Appendix XI: Knowledge and Information Management Competencies*

This competencies survey is specifically related to knowledge and information management (K&IM). They are required at some level by everyone in knowledge-sharing organizations but the depth and level required is dependent on their role. They are defined in three “team” levels (strategic leader, team leader, team member) plus a fourth level that covers the K&IM competencies required by everyone working in such an organization.

To find the description of each competency match A to I in Table A11.1 with the team and employee Levels 1 to 4 for example, A3, C4, and so on.

General leadership and management competencies are summarized as J to U in Table A11.2.

Table A11.1 Knowledge and Information Management (K&IM) Competencies—Framework

A Engages with thought leaders within and outside the organization in order to identify the value of knowledge and information to the organization and develop a knowledge-based vision Demonstrates awareness of K&IM market trends, developments, experience, and good practice Scans and reviews K&IM market opportunities/developments Aware of the knowledge and information relevant to their roles and the value this brings to the organization
B Identifies, develops, and articulates K&IM strategies that will add value to the organization Identifies business opportunities to deliver value through improved K&IM Researches opportunities, methods, and approaches for delivering value through improved K&IM Reviews and communicates gaps in knowledge and information that hinder the achievement of objectives
C Ensures that K&IM strategies are embedded within corporate strategies and key business processes Develops K&IM processes that can be embedded in key business processes and ensures that K&IM activities are coordinated across the organization Supports and facilitates the development and implementation of K&IM processes across organizational silos Uses K&IM processes to help achieve objectives
D Identifies and develops strategies to encourage and enable collaborative working for the organization and partners Identifies, develops, and nurtures networks and communities Supports and develops networked and community working Participates in and learns from networked and community approaches
E Fosters a knowledge, and information-rich culture and ensures that K&IM competencies are recognized as core competencies of the organization in order to develop individual and organizational capability
  1. Develops K&IM competencies throughout the organization
  2. Inspires knowledge sharing and capture to enable continuous learning and knowledge creation
  3. Champions collaborative working
  4. Develops motivational approaches

  1. Trains, or facilitates the training of, all employees in appropriate K&IM competencies
  2. Supports and facilitates knowledge and information sharing
  3. Develops appropriate reward and recognition systems

  1. Develops and uses appropriate K&IM competencies
  2. Shares knowledge and information and participates in activities to facilitate sharing
  3. Works collaboratively
  4. Understands and appreciates reward and recognition systems
F Fosters the development of appropriate knowledge and information assets and the adoption of effective K&IM processes, tools, and standards
  1. Identifies and develops knowledge and information assets and introduces processes to improve their leverage
  2. Identifies and builds on social networks that enable knowledge and information flow
  3. Facilitates the acquisition or development of appropriate K&IM processes, tools, and standards

  1. Audits, maps and monitors knowledge and information assets and their use
  2. Audits, maps, and monitors knowledge and information flows
  3. Develops and supports processes, tools, and standards for knowledge sharing and capture
  4. Trains staff at all levels in the use of K&IM tools, standards, and processes
  5. Develops tailored K&IM approaches aligned to specific business processes

  1. Builds and manages appropriate knowledge and information assets
  2. Understands the knowledge and information flows relevant to their role
  3. Uses the K&IM processes, tools, and standards provided
  4. Contributes to the development of K&IM processes, tools, and standards
G Enables an effective K&IM architecture
  1. Develops and implements information and communications technology (ICT) policies
  2. Develops and implements information management policies
  3. Develops and implements content management policies
  4. Develops and implements document and records management policies
  5. Develops and implements access and dissemination policies

  1. Incorporates web-enabled opportunities
  2. Develops software program in appropriate languages and levels
  3. Develops information management standards and guidelines
  4. Identifies and acquires external sources
  5. Identifies and acquires internal knowledge and information sources
  6. Develops tools and protocols for creation, integration, and publishing
  7. Develops corporate coding and tagging tools
  8. Plans and manages records centers and document management storage
  9. Develops retrieval capabilities
  10. Designs processes and systems for effective knowledge and information dissemination

  1. Is aware of internal and external web developments
  2. Understands and complies with information management standards and guidelines
  3. Understands the scope and relevance of internal and external sources
  4. Complies with records and document management policies
  5. Effectively uses standard retrieval and dissemination tools
  6. Complies with knowledge and information dissemination policies
H Enables knowledge and information services
  1. Designs and implements knowledge and information services
  2. Designs and implements content creation services
  3. Enables utilization of knowledge and information sources

  1. Ensures the availability of selected resources
  2. Enables staff members to find relevant knowledge and information
  3. Provides journalistic services
  4. Applies mark-up languages
  5. Undertakes knowledge analysis and evaluation
  6. Uses most appropriate mix of knowledge and information sources
  7. Delivers relevant knowledge and information in appropriate forms

  1. Uses appropriate knowledge and information resources
  2. Utilizes tools and processes provided to enable content creation
  3. Understands and communicates the need for knowledge and information services
  4. Uses a variety of knowledge and information formats Complies with feedback requirements
I Drives value and constantly reviews the impact of K&IM strategies
  1. Incorporates measurement systems
  2. Benchmarks K&IM strategies

  1. Collects, monitors, and analyzes appropriate data
  2. Benchmarks knowledge and information activities

Table A11.2 General Leadership and Management Competencies—Framework

J Demonstrates breadth of vision Demonstrates analysis and judgment Uses information effectively Uses appropriate information sources
K Generates ideas Innovates Demonstrates creativity and solutions orientation Demonstrates innovative problem solving
L Generates options for change
  1. Develops and delivers change
  2. Demonstrates commercial awareness

  1. Adapts to change
  2. Scans and reviews market opportunities
Adapts to new and changing circumstances and commits to lifelong learning
M Demonstrates a high level of interpersonal skills Demonstrates customer/colleague focus Works with others Supports colleagues
N Facilitates team working Develops the team Takes responsibility for team tasks Contributes to team objectives
0 Develops people Develops team members Develops self Supports training and development objectives
P Influences
  1. Manages relationships
  2. Negotiates

  1. Demonstrates impact
  2. Values others
Builds positive relationships
Q Inspires others Builds confidence in decisions Engenders support Takes the lead when appropriate
R Communicates direction of the organization Communicates direction to the team Interprets and presents the key messages Communicates effectively
S Leads implementation
  1. Undertakes effective resource and business planning
  2. Achieves results
  3. Manages projects effectively

  1. Undertakes task planning
  2. Pays attention to detail
Undertakes personal planning
T Seeks continuous improvement Achieves quality outcomes Introduces improvements Demonstrates quality awareness
U Secures resources
  1. Identifies resource requirements
  2. Develops budgets and financial business cases
  3. Plans and makes a case for human resources
Ensures productive utilization of resources Demonstrates awareness of resource planning


* This appendix is based on the New Zealand Ministry of Justice’s Guide to Knowledge and Information Management Competencies.

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