Appendix VI: Behavioral Competencies

Companies interested in stimulating learning and growth among employees will be interested in this list of behavioral competencies for employees and managers.

For Employees

Communicates Effectively

  1. Listens to others in a patient, empathetic, and nonjudgmental way; acknowledges their ideas in a respectful manner; questions appropriately.
  2. Is straightforward and direct; behavior is consistent with words.
  3. Discusses concerns and conflict directly and constructively.
  4. Communicates in a timely fashion.

Promotes Teamwork

  1. Networks with other employees within and outside of one’s area; makes internal referrals to connect people with each other.
  2. Readily volunteers to be on teams.
  3. Is a participating and equal partner on teams; has the same purpose as the team; encourages cohesion and trust.
  4. Is receptive to and solicits other team member’s advice and ideas.
  5. Keeps supervisor/team informed of status of work so that surprises are minimized.
  6. Verbally and nonverbally supports established decisions and actions; represents the collective stance.

Presents Effectively

  1. Understands the makeup of the audience and is sensitive to their values, backgrounds, and needs.
  2. Presents ideas clearly so that others can easily understand their meaning.
  3. Delivers presentations with the appropriate level of expression and confidence.
  4. Incorporates humor when appropriate and in good taste.

Makes Sound Decisions

  1. Knows when a decision is necessary and makes decisions in a timely manner.
  2. Connects decisions to strategic plans; separates essential from nonessential information considering all logical alternatives when generating conclusions.
  3. Seeks and considers input from others who are close to the situation before establishing a course of action.
  4. Considers the relevance and impact of decisions on others prior to making decisions.

Uses Resources Wisely

  1. Considers need and cost prior to making resource-related requests and decisions.
  2. Makes maximum use of available resources through the efficient and creative use of people, time, material, and equipment.
  3. Reduces waste, reuses materials, and recycles appropriate materials.
  4. Functions within the budget.

Takes Initiative and Accepts Accountability

  1. Is proactive; plans ahead; sees things that need to be done and accomplishes them on own initiative and on time.
  2. Accepts responsibility and consequences for one’s decisions and actions.
  3. Follows through on commitments; does what one says one will do—the first time.
  4. Acknowledges, accepts, and learns from mistakes.

Lives Company’s Values

  1. Demonstrates the organizational and professional code of ethics including honesty, respect, dignity, caring, and confidentiality.
  2. Demonstrates and consistently applies organizational principles, policies, and values to all employees and situations.
  3. Respects and operates within the boundaries established for one’s job and personal boundaries set by others.
  4. Promotes a positive work environment.

Demonstrates a Customer-First Approach (Internal Partners and External Customers)

  1. Anticipates customers’ needs; facilitates customers to express their needs; listens to customers and hears what they say.
  2. Promptly attends to customers’ needs (e.g., answers phone and returns phone calls within a reasonable amount of time).
  3. Treats customers with respect, politeness, and dignity while maintaining appropriate boundaries.
  4. When appropriate, provides customers with options for action in response to their needs.

Generates New Ideas

  1. Generates imaginative and original ideas that will bring about positive change.
  2. Seizes opportunities to expand on other people’s ideas to create something new and add value.
  3. Encourages others to create new ideas, products, and/or solutions that will add value to the organization.

Demonstrates Flexibility

  1. Adapts to and accepts changing work schedules, priorities, challenges, and unpredictable events in a positive manner.
  2. Is visible and accessible; is approachable even when interruptions are inconvenient.
  3. Is receptive to new ideas that are different from one’s own ideas.
  4. Offers to help others when circumstances necessitate sharing the workload.

Demonstrates a Professional Demeanor

  1. Demonstrates acceptable hygiene and grooming; dresses appropriately for one’s job.
  2. Uses proper verbal and nonverbal communications and tones with internal partners and external customers and patients.
  3. Places work responsibilities and priorities before personal needs while at work.
  4. Maximizes positive and professional communication with internal partners and external customers and patients; minimizes complaining and nonfactual communication.

Stimulates and Adapts to Change

  1. Stimulates positive attitudes about change; pushes the change process along.
  2. Takes personal responsibility for adapting to and coping with change.
  3. Commits quickly when change reshapes one’s area of work.
  4. Accepts ambiguity and uncertainty, is able to improvise and still add value.

Continually Improves Processes

  1. Anticipates and looks for opportunities to improve steps in the development and delivery of one’s products or services; takes logical risks that may lead to improvement and change.
  2. Examines one’s work for conformance to predetermined plans, specifications, and standards.
  3. Freely shares and promotes new ideas that may lead to improvement and positive change, even when the idea may be unpopular.
  4. Seeks input from others who are closest to the situation in making improvements.

For Managers

Organizational Acumen

  1. Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of the company model, organizational history, and values.
  2. Applies knowledge of services, products, and processes to understand key issues within own division and work unit.
  3. Demonstrates understanding of and ability to influence organizational culture, norms, and expectations.
  4. Contributes to, fosters, and supports changes resulting from organizational decisions and initiatives.

Strategic Direction

  1. Integrates own work and that of one’s work unit with the organization’s mission, values, and objectives.
  2. Analyzes and utilizes customer, industry, and stakeholder inputs in strategic and operating plan processes.
  3. Establishes work group priorities to support strategic objectives.
  4. Gathers input from internal and external resources to analyze business unit needs.
  5. Promotes and embraces innovation and creativity to achieve organizational and work unit goals.
  6. Develops work unit plans and measures that are aligned with division and organization strategic objectives.
  7. Defines operational goals for work unit.
  8. Integrates strategies and plans with other areas.
  9. Promotes and supports the use of corporate and cross-functional teams.
  10. Ensures customer and employee confidentiality through the monitoring of access to information to individuals who have need, reason, and permission for such access.

Systems Improvement

  1. Demonstrates understanding of the “big picture”—interrelationships of divisions, departments, and work units.
  2. Incorporates a broad range of internal and external factors in problem solving and decision-making.
  3. Solicits and incorporates customer and stakeholder needs and expectations into work unit planning.
  4. Applies and encourages the use of process improvement methods and tools.
  5. Encourages and supports innovative and creative problem solving by others.
  6. Integrates process thinking into the management of daily operations to enhance quality, efficiency, and ethical standards.
  7. Utilizes data in decision-making and managing work units.


  1. Communicates the mission, values, structure, and systems to individuals, groups, and larger audiences.
  2. Provides leadership in communicating “up,” “down,” and “across” the organization.
  3. Reinforces the organization’s key messages.
  4. Creates a work environment for and models open expression of ideas and diverse opinions.
  5. Routinely includes a communications plan in work and project planning.
  6. Applies, communicates, and educates others about organizational policies and procedures.
  7. Keeps employees informed of industry trends and implications.
  8. Understands, communicates, and administers compensation and benefits to employees.

Employee and Team Direction

  1. Anticipates and assesses staffing needs.
  2. Maintains and updates staff job descriptions, linking employee job descriptions and projects to unit, division, and corporate strategies.
  3. Recruits, selects, and retains high-performing individuals.
  4. Provides information, resources, and coaching to support individual/team professional and career development.
  5. Applies knowledge of team dynamics to enhance group communication, synergy, creativity, conflict resolution, and decision-making.
  6. Assures staff has training to fully utilize the technological tools necessary for job performance.
  7. Delegates responsibilities to, coaches, and mentors employees to develop their capabilities.
  8. Involves staff in planning and reporting to ensure integration with operational activities and priorities.
  9. Coaches employees by providing both positive and constructive feedback and an overall realistic picture of their performance.
  10. Ensures that core functions in areas of responsibility can be continued in the absence of staff members—either short term or long term.
  11. Recognizes and acknowledges successes and achievements of others.

Financial Literacy

  1. Partners with financial specialists in planning and problem solving.
  2. Develops and meets financial goals using standard budgeting and reporting processes.
  3. Continually finds ways to improve revenue, reduce costs, and leverage assets in keeping with the organization’s strategic direction and objectives.
  4. Uses financial and quantitative information in work unit management.
  5. Communicates unit budget expectations and status to employees.
  6. Coaches employees on financial implications of work processes.

Professional Development

  1. Keeps up to date with external environments through professional associations, conferences, journals, and so on.
  2. Nurtures and maintains working relationships with colleagues across the organization.
  3. Demonstrates commitment to professional development, aligning that development with current and future needs of the organization whenever possible.
  4. Models self-development and healthy work/life balance for employees.
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