Chapter 7

Working in Tribes with the Spotify Engineering Culture


check Organizing your people into squads, tribes, chapters, and guilds

check Getting friendly with failure

check Considering two approaches to product development

check Figuring out whether the Spotify approach is best for you

Spotify is a digital streaming service that gives its subscribers access to a huge selection of music, podcasts, and videos via their smartphones and other electronic devices. The company developed its own approach to enterprise agility that borrows from numerous agile methodologies and practices, including Agile, Scrum, Lean Software Development, and Kanban. Spotify refers to its approach as the “Spotify Engineering Culture.”

Like other enterprise agile frameworks, Spotify’s approach is centered on self-organizing, cross-functional teams (called squads) collaborating to deliver value to customers. However, it’s less structured than most frameworks, such as Scaled Agile Framework® (SAFe®), Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS), and Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD). In fact, it’s kind of messy. It may just be the most adaptive of all the enterprise agile frameworks.

In this chapter, I bring you up to speed on the Spotify Engineering Culture so you can determine whether it is the framework you want to use in your organization. If it is, you’ll gather enough information and insight along the way to start moving your organization in that direction.

remember Spotify is not in the business of creating enterprise agile frameworks; it is in the business of creating an awesome digital streaming service. As such, it presents its approach to enterprise agility (check out its video on the Spotify website at, but it doesn’t recommend it or support it. Instead, Spotify basically says, “Here’s what we’re doing. You may find it helpful. Feel free to customize it.”

Building Your Spotify Community

In the Spotify Engineering Culture, employees organize into four different group types, as shown in Figure 7-1:

  • Squad: A self-governing, cross-functional group, typically fewer than eight people, that’s responsible for one or more features. The squad’s focus is on product delivery and quality. According to Spotify, each squad should focus on how to “Think it, build it, ship it, and tweak it,” which is in line with the Lean Software Development approach.
  • Tribe: A group of squads that work on a related area of the product, such as search.
  • Chapter: A group that cuts across squads and is composed of employees who share a certain competency, such as database administration, web development, or testing. The chapter lead serves as a sort of line manager for everyone in that chapter, providing coaching and mentoring. With this approach, you can switch squads without a change in manager.
  • Guild: An informal group of people throughout the organization that forms around a shared interest, such as user-experience/user-interface (UX/UI) design, Java programming, or even photography.

FIGURE 7-1: Employees are grouped into squads, tribes, chapters, and guilds.

remember The focus here is on building community and culture, not on organizational structure. The intent is to remove any speed bumps that impede product release, so releases can be smaller and occur faster and more frequently. As Spotify puts it, “release should be routine, not drama.”

In the following sections, I describe all of these groups and their purpose and function in greater detail, and I offer guidance on how to get the most out of each.

remember Spotify started as a small company that followed the Scrum approach. As it grew, it found that certain Scrum practices, such as the sprint planning meeting, task breakdown, and estimation, were getting in its way, so it made these practices optional. The idea is to start with a framework and rules, but then “screw the rules,” when it makes sense to do so.

Starting with a squad

In Spotify, the smallest functioning unit is a squad, which has the following characteristics:

  • Autonomous: Each team defines what to build, how to build it, and how to work together (and, if necessary, with other squads) to build it.
  • Close proximity: Team members sit in close proximity to one another to facilitate communication and collaboration.
  • End-to-end responsibility: Each team is responsible for one or more features from beginning to end — design, commit, test, deploy, maintain, and anything else that may be required.
  • Long-term mission: Every team has a long-term mission, such as to make Spotify the best place to get music or to build infrastructure for A/B testing — comparing two versions of a feature or product to determine which is better at producing the desired outcome.

remember One of the key benefits of having small, autonomous squads is speed. Squads make decisions locally and are given the freedom to fail, so they’re not wasting time seeking permission or approval. It also minimizes handoffs (passing a task to another team to complete the work), waiting, and time spent coordinating efforts.

Spotify doesn’t endorse any one type of agile team, nor does it prescribe a methodology. Squads are similar to feature teams in LeSS, in that they focus on a feature in a product. (See Chapter 5 for more about LeSS.) The differences are that Spotify teams are generally smaller, and they’re not required to use Scrum. Squads can use Scrum, Kanban, Lean Software Development, Extreme programming, or any other approach, or they can mix and match agile team models or create their own model. Whatever works.

The only limits on teams is that they align their activities with the squad’s mission, the company’s product strategy, and the squad’s short-term goals, which are reviewed monthly.

Not all squads work on product delivery. Squads may work in operations, on infrastructure, or in other functional areas of the company. Whatever the squad’s mission, it is expected to communicate and collaborate with other squads as needed. Spotify encourages a “we’re all in this together” culture. Although squads are generally self-sufficient, they’re not silos.

Maintaining autonomy and alignment

Although squads are autonomous, you don’t want every squad going off in its own direction. Spotify prevents the fall into chaos by requiring that teams be aligned with product strategy, company priorities, and other squads. As Spotify puts it, each squad is expected to “be a good citizen in the Spotify ecosystem.” The company’s mission is more important than that of any of the squads. Ideally, squads are autonomous but aligned.

Spotify sees autonomy and alignment as two different dimensions (see Figure 7-2). It charts the two with autonomy along the x-axis and alignment along the y-axis to create the following four quadrants:

  • Low-alignment, low autonomy: A high-control culture in which teams do what they’re told.
  • High alignment, low autonomy: Leadership defines the problem and prescribes the solution. Teams execute the solution.
  • Low alignment, high autonomy: Teams do whatever they want, wandering off in different directions, which leads to chaos.
  • High alignment, high autonomy: Leadership defines the problem and leaves it up to the teams to figure out how to solve it. Spotify tries to stay in this upper-right quadrant.

FIGURE 7-2: Striving for high alignment, high autonomy.

At the squad level, alignment is primarily the responsibility of the system owner who keeps the squad aligned with its mission and creates and maintains a prioritized list of work items to help the team prioritize its work. She also communicates with other system owners in different squads to help coordinate the work and even manage any dependencies. (For more about the system owner role, see the later section “Having a system owner.”)

Balancing flexibility and consistency through cross-pollination

Instead of mandating that squads adopt certain processes and practices, Spotify gives squads freedom to use whatever processes and practices work best for them. Instead of setting standards, it relies on squads to cross-pollinate by learning from one another. When enough squads are following a certain process or engaging in a certain practice and having great success with it, word spreads through the community. Squads start supporting the tool and helping one another use it. Over time, it may become a de facto standard. Cross-pollination gives squads flexibility, but it also promotes consistency across squads.

Decoupling systems and squads

One way Spotify supported squad autonomy as it was scaling Scrum is that it changed its architecture to decouple its systems. Its product consists of over 100 interacting systems, with each system dedicated to one specific need, such as playlist management or search. Each squad “owns” one or more of these systems, so each squad can work on its system(s) independently. Spotify’s software development model is open source, which promotes squad innovation and sharing among squads.

Prior to changing its architecture, Spotify was a single application. The company noticed that teams were spending a lot of time and effort synchronizing for each new release. Instead of creating numerous processes and rules to govern synchronization, Spotify changed the architecture to create a product that functions more like a website with different frames. Each squad can update its frame with little or no effect on the other frames.

If a squad needs something done to a system it doesn’t own, it asks the squad that owns it to do the work. If that squad is too busy to do it, however, the squad that needs it done is free to edit that system. The squad that owns the system must then review the changes. This approach reduces wait times, increases quality, and spreads knowledge. Minimal standards are in place to improve efficiency (reduce friction).

Nurturing trust and mutual respect

For the squad concept to work well, you must nurture a culture of trust and mutual respect. Keeping the focus on the product is a great start. When your people are focused on making a great product, ego, authority, and politics take a back seat behind product quality. People are more willing to share knowledge, ask for help, and give in and collaborate with one another. People are more likely to give credit to others than to seek it for themselves.

Keeping the squads sticky

Much like Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD) teams (see Chapter 6), squads like to be “sticky.” They stick together and they stick with one or more features throughout the life of those features. This stickiness makes squads different from typical Scrum or LeSS teams, where team members work where they’re needed most.

One of the downsides of using sticky teams is that you may have trouble divvying up the workload. Spotify’s approach to decoupling the systems that make up its product works for Spotify, but it may not work as well for you, especially if teams are required to work on different products or when they need specialized expertise. If you have one squad working on the most important features of a product, you can end up with a lot of dependencies and, as a result, bottlenecks and roadblocks.

You don’t want to create a squad that could be a potential bottleneck. A lot of software development organizations have a separate team for testing. If you created a squad that focused solely on testing, then you may create a backup if several other squads finish their development at the same time. This team would go from being overworked at certain times to being underworked at other times.

Spotify addresses this problem through validated learning, a common term used in Lean Startup — it tests, measures, and adjusts. In this testing scenario, the squad would quickly realize that it’s creating a bottleneck for the rest the organization. It would probably break up the squad and distribute testers to different squads. Then they would test this out and see if there’s an improvement and how work flows through the system.

Conducting retrospectives

Each squad meets regularly (every few weeks at Spotify) to discuss what’s working well and what it needs to improve. These informal meetings, referred to as “retrospectives,” are less about planning and more about improving the product and the process and learning from failure.

Forming tribes of squads

For large products, such as Spotify, squads are grouped into tribes (see Figure 7-3), with each tribe focusing on a specific area in product development. For example, Spotify has three tribes:

  • Client app tribe: Each squad in this tribe facilitates the release of features on one specific platform, such as iOS or Android.
  • Feature tribe: Each squad in this tribe focuses on a specific feature area, such as search or playlist management. The squad builds, ships, and maintains features in that area for all platforms.
  • Infrastructure tribe: The squads in this group focus on making other squads more effective by providing tools and routines for operations, monitoring, testing, and so forth.

FIGURE 7-3: Organizing into different tribes.

The tribes are built on a self-service model. Tribes don’t push what they have on other tribes; they simply make it available to the tribes to use the services when needed. The client app tribe enables and supports the feature tribe, and the infrastructure tribe enables and supports both the client app and feature tribes.

Following some tribe-formation guidelines

When forming tribes, consider the following (very loose) guidelines:

  • Try to keep the squads that form the tribe in close physical proximity — the same floor and the same room or work area.
  • Limit the population of a tribe to no more than about a hundred people total. If each squad has six or seven members, then you should have no more than about 14 to 16 squads in a tribe.

Syncing squads with release trains and feature toggles

To keep squads in sync and maintain flow, Spotify uses release trains and feature toggles:

  • Release train: The release train is a scheduled release for each client app that includes features from all the squads working on that client app. Features are loaded onto the train whether they’re done or not to prevent delays. Undone work is flagged to help the squads identify integration problems. At Spotify, the train leaves the station every week or every three weeks.
  • Feature toggles: Features that aren’t done are toggled off (hidden) in testing and production. The record of features that are toggled on and off helps the squads A/B test their products and roll out new features.

Setting up chapters

Within each tribe are chapters that cut across the squads (see Figure 7-4). Each chapter has a chapter lead and is composed of people with a shared competency, such as software development, web development, data management, or testing. The chapter lead acts as line manager, but without some of the traditional management responsibilities. The chapter lead is more of a service position, coaching and mentoring the chapter members. She doesn’t assign work or supervise employees, but she may set salaries, schedule vacations, or help squad members obtain additional training.


FIGURE 7-4: Chapters cutting across squads.

One of the key benefits to having chapters is that people can move from one squad to another without losing their chapter lead. In that way, a chapter is more like a traditional department, although Spotify would never think of calling it that.

Sharing interests and knowledge in guilds

To encourage knowledge sharing, promote professional development, and support the wider community (beyond squads and tribes), the Spotify approach uses guilds — informal groups that form around a shared interest. A guild is basically a community of practice (CoP) (see Figure 7-5), which is common in other enterprise agile frameworks, such as SAFe and LeSS.


FIGURE 7-5: Establishing interest guilds.

Each guild has its own coordinator, who sets the time and location of meetings and may create a loose agenda based on the guild members’ needs. These meetings, often referred to as “unconferences,” are a time for different parts of the organization to get together and share ideas in an informal setting.

Guilds offer numerous benefits beyond knowledge sharing among a group of people with shared interests, including the following:

  • Guilds can be a great tool for improving understanding across squads and across chapters. For example, a frontend web developer may join a guild on backend development practices to gain a better understanding of the challenges involved in backend development.
  • Guilds can be great for cross-training. A tester may be interested in attending a guild on software development to develop knowledge and skills in another area that may help his squad fulfill its mission.
  • Guilds tend to drive innovation. Having expertise in more than one area creates a synergy that often sparks fresh ideas.

remember Guilds serve two primary purposes: They build and spread knowledge, and they bring together people from across the organization to create a greater sense of a common purpose.

tip Use your guilds as a barometer of your culture of continuous learning and professional development. When guilds go dormant, that’s usually a good sign that everyone’s spending too much time on product delivery and not enough on professional development. When your people aren’t learning and growing, your organization is at greater risk of stagnation.

To keep your guilds thriving, make them a priority by doing the following:

  • Set aside time during the normal workday for the guilds to meet. If you require that they meet after work to avoid workplace interruptions, attendance will suffer.
  • Add some perks. Spring for beverages and snacks or pizza.
  • Build an online community that enables your guilds to communicate, share knowledge, and make themselves known to the rest of your organization.
  • Keep the meetings short, an hour at most.
  • Make attendance optional, but provide an agenda in advance of the meetings that’s compelling enough to draw a crowd.
  • Provide the guild the resources it needs — books, magazines, subscriptions, training, and so on.

The vitality of a guild depends a great deal on its coordinator. Generally, the person or people who form the guild are the most passionate about their shared interest, but someone else in the organization may be better suited for that role. You want someone with passion, knowledge, and charisma. Encourage your guilds to choose the best person for the role and look past ego and politics. The best coordinator is the best for everyone in the guild.

warning Discourage guild coordinators from trying to set standards. It’s easy for a guild to devolve into a sort of political action group that tries to set standards or rules for the entire organization.

Embracing a Creative, Failure-Friendly Culture

If you choose the Spotify model for your enterprise agile framework, you’re committing your organization to a culture of creativity that’s failure-friendly. As Spotify founder Daniel Ek said about his company, “We aim to make mistakes faster than anyone else.” Spotify sees failure as a learning opportunity. Squads release new features quickly and frequently, test those features, conduct retrospectives to discuss their success and failures, and then tweak the product and the process in the spirit of continuous improvement. Perhaps most important, when they discuss failure, they don’t try to figure out whose fault it was; they’re more concerned with finding out what happened and why and then using that insight to make changes.

This experiment-fail-learn-improve approach is reflected in how the company handles incident reports. Instead of closing an incident after it’s been resolved, the company closes it only after the squads have captured the learning via a post-mortem. Making mistakes is fine; repeating them isn’t.

In this section, I discuss other ways you can nurture a creative, failure-friendly culture by following Spotify’s lead.

Driving agility and innovation through culture and values

Agile frameworks tend to communicate culture through manifestos and principles more than anything else. Although Spotify doesn’t exactly list its principles, the creators of its approach highlight what the organization values in terms of inequalities. As you read through this list of Spotify’s “values,” note how nearly every one of them supports squad autonomy and innovation over methodologies and practices:

  • Agile > Scrum: Being agile is more important than adhering to any agile framework, such as Scrum, Kanban, or Lean Software Development.
  • Chaos > Bureaucracy: Although Spotify doesn’t exactly yearn for chaos, it strives to have the least amount of structure and process (bureaucracy) to avoid total chaos. It relies on its foundation of community and culture to keep from tipping into chaos.
  • Community > Structure: A thriving community drives innovation, whereas a highly structured organization tends to stifle it. As Spotify puts it, “If you always need to know exactly who is making decisions, you’re in the wrong place.”
  • Cross pollination > Standardization: Allowing practices to spread from squad to squad leads to a healthier balance of consistency and flexibility than does requiring that all squads adopt a specific set of practices.
  • Enable > Serve: Facilitating other people’s work is more effective than doing it for them.
  • Failure recovery > Failure avoidance: The Spotify approach doesn’t punish failure. Learning from failure and using the lessons learned to improve the product and process is what matters most.
  • Impact > Velocity: A feature isn’t done by a certain deadline or at the end of a given sprint but when the product achieves the desired impact — when it produces the desired results.
  • Innovation > Predictability: Spotify sees innovation and predictability as opposite ends of a spectrum. It wants some predictability but prefers to be more innovative than predictable. The focus is on delivering value, not on meeting deadlines.

    remember When higher predictability is needed (for example, to coordinate a release with a planned marketing activity), Spotify may slide closer to the predictability end of the spectrum and use standard agile planning techniques, such as epics and user stories.

  • People > *: An organization’s people are its most valuable asset. Mutual respect is essential.
  • Principles > Practices: Guiding principles promote agility, whereas established practices may just get in the way.
  • Servant > Master: Servant leaders are more empowering than process masters. In line with this value, Spotify changed the name Scrum Master to Agile Coach.
  • Trust > Control: Trust gives people the freedom and confidence to try new things and take initiative. Control hinders agility and stifles innovation by creating a culture of politics and fear.

Reducing the negative consequences of failure

To prevent experimentation and failure from negatively impacting customers (or to minimize that impact), Spotify introduced the concept of having a “limited blast radius.” That is, if failure occurs, it negatively impacts only one feature or feature set and very few customers. Spotify limits its blast radius in two ways:

  • Decoupled architecture: The decoupled architecture (see the earlier section “Decoupling systems and squads”) enables each squad or tribe to work on an isolated system within the product, so any mistakes affect only that system.
  • Gradual rollout: When the squad or tribe deems a feature good enough to roll out, it makes the feature available to very few users. It then monitors how users respond to the change to determine whether it had the desired impact; for example, whether users are logging on more often or sharing more music. If the feature functions well and has the desired results, it’s gradually rolled out to more and more users.

remember Having a limited blast radius reduces the squad’s fear of making mistakes. As a result, it’s a great way to encourage your squads to take chances.

Encouraging innovation

Throughout the year, Spotify encourages squads to spend ten percent of their time to invent and build whatever they want with whomever they want. The squads set aside one of every ten days as a hack day — innovative play time. Twice a year, the entire company joins in a hack week at the end of which the company has a party and reveals the inventions developed over the course of the week.

The hack day is nothing new. Several companies, including Sun Microsystems, allocate play time to give programmers the opportunity to engage in exploratory programming and explore ways to improve the product. They could rework the code or even research new ideas. At Spotify, squads are encouraged to create anything they like — the idea is to get the creative juices flowing.

Developing an aversion to waste

One way Spotify promotes creativity while improving efficiency is by eliminating waste — anything that doesn’t add value to the product, such as time reports, handoffs, separate test teams, task estimates, useless meetings, and corporate nonsense.

tip To develop an aversion to waste, simply give your squads license to stop doing whatever doesn’t help them or whatever doesn’t contribute value to the product. People naturally stop using tools that don’t make their jobs easier; they just need permission to do so.

Engaging in continuous improvement

Like all other enterprise agile frameworks, Spotify’s approach stresses the need for continuous improvement. The company drives continuous improvement in the following ways:

  • Conducting retrospectives: Squads and tribes meet regularly to discuss what’s working, what’s not working, what’s getting in their way, and what they need to do about it.
  • Experimenting and capturing the learning: Squads and tribes experiment and then analyze the results to figure out ways to improve both the product and the process for creating it. By measuring and collecting data, squads are able to make data-driven decisions instead of having their decisions driven by ego, authority, or opinion.
  • Using improvement boards: Improvement boards, such as the kata board, shown in Figure 7-6, help the squads move from problem to solution. The improvement board Spotify uses has four quadrants:
    • Top left: A description of the current situation — the problem.
    • Bottom left: The definition of awesome — a description of what the situation will look like when the problem is gone.
    • Top right: A realistic target that brings the situation closer to awesome.
    • Bottom right: Three concrete steps the squad can take to achieve the realistic target. (After taking these steps, the squad reassesses the situation and sets more steps to reach the realistic target or, if it has already hit that target, it sets another realistic target that brings them even closer to awesome.)

FIGURE 7-6: A typical kata improvement board.

remember Continuous improvement must be driven from below and supported from above.

Strengthening community and culture overall

The very foundation of the Spotify approach is community and culture. According to the creators of this approach, “Healthy culture heals broken process.” Spotify nurtures community and culture with the following:

  • People operations dedicated to supporting the needs of community members
  • About 30 Agile Coaches that spread across all squads
  • Boot camps for new hires, during which new hires form a temporary squad and work together to solve a problem while learning the Spotify approach to enterprise agility
  • Storytelling, which spreads the culture throughout the organization via blogs, post-mortems, retrospectives, demonstrations, or even conversations over lunch

Understanding Spotify’s Approach to Product Development/Planning

Spotify’s approach to product development/planning is deeply rooted in the Lean Startup approach of “Think it, build it, ship it, tweak it.” Here’s how it works at Spotify:

  • Idea/Problem: Somebody in the company has an idea for a feature. Research is conducted to determine whether the idea is likely to deliver value to the customer. Squads seek to answer the questions: Do people really want this? Does this solve a problem for them?
  • Narrative: The squad writes a story, sort of like a press release or elevator pitch, that describes the benefits of the proposed feature.
  • Hypothesis: The squad makes an educated guess about how the new feature will impact some metric that’s important to the company, such as frequency of logons or number of shares.
  • Prototypes: The squad builds several prototypes, and various people test them to see which is best and to see whether users find the new feature valuable.
  • Minimum viable product (MVP): If, based on the results of the prototype testing, the feature is deemed worthy to build, the squad builds an MVP.
  • Gradual rollout and tweaking to perfection: The squad rolls out the MVP to a tiny percentage of uses, measures its impact, and tweaks the feature. It repeats this process until the product is “done” — it has the desired impact.

Changing the game plan for larger products

While Spotify’s usual approach works for small products, such as a feature, it’s less successful for large, complex products. Spotify tries its best to steer clear of larger products by breaking the product down into smaller products, so it can use the “Think it, build it, ship it, tweak it” approach described in the previous section. However, if that’s not an option, it takes a more traditional approach to product development.

For big products, Spotify adds a small, tightly knit leadership group, which typically includes a tech lead, product lead, and (sometimes) a design lead. The leadership group isn’t exactly management. They don’t assign and supervise work. Their function is to communicate the vision and maintain alignment among the squads and tribes.

The squads track progress visually using a Kanban board. They conduct daily syncs to facilitate coordination and collaboration and ensure alignment. And they produce a weekly demo to check how the product is coming along. The idea is increase collaboration and reduce risks by keeping the feedback loops as short as possible.

remember Spotify sees big products as a major source of risk, the biggest risk being building the wrong thing.

Having a system owner

For large enterprises and large products, Spotify recommends adding a role called a “system owner.” Even though “system owner” sounds like one person, it’s actually the role of two people — a developer and an operations expert, each of whom works in her own squad. Every so often (on “system owner day”), they get together to make system-level decisions.

The system owner role is based heavily on the DevOps (development and operations) role, which is an attempt to combine two roles that may seem incompatible at first glance:

  • Development: Development is more in the sphere of agile, relying on innovation and experimentation through frequent iterations to achieve continuous incremental improvement.
  • Operations: Operations relies on planning ahead to make sure all components or systems of a product work seamlessly together.

Having a systems owner is an attempt to strike a healthy balance between predictability and innovation on large products. The system owner should always be pushing to achieve a healthy balance between frequent changes and the stability of the whole.

Deciding Whether the Spotify Approach Is Right for You

On its surface, Spotify’s approach to enterprise agility is attractive, but it may be more like a utopian dream for larger enterprises. Its success relies on entirely on the ability of people to bond and to respect and trust one another. While that often works on a small scale, it’s often less effective on a larger scale. Just as smaller countries can typically function well with less bureaucracy, and larger countries crumble when they don’t have enough central control, a small business may thrive with less management, while a large enterprise can fall into chaos without a more structured framework.

To decide whether the Spotify approach is best for your organization, ask yourself and your organization’s leadership the following questions:

  • Does our organization have a strong sense of community? Do people trust and respect one another? If not, can we create a culture of mutual respect and trust? If your answers to any of these questions is “no,” then I don’t recommend the Spotify approach. Without a strong collaboration culture, such an organization is likely to fall into chaos.
  • Is our organization comfortable with experimentation, failure, and compromise? Your answer needs to be “yes” to this question if you plan on adopting the Spotify approach. The level of autonomy is much higher at Spotify than at most large organizations. If this isn’t how your organization currently operates, leadership will need to completely reimagine its corporate vision. This isn’t entirely a bad thing. If your organization truly wants to be agile, a change in vision is required regardless of the enterprise agile framework you choose.
  • Are we a heavy top-down, process-oriented organization? If you answer “yes” to this question, then you may want to draw inspiration from the Spotify model without completely adopting it. If you’re a smaller, more nimble, community-focused organization, this approach can give you a lot of guidance.
  • Are we comfortable adopting a relatively unproven approach? If you answer “yes,” the Spotify approach may be worth trying. However, while it has proven effective in scaling one organization up to a medium-sized company, the jury is still out on whether it can work for a large enterprise. If you’re a large enterprise with thousands of developers, then you may test the limits of this approach.

    Other enterprise frameworks, including SAFe, LeSS, and DAD, are all currently being used in very large companies. As of this writing, there haven’t been any public demonstrations of really large organizations using the Spotify approach.

warning Don’t think of Spotify’s approach as a separate solution or a clear roadmap. Approach it as a case study of how a very novel organization decided to scale agile to an enterprise level. It may give you some good ideas for making your organization more agile, and it may provide the inspiration to do so, but it’s not a pre-packaged solution.

The good news is that if you follow the Spotify approach, you’re likely to end up with an agile framework that’s tailored to your organization. You will adopt what works, toss what doesn’t, adopt elements of other agile frameworks, and create your own principles, processes, and practices. As a result, your organization would probably be much more agile than if you had chosen a more substantive framework, such as SAFe, LeSS, or DAD.

In some ways the Spotify approach is like flipping through a weightlifting magazine. Some organizations may find it inspirational, while others look at the shiny mounds of muscle and think to themselves that there’s no way they could (or would even want to) do that to themselves!

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