
Many people have contributed to this book directly and indirectly. Stuart Frew, Mark Pheasant and Simon Norton alerted me to hacker entrepreneurship years before I began to research the topic. My work with Simon Robson and the collaborative team that produced the short film Coalition of the Willing connected me with a community of hackers and changemakers, including Jorn Hendrik Ast, Tiberius Brastaviceanu, Mark Junkunc, Michael Miranda, Charlie Quinton, Bartosz Solowiej, and Chris Watkins, who opened my eyes to new ways of thinking, working and learning. Numerous people shared their stories and offered valuable insights, advice and critique that influenced this book. They include Steven Bachmayer, Michel Bauwens, Stowe Boyd, Michael Bradley, James Dellow, Con Georgiou, Dean Ginsberg, Kynan Hughes, Joanne Jakovich, Annalie Killian, Shay Koren, Jeff Lindsay, Ian Lowe, Octavia Maddox, Caroline McClaren, Raj Mendes, Chris Messina, Phil Morle, Avis Mulhall, Dominic Price, Chris Saad, Catherine Stace, Tony Surtees, Justin Tauber, Bronwyn Vandermerwe, David Wall, David Weekly and Mark Zawacki. I am grateful to my academic colleagues Nick Kaye, Bronwyn Morgan, Andrew Murphie, Carl Rhodes, Stephen Rutter and Jochen Schweitzer, who kept me honest and supported this project from its inception. The students in my class in the MBA (Entrepreneurship) at UTS Business School have been a constant source of inspiration and delight. The manuscript would not be what it is without the careful eye of Dawn Mischewski, who read it in its entirety, Rowanne Couch, who provided valuable comments on an early draft, and T.J. Catalanotto, Ruxandra Creosteanu, Robyn Cummins, Emanuel Musa and Soren Trampedach who read and responded to important sections. I would like to thank the editorial staff at Routledge, especially Kristina Abbotts and Laura Hussey, for their help in bringing this book to publication, and my friend Mark Anthony Junkunc II for his inspired design work, patience and enthusiasm. Many other people contributed in ways large and small. You know who you are – I thank you all.

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