
1.1 Foreign-born Population as a Proportion of the Total Population in G8 Countries and Australia
1.2 US Population by Race and Ethnicity (%)
1.3 Sources of Immigration to the US by Era
1.4 Population by Ethnic Origin in Canada, 2016
1.5 Immigrant Population by Place of Birth and Period of Immigration, 2006
1.6 Visible Minority Population in Canada, 2011
1.7 Generation Status of Visible Minority Population in Canada, 2016
1.8 Historical Population Statistics in the UK
1.9 Ethnicity of the Non-UK-born Population by Period of Arrival, England and Wales, 2011
1.10 Australian Historical Population Statistics
1.11 Statistics of a Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Australia
2.1 Occupation Distribution of Recently Arrived Immigrants in the US
2.2 Employment Status of the US Civilian Non-institutional Population by Age and Race, 2016
2.3 Participation, Employment and Unemployment Rates by Racialised Groups in Canada, 2006
2.4 Diversity and Inclusion Staff Size by Employer Size
3.1 Differences between Principles of Equal Opportunity and Diversity Management
4.1 Major US Legislation Related to Workplace Discrimination
4.2 Major Canadian Legislation Related to Workplace Discrimination
4.3 Major UK Legislation Related to Workplace Discrimination
4.4 Major Australian Legislation Related to Workplace Discrimination
5.1 2017 Top 50 Companies for Diversity
5.2 Benefits of Diversity Management in Australia
C.1 Major Legislative Responses to the Changing Identifications of Diversity in the US, Canada, the UK and Australia
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