

advertising 256, 11324, 1357; see also trailers/trailer use

agents 1445

all digital media 100

All.I.Can 513


All Music Guide 93

all new media 100

all television media 989

American Federation of Musicians 73

ancillary income 34, 43

annual license agreements 7882

approval parties 149

approval rights 15

apps 1378

Arrival 646

art-house theatrical exhibition 98

artists 13946

ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) 84, 93

Bacharach, Burt 43

Bandcamp 83

basic cable TV 99

Beal, Jeff 68

Beatport 83

Bein, Chuck 114, 116, 119, 120

below-the-line jobs 48, 63

Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works 910

blanket licenses 11, 76, 778

Blu-Ray 99

BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated) 84, 93

Boardwalk Empire 589

brand personality, identity and recognition 11124

Bratt, Peter 55

broad rights 105

Brown, James 55

Bruckheimer, Jerry 41

‘bump’/‘bumper’ music 76

bundling 76

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 43

cable TV rights 105

Calamar, Gary 53

Callif, Lisa 234, 25

Cash, Johnny 2

catalog reps 140

cease-and-desist letters 201, 29, 118


clearance: information needed for 96101; overview of 8792; overview of music rights 1214; research tools for 924; role of 12; sample request for 8992; see also cue sheets; music supervisors

Cole, Barry 535, 150

collecting on the back-end 678

Columbia Special Products 35

Comeau, Andre 85, 140, 141

commercial music 823

commercial request 1434

compilation albums 34, 456

composers 6273, 77, 11618, 149

copyright: duration of 910; fair use and 227, 135, 149; history of 9; infringement of 1922, 301, 11718; Internet and 2931; overview of law on 78; overview of music 1214; protections of 1012; public domain and 279; publishing 14; purpose of 89; registration 7, 1920; splits and 1619; symbols for 22

Copyright Act (1976) 9

copyright clearance 12

copyright owners/holders: change in 1415; finding 1416; identifying 89; multiple 878; two sides and 1314, 33

corporate piece/corporate use 98, 105, 1212

Corporation of Public Broadcasting (CPB) 1089

covering songs 115, 1224

Creative Commons 83

credits in fair use 267

cue sheets 267, 76, 94101, 109

Cutler, Miriam 62, 63, 669

David, Hal 43

deal memo documents 69

denials 513, 96

Diamond, Neil 2

digital download 100

digital gaming licenses 1378

digital marketing and advertising 1357

digital media 100, 101, 105, 11920, 12538; see also streaming

Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 30

digital platforms 12538

digital search engine platforms 85

digital technology, impact of 3

discovery 836

documentaries: challenges and 589; composers and 63, 69; denials and 12, 51, 96; digital distribution and 130; fair use and 234, 25, 149; fees and 129; labels’ catalogs and 149; MFN and 107; options and 101; pricing and 55; step deals and 105

documentation, importance of 89

Dolores 55

downloads: annual license agreements and 78, 80; cue sheets and 76; exclusion of 99, 100, 105; mechanical license/fee and 11, 334; metadata and 142; music libraries and 77; options and 102; rights for 100, 105, 128, 129; soundtracks and 55; step deals and 132; videograms and 100; VOD services and 130

DVD 99

educational exhibition 98

exclusivity deals 82, 114


fair use 227, 135, 149

film festival exhibition/rights 98, 104

film request 144

free on demand (FOD) 129

free TV 99

Fukuyama, Bob 35, 37, 3940, 41

games 1378

Garfield, Harry 39

Goldberg, Ron 77

Guild of Music Supervisors 49


home video 99


imprints 44

in-context trailer use 100

indemnity 92, 11718

independent labels 46

initial rights 1013

international copyright protection 910

Internet 2931

Internet downloads see downloads

Internet Movie Database 94

Internet streaming see digital media; streaming

Intranet 1367

iTunes 142

James Bond films 42

jingles 11518

Jóhannsson, Jóhann 636, 67, 6970

Johnson, Lyndon 108

Kapp, David 37

Kapp, Mickey 35, 379

Keach, James 567

K-Tel 37

La Barbara, Joan 656

labeling 1412

labels, record 345, 39, 46

lawyers 149

Led Zeppelin 53

Lessig, Lawrence 83

Leviton, Mark 35

licenses: annual 7882; blanket 11, 76, 778; digital gaming 1378; mechanical 11, 334; public performance 11; purpose of 8; synchronization 3740; synchronization l 12; types of 1112

licensors, point of view of 4

limited theatrical exhibition 98

Mann, Michael 39

master copyright 1214

master use licensing 345

Matson, Andrew 112

MCA Special Markets 41

mechanical license 11, 334

mechanical royalties 334

media 97101

media descriptions 912

media spread 4

metadata 1412

MFN (most favored nations) 91, 1068

Miami Vice 39

mnemonics 115, 116

Mossap, David 51

Motion Picture Information Service (MPIS) 29

motion picture theatrical exhibition 98

‘Mozart effect’ 11213

MP3 files 142

music: finding 6186; overview of copyright for 1214; role of 1; see also composers


music composition agreement 703

musicians, union versus non-union 73, 117

music rights clearance 8

music supervisors 4760, 83, 13940

music videos 41

National Public Radio (NPR) 109

negotiators, role of 2

new media 100

Nine Inch Nails 513

non-exclusivity 114

non-theatrical exhibition 98

non-union musicians 73, 117

one-stop shops 14, 149

opening and closing credits 107

opinion letters 23

options 1013, 105, 1312

out-of-context trailer use 101

pay/pay-per-view 99

29, 94

penalty fees 118

performance royalties 84

performing rights organizations 678, 84

permissions, overview of 23

placement companies 1445

plagiarism 11718

playlists, retail 11113

podcasting 99, 100

poor man’s copyright 19

Porter, Todd 612, 113, 119, 120, 123

Poster, Randall 589, 140

pre-roll piece 136, 137

price/pricing 34, 1035; see also MFN (most favored nations)

Prisoners 64

production music libraries 7382

promos 25

Public Broadcasting Act 108

Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) 1089

public domain 279

public performance license 11

public television 1089

publishers 1214, 33

publishing copyright 14

publishing rights 68, 69

quitclaim deed 5960

Radha Krishna Temple 59

“Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head” 43

rate cards 746, 85

record clubs 357

record labels 345, 39, 46

requests, examples of 1434

re-recording songs 1224

research tools 924

retail playlists 11113

re-titling 145

reuse fees 245, 73, 117

reversals 513, 55

rights, process of securing 87109

Roll Bounce 535

Rowland, Tom 41

royalties 334, 678, 84

Savada, Elias 29

SESAC (Society of European Stage Authors and Composers) 84, 93

Sicario 64

sides 1314

Simpson, Don 41

social media 135

Sokoler, Ben 141, 142

song placement 11822, 13946


song pluggers 85

song reps 140

songwriting credit 14

Sony Music 44

SoundCloud 83, 142

soundtracks 40, 412, 556

split disputes 1819

splits 1619

statutory damages 1920

step deals 1056, 1323

streaming 678, 100, 105, 11920, 126, 12830; see also digital media

student films 126, 1278

subscription TV 99

Summer, Donna 535

synchronization license 12, 3740

synchronization use fees 345

television: all media for 989; cable 99, 105; free 99; public 1089; subscription 99

term 3, 97

territory 3, 97

theatrical rights 98, 101, 105

third-party licensing 345

Thomas, B.J. 43

Top Gun 412

trailer spec 143

trailers/trailer use 25, 1001; see also advertising

True Blood 53

union musicians 73, 117

union reuse fees 245

Universal 41

Universal Music 434

U.S. Copyright Office 7

use 97

user-generated content 133

video games 1378

videogram(s) 99100

video-on-demand (VOD) 99, 11920, 129, 1301

videos, music 41

Villeneuve, Denis 634

Vimeo 126, 127

Warner Music Group 44

Warner Special Products (WSP) 35, 3741

WAV files 142

wireless/mobile rights 128

works-for-hire 67

works of authorship 9

YouTube 83, 1268, 1335, 142

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