Optimal Periodic Software Rejuvenation Policies in Discrete Time—Survey and Applications


Tadashi Dohi, Junjun Zheng and Hiroyuki Okamura

Hiroshima University


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Model Description

3.2.1 Notation

3.2.2 Model Description

3.3 Expected Cost Analysis

3.3.1 Formulation

3.3.2 Statistical Inference

3.4 Availability Analysis

3.4.1 Formulation

3.4.2 Statistical Inference

3.5 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

3.5.1 Formulation

3.5.2 Statistical Inference

3.6 Expected Total Discounted Cost Analysis

3.6.1 Formulation

3.6.2 Statistical Inference

3.7 Numerical Examples

3.7.1 Case of Expected Cost

3.7.2 Case of System Availability

3.7.3 Case of Cost-Effectiveness

3.7.4 Case of Expected Total Discounted Cost

3.8 Conclusions



3.1 Introduction

Present-day applications in computer systems impose stringent requirements in terms of software dependability, because system failure, caused by software failure in almost all cases, may lead to a huge economic loss or risk to human life. A guaranteed fulfillment of these requirements is very difficult, especially in applications with nontrivial complexity. In recent years, considerable attention has been paid to continuously running software systems whose performance characteristics are smoothly degrading in time. When a software application executes continuously for a long period of time, some of the faults cause software to age due to the error conditions that accrue with time and/or load. This phenomenon is called software aging and can be observed in many original software systems [1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6]. One common experience suggests that most software failures are transient in nature [7]. Since transient failures disappear if the operation is retried later in slightly different context, it is difficult to characterize their root origin. Therefore, the residual software faults are obvious in the operational phase. Grottke and Trivedi [8] classify several software bugs and point out that the resource exhaustion in computer systems causes the software aging. A complementary approach to handle transient software failures is called software rejuvenation [9] which can be regarded as a preventive and proactive solution that is particularly useful for counteracting the phenomenon of software aging. It involves stopping the running software occasionally, cleaning its internal state, and restarting it. Cleaning the internal state of software may involve garbage collection, flushing operating system kernel tables, reinitializing internal data structures, etc. An extreme, but well-known example of rejuvenation is a hardware reboot. In this way, software rejuvenation is becoming much popular as one of the light weighted software fault tolerant techniques.

Huang et al. [9] propose a continuous time Markov chain (CTMC) with four states, that is, initial robust (clean), failure probable, rejuvenation, and failure states. They evaluate both the unavailability and the operating cost in the steady state under a random software rejuvenation schedule. Danjou et al. [10] and Dohi et al. [11, 12, 13, 14 and 15] extend the result of Huang et al. [9] and propose different software rejuvenation models in continuous time, based on a semi-Markov process. Furthermore, Garg et al. [16], Suzuki et al. [17], and Dohi et al. [18] introduce the periodic rejuvenation and develop a Markov regenerative process (MRGP) model to trigger software rejuvenation on computer clock. In the above works, the authors propose nonparametric estimation algorithms with the empirical distribution to estimate the optimal software rejuvenation schedule statistically from the complete sample of failure time data. If a sufficient number of samples of failure time data can be obtained, then the estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedules based on Dohi et al.’s algorithm [11, 12, 13 and 14] asymptotically converge to the real optimal solutions. Zhao et al. [19] apply an accelerated life testing technique by injecting memory leaks in their experiments and examine the above nonparametric estimation methods in importance sampling simulation. Rinsaka and Dohi [20] propose another nonparametric estimation algorithm based on the kernel density estimation (see, e.g., Duin [21], Parzen [22], Silverman [23]) to improve the estimation accuracy of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule with a small sample data. Rinsaka and Dohi [24, 25 and 26] use a nonparametric predictive inference (NPI) approach provided by Coolen and Yan [27] and Coolen-Schrijner and Coolen [28]. Though the NPI-based approach is categorized as a prediction-based software rejuvenation, the results obtained by Rinsaka and Dohi [24, 25 and 26] are quite different from those of Vaidyanathan and Trivedi [29] for another prediction-based scheme with linear regression model on system workload.

Apart from the time-based optimal software rejuvenation schedule, some other stochastic models have been proposed in the literature. Bao et al. [30,31], Bobbio et al. [32], Okamura et al. [33], Wang et al. [34], and Xie et al. [35] developed condition-based software rejuvenation schemes, where the system workload is measured to trigger software rejuvenation. Although system parameters and resource usage strongly affect the software aging, it was observed that the mechanism of aging for individual software-based system has to be clarified. In other words, since the aging-related bugs may not be related to system workload explicitly, it may be difficult to apply the workload-based software rejuvenation to tolerate transient failures completely. Pfening et al. [36] formulate a server-type software system with degradation as a queuing system by a Markov decision process. Garg et al. [37] take account of the presence of system failure caused by software aging and analyze the time-based optimal software rejuvenation schedule. This model is extended latter in the study by Okamura et al. [38, 39 and 40] by introducing a different workload-based rejuvenation schedule and/or a more general arrival process of transactions. Recently, Zheng et al. [41] generalized the existing stochastic models [37, 38, 39 and 40] in terms of the rejuvenation policies and arrival stream of transactions. Van Moorsel and Wolter [42] focus on the system restart and derive the optimal restart policies to rejuvenate a software system over finite and infinite operational periods.

It should be worth mentioning that all the above-mentioned software rejuvenation models are formulated under the assumption that the software system operates in continuous time. However, in real-world examples, it is not always possible to monitor and control software systems in continuous time. For example, it is common to back up the system data in file systems at any periodic timing, such as the end of every business hour or weekend. In this sense, the discrete-time models seem to be more realistic to make a decision for software rejuvenation. Dohi et al. [43] and Iwamoto et al. [44] proposed a software availability model and a software cost model operating in a discrete time setting, which are similar to those operating in continuous time [11,12]. Also Iwamoto et al. [45] formulate the discrete-time semi-Markov model under a different criterion called cost-effectiveness which is a mixture of system availability and expected cost in the long run. Iwamoto et al. [46] reformulate the MRGP model in continuous time in [17] and derive the optimal periodic software rejuvenation policy in discrete time by maximizing the steady-state system availability. Unfortunately, the discrete-time models with periodic rejuvenation have not been fully studied yet, so the analysis of expected cost model and cost-effectiveness models also remains incomplete. In this chapter we overview a software rejuvenation scheduling problem and provide a comprehensive survey of the optimal periodic software rejuvenation policies in discrete time under four criteria of optimality: expected cost per unit time in the steady state, steady-state system availability, cost-effectiveness, and expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon. The last three criteria are original results of this chapter. We characterize the respective optimal software rejuvenation policies in discrete-time model and provide their associated statistical estimation algorithms from the complete sample of failure time data.

The remaining part of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 3.2, we describe an MRGP model with periodic software rejuvenation in accordance with Iwamoto et al. [46]. In Section 3.3, we formulate the expected cost per unit time in the steady state and derive the optimal periodic software rejuvenation time minimizing it. We also provide a statistically nonparametric estimator of the optimal periodic software rejuvenation time as a function of system failure time. Sections 3.4 and 3.5 concern the steady-state system availability and cost-effectiveness, respectively. We derive the analytical solutions and nonparametric estimators of the corresponding optimal periodic software rejuvenation policies. In Section 3.6, we consider a somewhat different criterion called the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon. Dohi et al. [13] and Danjou et al. [10] investigate effects on discounting over the expected cost for software rejuvenation models with aperiodic policy [9] and periodic policy [16], respectively. On the other hand, a software cost model with discounting has not been known in discrete time. We formulate the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon and minimize it. Numerical illustrations are given in Section 3.7, where the Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to investigate asymptotic behavior of estimators. Section 3.8 concludes the chapter with some remarks.


3.2 Model Description

3.2.1 Notation

Consider a periodic software rejuvenation model developed by Iwamoto et al. [46]. First, we define the system states and notation as follows:

  • State 0: highly robust state

  • State 1: failure probable state

  • State 2: failure state

  • State 3: software rejuvenation state

  • State 4: software rejuvenation state without through failure probable state.

The notation used in this chapter is as follows:

Z: time interval from highly robust state to failure probable state (discrete random variable)

F0(n),f0(n),μ0(>0): cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.), probability mass function (p.m.f.), and mean of Z, where n = 0, 1, 2,…

X: failure time from failure probable state (discrete random variable)

Ff(n),ff(n),μf(>0): c.d.f., p.m.f., and mean of X

n0: trigger time of software rejuvenation (integer value)

Fa(n),fa(n),μa(>0): c.d.f., p.m.f., and mean of recovery operation time from failure state

Fc(n),fc(n),μc(>0): c.d.f., p.m.f., and mean of overhead incurred by software rejuvenation

cs(>0): recovery (corrective maintenance) cost per unit time

cp(>0): rejuvenation (preventive maintenance) cost per unit time.

3.2.2 Model Description

The system operation of the software system starts at time n = 0 in the highly robust state. For some reason, such that the total amount of memory leaking attains a critical threshold, the process makes a transition to the failure probable state after the time period Z elapses. Just after the state becomes the failure probable state, a system failure may occur with positive probability. If the system failure occurs in the failure probable state before triggering a software rejuvenation, then the corrective recovery operation starts immediately at that time, and is completed after the random time with mean μa elapses. Otherwise, the software rejuvenation is triggered as a preventive maintenance of the software system, where the trigger time of software rejuvenation n0 is measured from the beginning of system operation. This assumption is different from the previous aperiodic model by Dohi et al. [43] and Iwamoto et al. [44,45], because the trigger time of software rejuvenation under aperiodic policies is measured from the time instant when the failure probable state is observed. Of course, this may not be plausible in many cases if the system states (highly robust state and failure probable state) cannot be identified. After completing the recovery operation or software rejuvenation, the system state becomes as good as new, and the software age is initiated at the beginning of the next highly robust state. In the above model, note that the cycle length of software rejuvenation is measured from the time instant just after the system enters State 1 from State 0.

Let us consider the time to trigger software rejuvenation to be a constant integer n0. We call n0(0) the software rejuvenation schedule. Define the time interval from the beginning of the system operation to the completion of the preventive or corrective maintenance as one cycle. Figure 3.1 depicts the configuration of our model with periodic rejuvenation. Since the underlying stochastic process is a discrete MRGP with four regeneration states [46], we provide the transition diagram in Figure 3.2, where the states denoted by circles (0, 2, 3, 4) and square (1) are regeneration points and non-regeneration point, respectively, in the MRGP. Strictly speaking, this stochastic process is not a common discrete-time semi-Markov process. However, since only one non-regeneration point is included in the transition diagram, it can be reduced to an equivalent discrete-time semi-Markov process by introducing the convolution of discrete probability distributions [46].


Configuration of periodic rejuvenation model in discrete time.


MRGP transition diagram.


3.3 Expected Cost Analysis

3.3.1 Formulation

In this section, we consider the expected cost per unit time in the steady state. We make the following two assumptions:

  • Assumption (A-1): cs>cp,

  • Assumption (A-2): μa>μc.

The assumption (A-1) implies that the recovery cost per unit time is greater than the rejuvenation cost per unit time. On the other hand, in the assumption (A-2), the mean time of recovery operation is greater than the mean rejuvenation overhead. Under these plausible assumptions, the mean time length of one cycle and the expected total cost during one cycle are given by



respectively, where (Ff*F0)(n) is the discrete Stieltjes convolution of Ff(n) and F0(n), and (Ff*F0)¯(n)=1(Ff*F0)(n) in general. Hence, the expected cost per unit time in the steady state is, from the renewal reward argument, given by

C(n0)=limnE[cost occuredfor[0,n)]n=V(n0)T(n0).(3.3)

Then the problem is to seek the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* which minimizes C(n0).

Taking the difference of C(n0) with respect to n0, we define the following function:


where r(n)=(ff*f0)(n)/Ff*F0¯(n1) is the discrete failure rate for the c.d.f. (Ff*F0)(n).

By checking the sign of Eq. (3.4), we can derive the following theorem to characterize the optimal periodic software rejuvenation policy.

Theorem 1

  1. Suppose that the failure time distribution (Ff*F0)(n) is strictly IFR (increasing failure rate), that is, the failure rate r(n) is strictly increasing in n, under the assumptions (A-1) and (A-2).

    1. If qC(0)<0 and qC()>0, then there exists (at least one, at most two) optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* (0<n0*<) satisfying qC(n0*1)<0 and qC(n0*)0. The corresponding expected cost per unit time in the steady state C(n0*) must satisfy




    2. If qC(0)0, then the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=0, and the minimum expected cost per unit time in the steady state is given by


    3. If qC()0, then the minimum expected cost per unit time in the steady state is given by


  2. Suppose that the failure time distribution is DFR (decreasing failure rate), that is, r(n) is decreasing in n, under the assumptions (A-1) and (A-2). Then, the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=0 or n0*.

Proof: Taking the difference of Eq. (3.4) yields


From the assumptions (A-1) and (A-2), it follows from the reduction argument that cs+μc(cscp)/(μaμc)>C(n0+1), so that the second term of the right-hand side of Eq. (3.9) must be strictly positive. If (Ff*F0)(n) is strictly IFR, then qC(n0+1)>qC(n0). Furthermore, if qC(0)<0 and qC()>0, then the optimal software rejuvenation schedules n0* (0<n0*<) satisfy qC(n0*1)<0 and qC(n0*)0. These inequalities imply Eq. (3.5). If qC(0)0 (qC()0), then qC(n0) is always positive (negative) and C(n0) is an increasing (decreasing) function of n0. On the other hand, if (Ff*F0)(n0) is DFR, then C(n0) is a quasi-concave function of n0, and the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=0 or n0*. Hence, the proof is completed.

3.3.2 Statistical Inference

In a fashion similar to the continuous case in [11, 12, 13 and 14], it can be shown that (Ff*F0)(n) is IFR (DFR) if and only if the function (p) is concave (convex) on p[0,1], where


is called the discrete scaled total time on test (TTT) transform with


if the inverse function exists. Then we have


From a few algebraic manipulations, we obtain the following theorem to interpret the underlying optimization problem min0n0<C(n0) geometrically.

Theorem 2

Obtaining the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* by minimizing the expected cost per unit time in the steady state C(n0) is equivalent to obtaining p*(0p*1) such as




Proof: From the definition in Eqs. (3.10) and (3.11), it is seen that


Hence, the proof is completed.

From Theorem 2, it is seen that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0*=(Ff*F0)1(p*) is determined by calculating the optimal point p*(0p*1) maximizing the tangent slope from the point (βC,αC)(,0)×(,0) to the curve (p,(p))[0, 1]×[0, 1]. This graphical interpretation will be useful to estimate the optimal software rejuvenation schedule from the failure time data.

Next, suppose that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule has to be estimated from k ordered complete observations: 0=x0x1x2xk of the failure times from a discrete c.d.f. (Ff*F0)(n), which is unknown. Then, the empirical distribution for this sample is given by

(Ff*F0)k(n)={i/k,forxin<xi+1,1,for xkn.(3.16)

The scaled TTT statistics based on this sample is defined by




The following theorem gives a statistically nonparametric estimation algorithm for the optimal software rejuvenation schedule.

Theorem 3

Suppose that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule has to be estimated from k ordered complete sample 0=x0x1x2xk of the failure times from a discrete c.d.f. (Ff*F0)(n), which is unknown. Then, a nonparametric estimator of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n^0* which minimizes C(n0) is given by xj*, where

j*={j | max0jnjk+αCkj/k+βC},(3.19)


αCk=αC(μf+μ0)μfk,   μfk=i=0kxik.(3.20)

In fact, since the empirical distribution is strongly consistent, that is, (Ff*F0)k(n)(Ff*F0)(n) as k, the resulting estimator of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is expected to asymptotically converge to the real (but unknown) optimal solution n0* under (A-1) and (A-2). In the subsequent sections, we apply the similar technique to the other optimality criteria.


3.4 Availability Analysis

3.4.1 Formulation

Next, we analyze the steady-state system availability. The mean operative time during one cycle is given by


The system availability in the steady state for our periodic model is given by


from the renewal reward argument. Then the problem is to seek the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* which maximizes A(n0).

Taking the difference of A(n0) with respect to n0, we define the following function:


The optimal software rejuvenation schedule which maximizes the steady-state system availability is given in the following theorem:

Theorem 4

  1. Suppose that the failure time distribution (Ff*F0)(n) is strictly IFR under the assumption (A-2).

    1. If qA()<0, then there exists (at least one, at most two) optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* (0<n0*<) satisfying qA(n0*1)>0 and qA(n0*)0. The corresponding maximum steady-state system availability A(n0*) must satisfy




    2. If qA()0, then the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0* and the maximum steady-state system availability is given by


  2. Suppose that the failure time distribution is DFR under the assumption (A-2). Then, the steady-state system availability A(n0) is a quasi-convex function of n0, and the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*.

3.4.2 Statistical Inference

Similar to the expected cost case, we obtain the following theorem by using the discrete scaled TTT transform:

Theorem 5

Obtaining the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* by maximizing the steady-state system availability A(n0) is equivalent to obtaining p* (0p*1) such as




By calculating the optimal point p*(0p*1),by maximizing the tangent slope from the point (βA,0) to the curve (p,(p)), we can determine the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* which maximizes the steady-state system availability on the graph.

Theorem 6

A nonparametric estimate of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n^0* which maximizes A(n0) is given by xj*, where

j*={j | max0jnjkj/k+βA}.(3.29)

Note that βA is independent of k.


3.5 Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

3.5.1 Formulation

Cost-effectiveness is defined by combining the expected cost per unit time in the steady state and the steady-state system availability. For analysis of cost-effectiveness, we make the following assumption:

  • Assumption (A-3): csμa>cpμc.

We define the cost-effectiveness in the steady state as

E(n0)=limnE[operating time on (0,n)]E[cost incurred on (0,n)]=S(n0)V(n0).(3.30)

The software rejuvenation schedule n0* which maximizes E(n0) becomes the optimal solution by taking account of both cost component and reliability component simultaneously.

Taking the difference of E(n0) with respect to n0, we define the following function:


The optimal software rejuvenation schedule which maximizes the cost-effectiveness is given in the following theorem:

Theorem 7

  1. Suppose that the failure time distribution (Ff*F0)(n) is strictly IFR under the assumption (A-3).

    1. If qE()<0, then there exists (at least one, at most two) optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* (0<n0*<) satisfying qE(n0*1)>0 and qE(n0*)0. The corresponding maximum cost-effectiveness E(n0*) is given by




    2. If qE()0, then the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*, and the maximum cost-effectiveness is given by


  2. Suppose that the failure time distribution is DFR under the assumption (A-3). Then, the cost-effectiveness E(n0) is a quasi-convex function of n0, and the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*.

3.5.2 Statistical Inference

From the similarity to the results in Theorems 2 and 5, we obtain the following theorem by using the scaled TTT transform and the scaled TTT statistics:

Theorem 8

Obtaining the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* maximizing the cost-effectiveness E(n0) is equivalent to obtaining p* (0p*1) such as




Theorem 9

A nonparametric estimate of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n^0* which maximizes E(n0) is given by xj*, where

j*={j | max0jnjkj/k+βE}.(3.37)


3.6 Expected Total Discounted Cost Analysis

3.6.1 Formulation

As the fourth optimality criterion, we introduce the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon to take account of the effect of present value of cost function. Let γ(0,1) be a discount rate which denotes an interest rate in discrete time. To analyze the expected total discounted cost, we make the following assumptions:

  • Assumption (A-4): y=0γyfa(y)>s=0γsfc(s),

  • Assumption (A-5): csy=0k=0yγkfa(y)>cps=0k=0sγkfc(s).

The assumption (A-4) implies that the probability generating function of recovery operation time is greater than that of software rejuvenation overhead. On the other hand, the assumption (A-5) is somewhat technical but needed to show the existence of the optimal policy.

The discounted unit cost for one cycle and the expected total discounted cost for one cycle are given by



respectively. Hence, the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon is given by


Taking the difference of TC(n0) with respect to n0, we define the following function:


From Eq. (3.41), we can get the following theorems:

Theorem 10

  1. Suppose that the failure time distribution (Ff*F0)(n) is strictly IFR under the assumptions (A-4) and (A-5).

    1. If qγ(0)<0 and qγ()>0, then there exists (at least one, at most two) optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* (0<n0*<) satisfying qγ(n0*1)<0 and qγ(n0*)0. The corresponding minimum expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon TC(n0*) is given by




    2. If qγ(0)0, then the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=0 and the minimum expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon is given by


    3. If qγ()0, then the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0* and the minimum expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon is given by


  2. Suppose that the failure time distribution is DFR under the assumptions (A-4) and (A-5). Then, the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon TC(n0) is a quasi-concave function of n0, and the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*.

3.6.2 Statistical Inference

For the expected total discounted cost, we define the following discrete modified scaled TTT transform:




if the inverse function exists. Then it holds that


Theorem 11

Obtaining the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* by minimizing the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon TC(n0) is equivalent to obtaining p*(0p*1) such as






From this result, we can determine the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n0* which minimizes the expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon by calculating the optimal point p*(0p*1) maximizing the tangent slope from the point (βγ,αγ)(,0)×(,0) to the curve (p,(p))[0, 1]×[0, 1].

Next, we consider the statistically nonparametric estimation algorithm from k ordered complete samples. The modified empirical distribution for this sample is given by

(Ff*F0)γk(n)={1γxi(1i/k),for xin<xi+1,1,for xkn.(3.53)

Then the numerical counterpart of the discrete modified TTT transform in Eq. (3.46) based on this sample, is defined by



Tγi=j=1i(γ1γ)(kj+1)(xjxj1)(1γxj), i=1,2,,k; Tγ0=0.(3.55)

From Eqs. (3.54) and (3.55), we derive the following theorem:

Theorem 12

Suppose that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule has to be estimated from k ordered complete sample 0=x0x1x2xk of the failure times from a discrete c.d.f. (Ff*F0)(n), which is unknown. Then, a nonparametric estimator of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule n^0* which minimizes TC(n0) is given by xj*, where

j*={j | max0jkγjk+αγk1γxj(1j/k)+βγ},(3.56)




3.7 Numerical Examples

In this section, we present some examples to determine numerically the optimal software rejuvenation schedules. Suppose that the time to failure distribution of X is given by the negative binomial distribution with p.m.f.:


and the degradation time Z obeys the geometrical distribution with p.m.f.:


where q(0,1), ξ(0,1) and r=1,2, is the natural number. In the remaining part of this section, we assume that (r,q)=(10,0.3), ξ=0.3, cs=5.0×10[$/day], cp=4.0×10[$/day], μa=5.0, and μc=2.0.

3.7.1 Case of Expected Cost

The left-hand side of Figure 3.3 illustrates the determination of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule on the two-dimensional graph under the expected cost per unit time. Since p*=0.0742365 has the maximum slope from (βC,αC)=(0.470558,0.164926) in Figure 3.3, the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is given by n0*=(Ff*F0)1(0.0742365)=24. Then, the corresponding expected cost per unit time in the steady state is C(24) = 3.69544.

The right-hand side of Figure 3.3 shows the estimation result of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule under the expected cost per unit time, where the failure time data are generated from the negative binomial distribution in Eq. (3.58) and the geometric distribution in Eq. (3.59). For 200 simulation data, the estimates of the optimal rejuvenation schedule and the minimum expected cost are given by n^0*=x8=22 and C(n^0*)=3.58349, respectively.

Figure 3.4 illustrates the asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its minimum expected cost per unit time. In this figure, estimates of n0* and C(n^0*) are calculated in accordance with the estimation algorithm given in Theorem 3, where the horizontal lines denote the real optimal solutions. From Figure 3.4, it is seen that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and the expected cost per unit time can be estimated accurately from around k = 25. These observations enable us to use the nonparametric algorithm proposed here for precisely estimating the optimal software rejuvenation schedules and their associated expected costs per unit time, under the incomplete knowledge of the failure time distribution.


Determination and estimation of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule under expected cost per unit time.


Asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its minimum expected cost per unit time.

3.7.2 Case of System Availability

The left-hand side of Figure 3.5 presents the determination of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule on the two-dimensional graph under the availability criterion. Since p*=0.125921 has the maximum slope from (βA,0)=(0.666667,0) in Figure 3.5, the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=(Ff*F0)1(0.125921)=26. Then, the corresponding steady-state system availability is A(26) = 0.91215.

The right-hand side of Figure 3.5 illustrates the estimation result of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule, where the failure time data are generated from the negative binomial distribution in Eq. (3.58). For 200 pseudo random numbers, the estimates of the optimal rejuvenation schedule and its maximum system availability are given by n^0*=x19=26 and A(n^0*)=0.918798, respectively.


Determination and estimation of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule under steady-state system availability.

Figure 3.6 shows the asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its maximum system availability. In the figure, estimates of n0* and A(n^0*) are calculated from the estimation algorithm given in Theorem 6, where the horizontal lines in the figure denote the real optimal solutions. From Figure 3.6, it is seen that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its associated system availability can be estimated accurately around k = 20, respectively.

3.7.3 Case of Cost-Effectiveness

The left-hand side of Figure 3.7 illustrates the determination of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule on the two-dimensional graph under the cost-effectiveness criterion. Since p*=0.0742365 has the maximum slope from (βE,0)=(0.470588,0) in Figure 3.7, the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=(Ff*F0)1(0.0742365)=24, and the corresponding cost-effectiveness is E(24)=0.246606.


Asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its maximum system availability.


Determination and estimation of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule under cost-effectiveness.

The right-hand side of Figure 3.7 shows the estimation results of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule. For 200 simulation data, the estimates of the optimal rejuvenation schedule and the maximum cost-effectiveness are given by n^0*=x17=25 and E(n^0*)=0.264209, respectively.

Figure 3.8 illustrates the asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its maximum cost-effectiveness. In the figure, the estimates of n0* and E(n^0*) are calculated in accordance with the estimation algorithm given in Theorem 9. From Figure 3.8, it is seen that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and the cost-effectiveness can be estimated accurately from around k = 20.

3.7.4 Case of Expected Total Discounted Cost

In the expected total discounted cost case, we assume that (r, q = 12, 0.5), γ=0.5, cs=5.0×10[$/day], cp=3.0×10[$/day], y=0γyfa(y)=0.3, s=0γsfc(s)=0.8, and γ = 0.97.

The left-hand side of Figure 3.9 shows the determination of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule on the two-dimensional graph in the case of expected total discounted cost. Since p*=0.400808 has the maximum slope from (βγ, αγ)=(0.335878, 0.202587) in Figure 3.9, the optimal software rejuvenation schedule is n0*=G1(0.400808)=17 in Eq. (3.49). Then, the corresponding expected total discounted cost over an infinite time horizon is given by TC(17) = 258.939.

The right-hand side of Figure 3.9 presents the estimation results of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule. For 200 simulation data, the estimates of the optimal rejuvenation schedule and its minimum expected total discounted cost are n^0*=x9=20 and TC(n^0*)=270.522, respectively.

Figure 3.10 illustrates the asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its minimum expected total discounted cost. In the figure, the estimates of n0* and TC(n^0*) are calculated using Theorem 12. From Figure 3.10, it is seen that the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and the expected total discounted cost can be estimated accurately in rather early phase, respectively.


Asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its maximum cost-effectiveness.


Determination and estimation of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule under expected total discounted cost.


Asymptotic behavior of estimates of the optimal software rejuvenation schedule and its minimum expected total discounted cost.


3.8 Conclusions

In this chapter, we have summarized optimal periodic software rejuvenation policies in discrete time and their statistical inference approach under the incomplete knowledge of failure time distribution. The key idea is to apply the discrete scaled TTT transform and its numerical counterpart. In this context, the results for expected cost per unit time in the steady state were presented in [46], but the other results for the system availability, cost-effectiveness, and the expected total discounted cost have not been known yet.

In the future, we will consider the discrete models for NPI of software rejuvenation schedule in a similar approach to the references [24, 25 and 26].



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