
I’ve found writing this book exciting. Exciting because it covers areas of self-confidence in the workplace not focused on before in one neat volume. And exciting because it pulls together so much of what I’ve learned about the importance of confidence in the workplace through coaching clients and supervising other coaches. There are so many tasks and situations that people hesitate to say they would like help with, for fear of appearing that they are not on top of the job.

The subject of confidence came on to my radar by accident, really. As a chartered psychologist and life coach facilitating workshops in a range of settings, the question of confidence was one that came up again and again, no matter what the main topic was. So coaching and training on presentation skills, stress management, public speaking, interview skills, negotiation, assertiveness, meeting and committee skills, and so many others would come down to confidence.

It’s an unusual person who hasn’t had concerns, and felt a lack of confidence, when starting a new job, giving their first presentation, giving a talk to a group of peers, moving up to management, or making a pitch to an important potential client. It’s completely to be expected to feel a little apprehensive when attempting anything new, especially if it’s important to us and our future success.

However, with stress levels and demands at work consistently high, and job security consistently low, being able to do your job more effectively and to worry less about it, has never been more important to your personal well-being. But also, if you, and your colleagues, can feel more confident at work, your performance will be more effective, and this will have these important broad-ranging implications and repercussions:

  • There will be enhanced company productivity and quality of service.
  • There will be more time and energy for staff creativity and innovation - and new ideas to develop the business and take it forward in fruitful directions.
  • You will worry less about keeping your job.
  • You will find work more satisfying and less stressful.
  • Your health and well-being will improve.
  • Your confidence will rub off on others, both colleagues and clients ... a ripple in the pool effect.
  • Friends and family will reap the benefits of all this when you’re at home, too - because life isn’t just about work.

Overall, your well-being, that of those around you, and also of your organisation, will improve. And I find it exciting that my background and experience as a trainer, coach, writer and chartered psychologist, has come together so usefully in writing this book. So, whatever it is you feel you want to deal with more confidently at work, you should find some effective and direct guidance here. No gimmicks, no flavour-of-the-week quick fixes. Just sound and sensible information and recommendations, gleaned from decades of experience helping people build confidence in these areas.

I want to show you the skills that will build and maintain your self-confidence, so that you’re ready for any eventuality. That’s why I’ve tried to create a book that will be a convenient source of expertise long after you put it down for the first time. From presentations, to phone calls, to managing staff, whatever it is you want to deal with more confidently, you’ll find straightforward approaches and know-how, as well as activities that you can use to discover more about yourself, and more about really helpful undemanding strategies that work. This book can sit on your bookshelf as a handy resource to dip into as your circumstances change, and you want to perform better on any unfamiliar situation that has arisen. Just like a manual for your car, I’ve created a self-confidence at work manual for you to put into practice now, and whenever you might need it in the days to come.

Life is 10 per cent what happens to you and 90 per cent how you react to it.

Charles Swindoll, American writer and speaker, b. 1934

How to use this book

  • Terminology. I’ve used the words client, company and workplace throughout as a cover-all for the many possible situations people work in, paid or unpaid. And ‘line manager’ is used to refer to the person or persons you report to (if you have one). This is simply to avoid clumsy text. I’ve also mixed the use of he and she all the way through.
  • Take from the book what you want. You can dip into chapters that interest you. Or you can read straight through from cover to cover. The content builds the more you read. So it’s up to you.
  • Get involved. There are ideas and information to think about, techniques to try, and checklists and questionnaires to work on. And each chapter has lots of opportunities to become actively involved, signposted by these boxes: ‘In action’, ‘In the zone’, and ‘Chill time’.
  • You won’t find overnight miracle cures here - though there are some pretty fast fixes.
  • You’ll find this book is a useful resource long after you put it down. This is not a read it and leave it type of book. I’ve tried to create a book that you can come back to and flick through, as your circumstances change, and you feel the need to perform better on a new task.
  • This is a self-confidence at work manual for you. You can keep it in a prominent place in the bookshelf, to use today, and any day, as and when it’s needed.
  • Somewhere for notes. It helps to have a small notebook and pencil or pen ready, or a netbook, laptop, or your mobile phone - whatever. Some different-coloured or shaped ‘sticky pads’ might come in useful, too. That way, you can make notes during activities, or just when you want to. Keep these notes somewhere safe, as they are just for you, a kind of ‘personal journal’.

You’ll find flexibility and tenacity, as well as confidence, in this book. Together, these will help you stay fit for purpose, with enhanced staying power and resilience. You’ll be thinking ahead of the game, and ready for anything. That way, you’ll be on top of your work, making it so much more satisfying for you, and for those around you. You’ll also perform better, consistently, and still be able to enjoy life outside of the workplace.

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