the customers do not receive the value of this architecture directly.

In practice, the architectural runway is built and maintained the same way solutions are developed and delivered to customers — through the efforts of management-directed ARTs. The system or solution architect/engineer, serving as the product owner, helps to define and build out the runway. Typically, one or two ARTs perform most of the work and deliver the architecture as a solution over one or two iterations.

warning Although the architectural runway is essential for executing solutions, don’t pour time and focus on creating, maintaining, and extending it at the expense of developing and delivering value to customers. You should be spending no more than one or two iterations to implement and prove any new architecture.

Getting to work at the Team level

At the very bottom of the SAFe graphic is the Team level (see Figure 4-15), where the division of levels begins to blur. The Team level is actually an integral part of the Program level, because an agile release train at the Program level consists of teams. If you think about the Program and Team levels as two separate levels, then you might think a handoff must occur between the two levels, which is not the case. It’s not as if the teams are feeding their work into the continuous delivery pipeline; they’re performing their work inside the continuous delivery pipeline.


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FIGURE 4-15: The SAFe Team level.

In this section, I take you on a tour of the Team level, so you get to meet the people who work there and find out more about how they do their jobs.

Taking a SAFe agile team roll call

The core component of the Team level is the agile team. Each agile team has 5 to 12 members, including members in the following three roles:

  • Dev Team: The Dev Team, typically comprised of software developers, testers, and engineers, develops and tests stories, features, or components. These teams are further distinguished with the letters SW, FW, and HW next to their team names to show whether they’re working on software, firmware, and/or hardware solutions.
  • Scrum Master: The Scrum Master leads and coaches the team; brings the team up to speed on Scrum, Kanban, SAFe, and Extreme Programming; facilitates the team’s work; fosters a culture of high performance, continuous flow, and relentless improvement; and makes sure that the agile process and SAFe principles and practices are being followed. Scrum Masters also help coordinate efforts among different teams. (For more about Scrum, see Chapter 5.)
  • Product owner: The product owner is the team’s content authority and customer representative, essentially serving as quality control to maintain the conceptual and technical integrity of the features and components the team is responsible for delivering. The product owner works with product management (outside of the team) to prepare the team’s backlog and then manages that backlog. She’s also responsible for prioritizing stories and is the only member of the team who has the authority to accept stories as done.

    remember At the Team level, product owners aren’t true product owners in the sense that they own an enterprise-level product. Instead, they get their high-level guidance from a product manager and then translate their vision into a working product. The product is more like a solution owner; she doesn’t spend time figuring out what to make, but helping the team figure out how to make it.

SAFe generally has two team types: ScrumXP and Kanban, both of which follow the Lean-Agile Mindset and self-organize and deliver their work in predictable chunks:

  • ScrumXP: ScrumXP is a hybrid of Scrum and Extreme Programming. Scrum is an approach to software development in which teams of three to nine developers break their work into one- to four-week cycles, called sprints, conduct daily 15-minute progress meetings (standing up), and deliver working software at the end of each sprint. XP stands for Extreme Programming, which features more guidance on software engineering practices. ScrumXP differs from Scrum in other ways, as well:
    • Scrum Masters may handle several teams.
    • An extra sprint for innovation and planning enables teams to shift focus from delivery to come up with new ideas.
    • The product owner maintains the team backlog, which is pulled out of the product manager’s program backlog.
  • Kanban: While most teams operate in a Scrum environment, teams also have the option to use Kanban, which helps for visualizing and managing workflow and reducing work in progress. Kanban is a pull system, in which team members pull work from a queue when they have the capacity to do it. This approach may be best for system and maintenance teams. (See Chapter 8 for more about Kanban.)

Defining, building, and testing stories

Agile teams are dedicated to defining, building, and testing stories — small pieces of a product’s functionality as told from the user’s perspective. Pieces are sized so that they can be completed in a single iteration — a fixed period of time that an agile team has to complete its work. Teams engage in the following process to plan, execute, and review iterations:

  • Plan: Team members meet to determine how many stories from their backlog they can deliver in the upcoming iteration, and they set their iteration goals.
  • Execute: The team develops a high-quality, working, tested system (a program increment) within the allotted iteration time box.
  • Review: The team inspects its program increment at the end of the iteration to evaluate progress and adjusts its backlog for the next iteration.
  • Retrospective: The team looks back at the results of its iteration, reviews its practices, and considers ways to improve.

The goal is to maintain develop on cadence — a fast, rhythmic development flow that ensures important activities and events occur on a regular, predictable schedule.

Embracing the concept of built-in quality

Built-in quality, one of SAFe’s four core values, is especially important at the Team level, where teams are actually building the solutions. Built-in quality makes everyone on the team responsible for the quality of its piece of the larger product to ensure a fast flow across the entire value stream and to build high-quality solutions. One of the key benefits of built-in quality is that testing is conducted during development instead of at the end of development, so problems can be fixed along the way instead of having numerous problems come to light near the end of a project and having to scramble to fix them.

Filling in the background with the SAFe spanning palette

The SAFe spanning palette (see Figure 4-16) contains a collection of tools you can use regardless of the level on which you’re operating:

  • Metrics: A key advantage that SAFe has over other waterfall approaches to management is that it contains far more measurables, especially backlogs, iterations, time boxes, and feedback. Using metrics to measure progress and outcomes ensures that the organization remains on track to achieve its business and technical objectives.
  • Shared services: Shared services are people and resources teams need to do their job but that can’t be dedicated to a particular team, such as security specialists, information architects, and technical writers.
  • Community of practice (CoP): Communities of practice are informal self-organized gatherings of people who share a common interest and may benefit from meeting outside their respective agile teams. For example, all Scrum Masters may want to meet to discuss their challenges and share information and insight.
  • Milestones: SAFe uses three types of milestones — program increment, fixed-date, and learning — to measure progress toward a specific goal or objective.
  • Roadmap: A roadmap is a schedule of events and milestones that serves as a timeline for deliverables, typically program increments. The purpose of roadmaps is to provide some degree of certainty to an otherwise uncertain process.
  • Vision: A vision describes the future state of the solution in a way that reflects customer and stakeholder needs and the features and capabilities required to meet those needs.
  • System team: The system team is an agile team that supports the agile development environment and assists other teams with continuous integration, test automation, and deployment, providing end-to-end testing whenever necessary.
  • Lean User Experience (Lean UX): Lean UX is a design mindset and culture that defines Lean-Agile principles and practices, including implementing functionality in increments and gauging success by measuring outcomes.

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FIGURE 4-16: The SAFe spanning palette.

Making Your Organization Agile with SAFe

It seems like everyone is running marathons. Every time I open up LinkedIn or Facebook, I see a picture of someone I know running a marathon. I had to know how these people got to this level of athleticism. I finally asked a runner I know, “How do you get to be a marathoner?” He looked at me and said, “I run a lot.” I didn’t expect such a simple answer.

The same can be said of the process of making an organization agile. The framework is generous about what a SAFe organization should look like. It has levels on top of levels, dozens of roles, and relationships between those levels and the roles. Yet the framework is stingy about what to do to make it work. You know where you need to be, but the system is not very clear about how to get there. And when you ask for clarification, SAFe’s answers aren’t very helpful:

  • When you ask, “How do I build an agile release train when I have well-established departments?” SAFe says, “You just do.”
  • When you ask, “What are some different techniques for making the large release train meetings effective?” SAFe says, “You just figure it out.”
  • When you ask, “How can I use team story points to make enterprise-level estimates?” SAFe answers, “Somehow it just works.”

You could easily forgive this missing information if SAFe were a lightweight framework like Scrum. Scrum has only three roles, three artifacts, and a few events. You’re expected to figure out a lot on your own. However, with a large system, such as SAFe, you need more guidance.

In this section, I plug the gaps by providing guidance on how to transition your organization to SAFe, and I help you steer clear of the most common pitfalls.

Plugging the gaps

tip Some of the people who created SAFe would be likely to tell you that the secret to success is in building high-functioning agile teams. That’s fine, but these teams still need some direction on making this large-scale organizational change. Following are some tips on how to make SAFe work for your organization:

  • Begin by choosing the SAFe configuration that’s most relevant to your organization. For example, Full SAFe, Large Solution SAFe, Portfolio SAFe, or Essential SAFe.
  • Try to understand the output of each of the key meetings. If you can figure out what you need, then you may be able to adapt the meeting to fit your organization. Remember that SAFe is a template and it’s frequently updated. If something doesn’t work for you, look for ways to make it work or look for a different way to achieve the same outcome.
  • Approach agile teams as virtual organizations within your larger organization. Think of each team having an objective and the personnel needed to achieve that objective. Engage existing management in a discussion of how agile teams break down silos and run across existing departmental boundaries.
  • Choose several people in the organization and get them trained as SAFe program consultants. Eventually, you must train everyone in your organization, so all of them understand SAFe in principle and practice, but getting several people trained early on is a good start.

    warning Give it more time. When a person is trained as a SAFe program consultant he has a week to make the transition. The reality is that most organizations will need much more time laying the groundwork for such a big change.

  • Start your training by introducing the following three key concepts (in this order):

    1. Queueing theory
    2. Value streams
    3. Agile release trains

    If you can get your organization to understand these key concepts, rolling out the framework will be much easier.

  • Develop a clear vision of how your organization will function with the SAFe framework. Choose the pieces of the framework you need to bring your vision to fruition. Only when your vision is clear will you be able to explain SAFe to others in a way they’ll understand.

Making your organization agile instead of fitting agile into your organization

SAFe is an attempt to fit agile into your organization, so the framework will feel as comfortable as an old pair of jeans. However, this can be a false sense of comfort that carries its own risks. It often seduces companies into embracing a water-agile-fall approach, which allows them to maintain a control culture they’re reluctant to relinquish and simply adopt agile for a smattering of teams within the organization. For reasons given earlier in this chapter, in the section “Avoiding water-agile-fall,” you won’t reap the full benefits of agile by following this approach. Instead, you must make your organization agile.

To make your organization agile, you need to change its collective mindset, its culture, and you must break down the silos of clearly defined departments. Everyone in the organization needs to stop thinking so much about product and think more about process, and stop focusing so much on projects and shift his focus to value streams.

remember Agile teams break down large initiatives into smaller chunks that can be delivered by cross-functional, self-organized teams. In practice, that requires pulling people out of their clearly defined departments and giving up a great deal of authority and control to teams. Such changes are the most difficult to make, but they deliver the greatest benefits — innovation, responsiveness, and value to the customer. So, if you like SAFe because it seems familiar and comfortable, you’re probably liking it for the wrong reasons.

Starting communities of practice

A great way to maintain a SAFe mindset and culture is to start communities of practice (CoPs) within your organization. A community of practice is an informal self-organized group of people who share a common interest, typically in a specific technical or business area. The group meets regularly to collaborate, share information and insight, improve members’ skills, and continuously advance their collective knowledge of their area of expertise. In other words, they “talk shop.”

The good news is that in large organizations, such groups are likely to exist in various departments. For example, an organization is likely to have separate departments for software development, engineering, business analytics, information technology, accounting, and so forth. While these divisions may be challenged by the need to create agile teams, communities of practice enable and even encourage the divisions to persist.

However, CoPs need not be departmental. Sometimes developers create CoPs around a certain skill, such as Java development or programming in Python. They may even create a CoP around agile practices such as Extreme Programming or user stories.

While the primary goal of CoPs is to increase knowledge and skills in an area of expertise, a beneficial byproduct is that the groups can share their knowledge and experience of working in teams. In the process, their discussions can deepen their understanding and appreciation of SAFe and strengthen the SAFe mindset and culture.

As soon as you begin to form your agile teams and ARTs, start to encourage and facilitate the creation of CoPs. As soon as people in your organization receive their SAFe training and find out about CoPs, they’re likely to take the initiative to start these groups on their own. A large part of encouraging them is to simply get out of their way. Let them schedule and manage their meetings. You can also encourage the formation of CoPs by allotting time during the normal day to conduct the meetings and perhaps by budgeting for snacks and beverages.

tip A CoP should have a loose format. Maybe a Scrum Master will give a short presentation about something that’s worked very well for her team, or another Scrum Master may pose a question to the group that she needs help answering.

Don’t be too concerned if a few of your CoPs fizzle out over time. They tend to have a natural lifespan that gives out when the need for them no longer exists (see Figure 4-17). Do be concerned if all your CoPs suddenly stop meeting. That usually means the people are spending too much time doing and not enough time learning.


All SAFe content reproduced with permission from © Scaled Agile, Inc. (

FIGURE 4-17: Community of Practice lifespan.

technicalstuff The concept of communities of practice is born out of the Lean approach to software development. A core value of Lean organization is continuous improvement, which applies equally to people, solutions, and processes.

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