
  1. 3M 910

  2. ‘5x5’ method 9699, 101

  1. A/B tests 14, 25, 39

  2. Accel Partners 77

  3. accountability 4, 156157

  4. agile development 2, 10, 2022, 26, 28, 3031, 50, 80, 109110, 122, 153; in large organizations 4849, 57, 146163; see also work, agile

  5. Agile Manifesto 20

  6. agile organization, the 4, 10, 11, 4866, 83, 146, 150, 155157, 163

  7. agile transitions 4849, 5759, 64, 162, 155157

  8. ‘aim high and fail’ philosophy 126

  9. Airbnb 35, 4143, 75; app 3

  10. Airtasker 75

  11. Alphabet X 110, 136, 126129

  12. Amazon 64, 129130

  13. ambidextrous organizations 145146, 155157

  14. AMP Innovation Challenge 7172

  15. AMPlify Festival 7273

  16. Andreessen-Horowitz 1

  17. Andreessen, Marc 1

  18. Android operating system 112

  19. Anonymous 11, 28

  20. Apple, Inc. 2, 12, 16, 3435, 37, 43, 50, 150; Apple Macintosh 4345

  21. appreciative inquiry 117

  22. Arizona State University 143

  23. ARPAnet 16

  24. aspiration management 126

  25. assumptions: challenging 26, 3031, 61, 80, 157158; commercial 2; riskiest 3, 2123, 3840, 54, 5960, 127128; testing 39, 54, 58; validating 11, 160; see also questioning

  26. Atlassian 7680, 113114, 126, 130

  27. Atlassian Team Health Monitor 131133

  1. Bar Camps 5253, 123

  2. Bauwens, Michael 90

  3. ‘bias to action’ 110, 117

  4. Big World Homes 101

  5. Biohacker Spaces 51

  6. Blank, Steve 3, 2223, 93, 111

  7. Blecharczyk, Nathan 4142

  8. BMC see Business Model Canvas

  9. brainstorming 143, 160

  10. Broulette, Mark 137139

  11. Brown, Tim 25

  12. Buckley, George 10

  13. Buffer 8283

  14. bureaucracy: disruption of 155, reduction of 6465

  15. burnout, risk of in high-performing teams 129130

  16. business development 10, 19; and hacking 11, 1819, 2225, 3840

  17. Business Model Canvas (BMC) 23

  18. business models 2, 3, 10, 13, 2224, 39, 41, 59, 61, 112, 128, 157, 162163

  1. Caddick, Sarah 143

  2. California Community Collaboration Project 120

  3. Cannon-Brookes, Mike 7677, 8182

  4. capital, venture see venture capital

  5. cars, self-driving see self-driving cars

  6. Cavenee, Webster 142

  7. Çelik, Tantek 121

  8. Chesky, Brian 4142

  9. Chief Experimenters 31, 3840, 44, 50, 58, 64, 75, 81, 84, 148, 151, 162

  10. Citizen Space 52, 121

  11. clinical trials, adaptive 145

  12. Co-PIs 63

  13. CoActiv8 53

  14. Coca-Cola 11

  15. collaboration 2, 11, 26, 33, 3637, 51, 71, 77, 100, 106, 109110, 112, 117, 119, 121, 131, 136, 141146, 151, 156; design for 102104; with customers or users 19; metrics and 6162

  16. collaborative consumption 105

  17. command and control system 40, 56, 61, 148, 157, 162

  18. Commonwealth Bank 49

  19. competition 4, 36, 55, 62; see also gift culture, competitive gifting

  20. conflict: management of 133136; cultural misalignment and 134; pessimism and 135137; mutual antagonism and 135136

  21. Confluence 77, 82

  22. Cooper, Katy 127

  23. ‘copyleft’ agreements 1617

  24. CouchSurfing 75

  25. ‘cover story’ exercise 152153

  26. coworking 3, 30, 5053, 75, 121, 123

  27. creativity 5, 9, 19, 45

  28. cross-functional teams 11, 14, 20, 2526, 28, 30, 32, 65, 122, 124, 132, 147, 161

  29. crowdsourcing 17

  30. culture hacking 6566, 7194, 148156, 162

  31. culture: see digital culture, hacker culture, innovation culture, management culture

  32. Cure Brain Cancer Foundation 141143

  33. customer focus 10, 63, 148, 160; resilience and 137; see also feedback

  34. cyber-attacks 11

  1. data 1, 2, 9, 11

  2. design 3; UX 3, 10, 25, 32, 71, 88, 137; see also product design, service design, collaboration

  3. design thinking 2, 1011, 2528, 30, 77, 80, 97, 109, 122, 142, 153, 160

  4. developers, open source 2, 1718

  5. Diffie, Whitfield 16

  6. disruption 1, 3, 57

  7. Dorf, Bob 22

  8. Dorsey, Jack 18

  9. crash 19, 119

  10. dschool 2526, 88, 154; see also Hasbro School of Design, Stanford University

  11. dual operating systems 145146, 149, 155157, 162

  1. Edison, Thomas, 146

  2. ‘egoboo’ 76, 7981, 9192, 100, 115, 129

  3. ‘egoboo economy’ 7680

  4. Eisenstein, Charles 72

  5. elegant solutions 25, 78, 115

  6. emotional work 5354, 109, 134135; as precondition to agile work 54, 5657; examples of in agile teams 5657, 91, 135

  7. entrepreneurs 2, 4, 1819, 23, 25, 50, 93, 102, 111, 113, 115, 119, 163; lean 22, 26, 54, 109; social 30, 100, 101, 108; see also hacker entrepreneurs

  8. entrepreneurship 10, 8788; hacker 3, 19, 2223; social 106, 111112; startup 10, 8788

  9. experimentation 4, 11, 1314, 3840; 80, 114, 117, 127, 147148, 151

  1. FabLabs 51

  2. Facebook 1, 2, 12, 23, 35, 45, 75, 112, 122

  3. failure, benefits of 127128, 134, 138139; reduction of 10; resilience and 57, 138139; ‘fail fast’ mindset 94, 127128

  4. Farquhar, Scott 7677, 81, 82

  5. FastWorks 10, 148, 149

  6. FastWorks Everyday 148

  7. feedback 144, 151; from customers 22, 124, 138, 147, 153; lean feedback loop 14, 2425, 30, 40

  8. Felsenstein, Lee 122

  9. Fischer-Wright, Halee 36

  10. Flanagan, Kieran 63

  11. Flickr 121

  12. Franusic, Joel 120121

  13. Free Software Foundation (FSF) 16

  14. free software movement 112

  1. Gascoigne, Joel 82

  2. Gatsby Charitable Foundation 143

  3. GBCA 144145

  4. GBM Agile 141, 144146

  5. GBX 143

  6. GE 9, 10, 146150

  7. Gebbia, Joe 4142

  8. General Electric see GE

  9. General Public License see GPL

  10. gift culture 7879; competitive gifting 62, 7781, 8994, 107, 111112, 135, 153; gifting mindset 53, 57, 71, 107; killing projects and 128130

  11. gift economy, creation of in hacker culture 62, 7194; see also reputation games, reputational rewards

  12. Gifter 7174, 76, 81, 85, 91

  13. Github 12, 18, 116, 121

  14. Global Brain Cancer Alliance see GBCA

  15. Global Brain Exchange see GBX

  16. Goldstein, Viv 146

  17. good stress, resilience and 138

  18. Google 1, 12, 28, 35, 45, 52, 88, 112115, 120125, 150

  19. GPL 17, 18

  20. Graham, Paul 41

  21. Graziano, Frank 102104

  22. Gregory, Dan 63

  23. Groupon 14, 38

  1. hackathons 3, 65, 80, 99, 120, 150151, 153

  2. hacker culture 25, 967; at MIT 1416, 17, 119, 122123; ‘hacker culture shift’ 18, 19, 119; lack of diversity in 116; ‘brogrammers’ and 116; see also innovation culture, hacker values, gifting mindset

  3. hacker entrepreneurs 2, 3, 11, 13, 14, 31, 5152, 54, 112, 162

  4. hacker mindsets 65, 109, 110113, 153

  5. hacker paradigm leadership 5, 3047, 50, 64, 75, 101, 102; trust and 3235

  6. hacker practices 3, 4, 94, 109, 150, 153, 163

  7. hacker teams, management of 119140; see also teams

  8. hacker values 109, 113117, 126, 153

  9. hackers 2, 4, 1119, 24, 30, 34, 38, 40, 43, 5052, 54, 57, 65, 7679, 8384, 89, 150151, 154, 157; and gaming 16; viewed as ‘smart creatives’ 123125; versus ‘crackers’ 2, 12; see also hacker mindsets, hacker values

  10. hackerspaces 5154

  11. hacking 2, 3, 13, 2526, 28, 3031, 35, 4345, 5457, 97, 101, 109, 111, 113117, 122123, 128, 130, 137, 141163; and problem-solving 13; as knowledge work 54, 56, 113; at MIT 1416; hardware 16; software 12; see also culture hacking

  12. ham radio 74

  13. Hamel, Gary 6465, 7576

  14. Hammer, Justus 39

  15. Harker, Susan 130

  16. Hasbro School of Design 25; see also dschool

  17. Hat Factory 52

  18. Henderson, Cal 121

  19. Hewlett Foundation 154

  20. Hewlett-Packard 137

  21. HipChat 77

  22. holarchy 64

  23. Holder, Eric 116

  24. Holo Lens 1, 49; see also Microsoft

  25. Holocracy 64

  26. Homebrew Computer Club 16, 122

  27. Hsieh, Tony 64

  28. Hub Sydney 5051, 5354

  29. humility: hacker culture and 19, 90, 106, 107; leadership and 66, 141

  30. Hunt, Tara 62

  31. Hurst, Aaron 35

  1. IBM 1, 11, 17, 18, 49, 61, 150

  2. IDEO 2526, 154

  3. Immelt, Jeff 146

  4. incentives, team-based 6263

  5. Indiegogo 75

  6. innovation 2, 45, 912, 1819, 23, 31, 34, 36, 40, 4950, 55, 57, 61, 71, 76, 78, 80, 94, 114, 150, 154, 156, 158, 163; agile 48, 51; Atlassian and 7680; Buffer and 8283; budget blowouts and 161; collaboration and 51, 141; combinatorial 2; commitment to 163; democratization of 2; disruptive 162; GE and 146149; hacker 54, 57, 65, 90, 92, 100, 107, 113, 116, 129, 136, 146; how to make space for 108117; HR and 150; incentives for 7780; incremental 113; financial incentives and 57, 63; making space for 96118; medical 141, 144; peer recognition and 7880,; risks of 88, 111, 162; rapid-fire 99; rules of 4, 11, 113; space for 31, 4346, 58, 96118, 145146, 150151, 158, 163; social 100; support and reward of 6366; urban 97; see also leaderful innovation game

  7. Innovation Challenge 7172, 117

  8. innovation champions 129

  9. innovation culture 24, 910, 4850, 75, 8081, 100, 108109, 122, 127, 150152, 162

  10. innovation projects 110, 155156, 112; managed as startups 5960

  11. innovation space 96118, 151; building tribes in 105109; elements of 101102; design for collaboration in 102105; hacker mindsets in 110113; hacker values in 113117

  12. innovation teams 156157, 161

  13. Instagram 74

  14. Intel 17

  15. International Business Machines see IBM

  16. intrapreneurs 43, 65, 72, 74, 151, 153154

  17. ‘islands of freedom’ 59, 61, 157158

  18. iterative development 11, 2425, 147

  1. Jakovich, Joanne 9698, 101

  2. Java programming language 12

  3. JIRA 76

  4. Jobs, Steve 34, 43

  5. Juno 75

  1. Kalanick, Travis 116

  2. Kantor, Jodi 130

  3. Karma Kitchen 92

  4. Kelly, David 25

  5. Key Performance Indicators see KPIs

  6. Kickstarter 75

  7. King, John 36

  8. Kleihues-van Toll, Kees 143

  9. knowledge work 22, 5456, 113, 134; see hacking

  10. Kotter, John 4, 156

  11. KPIs 3, 63, 160

  1. LAN parties 119

  2. Law of Two Feet 87

  3. leaderful innovation game 9092, 153

  4. leadership 4, 5, 11, 49, 57, 79, 79, 96, 116, 129, 135, 148, 152, 156, 161, 163; redefining, 5766; transformational 31, 46, 61, 148; tribal, 3637, 135136; see also hacker paradigm leadership; purpose, leading with

  5. lean feedback loop see feedback

  6. lean startup method 2, 10, 2225, 26, 28, 30, 80, 109111, 122, 146149, 153; at GE 146150

  7. learning metrics see metrics

  8. Lincoln Labs 15

  9. Lindsay, Jeff 119122

  10. LinkedIn 150

  11. Linux: development model 17; operating system 1619; hackers and 1718; use as platform by corporate and government entities 18

  12. Logan, Dave 36

  13. Loon 126

  14. Lyft 75

  1. Maddox, Octavia 72

  2. Makani 126

  3. MakerSpaces 51

  4. making a difference, 106, 111112, 156

  5. malware 11

  6. management culture 4

  7. Management Innovation eXchange see MIX

  8. management: aspiration 125126, see also OKRs; entrepreneurial 10, 40, 46, 5861, 130, 146149, 156163; project management (at Google) 124125; reduction in layers of 50, 62

  9. Massachusetts Institute of Technology see MIT

  10. mastery 114

  11. McEvoy, Dean 3, 38

  12. McKenzie, John 15

  13. McLaren, Caroline 53

  14. McNerney, James 9

  15. mentoring 92

  16. meritocracy 115116, 153

  17. Messina, Chris 52, 120, 121, 123

  18. metered funding 6061, 157162

  19. metrics: kill 128130; learning 6061, 157, 159, 161; see also OKRs

  20. Microsoft 1, 18, 35, 103, 122; transition to agile 4849

  21. Minimum Viable Products see MVPs

  22. MIT: hackers 1417, 34, 111112, 114115

  23. MIX 150, 153

  24. MOOCs (Massive Open Online Communities) 74

  25. Morle, Phil 3, 38

  26. Motorola 9

  27. ‘move fast and break things’ 12, 45, 80

  28. Mozilla 123

  29. Mulhall, Avis 105107

  30. Mullenweg, Matt 121

  31. Musk, Elon 63

  32. MVPs 2, 23, 147

  1. National Brain Tumor Society 143

  2. Netflix 150

  3. Netscape Navigator 1

  4. networking see social networking

  5. Neuberg, Brad 52, 121

  1. OAuth 121

  2. Objectives and Key Results see OKRs

  3. objectives, strategic alignment of 125

  4. objectivity, resilience and 137

  5. Oculus Rift 1

  6. OKRs 125126

  7. Open ID Foundation 123

  8. open plan workspaces, negative effects of 103104

  9. open source 23, 12, 1819, 5152, 112, 116, 120, 122, 123, 145; and Linux 1618;; developers 3; language 12; movement 2, 110112; software and tools 2, 19

  10. Open Space events 8688

  11. Open Space Technology 8688

  12. Open Web Foundation 123

  13. openness 8184, 113

  14. organizational change see agile transitions, culture hacking

  15. Osterwalder, Alexander 23, 163

  1. P2P Foundation 90

  2. Pacolini, Luca 23

  3. ‘pay it forward’ culture 9294

  4. PBwiki 120121

  5. PBWorks 121

  6. Peanut Butter wiki see PBwiki

  7. Periscope 75

  8. ‘permanent beta’ 112113

  9. Pigneur, Yves 23

  10. Pitch Fest 153154

  11. pivoting 14, 22, 2527, 77, 134, 139, 147

  12. Pollenizer 3840

  13. Post-it note, development of 9, 10

  14. potlatch, as ceremony in gift culture 89

  15. prestige 79; see also reputational rewards

  16. Price, Dom 130

  17. process improvement 9, 11

  18. product development 10; ‘waterfall approach’ and 48

  19. Project Foghorn 127

  20. projects, evaluation of 127

  21. props, disruptive 104105

  22. prototypes 23, 25, 39, 72, 110, 120, 137, 139, 158, 160

  23. prototyping 2, 19, 26, 104, 144, 147, 151

  24. purpose 37, 44, 85, 115, 132, 138, 145, 153, 156, 163; leading with 31, 3435, 45, 46, 58, 74, 75, 78, 101, 150; purpose economy 35

  1. questioning 5455; see also assumptions, challenging

  2. Quinn, Jo 142

  3. Quora 17

  1. Raymond, Eric 4, 1213, 7879

  2. Reddit 75

  3. reputation capital 81, 84, 8890, 100, 107, 115, 136

  4. reputation games 8994

  5. reputational rewards 8994, 100, 114115, 129, 154, 156

  6. Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) 15

  7. resilience: cultivation of 136139

  8. return on investment see ROI

  9. Ries, Eric 4, 22, 23, 122, 146150, 147

  10. risk 4, 10, 58; mitigation via fast turnaround 25, 111

  11. riskiest assumptions; see assumptions

  12. ROI 3, 59, 60, 157

  13. Russell, Steve 16

  1. School Retool 154155

  2. Schwaber, Ken 20

  3. scrum: masters 20, 26; method 20, 50; teams 20, 22, 49

  4. self-discipline 138139

  5. self-organizing teams 3, 31, 33, 58, 64, 124, 125, 146, 150, 156, 157, 162

  6. Semper, Janice 146, 149

  7. Series X engine 146147

  8. service design 11

  9. sharing circles 8586, 117, 151

  10. sharing games 8488

  11. SHDH 120122

  12. ShipIt 7680

  13. Silicon Valley 1, 3, 10, 11, 18, 19, 25, 26, 38, 41, 9394, 113, 120, 122, 157

  14. Silver, Spence 9

  15. Sinek, Simon 34

  16. Six Sigma 910

  17. Slack 121

  18. Smith, Jeff 6162

  19. Snapchat 75

  20. social capital 107

  21. social entrepreneurship 30, 100101, 105107, 112

  22. social justice 116

  23. social media 1, 65, 75, 82, 83

  24. Socrates 5455

  25. software developers see developers

  26. software development, agile see agile software development

  27. software industry 1, 2, 11

  28. Sony 11

  29. SOUP Innovation Fellows 97, 99

  30. SOUP Launchpad 99100

  31. SOUP Mixer 9697, 100

  32. SpaceWar! computer game 16

  33. Spiral Muse 5253

  34. Spotify 2

  35. Spreets 3, 39

  36. sprints 2, 19, 20, 99, 38, 99, 157, 160, 161; in large companies 4950

  37. Stace, Catherine 141146

  38. Stack Overflow 17

  39. Stallman, Richard 16, 113

  40. standup meetings 20, 21, 85

  41. Stanford University 25, 129

  42. startup entrepreneurs 2, 11, 13, 14, 2224, 30, 3233, 35, 3842, 52, 54, 66, 78, 97, 105, 117, 120, 122, 156; Apple as 34; Atlassian as 66; see also entrepreneurs, hacker entrepreneurs

  43. startup hubs/incubators 3, 38, 41, 123

  44. startup industry 2, 3, 4, 11, 18, 31, 32, 93, 111, 113, 119, 155; recruitment and 3233

  45. startup triad, the 1928, 77

  46. startups 1, 4, 11, 14, 45, 57, 59, 6162, 79, 80, 89, 105, 109, 119, 122123, 126, 146, 151152, 154, 156157; early stage 31; experience in 117; innovating like 40; ‘unicorn’ 57; see also lean startup method

  47. Steelcase 102

  48. Streitfeld, David 130

  49. Sun Microsystems 122

  50. SupperHappyDevHouse see SHDH

  51. sustainability 106

  52. Sutherland, Jeff 20

  1. T-shaped skill set 3233, 45

  2. ‘tackle the monkey first’ 110, 127128, 149

  3. TaskRabbit 75

  4. Taylor, Gail 141

  5. Taylor, Matt 141

  6. teams, cross-functional 122

  7. teams, self-organizing 156

  8. teams: aspiring to greatness 36; hacker 5, 34, 4445, 5662, 88, 101, 109, 112, 119140, 146, 156157; potential in 3334; see also self-organizing teams, cross-functional teams

  9. Tech Model Railroad Club see TMRC

  10. Technorati 121

  11. TechShop 51

  12. TED talks 102104

  13. Teller, Astro 110112, 126128

  14. Teo, Charlie 141, 143, 145

  15. Tesla 35, 63, 112

  16. Think Act Change 105107

  17. TMRC 1415

  18. Torvalds, Linus 4, 16

  19. transactional exchange circuit, breaking of 9394

  20. Transform Australia 141

  21. transparency 8284, 114, 117

  22. Trello 77

  23. tribal mindset 3536, 105108

  24. tribal leadership; see leadership, tribal

  25. Tumblr 75

  26. Twitter 18, 75

  1. Uber 3, 14, 35, 75, 116, 126, 137

  2. uLab 96, 101

  3. University of California, San Diego 142

  4. University of Technology, Sydney 96

  5. UNIX 16

  6. UseNet 16

  1. value: adding 71, 77, 84, 89, 9093, 125; and sharing 8485; creating 3, 13, 31, 34, 38, 4143, 46, 5862, 71, 90, 110, 138, 144, 163; for customers or users 100, 150; mutual 75, 90

  2. values, hacker see hacker values

  3. venture capital 1, 3, 19, 39, 61, 77, 100, 119

  1. Wall, David 71

  2. WalMart 11

  3. waste, elimination of 910

  4. Waymo 126

  5. Waze app 2

  6. web 2.0 119

  7. WebHooks 121

  8. Weekly, David 120122

  9. Welch, Jack 10

  10. WeLive 75

  11. WeWork 52, 75

  12. Whole Earth Catalogue 16

  13. Wikipedia 17, 120

  14. wikis, use of in companies for transparency 82

  15. WordPress 121

  16. work: agile 49, 50, 54, 62, 66n1; intrinsic rewards of 62, 80; relationship between knowledge and emotional 5457; future of 124; see also emotional work, knowledge work

  17. Wozniak, Steve 16

  1. Y Combinator 41

  2. Yahoo!7 39

  3. YouTube 75

  1. Zappos 6364

  2. Zuckerberg, Mark 12, 18, 23, 112

  3. Zynga 126

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