
Note: Page numbers in italics and bold denote references to Figures and Tables, respectively.

11 September 2001 35, 22, 23, 34, 130, 155; see also post-9/11 era

Abbott, Tony 28, 30

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act 2005 133

Act to Encourage Immigration see Immigration Act of 1864 (US)

ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) 1990 (US) 86, 161, 162

advocacy, definition of 31

AFC Enterprises 1278

Affirmative Action (AA): criticism for 90; diversity management program 73; as driving force in diversity 40; employer response to 8990; employment quotas 112; federal contractors and 81; linking to workplace diversity 601; managing diversity vs. 56; success of 90; training programs 144; US requirements in 901, 112, 15960

Affirmative Action Act (AAA) 1986 (Australia) 107, 108, 112, 161

African Americans, in labour force 42

age, diversity openness and 72

Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Australia) 109, 161

Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 (US) 85, 160, 161

age of equality 29, 1602, 161

age of equity 29, 161, 1623

age of inequality 29, 160, 161

Ajegbo, Keith 154

Aluko, Y.A. 71

Amendments Act of 2008 (US) 88

American Indians 7

American schools, teaching patriotism in 10

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (US) 86, 161

America On Line 125

Anarchist Exclusion Act see Immigration Act of 1903 (US)

anti-communist projects 8

anti-discrimination laws 8990

anti-harassment policies 144

anti-multiculturalism discourse 5

anti-racism policies 99

Appelbaum, Steven H. 6

Asari, Eva-Maria 126

Asian Exclusion Act see Immigration Act of 1875 (US)

Asian immigration 45

Asianisation 33

Asian population, in United States 8, 40

Asiatic Barred Zone Act see Immigration Act of 1917 (US)

Asiatic Exclusion policy (US) 8

assimilation: immigrant 16, 21, 23, 24, 28; workplace 105

assimilation, immigrant 1367

attitude 142

attraction, retention and promotion 105

Australia: assimilation policy 107, 1367; benefits of diversity management in 141; changing identifications of diversity in 29; changing nature of diversity 2830; community language skills 139; Community Relations Commission for Multicultural New South Wales (Australia) 50; core social values 323; corporate social responsibility in 106; cultural and linguistic statistics 26; diversity policies 1446, 165; male dominated workforce in 69; migrant influx 25; as multicultural society 24, 28, 137; organisations complying with legislative requirements 107; population statistics 2526, 25; social consensus of 33; women employees 107; see also legislation, Australian diversity-related; multiculturalism, Australian

Australian Council of Social Service 30

Australian Defence Organisation 114

Australian Human Rights Commission 11011, 112

Australian Labor Government 24

Australian Public Service (APS) 111, 143

Australian Social Inclusion Board 30

Australian workforce: colour-blind managers 105, 159; communication between management and employees 1402; demographic changes in 110; melting pot managers 105, 159; see also legislation, Australian diversity-related

Automatic Data Processing 125

awareness-raising activities 144, 145

Bank of Montreal 132

Bayor, Ronald H. 9

Berry, John W. 12

Betts, Jim 128

Bhadury, J. 68

Bhanugopan, Ramudu 143

black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups 48

Blair, Tony 22

Blake, S. 56

Bleijenberg, I. 601

blind approach to diversity management 5960

Bliss, Michael 11

Bloemraad, Irene 4

Blunkett, David 22

Bowen, Chris 31

Bracero Agreement of 1942 (US) 83

British identity 5, 23, 155

British Nationality Act 1948 (UK) 18

British Nationality Act 1981 (UK) 21

broad definitions of diversity 634

Bush, George W. 5

business expansion, diversity as tool of 1412

business imperative 978, 159

Butler, M. 62

CALD (Culturally and Linguistically Diverse) backgrounds, benefits of 1389

Cameron, David 5, 23, 155

Canada: business imperative 978; Department of Canadian Heritage 44; dependence on immigrants 46; diversity and inclusion staff size 47; diversity management model in 95; employment/unemployment rates 45; immigrant population by place of birth 14; labour force gap 46, 1556; labour market growth 47; negative legislation 95; official language education policy 154; population by ethnic origin in 14; population growth 456; positive legislation 95; public sector 1324; racial discrimination in 99; skilled labour shortage 46, 98; visible minorities 1315, 15, 989, 132, 162; voluntary corporate approach to diversity management 131; workforce diversity 447; workforce participation rates 45; workplace compliance culture 467; see also laws, Canadian diversity management; multiculturalism, Canadian

Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (CCRF) 94

Canadian Human Rights Act 1985 94, 957, 96, 161

Canadian Human Rights Commission 97, 99

Canadian Multiculturalism Act 1988 1118, 94, 96, 99100, 155, 161

case studies, Canada: Bank of Montreal 132; Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) 1334; state of Ontario 1323; TD Canada 132

case studies, UK 1346

case studies, US: AFC Enterprises 1278; America On Line 125; Automatic Data Processing 125; Choice Hotels 128; Dell 128; Denny’s 128; DiversityInc 129; Domino’s Pizza 128; Hanes and Boone 125; Kodak 127; Minneapolis Fire Department 124; PepsiCo 1245; public sector 124; Verizon 127; Walmart Stores Inc. 126

categorisation-elaboration model 57

Cattalini, H. 31

Chidiac, Emile 141

Chinese Canadians 132

Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 (US) 81, 82, 160

Chinese Exclusion Repeal Act of 1943 see Magnuson Act of 1943 (US)

Chinese labourers 801

Choice Hotels 128

Civil Rights Act of 1866 (US) 7

Civil Rights Act of 1991 (US) 87, 161

Clancy, G. 323

Collins, J. 27, 32

colloquial language 13940

colour-blind managers 105, 159

Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 (UK) 18, 20

Commonwealth Immigration Restriction Act 1901 (Australia) 24

communication: to achieve goals and control destinies 656; colloquial language 13940; English literacy and 142; feedback 71, 1578; hearable difference 72; knowledge of people’s backgrounds to increase 71; leading to misunderstandings and conflicts 164; slang 13940; weak 68; see also language

communication skills 66, 701, 138, 1578

communitarian multiculturalism 3

community language skills 139

Community Relations Commission for Multicultural New South Wales (Australia) 50

Conference Board of Canada 46, 93, 98

Convention 100 (Australia) 106

Convention 111 (Australia) 106

Corporate Equality Index 1289, 132

corporate multiculturalism 5

corporate reputation 159

corporate social responsibility (CSR) 106

cosmopolitan citizenship 212

cost savings by managing diversity 667

Cox, T. 56, 142

creativity/innovation 66, 1401

criticisms of diversity management 158

cross-national diversity management 645

cultural diversity: Australia embracing 26; democracy and 54; effectively managing 59; management for 61; management of 61; success factors of 61

cultural plurality/pluralism 12, 11

cultural racism 1445

Dalton, Linda 143

Damar, H. 68

D’Amico, C. 424

Deane, William 32

De Cieri, H. 63

Declaration of Human Rights 1948 (United Nations) 55

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program Expanded of 2014 (US) 88

Deferred for Parents of American and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) of 2014 (US) 88

deism 4

Dell 128

democracies: managing cultural diversity 54; rule of law and 54; variations in 54; voting, as a duty 54; voting, as a right 54

Denny’s 128

Department of Canadian Heritage 44

Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Australia) 109, 161

Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (UK) 103, 161, 162

discrimination: direct indicator of 70; indirect indicators of 70; racial and ethnic 62, 6970; reluctance to acknowledge 70; see also workplace discrimination

DiTomaso, N. 63

diversity: broad definitions of 634; difference vs. 912; intrinsic value of 125; referring to demographic cultural differences 13; as tool of business expansion 1412

diversity awareness 126

Diversity Council Australia 114

DiversityInc 129

diversity management, definition of 601

Diversity Management Competency Model 143

diversity management programs, implementation of 724

diversity openness, age and 72

diversity training see training programs

D’Netto, Brian 107, 142, 143, 144

Domino’s Pizza 128

Economist Intelligence Unit 92

Edewor, P.A. 71

Eisenhower, Dwight David 81

El Shearif, F. 72

Emergency Quota Act of 1921 (US) 83

employee commitment 141

employee relations, improving 64

employers of choice 93

Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 (UK) 104, 161

Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 (UK) 104, 161

Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 (UK) 104, 161

Employment Equity Act (EEA) 1995 (Canada) 95, 96, 97, 161

Employment Standards Act 2000 (Ontario, Canada) 133

England see United Kingdom (UK)

English literacy 142

English nationalism 1819

Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002 (US) 87

Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 (Australia) 108

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO): diversity management vs. 111; diversity policies vs. 145; employer response to 8990; federal enforcement of 82; managing diversity vs. 61, 61; training programs 144

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) 82

equal footing 105

equal footing managers 105

Equality Act 2010 (UK) 135, 163

Equality Pay Act of 1963 (US) 160, 161

equal opportunity 56

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act (EOWWA) 112, 161, 162

Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency 112

Equal Pay Act 1970 (UK) 103, 161, 162

Equal Pay Act of 1963 (US) 84

ethnic discrimination see discrimination

ethnic diversity: in Canadian population 13, 99, 131, 148, 1634; in organisations 59; in United Kingdom 18; in United States 7, 40

ethnicity multiculturalism 1213

ethnic penalties 70

ethnic/religious minorities in United Kingdom 48

ethnocentrism 12930

ethno-cultural diversity 16

European multiculturalism 2

Evans, A.J. 69

Executive Order No. 8802 of 1941 (US) 83

Executive Order No. 10925 of 1961 (US) 812

Executive Order No. 11246 in 1965 (US) 812, 85

Executive Order No. 11375 in 1967 (US) 81, 85

Executive Order No. 11478 of 1969 (US) 85

Executive Order No. 12138 of 1979 (US) 86

Executive Order No. 13087 in 1998 (US) 87

Executive Order No. 13152 of 2000 (US) 87

Executive Order No. 13279 of 2002 (US) 87

Executive Order No. 13672 of 2014 (US) 88

Ezeanu, E. 145

fairness, organisational 1234, 159

Fair Work Act 2009 (Australia) 161

fear, effect on diversity 623

feedback 71, 1578; see also communication

Finn, Chester 10

foreign-born populations 2, 3, 13, 83, 154

Foster, L. 91

Fraser, J.M. 28

Fraser, Malcolm 28

Freeman, Gary 20

Fullerton, J. 65

Gandz, J. 68

gender neutrality 113

gender participation in workplace 689

Gender Reassignment Regulations 1999 (UK) 103, 161

global importance of diversity management 125

globalisation: of Australian economy 106, 1567; demographic diversity and 41, 112; diversity management as natural outcome of 50; effecting migration 501; increasing number of nation-states 153

global markets 49, 50, 128, 132, 156, 1634

global migrant 153, 155

Gordon, Tiane Mitchel 125

Grant, Stan 145

Grassby, Al 31

Great Britain see United Kingdom (UK)

Greene, A.M. 136

Guiora, Amos N. 5

Halikiopoulou, Daphne 126

Hanes and Boone 125

Hanson, Pauline 4, 33

Hart-Celler Act (US) 1965 amendments 85

Hart-Celler Act of 1964 (US) 81, 84

Hartman, Ellen 1278

Hawke, Bob 28, 156

Hawkins, Robert 91

hearable difference 72

Henry, O. 69

Hiranandani, V. 1315, 99

Hispanics 8, 40, 42

Hodge, B. 33

Holland, P. 111

home-grown terrorism 5

homophobia 3

Hood-Phillips, Rachelle 128

Howard, John 30, 112

Hsu, Madeleine Y. 8

Hubbard, E.E. 145

Hudson Institute 92

human mobility 2

human resources, attracting and retaining 65

Human Resources Management Standards Standard 4.3 2008 (Canada) 96, 161

Human Resources Management Standards Standard 4.4 2008 (Canada) 96, 161

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1991 (Australia) 108

Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Australia) 108, 161

Human Rights Campaign 1289

Human Rights Campaign Foundation 132

identity blind option to diversity management 5960

identity conscious approach to diversity 60, 157

Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (US) 87

immigrants, forming self-segregating parallel societies 56

Immigration Act 1971 (UK) 201

Immigration Act of 1864 (US) 82

Immigration Act of 1875 (US) 80, 82

Immigration Act of 1891 (US) 82

Immigration Act of 1903 (US) 83

Immigration Act of 1917 (US) 83

Immigration Act of 1952 (US) 81

Immigration Act of 1965 (US) 81

Immigration Act of 1990 (US) 86

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (US) 81, 84, 160, 161

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (US) 85, 160

Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) 98

Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (US) 86, 161

inclusion and exclusion duality 69

inclusion lens program 133

inclusion paradigm 302

Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 (US) 7

Indigenous Australians 110, 11415

indigenous peoples 2, 13, 153, 154, 159

Industrial Task force on Leadership and Management Skills 114

industrial union movement 7

innovation and creativity 66

international diversity management 64

international language management 72

international markets 141

Islamist extremism 5, 155

Jamieson, D. 689

Janssens, M. 72

Jawor, Anna 3

Johnson, Lyndon 81

Judy, Richard W. 424

Kalisch, David W. 25

Kandola, R. 65

Kennedy, John F. 812

Kirton, G. 136

Kochan, T. 136

Kodak 127

Kramar, R. 63, 1067, 111, 114

Krautil, Fiona 107

Kuga, L. 66, 71

Ku Klux Klan movement 8

language: economic value of 656; identity and 1545; as means of communication 72; in recruitment practices 1389; role in diversity management 64; as valuable assets to employers 164; see also communication

language diversity policy 154

laws, Canadian diversity management: ban on Sunday shopping 945; Canadian Human Rights Act 1985 94, 957, 96, 161; Canadian Multiculturalism Act 1988 1118, 94, 96, 161; Employment Equity Act 95; Employment Equity Act (EEA) 1995 95, 96, 97, 161; Equity Act 1995 97; Human Resources Management Standards Standard 4.3 2008 (Canada) 96, 161; Human Resources Management Standards Standard 4.4 2008 (Canada) 96, 161; negative legislation 95; positive legislation 95

laws, UK diversity management 1005, 1034, 161

laws, US diversity management: ADA Amendments Act 1990 (ADAAA) 86; Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967 85, 160, 161; Amendments Act of 2008 88; Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 86, 161; Bracero Agreement of 1942 83; Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 81, 82, 160; Civil Rights Act of 1991 87, 161; Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program Expanded of 2014 88; Deferred for Parents of American and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) 88; Emergency Quota Act of 1921 83; Enhanced Border Security and Visa Entry Reform Act of 2002 87; Equality Pay Act of 1963 160, 161; Equal Pay Act of 1963 84; Executive Order No. 8802 of 1941 83; Executive Order No. 10925 of 1961 812; Executive Order No. 11246 in 1965 812, 85; Executive Order No. 11375 in 1967 81, 85; Executive Order No. 11478 of 1969 85; Executive Order No. 12138 of 1979 86; Executive Order No. 13087 in 1998 87; Executive Order No. 13152 of 2000 87; Executive Order No. 13279 of 2002 (US) 87; Executive Order No. 13672 of 2014 88; Hart-Celler Act of 1964 81, 84; Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 87; Immigration Act of 1864 82; Immigration Act of 1875 80, 82; Immigration Act of 1891 82; Immigration Act of 1903 83; Immigration Act of 1917 83; Immigration Act of 1952 81; Immigration Act of 1965 81; Immigration Act of 1990 86; Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 84, 160, 161; Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 85, 160; Immigration and Refugee Protection Act 98; Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 86, 161; Magnuson Act of 1943 83; Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 86; quotas and mandated targets 109110; Refugee Act of 1953 81; Secure Fence Act of 2006 87; Simpson-Mazzoli Act 86, 161; Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1946 84, 161; Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 82, 85, 889, 160

legislation, Australian diversity-related: Affirmative Action Act (AAA) 1986 107, 108, 112, 161, 162; Age Discrimination Act 2004 109, 161; Convention 100 106; Convention 111 106; Disability Discrimination Act 1992 109, 161; Equal Employment Opportunity (Commonwealth Authorities) Act 1987 108; Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act (EOWWA) 112, 161, 162; Fair Work Act 2009 161; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Act 1991 108; Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 108, 161; Human Rights Commission Act 1986 110111; Public Service Act 1999 111, 161; Racial Discrimination Act 1975 108, 110, 161; Racial Hatred Act 1995 161; Sex Discrimination Act 1984 108; Sex Discrimination Act 2004 161; WorkChoices Act 2005 161; Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 109, 11213, 161

legitimisation, issue of 3

Leonard, J. 91

level playing field managers 105

liberal multiculturalism 34

limited democracy 18

London bombings 23, 155

Magnuson Act of 1943 (US) 83

managing diversity, definition of 58; see also strategic diversity management

managing for diversity program 73

market share, increasing 65

McGrandle, Jocelyn 158

McLauren, David 64

McMillon, Dough 126

melting-pot belief system 6, 7, 934, 129

melting pot managers 105, 159

Merkel, Angela 45

Mighty, E.J. 68

Mills, A. 63

Minneapolis Fire Department 124

Mock, Steven 126

Modood, Tariq 4

monolithic organisations 54

Mor Barak, Michàlle E. 127

multiculturalism: advance of 1; in Australia 2434, 153; in bilingual framework 1112; in Canada 1118, 153; core dimensions of 2; definition of 12, 154; empirical concept of 1; European approaches to 2; factors effecting 138; failure of 5; features of 1213; first appearance of 153; logics of 34; normative concept of 12; paving way to fragmentation and divisions 23; social cohesion shift 16; SWOT analysis of 4, 4; in United Kingdom 1824, 153; in United States 611, 1534; war on terror and 137

multiculturalism, Australian: Asianisation and 33; assimilation emphasis 28; Commonwealth Immigration Restriction Act 1901 24; definition of 24; diversity vs. inclusion 30; economic benefits 27; immigrant challenges 27; immigration policies 28; inclusiveness in workplace 26; leading free and equal society 32; oneness, concept of 31; political opposition to 33; political support for 312; social inclusion 302; social opposition to 323; success of 32; White Australia policy 24; see also multiculturalism

multiculturalism, Canadian: assimilationist approach to immigration 16; generation status of visible minority populations 15; government policies 1315; Multiculturalism Act 1988 12; multiculturalism in 1118; national unity 12; refugee intake 1617; visible minorities 1315, 15; see also multiculturalism

multiculturalism, United Kingdom (UK): assimilating immigrants 21; British Nationality Act 1948 18; British Nationality Act 1981 21; Commonwealth Immigrants Act 1962 18, 20; Commonwealth immigration 1920; cosmopolitan citizenship 212; English nationalism 1819; Immigration Act 1971 201; London bombings 23; multiculturalism not succeeding in 23; multiraciality in 21; patrial clause 201; postcolonial influx of immigrants 234; race riots 18; shift from race to faith 22; see also multiculturalism

multiculturalism, United States (US): Asian communities in 8; Civil Rights Act of 1866 7; ethnic diversity in 7; Indian Citizenship Act of 1924 7; industrial union movement 7; Ku Klux Klan movement 8; as melting pot 6; religion-based discrimination 8; working-class population 7; see also multiculturalism

Multiculturalism Act 1988 (Canada) 12, 155

multicultural managers 105

multiraciality 21

Muslims 2, 5, 910, 22, 48, 160

Nairn, Tom 18

Nalliah, Daniel 33

Nankervis, A. 111, 138

National Health Service (NHS) 135

Nationality Act 1948 (UK) 153

national origin quotas 81

negative views of diversity management 124

Ng, Eddy S. 4

Noonuccal, Oodgeroo 33

Obama, Barack 41, 160

O’Carroll, J. 33

Ohemeng, Frank 158

Oliver, D. 989

O’Mara, J. 689

One Nation Party (Australia) 33

oneness 31

Ontario Public Service (OPS) 133

OPS Diversity Office (OPSDO) 133

organisational diversity, benefits of 124

organisational efficiency 158

organisational fairness 1234, 159

organisations: accommodating reasonable adjustments 72; altering strategies 126; anti-racism policies 99; corporate social responsibility (CSR) 106; diversity management effects on 68; improving productivity 124; increasing profits 124; productivity in 158; voluntary corporate approach to diversity management 131

Orlopp, Sharon 126

the other 23

outsiders 91

Page Act of 1875 see Immigration Act of 1875 (US)

Palmer, Howard 16

Palmisano, Sam 125

Patterson, A. 33

pay gaps 48, 163

people of color 42

PepsiCo 1245

perceptions of diversity management 124

Pérez, Antonio 127

performance appraisals 130

persons with disabilities 96, 97, 162

Peters, P. 601

Philippines 8

pluralistic organisations 545

plurality 578

positive discrimination 90

post-9/11 era 5, 155

post-multiculturalism discourse 5

Poutsma, E. 601

Powell, Enoch 22

practical benefits of diversity management 64

Prasad, P. 63, 141

Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 (US) 86

Price, H.B. 129

private-sector organisations: fairness and 123; in UK 1012; workplace diversity in 912

productivity, organisation 56, 61, 667, 74, 93, 97, 116, 124, 137138, 145, 1578, 163

protective multiculturalism 3

PSO 136

public sector: state of Ontario 1323; in UK 1012; in United Kingdom 1345; see also laws, US diversity management

Public Sector Equality Duty 135

Public Service Act 1999 (Australia) 111, 161

Public Service of Ontario Act 133

Querling, L. 62

‘Race at Work’ report 48

Race Relations Act 1976 (UK) 103, 161, 162

racial bias 130

Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Australia) 108, 110, 161

racial diversity 59, 62, 65, 1445

racial/ethnic discrimination see discrimination

Racial Hatred Act 1995 (Australia) 110, 161

Racism-Free Workplace Strategy 99

Reagan, Ronald 89

Refugee Act of 1953 (US) 81

Reinemund, Steve 1245

relationship conflicts 70

religion, as driving force of immigrants 9

religion-based discrimination 8

respect for diversity, schools teaching 10

Riccucci, N.M. 50, 601, 72

Rise Up Australia Party 33

Rising, Jay C. 125

Robbins, S.P. 734

Romanenko, A. 74

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) 1334

Rudd, Kevin 30

rule of law 54

Ryan, P. 17

sales income 65

Secure Fence Act of 2006 (US) 87

Seidenberg, Ivan 127

Sex Discrimination Act 1975 (UK) 103, 161, 162

Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Australia) 108

Sex Discrimination Act 2004 (Australia) 161

Shore, Lynn M. 30

Simlin, J. 72

Simpson-Mazzoli Act (US) 86, 161

Sinclair, A. 144

slang 13940

social group identity 60, 62

Society for Human Resource Management 67, 93

Soldan, Z. 111, 138

Stan Grant Indigenous Employment Award 145

stereotypes 6, 58, 62, 734, 109, 158

Stone, J.R. 141

St-Onge, Sylvie 6

strategic diversity management: benefits of 638; challenges of 6872; definition of 56; features organisations must implement 58; gaining momentum 55; rise of 556; shift from equal opportunity to 56; as voluntary measure 55

Stuart, F. 71

Stuart, M. 62

Syed, J. 114

Syrian refugees 17, 1556

talent, securing new sources of 64

talent war 67

task conflicts 70

Taylor-Gooby, Peter 23

TD Canada 132

Telstra Corporation Limited 142

terrorism: as driving force of immigrants 9; home-grown 5

Thomas, R.R., Jr. 112

Thornton, Margaret 113

Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1946 (US) 84, 161

Title VII of Civil Rights Act of 1964 (US) 82, 85, 889, 160

tokenism 158

trade unions 101, 159

training programs: awareness-raising activities 144; on bullying 68; focus of 58; for frontline managers 74; maximising employee effectiveness 158; WE CAN diversity training processes 128

Trudeau, Justin 17, 99100, 1556

Trudeau, Pierre Elliott 11

Truman, Harry S. 81

United Kingdom (UK): black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) groups 48; British identity 5, 23, 155; corporate reputation 159; Disability Discrimination Act 1995 103, 161, 162; diversity-related legislation 1005, 161, 162; economy 136; Employment Equality (Age) Regulations 2006 104, 161; Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003 104, 161; Employment Equality (Sexual Orientation) Regulations 2003 104, 161; employment equity legislation 48; employment regulation program objectives 104; Equality Act 2010 163; Equal Pay Act 1970 103, 161, 162; ethnic and religious minorities in 156; ethnicity of non-UK-born population 20; extensive employment laws 102; Gender Reassignment Regulations 1999 103, 161; law firms 136; London bombings 23, 155; population statistics 19; private-sector organizations 1012; public sector 1012, 1345; Race Relations Act 1976 103, 161, 162; racial harassment and bullying 459; Sex Discrimination Act 1975 103, 161, 162; trade unions 101, 159; workforce diversity 489; workplace discrimination legislation 103104; see also multiculturalism, United Kingdom (UK)

United Nations, Declaration of Human Rights 1948 55

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1

United States (US): employment status by age and race 43; foreign workers as threat to jobs of US workers 12930; immigration sources 9; language diversity policy 154; as melting pot 160; occupation distribution of recently arrived immigrants in 41; population 40; population by race and ethnicity 7; protected classes 89; public sector 123; teaching patriotism in schools 10; top 50 companies for diversity 129; white racism in 81; workforce diversity 404; workplace demographics 889; see also laws, US diversity management; multiculturalism, United States (US)

universal equality model 130

US Supreme Court 80

‘us versus them’ mentality 139

valuing diversity program 73

Verizon 127

visible minorities 1315, 15, 989, 132, 162

voluntary nature of diversity management 63

voting, variations in 54

wage gap 46

wage inequality 92

Waite, Edmund 23

Walmart Stores Inc. 126

war on terror 137

WE CAN diversity training 128

‘we’ mentality 139

White, R.D. 65

White Australia policy 24, 107, 156

white job segregation 41

white racism 81

women: in Australian private sector 110; joining labour force 89; in the workforce 69

WorkChoices Act 2005 (Australia) 161

work ethic 141

Workforce 2000 report 92

Workforce 2020 (Judy) 424

workforce diversity: attraction, retention and promotion 67; in Australia 4951; benefit of 589; in Canada 447; as competitive advantage 91; English literacy as barrier in 1423; male domination in 69; as social justice 91; in United Kingdom 489; in United States 404, 47, 902; women and 69; see also laws, US diversity management

workplace culture audit 93

workplace discrimination: Australian legislation related to 1089; Canadian legislation related to 96; performance appraisals 130; racial bias 130; UK legislation related to 1034; US legislation related to 828

workplace diversity: accepting social identities 62; cultural racism and 1445; definition of 57; demographic changes in 91; federal legislation 824; gender participation in 689; in global context 923; inclusion and 302; inclusion-exclusion in 69; integrating diversity approach 57; introducing specific strategies for 71; leveraging variety approach 57; linking to EEO and AA initiatives 601; as natural reflection of diverse populations 57; relationships of management and employees 67; as voluntary measure 1634

Workplace Gender Equality Act 2012 (Australia) 109, 11213, 144, 161

Workplace Gender Equality Agency 163

Wrench, J. 6970

xenophobia 3, 21

Young, Nareen 26

Zanoni, P. 72

Zepeda, Jose 26

Zubrzycki, George 31

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