Chapter 2

Digging Deeper

Many practitioners and experts in project management call for best practice solutions and strive for a kind of universally applicable excellence. During more than three decades in project management as a practitioner, a trainer, and occasionally a consultant, I have developed a deep distrust in these concepts, based on personal experience and observations from a distance. The same practices that have been applied successfully in the past may lead to failure in another situation and practices that have not worked in the past became successful in new situations. This chapter lays the foundation on which most of our projects are performed, before Chapter 3 details project topology.

2.1 Introductory Questions

  1. 1. You have been assigned as the project manager to a project that involves new technology applied in a complex organizational environment. You find that the actual application of your project management plan does not lead toward project success and that people deviate from this plan, but you are not quite sure if it is the wrong application of a good plan or if the plan is too faulty. Time is running out. What should you do next?
    1. Apply corrective action by ensuring that all team members adhere to the project management plan. Then observe the outcomes of their work and make the decision whether you need to re-plan the project.
    2. Accept that team members do not adhere to the plan and find ad hoc solutions to solve the most urgent problems.
    3. Get earnest feedback from stakeholders, including descriptions of their organizational and technical problems and reasons why execution of the project has not adhered to the plan. Then decide on the degree of corrective action and re-planning needed.
    4. Re-plan your project immediately.


  1. 2. A project management team has taken over the responsibility for a new project and begins planning by putting together some first rough estimates on time, effort, and cost as well as on technical and functional details. What should be done during this early planning phase?
    1. The estimates should be documented in a way that allows them to be adjusted and refined later in the project.
    2. The estimates should be baselined immediately to ensure that they are not altered without formal authorization.
    3. The estimates are preliminary and should not be taken too seriously. There is no need for documentation yet.
    4. Every time one of the estimates gets refined during further planning, a change request will be needed.


  1. 3. Projects performed under contract are different from internal projects in all of the following aspects except which of the following?
    1. Project managers running customer projects are often in a strong position inside the performing organization because they are responsible for providing the organization’s revenues and have to avoid breach of contract.
    2. Resolving disputes in customer projects may require legal action at a court. Disputes in internal projects are resolved inside the organization.
    3. It is a specific characteristic of projects performed under contract that the progressive elaboration of product requirements needs to be meticulously coordinated with proper contractual project scope definition.
    4. Satisfying the stakeholders’ needs and expectations is more imperative for project management teams in customer projects than in internal projects run by an organization for own purposes.


  1. 4. Which of the following are strong signs that a Nash Equilibrium is about to occur in your project?
    1. Your team members cooperate in a way that enables them to find and implement great resolutions for difficult problems in a short time.
    2. Your team members communicate just as much as is formally required and avoid taking personal risks in the project.
    3. The working style of your team is characterized by the desire to understand the issues of the other team members and by mutual support.
    4. The team members place their common interest of running a great project over their individual interests of short-term gains.


  1. 5. You are running a project for an “internal customer” inside your organization. What does this actually mean for your project?
    1. Internal customers and internal vendors are a means to model profit center relations in an internal charging system.
    2. Working for an internal customer, your project provides direct revenue to the performing organization.
    3. Charges by your project to the internal customer are real costs for the performing organization.
    4. You are running a pretty normal customer project.


  1. 6. Your project was initiated, and a first rough plan was developed, based on a set of technical and organizational assumptions that later turned out to be false and on estimates that were found to be overly optimistic. This has led to budget overruns and delays, and has caused your team members to work on the project beyond the original scheduled times. During the further course of the project, more overruns are to be expected. Which statement is probably most helpful in this situation?
    1. Project managers should not worry too much about costs, schedule, and workloads on their team members; the only success metric for a project is the delivery of the expected benefits.
    2. A company performing a project should build a maximum of reserves into their schedules and budgets to cover problems as described here.
    3. One should never start a project based on assumptions and estimates, but instead always rely on proven facts when fundamental decisions need to be made.
    4. One has to take certain risks to get projects started, and basing decisions on assumptions is one of them.

2.2 A Major Distinction

Chapter 3 covers project typology that emerged in research, but is also based on personal experiences and observations. The type of project or project situation should influence the practices (approaches, tools, techniques, and behaviors) that a project manager applies to run the project. I will try to give some indication of what practice is favorable or detrimental in certain project types in this chapter.

One project distinction, however, is obvious, and its implications are fundamental enough to discuss it here upfront: the distinction between internal projects and customer projects. This differentiation is mentioned from time to time in literature, but we have not yet seen it discussed and elaborated in detail anywhere. The most basic difference is that project managers in internal projects administer cost centers, whereas the majority of their colleagues in customer projects manage profit centers in the truest meaning of the expression. In internal projects, costs occur during the course of the project, but benefits are expected to emerge after handovers, and most of the benefits, or even all of them, after the end of the project. The benefits for the contractor from a customer project come in the form of payments from the customer. It depends on the contract terms and how early payments are agreed upon and expected against the progress of the project, but they should not be too distant in the future, as the liquidity of many project vendors would not allow for them to lay out too much money. It is not uncommon for the customer to pay partially or fully in advance to ensure timely funding for the project that the contractor may not be able to complete without these funds on his or her own. In simple words: project managers in customer projects bring money home.

An internal project may be undertaken to develop a new product or service that can be launched on the marketplace as soon as it is considered sufficiently complete and mature. An internal project may also strive to reduce operational costs, and its business case calculation will consider the savings as if they were revenues. These monetary benefits for the organization will nevertheless not be earned by the project but by the business unit for which the project occurs. Many internal projects are performed without monetary considerations at all; they have to improve the organization internally or help it position itself better on the various markets. Other internal projects have no business case and no financial, organizational or strategic goal at all but must help the organization meet legal or contractual requirements. In all these cases, internal projects do not create an inflow of money into the organization but generate long-term benefits or compliance for organizational units outside the project; at least this is the expectation of the performing organization.


Figure 2-1 Billing (= invoicing) and internal charging are easy to differentiate. The internal charges model flow of money is inside an organization; billing is linked with actual income and cost: Money crosses organizational borders.

There are situations when the distinction seems to get blurred: Organizations define “internal customers”, who may simply be other departments, possibly located three doors down the corridor. Sometimes, the “internal vendor” and the “internal customer” even have an agreement called an “internal contract”. Similar to external customers and vendors who have a flow of goods and services to the customer and a flow of billed money back, internal customers get deliveries from internal vendors and often pay for them implementing an internal charging system. Often in such organizations, one hears statements that internal charges are costs just as external, invoiced costs are; but they are not, as Figure 2-1 shows.

In some other projects environments, when there may be a group of companies, subsidiaries under the control umbrella of a holding corporation, and one of these companies works as a contractor for another one, things can be more complicated. A common example can be found in corporations with internal IT providers and consultancies that manage projects exclusively for other member companies of the same groups to which they belong. These companies are registered as their own legal entities, and their projects formally are run under contracts; so their projects are generally considered customer projects too, but what are they really?

The core principle of a contract and the litmus test to separate it from other types of agreements is the legally binding nature of the contract: it is enforceable at court. If a customer project performed under contract is deeply troubled and in crisis, either party may seek remedy by taking legal action against the other one. Problems in internal projects, in contrast, are commonly remedied at management level; often, they are actually swept under the carpet of managers who prefer that competitors, customers, shareholders, and other stakeholders are not made aware of the failures that have happened under their supervision. Departments inside an organization cannot sue each other in court. Sometimes, departments even wage personal wars against other departments, possibly really fierce wars, but they cannot sue each other, because they are not legal entities. Then, the term “internal contract” for such settings is inaccurate, as an internal agreement cannot be enforced by legal action; it can only be escalated to higher management levels for resolution.

What about the companies under a corporate umbrella running projects for customers that are also member companies of the same corporate group of companies? They can have formal contracts with their customers, of course, but normally, a holding company will not allow them to sue each other; this would foil the strategic supremacy of the holding company over its subsidiaries. From their own company perspective, these companies will have a customer project. From a corporate view, these projects will be considered internal, because they are run under the umbrella of the corporate group. As one would expect, the group view is the dominant one; you should regard these projects as de facto internal projects. This may change when the holding corporation decides to sell one of the member companies to a new owner, who is not part of the group, but unless this happens, the projects are factually internal. Figure 2-2 explains such a situation.

Another factor that may add to confusion is the existence of customer-side project sponsors in customer projects that are managed by contractor-side project managers. The project sponsor is the person, who mandates the project manager to run a project inside the organization. If the contractor runs the project for the customer, how can the project sponsor be located on the customer side? The explanation is straightforward: in projects performed under contract, there are actually at least two projects: a customer project on the side of the contractor and an internal project on the customer side. Each of the two projects may have its own project manager and project sponsor. The document in which the mandate for a project manager is explained is called the project charter. It is the foundation document for the project and the authorization for the project manager to use organizational resources for the project*. See Figure 2-3 for an illustration of the difference between internal projects and customer projects.

The last confusing element for the discussion here is the label “customer project” by external project managers in internal projects. These are still internal projects, as the performing organization, the organization that provides and manages the resources for the project, is identical to the organization that will use the project’s deliverables. The project manager is just among the resources that the organization procures from external sources for its internal project.


Figure 2-2 Companies A and B belong to the same group. A project that one of the companies runs for the other one may be considered a customer project, and formally, it is done under contract. From a corporate perspective, it will nevertheless be seen as an internal project: in case of a conflict, neither company will be able to sue the other.


Figure 2-3 In an internally run project, the resources for the project are provided and managed by the organization that will use the deliverables. In a customer project, it is done by another organization working under contract. The customer may nevertheless have an internal project that has the work outsourced.

What are the differences for project managers and their teams between running internal projects and customer projects, cost centers and profit centers? There are many, as follows, and they are significant.

2.2.1 Internal Projects

Project managers in internal projects administer investments of the performing organization. These investments are cost centers; sometimes, they may have some quick wins that they can achieve early, but it is generally expected that benefits will come over time, mostly after the end of the project, possibly over years. Benefits may be strategic, monetary, or some other kind of value that the organization expects from the project. Some projects do not provide benefits to the organization at all; they are mandated by law, and the project is done to ensure compliance with this law.

A project manager in an internal project has the fundamental advantage that the person has to consider the interests of only one organization. Another advantage is that the project is performed inside the organization that the person knows well, unless the person has been just hired for the project, and that the person is familiar with the strategic setup, the corporate culture, the market environment, and the key stakeholders of the organization. This advantage comes with several disadvantages. The project has to compete for resources with the lines of the functional organization (and possibly other projects) and is mostly in a weak position when decisions on prioritization need to be made. Project managers in internal projects tend not to have a budget; their responsibility may be limited to technical and functional aspects, to scheduling, and sometimes to certain risk management activities. The budget in these projects is mostly managed by the project sponsor, and the process assets, such as procedures, forms, templates etc. are provided by a Project Management Office (PMO), a governance structure to unify approaches, methodology, and terminology in an organizational project portfolio. These process assets often lack flexibility and limit decision options for project managers. It is also much more likely that the project managers are expected to run the project on a part-time basis. With all these conditions, it is rather unlikely to meet objectives regarding functionality, schedule, cost, and limited operational disruptions.

I observed that these project managers generally have a much worse reputation among colleagues inside their own organization compared to those in customer projects. I already mentioned the automotive production manager, who said to me some time ago, “If our production people were to do as badly in meeting deadlines as our project managers, our company would have run out of business long ago”. While this comparison (the predictable world of operations with its far more reliable availability of resources versus the more adventurous world of project management) is generally somewhat unfair, it gives a strong indication of the low status that may often be assigned to project managers.

Another aspect of internal projects is that most are performed inside the protective environment of the organization that allows it to keep any failures a secret.

2.2.2 Customer Projects

Project managers in customer projects provide income to the performing organization. In this role, they become untouchable—to some degree. The projects are run by their organizations under contract for one or more paying customers. In the following description, I assume that there is just one customer, but in practice, there may be several. I prefer the term “Contractor” for the performing organization, but many other terms are used, such as suppliers, providers, vendors, sellers, and so on. Project contractors supply products, provide services, and also have a management function to ensure that their contractual obligations are met in an effective and efficient way. Both organizations, customer and contractor, commonly provide governance functions to ensure alignment and compliance of the project with their strategies and policies and with any mandatory standards, regulations, and laws. So, the project manager must consider and meet the requirements of two organizations, and it is possible that these requirements are contradictory from time to time.

Project managers in customer projects run profit centers and produce an income stream for the performing organization, possibly the only one that the organization has. This gives them some major advantages: They commonly have their own project budget, which is easily defined. For example, in a fixed-price project, the price that has been agreed with the customer minus the margin or raw-profit that the contractor organization is intending to make equals the budget that the project manager may spend. Prioritization discussions are much easier to win. A shortage of resources for the project, for example, can lead to a material breach of contract situation, which most companies want to avoid. The environment in which customer projects are performed is much more public than in internal projects, and as much as contractor companies love to send information on successful projects to the media as case studies of their proficiency and expertise, they must also fear that the press will be informed of failures by frustrated customers.

Table 2-1 Internal Projects vs. Customer Projects


Table 2-1 shows common differences between the types of projects.

In addition to these two common types of projects, there are two more that I have observed in my practice. These are much rarer, but especially in the case of capital projects, their value can be very high.

2.2.3 Capital Projects

This type of project is often found in infrastructure projects, which are funded with private money. A project manager in a capital project does not work for a sponsor but for investors, and the project is not performed inside an organization—the organization has instead been set up just for the project. An example is a Build, Operate, Transfer (BOT) project, in which the investor organization builds new or upgrades existing infrastructure, operates it, and creates income from this operation until a contractually agreed date is achieved (commonly after 30 to 35 years). Then, the ownership of the infrastructure is handed over to the state. There are some examples of successful BOT projects (e.g., the expansion of the Motorway A8 between Münich and Augsburg in Germany), but also of failures that are due to flawed business cases and damaging political influence (e.g., the Taiwan High Speed Railway Project*).

2.2.4 “Razor-and-Blade” Projects (or Freebie Projects)

It may sound strange, but some companies do customer projects for free. For example, large logistics companies run integration projects to tightly link the internal logistics of their customers, mostly manufacturing and trading companies, with their own transportation and warehouse logistic systems. The benefit for the customer is the creation of a highly integrated and coordinated system that combines the requirements of speed, reliability, and efficiency as well as flexibility, depending on the system developed and the companies involved*. To gain these benefits, the customer pays a price: Once such a system has been put into place, and the operations systems of the two companies are interwoven and optimized, it is hard for the customer to switch to another logistics provider. The business case for the logistics company is analogous to the traditional business case of razor blade manufacturers: They give away the long-living razors at a low price or for free once and enjoy a continuous income stream from the disposable blades. The business model has also been applied to many other products, such as instant cameras, ink-jet printers, and mobile phone services. While they often struggle to lock in the customer, they are a relatively easy undertaking for the logistics providers, since they do not invest into the customer from a distance as a razor manufacturer would do, but rather integrate deeply into the customers’ operations and day-by-day decision processes; therefore, they have good knowledge of the internal affairs of the customer.

Freebie projects seem rather exotic. They come with risks, such as failure of the new business of the customer to create the predicted demand for logistics services as expected and, as a consequence, insufficient business to pay back the investment. The business model seems unlikely to become a mainstream project type for the future, but who knows?

2.2.5 The Same Methods for Different Types of Projects?

In most project management literature, no distinction is made between these fundamental types of projects and methods. Behaviors and approaches are commonly recommended for all types of projects—even when they have proven successful only for one of them and may be detrimental for others.

2.2.6 Conclusion

Most seasoned project managers are rightly proud of their experience, but many of them have only managed one type of project. Internal project managers often lack the experience of running a project as a profitable business against a legally enforceable contract. This contrasts with project managers from customer projects, who have not managed projects for stakeholders, who will possibly remain their colleagues for years after the end of the project, and with whom an “after me the deluge” mentality ignoring the long-term future would not be appropriate.

Certain practices fit different kinds of projects, but others are more specific in their application. Chapter 3 goes into more detail on this question.

2.3 What Is the Matrix?

This topic is tightly linked with the previous one: Most projects today are not performed in isolation in a desert oasis or on a remote island but are done inside existing organizations—corporations, government agencies, associations, or other forms of incorporations. Most of these organizations are not optimized for managing projects but for ongoing operations, such as manufacturing, services, trade, and other forms of repetitive activities that can be standardized, cost-optimized, and sold to customers with inexpensive pricing. These organizations tend to “operationalize” every activity they do, which allows them to get cheaper, faster, and better over time. Operational repetition comes with many benefits, including predictability and order. It also allows for optimization when organizations and their personnel go through learning curves and helps them improve cost efficiency and quality. Operations can be very effective in using scaling effects, reducing costs of productions and services by increasing throughput numbers. For example, if it costs a manufacturer $1,000 to produce a certain widget, and each widget will cost in addition $1 for raw materials, making 1,000 widgets will cost the company $2,000 or $2 per item. Making 10,000 widgets instead will cost $11,000 or $1.10 per item; a cost advantage from scaling of 45%.

Many famous thinkers, consultants, and practitioners in engineering and business sciences have focused on repetitive processes in the past. Frederic Winslow Taylor showed in the early 20th century how work can be made cheaper and more predictive when it is broken down into smaller portions, each of them repetitive again but easier to understand and to optimize*. Influenced by his work, the Reichsausschuß für Arbeitszeitermittlung (REFA) was founded in Germany in 1924, an association that sent trained experts as “Zeitnehmer” (time assessors) into production facilities and later also into administrative environments where they used stopwatches and workflow report sheets to identify and eliminate time waste. It has been reported that in 1943, when German production in the Second World War was at a peak level, their number was at 12,000. An essential element of the Toyota Production System (TPS) developed in the decades following the Second World War is the principle that a process must be optimized before it gets automated; otherwise, in conjunction with efficient ones, inefficient processes will be also automated and will then be much harder to identify and improve§. Software consultants know the principle that business process engineering must precede business software implementation to make the best use of the software—or, in other words, that it is easier to adjust an organization to the specifics of a software product implemented than vice-versa. This may be the most basic principle of operations management: Organizational structures mirror those of the business processes.

Frenchman Henri Fayol is another example how business thinkers of the early 20th century understood organizations as mainly functional, dedicated to operations with their ongoing and repetitive tasks, and his work is highly influential still today. In his “Administrative Theory”, he focused on the influence of administration on the separation of work and the predictability of its results. Workers should have a clear and unambiguous line of command, should know their place inside the organization and should be allowed to rely on the stability of their position and work environment*. Some of Fayol’s principles are applicable to project management, but the majority are not valid for our field, where most work is inevitably dominated by frequent organizational change, temporary assignments, and overlapping chains of commands.

Operations have another opportunity for optimization, and it is commonly overlooked that projects basically do not have this: the ability to utilize resources close to 100%. This opportunity is generally impacted by the non-repetitiveness of the workflow logic. For example: A worker, Jill, has been solicited from an outside vendor, and the vendor will bill 10 days for her. She works on an item that she must first process along three activities A, C, and E, with three days’ duration each. Between these activities, another person, Jack, must do some work on these items along activities B and D. Jack may for example be her internal liaison, and it is his job to review whether Jill is on the right track with her work by auditing her processes and inspecting the results. It is not quite clear how long it will take Jack to do his reviews but the plan gives him two days for each of the reviews, so if each of Jill’s activities will take two days as well, a simple workflow is created and shown in the swim-lane diagram in Figure 2-4.

In the example, Jill has been booked for the entire duration; sending her away during her idle times between her activities bears the risk that she will not be back in time when Jack has completed his activities. Leaving her assigned to the project bears the risk that she will be billed for ten days but will only work for six. In operations environments, where situations are repeatable and predictable long-term in advance, solutions can be found and applied over time to keep resources busy with other tasks. In the example, Jill could do some unrelated work and be kept productive outside the work flow described in Figure 2-4.


Figure 2-4 A flow of activities over two workers, Jill and Jack, who have to work alternately on the same item in two-day cycles.


Figure 2-5 In operations, repetitive idle times can be identified and often filled with other work to keep resource Jill busy and productive.

Figure 2-5 shows how operations can smooth resource usage to reduce billable or chargeable resource idle times—“billable” for external resources, “chargeable” for internal. Operations can plan work and book resources to keep idle times at an unavoidable minimum. Billable or chargeable resource idle times are considered waste, and operation managers are in comparatively a good position to eliminate waste over repetition.

The point at which no resource is idle is sometimes referred to as the “Pareto optimum”. At this point, whenever one wishes to dedicate some resources to a new task, one has to take them away from another one, because the system has no free resources that can be used as a bench reserve for unforeseen needs for resources. Projects are rarely in a Pareto optimum. One of the reasons is uniqueness; the typical lack of repetitiveness in projects. Uniqueness may not be a characteristic of every single project task; some tasks may indeed be highly repetitive, but uniqueness is the characteristic of the project in its entirety. A second reason is the need for reserves to cope with the uncertainties that come with this uniqueness. If a resource, a person, or a piece of equipment or another kind of temporary resource is expected to work four weeks on a task to finish it, the resource will be most likely booked for a longer period, in case it should take the person or equipment longer to finish the task. Often enough, project work is similar to a journey that was planned by a person who intended to take the sprinter train which is travelling the direct way from A to B, but finds himself or herself later in a slow train, which is travelling along the winding and scenic river valley, slow enough to allow people make pictures of landmarks on the way, but not what was originally intended.

Reserves are generally like fire extinguishers: They must be bought and need to be inspected and maintained in fixed intervals, all costly activities for items that spend most of the time idle mounted at walls. In case of fire, people are happy to have them, but burning houses are not that frequent. Reserve booking times may also sometimes not be needed, but the booking periods are often fixed, and if in such cases resource run out of work, charging or billing will nevertheless continue. By the way: Burning houses may not be that frequent, but work finished late definitively is. Managing booking reserves is a core competency of a project manager, necessary to handle the uncertain elements of a project, and so is defending them against organizational requests to free them for other tasks. Having booking reserves will lead to idle times of resources and increase project costs; not having them will make the project flammable in case of difficult situations. A project manager without reserves is a feeble observer of great events.

In classes, I often have discussions with cost engineers* about whether billable and chargeable idle times exist at all. They fundamentally contradict costing principles they consider sacred, and one of them is that resources should be paid for work, not for availability. To take a simple example, think of rental cars: If someone rents a car for five days, but uses it only on two days, and the person approaches the rental company and wants to pay only for two days, the most likely answer of the company will be something like: “You had the car booked and available for five days, and this is what you must pay for”. The company could not rent out the car to someone else during the five days and could not earn money from it during that time and bills the customer for the full five days. The company may be accommodating and may not charge the customer for the three idle days, but there is no obligation for them to do so.

In projects, idle times often come as a surprise. Rarely, another piece of work is due by such a time that the free person is qualified to do. So, smoothing the lag in the resource usage may not be possible, and sending the resource to another assignment may be risky. When will the resource come back? Another problem is that trying to fill billable or chargeable idle times in projects with unrelated work often leads to a disrupted work flow, which leads to delays and missed deadlines. Adhering to the correct order of work is an essential prerequisite for not failing, and ignoring it leads to a multitude of problems, and possibly crisis.

The way for operations managers to achieve the goal of optimization is by separating themselves from the uncertainties of the surrounding environment to the maximum possible. At the beginning of the industrial revolution, they erected big walls that surrounded factory buildings to isolate them from the uncertainties of weather as well as social impacts. Later, those walls were supported by the steam engine that isolated productions from the capriciousness of wind, water currents, and exhaustible human or animal muscle strength that had commonly impacted operations at earlier times. An interesting anecdote in this context: When Lewis Wickes Hine, an American sociologist and photographer, published his first photographs of child labor in US factories around the year 1910, the public was shocked at the practices hidden from it, and he was repeatedly threatened for making these practices visible. The isolation also had a social aspect; the public outside the factory walls should not know and discuss the industrial practices inside them.

Still today, we see many attempts to isolate operational processes from the environment in which they are performed. An example are call centers whose secondary job is to satisfy customers when they have questions and complaints, but whose primary function is to keep operations undisrupted by questions, concerns, and complaints from customers. The isolation of operations allows for optimization of processes and helps improve predictability and order, but it separates the internal processes from their markets. In essence, isolation was and still is a means to make operations a closed-skill discipline (discussed in Chapter 1).

Isolation also has an inner-organizational aspect: Functional units—for example divisions, departments, or branch offices—tend to erect walls separating them from other units inside the organization and from their managers, as the perceived interest of the unit is often more important than the interests and the strategy of the organization as a whole. These walls are often intended to separate a business unit from the uncertainties in other business units to a maximum degree and to prevent a “weak spot” in one part of the organization from impacting the other parts. A major leader of the quality management discipline, W. Edwards Deming, demanded in his famous 14 points that organizations should “Break down barriers between departments”*.


Figure 2-6 A typical partial line organization, which consists of a division that is broken down into departments with different head-counts (simplified structure).

Now, let us see how such a functional organization may prepare itself to perform a project with its own resources. Figure 2-6 shows a division as a sub-organization inside a functional organization, which may be a firm, a government agency, an association, or something similar. The division is broken down into departments of different sizes.

There is an interesting aspect about the functional organization: In the example, it is very likely that Department Manager #4 is the most influential one among the department managers since this person has the largest department. Depending on the corporate culture and the people involved, there may be other influencing factors, such as who earns the money for the organization, whose role is the most business-critical one, who has most management attention, the largest office chair, or the fastest company car. There may be many other factors that positively influence the power of a unit manager, but head-count is generally a strong one. With more span of control, functional managers are able to obtain more budget responsibility. They have the potential to be more productive and business critical, and as stakeholders in business decisions, their business interests are regarded as stronger, and their arguments are more convincing. One should also not underestimate off-the-record influences: They have more ears and eyes to know what is chattered on the “grapevine radio”—the informal information channels in an organization—and they also have more voices to spread rumors. Gossip is generally most successful when many people repeat and confirm the same statement, even when this is false—an effect for which Norman Mailer once coined the term, “factoid”. In factoids, evidence is replaced by consensus, and a larger department can create the impression of wide consensus much easier than a smaller one.

When a project manager applies for a new job, the first questions by the recruiter relates to project experience and formal qualifications. The first question to a functional manager relates to the person’s span of control and the budget managed in the current or previous job, and the numbers answered are regarded as an essential element of the person’s overall qualifications. Functional managers commonly dislike having to give away resources, because their subordinates give them self-esteem, reputation, and power.

Figure 2-7 shows how such a functional organization would staff a project with its own human resources.

This overlay of lines of command is commonly referred to as a matrix organization. A matrix organization may be planned and “engineered”; more often, it just emerges. Matrix organizations in essence are not limited to the project/operations overlay; many other management domains are effectively cross-functional as well, such as cost engineering, quality management, data and privacy protection, work-place safety, and more. As these are generally operational by nature, i.e., repetitive and ongoing, the organization has time to arrange the multitude of power balances between the different management domains. The overlaps with the functional organization seem similar to that of project management at first glance, but these cross-functional management disciplines and project management could not be more different. Projects are temporary by nature, which means that time may be too tight to avoid, mediate, or reconcile potential conflicts. How project managers manage these conflicts effectively and engage functional stakeholders in their projects is often the decisive factor between project success and failure.

There is a corollary of the link between unit head count and perception of power and influence that can often be observed, especially in older and more rigid organizations: When the department manager in Figure 2-6/Figure 2-7 is the most powerful with the largest head-count, it is easy to understand what the person’s first feeling will be, when he or she learns that a subordinate will be taken from the department temporarily to support a new project as a team member. The first emotion will likely be a perceived loss of power and importance. There are ways to overcome this perception, such as internal charge systems that give department managers budgetary compensation for the sacrificed workers. Increased influence of the business unit on the execution of the project and its outcomes is also a well-working justification for the temporary transfer of unit resources to the project. Participation in the success of the project may be a third kind of compensation, but these benefits are secondary perceptions; the primary one is the loss of power and influence from the temporarily absent resource.


Figure 2-7 A matrix built from a division inside a classical line organization with a project performed cross-functionally across the departments; each box represents an employee of the organization.

So, for the sake of the example, we have Jane, employee 1.2 in Department #1, who is also assigned to the project as the project manager. She has a team member, #2, Jill, who is also employee 2.1 supervised by Jack, Department Manager #2, and has just been recommended to go to Hawaii for five days and perform an important project task. Jane speaks with Jill and explains to her how important the task is for project success, asking her to book a flight, a hotel, and a rental car for five days. Hawaii is a place where Jill has never been before, and she would love to go there, even if it is just for work. She informs Jack, her department manager, who is not positively impressed; instead, he becomes angry. In the end, she is his employee and cannot be assigned for a task without his approval. He needs her at her work place and explains that there is a continuous demand by customers to talk with her. Given the time she will spend travelling there and back, and the time zone difference, she will not be able to meet her duties to the department during her absence, says Jack. His department provides an income stream for the organization, and he must therefore reject Jill’s assignment. So Jill has to make a tough decision between her functional job and her project team assignment. Will she buy a ticket, book a hotel room and a rental car? Or will she follow the functional manager’s strict “No”?

Jill is in a classical “Servant of Two Masters” dilemma*, and as she cannot make herself available to both the functional manager and the project manager at the same time; she has to make a decision. In many organizations, it seems more likely that she will stay. Jack, the functional manager, has “disciplinary power” over her. He decides on promotion and incentives, conducts her performance reviews, and is in a position to fire her. Time is also an issue. When the project assignment is over, Jill will have to return to Jack’s department and will have to work with him, her functional manager, again. It is also interesting to look into the past. Jill has known the functional manager for quite some time and knows what to expect from him, while Jane, the project manager, is a fairly new contact for her, and Jill has not developed any rapport with Jane so far. The result will be that Jane will not be able to send Jill to Hawaii, and the same will happen with everyone else she approaches. The project will be delayed, and it will be difficult to deliver all functions expected from it.

The situation described in this little case-story has a name in project management: we call it a “weak matrix”—weak of course as seen from the perspective of the project manager, whose power and influence are limited. Figure 2-8 explains the position of the weak matrix in a continuum of organizational matrix layouts between functional only and project only.

Is it then also possible that a project is performed in a strong matrix environment? Most customer projects are run in strong matrix settings. As it was discussed before, project managers in customer projects provide the income for the contractor organization, and if—in the example—no one flies to Hawaii, the contractor may not be able to send the next invoice to the customer. In addition, the contractor will possibly run into a breach-of-contract situation. Most organizations do not want to be in breach of contract, and part of the project manager responsibility is to ensure that it will not happen. There are other situations in which one can find strong matrices. High-ranked project sponsors can strengthen project managers—unless they lose interest in the project, because they have found a new pet project—and projects that are performed to meet legal requirements. An example was April 15, 2004, when large publicly traded United States corporations had to become Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) compliant, a set of rulings as to how corporations had to certify the completeness, correctness, and timeliness of information communicated to shareholders. (Smaller firms and foreign companies listed at United States stock exchanges had been given time until the end of the first business year that ended after June 15, 2005.) A staged set of provisions was implemented with the Act, which culminated in a ten-year prison provision for CEOs and CFOs for knowingly or willfully providing false certifications*. Most managers do not want to go to jail, so pressure was high on the organizations to finish their SOX projects on time and meet all legal requirements. Project managers in these mostly internal projects were generally powerful, because they had maximum management attention that could not deteriorate and had to work against hard deadlines imposed by law.


Figure 2-8 There is a continuum between a purely functional organization and a purely projectized organization with different forms of matrix organizations in between. There are also mixed organizations, where all kinds of matrices can occur.

Between strong and weak matrices are balanced matrices, something that one can observe rarely. Even organizations that claimed to have implemented a balanced matrix, at a closer glance, had a dominance of either projects or operations, in most cases the latter. Balanced matrices do of course exist, and they seem the best solution for companies that run a major portfolio of customer projects. In practice, they are hard to sustain because even the most willing organizations will feel the disintegrating forces of power-games and politics from time to time.

There are two more environments for projects: purely functional and projectized. The purely functional organization is made of departments that run projects without project managers, just with their own management resources, often in the form of “over-the-fence” projects, where departments work on a project, each of them with its own phase, and when the phase is considered finished, the project is thrown “over the fence” to the next department, which will be responsible for the next phase. I saw the approach some years ago used by a manufacturer of custom printing machines, a company that went into insolvency in 2011; and I am sure that the “over-the-fence” approach was a significant contributor to its bankruptcy, possibly the root cause. While it would have been desperately necessary for the company to have project managers that could overlook a project from the beginning to the end, the department managers did not accept the perception of demotion that came with such a role, and instead allowed the projects to be fragmented on a massive scale. The company made great machines and was profitable over decades, but when the market changed after the year 2000 and the demand for printed newspapers, magazines, etc. shrank due to the success of online magazines, the company was no longer able to adapt. One can hide organizational deficiencies under high profits, but when the profits evaporate, the faults become visible.

On the other end of the continuum is the purely projectized organization. These organizations are found in large-scale construction and infrastructure projects, but also in R&D, when an organization is just founded for the purpose of a specific research project. The organization may be a consortium, a joint venture of contractors on time in which each venturer provides resources for the project, or a special purpose vehicle (SPV), which concentrates more on the aspects of project management and project finances, and procures project work and deliverables from outside the organization. The discussions in this book assume that most projects are run inside matrix organizations, the extremes described here are highly interesting but will not be discussed in further detail.

Figure 2-8 above also includes mixed type of matrix organization described, called the “composite organization”. This is a type of organization where several projects may be run concurrently in different matrix situations. An example may be a development division in a company, which is performing projects for its own purposes and others for external customers. In such settings, it is often observed that project managers in customer projects have a stronger standing since they create income from which a budget can be calculated, and they have to ensure compliance with contractual obligations. Another aspect of a composite organization may be that the prioritization and management attention of projects changes over time. Another type of manager is what I like to call an HBR manager: This person reads the Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, or another great management periodical. Every other month, they surprise the organization with a new idea and a new project that needs to be performed; and all ideas are good ideas, but the organization is not capable of coping with both the speed and the scale of change, and worst of all, these managers cannot dedicate enough attention and support to all the projects at the same time. HBR managers can be found in many organizations today, and with all their good intentions and ideas, they can cause true havoc. When the projects that have been started with high expectations and the promise of strong management attention, and active support to the project manager lose the attention of senior managers, those projects may experience unexpected delays and cost overruns. Then the corporate project traffic lights are all set to “red”, and the project gets back the attention and prioritization it lost, possibly in conjunction with a new project manager.

2.4 The Economics of Attention

Attention is rarely described as a resource in literature, but looking at common definitions of the term resource, attention definitively is one. It may be the key resource of all. Management attention is not necessarily a guarantee for the availability of other resources, including people, equipment, material, funding, etc., but without management attention these other resources will be difficult or even impossible to obtain. The attention of other stakeholders may be important too. It can lead to support and positive engagement but also to resistance and conflicts. Managing attention is based on the way the project manager and the team communicate with stakeholders, and this is another example of “navigating between two monsters”. On one side is the insufficient communication, when stakeholders are left unclear on the project, on the costs, and other kinds of burdens that it will impose on the organization, its progress, its risks and problems, and the other things that the stakeholders should know. One may instead communicate too much, and stakeholders then may feel that their time is being wasted in meetings and with long reports that they are expected to study and comment on. Over- and under-communications are threats that can both lead to a loss of attention by management and other stakeholders.

Another risk is poor communication, ignoring the diverse interaction and behavioral needs of people from different cultures, which may lead to misunderstandings and wrong expectations. One more menace for projects may be the chemistry between the people involved; since communications between people with poor rapport is rarely effective, the contents of the communications may be corrected but the emotions that overlay them can not be. The chosen style of communications can also become a problem. James Pennebaker* described three different styles called formal, analytical, and narrative. The formal style may feel dry, stiff, and demanding and relates to status and position as much as to the contents of the communications. Used as evidence at court, formal communication may be strong, as this documentation tends to be briefer and “crisper” than other styles. The analytical style communicates honesty and the preparation and ability to deal with complexity. Frequent distinctions are another common element of analytic communications that their backers often show by pigeonholing and classifying people and things. Texts are often longer to account for explanations and clarifications. For users of the narrative style, the favorite method is story-telling. They show a lot of social competency and awake empathy in others as much as they have it by themselves. Some people are good in all three styles, others strongly prefer one or two styles, which tend to be those they master most successfully.

A project progress report, written for managers, a customer, or for an internal requester in a narrative style may be entertaining and successful, or appear to the readers as a waste of their time. A request for the allocation of resources written in highly formal style may be successful when it makes the impression that standing processes are followed, or fail when a functional manager feels the basic lack of empathy that is typical for the style and responds that apparently his or her needs are being ignored. With a strong analytic style, a project manager can help stakeholders better understand problems and their underlying causes or appear as a know-it-all to these others. When project managers wish to ensure the attention of managers, heavy-handed best-practice approaches will not work; project managers need susceptibility for the dynamics of success and failure and for the sensitivities and preferences of the stakeholders involved.

As a trainer, I get asked frequently what I consider a good frequency for meetings and how long they should take. I cannot honestly answer this question as it depends too much on the specific situation. There are project situations where it is beneficial to have a short meeting a day, maybe in the form of a stand-up meeting in the morning, as a basic briefing for coordination and discussion of issues and concerns. In other situations, it may be necessary to have sufficient session time to discuss various aspects of a matter and resolve disputes without rushing, something one would not want to do too often to leave team members and other stakeholders sufficient time to do their work.

2.5 How Project Managers Learn

A student of mine recently told me how he learned of his assignment to his current project. A manager of the organization met him unintentionally—or so it seemed—in the company restaurant and told him, “Good that I am meeting you here. Have you heard that you have been selected for the new project xyz? A great project with massive impact. The future of the entire company depends on it—it will have top priority. To not create false expectations on your side, there will also be a shortage of resources in the coming months, as we have other top-priority projects concurrently, some are approaching their hot phases, and budget and funding may also be insufficient, but we both know that you are able to successfully run such a key project even under these difficult circumstances and deliver it in time against a . . . well . . . challenging deadline. The project is highly important, and to some degree, the future of the entire company depends on it; have I said that already? I will arrange that you get the details of the project ASAP so that you can start immediately creating the first results. By the way, the project is extremely important, as I said, but please, do not let your daily work suffer from it. We do not want competitors to laugh up their sleeves when we are not prepared to tackle them on the market place. I am aware that at this moment, I should ask you whether you are prepared to take over the project, but I think we can agree to skip this formalism. The project must be done, and you are the best person to whom I can entrust it. So, let me explain the details . . .”. It is probably needless to say that the manager did not have any details, just some basic information he could communicate.

When taking over the assignment for a project, the project manager’s knowledge about it is typically near to zero. The project may be an internal project, and managers have made a decision to add the new project to the portfolio, actually a classical investment decision. In some organizations, there is a formal process with a project request and approval procedure, which includes an impact analysis and an assessment of resources needed versus those available. The majority of internal project decisions are probably rather made spontaneously and ad hoc, and cases such as the previous example, where the project manager is informed in a more private setting, are not rare at all. In 2012, I was asked by the PMO of an engineering company to help them set up a project selection and prioritization process for their internal project portfolio. We had the full backing of the organization’s CEO for the development of a process intended to make sure that the company did not have too many projects at a time, that the projects were better coordinated, that load balancing assigned projects to units that had availability and not to those that were already overstrained, and to also make sure that the future project managers would benefit from a documented project evaluation process. This documented process would provide them with records that would give them a better understanding of the original goals and requirements of the project and serve as a basis for initial decision making. Then the CEO found out that as a consequence, he would have to adhere to the formal process in the future. The development was then stopped, and project managers in the company still had to take up assignments with almost no documentation from the selection process as a first source of information.

Documentation in internal projects from project selection may be near to zero; in customer projects instead, its quantity may be overwhelming. If the project is a customer project, there may have been a process beginning with a request for proposal (RFP) or an invitation for bid (IFB) delivered by the customer at the beginning. In most cases, a response would have been sent to the customer in the form of a bid, proposal, or another kind of quotation, and after some clarifications, negotiations, and discussions, the customer would award the contract to the contractor. Then a project manager was assigned, who often has not been part of the business development process and now has to scan through all the paperwork to find the information that helps to quickly make the first decisions.

In both cases, it is common to call the project manager into the project only after the decision has been made. The recommendation is strong to include project managers in the internal decision process whether to start a project, or in the business development process in customer projects to validate decisions made for soundness and realism, but this is rarely done in practice. Project managers are more often expected to focus on the delivery side and many are not free and available to also support the project selection processes with practitioners’ experience and expertise. Even if they were part of the internal project selection process or supported the development of the business with the customer, it is likely that the knowledge that they could gain is limited. They were not in the formal position of the project manager and had access only to information that was easily accessible, possibly to no information at all. Even asking people from the customer organization or internally for details on the current situation, something that is relevant to understanding what is needed for the change or the development that the project needs to bring about for the future, they may not have been able to obtain in-depth information, because they are not yet project managers at all. These and other causes make taking over a project a true adventure with a large amount of uncertainty about the issues that lie ahead. If there is a moment at all that the project manager will have full knowledge, it will be at the end of the project. The unique nature of the project makes it a major learning experience, and every new project will add new knowledge in technical dimensions, as well as in social, interpersonal, organizational, and even political dimensions.

The ability and preparedness for lifelong learning is therefore a trait that effective project managers have in common—they never consider their understanding complete. This ability goes together with situational intelligence, which consists of three elements: (1) the understanding that the same practice that was successful in a given situation in the past may fail in a different situation, or vice versa; (2) the ability to adjust practices to the specific needs of the project and the current situation; and (3) the care that this adaptiveness is not perceived by others as signals of lack of authenticity or reliability. See Figure 2-9 on this learning process.

The following are other developments that occur naturally while the project proceeds along its lifecycle:


Figure 2-9 Each project goes along with a learning process for the project manager and all other involved stakeholders, which leads the team from a status of uncertainty to one of knowledge (repetition from the first chapter).

  • The number of feasible options for decision making decreases. Decisions and work made in the past limit decision options for the future. Late in the project, there may not be enough remaining budget, time until the next deadline, and resources available short-term to implement certain decisions.

  • The costs of implementing decisions increase. With sufficient time, you can choose a cost-effective solution. Under time pressure, the only options available may be expensive ones. Simply think of a package that you need to send to somewhere. Consider the cost when the there is no rush in the delivery and the cost when the package needs to be there the next morning.

The time to assess the impacts of decisions on the project and to accurately document the decisions to better manage these impacts gets shorter and shorter. The risk of unintended consequences of decisions is highest when they must be made as “field decisions” during implementations.

The project manager is not alone with this learning process, which is shown in Figure 2-10. Virtually all stakeholders go through such a learning and development process, during which they realize what the project is about, what its results will look like, how the team members and contractors cooperate, and many other factors. Uniqueness comes with novelty, and novelty comes with learning. It is interesting to take a closer look at the dynamics of this learning process.

The American psychologists Chris Argyris and Donald Schön discussed two types of learning*, which they called “single-loop learning” and “double-loop learning”. Their model refers to organizational learning and interpersonal behavior, and I wondered if it can give insights into project management learning processes and behaviors. I think it does.

They look at three elements of decision making and actions in situations that are influenced by uncertainty and therefore by learning processes. They researched how people, groups, and organizations reflect their decisions and actions and assessed which were good and which were, judged with the advantage of hindsight, rather poor. They then assessed what measures they should take to respond to the deviations between the intended outcomes and the actual ones. In their theories of action, they described three elements of this process: governing variables, action strategies, and consequences. Translated into project management, one can describe these three elements of a learning and decision-making process as follows:


Figure 2-10 Proactive project management methods try to enhance the learning process, so that knowledge is available early, when many options for decisions are still available, and when they are less costly to implement.

  1. Management conjectures. The governing variables—factors that influence the way project managers, their supervisors, and their teams want the project be performed as a whole, as well as the individual activities, that combine to become a major endeavor. The most obvious of these factors are plans and also the strategies that underlie these plans. Very religious or ideological persons may have dogmas that drive their behavior, while for scientists, paradigms can serve a similar purpose. Management conjectures are based on the past or on the current, but they relate to the future, which has the uncomfortable characteristic that it has an element of uncertainty. So, these conjectures are a combination of guesses, assumptions, forecasts, and objectives, as well as of expectations and agreements. Even contracts are conjectures as they guide actions based on the expectation that others—monitored or not—will adhere with their obligations, and on the fact that most people and organizations do not want to run into a breach of contract situation. There is no complete contract, a contract can therefore not remove all uncertainties, instead contracts must leave many details open for later clarification, just like plans do*.

  2. Implementations. The conjectures are then implemented in the form of managed project activities, which are kinds of action strategies in Argyris and Schön’s words. The implementation may refer to actions of the project manager, the project management team, or the project team as a whole. This step relates to the present day, and while some plans are more accurately implemented than other plans, the results will mostly contradict the conjectures to a smaller or major degree. The future cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy.

  3. Outcomes. In project management, it is unlikely that outcomes will be precisely as expected. Deviations from the conjectures will occur relating to the deliverables created, delivery dates, costs, and stakeholders will learn from these deviations.

To give a simple example: A team member Jack, a developer, has estimated that he will realistically be able to finish some development work after three weeks for a project A. Based on the estimate and a five days schedule contingency, Jack’s activity has been scheduled for four weeks’ duration, and this duration has been included in the project schedule. Based on the schedule, Jack got booked, and the costs for the booking were added to the cost plan. Information on Jack was added to the project’s human resource plan, and his communication needs and those of Jill, his manager, were documented in a communications plan. Before Jack can start the work for project A, he will be assigned to another task in a project B, and delays there may influence his availability for project A. Delays may also come from dependencies of his task with other tasks that must have been finished and provide input to his work before he can start. While the schedule has been based on the assumption that these delays will not occur, the uncertainty that the assumption may be wrong has been added to the risk register. Once Jack has finished the activity, he will work over a month for project C and then come back and do other work on project A. Everything has been well planned, management conjectures have been made clear and documented. Two weeks after Jack starts working on the activity, he identifies some unexpected difficulties in the task that will lead to a required working time of eight weeks instead of the originally estimated three weeks. At the end of the four weeks booking time, he will be assigned to another project for four weeks, and only after that will he be able to return to the activity and finish it. As Jack cannot be easily replaced by another developer once the work has been progressed so far, and as no other developer would be available that quickly as a substitute for him, the activity finish will be delayed by two months and Jack will be blocked from doing other work that he was scheduled to do after his return from project C. One should also note that the additional work on the activity creates additional costs for the project that lead to a certain budget overrun.

There are two kinds of lessons for the project manager from the situation:

  • Single-loop learning. The project manager puts the blame on Jack. Jack had promised to finish the activity after three weeks, and the project manager had even given him an extra week as a schedule contingency, and this is still not enough. The project manager requires Jack to take appropriate measures to finish the activity in a timely manner before he leaves the team to help project C and to protect the budget from the overrun.

  • Double-loop learning. The project manager seeks the error in his or her own plan. Maybe the uncertainty of the activity duration was underestimated. Maybe the activity was not described in sufficient detail, or not enough effort was spent to ensure the quality of the results of the predecessor activities, so that Jack could do his work based on them without difficulties that take him time to resolve. This approach may also include looking at Jack’s future assignments, and those of other team members as well, and adjusting the plan to avoid repeating errors such as this one, and it will lead to discussions with some key stakeholders if the budget is still sufficient to finish the project successfully.

Outcomes in projects are generally not 100% as expected, and while a deviation may be a problem for the project, it is also a new lesson for the project manager and other stakeholders that reality provides to them. There are projects that follow mostly the planned stream of actions and results. There are also rollercoaster projects with breath-taking ups and downs, making plans obsolete in just moments. Both kinds of projects entail requirements for project managers and other stakeholders for learning, which is challenging, but also an opportunity to grow. Figure 2-11 shows the two learning loops for project management that are applied in the example.

Management conjectures include everything that influences the way project managers and involved stakeholders want the project performed. They may include not only values and mental representations of the world around, but also systems of rules and recipes that these people have adopted. Some people even ask astrologers and augurs for advice on the decisions and actions. Guiding presumptions relate to the future, but they are based on extrapolating things that are considered true for the present or the past. As mentioned earlier, highly religious or ideological people often have dogmas to which they adhere closely. In sciences, paradigms can serve a similar purpose. In businesses “best practices” and strategies often serve this purpose. In project management, all these may play a role, but the foremost guiding set of guiding presumptions is found in plans. Project managers model their projects in the form of scope statements and work breakdown structures, time by using schedules, costs in the form of budgets and cost baselines, and so on—all kinds of plans they make to give the future of the project a degree of predictability and order and to be able to communicate this future to the stakeholders involved. Once the project has been initiated—i.e., it has been founded and the project manager authorized—these plans are the starting point of further development.


Figure 2-11 Learning from the outcomes of an organization’s or a person’s actions can take two forms: single-loop learning, which addresses the implementation, or double-loop learning, which addresses the governing conjectures of management.


Figure 2-12 The PDCA cycle, adapted for project management.

Figure 2-12 illustrates how the well-known Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle is generally implemented in project management. It was originally developed by Walter Shewhart and popularized by Deming* for usage in operations, especially in manufacturing environments. For project management, two more elements are generally added to PDCA: initiating and closing. These elements adapt the model to the fundamentally temporary nature of project.

Combining Argyris and Schön’s model with the PDCA cycle gives two options how project managers can learn from the differences between their plans and what is happening in project reality, as shown Figure 2-13.

Another example for the model shown in Figure 2-13 is a statement that a manager of project managers made to me some years ago when we discussed a change request management section that should be part of a project management seminar, and that he wanted to see removed: “I cannot expect from my project managers that they modify their plans again and again”. His company ran projects implementing metal machining equipment, and I asked him what his project managers should do if a project was late and on the way to miss a deadline. He was very firm that the project managers should accelerate the project by adding further resources (“Crashing”), by de-scoping, or by using other means. All these approaches have limitations: more resources may not necessarily accelerate the project, but will definitively increase costs, and de-scoping is constrained by the contract. In addition, replacing an expensive “Item A” with a cheaper “Item B” without documenting it, possibly even without informing the customer, leads to scope creep and to discrepancies between the documentation, which describes the original intentions, and the actual implementation. In the example, single-loop learning describes attempts to accelerate the project and bring it back to schedule. Double-loop learning—in project management—means rethinking and reworking the plan. It may include talking with the requester, customer, or any other stakeholder who defined the deadline and discuss re-scheduling. Depending on the specific project situation, each approach may be appropriate—or wrong.


Figure 2-13 In project management, an implementation of Argyris and Schön’s theory of learning is the distinction between corrective action and updating the plans. Using the Deming cycle of “Plan-Do-Check-Act” helps visualize how the learning types are applied in project management.

The example confirms another statement of Chris Argyris, who once noted that double-loop learning is far more difficult than single-loop learning*. A project manager applying single-loop learning puts the blame on someone else: workers, contractors, bad luck, etc. The plan was good, but people, business partners, and the reality of an unsupportive environment made it impossible to implement it. Double-loop learning in project management means seeking the error in oneself. The project manager is responsible for the plan, and if the plan doesn’t work, the project manager has to assume this responsibility. Generally blaming others is arrogant. Generally seeking the fault in oneself is depressive. Project managers should avoid arrogance as well as depression and seek the truth somewhere in between, basing their learning style—single- or double-loop—on the available information and on the possibility that they have made a mistake or someone else has. The basic lesson from Argyris and Schön’s model is how learning is linked with mistakes, and how a learning culture essentially stems from a culture of accepting mistakes as human.

So, each project is a sequence of new lessons to be learned, which contribute to a learning process that spans over the entire project, and during the different projects that project managers perform in their life, they collect further knowledge. Lifelong learning—probably more from the mistakes that we have made, and also those that we have observed by others, than from successes—is an essential element of a project manager’s professional development process. The dynamics of success and failure are dictating that this process will never end as long as we are members of the discipline.

Project managers have a third option, in addition to corrective action and plan updates: Disregard the plan. In my classes, I occasionally hear statements like: “In my current project, I found out that the plan did not work anyway, so I decided to ignore it and told my team members to simply do their job. In the end, it does not matter if a cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice. Once the result is there, no one will ask how it was attained”. One could call this zero-loop learning, and in most cases, it is bad practice. If the project does not need a plan, the project manager should not have wasted resources developing one right from the start. If the project needs a plan, because it may not be enough that everyone simply does his or her job, the team may do the wrong things and the project may fail. This statement describes the worst learning cycle. One may of course correctly raise the objection that the learning process results in the finding that a plan, which the project manager originally considered necessary, is later found dispensable because the project is much simpler than originally thought, but this is not the situation communicated in the statement above. It is rather a message from a person, who could not cope with the management tasks assigned, and who rejected the learning process, which comes with every new project, as too strenuous. Project managers that prefer this style often assign themselves attributes like “goal-oriented” or “result-driven”. I recommend to be careful with them. Rats also chase mice, and if the mouse in the house is caught by a rat, this may not be good news at all, because the small problem has been replaced by a larger one. Project managers who are not prepared to go through any learning cycle may cause more problems than they resolve; they do not grow in their professionalism from project to project, and on the way to obtaining their results, they may cause havoc to the performing organization and the customer.

2.6 Game Theory for Project Managers—A Brief Introduction

A case-story: Around the year 1990, I managed a project, which was part of a major program performed by an automotive company. A new production line was to be implemented, and 124 projects needed to be finished on time to meet a start of production (SOP) deadline of the principal program and its deliverable, the production line. The SOP was the most critical moment of the entire program, and all project activities in the program were managed to make this event happen on time. The program included projects for the construction of factory buildings, delivery and installation of infrastructure and machines, development and implementation of electronic hardware and software systems to control the production, recruitment and organization of workers and administrative staff, and development and implementation of environmental protection arrangements. One project was mandated for the integration of all these components to become functioning as a highly complex system. Most projects were run by contractors, only a small percentage were performed as internal projects by the automotive company. The good news was that out of these 124 projects, 121 were able to meet their delivery dates, which computes to a success rate of 97.6%, something one may consider quite impressive. Three projects were late: two performed by contractors and one internal project. Actually, those three projects were truly a problem, and they jeopardized the start of production. In a situation as described here, there may be a small number of rather uncritical projects, where the program does not get delayed too much by a delayed contributing project; but the vast majority of projects are time-critical, potential show-stoppers, for the program, and so were the three late projects here. They were critical enough to delay the SOP, which meant a fiasco for the program. The output from the production line was already envisaged in the company’s production plan, staff had been hired and trained to work on the new line, and shareholders expected that the increasing production would also increase the value of their stakes. The three late projects were not a 97.6% success rate, they meant a 100% failure to meet the deadline and the business case of the program.

It would have been beneficial for the program manager to have the full knowledge of the expected problems early to be able to make decisions at a time, when there were still many feasible options left and when these options were cost-effective to implement*. The program manager may have been able to inform senior managers early and find solutions to limit the damage to the program. But will the project managers of the late projects tell him that their projects will deliver late? In reality, this is more unlikely than likely. I had later opportunities to speak with them and they told me in detail how they perceived the situation.

First, it took all three project managers quite long to understand how late their projects actually were. They did not use methods such as network diagramming that would have enabled them to develop useful forecasts as a basis for scheduling and early booking and would have allowed them to validate the contractual delivery dates. Most of the time on their projects, all they could do was guess when certain events would take place, and at what time what work will be done, based on experience (they were very proud of their experience). For progress assessments and decision making, they had to rely on statements from team members and subcontractors. This may have been sufficient in other projects, but not for this program, which was dependent on reliable deliveries of built-to-order products and timely performance of related services. Additional pressure came from managers in the contractor organizations, the internal sponsors of the two customer projects. They asked so often, “Will you deliver on time?” and the project managers answered so often, “Yes, of course!”, that they finally believed it themselves. Without a plan to measure project progress against, the project managers asked their team members and subcontractors, “Will we deliver on time?” and the answer they got was generally, “Of course we will. Why not?” Many organizations use traffic light symbols to communicate project status: Green if the project is on plan, red if it is not. In the example, the projects became classical melon projects: green on the outside, but the deeper one drills, the redder they get. As soon as the project managers became aware that they did not have options at hand to deliver on time, they should have informed their managers, and it would have been the contractual and moral obligation of the contractor organizations for whom these project managers worked to inform the customer.

There was also an internal project that was late, which was performed by another department, and basically the same happened with the internal project. This is not just a contractual issue, but a common problem of project managers who focus on technical matters and ignore organizational concerns.

When they finally became aware of the lateness of their projects, they found solace in the insight that it was unlikely that they were the only ones with late projects. Part of their experience was that a complex program like this one had never adhered to schedule, and at least one late project has always led to a missed program deadline. All they needed to do was wait for someone else to raise the finger and tell the program manager that their project was late. Then, this other project manager would have all the problems. The person’s employer would possibly have to pay damages or penalties to the customer and suffer from the loss of reputation that such a case brings, and the customer would tell all other contractors that they no longer have to deliver on time. This is how to let a problem resolve itself by just waiting. One cannot be a good project manager without experience, but experience is a teacher who sometimes teaches the wrong lessons.

At one point in time, not long before the SOP date, one of the project managers indeed had to give in as he could no longer hide the truth that his project would not be able to meet the deadline. Facts became obvious and the program manager realized that the program results would not be delivered on time. The SOP got delayed by three months. Next, the program manager informed the project managers of all other projects involved that the program had been rescheduled and that their deliveries were now expected 13 weeks later. For the other two of the three late projects, this message was a blessing. All their concerns and worries vanished in a moment, and they had no difficulties meeting the new date. They were the secret, but nevertheless happy, winners in the game.

Experts in game theory call such a situation a “chicken race”. The term goes back to the 1955 movie Rebel Without a Cause, in which two young men, Jim (James Dean) and Buzz (Corey Allen), drive stolen cars over the edge of a sea-side cliff with a simple rule: They have to jump out of the moving car shortly before it races over the cliff, and the first who jumps out of his car is the chicken, the coward.

Races like that actually exist in real life. When the young lads do not have a cliff available, they may instead race on a road toward each other, and the first driver who veers off is the chicken. If no roads and no cars are available, the daredevils may wait on railroad tracks—preferably high-speed rail tracks in Europe or Asia, where trains can run 300 km/h (187 mph) or more—and jump off the tracks in the very last moment. Again, the one who jumps first is the chicken. Some jump late.

The term “game theory” may sound somewhat cozy, playful, and amusing; however, it is a serious mathematical discipline that has strong implications for other sciences, including biology and sociology, and also in political, economic, and business sciences. The situations that it helps us understand are generally not cozy at all. Game theory is often described in highly cryptic notations, but the situations that it depicts are pretty normal experiences that people make in everyday life. They are often driven by limitation of resources and time and by people who can choose between cooperative and noncooperative—competitive*—behavior in situations, when cooperation would serve the interests of the community of players, but the competitiveness would serve the individual interest. Limitation of resources and of time are two typical aspects of project managers, so project managers should understand how it is applicable for their discipline as well. I will try to avoid cryptic notations and build on the common sense element that underlies game theory so deeply, and will also provide practical advice from it to help you avoid or deal with some of the conflicts that almost inevitably come with managing projects.

A core term of game theory is the “Nash Equilibrium”. It describes a malevolent kind of “invisible hand”, a stable balance of forces that does not automatically lead to an optimum for a group of players, but instead makes it impossible to achieve this optimum because players follow their perceived particular interests that conflict with group interests.

An example of a Nash Equilibrium is the massive over-fishing of the seas that is currently done on a global scale. Major fishing companies today rapidly destroy not only the property of all mankind and the economic basis for coastal communities, but also the resources for their own businesses, to their own long-term detriment. The owners of the fleets of fishing boats are well aware that their over-exploitation of fish stocks is not sustainable, but they are nevertheless in a race to be faster in this exploitation than others. The awareness of the limitations of sea life, the basic resource their operations require to survive, does not make them more careful about its conservation, but more exploitative and competitive in applying highly effective technologies, and while they are increasingly investing in larger and more powerful vessels and equipment such as sonar and trawls (fishing nets), they accelerate the process that will finally lead to the break-down of their own businesses. Their dilemma is that if any of these organizations would change its mind and turn to more collaborative and sustainable practices, others may not do that, and this organization would fear becoming the loser in the business competition. This is the essence of a Nash Equilibrium: “It will not do any good if only I change my behavior as long as others are not changing their behaviors with me, so why should I do that?” Scientists and politicians tried repeatedly to manage the situation by limiting the amount of fish the fleets may take home and ban the most destructive practices like bottom trawling, but mostly to no avail. The fishing quota decided by politicians from time to time are much higher than what scientists consider sustainable*, and with the lack of accurate real-time monitoring and enforcing mechanisms, one may doubt that fleet owners will adhere with them anyway—the financial incentive of not following rules is another Nash Equilibrium.

A further example of a Nash Equilibrium is the arms race during cold-war time in the 20th century. It was expensive and risky for both parties, USA and USSR, and while most people considered the nuclear balance a guarantor of peace, reality was that in the year 1983 alone, the world evaded an almost certain nuclear catastrophe twice, more by luck and insubordination and heroism of individuals, than by the mechanics of deterrence that many people at that time considered infallible. The fear of losing the arms race was stronger on both sides than the understanding that common interest of both nations would have dictated to negotiate an end to it, focus public money on investments that are beneficial for both societies, and save both countries (and the rest of the world) from the abyss of mutual nuclear annihilation. An equilibrium of commonality would have been to meet and find ways to avoid the arms race, but the Nash Equilibrium, dictated by particular interests over joint interests and also by serious paranoia on both sides, was stronger, until the 1983 incidents showed that both countries were following the wrong way. After these incidents, common sense politics returned, and agreements on disarmament were made during a slow process, which was mostly driven by the need to build mutual trust strengthened by mutual monitoring systems. We have since perceived how hard it is to avoid the return of mutual distrust and with it the Nash Equilibrium, which can lead to a new cold war at any time.

The core topic of game theory is the conflict between the particular interests of persons, organizations, possibly even countries involved in a “game”, and the common interests of these game players. There are also applications for animals and even plants, as they share commonality in the dynamics that lead players into dilemma situations. Game theory gives strong clues on how to identify these dynamics and respond to them early. Sometimes, it helps find resolutions when these dilemmas occur, but often, it does not. In the discussion of the learning process during a project earlier in the section and how this process correlates with the loss of feasible options and the increasing costs of the remaining options, the loss was described as steady over time. In game-theoretical dilemmas, all options often get lost just in a moment. We may be able to avoid dilemma situations in projects and elsewhere if we identify their emergence early; if we do not, we may no longer be able to rectify the problems that may arise. Game-theoretical dilemmas are often gridlocks that make it difficult or even impossible to get out, once they have developed.

The “chicken run” in the movie Rebel Without a Cause is a fictitious story, of course, but it is based on real events, and it also gives an example for this rapid loss of options: Buzz, one of the two young men driving the cars over the cliff, finds just before the edge that a strap on the left sleeve of his leather jacket is stuck in the door handle. He cannot open the car door to jump out. There is not enough time left for him to free the strap or stop the car, and he crashes with the car into the ground at the bottom of the cliff.

If in 1983, either nation during the Cold War had fired the first missile, no country would have had an option left except to go for mutual annihilation. When a final rush for the last fish will be over because all fish have been taken from the oceans, the last option for the big fisheries will be formal insolvency. When people in projects or programs run into Nash Equilibria, they may no longer have the options left to make decisions that could lead them out of the dilemma and bring the project back on the tracks that lead to success. In the example, the project manager worst off will be the one who did his or her job and communicated the delay first, not those who did not communicate it at all.

The original concepts of game theory were developed in the late 1940s by Oskar Morgenstern and John von Neumann and further developed in the 1950s by John Nash*. Many others have contributed to the field since then, and the theoretical concepts have been tested repeatedly in labs and observed in reality by scientists. Experts in game theory were hired for high-value auctions to increase the chance of success for bidders—generally without much success. As one should note, game theory is neither alchemy nor an ideology, but experts in game theory are nevertheless often well paid as consultants in highly competitive situations. Game theory can help make dilemmas avoidable, but it does not provide a magic potion when the dilemmas and gridlocks have evolved or will inevitably occur, as in auctions.

The focus of this discussion is not game theory as a theoretical and scientific discipline, but its situational application in project management, so the following case stories may help you understand the dilemma situations we often face as project managers. Most are straightforward and understandable; game theory is not rocket science. It is therefore astonishing how often project managers and other stakeholders repeat the same mistakes and run into the same troubles again and again, and how little attention is given to steering clear of Nash Equilibria, when basic project decisions are made.

2.6.1 Two-Players’ Games

The most popular example of game theory is the so-called “prisoner’s dilemma”. Two prisoners, John and Jane, are believed to have jointly committed a crime; both have been arrested and are questioned by the police about their participation in the crime in separate rooms without the ability to communicate with each other. Each has to expect two years in jail. The investigators offer each of them immediate release on parole as a reward if the person confesses, but only if both do not confess. If one person confesses, the punishment would be increased by one year for the other person. Without any confessions, the investigating prosecutors will not have enough evidence to build a lawsuit and will have to let the prisoners go. They have six months to produce the evidence, during which they can keep the prisoners in jail on remand.

Table 2-2 The Expectations of Jane and John for the Time They Will Spend in Jail When They Confess


Jane will serve

John will serve

Total time in jail

No one confesses

½ y.

½ y.

1 y.

Jane confesses

0 y.

3 y.

3 y.

John confesses

3 y.

0 y.

3 y.

Both confess

2 y.

2 y.

4 y.

An overview of the numbers in the example is given in the table in Table 2-2.

The cooperative solution—among the prisoners—would be that both remain silent and not confess. This would lead to a total time in jail of one year, the sum of the six months that each of them would be jailed on remand before they would have to be released. The likeliness is indeed higher that both will confess the crime, lured by the hope for immediate release and also to avoid the three-year verdict when the other person confesses. This will then lead to a two-year sentence for each of them and a total time in jail for both of them adding up to four years.

The official notation in game theory is shown in Table 2-3.

As far as I have observed, project managers do not find themselves that often in prisons; the lawsuits that they are involved with are more likely to deal with contractual matters. Nevertheless, they find themselves in comparable dilemma situations. You may be more familiar with the following case-story (based on a true story that I was in direct contact with in 2010).

Frank has been assigned as the project manager to a major internal software project, whose entire technical part was to be performed on fixed price by a contractor organization called CatDog*. This was a consortium, a temporary joint venture, of two software companies, Cat, Inc. and Dog Corp., who were teaming up for the project. Each of the companies had a 50% share in the CatDog consortium, which was founded solely for this project, and was planned to be closed once the project was finished. The teaming decision was not based on a business decision elaborated by the two venturers, but to meet a firm requirement of the customer organization, who wanted to combine the different competency areas of both companies. The project was undertaken to develop and implement a custom workflow control system for a manufacturing environment, a field, in which Cat, Inc. already had a lot of experience and a well-established reputation.

Table 2-3 Jane’s and John’s Dilemma in Game-Theoretical Notation










½ – ½

3 – 0


0 – 3

2 – 2

Dog Corp. had a long history of projects for the specific customer but was new in this technical field and hoped that the project might help the company develop know-how for future projects. Dog Corp. further hoped that the successful project would open doors for the company into future business by providing a working solution with a satisfied customer that could be utilized in future as a sales reference. During the project, a difficult decision needed to be made by the consortium: whether to add some new and supplemental functionality, which would increase the performance of the solution and its ability to meet customer requirements by a quantum leap. Both companies understood that this change would add significant costs to the project and following the fixed-price contract, the consortium would not be able to bill these additional costs to the customer. The change would have added further risks to the project and probably consume the project’s profitability.

While the decision was more and more delayed by the two venturing companies, Frank observed that tensions were mounting between them, and that these tensions already led to a general decrease in the performance of the consortium and to a degradation of their intermediate results. He had read somewhere that “Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs, which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations” (Conway’s law*), which can be simplified to “Systems reflect the relationships among those who make them”, and wondered now, if the performance and quality problems were just mirroring the eroding relation between the two companies. He spoke with team members from both companies in private and got a confirmation of the deteriorating relationships that he observed. During his personal talks, he could also identify the basic cause for the breakdown of communications (and of the team spirit) inside the contractor consortium: the completely different business interests of the two companies. Cat, Inc. was well established in the field of the project, and while the happy customer had some value to the company, the profit from the project was considered more important. Dog Corp., in contrast, was interested in a powerful and convincing showcase and strategic reference from the customer, which would have helped get access to technologies and a new market; a market, by the way, in which it may have to compete in the future with Cat, Inc., who did not feel comfortable about this outlook. A cooperative approach by both companies would have been to make a joint decision, which would have required both parties to give in with the other company, at least partially, and meet halfway, something that neither company was prepared to do. The result, a change decision that took too long was detrimental to both companies and also to the project: The poor performance and quality had already led to rework, which affected the profits and led to a dissatisfied customer. The dilemma situation can be seen in Table 2-4.

It was hard for Frank to bring the parties together to discuss the issues without exposing his confidential sources that gave him the deeper understanding of the situation, and a lot of distrust and hostility had meanwhile built up that were also not easy to fix. His advantage was that the conflict was still fresh enough to not have run into a full and unresolvable deadlock, and that the parties also felt uncomfortable in the situation and were happy that a third party offered help. When he had the full understanding of the problem, he convinced his management to agree to some financial incentives to the consortium, as well as promise it a professionally written endorsement letter. Another promise was to contribute to a case study article written for a special interest magazine. For the customer, this was a less expensive solution than suffering from delays and having to correct poor quality later, and the customer was actually interested in the value-adding change. The situation was finally resolved in the interest of all parties.

Table 2-4 The Dilemma of the Two Companies in the Project


Cat, Inc., gets

Dog Corp. gets

Total benefit

Both give in


Reference customer

Profit, reference customer

Cat, Inc. gives in


Reference customer

Reference customer

Dog Corp. gives in




No one gives in




Two-players’ games are similar to chess, boxing or football, where the “players” are actually the teams. Their basic problem is the direct confrontation between two parties, each of them trying not to lose, and winning often includes weakening the opponent. The Cold War arms race mentioned above was such a two-players’ game. It was not only a nuclear arms race, but also an attempt to weaken the economy of the other party to make it finally give up. The confrontation can happen because of conflicting interests, but also clashing egos or fear may be a problem. Often, one finds a mix of these factors. In retrospective, the dynamics under way are generally easy to understand, but forecasting the emergence and escalation of these dilemma situations can be difficult. To make things worse in project management, the attention of the project manager, the project management team, and of governing bodies is mostly consumed by a multitude of commercial, technical, interpersonal, and organizational issues, and the emergence of dilemmas is often noticed late. When one finally notices the problems that have occurred, it may be too late to resolve them.

2.6.2 Multi-Players’ Games 1: The Tragedy of the Commons

Some years ago, I was asked by a manufacturer of custom machines, a company I am calling here Lion Ltd., to help analyze why a portfolio that consisted at any time of 40 to 50 concurrent customer projects had much less commercial utilization of their engineering staff and equipment as the company considered feasible. Lion’s focus was indeed more on the utilization of the people rather than the equipment, as they were the most dominant cost and time factor in their projects that consisted of the development, construction, dispatch, and commissioning of their machines. With the diversity of skills that these people used for the projects, the flexibility to allocate an idle team member to another task was limited; a developer of control software, for instance, could not be directed to weld a steel construction, and vice versa. The company considered it possible with good planning to ensure that their staff would work in productive and billable assignments for over 85% of their working time, but the actual rates were rather around 60% to 75% and at times, even less. The company had a long backlog of work to be finished, and the high proportion of unproductive and non-billable worker time—mostly for rework, but also for idle times—put the workforce under a lot of stress to do the same work in less time. Recruiting and training new staff would have helped reduce the stress, but would have been an expensive and timeconsuming activity, and with the long backlog, the company lacked the free capacities, as their workforce was busy to work for the next deliveries. As the utilization of current personnel was lower than desired, such a decision would have been difficult to justify, and management had indeed imposed a hiring freeze, which further increased the pressure on people. The performance problems also diminished the profitability from the projects. Damage claims, penalties, and missed contractual incentives caused by frequent, late deliveries reduced profits, and quality problems that needed to be fixed promptly when they occurred caused additional costs. To make things even more difficult, the higher the pressure from the work load rose, the more the utilization of their staff fell. Lion’s management believed that the company could be performing much better, but did not know how, except by applying additional pressure on staff, which made things worse.

I conducted a series of interviews and soon, the picture became quite clear: There were several causes that together led to the poor utilization, but the most prominent was the company’s internal charging system in which project managers had to “pay” fixed amounts of money for each hour that a person worked in the project; the money was then transferred to the business unit that provided the person—the organization ran in essence a classical profit center model, which distributes the profits over the projects and the units providing the resources. The total profit of the organization was the sum of the individual profits of its parts, and when all parts are making profits, the organization must do so as well, management assumed. If one of these parts, a project or a business unit, had a loss, this was easily identified, and the focus of executives would then be directed to finding and resolving the problem at this “weak spot”. The project managers had to book the workers some weeks in advance, but the sums charged were not calculated based on the hours booked, but on actual working times. It was considered normal, in adapting to the uncertainties in the company’s business, that booking times were longer than expected working times. When a worker was forecast to work eight weeks on a set of tasks, the person was commonly booked for nine weeks, giving the project a one-week booking reserve, which generally seemed reasonable to cover risks and which was considered in the calculations of the hourly rates of the internal charging system. The workers would use unused booking times for administrative work such as putting together their expense sheets or writing internal reports. Of course, Lion Ltd. had a sophisticated Enterprise Project Management (EPM) software solution to manage the allocation of resources to projects and the internal charges that came with them, and the system was customized to support the charge model across the corporation.

In times of pressure, the system got out of balance: Resources had to be booked earlier, at a time before start and end times of assignments could be reliably forecast, to avoid that necessary people and equipment would not be available at the times, when they were needed. The workers for the eight-week task needed to be booked for ten weeks, or even eleven, to cover the uncertainties that came with the early booking. As these workers were not shown as available by the ERP when other project managers needed to book them, the other project managers also had to book earlier in advance and had to cover their additional risks with extended booking times to not be left without resources.


Figure 2-14 The arrangement in the self-service restaurant for customers in the furniture store. The dotted arrows describe the ways that customers are supposed to take from the entrance along the food and drink counters and the cash desks to the tables.

For an outsider, the dilemma situation that the project managers ran into may be difficult to understand, but another, much simpler case-story example from a completely different area may illustrate the basic dynamics that had occurred at Lion:

A large furniture store has a self-service restaurant for its customers with two areas: one to pick up food and drinks, and another one with tables and chairs for the customers to have their meals. There is a cash deck zone between the areas. Figure 2-14 shows the arrangement that most readers will find familiar. The dotted arrows describe the ways that customers normally use to enter the restaurant, take food and drinks, pay, and then find a seat.

The furniture store opens at 8:30 in the morning and a small number of customers go directly to the restaurant, as they come to the store only for an inexpensive breakfast. It takes the majority of customers at least 30 minutes to walk through the store and arrive at the restaurant. Most customers do not come alone; they come with their spouses, friends, and families and want to sit together with them at a table. The bottleneck resource in the example are the restaurant tables, and it is interesting to observe over some time how the tables are productively used, which means that there is at least one person at a table who is consuming food or drinks he or she has purchased.

Figure 2-15 shows that until 10:30 a.m. the situation is easy to describe: Someone who has paid at the cash desk and needs a place just occupies a free table and there are enough tables available. After 10:30, things change. More and more customers stand between the tables with a tray in the hands and do not find a place to sit even though not all of the tables are occupied by consuming customers. At some tables, there is just one person sitting without anything to eat or drink. These people sit there to reserve the table for the family that is on the way to get and pay for food and drinks. When the demand for free tables exceeds the supply, the number of people who reserve tables increases, and they will feel that they are doing that in support of their families. When it takes a family 60 minutes to finish a meal, the table is unusable for around 70 minutes.

The utilization for tables deteriorates further when waiting lines build up in the food zone and at the cash desks at around 10:30. Then, it will take the families longer to pass the process and arrive at the table, and the waiting time for the reserving person will increase, thus further reducing the number of utilized tables. Then, a family may reserve and use a table for over 75 minutes, bringing the utilization further down to 70% and 75%. This poor utilization becomes quite a stable effect; it is another example of a Nash Equilibrium. One hundred percent would be a desired optimum, but the balance of forces veers the utilization down to the Nash Equilibrium, similar to a malevolent invisible hand. People waiting at otherwise empty tables reserved for their families to come with the food reduce the number of free tables at the time when they are needed most, and the shortage of tables makes it more imperative for these people to reserve tables. At the same time, other customers stand there with the trays in their hands and do not find an unoccupied table, while their meals get cold.


Figure 2-15 Number of tables required for eating and drinking, and the number of tables actually used for the purpose counted on a Saturday morning to lunch time.

Back to the 50-project portfolio of machine manufacturer Lion Ltd., in which similar dynamics reduced the true utilization of corporate resources. Project managers could build availability reserves by booking needed resources for longer periods than actually necessary, or even book resources that they may not need at all, “just in case . . .”. Resources were then either booked exclusively on one project, especially when work needed to be done on customer site, or were expected to work for multiple projects simultaneously, which led to massive over-booking, in one case of 800%. When it came to the moment that the unrealism of the resource booking became obvious, short-term decisions needed to be made by managers on the allocation of people to projects, and the resources went to the project that was in the most troubles. A problem for the company’s staff members in the situation became the continuously high levels of distress in their work environments. This distress caused people to rush their work, neglecting the diligence that they would have normally applied. The managers believed that they also had cases of active disruptions and even sabotage, but they could not verify the allegation and could not relate it to specific people. This led to an effect known in psychology as effort-reward imbalance, which is a common cause for burnouts and in turn leads to absenteeism and staff attrition, an effect that Lion Ltd. could also observe and that increased the resource shortage further. Another effect was simply that people under time pressure are making more mistakes than people who have the time it takes for them to do their job. The entire organization was in an out-of-balance state that was not sustainable.

This kind of game-theoretical dilemma is often referred to as the “Tragedy of the Commons”*. Commons in this context stands for common land, mostly meadows and forests, which is not owned by a single person, but by the members of a community such as a village or a county. Commons were usual in historic times, but still exist today. An old name for such common land is “Allmend”, which is still in use in parts of Germany, Switzerland, and Scandinavia and means “property of all”. Common land is open for use by all members of the owning community, and in literature, one often finds a romantic transfiguration of the freedom that commons promise, but the reality is often rather grim. The Tragedy of the Commons refers to the observation that meadows, forests, lakes, etc. that were considered commons were generally in much worse condition than those that were in private hands. A pasture that is open for many people to graze their cattle needs some time to recover when the animals have finished grazing and have been taken away. On private ground, the owner will probably allow the grass time enough to grow to a size that makes it valuable for the cattle. On unregulated commons, when several people are entitled to let their cattle graze, it is rather unlikely that the grass will have enough time to grow, because each cattle owner must fear that, if he or she waits too long, another one will make use of the grass. That is why common pastures were mostly in much worse condition than private ones, and the same is true for community-owned forests, lakes, vineyards, etc. To avoid the Tragedy of the Commons, communities then tried to regulate their use, but found it difficult to come up with rules that were acceptable for all community members. Commons have always been a bone of contention, often vicious contention, as in the German peasants’ wars in 1524 and 1525, when 75,000 peasants were killed who wanted to defend their commons and their freedom.

Some of my readers will be aware of the Leatherstocking Tales, a series of novels by James Fenimore Cooper. The first novel, The Pioneers, deals with the regulation of a common good, a forest in the state of New York. In the novel, Cooper points to another aspect of the Tragedy of the Commons: The pioneers stage a pigeon hunt (Chapter XXII of the novel), during which they make a sport of shooting bullets into dense flocks of flying pigeons, not with the intention to hunt meals for their families but out of pure joy of killing. The pigeons—not owned by anyone and therefore also considered a common good—became victims of a meaningless mass killing in a world that was no longer theirs but was seized by the pioneers. A similar leitmotif can be found in Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear, where highly competitive actors are rather prepared to lose the common goods—the love of a father, an entire kingdom—than to cooperate for the sake of this good and risk losing as an individual. The last refuge that the king can take is madness. Human (and sometimes non-human) behavior in game-theoretical situations can be mind-boggling and damage people’s basic ability to make common-sense decisions, consider matters of sustainability, and develop empathy for the needs and feelings of others.

In the example above, discussing the portfolio of customer projects at Lion Ltd., the commons were the corporate human resources that the project managers could use, or, to be more accurate, the times that they were available. Project managers could massively overbook them as reserves to respond to uncertainty. It is generally good practice to protect deadlines, funding limitations, resource usage, and other constraints by placing reasonable reserves in the form of time, money, scope (“nice to haves”), etc. Another type of reserves are the booking reserves in the example, the extension of time slots that resources are made available on top of the expected time that it will probably take them to finish a task, or the booking of otherwise unassigned people as “benched players”, to have them available if they are needed. Reserves of any kind come with costs to the organization, with the result that booking reserves excessively, sometimes referred to as “padding”, can turn providing them into a bad practice.

I previously used the example of rental cars, that must be paid for based on booking times, not actual working times. If you book a rental car for five days, but use it only for two days, you still have to pay for the full five days. The same is mostly true for external staff: when a service provider has been contracted to provide human resources for four weeks, but those people have finished working after three weeks, the customer will likely have to pay the full four weeks—of course depending on the type and the clauses of the contract. Most resources are paid not for working time but for the time that they are available for the project, which means that they are not available for anyone else to use. The provider of the human resources or the car rental company may agree to a good-will agreement and not bill the resources for the whole time, but—depending on the contractual terms—it is rather unlikely that the customer can rely on this amiability.

At Lion Ltd., in contrast, the internal charging system allocated internal expenses to the project based on pure working time, so project managers could block resources far beyond the foreseeable needs without too much consideration of whether it is likely that they will need them. It is similar to the restaurant visitors mentioned previously. Lion Ltd. made the entire resource pool a common pasture for its projects, and when the exaggerated blocking of resources lead to reduced utilization, the company then had two options: Ignore the blocking of resources that normally comes with bookings and allow for over-allocations, which then (for some team members) added up to 800%, or try to find alternative work short-term for people who were booked but not needed, which was often impossible, given the specific skills that these people had, and also given that many were on remote customer sites and could not be easily taken to other locations. Such actions had another side effect; they gave team members the perception of being pushed around instead of making them feel committed to their project.

What was the solution? First, some short-term measures were taken to give back the perception to the employees that they are valued and their performance is esteemed. Some of these measures were quite simple and inexpensive, such as talking more with them and having a dinner together, but managers had to invest time and energy and needed to listen to their concerns and recommendations. Then, the internal charging system needed to be changed to be based on bookings instead of being based on actual work. This may seem simple, but it was not, mainly for two reasons:

  1. The new practices for internal charging led to the need to make major changes in the software that the organization used. The default in the software was that chargeable resource costs were calculated as working hours X rates per hour, and the customization work needed was significant*.

  2. There was a lot of resistance from the project managers. The argumentation was similar to that of the fishing industry opposing quota discussed by scientists and politicians that would limit their “Freedom of the Seas”, which entitles them to destroy the fish populations on which their business depends. Charging projects for booked resources motivated project managers to apply more active risk management to better understand uncertainties.

In addition, Lion Ltd.’s PMO installed the position of a resource administrator, who took care of effective allocation of people and major equipment to project tasks to avoid both over- and under-allocation, to the degree that this is possible. The combination of software, organizational decisions, and interpersonal action brought the desired effect. One should also say that some project managers needed to be replaced by new personnel, because some could not accept the changes to the practices, which required from them to not only consider their projects but also the effect on the organization when they allocated resources to their project tasks.

2.6.2 Multi-Players’ Games 2: The Dilemma of the Concurrent Investments

I observed the next case story in a software project for the replacement of an existing solution with a new one. I will call the company who performed the project in the following discussion Tiger, Inc.; describing game-theoretical dilemma situations is rarely pleasant for the stakeholders involved and portrays them often in unflattering light, which is why using avatar names is preferable in this context. The company had contracted over 75% of the work to two contractors, Bulldog Ltd. and Shepherd, Inc., the latter being my customer. Bulldog and Shepherd then gave some work to subcontractors, and Shepherd’s subcontractors in turn used third-tier subcontractors—one of them actually a second-tier subcontractor to Bulldog. The result was a complex multi-tier supply network as shown in Figure 2-16.

Multi-tier supply networks as this one pose some special challenges to project managers. They occur across all industries in growing numbers and complexity, and in practice, there are much more complex ones. The observation that their frequency and complexity is increasing is probably an effect of the still increasing speed of technological change in most industries. Corporations can often not develop the agility to cope with this change alone and, therefore, need the support of smaller organizations. A subcontractor may even be a single person as a champion to help the organization adapt more quickly to new opportunities. The most extreme example that I have been in contact with so far was the development of the Boeing 787 Dreamliner passenger aircraft. The major share of the development work was assigned to contractors and subcontractors over several tiers, among them many companies with whom Boeing had no contractual relationship: A legal doctrine called “Privity of contracts” in countries with Anglo-American Common law, “Protection of third parties’ rights” in Civil law countries, says that only immediate contract partners have direct obligations against each other. A customer has no contractual relationship with a subcontractor.


Figure 2-16 The supply network in the project of Tiger, Inc.

To make things even more complicated, work was outsourced to companies in Europe and Japan, countries whose legal systems (mostly Civil law), business cultures, and work ethics were fundamentally different from what the development staff of Boeing was familiar with from previous business. The sales personnel of Boeing was much more experienced with these differences and could have given good advice to the developers on how to deal with them, but in a functional organization made of silos surrounded by almost impermeable walls, it is rather unlikely that communication works across the divisions: Sales people have to sell, developers have to develop, and none of them has the time and the will to talk intensively with the colleague from the other unit. Silo organizations are also a classical playground for Nash Equilibria, and the Dreamliner project was burdened with them internally and in the supply network; resulting in delays, massive budget overruns and technical problems, the worst of them being burning Lithium batteries, that even led to grounding of the aircraft in January 2013*.

Tiger, Inc.’s project to develop and implement a business software was done by a multi-tier network of contractors that was difficult for them to manage. In the case of Subcontractor 5, actually a sub-subcontractor, Tiger’s management was not even aware that the company worked for its project at all. They believed that Subcontractor 1 would do the work with its own resources, but their contract with Bulldog Ltd. did not exclude further subcontracting, and as the contractor lacked its own resources to do all the work, they secretly teamed with another company.

The supply network was widely managed by a system of contracts, which were mostly developed by legal staff, not by people from project management. Contracts rule the minimum obligations for each party involved that they have to meet to avoid stepping into a breach of contract situation. Contracts are rather a means of competitive than of cooperative action, because they are mostly useful when a conflict occurs, and when the parties understand that the conflict may finally end at court, another place of competitive rather than cooperative action. Contracts cannot obligate parties to show motivation and enthusiasm for the project, and they do not provide a foundation for intensive team motivation and mutual trust. I already cited Conway’s Law, which says, “Organizations which design systems are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations”. In essence, the rule says that in order to produce performance systems that meet a multifaceted set of requirements of a customer, users, and other stakeholders, a project needs a performant team, which communicates in a style that is constant, consistent, effective, and intensive. Whether such a team actually exists in a project is mostly seen in the difficult moments, not in the easy ones.

In the case of the project of Tiger, Inc., the system of contracts worked fairly well and supported the interests of the project as long as things went generally as planned. Problems emerged, when unexpected situations arose during critical implementation activities that made it necessary to perform field changes and then to deviate from the plan. Field changes are ad hoc decisions, mostly during implementation phases, that need to be made in urgent situations. Field changes generally come with additional work and costs and may make extended operational disruptions necessary. They also come with risks, as they mostly need to circumvent change control processes—there is simply not enough time to assess the impacts of the change request in sufficient detail before making the decision. In Tiger, Inc.’s software project, the greatest problems were the interfaces between the various components, which in turn were the work items of the various contractors and subcontractors, and also implementing new software with the existing legacy systems inside the company, many of which had been used for years, some even for decades. The new software was developed in stages with growing complexity that was validated on a safe test system, where only some minor problems became visible that were easily fixed. The real problems occurred when the software was installed on productive systems. From the point of view of each of the contractors and subcontractors, they had met their contractual obligations and delivered a working component, and it was the job of the other contractor to fix their software. The fear was growing among the contractors and subcontractors that they had to put more work into their part of the software that the customer would not be prepared to pay for, that they would lose time and block their developers, who would then be not free to move to another customer project as planned. As each of these suppliers waited for another to invest additionally in the functioning of the full solution, the additional investment to make the full system work was not done at all. The last one to learn of the deficiencies of the software was the customer; every contractor reported that its work was going well, based mostly on information from the reports from the subcontractors, and the customer assumed that if every vendor did its job according to contract, they all should arrive at a working solution at the end.

To make things worse, a habit of mutual finger-pointing and recriminations evolved between the various companies. For each of them, it was clear that they had performed as expected on their contract and another company should be blamed for the interface problems. The dilemma started as a mathematical calculation: If I invest more than necessary, the additional costs will be on my side, but the benefit—an effective software product without quality issues—will be with the customer. Contractors and subcontractors soon developed a collective system of fundamental mutual distrust. The contracts did not really help; the customer had no direct access to the subcontractors because of the “Privity of Contracts” doctrine mentioned above*, and also because of the fear of liability claims, which made the contractors and subcontractors even less cooperative and communicative among each other and with the customer.

The “Tragedy of the Commons” describes a situation in which the Nash Equilibrium entails the concurrent exploitation of a resource without considering its attrition, possibly its destruction. The “Dilemma of the Concurrent Investments” describes a Nash Equilibrium that leads to important investments that will not be made. If each member of a group of players has to make an individual investment, but the benefit from the investment will be shared by all group members, a group member may follow a strategy to reduce its own investment and still enjoy the share of the benefits from the investments of the other members. If all group members follow this strategy, there will not be any benefits left to share and enjoy. In the example, each piece of work done by a player on top of what is contractually required is an individual investment in the common good, the software solution. Contracts in project management tend to get outdated over time, which is not only due to changes in the project, but also to changes in the environment in which the project is performed. If they cannot be updated in a timely manner, they then need to be commenced, possibly even replaced with good will and the preparation to consider the common good more important than the individual one. If this behavior is not shared by all parties, the cooperative parties will feel that they are getting fooled by the non-cooperative ones and may change their behavior too and become competitive as well. Then, the Nash Equilibrium will occur because of the conflict between the particular interests—do not invest more than what is inevitable—and the joint interest that each party gives its best to contribute to a great project and build the solution that the customer needs.

2.6.3 Hope for Our Projects

Discussions on game theoretical dilemma situations may leave people unsettled. Similar to a classical tragedy, they often occur as a one-way road leading into disaster without an alternative escape option. Many respond to the dilemma situations by increasing pressure on their own personnel and contractors, trying to enforce cooperation and communications, but in most cases, this strengthens the deadlocks instead of resolving them. Authoritarian and competitive behaviors are rarely solutions to dilemma situations. Another response may be to withdraw from all conflicts and ignore the course into the dilemma affecting the project. Then, project managers often focus on technical matters or respond to problems with hollow formalisms, when they should actually become active to resolve organizational and interpersonal problems and leave the solution of technical problems to their team members. Project managers who tend to withdraw or avoid conflicts rarely have successful projects as they lack the will to preemptively avoid the dilemmas and make needed changes when the emerge.

A simple observation may help find the solution: Humans are, to my knowledge, the only life form in which individuals voluntarily join forces to carry heavy things together*. Before the domestication of animals such as cattle, donkeys, horses, camels, and even elephants that could carry goods or pull carriages or sledges, human muscle power was probably the only force that could be used for the transportation of goods. Combined muscle power of hundreds or even thousands of individuals built the Egyptian Pyramids, Stonehenge in England, the ancient temples in Greece, and the temple of Angkor Wat. This force is as strong in making people join and achieve common targets as the force of a game-theoretical dilemma that separates them and makes them place individual interests over common ones.

Take, for instance, a group of three carrying a heavy washing machine upstairs to a fourth floor apartment in an old city building without an elevator. The task is not simply a matter of muscle force, but also of coordination: Staircases in these buildings are often narrow, and the carriers have to arrange themselves around the load so that they can handle it jointly without dropping it. The ends of the machine may differ in weight, and so does the power of the carriers, so they will arrange them in a way that power and weight will be best balanced. They have to coordinate the movement upstairs to avoid one person stumbling, so actually, they communicate a lot by feeling the movements of the load that they are carrying and adjusting the force that they apply to the load accordingly. They also have to communicate verbally to coordinate their movements, and even persons who are normally reticent become very talkative when they carry heavy loads with others. The minimum communications that one will hear is “Heave-ho!”, which helps the carriers find a common work rhythm that makes moving the load easier. They have to observe and communicate exhaustion to decide upon breaks or to replace a fatigued person with someone who isn’t worn out. The group has to be careful and not damage the washing machine or the walls of the staircase. Another part of the coordination is that the group does not want to carry the washing machine down to the basement or up to the fifth floor, when the job is taking it to the fourth. Coordination includes the common understanding of what is meant when the “job is done and is finished”. It is also interesting how quickly (most) people can arrange themselves to build a working team for such a challenging job. People who have never met before just pick up the load and carry it up, mastering a task in a group that looks simple on the first glance, but requires a lot of coordination and communications.

Getting a job done as a contributing member of a functioning team is an experience that fills most people with joy and satisfaction. People are often more afraid of feeling neglected and lonely than of getting fooled by others. One can observe children learning to collaborate; two or more pick up a heavy branch fallen from a tree or a plank from a construction site and carry it to a place where they can play with it. No one told them the rules of collaboration; they just did it. You may need education and training to learn the modes of effective collaboration, but the basic ability and the joy of acting collaboratively seem to lie in our genes. Most people get a good feeling from being a member of an achieving group and share pride of the achievements with the other group members. People inherently want to belong to kinds of groups that exhibit the traits of a “Band of Brothers”*.

To understand what it takes to turn a project team into a Band of Brothers and Sisters, it is interesting to observe not-for-profit organizations and their projects, where people’s work is mostly based on volunteerism and on the concept of acting for something that they consider a higher purpose. Volunteers in associations are comparable to people who work overtime without having a paid job. I have been a volunteer since 2002 for Project Management Institute (PMI), a global association with over 450,000 members, and am currently the President of the PMI Münich Chapter, where we have counted, at times, up to 80 volunteers working for the operations and projects of the chapter, dedicating private time and energy to the association. In the chapter, they organize regular regional meetings with interesting speakers, run a monthly magazine, manage a bi-yearly congress, support projects for social purposes, and do many more activities. The management of the chapter is also done by volunteers, and the most activities of PMI as the principal organization, such as standardization and certification, are also performed by volunteers

What are the volunteers’ motivators to make such big private investments without a tangible payoff? The following list may not be complete, but these are answers that one hears as responses when one asks this question.

  • Having impact. Some of our volunteers may have a major budget and head count to manage at work, but in relation to the size of the company that they work for, their work’s impact is still nevertheless small. In their volunteer work, they create results that matter.

  • Contributing to a great team. The joint work of the team members brings about results that a single person would not be able to produce and helps forge strong networks based on common experience of success. There is no business case for networking, but strong networks can help master difficult moments as they regularly occur in any professional life.

  • Limitable time requirements. Other tasks may come unexpectedly in their way, and volunteers also have to spend more time for their families, jobs, and other commitments. It is important to have mechanisms in place for such moments by having contingency plans working around their unavailability, or people who can take over their volunteer tasks and replace them. If people who are asked if they want to take over a chapter task feel that they cannot dedicate sufficient free time to volunteering, they will probably not do it at all.

  • Visibility in the community of colleagues and relevant organizations. It is important that the names and faces of the volunteers are communicated, and that the organization’s successes are publically associated with them.

  • Learning experience. Volunteers gain experience and knowledge that they may not be able to obtain at their paid workplace. This may give them self-confidence, if they want to apply for jobs in the future that require such skills, this allows them to honestly document their volunteer work and its results in their resume.

  • Endorsement letters based on performance in a job. Endorsements are a great tool. Professionally written, they recommend both the endorsed person and the person writing the endorsements. Volunteers use these volunteer endorsement letters as they use reference letters from previous employers. The volunteer endorsement letters often illustrate that the volunteers mostly do the tasks that they enjoy doing, so the recommendation is to use them for such tasks. Reference letters from employers are common in Europe—in Germany for instance, an employer must write such a letter in a benevolent style for a leaving employee. In countries where these letters are rather uncommon, an endorsement letter may be even more valuable, because it may be the only third-party assessment of the person’s working style in a real project.

  • From time to time a party. Events that allow volunteers to join and share the perceptions of impact, contribution, learning, and group experience are important to volunteer organizations.

This chapter has also shown the importance of the time aspect of the work. Team spirit is comparable to a jar of heavy ceramics that arduously must be carried up a mountain. Once dropped and broken into pieces, one may try to glue the shards back together, but it will no longer be the original jar, the cracks will remain visible, and it will be probably not be able to hold any liquid. With every difficulty that has been mastered, with every problem that has been resolved, individuals and organizations that have teamed up for the tasks may develop trust in the mutual reliability of the parties involved and in the endurance of the team spirit developed. When people feel fooled and exploited, they often turn to non-cooperative behavior too, and will make others in the project turn to the same behavior. Mutual behavior that ends in a dilemma situation is detrimental for the project as well as for many of the people involved.

Trust building is not a one-time activity, but needs continuous re-enforcement, and one should also not forget Stephen Covey’s statement: “If you want to be trusted, be trustworthy”*.

In 1984, Robert Axelrod developed a discipline called “Cooperation Theory” by expanding game theory with a simple question: Humans cooperate and have done so at all times. What helps them overcome the dilemmas of game theory and the Nash Equilibria that we find so often? His answer is that it does not take trust or friendship but durability of relationships. It seems important that while our projects may be temporary and rather transient, our relations should not be that. The most successful strategy for a player in his research on “tournaments”, repetitive game-theoretical situations, was the strategy of a nice person, who was never the first to defect, but immediately returned defection with defection, cooperation with cooperation. The player should never envy what the other players get or try to excel them, but instead develop care about the welfare of others, and the player should never cheat. This is precisely how people carry heavy loads and bring projects to a successful end, and it is a strategy that brings joy and satisfaction into people’s lives.

Another important aspect is individual and collaborative motivation. This is a difficult task. In my classes, I often ask my students what food they like best. Some prefer a steak or grilled sausages. Many project managers from India prefer spicy vegetarian food, people from Arabic countries often like meat, but, being Muslims, do not eat pork. The reasons for these preferences or choices are different; however, it means that if the way to a person’s heart goes through the stomach, one has to know the person well in order to use the way. Interestingly, hunger, I mean true hunger after five days without food, is the same for everyone. If we want to motivate people by helping them be satisfied in a time of hunger, a dish with bread or rice may be perfectly sufficient for any of them. If we want to motivate satisfied people by offering them the meals they like, the meals that bring them joy and delight, we must know their desires and what they reject. A common reason for game-theoretical dilemma situations that I observed in projects are managers on various levels, including project managers, who did not invest sufficient time and energy to know their stakeholders. Then, they do not know what it takes to motivate individual team members to place the team and the mission success before their individual interests and grow to become a Band of Brothers and Sisters.

In Chapters 3 and 4, I will present a rough typology of projects, discuss practices that are situationally favorable or detrimental for each of them, and discuss some methodological tools that I found helpful for Situational Project Management (SitPM). I will describe this considering the contents of this chapter: The organizational backgrounds and the game-theoretical considerations, both in essence being descriptions of the dynamics of success and failure in team situations.

* In a small company with only a few employees, who are directly lead by their owner/manager, the document may be dispensable and a verbal mandate may be sufficient. In a large corporation, a clear mandate and authorization to spend organizational resources may be necessary to perform any project.

* (PMI, 2005).

* The World Bank considers international logistics a core driver of economic wealth poverty reduction and develops a bi-yearly “Logistics Performance Index” (Arvis et al., 2014).

A paper published by The Law School of the University of Chicago shows how this business model was not actively developed and implemented but emerged in a competitive market over a long time (Picker, 2010).

* (Taylor, 1911).

(Schulte-Zurhausen, 2014, p. 11).

(Hachtmann, 2008, p. 21).

§ (Toyota, 2003).

* (Wood, 2002).

For this type of diagram, rows (swim lanes) are drawn along a time axis for workers and activities are being located on them. It makes it easy to identify times during which a person is available or not. It further helps identify times when the resource is idle or is allocated to more than one task at a time. Instead of individuals, swim lanes can also represent equipment, meeting rooms, teams, contractors, and so on. Larger swim-lane diagrams generally don’t show dependencies. They would become too confusing.

* They are called project controllers in some environments, while their job is much less to control the project but to monitor project cost development.

(National Archives, n.d.).

* (Deming, 1986, p. 24).

(Mailer, 1973).

* Project managers should know the very funny Renaissance comedy, “Il servitore di due padroni” (Goldoni, 1753). Servant Truffaldino, working for a lady, is always hungry and decides to hire with a second master, a man, to earn himself a double income. Hired by two masters, he creates a lot of chaos and confusion, but finally he helps them to confess their love in public and get married. Servants of two masters can create confusion but can also connect people.

* (AICPA, 2008, p. 13).

* (Pennebaker, 2011, pp. 79-82).

* (Argyris & Schön, 1978).

* (Hart & Moore, 1998).

* Deming in his books referred to the cycle as Plan-Do-Study-Act.

Compare this model with the model of the PMBOK® Guide (PMI, 2013), whose central process groups are essentially the same: planning, executing, and monitoring and controlling.

The term is probably derived from the “Crash courses” that some British language schools offer for managers, who only have a few weeks to learn a language and need to make fast progress in a highly focused one-to-one setting.

* (Argyris, 2006).

* The correlation between early knowledge and decision making was discussed in Chapter 1.

* It sometimes leads to confusion that the use of the word “competitive” in game theory does not necessarily relate to a setting that includes running a competition but is used to describe any kind of non-cooperative behavior. In this context, “competitive” stands for any kind of egoistic behavior that is focused on the particular interests and on meeting private agendas, in contrast to cooperative behavior which tries to meet common interests and agendas of the “players”.

The concept of a benevolent “invisible hand” was invented by Adam Smith in his book The Wealth of Nations, arguing that import tariffs are unnecessary, as people generally prefer to buy local goods over buying from foreign sources to limit business risk (Smith, 1776). Meanwhile, reality has repeatedly shown that this statement is not always correct.

(United Nations, 2004).

* The Guardian described an example in December 2014 (Harvey & Neslen, 2014). It is interesting how politicians proudly emphasized that they were only interested in the short-term profit of the national industry, not in the interests of fisheries as a whole, and did also not consider the question of sustainability of fishery business.

A brief discussion of these incidents can be found at (Beckhusen, 2013).

* A movie was made on John Nash’s life in 2001 under the name A Beautiful Mind with Russell Crowe starring as John Nash.

Especially in public auctions, cooperative behavior may be considered illegal bid-rigging.

* This is, of course, not the real name.

* (Conway, 1968).

* (Hardin, 1968).

(Virnich, 2013).

(Cooper, 1823).

* I noted earlier that it is easier to adapt an organization structure to a business software than vice-versa.

* A battery fire occurred still in August 2015, two and a half years after the incidents that led to the groundings. This is an example of the difficulties of fixing problems that have their origins in the interfaces between actors in supply networks (Davies, 2015).

* In a multilevel supply chain or supply network, each party has only a legally enforceable relationship with its direct supplier or customer, but not with the supplier’s supplier or the customer of the customer.

* Well, almost the only life form, some ant species do that as well (Gelblum et al., 2015).

* (Shakespeare, 1599).

467,171 members by end of September 2015.

* (Covey, 2004, p. 43).

(Axelrod, 2006).

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