Appendix IX: Balanced Scorecard Metrics

All metrics are accompanied by targets. For the most part, these are percentages that will be ascertained via a calculation based on the entry of raw data. Some targets have the word “baseline” encoded. Baseline indicates that the metric is informational—for example, only the raw value will be displayed (i.e., aggregated by the specified period—weekly, monthly, etc.). The targets should be set to default (or 0 in the case of baselined targets). The entirety of the metrics provided is greater than the “norm” for a typical balanced scorecard, which usually has just a few key metrics per perspective. It should be noted that many of these metrics can be modified to measure systems developed using social software engineering methods. In particular, note the social software engineering metrics listed at the end of the learning and growth perspective.

Optimize cost efficiency of purchasing Cost to spend ratioa <1% F1
Negotiated cost savingsb ≥20% F2
Costs avoided/total costsc ≥10% F3
Percentage of goods and services obtained through competitive procurement practicesd ≥19% F4
Control costs Dollar amount under budget Baseline F5
Dollar amount over budget Baseline F6
Budget as a percentage of revenue ≤30% F7
Expenses per employee ≤35,000 F8
Cost of acquired technology/technology developed in house ≤50% F9
Percentage of new products/services where break-even point is within 1 year 80% F10
Overtime ratiof ≤25% F12
Cost performance indexg ≥1 F13
Average break-even pointh ≤1.5 years F14
Schedule performance indexi ≥1 F15
Total cost reductions due to use of technology ≥33% F16
Workforce reduction due to use of new products ≥10% F17
Contractor utilizationj ≤35% F18
Increase business value Revenue from new products or servicesk Baseline F19
Average ROIl ≥1 F20
Percentage of resources devoted to strategic projects ≥55% F21
Percentage of favorable rating of project management by top management ≥93% F22
Average cost/benefit ratio ≥22% F23
Net present valuem ≥1 F24
Assets per employee Baseline F25
Revenues per employee Baseline F26
Profits per employee Baseline F27
Improve technology acquisition process Total expenditures Baseline F28
Total expenditures/industry average expenditures ≥1 F29
Amount of new technology acquired through M&A Baseline F30

a Operational costs/purchasing obligations (goods and services purchased).
b Cost savings compared with total costs.
c Costs avoided compared with total costs. You can avoid costs by reusing hardware/software, utilizing a partner, etc.
d Difference between average qualified bid and the cost of the successful bid. The sum of each calculation is aggregated into a new savings ratio for all transactions.
e Additional capital costs—software, IT support, software, and network infrastructure.
Technical support costs—hardware and software deployment, help desk staffing, system maintenance.
Administration costs—financing, procurement, vendor management, user training, asset management.
End-user operations costs—the costs incurred from downtime and in some cases, end users supporting other end users as opposed to help desk technicians supporting them.
f Overtime hours/regular hours worked.
g Ratio of earned value to actual cost. EV, often called the budgeted cost of work performed, is an estimate of the value of work actually completed. It is based on the original planned costs of a project.
h Break-even analysis. All projects have associated costs. All projects will also have associated benefits. At the outset of a project, costs will far exceed benefits. However, at some point the benefits will start outweighing the costs. This is called the break-even point. The analysis that is done to figure out when this break-even point will occur is called break-even analysis.
i SPI is the ratio of earned value to planned value and is used to determine whether or not the project is on target. (See cost performance index for a definition of earned value—EV).
j Cost of external contractors/cost of internal resources.
k Use real dollars if systems are external customer facing. Use internal budget dollars if these are internal customer-facing systems.
l Return on investment. Most organizations select projects that have a positive return on investment. The return on investment, or ROI as it is most commonly known, is the additional amount earned after costs are earned back.
 The formula for ROI is


 Organizations want the ROI to be positive.

m NPV is a method of calculating the expected monetary gain or loss by discounting all expected future cash inflows and outflows to the present point in time. If financial value is a key criterion, organizations should only consider projects with a positive NPV. This is because a positive NPV means that the return from the project exceeds the cost of capital— the return available by investing elsewhere. Higher NPVs are more desirable than lower NPVs. Formula for NPV:

  • NPV = −II+ (sum of) [OCF/(1 + R(r)t] + [TCF/(1 + R(r)n]


  • II = initial investment
  • OFC = operating cash flows in year t
  • t = year
  • n = life span (in years) of the project
  • R(r) = project required rate of return


n Use research from a company such as

Increase customer satisfaction Percentage of customers satisfied with system timeliness (speed) ≥92% C1
Percentage of customers satisfied with responsiveness to questions ≥92% C2
Percentage of customers satisfied with quality ≥92% C3
Percentage of customers satisfied with sales/customer service representatives ≥92% C4
Length of time to resolve disputes ≤4 hours C5
Conformance with customer requests Percentage of baselined projects with a plan ≥90% C6
Percentage of customer requests satisfied ≥90% C7
Increase customer base Customer lifetime value ($) Baseline C8
Share of wallet (%)a ≥25% C9
Retention % ≥80% C10
Win-back percent ≥85% C11
New acquisitions/current number of customers ≥10% C12
Rate of defection ≤3% C13
Enhance customer-facing systems Avg number of searches per order/query Baseline C14
Avg number of support calls per order/query Baseline C15
Avg elapsed time to select product and select an order Baseline C16
Avg elapsed time to search website Baseline C17
Number of steps required to select and purchase Baseline C18
Avg time to answer incoming phone call Baseline C19
Percentage of availability of customer facing applications ≥98% C20
Avg cost to service each customer’s transaction Baseline C21
Support internal customers Percentage of better decisions ≥90% C22
Percentage of time reduction in making decisions ≥90% C23
Avg time to answer a support phone call Baseline C24

a Compare with competition using service such as

Improve data quality Forms inputted Baseline I1
Data entry error rate ≤3% I2
Age of current data Baseline I3
Percentage of employees who have up-to-date data ≥98% I4
Improve balance between technical and strategic activities Percentage of time devoted to maintenance ≤20 I5
Strategic project counts Baseline I6
Percentage of time devoted to ad hoc activities ≤15% I7
Increase product quality and reliability Percentage reduction in demand for customer support ≥25% I8
Number of end-user queries handled Baseline I9
Average time to address an end-user problem ≤4 hours I10
Equipment downtime ≤1% I11
Mean time to failure ≤1000 hours I12
Percent remaining known product faults ≤5% I13
Percentage of projects with lessons learned in database ≥95% I14
Fault densitya ≤3% I15
Defect densityb ≤3% I16
Cumulative failurec Baseline I17
Fault days numberd ≤1 I18
Functional test coveragee ≥95% I19
Requirements traceabilityf ≥98% I20
Maturity indexg ≥1 I21
Percentage of conflicting requirements ≤5% I22
Test coverageh ≥92% I23
Cyc lom at ic complexityi ≤20 I24
Percentage of project time allocated to quality testing ≥15% I25
Reduce risk Percentage of definitional uncertainty riskj ≤10% I26
Percentage technological riskk ≤45% I27
Percentage of developmental riskl <10% I28
Percentage of nonalignment riskm ≤4% I29
Percentage of service delivery riskn ≤5% I30
Number of fraudulent transactions ≤1% I31
Percentage of systems that have risk contingency plans ≥95% I32
Percentage of systems that have been assessed for security breaches ≥95% I33
Improve processes Percentage of resources devoted to planning and review of product development activities ≥25% I34
Percentage of resources devoted to R&D Baseline I35
Average time required to develop a new product/service Baseline I36
Person-months of effort/project Baseline I37
Percentage of requirements fulfilled 90% I38
Pages of documentation Baseline I39
Percentage of on-time implementations ≥97% I40
Percentage of expected features delivered >98% I41
Average time to provide feedback to the project team ≤1 day I42
Project development time ≥50% I43
Percentage of project backlog ≤10% I44
Percentage of project cancellation rate ≤20% I45
Support personnel to development personnel ratio ≥35% I56
Enhance resource planning Number of supplier relationships Baseline I47
Decision speed <5 days I48
Paperwork reduction ≥10% I49
Monitor change management Number of change requests per month Baseline I50
Percentage of change to customer environment Baseline I51
Changes released per month Baseline I52
Enhance applications portfolio Age distribution of projects Baseline I53
Technical performance of project portfolioo Baseline I54
Rate of product acceptance ≥95% I55

a Faults of a specific severity/thousand.
b Total number of unique defects detected.
c Failures per period.
d Number of days that faults spend in the system from their creation to their removal.
e Number of requirements for which test cases have been completed/total number of functional requirements.
f Number of requirements met/number of original requirements.
g Number of functions in current delivery—(adds + changes + deletes)/number of functions in current delivery.
h (implementedcapabilites/requiredcapabilities)*(capabilitiestested)/totalcapabilities)* 100%.
i Cyclomatic complexity equals the number of decisions plus one. Cyclomatic complexity, also known as V(G) or the graph theoretic number, is calculated by simply counting the number of decision statements. A high cyclomatic complexity denotes a complex procedure that's hard to understand, test, and maintain. There is a relationship between cyclomatic complexity and the "risk" in a procedure.
j Low degree of project specification. Rate risk probability from 0% to 100%.
k Use of bleeding edge technology. Rate risk probability from 0% to 100%.
l Lack of development skill sets.
m Resistance of employees or end-users to change. Rate probability of risk from 0% to 100%.
n Problems with delivering system—for example, interface difficulties. Rate risk probability from 0% to 100%.
o Rate on a scale of 1 to 2 with 1 being unsatisfactory and 2 being satisfactory.

Create a quality workforce Percentage of employees meeting mandatory qualification standards ≥95% L1
Percentage of voluntary separations ≥98% L2
Percentage of leaders time devoted to mentoring ≥45% L3
Percentage of employees with certifications ≥54% L4
Percentage of employees with degrees ≥75% L5
Percentage of employees with three or more years of experience ≥75% L6
Average appraisal rating Baseline L7
Number of employee suggestions Baseline L8
Percentage expert in currently used technologies ≥95% L9
Rookie ratioa ≤10% L10
Percentage expert in emerging technologies ≥75% L11
Proportion of support staff ≥35% L12
Availability of strategic information ≥100% L13
Intranet searches Baseline L14
Average years of experience with team Baseline L15
Average years of experience with language Baseline L16
Average years of experience with software Baseline L17
Percentage of employees whose performance evaluation plans are aligned with organizational goals and objectives ≥98% L18
Percentage of conformity with HR roadmap as a basis for resource allocation ≥95% L19
Percentage of critical positions with current competency profiles and succession plans in place ≥98% L20
Percentage number of net meetings ≥20% L21
Number of new templates, procedures tools to increase productivity Baseline L22
Increase employee satisfaction Percentage of employees satisfied with the work environment ≥98% L23
Percentage of employees satisfied with the professionalism, culture, values, and empowerment ≥98% L24
Employee overtime Baseline L25
Employee absenteeism Baseline L26
Discrimination charges Baseline L27
Employee grievances Baseline L28
Tardiness Baseline L29
Number of employee suggestions implemented Baseline L30
Percentage of in-house promotions ≥90% L31
Enhance employee training Percentage of technical training goals met ≥90% L32
Number of training sessions attended per employee Baseline L33
Training budget as a percentage of overall budget ≥20% L34
Frequency of use of new skills ≥85% L35
Enhance R&D Research budget as a percentage of budget ≥35% L36
Number of quality improvements Baseline L37
Number of innovative processes deployed Baseline L38
Percentage of R&D directly in line with business strategy ≥98% L39
Number of technologies owned or possessed by company Baseline L40
Number of new patents generated by R&D Baseline L41
Number of patentable innovations not yet patented Baseline L42
Number of patents protecting the core of a specific technology or business area Baseline L43
Number of entrepreneurs in companyb Baseline L44
Percentage of workforce that is currently dedicated to innovation projects ≥5% L45
Number of new products, services, and businesses launched Baseline L46
Percentage of employees who have received training in innovation ≥5% L47
Social software engineering Number of wikis Baseline L48
Number of blogs Baseline L49
Number of group workspaces Baseline L50
Number of collaborative project plans Baseline L51
Number of collaborative spreadsheets Baseline L52
Number of teams using social software engineering Baseline L53
Number of team members using social software engineering Baseline L54
Maturity of collaboration Baseline L55
Degree of communication efficiency Baseline L56
Collaborative lessons learned Baseline L57

a Rookie means new, inexperienced or untrained personnel.
b Number of individuals who previously started a business.

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