The letter ‘f’ following a page number refers to an illustration; the letter ‘n’ refers to a note.

A bout de soufflé 184, 185

abstract films 95, 96

abstract movement 39

accents 36, 65

action films: case studies of event rhythm 15160; plots of 139; rhythms 1378; use of mixed motion speeds 218

action shots 56, 94, 95; use of collision 171

actions: actors’ 1213; changes in 124, 125; goals and 123; in parallel action 198, 2001, 206, 207, 219; prolonging 212, 213

Adair, Sandra 143

Adele 60f

affect (see also feelings) 72, 76

affective flow 39, 40f, 94

affective phrasing 39, 401

Allen, Dede 218

Allen, Jadzea 34f

Allen, Richard J. 89f, 101, 102, 110, 242f, 243f, 246f

Allen, Woody 125

Altman, Robert 58f

American Beauty 27f

Anderberg, Kim 244f

Anderson, Wes 43f

Anderson, William 180, 198

animated films 240

Annie Hall 150

Apocalypse Now, case study in style 1779

Arcel, Nikolaj 90f

architecture, as metaphor for editing 136, 137, 1478

Arnaud, François 205f

Aronofsky, Darren 182

Aronson, Linda 878

Astaire, Fred 100f

Astruc, Alexandre, 246n

asymmetry 42

‘attractions’ 32

Aubrey, Beth 242f, 244, 247f

Australian Screen Editors Guild awards 92

authenticity 116

awareness of rhythms 1618, 27

Baraka 164

Bartenieff, Irmgard 61

Barthes, Roland 22

beats 1246, 127, 131, 132

Bennett, Sara 146

Berdan, Brian 187

Beresford, Bruce 179

Bergman, Ingrid 70, 166f, 167

Bilcock, Jill 216, 217

Birdman 38f

Biro, Yvette 224

Blade Runner 26f

Blanchett, Cate 226

blinks/blinking 24, 25, 26f, 79, 114, 122, 125

blocking 967

body 6, 7: corporeal imagination 1819; reactions to tension 72, 73, 75f, 77; rhythms of 6, 22, 24, 756, 82, 86, 132

Bogart, Humphrey 166f, 167

Bonnie and Clyde 218

Bordwell, David 4, 43f, 55, 67n, 141

The Borgias, case study of parallel action 2036

Boyhood 143

Boyle, Peter 127, 128f, 130, 131, 133f, 134

Bracco, Lorraine 158

braid structure 1434

Brando, Marlon 152, 153f

Breaker Morant, case study in style 17982

breath rhythm 25

breathing 25, 1067, 122

Bretherton, David

Bridges, William 143

Broadcast News, case study in tension 7785

Brooks, Albert 77

Brooks, James 77, 82

Brown, Sam 60f

Brown, Tim 2345

Burstyn, Ellen 183

Butler, Bill 46f

Butler, David 74f

Cabaret 64f

Caché 143

Cambern, Donn 9

Canalese, Emma 102

Carax, Leos 136, 145f

Caro, Niki 44f

Casablanca 166f, 167

case studies: emotional rhythm 12634; event rhythm 15160; fast motion 21517; onscreen drafting 2406; parallel action 195208; physical rhythm 10212; slow motion 21014; style 17484; tension and release 7784

Castle-Hughes, Keisha 44f

Caught in the Draft 74f

cause-and-effect relationships 140, 146, 151; throwing energy and 119, 123, 124, 125, 135

Chalmers, D. 222

change 89, 91, 169; in actions 124, 125, 151; rate of 5760; as result of collision 169

Chariots of Fire, slow motion case study 21012

chase scenes 95, 112; use of collision 171

Chicago 100f

Choreographic Cognitions 334

choreography 2, 30, 334; movement phrasing 3642

Citizen Kane 168

Clark, A. 222

Claxton, Guy 11

Clemenson, Christian 78, 81f, 83f

A Clockwork Orange 46f

Clooney, George 137

cognition 33, 34

cognitivism 56

collaboration 51, 2212, 224, 234; with directors 2236, 2267, 2289f, 233

Collette, Toni 1267, 128f, 130, 134

collision 63, 163, 16971, 174; case studies 1757, 1824; continuity cutting and 1723, 1756; Eisenstein’s use of 63, 169, 170, 171; linkage and 163, 173, 174; and thematic montage 171, 1824

Colour Box 96f

comedy 21516

compass point edits 43f

complementarity 222

composing 31

conducting 323

Connelly, Jennifer 182, 183f

continuity cutting 63, 106, 165, 172; case studies 1757, 17982; collision and 1723, 1757; in contemporary style 185; linkage and 173, 174, 17982; spectrum to thematic montage 1669, 185

continuity errors 122

Coppola, Francis Ford 177, 199

Corsitto, Salvatore 152

Corwin, Hank 187

Court, David 227

crafting 42

creativity 13, 94, 220, 223; collaborative 227; generative/interpretive 2267; and onscreen drafts 239, 240; responsive 2256; rhythmic 67

Cross, Ben 210, 214

Curtiz, Michael 167

Cusack, Joan 80, 82, 84f

cuts/cutting (see also continuity cutting) 52f, 79, 131, 1956; of emotional rhythms 11516, 117, 1289, 132; to form phrases 40f, 41f; jump 1845, 186; match 63, 173; and movement 98, 122, 125; performance guiding 114; rate of 556; smooth 63; timing of 155, 201, 203; traditional 147

Cocteau, Jean 185

Cuarón, Alfonso 137

Daldry, Stephen 126

dance 95, 98, 100f, 102, 171; editing 10211

dance movements, phrases of 46

dancing edits 98100, 101; case study 10810

Dancyger, Ken 185; The Technique of Film and Video Editing 4

Danes, Claire 21617

Davis, Geena 215f

decision making 223, 2245, 232; embodied 23940; onscreen drafts 237

Decugis Cecile 185

Deleuze, Gilles 7, 76

design thinking 232, 2345

devices 21819; definition of 189; fast motion 21417; mixed motions 21718; parallel action 190208; slow motion 20814

Dickens, Charles 190

difference 171

digital technology 231, 235

directors 38, 46, 2212, 223, 2245, 226, 232; collaboration with 222, 2236, 2289f, 233; and editing style 162

discontinuous continuity 185

dissolves 1789

documentaries 14950; cutting movement energy 65

Donen, Stanley 216

The Doors 178

Down Time Jaz 118f

drafts (see also onscreen drafts) 2367

dramatic questions 13942

duration of shots 53, 54, 11718

editing thinking 2323, 234; case study 2406; practical exercise 233

effort 61

Eisenstein, Sergei 6, 31, 32, 33, 39, 48n, 120, 190; on collision 63, 169, 170, 171; and rhythmic montage 33, 39

ellipsis 13940, 215; temporal 1668

embodied simulation 701, 85, 232

emotion/s (see also kinaesthetic empathy) 72, 93, 212; and action, in parallel action 198, 2001, 206, 219; experiencing 212; flow of 94; heightening 208; and slow motion 208, 21213

emotional energy 11920, 152; slow motion and 214; throwing 122, 124, 125, 129, 130, 132, 161, 180

emotional meaning 1212

emotional movement (see also emotional energy) 135, 151, 2223; and intuition 401; and pacing 58; of performers 114; and physical movement 889

emotional rhythm 889, 91, 11520, 1302, 135, 180; beats 1245; case study 12634; prepare, action, rest 1201; shaping of 11620, 1245; tension created through 130, 152, 161

empathy (see also kinaesthetic empathy) 1819; movement and 1822

emphasis 35, 36, 145, 208, 219; by duration 208; by repetition 54; by stress 65, 208, 21014

energy (see also emotional energy) 15, 47, 61, 98, 155; and collision/linkage 171, 174; continuity cutting and 165, 167, 168; in dance 109; and effort 61; expressing intention 612; manipulation of 601, 63, 65, 66; and pace and timing 1457, 152; pulses and 36; and stress 656; throwing 11720, 122, 123, 125, 132, 180

The English Patient 64f

Erin Brokovich 186

event rhythms 136, 161; case studies 15160; energy, pace and timing 1457; real vs fictional events 14951; reintegrating rhythms 1501; shaping 1467, 149, 151, 152; structures and 1367, 1425, 1478

expectations 689, 1378, 194, 207

experience 11, 19

expertise 1112, 223, 234

extended mind 2212

The Eye is Quicker 31

Fairservice, Don 4, 192

Farina, Dennis 206f

fast motion 21416; case studies 21618; function of 215, 217; and mixed motion 21718

feeling (exercise) 35

feelings 412, 71, 72; experiencing 212; perception of 18

fiction, foundational structures 14950

Fiennes, Ralph 64f

fight scenes 95, 97f, 98, 99f, 112; use of collision 171

Fildes, Simon 40f

Film Art (Thompson) 4

Film Editing: History, Theory and Practice (Fairservice) 4, 192

Finney, Albert 217

First and Final Frames (Swinney) 139

First Cut, Conversations with Film Editors (Oldham) 9, 16

first scenes 1379, 1778; The Godfather 1512, 154; setting expectations 1379; Strangers on a Train 1934

The Fog of War 144

Ford, Harrison 26f

Fosse, Bob 64f

Fraleigh, Sandra Horton 62

frames/framing 43, 45; exclusion/inclusion 196; trimming 117

freeze-frames 1567, 214

Frost/Nixon 41f

Gallese, Vittorio 70

Gallipoli, parallel action case study 1958

Germano, Ivan 247f

Gianetti, Louis 169

Gibson, Mel 196, 197f

Gibson, Ross 25

Girard, François 144

goals and actions (exercise) 123

Goddard, Jean-Luc 184

The Godfather: baptism scene 1545, 199200; event rhythm case study 1515; first scene 152, 154; parallel action case study 199203

Goodfellas, event rhythm case study 15560

Gosford Park 58f

Graham, Marcus 243f

Grainger, Holliday 205f

The Grand Budapest Hotel 43

Grant, Cary 59f

Gravity 1378

Gray, K. 2389

The Great Train Robbery, parallel action case study 1923

Greenfield, Amy 109

Grey, Joel 64f

Griffith, D.W. 190

Grootenboer, Lisa 2045

Grodal, Torben K. 72

The Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians 55, 656

Guerra, M. 70

Haneke, Tom 1001

Hanely, Daniel P. 41f

Hanneke, Michael 143

Harrelson, Woody 186, 187f

Hawks, Howard 59f

Heim, Alan 9

Hepburn, Audrey 217

Herlings, Terri 108f

Herrmann, Bernard 176

Hill, Mike 41f

Hirsch, Paul 9

His Girl Friday 59f

Hiscock, Michelle 237

Hitchcock, Alfred 75, 219n; Notorious 70; Psycho 75f, 175, 176; Strangers on a Train 194, 196

holding the moment 1312

Holy Motors 145f

Hope, Bob 74f

The Hours, case study in emotional rhythm 12634

House of Cards 141f

Howard, Ron 41f

Hudson, Hugh 210

Humphrey, Doris, The Art of making dances 42, 456

Hunter, Holly 77, 78f, 79, 80f, 82

Hurt, William 77, 80, 82, 83f

Iñárritu, Alejandro G. 38f, 186

Incendies 43f

incongruity 170

initiating rhythms 32

intention 20, 612, 121; mirroring 21 pulses and 36

intuition 910, 28, 401, 501, 223, 229; components of 1114; instinct vs 10; from knowledge 50, 86; movement and 1415, 1822; rhythmic 1618, 22, 245

intuitive thinking 1114

Irons, Jeremy 205f

Island Home Country 65f

Jackson, Peter 97f

James Bond 137

Jarmusch, Jim 168

Johnson, Bill 140f

Jones, James Earl 69f

Jones, Vinnie 206f

judgment 1213

jump cuts 1845, 186

juxtapositions 1434, 224; and collision 1701; in continuity cutting 172; of dance movements 46; and dancing edits 108; montage as 164; and movement phrases 36, 37; trajectory phasing of 106

Kahn, Sheldon 9

kinaesthetic antipathy 148

kinaesthetic empathy 7, 15, 1820, 267, 82, 86; and emotional movement 127; fast motion and 216; physical rhythm and 91; slow motion and 208, 209, 21011, 212

knowledge 6, 10

Komatsu, Robert 41f

En Kongelig Affaere 90f

Koyaanisqatsi 164

Kress, Carl 9

Laban, Rudolf 61

Lamour, Dorothy 74f

Langella, Frank 41f

Lavant, Denis 145f

learning, implicit 12, 28

Lees, James 143

Leigh, Janet 75f, 175, 176

Leigh, Mike 236

Leto, Jared 182, 183f

Levin, Sidney 9

Lewis, Juliet 186

linkage 63, 64f, 65, 163, 172; case studies 1779 17982; collision and 174; and continuity cutting 173, 174, 17982; thematic montage and 1779

Linklater, Richard 143

Liotta, Ray 156

Lord of the Rings 97f

Luhrmann, Baz 216

Lye, Len 96f

Lynch, David 149

Mad Men 168

Marks, Richard 9, 78, 82, 84

Marosszeky, Michi 247f

Marshall, Rob 100f

Martin, Wendy H. 2045

Martino, Al 154f

match cutting 63, 173

Matewan 69f

McKee, Robert 212, 216

McPherson, Katrina 40f

meditation 767, 85

Melancholia 209f

memory, corporeal 21

Metz, Christian 207

Meyerhold, Vsevolod 120

Millar, Gavin 4

Mills, Jane 186

mind meld 2214

Mingella, Anthony 64f

mirror neurons 7, 15, 202, 29n, 70, 85, 222; activation of 267; and collaboration 222; and editing thinking 232; and embodied simulation 701, 85; explanation of 20, 221; and imitation 245

mirroring intentions (exercise) 21

mirroring movements 701

mixed motions 21718

Modell, Arnold 1819

Molloy, Simon 227

montage see thematic montage

Moore, Julianne 126, 127, 128f

Morris, Errol 115f, 144

movement (see also emotional movement; physical movement): abstract 39; as emotional content 41; empathy with 1820; flow of 94; intentional 201, 61; and intuition 1415; shaping 94

movement phrases 3647; action as 122; phrasing considerations 427; redesigning 97

Mullholland Drive 149

multi-strand narratives 144

Munn, Mike 73

Murch, Walter 24, 28, 64f, 113n, 114, 122

murderer in the dark (exercise) 74

music 16, 31, 160; comparisons with editing 315, 478; composing 31; conducting 323; orchestration 312; and physical rhythm 112; use of 178, 182, 201, 214

Natural Born Killers 1867,

The Navigator, slow motion case study 21213

neuroscience 7, 20, 70, 72

Newsfront 228f

A Night at the Opera 57f

No Surrender 89f

Notorious 701

Noyce, Phillip 228f

Oldham, G. 9, 16

onscreen drafts 231, 2336; case study 2416; embodied decision-making 23940

orchestration 312

Orlando 144

pace, energy and timing 1457, 152

pacing 4, 32, 5560, 112; fast 589; rate of change within a shot 567; rate of cutting 556; rate of overall change 5760; slowing of 49

Pacino, Al 199, 201, 202f

Pankow, Bill 9

parallel action 1901, 218; case studies 195208; exercises 191, 194, 195, 199, 204; and time pressure 1968

Pater, Walter 32

Patten, Jardine 242f

patterns of movement 956

Pearlman, Karen 118f, 241, 2436

Penn, Arthur 28

performance 114, 115; shaping 146; uses of time 165

Perkins, Anthony 175, 176f

perspective 245

Pesci, Joe 158

phenomenology 29n

phrases of movement 3647

physical movement 58, 94, 96, 151, 158

physical rhythm 88, 91, 95, 171; case studies 10212; dancing edits 98100, 101, 1089; music, sound and 112; rechoreographing 967, 101, 1067; singing the rhythm 1001, 110; storytelling 98, 101, 105

physical storytelling 98, 101; case study 1056, 108, 110

Physical TV Company 102, 112

physiological responses 19, 82, 86, 214

physiological rhythms 6, 22, 75, 76

Pileggi, Nicholas 155

Plummer, Amanda 23f

Pockets 143

Polley, Sarah 73f

Porter, Elliot 192

portrait structure 144

power, editors’/directors’ 2268

‘preparation, action, recovery’ 1201, 134, 135

Psycho 75f; case study in style 1757

Pudovkin, Vsevolod 1401, 163, 172

Pulp Fiction 23f

pulse 30, 356

Raging Bull 99f

Rains, Claude 70

Ramachandran, V.S. 20

rapid prototyping 2389

Rawlings, Terry 210

rechoreographing 967, 101; in case study 1068

recovery 120, 135

Reggio, Godfrey 164

reintegrating rhythms 1501

repetition: emphasis by 54; of setups 180

Requiem for a Dream, case study in style 1824

Restak, Richard 10, 20, 29n

Reynolds, William 155, 199

Ridgway, Linda 108f

Ritchie, Guy 206, 207

Roberts, Julia 186

Romeo and Juliet, fast motion case study 21617

Rosenblum, Ralph 150

Roth, Tim 23f

rough-cuts 147, 148

rumination 1314

Russell, Rosalind 59f

Salt, Barry 67n, 141

Sarandon, Susan 215f

Sayles, John 68, 69f

Schoonmaker, Thelma 99, 155

Scorsese, Martin 31, 99, 155

Scott, John 213

Selkirk, Jamie 97f

sensitivity 13, 18, 94, 2223; heightened 2224, 234; to movement 232, 233, 234

Sheen, Martin 177

Sheen, Michael 41f

Shire, Talia 154f

shots 43, 445, 46; duration of 53, 66, 117, 141, 180; placement of 534; sequences of 369; uses of space 165; which, where and how long 11619

Simon, Paul 207

singing the rhythm 1001

slow fade 214

slow motion 2089; case studies 21014; emphasis through stress achieved through 208; fast motion and 21415; function of 208, 210, 212, 214

Snatch, parallel action case study 2068

Soderbergh, Steven 186

Sokolowski, Robert 29n

Sorkin, Aaron 140f

space 45, 165, 168, 207; and energy and time 48, 62

Spacey, Kevin 141f

speed ramping 218

stage spaces 45

Stanislavski method 1214

Stone, Oliver 186, 187

Stories we Tell 73f

Stranger than Paradise 168

Strangers on a Train, parallel action case study 1936

structure/s 94, 1367, 220; and dramatic questions 13942; and event rhythms 1367, 1425, 1478; mathematical 144; musical 144; portrait 144

style 1623, 1878; case studies 17484; collision and linkage 16973; contemporary 1847; symmetry/asymmetry and 42; thematic montage and continuity cutting 1639, 173

subjectivity, jump cuts and 1856

subtext 121, 127, 134, 146

Sutton, John 222

Svilova, Elizaveta 2416

Swinney, J.T. 139

symmetry 42

synchronization 757, 79, 82, 85; case study in 7785; with directors 2289; social 76

synesthesia 1001

Tarantino, Quentin 23f

Tarkovsky, Andrey 1516, 32, 35, 39

temporal ellipsis 1668

tension 130, 158, 212; time pressure and 801, 1968

tension and release 68, 745, 85; case study in 7685; dramatic questions and 139, 152; in emotion 701; in events 6870; in image and sound 713; parallel action and 1901, 1956

Thelma and Louise, case study in slow motion 21314, 215f

theory 45, 224

There is a Place 40f

Thin Blue Line 115f

thinking 6, 7, 222; editing 2323, 2406; intuitive 1114; rhythmically 228

Thompson, Jack 181f

Thompson, T. 4, 55

Thornley, Jeni 65f

throwing the energy (exercise) 11920

Thursday’s Fictions 10212

time 15, 34, 174, 224; cutting and 39, 165;manipulation of 207; pressure of 33, 35, 801, 1968; resistance of 2089; shaping movement of 98; in slow motion 2089

time, space and energy (exercise) 48, 62

timing 4, 32, 514, 139, 155, 180, 182, 203; choosing duration of a shot 512; choosing a frame 512; choosing placement of a shot 534; energy, pace and 1457, 152; of events 139; shaping 112

Tiomkin, Dimitri 194

trajectory phasing 606, 1201; colliding trajectories 63; of juxtapositions 106; linking trajectories 60, 63; movement energy trajectories 34, 635, 1001, 106; selecting energy trajectories 63, 64; and stress 656

transference of interest 1401

Trier, Lars von 209f

21 Grams 186

Two for the Road, fast motion case study 217

universal rhythms 15

Van Leeuwen, Theo 32, 723

Venora, Diane 216

Vertov, Dziga 95, 209, 241

Vikander, Alicia 90f

Villeneuve, Denis 43f

Walong, Bernadette 89f

Walsh, Martin 100f

Walsman, Leanna 243f, 244f

Ward, Vincent 213

Weiner, Matthew 168

Weir Peter 195, 196

The West Wing 140f

Whale Rider 44f

Williman, Bean 141f

Willis, Bruce 91f

Wiseman, Len 91f

Woman with an Editing Bench, case study in onscreen drafts 2416

Wood, Sam 57f

Woodward, Edward 181f

Worth, Merle 9

Yezerski, Michael 110

Young, Sean 26f

Zeigler, William H. 193, 194, 196f

Zinner, Peter 155

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