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Action, putting ideas into, 94–95

AdSense, 23, 24

Adversity, facing, 45

Affirmations (in SAVERS method), 53

Agendas, meeting, 152

Amabile, Teresa, 92

American Civil War, 19

American College of Sports Medicine, 53

Ames, Adelbert, 19

Anderson, Chris, 72–73

Apollo missions, 102, 170

Appearance, importance of, 43

Arena Football League (AFL), 57–58, 139

Arete, 187

Army of the Potomac, 19

The Art of War (Sun Tzu), 12

Association of Government Attorneys in Capital Litigation, 28–29

Attention to detail, 57–61

Aurelius, Marcus, 26

Awards Chatter, 71


pocket, 13–14

self-, 11–16

Band, Zvi, 189

Becker, Joshua, on humility, 179

Being on time, 152

Belichick, Bill, 173–174

Belsky, Scott, 41

Berkshire Hathaway, 17

Beshore, Brent, 24–25, 180

Bezos, Jeff, 152

“Big 5” annual priorities, 164–165

Big picture, sharing the, 148

BIG3, 137

Billions (TV show), 113

Bingham, Sue, on trust, 79

Birmingham Steeldogs, 57

Blum, Arlene, 189

Boland, Michael, 59

Books, 26–27

Boss, managing your, 181–183

Branson, Richard, 79

Brevity, 134–135

Brin, Sergey, 23

Brixey and Meyer, 45, 75, 4

Brown, Brené, 81, 131

Brown, Brett, 35

Brown, Paul, 124

Buckingham, Marcus, 69, 168

Buffett, Warren, 17, 18, 103

Cadence (of communication), 135–136

Cain, Susan, 33–34

California State University, 16

Calipari, John, 182

Can’t Hurt Me (Goggins), 44

CBS Sports, 137

CD Baby, 174

Celebrating wins, 92

Center for Leadership and Change Management (Wharton School), 129

Centerville High School, 55, 73

Chamberlain, Joshua Lawrence, 19, 56

Change, resistance to, 168–170

Chicago White Sox, 61

Churchill, Winston, 76–77

Cialdini, Robert, 138–139

Cincinnati Bengals, 124

Cincinnati Reds, 90

Cinnabon, 81

Circle of Excellence, 121, 188

Clear, James, 42–43, 52

Cleveland Browns, 82

Clifton, Jim, 108–109

Cloud, Henry, 96

Coachability, 107, 111–112

Coaches, 28–30

feedback from, 115

mentors vs., 29–30

micro-coaching by, 140

Coaching, and getting results, 161, 170–176

Coastal Plain League, 53, 54

Cold War, 77

Cole, Emily, 52–54

Cole, Jesse, 52–54

Cole, Kat, 81–82

Collins, Jim, on asking “Who?,” 101

Colvin, Geoff, 13, 31

Comiskey, Charles, 61

Commitment, 9–10

Communication (see Spreading the message)

Competence, demonstrating, 75, 76

Competition, 87–93

Compliance, 9–10

Confederacy, 19


exhibiting, 76

in prospective employees, 107

Conflict (in storytelling), 133

Confucius, 34

Connecting with others, 136–138

Consistency, 75, 139

Consolidating time, 49

Constraints, resource, 166–168

Contactually, 189

Conviction, exhibiting, 75, 76

Covey, Stephen M. R., 80–81

Covington, Robert, 35

Coyle, Daniel, 70

Credibility, earning, 9–10

Cuban, Mark, 4

Culture, 69–99

competition as, 87–93

and earning the right to lead, 72–74

essence of, 69–72

and ownership, 83–87

and perception, 93–94

and putting ideas into action, 94–95

and resistance, 95–97

and respect, 74–78

and trust, 78–81

and vulnerability, 81–83

The Culture Code (Coyle), 70

Curiosity, 16–17, 106, 111

Curry, Bill, 28

Customers, supporting your, 164, 165

Cycle of learning, 20–36

blueprint for, 20–21

learning in, 22–30

reflecting and adjusting in, 33–34

teaching in, 34–36

testing in, 30–33

Da Vinci, Leonardo, on people of accomplishment, 159

“Daily call sheet,” 71

Dallas Mavericks, 4

D’Andrade, Roy, 70

Daniels, John T., 51

Dayton, Ohio, 50

D-Day invasion, 76

Dedication to tasks, 107

Deep work, 31, 49–50

Delegation, 85–87

Deliberate practice, 31

DeMartini, Rob, 130

Denver Broncos, 124

Detail, attention to, 57–61

Development, coaching for, 171–173

Dewey, John, 34

Diary, keeping a, 174

Difficult conversations, 144–146

Difficulty, dealing with, 102

Diminishers, 96–97

Directives from above, 146–147

Documentation, 86

Doing, learning by, 140–141

Doing the difficult, 75

Dorfman, Harvey, 41

Drucker, Peter, 48–49

Dubner, Stephen, 79

Duhigg, Charles, on habits, 52

Duke University, 53, 189

Dweck, Carol, 36

Earning the right to lead, 72–74

Edmondson, Amy, 83

Educational Psychology Review, 35

Eisenhower, David, 76

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 75–77

Eleven Madison Park (restaurant), 174

Elrod, Hal, 53

Email, communicating via, 142, 153–154, 167

Emotions, tapping into, 133


coaching of, 171–172

empowerment of, 96

great, 119–120

loyalty in, 84–85

mentoring of, 72

promotion of, 3, 121

relationship of, with boss, 73

supporting your, 164

trust of, for employer, 78–79

Empowerment, creating a sense of, 83–87, 96

Energy, in prospective employees, 107, 112

Enron, 147

Equinox, 46

Ericsson, Anders, 31, 34

Esprit de corps, 71

Eurich, Tasha, 12–13

The Excellence Dividend (Peters), 26

Exercise, 44, 53–54

External self-awareness, 12, 14–15

Facebook, 27

Face-to-face interactions, 140

Failure, 45–46

Failure analysis, 173

Farnam Street, 47

Fear, overcoming, 55–57

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 20


asking job candidates about, 111–112

from coaches, 32–33

and delegation, 86

and employee termination, 115

from mentors, 32

PCP approach to, 145–146

Feinberg, Scott, 71

Film industry, 71

Fiorina, Carly, 187

Firing, 114–119

First, Break All the Rules (Buckingham), 168

The First 90 Days (Watkins), 104

Florida State University, 31

Fluff, avoiding, 135

Flywheel Sports, 46

Focus Brands, 81

Folkman, Joseph, 138

Follow-up questions, 110–111


coaching feedback loop in, 32–33

communicating on behalf of offensive coordinator in, 146

pocket awareness in, 13–14

The Four Tendencies (Rubin), 26

Franklin, Benjamin, 132

Freakonomics (podcast), 79

Frequency (of communication), 135–136

Ft. Irwin National Training Center, 79–80

Fullerton Longitudinal Study, 16

Fussell, Chris, 85

Gaignard, Jayson, 60–61, 82

Gaignard, Kandis, 60

Gallup, 15, 83, 84

Gatorade, 46

Geertz, Clifford, 69–70

Gender gap, 108–109

George Mason University, 16

Gerstein, Jackie, 21

Get-Real Selling (Hawk and Boland), 59

Getting results, 159–185

and coaching, 161, 170–176

and humility, 179–181

and importance of results, 160–161

and leading, 161–165

and managing, 161, 165–170

by managing up, 181–183

and training, 177–179

Getting to the point, 148

Gettysburg, Battle of, 19, 56, 104

Gillette, 130

Give and Take (Grant), 91–92

Givers, 91–92

Gladwell, Malcolm, 30–31

Glauber, Bob, 124

Goals, responsibility for, 166

Goggins, David, 44

Good to Great (Collins), 101

Google, 23

Gordon, Jon, 112

Go-to person, being the, 148

Gould School of Law (USC), 17

Graham, Paul, 150

Grant, Adam, 91–92, 142

Great performer paradox, 119–124

Green Bay Packers, 8–9, 124

Greene, Robert, 162–163

on helping your boss, 96

on learning from experience, 33

Gregg, Bob, 73

Gregorek, Jerzy, 178–179

Growth mindset, 36

Guidara, Will, 174–175

Guts and Genius (Glauber), 124

Habits, 51–52

Haise, Fred, 102

The Happy Body program, 178

Harrison, Scott, on storytelling, 129

Harter, Jim, 108–109

Harvard Business Review, 12, 79, 168–169

Harvard Business School, 83, 92

Hawk, AJ, 8

Hawk, Keith, 59

Health & Fitness Journal, 53–54

Help, asking for, 106

Herman, Todd, 30

Heroes, interviewing your, 176

Herold, Cameron, 152

Herwa, Jake, 83

Hewlett-Packard, 187

Hexaco Personality Inventory, 15

Hicks, Bill, 134

Hierarchies, 3

High standards, setting, 75, 76

Hiring, 105–113

and gender gap, 108–109

and how your team is viewed, 109

interview questions for, 109–112

and power of who, 101–103

and references, 112–113

values to look for when, 106–107

Hogan Personality Inventory, 15

Holiday, Ryan, 25–26, 133

The Hollywood Reporter, 71

Holmgren, Mike, 124

“Hook” (of story), 133

Human resources, 66, 86, 116–118

Humility, 106, 179–181

I Will Teach You to Be Rich (Sethi), 12

In Search of Excellence (Peters and Waterman), 140

Inc. magazine, 73

Incompetence, level of, 3

Influence (Cialdini), 138–139

Inherited teams, 104–105

Inside, leading on the (see Leading on the inside)

Insight (Eurich), 12–13

Intellectual capacity, curiosity and, 16

Intentional reflection, 34

Intentionality, 107

Internal self-awareness, 12, 14–15

The Interpretation of Culture (Geertz), 69–70


questions to ask during, 109–112

with your heroes, 176

with your team, 175–176

Investigation Discovery channel, 29

It’s the Manager (Clifton and Harter), 108–109

Jackson Institute for Global Affairs (Yale University), xii

Jensen, Anabel, 80

Johnson, Amir, 35

Johnson, Ron, 73–74

Jones, Phil, 177

Journal, keeping a, 174–175

Kashdan, Todd, 16

Kelleher, Herb, 137

Kerr, James, 121, 159

Kilts, Jim, 130

Kim, Dustyn, 82, 180–181

Knight, Phil, 26

Koppelman, Brian, 113, 146, 179

Korea War, 77

Korzybski, Alfred, 47

Kotter, John, 169–170

Kranz, Gene, 102, 170

Krasinski, John, 71

Krzyzewski, Mike, 86–87

Kurson, Robert, 44–45

Laffley, A. G., 130

Land navigation, xi

Laptop, taking notes via, 154

Lateral thinking, 132


change, 168–170

earning the right to, 72–74

and getting results, 161–165

Stanley McChrystal on, xi–xiv

and others’ success, 120

Leading Change (Kotter), 169–170

Leading on the inside, 11–39

and becoming a learning machine, 17–20

and curiosity, 16–17

and cycle of learning, 20–36

and self-awareness, 11–16

Leading on the outside, 41–63

and attention to detail, 57–61

and habits, 51–52

and preparation, 55–57

and presence, 46–48

and response management, 44–46

and self-discipline, 41–44

and time management, 48–51

and “winning the morning,” 52–54

Learning, 22–30

and coaches, 28–30

by doing, 140–141

and mentors, 22–26

passive, 18

and virtual mentors, 26–28

(See also Cycle of learning)

The Learning Leader Academy, 176

Learning Leader circles, 36, 142, 176

The Learning Leader Show, 5, 11, 153, 176, 181

Learning machine, becoming a, 17–20

Learning moments, 72

Lee Plastic, 74–75

Legacy (Kerr), 121

Levchin, Max, 108

LexisNexis, 75

Lincoln, Abraham, 47

LinkedIn, 27, 108, 113

Listening to your team, 75–77, 153

Lombardi, Michael, 173–174

Lombardi, Vince, 28

Lombardi Award, 8

Louisiana maneuvers, 76

Lovell, Jim, 102

Making the grade (see Getting results)

“Management By Wandering Around” (MBWA), 140

Managing up, 181–183

Managing your team, 101–126

and firing, 114–119

and getting results, 161, 165–170

and hiring, 105–113

with inherited teams, 104–105

and paradox of great performers, 119–124

and power of who, 101–104

Manhattan Project, 51

Marcinko, Richard, 179

Marquet, David, 84

Mastermind Talks, 60

McCain, John, 103

McChrystal, Stanley, 79–80, 91, 103–104

McChrystal Group, xi–xii

McMahan, Charlie, 28, 143–144

Meade, George, 19

Media Psychology Research Center, 131

Meditations (Aurelius), 26

Meetings, 32, 149–155

and delegation, 85, 86

one-on-one, 121–122, 135

questions to ask before, 150–151

tips for productive, 152–153

Meetings Suck (Herold), 152

Mental callouses, 44

Mentors, 22–26

asking, for advice, 25

coaches vs., 29–30

virtual, 26–28

Meredith, George, 74–75

Message, spreading the (see Spreading the message)

Metacognition, 13

Metrics, 164–165

Meyer, Danny, 61

Miami University, 73–74, 88

Michelangelo, on learning, 1

“Micro-coaching,” 140

Micromanaging, 72, 135, 140

Mindset (Dweck), 36

Mini-speeches, 142–144

The Miracle Morning (Elrod), 53

Mission, 163

Mistakes, making, 45–46, 72

The More of Less (Becker), 179

Mueller, Pam, 154

Multipliers, 96–97

Munger, Charlie, 17–18, 26–27, 109

Musk, Elon, 108, 136

My Share of the Task (McChrystal), xii

Napoleon Bonaparte, 19

Narrative structure, 131–133

NASA, 102, 170

Navarro, Joe, 19–20

New account acquisition, 165

New Balance, 130

New England Patriots, 173–174

New Zealand All Blacks, 121, 159, 177

Newport, Cal, 31, 49–50

Newsday, 124

Nike, 26, 46

Noble, Charles S., 51–52

Nooyi, Indra, 81

Notes, taking, 154

Oakland Raiders, 137

Observation, and self-awareness, 13

The Obstacle Is the Way (Holiday), 26

O’Hogan, Sarah Robb, 45–46

One Mission (Fussell), 85

One-on-one meetings, 121–122, 135

Operation Torch, 76

Oppenheimer, Daniel, 154

Optimism, 102, 107, 112, 187

Organizational culture (see Culture)

Orlando Magic, 189

Outliers (Gladwell), 30–31

Outside, leading on the (see Leading on the outside)

Ownership, 83–87

Oxford, Ohio, 73–74

Oxytocin, 132

Parrish, Shane, 47–48

Passive learning, 18

Patton, George S., 47–48, 77

PayPal, 108

“PayPal Mafia,” 108

PCP approach, 145–146

Pederson, Doug, 124

People above you:

communicating with, 147–149

spreading the message on behalf of, 146–147

PepsiCo, 81

Perception, 93–94

Performance, coaching for, 171

Persuasion, 138–139

Peter, Laurence J., 3

Peter Principle, 2–3

Peters, Tom, 26, 56, 140, 161, 162

Philadelphia 76ers, 35

Philadelphia Eagles, 124

Phone, putting away your, 154–155

Physical appearance, 43

Planning, 50

Pocket awareness, 13–14

PowerPoint, 147

Practice, 177–178

“Pregame ritual,” creating a, 56–57

Preparation, 55–57, 148

Presence, 46–48

Procter & Gamble, 130

Productivity, 73

Promotions, 3, 121

Pronoia, 107

Psychological safety, 83

Public speaking, 107, 112, 142–144

Purposeful practice, 31

Putting ideas into action, 94–95


for building self-awareness, 13

follow-up, 110–111

interview, 109–112

during meetings, 153

Quiet (Cain), 33–34

Quinn, Brady, 82

Rabois, Keith, 108

Radical Candor (Scott), 23

Ratey, John, 53

Rath, Tom, 15

Raveling, George, 25–26

Ray Nitschke Field, 8

Reading, 26–27, 54

Reciprocity, 139

Recognition, 121

Recording time, 49

Redick, J. J., 189–190

References, job-candidate, 112–113

Reflecting and adjusting, in cycle of learning, 33–34

Relatability (in storytelling), 133

Resilience, 106, 111

Resistance, dealing with, 95–97

Resource constraints, 166–168

Respect, 74–78

Response management, 44–46


for getting results, 159–160

setting, 153

Results, getting (see Getting results)

Ridge, Garry, 71–72

Rodgers, Aaron, 8

Roethlisberger, Ben, 88

Rookie Smarts and Multipliers (Wiseman), 96–97

Roosevelt, Franklin D., 76–77

Roosevelt, Teddy, 47

Root cause analysis, 173

Rubin, Gretchin, 26

Rutledge, Pamela, 131

St. Louis Rams, 58

Sales goals, 166

Salyers, Lance, 28–29, 73

San Francisco 49ers, 70, 124

Sandberg, Sheryl, 23–24, 29

Savage, Adam, 45

Savannah, Georgia, 53

Savannah Bananas, 54

SAVERS method, 53–54

“Saying the words,” 59–60

Scheduling, 49

Scherz, Brent, 122–123

Scott, Kim Malone, 23–24, 28, 29, 145

Scribing (in SAVERS method), 54

Scripts, termination, 116–117

Seifert, George, 124

Self-awareness, 11–16, 106

Self-discipline, 41–44

Self-explanation, 35

Sethi, Ramit, 12

Shadow Divers (Kurson), 44–45

Shallow work, 50

Shanahan, Mike, 124

Shoe Dog (Knight), 26

Showing up, 46–48

Showtime, 113

Shyamalan, M. Night, 35

Silence (in SAVERS method), 53

Silvia, Paul, 16

Sinek, Simon, 120

Sivers, Derek, 174, 80


building, 9

coaching and developing, 28

Slack, 86, 142

Smartcuts (Snow), 132

Snow, Shane, 132

Social media, 113

Social proof, 139

Socrates, on moving the world, 11

Socratic method, 137

Southwest Airlines, 137

Soviet Union, 77

Spark (Ratey), 53

Speaking out loud, 35

Speaking skills, 107, 112

The Speed of Trust (Covey), 81

Spreading the message, 129–157

on behalf of the people above you, 146–147

with brevity, 134–135

and communicating with the people above you, 147–149

by connecting with others, 136–138

and difficult conversations, 144–146

with frequency and cadence, 135–136

by how you communicate, 140–155

in meetings, 149–155

with mini-speeches, 142–144

with persuasion, 138–139

with stories, 131–133

Square, 108

Stalin, Joseph, 77

Standards, setting high, 75, 76

Starting on time, 152

Stockdale, James, 103

Storytelling, 131–133

The Storytelling Edge (Snow), 132

Strategic leaders, 163–165

Strategy, 164

Strengths Finder 2.0, 15

Stress, dealing with, 102

Success, defining your, 37

Sun Tzu, 12

Super Mario Brothers, 132

Swigert, Jack, 102

Tactics, 164

Taking notes, 154

Talent mix, 164

Tasks, dedication to, 107

Taylor, Maria, 28

Teaching, in cycle of learning, 34–36


getting to know your, 94–95

inherited, 104–105

interviewing your, 175–176

listening to your, 75–77

(See also Managing your team)

TED Talks, 27, 33, 72, 79, 131

10,000-hour rule, 30–31

Testing, in cycle of learning, 30–33

Theranos, 147

Thiel, Peter, 108

“Third eye,” 162

The 33 Strategies of War (Greene), 162–163

Thoughtfulness, 107

Time management, 48–51, 152

Tolisano, Silvia, 34

Training, and getting results, 177–179

Trainings, 85

Transparency, 115

Trask, Amy, 137

Tressel, Jim, on influencing, 11

Truman, Harry, 76, 77

Trust, 78–81

20th Maine Volunteer Infantry Regiment, 19

Twitter, 113

UCLA, 57

Ullery, Ron, 73, 177

Uncomfortable, feeling, 42–43

University of North Carolina, Greensboro, 16

University of Notre Dame, 82

University of Southern California, 17

USA Cycling, 130

Useem, Michael, 19, 129, 162

USS Santa Fe, 84

Values, in job candidates, 106–107, 111–112

Videos, watching, 27

Vimeo, 27

Virgin, 46, 79

Virtual mentors, 26–28

Vision, 164

Visualization (in SAVERS method), 53

Vulnerability, 81–83

Wagner, Todd, 4

“Walk throughs,” 8

Walsh, Bill, 70, 124, 177

Warner, Kurt, 58

Waterman, Robert, 140

Watkins, Michael, 104–105

WD-40, 71–72

Wharton School of Business, 19, 129

Who, power of, 101–104

Williams, Robin, 71

Winning, 2

“Winning the morning,” 52–54

Wins, celebrating, 92

Wiseman, Liz, 22, 96–97

Wooden, John, 57

Work ethic, 106

Working hard, 75, 106

Working out, 44, 53–54

World War I, 76

World War II, 76–77

Wright brothers, 50–51

Writing skills, 107, 112

Wrongful termination suits, 115, 116

Xoom, 108

Y Combinator, 150

Yahoo!, 4

Yale University, xii, 104

Yelp, 108

YouTube, 27

Zenger, Jack, 138

Zoom, 142

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