
  1.1       Entry and exit values for PE-backed buyouts in Europe

  1.2       Vendor sources of PE-backed buyouts in Europe

  1.3       From MBOs to MBIs in Europe

  1.4       European PE-backed buyout markets

  1.5       Exit routes of European PE-backed buyouts

  1.6       Deal financing structures: UK deals above £10 million transaction value

  3.1       United Kingdom buyouts and buyins by number and value (£m)

  3.2       Trends in PE-backed smaller buyouts and buyins (numbers)

  4.1       Buyouts in 2015

  4.2       Buyout structure: steps, effects, and implications

  4.3       LBO market trend and related regulatory changes (1995–2006)

  4.4       LBO scheme, interpreted as an indirect share buyback

  4.5       LBO scheme, interpreted as a breach of the financial assistance ban

  4.6       LBOs structured as multi-layered deals

  4.7       The three sub-periods of LBO regulation: Dark, Hope and Sun

  7.1       The theoretical framework on the public-to-private literature

  7.2       US public-to-private activity

  7.3       UK public-to-private activity

  7.4       Continental European public-to-private activity

  8.1       Identified categories of literature review

  8.2       Buyout market for family firms

  9.1       Negotiation behaviors

  9.2       Influences on MBO/I process outcomes

  9.3       Funneling effect of MBO/I on professionalization

  9.4       Waves of professionalization: drivers and moderators

10.1       Buyouts of failure firms in the UK

10.2       Source of buyouts from failed firms versus GDP in the UK

10.3       Buyouts versus buyins of failed firms in the UK

10.4       Buyouts from failed firms in the UK

10.5       Creditor exits by source, non-PE-backed

xiii10.6       Creditor exits by source, PE-backed

11.1       Multidimensional performance of PE in health services

11.2       Overview of the steps taken in the systematic reviews that form the data for this chapter

11.3       Propositions on PE in health services

13.1       Strategic focus of PE firms: financial structure emphasis and portfolio firm emphasis

xiv14.1       PE Kaplan and Schaor PME benchmark by vintage

14.2       CalPERS PE (net) vs. benchmark, 2012–2016 (percent)

16.1       PE Country Attractiveness Index: construction scheme

16.2       Current ranks and rank changes between index version 2012 and 2016

16.3       The six key drivers for the BRICS, Turkey, Mexico, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Nigeria

16.4       Level-2 constructs for the BRICS

16.5       Level-2 constructs for Turkey, Mexico, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Nigeria

17.1       Funding by investor type

17.2       Funding by year, 1990–2014

18.1       Google Scholar hits to hedge funds and private equity

21.1       Buyout typology


  2.1       Selected UK PE firms and their predecessors

  4.1       Buyout market over the 1988–2015 period

  7.1       Summary of definitions of public-to-private terms

  7.2       The bondholder wealth effects in public-to-private transactions

  7.3       Overview of hypotheses on wealth gains from public-to-private transactions

  7.4       Summary of previous empirical results for the first strand of literature: Intent

  7.5       Cumulative average abnormal returns in event studies of public-to-private transactions

  7.6       Premiums paid above market price to take a firm private

  7.7       Summary of the second strand of the literature: Impact

  7.8       Post-buyout employment effects

  7.9       Summary of the third strand of literature: Process

7.10       Summary of previous empirical results for the fourth strand of literature: Duration

  8.1       Literature review: overview of selected works

10.1       Sector distribution of buyouts from failed firms in the UK

10.2       Average deal structures for all UK buyouts, compared to PE-backed buyouts from failing firms

10.3       Actions on or post-buyout

10.4       Failures of buyouts from different sources (in the UK)

11.1       Summary of the ideal type market frame and public value frame for health services

11.2       Overview of the results from the reviews

14.1       PE fund performance compared to public market equivalent (PME)

14.2       Buyout funds, S&P 500 public market equivalent (PME)

14.3       Buyout funds, S&P 500 public market equivalent (PME)

14.4       Buyout funds, S&P 500 public market equivalent (percent)

14.5       Persistence of PE fund GP performance, post-2000 (percent)

14.6       Persistence of PE fund GP performance (funds launched 1974–2012) (percent)

14.7       Global PE IRR quartiles by vintage year

14.8A     CalPERS’ average annual returns for 10-year periods, 2012–2016 (percent)

14.8B     CalPERS (2017), Agenda item 6b, Attachment 1, p. 3

15.1       Collaboration between PE firms and limited partners

15.2       Collaboration between PE firms and targets

15.3       Collaboration between PE firms and other PE firms (syndication)

15.4       Collaboration between banks, PE firms, and targets

15.5       Collaboration in international buyouts (covers both non-US and cross-border deals)

15.6       Implications of collaboration on ex post performance

16.1       Countries covered by the Country Attractiveness Index

16.2       The PE Country Attractiveness Index ranking

16.3       Primary characteristics of the sample of transactions

16.4       Independent variables

16.5       PE transactions’ IRR determinants from a USD investor’s point of view

17.1       Year distribution of PE investment in growth companies, 1990–2014

17.2       Characteristics of PE investments in growth companies

17.3       Regression analysis: round size and valuation

17.4       Regression analysis: exit performance

18.1       Overview of studies on hedge fund and PE fund regulation

19.1       Key features of agency and strategic entrepreneurship theories

19.2       What we know and what we would like to know about LBOs and innovation

22.1       Overview of the resources management findings in four types of buyout

26.1       Summary of employment studies reviewed in chronological order

26.2       Summary of wage studies reviewed in chronological order

27.1       UK buyout longevity

27.2       Comparison of longevity and exits from original buyouts, private ownership, and buyout ownership structure

27.3       UK buyouts post-exit performance

28.1       Portfolio company default and bankruptcy rate

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